path: root/apps/encryption
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/encryption')
44 files changed, 44 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.js
index 81f968394ac..c792d621b9b 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Ahoj!\n\nAdministrátor povolil šifrování dat na serveru. Vaše soubory byly zašifrovány za použití hesla '%s'.\n\nPřihlašte se do webového rozhraní, přejděte do nastavení 'základního šifrovacího modulu' a aktualizujte šifrovací heslo zadáním hesla výše do pole 'původní přihlašovací heslo' a svého aktuálního přihlašovacího hesla.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Sdílení vyprší %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Ať slouží!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Ahoj!<br><br>Administrátor povolil šifrování dat na serveru. Vaše soubory byly zašifrovány za použití hesla <strong>%s<strong>.<br><br>Přihlašte se do webového rozhraní, přejděte do nastavení \"základního šifrovacího modulu ownCloud\" a aktualizujte šifrovací heslo zadáním hesla výše do pole \"původní přihlašovací heslo\" a svého aktuálního přihlašovacího hesla.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Ahoj!<br><br>Administrátor povolil šifrování dat na serveru. Vaše soubory byly zašifrovány za použití hesla <strong>%s<strong>.<br><br>Přihlašte se do webového rozhraní, přejděte do nastavení \"základního šifrovacího modulu\" a aktualizujte šifrovací heslo zadáním hesla výše do pole \"původní přihlašovací heslo\" a svého aktuálního přihlašovacího hesla.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Zašifrovat domovské úložiště",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Povolení tohoto nastavení zašifruje všechny soubory uložené v hlavním úložišti, jinak budou šifrovány pouze soubory na externích úložištích.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Povolit záchranný klíč",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.json
index 498ccd84180..8399fd0f379 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Ahoj!\n\nAdministrátor povolil šifrování dat na serveru. Vaše soubory byly zašifrovány za použití hesla '%s'.\n\nPřihlašte se do webového rozhraní, přejděte do nastavení 'základního šifrovacího modulu' a aktualizujte šifrovací heslo zadáním hesla výše do pole 'původní přihlašovací heslo' a svého aktuálního přihlašovacího hesla.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Sdílení vyprší %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Ať slouží!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Ahoj!<br><br>Administrátor povolil šifrování dat na serveru. Vaše soubory byly zašifrovány za použití hesla <strong>%s<strong>.<br><br>Přihlašte se do webového rozhraní, přejděte do nastavení \"základního šifrovacího modulu ownCloud\" a aktualizujte šifrovací heslo zadáním hesla výše do pole \"původní přihlašovací heslo\" a svého aktuálního přihlašovacího hesla.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Ahoj!<br><br>Administrátor povolil šifrování dat na serveru. Vaše soubory byly zašifrovány za použití hesla <strong>%s<strong>.<br><br>Přihlašte se do webového rozhraní, přejděte do nastavení \"základního šifrovacího modulu\" a aktualizujte šifrovací heslo zadáním hesla výše do pole \"původní přihlašovací heslo\" a svého aktuálního přihlašovacího hesla.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Zašifrovat domovské úložiště",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Povolení tohoto nastavení zašifruje všechny soubory uložené v hlavním úložišti, jinak budou šifrovány pouze soubory na externích úložištích.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Povolit záchranný klíč",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/da.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/da.js
index 0fc01ffa23f..d7169f0572e 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/da.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/da.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hejsa,\n\nadministrator aktiveret kryptering på serverdelen. '%s'.\n\nVenligst log på web brugerfladen, gå til sektionen \"grundlæggende krypterings modul\" for din personlige opsætninger og opdater dine krypterings kodeord ved at indtaste dette kodeord i \"gamle kodeord log\" feltet samt dit nuværende kodeord.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Delingen vil udløbe om %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Hej!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hejsa,<br><br>administrator aktiveret kryptering på serverdelen. Dine file er blevet krypteret med kodeordet <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Venligst log på web brugerfladen, gå til sektionen \"ownCloud grundlæggende krypterings modul\" for din personlige opsætninger og opdater dine krypterings kodeord ved at indtaste dette kodeord i \"gamle kodeord log\" feltet samt dit nuværende kodeord.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hejsa,<br><br>administrator aktiveret kryptering på serverdelen. Dine file er blevet krypteret med kodeordet <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Venligst log på web brugerfladen, gå til sektionen \"grundlæggende krypterings modul\" for din personlige opsætninger og opdater dine krypterings kodeord ved at indtaste dette kodeord i \"gamle kodeord log\" feltet samt dit nuværende kodeord.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Krypter hjemmelageret",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Ved at slå denne valgmulighed til krypteres alle filer i hovedlageret, ellers vil kun filer på eksternt lager blive krypteret",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktivér gendannelsesnøgle",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/da.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/da.json
index bd220efce84..7ae948a611f 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/da.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/da.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hejsa,\n\nadministrator aktiveret kryptering på serverdelen. '%s'.\n\nVenligst log på web brugerfladen, gå til sektionen \"grundlæggende krypterings modul\" for din personlige opsætninger og opdater dine krypterings kodeord ved at indtaste dette kodeord i \"gamle kodeord log\" feltet samt dit nuværende kodeord.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Delingen vil udløbe om %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Hej!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hejsa,<br><br>administrator aktiveret kryptering på serverdelen. Dine file er blevet krypteret med kodeordet <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Venligst log på web brugerfladen, gå til sektionen \"ownCloud grundlæggende krypterings modul\" for din personlige opsætninger og opdater dine krypterings kodeord ved at indtaste dette kodeord i \"gamle kodeord log\" feltet samt dit nuværende kodeord.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hejsa,<br><br>administrator aktiveret kryptering på serverdelen. Dine file er blevet krypteret med kodeordet <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Venligst log på web brugerfladen, gå til sektionen \"grundlæggende krypterings modul\" for din personlige opsætninger og opdater dine krypterings kodeord ved at indtaste dette kodeord i \"gamle kodeord log\" feltet samt dit nuværende kodeord.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Krypter hjemmelageret",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Ved at slå denne valgmulighed til krypteres alle filer i hovedlageret, ellers vil kun filer på eksternt lager blive krypteret",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktivér gendannelsesnøgle",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/de.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/de.js
index bc5a967c8bd..9dbd99c81e2 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/de.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hey,\n\nder Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort '%s' verschlüsselt.\n\nBitte melde dich im Web-Interface an, gehe in deine persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort findest du die Option 'Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisiere dort dein Verschlüsselungspasswort indem du das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingibst.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Die Freigabe wird am %s ablaufen.",
"Cheers!" : "Noch einen schönen Tag!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey,<br><br>der Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort <strong>%s</strong> verschlüsselt.<br><br>Bitte melde dich im Web-Interface an, gehe in deine persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort findest du die Option 'ownCloud-Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisiere dort dein Verschlüsselungspasswort indem du das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingibst.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey,<br><br>der Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort <strong>%s</strong> verschlüsselt.<br><br>Bitte melde dich im Web-Interface an, gehe in deine persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort findest du die Option 'Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisiere dort dein Verschlüsselungspasswort indem du das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingibst.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Verschlüssle den Speicher",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Die Aktivierung dieser Option verschlüsselt alle Dateien die auf dem Hauptspeicher gespeichert sind, ansonsten werden nur Dateien auf dem externen Speicher verschlüsselt",
"Enable recovery key" : "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel aktivieren",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/de.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/de.json
index 0b7a4ddfad1..4c70feb9b10 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/de.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hey,\n\nder Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort '%s' verschlüsselt.\n\nBitte melde dich im Web-Interface an, gehe in deine persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort findest du die Option 'Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisiere dort dein Verschlüsselungspasswort indem du das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingibst.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Die Freigabe wird am %s ablaufen.",
"Cheers!" : "Noch einen schönen Tag!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey,<br><br>der Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort <strong>%s</strong> verschlüsselt.<br><br>Bitte melde dich im Web-Interface an, gehe in deine persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort findest du die Option 'ownCloud-Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisiere dort dein Verschlüsselungspasswort indem du das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingibst.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey,<br><br>der Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort <strong>%s</strong> verschlüsselt.<br><br>Bitte melde dich im Web-Interface an, gehe in deine persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort findest du die Option 'Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisiere dort dein Verschlüsselungspasswort indem du das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingibst.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Verschlüssle den Speicher",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Die Aktivierung dieser Option verschlüsselt alle Dateien die auf dem Hauptspeicher gespeichert sind, ansonsten werden nur Dateien auf dem externen Speicher verschlüsselt",
"Enable recovery key" : "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel aktivieren",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.js
index 960931a0cde..e56cccf24fa 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hey,\n\nder Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort '%s' verschlüsselt.\n\nBitte melden Sie sich im Web-Interface an, gehen Sie in ihre persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort finden Sie die Option 'Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisieren Sie dort ihr Verschlüsselungspasswort indem Sie das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingeben.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Die Freigabe wird am %s ablaufen.",
"Cheers!" : "Noch einen schönen Tag!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey,<br><br>der Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort <strong>%s</strong> verschlüsselt.<br><br>Bitte melden Sie sich im Web-Interface an, gehe Sie in ihre persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort finden Sie die Option 'ownCloud-Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisieren Sie dort Ihr Verschlüsselungspasswort indem Sie das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingeben.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey,<br><br>der Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort <strong>%s</strong> verschlüsselt.<br><br>Bitte melden Sie sich im Web-Interface an, gehe Sie in ihre persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort finden Sie die Option 'Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisieren Sie dort Ihr Verschlüsselungspasswort indem Sie das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingeben.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Benutzerverzeichnis verschlüsslen",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Die Aktivierung dieser Option verschlüsselt alle Dateien die auf dem Hauptspeicher gespeichert sind, ansonsten werden nur Dateien auf dem externen Speicher verschlüsselt",
"Enable recovery key" : "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel aktivieren",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.json
index 0ce05cb9f13..350ad2e702b 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hey,\n\nder Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort '%s' verschlüsselt.\n\nBitte melden Sie sich im Web-Interface an, gehen Sie in ihre persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort finden Sie die Option 'Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisieren Sie dort ihr Verschlüsselungspasswort indem Sie das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingeben.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Die Freigabe wird am %s ablaufen.",
"Cheers!" : "Noch einen schönen Tag!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey,<br><br>der Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort <strong>%s</strong> verschlüsselt.<br><br>Bitte melden Sie sich im Web-Interface an, gehe Sie in ihre persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort finden Sie die Option 'ownCloud-Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisieren Sie dort Ihr Verschlüsselungspasswort indem Sie das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingeben.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey,<br><br>der Administrator hat die servereitige Verschlüsselung aktiviert. Die Dateien wurden mit dem Kennwort <strong>%s</strong> verschlüsselt.<br><br>Bitte melden Sie sich im Web-Interface an, gehe Sie in ihre persönlichen Einstellungen. Dort finden Sie die Option 'Basisverschlüsselungsmodul' und aktualisieren Sie dort Ihr Verschlüsselungspasswort indem Sie das Passwort in das 'alte Log - in Passwort' und in das 'aktuellen Login - Passwort' Feld eingeben.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Benutzerverzeichnis verschlüsslen",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Die Aktivierung dieser Option verschlüsselt alle Dateien die auf dem Hauptspeicher gespeichert sind, ansonsten werden nur Dateien auf dem externen Speicher verschlüsselt",
"Enable recovery key" : "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel aktivieren",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/el.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/el.js
index df159682acc..ab5521756e2 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/el.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/el.js
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Χαίρετε,\n\nο διαχειριστής ενεργοποίηση την κρυπτογράφηση στο διακομιστή. Τα αρχεία σας κρυπτογραφήθηκαν με τον κωδικό '%s'.\n\nΠαρακαλούμε συνδεθείτε στη διεπαφή ιστού, πηγαίνετε στην ενότητα 'μονάδα βασικής κρυπτογράφησης' στις προσωπικές σας ρυθμίσεις και ενημερώστε τον κωδικό κρυπτογράφησης εισάγοντας αυτό τον κωδικό στο πεδίο 'παλιός κωδικός σύνδεσης' και τον τωρινό σας κωδικό σύνδεσης.\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Ο διαμοιρασμός θα λήξει σε %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Χαιρετισμούς!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Χαίρετε,<br><br>ο διαχειριστής ενεργοποίησε την κρυπτογράφηση στο διακομιστή. Τα αρχεία σας κρυπτογραφήθηκαν με τον κωδικό <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Παρακαλούμε συνδεθείτε στη διεπαφή ιστού, πηγαίνετε στην ενότητα \"μονάδα βασικής κρυπτογράφησης ownCloud\" τωνπ ροσωπικών σας ρυθμίσεων και ενημερώστε τον κωδικό κρυπτογράφησης εισάγοντας αυτό τον κωδικό στο πεδίο \"παλιός κωδικός σύνδεσης\" και τον τωρινό σας κωδικό σύνδεσης.",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Χαίρετε,<br><br>ο διαχειριστής ενεργοποίησε την κρυπτογράφηση στο διακομιστή. Τα αρχεία σας κρυπτογραφήθηκαν με τον κωδικό <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Παρακαλούμε συνδεθείτε στη διεπαφή ιστού, πηγαίνετε στην ενότητα \"μονάδα βασικής κρυπτογράφησης\" τωνπ ροσωπικών σας ρυθμίσεων και ενημερώστε τον κωδικό κρυπτογράφησης εισάγοντας αυτό τον κωδικό στο πεδίο \"παλιός κωδικός σύνδεσης\" και τον τωρινό σας κωδικό σύνδεσης.",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Κρυπτογράφηση του κεντρικού χώρου αποθήκευσης",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Η ενεργοποίηση αυτή της επιλογής κρυπτογραφεί όλα τα αρχεία που βρίσκονται στον κύριο αποθηκευτικό χώρο, αλλιώς μόνο τα αρχεία σε εξωτερικούς αποθηκευτικούς χώρους θα κρυπτογραφηθούν.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Ενεργοποίηση κλειδιού ανάκτησης",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/el.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/el.json
index 96ca22ee398..d542976b9ad 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/el.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/el.json
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Χαίρετε,\n\nο διαχειριστής ενεργοποίηση την κρυπτογράφηση στο διακομιστή. Τα αρχεία σας κρυπτογραφήθηκαν με τον κωδικό '%s'.\n\nΠαρακαλούμε συνδεθείτε στη διεπαφή ιστού, πηγαίνετε στην ενότητα 'μονάδα βασικής κρυπτογράφησης' στις προσωπικές σας ρυθμίσεις και ενημερώστε τον κωδικό κρυπτογράφησης εισάγοντας αυτό τον κωδικό στο πεδίο 'παλιός κωδικός σύνδεσης' και τον τωρινό σας κωδικό σύνδεσης.\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Ο διαμοιρασμός θα λήξει σε %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Χαιρετισμούς!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Χαίρετε,<br><br>ο διαχειριστής ενεργοποίησε την κρυπτογράφηση στο διακομιστή. Τα αρχεία σας κρυπτογραφήθηκαν με τον κωδικό <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Παρακαλούμε συνδεθείτε στη διεπαφή ιστού, πηγαίνετε στην ενότητα \"μονάδα βασικής κρυπτογράφησης ownCloud\" τωνπ ροσωπικών σας ρυθμίσεων και ενημερώστε τον κωδικό κρυπτογράφησης εισάγοντας αυτό τον κωδικό στο πεδίο \"παλιός κωδικός σύνδεσης\" και τον τωρινό σας κωδικό σύνδεσης.",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Χαίρετε,<br><br>ο διαχειριστής ενεργοποίησε την κρυπτογράφηση στο διακομιστή. Τα αρχεία σας κρυπτογραφήθηκαν με τον κωδικό <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Παρακαλούμε συνδεθείτε στη διεπαφή ιστού, πηγαίνετε στην ενότητα \"μονάδα βασικής κρυπτογράφησης\" τωνπ ροσωπικών σας ρυθμίσεων και ενημερώστε τον κωδικό κρυπτογράφησης εισάγοντας αυτό τον κωδικό στο πεδίο \"παλιός κωδικός σύνδεσης\" και τον τωρινό σας κωδικό σύνδεσης.",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Κρυπτογράφηση του κεντρικού χώρου αποθήκευσης",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Η ενεργοποίηση αυτή της επιλογής κρυπτογραφεί όλα τα αρχεία που βρίσκονται στον κύριο αποθηκευτικό χώρο, αλλιώς μόνο τα αρχεία σε εξωτερικούς αποθηκευτικούς χώρους θα κρυπτογραφηθούν.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Ενεργοποίηση κλειδιού ανάκτησης",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/en_GB.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/en_GB.js
index 54e5be9cd22..35cccc171c1 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "The share will expire on %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Cheers!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Encrypt the home storage",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted",
"Enable recovery key" : "Enable recovery key",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/en_GB.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/en_GB.json
index 1d0bcb5caa3..e4f2d2dd5bb 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "The share will expire on %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Cheers!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Encrypt the home storage",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted",
"Enable recovery key" : "Enable recovery key",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/fr.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/fr.js
index ecfb399a15c..1922440248f 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/fr.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Bonjour,\n\nL'administrateur a activé le chiffrement sur le serveur. Vos fichiers ont été chiffrés avec le mot de passe suivant :\n\n%s\n\nVeuillez suivre ces instructions :\n\n1. Connectez-vous à l'interface web et trouvez la section \"Module de chiffrement de base d'\" dans vos paramètres personnels;\n\n2. Entrez le mot de passe fourni ci-dessus dans le champ \"Ancien mot de passe de connexion\";\n\n3. Entrez le mot de passe que vous utilisez actuellement pour vous connecter dans le champ \"Actuel mot de passe de connexion\";\n\n4. Validez en cliquant sur le bouton \"Mettre à jour le mot de passe de votre clef privée\".\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Le partage expirera le %s.",
"Cheers!" : "À bientôt !",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Bonjour,\n<br><br>\nL'administrateur a activé le chiffrement sur le serveur. Vos fichiers ont été chiffrés avec le mot de passe suivant :\n\n<p style=\"font-family: monospace;\"><b>%s</b></p>\n\n<p>\nVeuillez suivre ces instructions :\n<ol>\n<li>Connectez-vous à l'interface web et trouvez la section <em>\"Module de chiffrement de base d'ownCloud\"</em> dans vos paramètres personnels;</li>\n<li>Entrez le mot de passe fourni ci-dessus dans le champ <em>\"Ancien mot de passe de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Entrez le mot de passe que vous utilisez actuellement pour vous connecter dans le champ <em>\"Actuel mot de passe de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Validez en cliquant sur le bouton <em>\"Mettre à jour le mot de passe de votre clef privée\"</em>.</li>\n</ol>\n</p>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Bonjour,\n<br><br>\nL'administrateur a activé le chiffrement sur le serveur. Vos fichiers ont été chiffrés avec le mot de passe suivant :\n\n<p style=\"font-family: monospace;\"><b>%s</b></p>\n\n<p>\nVeuillez suivre ces instructions :\n<ol>\n<li>Connectez-vous à l'interface web et trouvez la section <em>\"Module de chiffrement de base d'\"</em> dans vos paramètres personnels;</li>\n<li>Entrez le mot de passe fourni ci-dessus dans le champ <em>\"Ancien mot de passe de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Entrez le mot de passe que vous utilisez actuellement pour vous connecter dans le champ <em>\"Actuel mot de passe de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Validez en cliquant sur le bouton <em>\"Mettre à jour le mot de passe de votre clef privée\"</em>.</li>\n</ol>\n</p>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Chiffrer l'espace de stockage principal",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "L'activation de cette option chiffre tous les fichiers du stockage principal, sinon seuls les espaces de stockage externes seront chiffrés",
"Enable recovery key" : "Activer la clé de récupération",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/fr.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/fr.json
index c6bccf7b115..be16bfbba4d 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/fr.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Bonjour,\n\nL'administrateur a activé le chiffrement sur le serveur. Vos fichiers ont été chiffrés avec le mot de passe suivant :\n\n%s\n\nVeuillez suivre ces instructions :\n\n1. Connectez-vous à l'interface web et trouvez la section \"Module de chiffrement de base d'\" dans vos paramètres personnels;\n\n2. Entrez le mot de passe fourni ci-dessus dans le champ \"Ancien mot de passe de connexion\";\n\n3. Entrez le mot de passe que vous utilisez actuellement pour vous connecter dans le champ \"Actuel mot de passe de connexion\";\n\n4. Validez en cliquant sur le bouton \"Mettre à jour le mot de passe de votre clef privée\".\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Le partage expirera le %s.",
"Cheers!" : "À bientôt !",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Bonjour,\n<br><br>\nL'administrateur a activé le chiffrement sur le serveur. Vos fichiers ont été chiffrés avec le mot de passe suivant :\n\n<p style=\"font-family: monospace;\"><b>%s</b></p>\n\n<p>\nVeuillez suivre ces instructions :\n<ol>\n<li>Connectez-vous à l'interface web et trouvez la section <em>\"Module de chiffrement de base d'ownCloud\"</em> dans vos paramètres personnels;</li>\n<li>Entrez le mot de passe fourni ci-dessus dans le champ <em>\"Ancien mot de passe de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Entrez le mot de passe que vous utilisez actuellement pour vous connecter dans le champ <em>\"Actuel mot de passe de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Validez en cliquant sur le bouton <em>\"Mettre à jour le mot de passe de votre clef privée\"</em>.</li>\n</ol>\n</p>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Bonjour,\n<br><br>\nL'administrateur a activé le chiffrement sur le serveur. Vos fichiers ont été chiffrés avec le mot de passe suivant :\n\n<p style=\"font-family: monospace;\"><b>%s</b></p>\n\n<p>\nVeuillez suivre ces instructions :\n<ol>\n<li>Connectez-vous à l'interface web et trouvez la section <em>\"Module de chiffrement de base d'\"</em> dans vos paramètres personnels;</li>\n<li>Entrez le mot de passe fourni ci-dessus dans le champ <em>\"Ancien mot de passe de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Entrez le mot de passe que vous utilisez actuellement pour vous connecter dans le champ <em>\"Actuel mot de passe de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Validez en cliquant sur le bouton <em>\"Mettre à jour le mot de passe de votre clef privée\"</em>.</li>\n</ol>\n</p>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Chiffrer l'espace de stockage principal",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "L'activation de cette option chiffre tous les fichiers du stockage principal, sinon seuls les espaces de stockage externes seront chiffrés",
"Enable recovery key" : "Activer la clé de récupération",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/he.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/he.js
index 9bb4d316cbe..eb2d1316da0 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/he.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/he.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "שלום,\n\nהמנהל אפשר את ההצפנה בצד השרת. הקבצים שלך הוצפנו על בסיס הסיסמא '%s'.\n\nיש להתחבר לממשק האינטרנט, ולגשת אל 'מודול הצפנה בסיסי של' בהגדרות הבסיסיות ולעדכן את סיסמת ההצפנה שלך על ידי הכנסת הסיסמא אל שדה 'סיסמת ההתחברות הישנה' ואת סיסמת ההתחברות הנוכחית.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "השיתוף יפוג תוקף ב- %s.",
"Cheers!" : "לחיים!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "שלום,<br><br>המנהל אפשר את ההצפנה בצד השרת. הקבצים שלך הוצפנו על בסיס הסיסמא <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>יש להתחבר לממשק האינטרנט, ולגשת אל \"מודול הצפנה בסיסי של ownCloud\" בהגדרות הבסיסיות ולעדכן את סיסמת ההצפנה שלך על ידי הכנסת הסיסמא אל שדה \"סיסמת ההתחברות הישנה\" ואת סיסמת ההתחברות הנוכחית.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "שלום,<br><br>המנהל אפשר את ההצפנה בצד השרת. הקבצים שלך הוצפנו על בסיס הסיסמא <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>יש להתחבר לממשק האינטרנט, ולגשת אל \"מודול הצפנה בסיסי של\" בהגדרות הבסיסיות ולעדכן את סיסמת ההצפנה שלך על ידי הכנסת הסיסמא אל שדה \"סיסמת ההתחברות הישנה\" ואת סיסמת ההתחברות הנוכחית.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "הצפנת אחסון הבית",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "הפעלת אפשרות זו מצפינה את כל הקבצים המאוחסנים באחסון המרכזי, אחרת רק הקבצים המאוחסנים בהתקנים חיצוניים יוצפנו",
"Enable recovery key" : "מאפשר מפתח שחזור",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/he.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/he.json
index 6128d7591e1..853f0804bcd 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/he.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/he.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "שלום,\n\nהמנהל אפשר את ההצפנה בצד השרת. הקבצים שלך הוצפנו על בסיס הסיסמא '%s'.\n\nיש להתחבר לממשק האינטרנט, ולגשת אל 'מודול הצפנה בסיסי של' בהגדרות הבסיסיות ולעדכן את סיסמת ההצפנה שלך על ידי הכנסת הסיסמא אל שדה 'סיסמת ההתחברות הישנה' ואת סיסמת ההתחברות הנוכחית.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "השיתוף יפוג תוקף ב- %s.",
"Cheers!" : "לחיים!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "שלום,<br><br>המנהל אפשר את ההצפנה בצד השרת. הקבצים שלך הוצפנו על בסיס הסיסמא <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>יש להתחבר לממשק האינטרנט, ולגשת אל \"מודול הצפנה בסיסי של ownCloud\" בהגדרות הבסיסיות ולעדכן את סיסמת ההצפנה שלך על ידי הכנסת הסיסמא אל שדה \"סיסמת ההתחברות הישנה\" ואת סיסמת ההתחברות הנוכחית.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "שלום,<br><br>המנהל אפשר את ההצפנה בצד השרת. הקבצים שלך הוצפנו על בסיס הסיסמא <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>יש להתחבר לממשק האינטרנט, ולגשת אל \"מודול הצפנה בסיסי של\" בהגדרות הבסיסיות ולעדכן את סיסמת ההצפנה שלך על ידי הכנסת הסיסמא אל שדה \"סיסמת ההתחברות הישנה\" ואת סיסמת ההתחברות הנוכחית.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "הצפנת אחסון הבית",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "הפעלת אפשרות זו מצפינה את כל הקבצים המאוחסנים באחסון המרכזי, אחרת רק הקבצים המאוחסנים בהתקנים חיצוניים יוצפנו",
"Enable recovery key" : "מאפשר מפתח שחזור",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/id.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/id.js
index ae7afd3aff9..d538dda0b06 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/id.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/id.js
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hai,\n\nadmin mengaktifkan server-side-encryption. Berkas-berkas Anda dienkripsi menggunakan sandi '%s'.\n\nSilakan masuk di antarmuka web, pergi ke bagian 'modul enkripsi dasar' pada pengaturan pribadi Anda dan perbarui sandi enkripsi Anda dengan memasukkan sandi ini kedalam kolom 'sandi masuk yang lama' dan sandi-masuk saat ini.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Pembagian akan berakhir pada %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Horee!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hai,<br><br>admin mengaktifkan server-side-encryption. Berkas-berkas Anda dienkripsi menggunakan sandi <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Silakan masuk di antarmuka web, pergi ke bagian 'modul enkripsi dasar ownCloud' pada pengaturan pribadi Anda dan perbarui sandi enkripsi Anda dengan memasukkan sandi ini kedalam kolom 'sandi masuk yang lama' dan sandi masuk yang baru.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hai,<br><br>admin mengaktifkan server-side-encryption. Berkas-berkas Anda dienkripsi menggunakan sandi <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Silakan masuk di antarmuka web, pergi ke bagian 'modul enkripsi dasar' pada pengaturan pribadi Anda dan perbarui sandi enkripsi Anda dengan memasukkan sandi ini kedalam kolom 'sandi masuk yang lama' dan sandi masuk yang baru.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Enkripsi penyimpanan rumah",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Mengaktifkan opsi ini akan mengenkripsi semua berkas yang disimpan pada penyimpanan utama, jika tidak diaktifkan maka hanya berkas pada penyimpanan eksternal saja yang akan dienkripsi.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktifkan kunci pemulihan",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/id.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/id.json
index 7096af6b153..5760bfb5543 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/id.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/id.json
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hai,\n\nadmin mengaktifkan server-side-encryption. Berkas-berkas Anda dienkripsi menggunakan sandi '%s'.\n\nSilakan masuk di antarmuka web, pergi ke bagian 'modul enkripsi dasar' pada pengaturan pribadi Anda dan perbarui sandi enkripsi Anda dengan memasukkan sandi ini kedalam kolom 'sandi masuk yang lama' dan sandi-masuk saat ini.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Pembagian akan berakhir pada %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Horee!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hai,<br><br>admin mengaktifkan server-side-encryption. Berkas-berkas Anda dienkripsi menggunakan sandi <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Silakan masuk di antarmuka web, pergi ke bagian 'modul enkripsi dasar ownCloud' pada pengaturan pribadi Anda dan perbarui sandi enkripsi Anda dengan memasukkan sandi ini kedalam kolom 'sandi masuk yang lama' dan sandi masuk yang baru.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hai,<br><br>admin mengaktifkan server-side-encryption. Berkas-berkas Anda dienkripsi menggunakan sandi <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Silakan masuk di antarmuka web, pergi ke bagian 'modul enkripsi dasar' pada pengaturan pribadi Anda dan perbarui sandi enkripsi Anda dengan memasukkan sandi ini kedalam kolom 'sandi masuk yang lama' dan sandi masuk yang baru.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Enkripsi penyimpanan rumah",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Mengaktifkan opsi ini akan mengenkripsi semua berkas yang disimpan pada penyimpanan utama, jika tidak diaktifkan maka hanya berkas pada penyimpanan eksternal saja yang akan dienkripsi.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktifkan kunci pemulihan",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/it.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/it.js
index 1acf16b2fb5..2caf16e6096 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/it.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Ciao,\n\nl'amministratore ha abilitato la cifratura lato server. I tuoi file sono stati\ncifrati utilizzando la password '%s'.\n\nAccedi all'interfaccia web, vai alla sezione 'modulo di cifratura base di' dalle nelle tue impostazioni personali e aggiorna la tua password di cifratura digitando la password nel campo 'vecchia password di accesso' e la tua nuova password.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "La condivisione scadrà il %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Saluti!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Ciao,<br><br>l'amministratore ha abilitato la cifratura lato server. I tuoi file sono stati cifrati utilizzando la password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Accedi all'interfaccia web, vai alla sezione \"modulo di cifratura base di ownCloud\" dalle nelle tue impostazioni personali e aggiorna la tua password di cifratura digitando la password nel campo \"vecchia password di accesso\" e la tua nuova password.",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Ciao,<br><br>l'amministratore ha abilitato la cifratura lato server. I tuoi file sono stati cifrati utilizzando la password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Accedi all'interfaccia web, vai alla sezione \"modulo di cifratura base di\" dalle nelle tue impostazioni personali e aggiorna la tua password di cifratura digitando la password nel campo \"vecchia password di accesso\" e la tua nuova password.",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Cifra l'archiviazione principale",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "L'abilitazione di questa opzione cifra tutti i file memorizzati sull'archiviazione principale, altrimenti saranno cifrati solo i file sull'archiviazione esterna.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Abilita chiave di ripristino",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/it.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/it.json
index 7be4b80772e..5736cdc2e74 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/it.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Ciao,\n\nl'amministratore ha abilitato la cifratura lato server. I tuoi file sono stati\ncifrati utilizzando la password '%s'.\n\nAccedi all'interfaccia web, vai alla sezione 'modulo di cifratura base di' dalle nelle tue impostazioni personali e aggiorna la tua password di cifratura digitando la password nel campo 'vecchia password di accesso' e la tua nuova password.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "La condivisione scadrà il %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Saluti!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Ciao,<br><br>l'amministratore ha abilitato la cifratura lato server. I tuoi file sono stati cifrati utilizzando la password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Accedi all'interfaccia web, vai alla sezione \"modulo di cifratura base di ownCloud\" dalle nelle tue impostazioni personali e aggiorna la tua password di cifratura digitando la password nel campo \"vecchia password di accesso\" e la tua nuova password.",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Ciao,<br><br>l'amministratore ha abilitato la cifratura lato server. I tuoi file sono stati cifrati utilizzando la password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Accedi all'interfaccia web, vai alla sezione \"modulo di cifratura base di\" dalle nelle tue impostazioni personali e aggiorna la tua password di cifratura digitando la password nel campo \"vecchia password di accesso\" e la tua nuova password.",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Cifra l'archiviazione principale",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "L'abilitazione di questa opzione cifra tutti i file memorizzati sull'archiviazione principale, altrimenti saranno cifrati solo i file sull'archiviazione esterna.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Abilita chiave di ripristino",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/ja.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/ja.js
index 4ee191bebc9..865e3d08a44 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/ja.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "こんにちは、\n\n管理者がサーバーサイド暗号化を有効にしました。'%s'というパスワードであなたのファイルが暗号化されました。\n\nWeb画面からログインして、個人設定画面の'基本暗号化モジュール' セクションにいき、暗号化パスワードの更新をお願いします。 '旧ログインパスワード'部分に上記パスワードを入力し、現在のログインパスワードで更新します。\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "共有は %s で有効期限が切れます。",
"Cheers!" : "それでは!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "こんにちは、<br><br>管理者がサーバーサイド暗号化を有効にしました。<strong>%s</strong>というパスワードであなたのファイルが暗号化されました。<br><br>Web画面からログインして、個人設定画面の\"ownCloud 基本暗号化モジュール\"のセクションにいき、暗号化パスワードの更新をお願いします。 \"旧ログインパスワード”部分に上記パスワードを入力し、現在のログインパスワードで更新します。<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "こんにちは、<br><br>管理者がサーバーサイド暗号化を有効にしました。<strong>%s</strong>というパスワードであなたのファイルが暗号化されました。<br><br>Web画面からログインして、個人設定画面の\"基本暗号化モジュール\"のセクションにいき、暗号化パスワードの更新をお願いします。 \"旧ログインパスワード”部分に上記パスワードを入力し、現在のログインパスワードで更新します。<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "メインストレージ暗号化",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "このオプションを有効にすると、外部ストレージ接続ストレージだけが暗号化されるのではなく、メインストレージのファイル全てが暗号化されます。",
"Enable recovery key" : "復旧キーを有効にする",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/ja.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/ja.json
index 9ea15dbbddc..c5d136f4f2d 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/ja.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "こんにちは、\n\n管理者がサーバーサイド暗号化を有効にしました。'%s'というパスワードであなたのファイルが暗号化されました。\n\nWeb画面からログインして、個人設定画面の'基本暗号化モジュール' セクションにいき、暗号化パスワードの更新をお願いします。 '旧ログインパスワード'部分に上記パスワードを入力し、現在のログインパスワードで更新します。\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "共有は %s で有効期限が切れます。",
"Cheers!" : "それでは!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "こんにちは、<br><br>管理者がサーバーサイド暗号化を有効にしました。<strong>%s</strong>というパスワードであなたのファイルが暗号化されました。<br><br>Web画面からログインして、個人設定画面の\"ownCloud 基本暗号化モジュール\"のセクションにいき、暗号化パスワードの更新をお願いします。 \"旧ログインパスワード”部分に上記パスワードを入力し、現在のログインパスワードで更新します。<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "こんにちは、<br><br>管理者がサーバーサイド暗号化を有効にしました。<strong>%s</strong>というパスワードであなたのファイルが暗号化されました。<br><br>Web画面からログインして、個人設定画面の\"基本暗号化モジュール\"のセクションにいき、暗号化パスワードの更新をお願いします。 \"旧ログインパスワード”部分に上記パスワードを入力し、現在のログインパスワードで更新します。<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "メインストレージ暗号化",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "このオプションを有効にすると、外部ストレージ接続ストレージだけが暗号化されるのではなく、メインストレージのファイル全てが暗号化されます。",
"Enable recovery key" : "復旧キーを有効にする",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/ko.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/ko.js
index bc95e43cf05..75a9cf07353 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/ko.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "안녕하세요,\n\n시스템 관리자가 서버 측 암호화를 활성화했습니다. 저장된 파일이 암호 '%s'으(로) 암호화되었습니다.\n\n웹 인터페이스에 로그인하여 개인 설정의 '기본 암호화 모듈'로 이동한 다음, '이전 로그인 암호' 필드에 위 암호를 입력하고 현재 로그인 암호로 변경하여 암호화 암호를 업데이트하십시오.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "이 공유는 %s 까지 유지됩니다.",
"Cheers!" : "감사합니다!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "안녕하세요,<br><br>시스템 관리자가 서버 측 암호화를 활성화했습니다. 저장된 파일이 암호 <strong>%s</strong>으(로) 암호화되었습니다.<br><br>웹 인터페이스에 로그인하여 개인 설정의 'ownCloud 기본 암호화 모듈'로 이동한 다음, '이전 로그인 암호' 필드에 위 암호를 입력하고 현재 로그인 암호로 변경하여 암호화 암호를 업데이트하십시오.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "안녕하세요,<br><br>시스템 관리자가 서버 측 암호화를 활성화했습니다. 저장된 파일이 암호 <strong>%s</strong>으(로) 암호화되었습니다.<br><br>웹 인터페이스에 로그인하여 개인 설정의 '기본 암호화 모듈'로 이동한 다음, '이전 로그인 암호' 필드에 위 암호를 입력하고 현재 로그인 암호로 변경하여 암호화 암호를 업데이트하십시오.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "홈 저장소 암호화",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "이 옵션을 사용하면 주 저장소에 있는 모드 파일을 암호화하며, 사용하지 않으면 외부 저장소의 파일만 암호화합니다",
"Enable recovery key" : "복구 키 활성화",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/ko.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/ko.json
index c8b777d1dba..872a9a31469 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/ko.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "안녕하세요,\n\n시스템 관리자가 서버 측 암호화를 활성화했습니다. 저장된 파일이 암호 '%s'으(로) 암호화되었습니다.\n\n웹 인터페이스에 로그인하여 개인 설정의 '기본 암호화 모듈'로 이동한 다음, '이전 로그인 암호' 필드에 위 암호를 입력하고 현재 로그인 암호로 변경하여 암호화 암호를 업데이트하십시오.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "이 공유는 %s 까지 유지됩니다.",
"Cheers!" : "감사합니다!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "안녕하세요,<br><br>시스템 관리자가 서버 측 암호화를 활성화했습니다. 저장된 파일이 암호 <strong>%s</strong>으(로) 암호화되었습니다.<br><br>웹 인터페이스에 로그인하여 개인 설정의 'ownCloud 기본 암호화 모듈'로 이동한 다음, '이전 로그인 암호' 필드에 위 암호를 입력하고 현재 로그인 암호로 변경하여 암호화 암호를 업데이트하십시오.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "안녕하세요,<br><br>시스템 관리자가 서버 측 암호화를 활성화했습니다. 저장된 파일이 암호 <strong>%s</strong>으(로) 암호화되었습니다.<br><br>웹 인터페이스에 로그인하여 개인 설정의 '기본 암호화 모듈'로 이동한 다음, '이전 로그인 암호' 필드에 위 암호를 입력하고 현재 로그인 암호로 변경하여 암호화 암호를 업데이트하십시오.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "홈 저장소 암호화",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "이 옵션을 사용하면 주 저장소에 있는 모드 파일을 암호화하며, 사용하지 않으면 외부 저장소의 파일만 암호화합니다",
"Enable recovery key" : "복구 키 활성화",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/nb_NO.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/nb_NO.js
index c67b7e0b686..dae7650d6bc 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/nb_NO.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/nb_NO.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hei,\n\nAdministratoren har aktivert serverkryptering. Filene dine er blitt kryptert med passordet '%s'.\n\nVennligst logg inn på web-grensesnittet, gå til seksjonen 'grunnleggende krypteringsmodul' i dine personlige innstillinger og oppdater krypteringspassordet ditt ved å legge inn dette passordet i feltet 'gammelt påloggingspassord' sammen med ditt nåværende påloggingspassord.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Delingen vil opphøre %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Ha det!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hei,<br><br>Administratoren har aktivert serverkryptering. Filene dine er blitt kryptert med passordet <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Vennligst logg inn på web-grensesnittet, gå til seksjonen \"ownCloud grunnleggende krypteringsmodul\" i dine personlige innstillinger og oppdater krypteringspassordet ditt ved å legge inn dette passordet i feltet \"gammelt påloggingspassord\" sammen med ditt nåværende påloggingspassord.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hei,<br><br>Administratoren har aktivert serverkryptering. Filene dine er blitt kryptert med passordet <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Vennligst logg inn på web-grensesnittet, gå til seksjonen \"grunnleggende krypteringsmodul\" i dine personlige innstillinger og oppdater krypteringspassordet ditt ved å legge inn dette passordet i feltet \"gammelt påloggingspassord\" sammen med ditt nåværende påloggingspassord.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Krypter hjemmelageret",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Aktivering av dette valget krypterer alle filer som er lagret på hovedlageret. Ellers vil kun filer på eksterne lagre bli kryptert.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktiver gjenopprettingsnøkkel",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/nb_NO.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/nb_NO.json
index 26e3b41880f..420ce3dc055 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/nb_NO.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/nb_NO.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hei,\n\nAdministratoren har aktivert serverkryptering. Filene dine er blitt kryptert med passordet '%s'.\n\nVennligst logg inn på web-grensesnittet, gå til seksjonen 'grunnleggende krypteringsmodul' i dine personlige innstillinger og oppdater krypteringspassordet ditt ved å legge inn dette passordet i feltet 'gammelt påloggingspassord' sammen med ditt nåværende påloggingspassord.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Delingen vil opphøre %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Ha det!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hei,<br><br>Administratoren har aktivert serverkryptering. Filene dine er blitt kryptert med passordet <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Vennligst logg inn på web-grensesnittet, gå til seksjonen \"ownCloud grunnleggende krypteringsmodul\" i dine personlige innstillinger og oppdater krypteringspassordet ditt ved å legge inn dette passordet i feltet \"gammelt påloggingspassord\" sammen med ditt nåværende påloggingspassord.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hei,<br><br>Administratoren har aktivert serverkryptering. Filene dine er blitt kryptert med passordet <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Vennligst logg inn på web-grensesnittet, gå til seksjonen \"grunnleggende krypteringsmodul\" i dine personlige innstillinger og oppdater krypteringspassordet ditt ved å legge inn dette passordet i feltet \"gammelt påloggingspassord\" sammen med ditt nåværende påloggingspassord.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Krypter hjemmelageret",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Aktivering av dette valget krypterer alle filer som er lagret på hovedlageret. Ellers vil kun filer på eksterne lagre bli kryptert.",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktiver gjenopprettingsnøkkel",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.js
index a0ddccfc1d8..5f3293ff958 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hallo daar,\n\nde beheerder heeft server-side versleuteling ingeschakeld. Uw bestanden werden versleuteld met het wachtwoord '%s'.\n\nLogin op de webinterface, ga naar 'basis cryptomodule' in uw persoonlijke instellingen en pas uw cryptowachtwoord aan door dit wachtwoord in het 'oude inlog wachtwoord' veld in te vullen alsmede in uw huidige inlogwachtwoord.\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "De share vervalt op %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Proficiat!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hallo daar,<br><br>de beheerder heeft server-side versleuteling ingeschakeld. Uw bestanden werden versleuteld met het wachtwoord <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Login op de webinterface, ga naar 'ownCloud basis cryptomodule' in uw persoonlijke instellingen en pas uw cryptowachtwoord aan door dit wachtwoord in het \"oude inlog wachtwoord\" veld in te vullen alsmede in uw huidige inlogwachtwoord.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hallo daar,<br><br>de beheerder heeft server-side versleuteling ingeschakeld. Uw bestanden werden versleuteld met het wachtwoord <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Login op de webinterface, ga naar 'basis cryptomodule' in uw persoonlijke instellingen en pas uw cryptowachtwoord aan door dit wachtwoord in het \"oude inlog wachtwoord\" veld in te vullen alsmede in uw huidige inlogwachtwoord.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Versleutel de eigen serveropslag",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Het inschakelen van deze optie zorgt voor versleutelen van alle bestanden op do hoofdopslag, anders worden alleen bestanden op externe opslag versleuteld",
"Enable recovery key" : "Activeer herstelsleutel",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.json
index 8eb350595d6..0b50d6dddb5 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Hallo daar,\n\nde beheerder heeft server-side versleuteling ingeschakeld. Uw bestanden werden versleuteld met het wachtwoord '%s'.\n\nLogin op de webinterface, ga naar 'basis cryptomodule' in uw persoonlijke instellingen en pas uw cryptowachtwoord aan door dit wachtwoord in het 'oude inlog wachtwoord' veld in te vullen alsmede in uw huidige inlogwachtwoord.\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "De share vervalt op %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Proficiat!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hallo daar,<br><br>de beheerder heeft server-side versleuteling ingeschakeld. Uw bestanden werden versleuteld met het wachtwoord <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Login op de webinterface, ga naar 'ownCloud basis cryptomodule' in uw persoonlijke instellingen en pas uw cryptowachtwoord aan door dit wachtwoord in het \"oude inlog wachtwoord\" veld in te vullen alsmede in uw huidige inlogwachtwoord.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Hallo daar,<br><br>de beheerder heeft server-side versleuteling ingeschakeld. Uw bestanden werden versleuteld met het wachtwoord <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Login op de webinterface, ga naar 'basis cryptomodule' in uw persoonlijke instellingen en pas uw cryptowachtwoord aan door dit wachtwoord in het \"oude inlog wachtwoord\" veld in te vullen alsmede in uw huidige inlogwachtwoord.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Versleutel de eigen serveropslag",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Het inschakelen van deze optie zorgt voor versleutelen van alle bestanden op do hoofdopslag, anders worden alleen bestanden op externe opslag versleuteld",
"Enable recovery key" : "Activeer herstelsleutel",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/oc.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/oc.js
index 9a97d4c653b..30cae245932 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/oc.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/oc.js
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Bonjorn,\n\nL'administrator a activat lo chiframent sul servidor. Vòstres fichièrs son estats chifrats amb lo senhal seguent :\n\n%s\n\nSeguissètz aquelas instruccions :\n\n1. Connectatz-vos a l'interfàcia web e trobatz la seccion \"Modul de chiframent de basa d'\" dins vòstres paramètres personals ;\n\n2. Entratz lo senhal provesit çaisús dins lo camp \"Ancian senhal de connexion\";\n\n3. Entratz lo senhal qu'utilizatz actualament per vos connectar dins lo camp \"Senhal de connexion actual\" ;\n\n4. Validatz en clicant sul boton \"Metre a jorn lo senhal de vòstra clau privada\".\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Lo partiment expirarà lo %s.",
"Cheers!" : "A lèu !",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Bonjorn,\n<br><br>\nL'administrator a activat lo chiframent sul servidor. Vòstres fichièrs son estats chifrats amb lo senhal seguent :\n\n<p style=\"font-family: monospace;\"><b>%s</b></p>\n\n<p>\nSeguissètz aquelas instruccions :\n<ol>\n<li>Connectatz-vos a l'interfàcia web e trobatz la seccion <em>\"Modul de chiframent de basa d'ownCloud\"</em> dins vòstres paramètres personals;</li>\n<li>Entratz lo senhal provesit çaisús dins lo camp <em>\"Ancian senhal de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Entratz lo senhal qu'utilizatz actualament per vos connectar dins lo camp <em>\"Senhal de connexion actual\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Validatz en clicant sul boton <em>\"Metre a jorn lo senhal de vòstra clau privada\"</em>.</li>\n</ol>\n</p>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Bonjorn,\n<br><br>\nL'administrator a activat lo chiframent sul servidor. Vòstres fichièrs son estats chifrats amb lo senhal seguent :\n\n<p style=\"font-family: monospace;\"><b>%s</b></p>\n\n<p>\nSeguissètz aquelas instruccions :\n<ol>\n<li>Connectatz-vos a l'interfàcia web e trobatz la seccion <em>\"Modul de chiframent de basa d'\"</em> dins vòstres paramètres personals;</li>\n<li>Entratz lo senhal provesit çaisús dins lo camp <em>\"Ancian senhal de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Entratz lo senhal qu'utilizatz actualament per vos connectar dins lo camp <em>\"Senhal de connexion actual\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Validatz en clicant sul boton <em>\"Metre a jorn lo senhal de vòstra clau privada\"</em>.</li>\n</ol>\n</p>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Chifrar l'espaci d'emmagazinatge principal",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "L'activacion d'aquesta opcion chifra totes los fichièrs de l'emmagazinatge principal, siquenon sols los espacis d'emmagazinatge extèrnes seràn chifrats",
"Enable recovery key" : "Activar la clau de recuperacion",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/oc.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/oc.json
index d3fb9f0bc89..1773e6b7ef1 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/oc.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/oc.json
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Bonjorn,\n\nL'administrator a activat lo chiframent sul servidor. Vòstres fichièrs son estats chifrats amb lo senhal seguent :\n\n%s\n\nSeguissètz aquelas instruccions :\n\n1. Connectatz-vos a l'interfàcia web e trobatz la seccion \"Modul de chiframent de basa d'\" dins vòstres paramètres personals ;\n\n2. Entratz lo senhal provesit çaisús dins lo camp \"Ancian senhal de connexion\";\n\n3. Entratz lo senhal qu'utilizatz actualament per vos connectar dins lo camp \"Senhal de connexion actual\" ;\n\n4. Validatz en clicant sul boton \"Metre a jorn lo senhal de vòstra clau privada\".\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Lo partiment expirarà lo %s.",
"Cheers!" : "A lèu !",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Bonjorn,\n<br><br>\nL'administrator a activat lo chiframent sul servidor. Vòstres fichièrs son estats chifrats amb lo senhal seguent :\n\n<p style=\"font-family: monospace;\"><b>%s</b></p>\n\n<p>\nSeguissètz aquelas instruccions :\n<ol>\n<li>Connectatz-vos a l'interfàcia web e trobatz la seccion <em>\"Modul de chiframent de basa d'ownCloud\"</em> dins vòstres paramètres personals;</li>\n<li>Entratz lo senhal provesit çaisús dins lo camp <em>\"Ancian senhal de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Entratz lo senhal qu'utilizatz actualament per vos connectar dins lo camp <em>\"Senhal de connexion actual\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Validatz en clicant sul boton <em>\"Metre a jorn lo senhal de vòstra clau privada\"</em>.</li>\n</ol>\n</p>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Bonjorn,\n<br><br>\nL'administrator a activat lo chiframent sul servidor. Vòstres fichièrs son estats chifrats amb lo senhal seguent :\n\n<p style=\"font-family: monospace;\"><b>%s</b></p>\n\n<p>\nSeguissètz aquelas instruccions :\n<ol>\n<li>Connectatz-vos a l'interfàcia web e trobatz la seccion <em>\"Modul de chiframent de basa d'\"</em> dins vòstres paramètres personals;</li>\n<li>Entratz lo senhal provesit çaisús dins lo camp <em>\"Ancian senhal de connexion\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Entratz lo senhal qu'utilizatz actualament per vos connectar dins lo camp <em>\"Senhal de connexion actual\"</em>;</li>\n<li>Validatz en clicant sul boton <em>\"Metre a jorn lo senhal de vòstra clau privada\"</em>.</li>\n</ol>\n</p>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Chifrar l'espaci d'emmagazinatge principal",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "L'activacion d'aquesta opcion chifra totes los fichièrs de l'emmagazinatge principal, siquenon sols los espacis d'emmagazinatge extèrnes seràn chifrats",
"Enable recovery key" : "Activar la clau de recuperacion",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 86c75f96949..99043491a87 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Olá,\n\nO administrador habilitou criptografia-lado-servidor. Os seus arquivos foram criptografados usando a senha '%s'.\n\nPor favor faça o login para a interface da Web, vá para a seção 'módulo de criptografia básico' das suas definições pessoais e atualize sua senha de criptografia, inserindo esta senha no campo 'senha antiga de log-in' e sua atual senha-de-login.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "O compartilhamento irá expirar em %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Saudações!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Olá,<br><br>o administrador habilitou criptografia-lado-servidor. Os seus arquivos foram criptografados usando a senha <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Por favor faça o login para a interface da Web, vá para a seção 'ownCloud módulo de criptografia básico' das suas definições pessoais e atualize sua senha de criptografia, inserindo esta senha no campo 'senha antiga de log-in' e sua atual senha-de-login..<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Olá,<br><br>o administrador habilitou criptografia-lado-servidor. Os seus arquivos foram criptografados usando a senha <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Por favor faça o login para a interface da Web, vá para a seção 'módulo de criptografia básico' das suas definições pessoais e atualize sua senha de criptografia, inserindo esta senha no campo 'senha antiga de log-in' e sua atual senha-de-login..<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Criptografar a pasta de armazenamento home",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Ativar essa opção de criptografia para todos os arquivos armazenados no armazenamento principal, caso contrário, apenas arquivos no armazenamento externo serão criptografados",
"Enable recovery key" : "Habilitar recuperação de chave",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.json
index e87868a22ba..eca7cdd72a6 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Olá,\n\nO administrador habilitou criptografia-lado-servidor. Os seus arquivos foram criptografados usando a senha '%s'.\n\nPor favor faça o login para a interface da Web, vá para a seção 'módulo de criptografia básico' das suas definições pessoais e atualize sua senha de criptografia, inserindo esta senha no campo 'senha antiga de log-in' e sua atual senha-de-login.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "O compartilhamento irá expirar em %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Saudações!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Olá,<br><br>o administrador habilitou criptografia-lado-servidor. Os seus arquivos foram criptografados usando a senha <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Por favor faça o login para a interface da Web, vá para a seção 'ownCloud módulo de criptografia básico' das suas definições pessoais e atualize sua senha de criptografia, inserindo esta senha no campo 'senha antiga de log-in' e sua atual senha-de-login..<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Olá,<br><br>o administrador habilitou criptografia-lado-servidor. Os seus arquivos foram criptografados usando a senha <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Por favor faça o login para a interface da Web, vá para a seção 'módulo de criptografia básico' das suas definições pessoais e atualize sua senha de criptografia, inserindo esta senha no campo 'senha antiga de log-in' e sua atual senha-de-login..<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Criptografar a pasta de armazenamento home",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Ativar essa opção de criptografia para todos os arquivos armazenados no armazenamento principal, caso contrário, apenas arquivos no armazenamento externo serão criptografados",
"Enable recovery key" : "Habilitar recuperação de chave",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_PT.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_PT.js
index acc74c4ade0..2ed6009ba96 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_PT.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_PT.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Olá,\n\no administrador ativou a encriptação do lado do servidor. Os teus ficheiros foram encriptados usando a palavra-passe '%s'.\n\nPor favor, faz login via browser, vai à secção 'Módulo de encriptação básica' nas tuas definições pessoais e atualiza a tua palavra-passe de encriptação ao introduzir esta palavra-passe no campo 'palavra-passe antiga' e também a tua palavra-passe atual.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Esta partilha irá expirar em %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Parabéns!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Olá,<br><br>o administrador ativou a encriptação do lado do servidor. Os teus ficheiros foram encriptados usando a palavra-passe <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Por favor, faz login via browser, vai à secção 'Módulo de encriptação básica ownCloud' nas tuas definições pessoais e atualiza a tua palavra-passe de encriptação ao introduzir esta palavra-passe no campo 'palavra-passe antiga' e também a tua palavra-passe atual.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Olá,<br><br>o administrador ativou a encriptação do lado do servidor. Os teus ficheiros foram encriptados usando a palavra-passe <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Por favor, faz login via browser, vai à secção 'Módulo de encriptação básica' nas tuas definições pessoais e atualiza a tua palavra-passe de encriptação ao introduzir esta palavra-passe no campo 'palavra-passe antiga' e também a tua palavra-passe atual.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Encriptar o armazenamento do início",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Ativando esta opção todos os ficheiros armazenados no armazenamento principal serão encriptados, senão serão encriptados todos os ficheiros no armazenamento externo",
"Enable recovery key" : "Ativar a chave de recuperação",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_PT.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_PT.json
index 2934826c667..181d6e151cd 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_PT.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_PT.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Olá,\n\no administrador ativou a encriptação do lado do servidor. Os teus ficheiros foram encriptados usando a palavra-passe '%s'.\n\nPor favor, faz login via browser, vai à secção 'Módulo de encriptação básica' nas tuas definições pessoais e atualiza a tua palavra-passe de encriptação ao introduzir esta palavra-passe no campo 'palavra-passe antiga' e também a tua palavra-passe atual.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Esta partilha irá expirar em %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Parabéns!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Olá,<br><br>o administrador ativou a encriptação do lado do servidor. Os teus ficheiros foram encriptados usando a palavra-passe <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Por favor, faz login via browser, vai à secção 'Módulo de encriptação básica ownCloud' nas tuas definições pessoais e atualiza a tua palavra-passe de encriptação ao introduzir esta palavra-passe no campo 'palavra-passe antiga' e também a tua palavra-passe atual.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Olá,<br><br>o administrador ativou a encriptação do lado do servidor. Os teus ficheiros foram encriptados usando a palavra-passe <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Por favor, faz login via browser, vai à secção 'Módulo de encriptação básica' nas tuas definições pessoais e atualiza a tua palavra-passe de encriptação ao introduzir esta palavra-passe no campo 'palavra-passe antiga' e também a tua palavra-passe atual.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Encriptar o armazenamento do início",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Ativando esta opção todos os ficheiros armazenados no armazenamento principal serão encriptados, senão serão encriptados todos os ficheiros no armazenamento externo",
"Enable recovery key" : "Ativar a chave de recuperação",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.js
index 760f9b5bf0c..132289a4975 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Привет,\n\nадминистратор включил шифрование на стороне сервера. Ваши файлы были зашифрованы с помощью пароля '%s'.\n\nПожалуйста войдите в веб-приложение, в разделе 'простой модуль шифрования' в личных настройках вам нужно обновить пароль шифрования.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Доступ будет закрыт %s",
"Cheers!" : "Всего наилучшего!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Привет,<br><br>администратор включил шифрование на стороне сервера. Ваши файлы были зашифрованы с помощью пароля <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Пожалуйста войдите в веб-приложение, в разделе \"ownCloud простой модуль шифрования\" в личных настройках вам нужно обновить пароль шифрования.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Привет,<br><br>администратор включил шифрование на стороне сервера. Ваши файлы были зашифрованы с помощью пароля <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Пожалуйста войдите в веб-приложение, в разделе \"простой модуль шифрования\" в личных настройках вам нужно обновить пароль шифрования.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Зашифровать домашнюю директорию",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Данный параметр позволяет зашифровать все файлы, хранящиеся в главном хранилище, иначе только файлы на внешних хранилищах будут зашифрованы",
"Enable recovery key" : "Включить ключ восстановления",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.json
index 429a7a93508..0ff1a0ce0df 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Привет,\n\nадминистратор включил шифрование на стороне сервера. Ваши файлы были зашифрованы с помощью пароля '%s'.\n\nПожалуйста войдите в веб-приложение, в разделе 'простой модуль шифрования' в личных настройках вам нужно обновить пароль шифрования.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Доступ будет закрыт %s",
"Cheers!" : "Всего наилучшего!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Привет,<br><br>администратор включил шифрование на стороне сервера. Ваши файлы были зашифрованы с помощью пароля <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Пожалуйста войдите в веб-приложение, в разделе \"ownCloud простой модуль шифрования\" в личных настройках вам нужно обновить пароль шифрования.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Привет,<br><br>администратор включил шифрование на стороне сервера. Ваши файлы были зашифрованы с помощью пароля <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Пожалуйста войдите в веб-приложение, в разделе \"простой модуль шифрования\" в личных настройках вам нужно обновить пароль шифрования.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Зашифровать домашнюю директорию",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Данный параметр позволяет зашифровать все файлы, хранящиеся в главном хранилище, иначе только файлы на внешних хранилищах будут зашифрованы",
"Enable recovery key" : "Включить ключ восстановления",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/sq.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/sq.js
index 41ab86f1c89..1a07e3982f1 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/sq.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/sq.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Njatjeta,\n\npërgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin '%s'.\n\nJu lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja 'modul i thjeshtëpër fshehtëzime' e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha 'old log-in password' dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Ndarja do të skadojë më %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Gëzuar!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Njatjeta,<br><br>përgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Ju lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja \"modul i thjeshtë ownCloud për fshehtëzime\" e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha \"old log-in password\" dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Njatjeta,<br><br>përgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Ju lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja \"modul i thjeshtëpër fshehtëzime\" e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha \"old log-in password\" dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Fshehtëzo depozitën bazë",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Aktivizimi i kësaj mundësie fshehtëzon krejt kartelat e depozituara në depon bazë, përndryshe do të fshehtëzohen vetëm kartelat në depozitën e jashtme",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktivizo kyç rimarrjesh",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/sq.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/sq.json
index a399ca2000c..a4cc357f5ed 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/sq.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/sq.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Njatjeta,\n\npërgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin '%s'.\n\nJu lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja 'modul i thjeshtëpër fshehtëzime' e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha 'old log-in password' dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Ndarja do të skadojë më %s.",
"Cheers!" : "Gëzuar!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Njatjeta,<br><br>përgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Ju lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja \"modul i thjeshtë ownCloud për fshehtëzime\" e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha \"old log-in password\" dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Njatjeta,<br><br>përgjegjësi aktivizoi fshehtëzim më anë shërbyesi. Kartelat tuaja qenë fshehtëzuar duke përdorur fjalëkalimin <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Ju lutemi, bëni hyrjen te ndërfaqja web, kaloni te ndarja \"modul i thjeshtëpër fshehtëzime\" e rregullimeve tuaja personale dhe përditësoni fjalëkalimin tuaj për fshehtëzime duke dhënë këtë fjalëkalim te fusha \"old log-in password\" dhe fjalëkalimin tuaj të tanishëm për hyrjet.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Fshehtëzo depozitën bazë",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Aktivizimi i kësaj mundësie fshehtëzon krejt kartelat e depozituara në depon bazë, përndryshe do të fshehtëzohen vetëm kartelat në depozitën e jashtme",
"Enable recovery key" : "Aktivizo kyç rimarrjesh",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/th_TH.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/th_TH.js
index c85a347d1e4..29b05c1f731 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/th_TH.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/th_TH.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "นี่คุณ<br>\n<br> \nผู้ดูแลระบบเปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัสฝั่งเซิร์ฟเวอร์ ไฟล์ของคุณจะถูกเข้ารหัสโดยใช้รหัสผ่าน <strong>%s</strong><br>\n<br>\nกรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบเว็บอินเตอร์เฟซไปที่ส่วน \"โมดูลการเข้ารหัสพื้นฐาน\" ของการตั้งค่าส่วนบุคคลของคุณและอัพเดทการเข้ารหัสรหัสผ่านของคุณโดย ป้อนรหัสผ่านนี้ในช่อง \"รหัสผ่านเก่าที่เข้าสู่ระบบ\" และเข้าสู่ระบบด้วยรหัสผ่านปัจจุบันของคุณ<br>\n<br>\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "การแชร์จะหมดอายุในวันที่ %s",
"Cheers!" : "ไชโย!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "นี่คุณ <br><br> ผู้ดูแลระบบเปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัสฝั่งเซิร์ฟเวอร์ ไฟล์ของคุณจะถูกเข้ารหัสโดยใช้รหัสผ่าน <strong>%s</strong> <br><br>กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบเว็บอินเตอร์เฟซไปที่ส่วน \"โมดูลการเข้ารหัส ownCloud พื้นฐาน\" ของการตั้งค่าส่วนบุคคลของคุณและอัพเดทการเข้ารหัสรหัสผ่านของคุณโดย ป้อนรหัสผ่านนี้ในช่อง \"รหัสผ่านเก่าที่เข้าสู่ระบบ\" และเข้าสู่ระบบด้วยรหัสผ่านปัจจุบันของคุณ<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "นี่คุณ <br><br> ผู้ดูแลระบบเปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัสฝั่งเซิร์ฟเวอร์ ไฟล์ของคุณจะถูกเข้ารหัสโดยใช้รหัสผ่าน <strong>%s</strong> <br><br>กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบเว็บอินเตอร์เฟซไปที่ส่วน \"โมดูลการเข้ารหัสพื้นฐาน\" ของการตั้งค่าส่วนบุคคลของคุณและอัพเดทการเข้ารหัสรหัสผ่านของคุณโดย ป้อนรหัสผ่านนี้ในช่อง \"รหัสผ่านเก่าที่เข้าสู่ระบบ\" และเข้าสู่ระบบด้วยรหัสผ่านปัจจุบันของคุณ<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "การเข้ารหัสพื้นที่จัดเก็บหน้าโฮม",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "การเปิดใช้งานตัวเลือกนี้จะเข้ารหัสไฟล์ทั้งหมดที่เก็บไว้ในพื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลหลัก มิฉะนั้นจะเข้ารหัสเฉพาะไฟล์ที่เป็นพื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก",
"Enable recovery key" : "เปิดใช้งานการกู้คืนรหัส",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/th_TH.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/th_TH.json
index 75db026fda7..e3d4a31c0a7 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/th_TH.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/th_TH.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "นี่คุณ<br>\n<br> \nผู้ดูแลระบบเปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัสฝั่งเซิร์ฟเวอร์ ไฟล์ของคุณจะถูกเข้ารหัสโดยใช้รหัสผ่าน <strong>%s</strong><br>\n<br>\nกรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบเว็บอินเตอร์เฟซไปที่ส่วน \"โมดูลการเข้ารหัสพื้นฐาน\" ของการตั้งค่าส่วนบุคคลของคุณและอัพเดทการเข้ารหัสรหัสผ่านของคุณโดย ป้อนรหัสผ่านนี้ในช่อง \"รหัสผ่านเก่าที่เข้าสู่ระบบ\" และเข้าสู่ระบบด้วยรหัสผ่านปัจจุบันของคุณ<br>\n<br>\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "การแชร์จะหมดอายุในวันที่ %s",
"Cheers!" : "ไชโย!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "นี่คุณ <br><br> ผู้ดูแลระบบเปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัสฝั่งเซิร์ฟเวอร์ ไฟล์ของคุณจะถูกเข้ารหัสโดยใช้รหัสผ่าน <strong>%s</strong> <br><br>กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบเว็บอินเตอร์เฟซไปที่ส่วน \"โมดูลการเข้ารหัส ownCloud พื้นฐาน\" ของการตั้งค่าส่วนบุคคลของคุณและอัพเดทการเข้ารหัสรหัสผ่านของคุณโดย ป้อนรหัสผ่านนี้ในช่อง \"รหัสผ่านเก่าที่เข้าสู่ระบบ\" และเข้าสู่ระบบด้วยรหัสผ่านปัจจุบันของคุณ<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "นี่คุณ <br><br> ผู้ดูแลระบบเปิดใช้งานการเข้ารหัสฝั่งเซิร์ฟเวอร์ ไฟล์ของคุณจะถูกเข้ารหัสโดยใช้รหัสผ่าน <strong>%s</strong> <br><br>กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบเว็บอินเตอร์เฟซไปที่ส่วน \"โมดูลการเข้ารหัสพื้นฐาน\" ของการตั้งค่าส่วนบุคคลของคุณและอัพเดทการเข้ารหัสรหัสผ่านของคุณโดย ป้อนรหัสผ่านนี้ในช่อง \"รหัสผ่านเก่าที่เข้าสู่ระบบ\" และเข้าสู่ระบบด้วยรหัสผ่านปัจจุบันของคุณ<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "การเข้ารหัสพื้นที่จัดเก็บหน้าโฮม",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "การเปิดใช้งานตัวเลือกนี้จะเข้ารหัสไฟล์ทั้งหมดที่เก็บไว้ในพื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลหลัก มิฉะนั้นจะเข้ารหัสเฉพาะไฟล์ที่เป็นพื้นที่จัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอก",
"Enable recovery key" : "เปิดใช้งานการกู้คืนรหัส",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/tr.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/tr.js
index 2f9f7306e2c..f4af68997b8 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/tr.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Selam,\n\nSistem yöneticisi sunucu tarafında şifrelemeyi etkinleştirdi. Dosyalarınız '%s' parolası kullanılarak şifrelendi.\n\nLütfen web arayüzünde oturum açın ve kişisel ayarlarınızdan 'temel şifreleme modülü'ne giderek 'eski oturum parolası' alanına bu parolayı girdikten sonra şifreleme parolanızı ve mevcut oturum açma parolanızı güncelleyin.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Bu paylaşım %s tarihinde sona erecek.",
"Cheers!" : "Hoşçakalın!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Selam,<br><br>Sistem yöneticisi sunucu tarafında şifrelemeyi etkinleştirdi. Dosyalarınız <strong>%s</strong> parolası kullanılarak şifrelendi.<br><br>Lütfen web arayüzünde oturum açın ve kişisel ayarlarınızdan 'ownCloud temel şifreleme modülü'ne giderek 'eski oturum parolası' alanına bu parolayı girdikten sonra şifreleme parolanızı ve mevcut oturum açma parolanızı güncelleyin.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Selam,<br><br>Sistem yöneticisi sunucu tarafında şifrelemeyi etkinleştirdi. Dosyalarınız <strong>%s</strong> parolası kullanılarak şifrelendi.<br><br>Lütfen web arayüzünde oturum açın ve kişisel ayarlarınızdan 'temel şifreleme modülü'ne giderek 'eski oturum parolası' alanına bu parolayı girdikten sonra şifreleme parolanızı ve mevcut oturum açma parolanızı güncelleyin.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Ana depolamayı şifrele",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Bu seçeneği etkinleştirmek ana depolamadaki bütün dosyaları şifreler, aksi takdirde sadece harici depolamadaki dosyalar şifrelenir",
"Enable recovery key" : "Kurtarma anahtarını etkinleştir",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/tr.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/tr.json
index 7eff35d2d71..164091f8c97 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/tr.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Selam,\n\nSistem yöneticisi sunucu tarafında şifrelemeyi etkinleştirdi. Dosyalarınız '%s' parolası kullanılarak şifrelendi.\n\nLütfen web arayüzünde oturum açın ve kişisel ayarlarınızdan 'temel şifreleme modülü'ne giderek 'eski oturum parolası' alanına bu parolayı girdikten sonra şifreleme parolanızı ve mevcut oturum açma parolanızı güncelleyin.\n\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "Bu paylaşım %s tarihinde sona erecek.",
"Cheers!" : "Hoşçakalın!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Selam,<br><br>Sistem yöneticisi sunucu tarafında şifrelemeyi etkinleştirdi. Dosyalarınız <strong>%s</strong> parolası kullanılarak şifrelendi.<br><br>Lütfen web arayüzünde oturum açın ve kişisel ayarlarınızdan 'ownCloud temel şifreleme modülü'ne giderek 'eski oturum parolası' alanına bu parolayı girdikten sonra şifreleme parolanızı ve mevcut oturum açma parolanızı güncelleyin.<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Selam,<br><br>Sistem yöneticisi sunucu tarafında şifrelemeyi etkinleştirdi. Dosyalarınız <strong>%s</strong> parolası kullanılarak şifrelendi.<br><br>Lütfen web arayüzünde oturum açın ve kişisel ayarlarınızdan 'temel şifreleme modülü'ne giderek 'eski oturum parolası' alanına bu parolayı girdikten sonra şifreleme parolanızı ve mevcut oturum açma parolanızı güncelleyin.<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "Ana depolamayı şifrele",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Bu seçeneği etkinleştirmek ana depolamadaki bütün dosyaları şifreler, aksi takdirde sadece harici depolamadaki dosyalar şifrelenir",
"Enable recovery key" : "Kurtarma anahtarını etkinleştir",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_TW.js
index d00eed5d1f9..35458bb308c 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "嗨,請看這裡,\n\n系管理員啟用了伺服器端的加密功能,您的檔案將會使用密碼 '%s' 加密\n\n請從網頁登入,到 'basic encryption module' 設置您的個人設定並透過更新加密密碼,將這個組密碼設定在 'old log-in password' 以及您的目前登入密碼\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "這個分享將會於 %s 過期",
"Cheers!" : "太棒了!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "嗨,請看這裡,<br><br>系管理員啟用了伺服器端的加密功能,您的檔案將會使用密碼<strong> '%s' </strong>加密,請從網頁登入,到 'ownCloud basic encryption module' 設置您的個人設定並透過更新加密密碼,將這個組密碼設定在 'old log-in password' 以及您的目前登入密碼<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "嗨,請看這裡,<br><br>系管理員啟用了伺服器端的加密功能,您的檔案將會使用密碼<strong> '%s' </strong>加密,請從網頁登入,到 'basic encryption module' 設置您的個人設定並透過更新加密密碼,將這個組密碼設定在 'old log-in password' 以及您的目前登入密碼<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "加密家目錄空間",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "請啟用這個功能以用來加密主要儲存空間的檔案,否則只有再外部儲存的檔案會加密",
"Enable recovery key" : "啟用還原金鑰",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 56f07c98505..fd2dcce1ee8 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "嗨,請看這裡,\n\n系管理員啟用了伺服器端的加密功能,您的檔案將會使用密碼 '%s' 加密\n\n請從網頁登入,到 'basic encryption module' 設置您的個人設定並透過更新加密密碼,將這個組密碼設定在 'old log-in password' 以及您的目前登入密碼\n",
"The share will expire on %s." : "這個分享將會於 %s 過期",
"Cheers!" : "太棒了!",
- "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"ownCloud basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "嗨,請看這裡,<br><br>系管理員啟用了伺服器端的加密功能,您的檔案將會使用密碼<strong> '%s' </strong>加密,請從網頁登入,到 'ownCloud basic encryption module' 設置您的個人設定並透過更新加密密碼,將這個組密碼設定在 'old log-in password' 以及您的目前登入密碼<br><br>",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "嗨,請看這裡,<br><br>系管理員啟用了伺服器端的加密功能,您的檔案將會使用密碼<strong> '%s' </strong>加密,請從網頁登入,到 'basic encryption module' 設置您的個人設定並透過更新加密密碼,將這個組密碼設定在 'old log-in password' 以及您的目前登入密碼<br><br>",
"Encrypt the home storage" : "加密家目錄空間",
"Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "請啟用這個功能以用來加密主要儲存空間的檔案,否則只有再外部儲存的檔案會加密",
"Enable recovery key" : "啟用還原金鑰",