path: root/apps/media/getID3/getid3/write.real.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/media/getID3/getid3/write.real.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/apps/media/getID3/getid3/write.real.php b/apps/media/getID3/getid3/write.real.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 14e775812fc..00000000000
--- a/apps/media/getID3/getid3/write.real.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-/// getID3() by James Heinrich <info@getid3.org> //
-// available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net //
-// or http://www.getid3.org //
-// See readme.txt for more details //
-// //
-// write.real.php //
-// module for writing RealAudio/RealVideo tags //
-// dependencies: module.tag.real.php //
-// ///
-class getid3_write_real
- var $filename;
- var $tag_data = array();
- var $warnings = array(); // any non-critical errors will be stored here
- var $errors = array(); // any critical errors will be stored here
- var $paddedlength = 512; // minimum length of CONT tag in bytes
- function getid3_write_real() {
- return true;
- }
- function WriteReal() {
- // File MUST be writeable - CHMOD(646) at least
- if (is_writeable($this->filename)) {
- if ($fp_source = @fopen($this->filename, 'r+b')) {
- // Initialize getID3 engine
- $getID3 = new getID3;
- $OldThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($this->filename);
- if (empty($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks']) && !empty($OldThisFileInfo['real']['old_ra_header'])) {
- $this->errors[] = 'Cannot write Real tags on old-style file format';
- fclose($fp_source);
- return false;
- }
- if (empty($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks'])) {
- $this->errors[] = 'Cannot write Real tags because cannot find DATA chunk in file';
- fclose($fp_source);
- return false;
- }
- foreach ($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks'] as $chunknumber => $chunkarray) {
- $oldChunkInfo[$chunkarray['name']] = $chunkarray;
- }
- if (!empty($oldChunkInfo['CONT']['length'])) {
- $this->paddedlength = max($oldChunkInfo['CONT']['length'], $this->paddedlength);
- }
- $new_CONT_tag_data = $this->GenerateCONTchunk();
- $new_PROP_tag_data = $this->GeneratePROPchunk($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks'], $new_CONT_tag_data);
- $new__RMF_tag_data = $this->GenerateRMFchunk($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks']);
- if (@$oldChunkInfo['.RMF']['length'] == strlen($new__RMF_tag_data)) {
- fseek($fp_source, $oldChunkInfo['.RMF']['offset'], SEEK_SET);
- fwrite($fp_source, $new__RMF_tag_data);
- } else {
- $this->errors[] = 'new .RMF tag ('.strlen($new__RMF_tag_data).' bytes) different length than old .RMF tag ('.$oldChunkInfo['.RMF']['length'].' bytes)';
- fclose($fp_source);
- return false;
- }
- if (@$oldChunkInfo['PROP']['length'] == strlen($new_PROP_tag_data)) {
- fseek($fp_source, $oldChunkInfo['PROP']['offset'], SEEK_SET);
- fwrite($fp_source, $new_PROP_tag_data);
- } else {
- $this->errors[] = 'new PROP tag ('.strlen($new_PROP_tag_data).' bytes) different length than old PROP tag ('.$oldChunkInfo['PROP']['length'].' bytes)';
- fclose($fp_source);
- return false;
- }
- if (@$oldChunkInfo['CONT']['length'] == strlen($new_CONT_tag_data)) {
- // new data length is same as old data length - just overwrite
- fseek($fp_source, $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['offset'], SEEK_SET);
- fwrite($fp_source, $new_CONT_tag_data);
- fclose($fp_source);
- return true;
- } else {
- if (empty($oldChunkInfo['CONT'])) {
- // no existing CONT chunk
- $BeforeOffset = $oldChunkInfo['DATA']['offset'];
- $AfterOffset = $oldChunkInfo['DATA']['offset'];
- } else {
- // new data is longer than old data
- $BeforeOffset = $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['offset'];
- $AfterOffset = $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['offset'] + $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['length'];
- }
- if ($tempfilename = tempnam('*', 'getID3')) {
- ob_start();
- if ($fp_temp = fopen($tempfilename, 'wb')) {
- rewind($fp_source);
- fwrite($fp_temp, fread($fp_source, $BeforeOffset));
- fwrite($fp_temp, $new_CONT_tag_data);
- fseek($fp_source, $AfterOffset, SEEK_SET);
- while ($buffer = fread($fp_source, GETID3_FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
- fwrite($fp_temp, $buffer, strlen($buffer));
- }
- fclose($fp_temp);
- if (copy($tempfilename, $this->filename)) {
- unlink($tempfilename);
- fclose($fp_source);
- return true;
- }
- unlink($tempfilename);
- $this->errors[] = 'FAILED: copy('.$tempfilename.', '.$this->filename.') - '.strip_tags(ob_get_contents());
- } else {
- $this->errors[] = 'Could not open '.$tempfilename.' mode "wb" - '.strip_tags(ob_get_contents());
- }
- @ob_end_clean();
- }
- fclose($fp_source);
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- $this->errors[] = 'Could not open '.$this->filename.' mode "r+b"';
- return false;
- }
- }
- $this->errors[] = 'File is not writeable: '.$this->filename;
- return false;
- }
- function GenerateRMFchunk(&$chunks) {
- $oldCONTexists = false;
- foreach ($chunks as $key => $chunk) {
- $chunkNameKeys[$chunk['name']] = $key;
- if ($chunk['name'] == 'CONT') {
- $oldCONTexists = true;
- }
- }
- $newHeadersCount = $chunks[$chunkNameKeys['.RMF']]['headers_count'] + ($oldCONTexists ? 0 : 1);
- $RMFchunk = "\x00\x00"; // object version
- $RMFchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['.RMF']]['file_version'], 4);
- $RMFchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($newHeadersCount, 4);
- $RMFchunk = '.RMF'.getid3_lib::BigEndian2String(strlen($RMFchunk) + 8, 4).$RMFchunk; // .RMF chunk identifier + chunk length
- return $RMFchunk;
- }
- function GeneratePROPchunk(&$chunks, &$new_CONT_tag_data) {
- $old_CONT_length = 0;
- $old_DATA_offset = 0;
- $old_INDX_offset = 0;
- foreach ($chunks as $key => $chunk) {
- $chunkNameKeys[$chunk['name']] = $key;
- if ($chunk['name'] == 'CONT') {
- $old_CONT_length = $chunk['length'];
- } elseif ($chunk['name'] == 'DATA') {
- if (!$old_DATA_offset) {
- $old_DATA_offset = $chunk['offset'];
- }
- } elseif ($chunk['name'] == 'INDX') {
- if (!$old_INDX_offset) {
- $old_INDX_offset = $chunk['offset'];
- }
- }
- }
- $CONTdelta = strlen($new_CONT_tag_data) - $old_CONT_length;
- $PROPchunk = "\x00\x00"; // object version
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['PROP']]['max_bit_rate'], 4);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['PROP']]['avg_bit_rate'], 4);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['PROP']]['max_packet_size'], 4);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['PROP']]['avg_packet_size'], 4);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['PROP']]['num_packets'], 4);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['PROP']]['duration'], 4);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['PROP']]['preroll'], 4);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String(max(0, $old_INDX_offset + $CONTdelta), 4);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String(max(0, $old_DATA_offset + $CONTdelta), 4);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['PROP']]['num_streams'], 2);
- $PROPchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String($chunks[$chunkNameKeys['PROP']]['flags_raw'], 2);
- $PROPchunk = 'PROP'.getid3_lib::BigEndian2String(strlen($PROPchunk) + 8, 4).$PROPchunk; // PROP chunk identifier + chunk length
- return $PROPchunk;
- }
- function GenerateCONTchunk() {
- foreach ($this->tag_data as $key => $value) {
- // limit each value to 0xFFFF bytes
- $this->tag_data[$key] = substr($value, 0, 65535);
- }
- $CONTchunk = "\x00\x00"; // object version
- $CONTchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String(strlen(@$this->tag_data['title']), 2);
- $CONTchunk .= @$this->tag_data['title'];
- $CONTchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String(strlen(@$this->tag_data['artist']), 2);
- $CONTchunk .= @$this->tag_data['artist'];
- $CONTchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String(strlen(@$this->tag_data['copyright']), 2);
- $CONTchunk .= @$this->tag_data['copyright'];
- $CONTchunk .= getid3_lib::BigEndian2String(strlen(@$this->tag_data['comment']), 2);
- $CONTchunk .= @$this->tag_data['comment'];
- if ($this->paddedlength > (strlen($CONTchunk) + 8)) {
- $CONTchunk .= str_repeat("\x00", $this->paddedlength - strlen($CONTchunk) - 8);
- }
- $CONTchunk = 'CONT'.getid3_lib::BigEndian2String(strlen($CONTchunk) + 8, 4).$CONTchunk; // CONT chunk identifier + chunk length
- return $CONTchunk;
- }
- function RemoveReal() {
- // File MUST be writeable - CHMOD(646) at least
- if (is_writeable($this->filename)) {
- if ($fp_source = @fopen($this->filename, 'r+b')) {
- // Initialize getID3 engine
- $getID3 = new getID3;
- $OldThisFileInfo = $getID3->analyze($this->filename);
- if (empty($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks']) && !empty($OldThisFileInfo['real']['old_ra_header'])) {
- $this->errors[] = 'Cannot remove Real tags from old-style file format';
- fclose($fp_source);
- return false;
- }
- if (empty($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks'])) {
- $this->errors[] = 'Cannot remove Real tags because cannot find DATA chunk in file';
- fclose($fp_source);
- return false;
- }
- foreach ($OldThisFileInfo['real']['chunks'] as $chunknumber => $chunkarray) {
- $oldChunkInfo[$chunkarray['name']] = $chunkarray;
- }
- if (empty($oldChunkInfo['CONT'])) {
- // no existing CONT chunk
- fclose($fp_source);
- return true;
- }
- $BeforeOffset = $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['offset'];
- $AfterOffset = $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['offset'] + $oldChunkInfo['CONT']['length'];
- if ($tempfilename = tempnam('*', 'getID3')) {
- ob_start();
- if ($fp_temp = fopen($tempfilename, 'wb')) {
- rewind($fp_source);
- fwrite($fp_temp, fread($fp_source, $BeforeOffset));
- fseek($fp_source, $AfterOffset, SEEK_SET);
- while ($buffer = fread($fp_source, GETID3_FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
- fwrite($fp_temp, $buffer, strlen($buffer));
- }
- fclose($fp_temp);
- if (copy($tempfilename, $this->filename)) {
- unlink($tempfilename);
- fclose($fp_source);
- return true;
- }
- unlink($tempfilename);
- $this->errors[] = 'FAILED: copy('.$tempfilename.', '.$this->filename.') - '.strip_tags(ob_get_contents());
- } else {
- $this->errors[] = 'Could not open '.$tempfilename.' mode "wb" - '.strip_tags(ob_get_contents());
- }
- @ob_end_clean();
- }
- fclose($fp_source);
- return false;
- } else {
- $this->errors[] = 'Could not open '.$this->filename.' mode "r+b"';
- return false;
- }
- }
- $this->errors[] = 'File is not writeable: '.$this->filename;
- return false;
- }
-?> \ No newline at end of file