diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/settings/l10n/eu.json')
-rw-r--r-- | apps/settings/l10n/eu.json | 48 |
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/eu.json b/apps/settings/l10n/eu.json index 50293dd8072..58af971f17e 100644 --- a/apps/settings/l10n/eu.json +++ b/apps/settings/l10n/eu.json @@ -180,21 +180,9 @@ "Two-factor authentication is not enforced for members of the following groups." : "Bi faktoreko autentikazioa ez dago talde hauetako kideentzat derrigortuta.", "Excluded groups" : "Baztertu taldeak", "Save changes" : "Gorde aldaketak", - "All" : "Denak", - "Limit app usage to groups" : "Mugatu aplikazioaren erabilera taldeei", - "No results" : "Emaitzarik ez", - "Update to {version}" : "Eguneratu {version} bertsiora", + "Update to {update}" : "Eguneratu {update} bertsiora", "Remove" : "Ezabatu", "Disable" : "Ez-gaitu", - "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.", - "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.", - "This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu hurrengo menpekotasunak betetzen ez direlako:", - "View in store" : "Dendan ikusi", - "Visit website" : "Web orria ikusi", - "Report a bug" : "Eman akats baten berri ", - "Admin documentation" : "Administratzailearen dokumentazioa", - "Developer documentation" : "Garatzailearen dokumentazioa", - "Update to {update}" : "Eguneratu {update} bertsiora", "Featured" : "Nabarmendua", "This app is supported via your current Nextcloud subscription." : "Aplikazio hau zure Nextcloud harpidetzaren bitartez ahalbidetua dago.", "Featured apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use." : "Nabarmendutako aplikazioak, komunitateak eta komunitatean garatutakoak dira. Funtzionalitate orokorrak eskaintzen dituzte eta produkzioan erabiltzeko prest daude.", @@ -210,6 +198,29 @@ "Download and enable all" : "Deskargatu eta gaitu guztia", "_%n app has an update available_::_%n apps have an update available_" : ["Aplikazio %nek eguneraketa dauka prest.","%n aplikaziok eguneraketa daukate prest."], "_Update_::_Update all_" : ["Eguneratu","Eguneratu denak"], + "Description" : "Deskripzioa", + "Details" : "Xehetasunak", + "All" : "Denak", + "Limit app usage to groups" : "Mugatu aplikazioaren erabilera taldeei", + "No results" : "Emaitzarik ez", + "Update to {version}" : "Eguneratu {version} bertsiora", + "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.", + "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.", + "This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu hurrengo menpekotasunak betetzen ez direlako:", + "Author" : "Egilea", + "Categories" : "Kategoriak", + "Resources" : "Baliabideak", + "Documentation" : "Dokumentazioa", + "Interact" : "Elkarreragin", + "Report a bug" : "Eman akats baten berri ", + "Request feature" : "Eskatu ezaugarria", + "Ask questions or discuss" : "Egin galderak edo eztabaidatu", + "Rate" : "Balorazioa", + "View in store" : "Dendan ikusi", + "Visit website" : "Web orria ikusi", + "Admin documentation" : "Administratzailearen dokumentazioa", + "Developer documentation" : "Garatzailearen dokumentazioa", + "Changelog" : "Aldaketak", "Device name" : "Gailuaren izena", "Marked for remote wipe" : "Urruneko garbiketarako markatuta", "Device settings" : "Gailuaren ezarpenak", @@ -284,7 +295,6 @@ "Error saving profile picture" : "Errorea profil-irudia gordetzean", "Error removing profile picture" : "Errorea profil-irudia kentzean", "Your biography" : "Zure biografia", - "Details" : "Xehetasunak", "You are a member of the following groups:" : "Honako taldeetako kide zara:", "You are using <strong>{usage}</strong>" : "<strong>{usage}</strong> erabiltzen ari zara", "You are using <strong>{usage}</strong> of <strong>{totalSpace}</strong> (<strong>{usageRelative}%</strong>)" : "<strong>{usage}</strong>/<strong>{totalSpace}</strong> erabiltzen ari zara (<strong>{usageRelative}%</strong>)", @@ -413,13 +423,11 @@ "Your browser does not support WebAuthn." : "Zure nabigatzaileak ez du WebAuthn onartzen.", "As admin you can fine-tune the sharing behavior. Please see the documentation for more information." : "Admin bezala partekatze portaerak zehaztasunez konfigura daitezke. Ikusi dokumentazioa informazio gehiagorako. ", "You need to enable the File sharing App." : "Fitxategi partekatze aplikazioa gaitu behar duzu.", - "{license}-licensed" : "{license}-lizentziaduna", - "Changelog" : "Aldaketak", "by {author}\n{license}" : "{autor}-(e)k egina\n{license}", - "New account" : "Kontu berria", "Admins" : "Administratzaileak", - "Disabled users" : "Erabiltzaile ezinduak", + "New account" : "Kontu berria", "Group name" : "Taldearen izena", + "{license}-licensed" : "{license}-lizentziaduna", "Sending…" : "Bidaltzen...", "Email sent" : "Eposta bidalia", "Location" : "Kokapena", @@ -450,7 +458,6 @@ "The app will be downloaded from the App Store" : "Aplikazioa aplikazio biltegitik deskargatuko da", "This app is not marked as compatible with your Nextcloud version. If you continue you will still be able to install the app. Note that the app might not work as expected." : "Aplikazio hau ez dago zure Nextcloud bertsioarekin bateragarri bezala markatuta. Jarraitzen baduzu aplikazioa instalatu egingo duzu. Kontuan izan agian aplikazioak ez duela ondo funtzionatuko.", "Never" : "Inoiz ez", - "Active users" : "Erabiltzaile aktiboak", "An error occurred during the request. Unable to proceed." : "Errorea gertatu da eskaeran. Ezin da jarraitu.", "The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "Aplikazioa gaitu da baina eguneratu behar da. Eguneratze orrira joango zara 5 segundotan.", "Error: This app cannot be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Errorea: aplikazio hau ezin da gaitu zerbitzaria ezegonkorra izatea eragiten duelako", @@ -462,7 +469,6 @@ "There were too many requests from your network. Retry later or contact your administrator if this is an error." : "Eskaera gehiegi zeuden zure saretik. Saiatu beranduago edo kontaktatu zure administrailearekin hau errorea bada.", "Account documentation" : "Kontuen dokumentazioa", "Administration documentation" : "Administrazioaren dokumentazioa", - "Documentation" : "Dokumentazioa", "Forum" : "Foroa", "Nextcloud help resources" : "Nextcloud laguntza baliabideak", "General documentation" : "Dokumentazio orokorra", @@ -568,6 +574,8 @@ "No users in here" : "Ez dago erabiltzailerik hemen", "Enter group name" : "Talderan izena sartu", "Add group" : "Taldea gehitu", + "Active users" : "Erabiltzaile aktiboak", + "Disabled users" : "Erabiltzaile ezinduak", "Default quota:" : "Lehenetsitako kuota:", "Show Languages" : "Erakutsi Hizkuntzak", "Show user backend" : "Bistaratu erabiltzaile motorra", |