path: root/apps/settings/l10n/ia.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/settings/l10n/ia.js')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ia.js b/apps/settings/l10n/ia.js
index 631e01826ed..a9589802a89 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ia.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ia.js
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again." : "Le contrasigno administrator pro recuperation de datos es incorrecte. Per favor, verifica le contrasigno e tenta de novo.",
"Federated Cloud Sharing" : "Compartimento del Nube Federate",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Un problema occurreva durante le invio del e-posta. Per favor, revide tu configurationes. (Error: %s)",
- "You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails." : "Tu debe configurar tu e-posta de usator ante esser capace a inviar e-posta de test.",
"Invalid mail address" : "Adresse de e-posta non valide",
"Settings saved" : "Configurationes salveguardate",
"Unable to change full name" : "Impossibile cambiar nomine complete",
@@ -111,7 +110,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"SMTP Username" : "Nomine de usator SMTP",
"SMTP Password" : "Contrasigno SMTP",
"Save" : "Salveguardar",
- "Test email settings" : "Testar configurationes de e-posta",
"Send email" : "Inviar message de e-posta",
"Version" : "Version",
"Enable encryption" : "Activar cryptographia",
@@ -134,8 +132,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Change password" : "Cambiar contrasigno",
"Public" : "Public",
"installing and updating apps via the app store or Federated Cloud Sharing" : "Installation e actualisation de applicationes via le App Store o Compartimento del Nube Federate",
+ "You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails." : "Tu debe configurar tu e-posta de usator ante esser capace a inviar e-posta de test.",
"Close" : "Clauder",
"Everyone" : "Totos",
+ "Test email settings" : "Testar configurationes de e-posta",
"Expire after " : "Expirar post",
"days" : "dies",
"Allow users to share via link" : "Permitter usatores compartir via ligamine",