path: root/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json
index 6cabd70e76f..a4e5256a162 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
"Shared with {email}" : "Partagé avec {email}",
"Shared with %1$s by %2$s" : "Partagé avec %1$s par %2$s",
"Shared with {email} by {actor}" : "Partagé avec {email} par {actor}",
+ "Password for mail share sent to %1$s" : "Le mot de passe pour le partage par email a été envoyé à %1$s",
+ "Password for mail share sent to {email}" : "Le mot de passe pour le partage par email a été envoyé à {email}",
+ "Password for mail share sent to you" : "Le mot de passe pour le partage par email vous a été envoyé",
"You shared %1$s with %2$s by mail" : "Vous avez partagé %1$s avec %2$s par email",
"You shared {file} with {email} by mail" : "Vous avez partagé {file} avec {email} par email",
"%3$s shared %1$s with %2$s by mail" : "%3$s a partagé %1$s avec %2$s par email",
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
use strict;
use Locale::PO;
use Cwd;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Path;

sub crawlPrograms{
	my( $dir, $ignore ) = @_;
	my @found = ();

	opendir( DIR, $dir );
	my @files = readdir( DIR );
	closedir( DIR );
	@files = sort( @files );

	foreach my $i ( @files ){
		next if substr( $i, 0, 1 ) eq '.';
		if( $i eq 'l10n' && !$ignore ){
			push( @found, $dir );
		elsif( -d $dir.'/'.$i ){
			push( @found, crawlPrograms( $dir.'/'.$i ));

	return @found;

sub crawlFiles{
	my( $dir ) = @_;
	my @found = ();

	opendir( DIR, $dir );
	my @files = readdir( DIR );
	closedir( DIR );
	@files = sort( @files );

	foreach my $i ( @files ){
		next if substr( $i, 0, 1 ) eq '.';
		next if $i eq 'l10n';

		if( -d $dir.'/'.$i ){
			push( @found, crawlFiles( $dir.'/'.$i ));
			push(@found,$dir.'/'.$i) if $i =~ /.*(?<!\.min)\.js$/ || $i =~ /\.php$/;

	return @found;

sub readIgnorelist{
	return () unless -e 'l10n/ignorelist';
	my %ignore = ();
		my $line = $_;
	return %ignore;

sub getPluralInfo {
	my( $info ) = @_;

	# get string
	$info =~ s/.*Plural-Forms: (.+)\\n.*/$1/;
	$info =~ s/^(.*)\\n.*/$1/g;

	return $info;

sub init() {
	# let's get the version from stdout of xgettext
	my $out = `xgettext --version`;
	# we assume the first line looks like this 'xgettext (GNU gettext-tools) 0.19.3'
	$out = substr $out, 29, index($out, "\n")-29;
	$out =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
	$out = "v" . $out;
	my $actual = version->parse($out);
	# 0.18.3 introduced JavaScript as a language option
	my $expected = version->parse('v0.18.3');
	if ($actual < $expected) {
		die( "Minimum expected version of xgettext is " . $expected . ". Detected: " . $actual );


my $task = shift( @ARGV );
my $place = '..';

die( "Usage: task\ntask: read, write\n" ) unless $task && $place;

# Our current position
my $whereami = cwd();
die( "Program must be executed in a l10n-folder called 'l10n'" ) unless $whereami =~ m/\/l10n$/;

# Where are i18n-files?
my @dirs = crawlPrograms( $place, 1 );

# Languages
my @languages = ();
opendir( DIR, '.' );
my @files = readdir( DIR );
closedir( DIR );
foreach my $i ( @files ){
	push( @languages, $i ) if -d $i && substr( $i, 0, 1 ) ne '.';

if( $task eq 'read' ){
	rmtree( 'templates' );
	mkdir( 'templates' ) unless -d 'templates';
	print "Mode: reading\n";
	foreach my $dir ( @dirs ){
		my @temp = split( /\//, $dir );
		my $app = pop( @temp );
		chdir( $dir );
		my @totranslate = crawlFiles('.');
		my %ignore = readIgnorelist();
		my $output = "${whereami}/templates/$app.pot";
		print "  Processing $app\n";

		foreach my $file ( @totranslate ){
			next if $ignore{$file};
			my $keywords = '';
			if( $file =~ /\.js$/ ){
				$keywords = '--keyword=t:2 --keyword=n:2,3';
				$keywords = '--keyword=t --keyword=n:1,2';
			my $language = ( $file =~ /\.js$/ ? 'Javascript' : 'PHP');
			my $joinexisting = ( -e $output ? '--join-existing' : '');
			print "    Reading $file\n";
			`xgettext --output="$output" $joinexisting $keywords --language=$language "$file" --add-comments=TRANSLATORS --from-code=UTF-8 --package-version="8.0.0" --package-name="ownCloud Core" --msgid-bugs-address="translations\"`;
		chdir( $whereami );
elsif( $task eq 'write' ){
	print "Mode: write\n";
	foreach my $dir ( @dirs ){
		my @temp = split( /\//, $dir );
		my $app = pop( @temp );
		chdir( $dir.'/l10n' );
		print "  Processing $app\n";
		foreach my $language ( @languages ){
			next if $language eq 'templates';

			my $input = "${whereami}/$language/$app.po";
			next unless -e $input;

			print "    Language $language\n";
			my $array = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray( $input );
			# Create array
			my @strings = ();
			my @js_strings = ();
			my $plurals;

			TRANSLATIONS: foreach my $string ( @{$array} ){
				if( $string->msgid() eq '""' ){
					# Translator information
					$plurals = getPluralInfo( $string->msgstr());
				elsif( defined( $string->msgstr_n() )){
					# plural translations
					my @variants = ();
					my $msgid = $string->msgid();
					$msgid =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
					my $msgid_plural = $string->msgid_plural();
					$msgid_plural =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
					my $identifier = "_" . $msgid."_::_".$msgid_plural . "_";

					foreach my $variant ( sort { $a <=> $b} keys( %{$string->msgstr_n()} )){
						next TRANSLATIONS if $string->msgstr_n()->{$variant} eq '""';
						push( @variants, $string->msgstr_n()->{$variant} );

					push( @strings, "\"$identifier\" => array(".join(",", @variants).")");
					push( @js_strings, "\"$identifier\" : [".join(",", @variants)."]");
					# singular translations
					next TRANSLATIONS if $string->msgstr() eq '""';
					push( @strings, $string->msgid()." => ".$string->msgstr());
					push( @js_strings, $string->msgid()." : ".$string->msgstr());
			next if $#strings == -1; # Skip empty files

			for (@strings) {

            # delete old php file
            unlink "$language.php";

			# Write js file
			open( OUT, ">$language.js" );
			print OUT "OC.L10N.register(\n    \"$app\",\n    {\n    ";
			print OUT join( ",\n    ", @js_strings );
			print OUT "\n},\n\"$plurals\");\n";
			close( OUT );

			# Write json file
			open( OUT, ">$language.json" );
			print OUT "{ \"translations\": ";
			print OUT "{\n    ";
			print OUT join( ",\n    ", @js_strings );
			print OUT "\n},\"pluralForm\" :\"$plurals\"\n}";
			close( OUT );

		chdir( $whereami );
	print "unknown task!\n";