path: root/apps/sharebymail
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/sharebymail')
84 files changed, 290 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ar.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ar.js
index 10ade03afc7..29dce7fc395 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ar.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "كلمة مرور لمشاركة {file} تم إرسالها إلى {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "كلمة مرور لمشاركة {file} تمّ إرسالها إليك",
"Share by mail" : "مشاركة بالإيميل",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "عملية مشاركة %1$s لم تتم، بسبب أن هذا العنصر سبقت مشاركته سلفاً مع المستخدم %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "فشلت مشاركة %1$s بسبب أن هذه العنصر سبقت مشاركته مع الحساب %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "لا يمكننا أن نرسل لك كلمة المرور التي تم إنشاؤها تلقائيًا. يرجى تعيين عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح في إعداداتك الشخصية، ثم حاول مرة أخرى.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "تعذّر إرسال المشاركة عبر البريد الإلكتروني. حصلت على عنوان بريد إلكتروني غير صالح.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "تعذّر إرسال مشاركة بالإيميل",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "يمكنك اختيار كلمة مرور مختلفة في أي وقت في نافذة حوار المشاركة share dialog.",
"Could not find share" : "تعذّر العثور على المُشاركة",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "مُزوّد المشاركة share provider الذي مكّنك من المشاركة عبر البريد",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "يسمح للمستخدمين بمشاركة ارتباط مخصص لملف أو مجلد عن طريق إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "تمكين الأشخاص من المشاركة المخصصة لملف أو مجلد عن طريق تحديد حساب الإيميل ",
"Send password by mail" : "إرسال كلمة مرور بالإيميل",
"Reply to initiator" : "ردّ على المُنشيء initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "تعذّر تحديث تهيئة المشاركة بالإيميل"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "تعذّر تحديث تهيئة المشاركة بالإيميل",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "عملية مشاركة %1$s لم تتم، بسبب أن هذا العنصر سبقت مشاركته سلفاً مع المستخدم %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "يسمح للمستخدمين بمشاركة ارتباط مخصص لملف أو مجلد عن طريق إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني."
"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ar.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ar.json
index 0a0329b23fe..d702d23c572 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ar.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "كلمة مرور لمشاركة {file} تم إرسالها إلى {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "كلمة مرور لمشاركة {file} تمّ إرسالها إليك",
"Share by mail" : "مشاركة بالإيميل",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "عملية مشاركة %1$s لم تتم، بسبب أن هذا العنصر سبقت مشاركته سلفاً مع المستخدم %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "فشلت مشاركة %1$s بسبب أن هذه العنصر سبقت مشاركته مع الحساب %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "لا يمكننا أن نرسل لك كلمة المرور التي تم إنشاؤها تلقائيًا. يرجى تعيين عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح في إعداداتك الشخصية، ثم حاول مرة أخرى.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "تعذّر إرسال المشاركة عبر البريد الإلكتروني. حصلت على عنوان بريد إلكتروني غير صالح.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "تعذّر إرسال مشاركة بالإيميل",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "يمكنك اختيار كلمة مرور مختلفة في أي وقت في نافذة حوار المشاركة share dialog.",
"Could not find share" : "تعذّر العثور على المُشاركة",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "مُزوّد المشاركة share provider الذي مكّنك من المشاركة عبر البريد",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "يسمح للمستخدمين بمشاركة ارتباط مخصص لملف أو مجلد عن طريق إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "تمكين الأشخاص من المشاركة المخصصة لملف أو مجلد عن طريق تحديد حساب الإيميل ",
"Send password by mail" : "إرسال كلمة مرور بالإيميل",
"Reply to initiator" : "ردّ على المُنشيء initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "تعذّر تحديث تهيئة المشاركة بالإيميل"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "تعذّر تحديث تهيئة المشاركة بالإيميل",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "عملية مشاركة %1$s لم تتم، بسبب أن هذا العنصر سبقت مشاركته سلفاً مع المستخدم %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "يسمح للمستخدمين بمشاركة ارتباط مخصص لملف أو مجلد عن طريق إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/bg.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/bg.js
index 2b8b8060fbf..8d41cb8177f 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/bg.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Паролата за достъп до {file} беше изпратена до {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Паролата за достъп до {file} ви беше изпратена",
"Share by mail" : "Споделяне по имейл",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Неуспешно споделяне на %1$s, защото този елемент вече е споделен с потребителя %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Не можем да ви изпратим автоматично генерираната парола. Моля, задайте валиден имейл адрес в личните си настройки и опитайте отново.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Изпращането на споделяне по имейл беше неуспешно. Имате невалиден имейл адрес",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Изпращането на споделяне по имейл беше неуспешно",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Можете да изберете друга парола по всяко време в диалоговия прозорец за споделяне.",
"Could not find share" : "Споделянето не можа да се намери",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Доставчик на споделяне, който ви позволява да споделяте файлове по имейл",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Позволява на потребителите да споделят персонализирана връзка към файл или папка чрез въвеждане на имейл адрес.",
"Send password by mail" : "Изпращане на парола по имейл",
"Reply to initiator" : "Отговор към инициатора",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Не може да се актуализира конфигурацията за споделяне по поща"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Не може да се актуализира конфигурацията за споделяне по поща",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Неуспешно споделяне на %1$s, защото този елемент вече е споделен с потребителя %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Позволява на потребителите да споделят персонализирана връзка към файл или папка чрез въвеждане на имейл адрес."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/bg.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/bg.json
index 71c73c3d3e5..50e5292bc22 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/bg.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Паролата за достъп до {file} беше изпратена до {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Паролата за достъп до {file} ви беше изпратена",
"Share by mail" : "Споделяне по имейл",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Неуспешно споделяне на %1$s, защото този елемент вече е споделен с потребителя %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Не можем да ви изпратим автоматично генерираната парола. Моля, задайте валиден имейл адрес в личните си настройки и опитайте отново.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Изпращането на споделяне по имейл беше неуспешно. Имате невалиден имейл адрес",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Изпращането на споделяне по имейл беше неуспешно",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Можете да изберете друга парола по всяко време в диалоговия прозорец за споделяне.",
"Could not find share" : "Споделянето не можа да се намери",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Доставчик на споделяне, който ви позволява да споделяте файлове по имейл",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Позволява на потребителите да споделят персонализирана връзка към файл или папка чрез въвеждане на имейл адрес.",
"Send password by mail" : "Изпращане на парола по имейл",
"Reply to initiator" : "Отговор към инициатора",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Не може да се актуализира конфигурацията за споделяне по поща"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Не може да се актуализира конфигурацията за споделяне по поща",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Неуспешно споделяне на %1$s, защото този елемент вече е споделен с потребителя %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Позволява на потребителите да споделят персонализирана връзка към файл или папка чрез въвеждане на имейл адрес."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ca.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ca.js
index 18854466b9f..91f6e1ded9c 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ca.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "S'ha enviat a {email} la contrasenya per a accedir a {file}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Se us ha enviat la contrasenya per a accedir a {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Comparteix per correu electrònic",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "No s'ha pogut compartir %1$s perquè l'element ja està compartit amb l'usuari %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "No s'ha pogut compartir %1$s perquè l'element ja està compartit amb el compte %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "No us podem enviar la contrasenya generada automàticament. Definiu una adreça electrònica vàlida en els paràmetres personals i torneu-ho a provar.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "No s'ha pogut enviar l'element compartit per correu electrònic. Teniu una adreça electrònica no vàlida.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "No s'ha pogut enviar l'element compartit per correu electrònic",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Podeu triar una contrasenya diferent en qualsevol moment en el quadre de diàleg d'ús compartit.",
"Could not find share" : "No s'ha pogut trobar l'element compartit",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Proveïdor d'ús compartit que us permet compartir fitxers per correu electrònic",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permet que els usuaris comparteixin un enllaç personalitzat a un fitxer o carpeta indicant una adreça electrònica.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permet que la gent comparteixi un enllaç personalitzat a un fitxer o carpeta indicant una adreça electrònica.",
"Send password by mail" : "Envia la contrasenya per correu electrònic",
"Reply to initiator" : "Respon a l'usuari que comparteix l'element",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No s'ha pogut actualitzar la configuració d'ús compartit per correu electrònic"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No s'ha pogut actualitzar la configuració d'ús compartit per correu electrònic",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "No s'ha pogut compartir %1$s perquè l'element ja està compartit amb l'usuari %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permet que els usuaris comparteixin un enllaç personalitzat a un fitxer o carpeta indicant una adreça electrònica."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ca.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ca.json
index f6a6f33eae9..dd96f96de52 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ca.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "S'ha enviat a {email} la contrasenya per a accedir a {file}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Se us ha enviat la contrasenya per a accedir a {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Comparteix per correu electrònic",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "No s'ha pogut compartir %1$s perquè l'element ja està compartit amb l'usuari %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "No s'ha pogut compartir %1$s perquè l'element ja està compartit amb el compte %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "No us podem enviar la contrasenya generada automàticament. Definiu una adreça electrònica vàlida en els paràmetres personals i torneu-ho a provar.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "No s'ha pogut enviar l'element compartit per correu electrònic. Teniu una adreça electrònica no vàlida.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "No s'ha pogut enviar l'element compartit per correu electrònic",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Podeu triar una contrasenya diferent en qualsevol moment en el quadre de diàleg d'ús compartit.",
"Could not find share" : "No s'ha pogut trobar l'element compartit",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Proveïdor d'ús compartit que us permet compartir fitxers per correu electrònic",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permet que els usuaris comparteixin un enllaç personalitzat a un fitxer o carpeta indicant una adreça electrònica.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permet que la gent comparteixi un enllaç personalitzat a un fitxer o carpeta indicant una adreça electrònica.",
"Send password by mail" : "Envia la contrasenya per correu electrònic",
"Reply to initiator" : "Respon a l'usuari que comparteix l'element",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No s'ha pogut actualitzar la configuració d'ús compartit per correu electrònic"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No s'ha pogut actualitzar la configuració d'ús compartit per correu electrònic",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "No s'ha pogut compartir %1$s perquè l'element ja està compartit amb l'usuari %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permet que els usuaris comparteixin un enllaç personalitzat a un fitxer o carpeta indicant una adreça electrònica."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/cs.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/cs.js
index b03bc60b005..f6681b8a5c8 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/cs.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Heslo pro přístup k {file} bylo zasláno na {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Heslo pro přístupu k {file} vám bylo zasláno",
"Share by mail" : "Sdílet e-mailem",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sdílení položky %1$s se nezdařilo, protože ta je už s uživatelem %2$s sdílena",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Nemůžeme vám zaslat automaticky vytvořené heslo. Nastavte si v osobním nastavení platnou e-mailovou adresu a zkuste to znovu.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Nepodařilo se odeslat sdílení e-mailem. Obdržena neplatná e-mailová adresa",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Sdílení e-mailem se nezdařilo",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "V dialogu sdílení můžete kdykoliv vybrat jiné heslo.",
"Could not find share" : "Sdílení se nedaří nalézt",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Poskytovatel sdílení umožňuje sdílet soubory pomocí e-mailu",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Dovoluje uživatelům odeslat personalizovaný odkaz na soubor nebo složku po zadání e-mailové adresy.",
"Send password by mail" : "Odeslat heslo e-mailem",
"Reply to initiator" : "Odpovědět iniciátorovi",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat sdílení nastavením e-mailu"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat sdílení nastavením e-mailu",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sdílení položky %1$s se nezdařilo, protože ta je už s uživatelem %2$s sdílena",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Dovoluje uživatelům odeslat personalizovaný odkaz na soubor nebo složku po zadání e-mailové adresy."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/cs.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/cs.json
index 381b2e64064..c73a99febd3 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/cs.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Heslo pro přístup k {file} bylo zasláno na {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Heslo pro přístupu k {file} vám bylo zasláno",
"Share by mail" : "Sdílet e-mailem",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sdílení položky %1$s se nezdařilo, protože ta je už s uživatelem %2$s sdílena",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Nemůžeme vám zaslat automaticky vytvořené heslo. Nastavte si v osobním nastavení platnou e-mailovou adresu a zkuste to znovu.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Nepodařilo se odeslat sdílení e-mailem. Obdržena neplatná e-mailová adresa",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Sdílení e-mailem se nezdařilo",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "V dialogu sdílení můžete kdykoliv vybrat jiné heslo.",
"Could not find share" : "Sdílení se nedaří nalézt",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Poskytovatel sdílení umožňuje sdílet soubory pomocí e-mailu",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Dovoluje uživatelům odeslat personalizovaný odkaz na soubor nebo složku po zadání e-mailové adresy.",
"Send password by mail" : "Odeslat heslo e-mailem",
"Reply to initiator" : "Odpovědět iniciátorovi",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat sdílení nastavením e-mailu"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nedaří se aktualizovat sdílení nastavením e-mailu",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sdílení položky %1$s se nezdařilo, protože ta je už s uživatelem %2$s sdílena",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Dovoluje uživatelům odeslat personalizovaný odkaz na soubor nebo složku po zadání e-mailové adresy."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/da.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/da.js
index 1af108238a1..1ed1b305c8c 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/da.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/da.js
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Password for adgang {file} blev sendt til {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Password for adgang {file} blev sendt til dig.",
"Share by mail" : "Delt med mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deling af %1$s mislykkedes, fordi dette element allerede er delt med bruger%2$s",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Kunne ikke sende deling via e-mail",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte \"%2$s\" med dig",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
@@ -25,7 +24,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« har tilføjet en note til en fil delt med dig",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Du kan til enhver tid vælge et andet password i delings dialogen.",
"Could not find share" : "Kan ikke finde deling",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillad brugere at dele et personligt link til en fil eller folder ved at skrive en email ind.",
- "Send password by mail" : "Send kodeord på mail"
+ "Send password by mail" : "Send kodeord på mail",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deling af %1$s mislykkedes, fordi dette element allerede er delt med bruger%2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillad brugere at dele et personligt link til en fil eller folder ved at skrive en email ind."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/da.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/da.json
index 25cc4cadfa2..2d50707213b 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/da.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/da.json
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Password for adgang {file} blev sendt til {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Password for adgang {file} blev sendt til dig.",
"Share by mail" : "Delt med mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deling af %1$s mislykkedes, fordi dette element allerede er delt med bruger%2$s",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Kunne ikke sende deling via e-mail",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s delte \"%2$s\" med dig",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s delte »%2$s« med dig",
@@ -23,7 +22,8 @@
"»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« har tilføjet en note til en fil delt med dig",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Du kan til enhver tid vælge et andet password i delings dialogen.",
"Could not find share" : "Kan ikke finde deling",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillad brugere at dele et personligt link til en fil eller folder ved at skrive en email ind.",
- "Send password by mail" : "Send kodeord på mail"
+ "Send password by mail" : "Send kodeord på mail",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deling af %1$s mislykkedes, fordi dette element allerede er delt med bruger%2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillad brugere at dele et personligt link til en fil eller folder ved at skrive en email ind."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de.js
index 92f43ce0116..9f20dc7604b 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Passwort für den Zugriff auf {file} wurde an {email} versandt ",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Passwort für den Zugriff auf {file} wurde an dich gesendet",
"Share by mail" : "Geteilt über eine E-Mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element bereits für den Benutzer freigegeben ist %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Automatisch erzeugtes Passwort kann nicht versandt werden. Bitte gib in deinen persönlichen Einstellungen eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein und versuche es erneut.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Die Freigabe per E-Mail konnte nicht gesendet werden. Habe eine ungültige E-Mail-Adresse erhalten.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Fehler beim Senden der Freigabe per E-Mail",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Im Teilen-Dialog kannst du jederzeit ein anderes Passwort wählen.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Anbieter zum Teilen. Ermöglicht das Teilen von Dateien per E-Mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Benutzern, eine personalisierte Verknüpfung zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen.",
"Send password by mail" : "Passwort per E-Mail senden",
"Reply to initiator" : "Antwort an Initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Einstellungen zum Teilen via E-Mail konnten nicht aktualisiert werden"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Einstellungen zum Teilen via E-Mail konnten nicht aktualisiert werden",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element bereits für den Benutzer freigegeben ist %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Benutzern, eine personalisierte Verknüpfung zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de.json
index 188491dad33..5bc61caf18b 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Passwort für den Zugriff auf {file} wurde an {email} versandt ",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Passwort für den Zugriff auf {file} wurde an dich gesendet",
"Share by mail" : "Geteilt über eine E-Mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element bereits für den Benutzer freigegeben ist %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Automatisch erzeugtes Passwort kann nicht versandt werden. Bitte gib in deinen persönlichen Einstellungen eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein und versuche es erneut.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Die Freigabe per E-Mail konnte nicht gesendet werden. Habe eine ungültige E-Mail-Adresse erhalten.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Fehler beim Senden der Freigabe per E-Mail",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Im Teilen-Dialog kannst du jederzeit ein anderes Passwort wählen.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Anbieter zum Teilen. Ermöglicht das Teilen von Dateien per E-Mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Benutzern, eine personalisierte Verknüpfung zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen.",
"Send password by mail" : "Passwort per E-Mail senden",
"Reply to initiator" : "Antwort an Initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Einstellungen zum Teilen via E-Mail konnten nicht aktualisiert werden"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Einstellungen zum Teilen via E-Mail konnten nicht aktualisiert werden",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element bereits für den Benutzer freigegeben ist %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Benutzern, eine personalisierte Verknüpfung zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de_DE.js
index 2a226073ebb..588fc1712c1 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Passwort für den Zugriff auf {file} wurde an {email} versandt ",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Passwort für den Zugriff auf {file} wurde an Sie versandt ",
"Share by mail" : "Geteilt über eine E-Mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element schon mit dem Benutzer %2$s geteilt wird.",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Freigeben von %1$s ist fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element schon mit dem Konto %2$s geteilt wurde",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Automatisch erzeugtes Passwort kann nicht versandt werden. Bitte geben Sie in Ihren persönlichen Einstellungen eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein und versuche Sie es erneut.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Die Freigabe per E-Mail konnte nicht gesendet werden. Habe eine ungültige E-Mail-Adresse erhalten.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Fehler beim Senden der Freigabe per E-Mail",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Im Teilen-Dialog können Sie jederzeit ein anderes Passwort wählen.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Anbieter zum Teilen. Ermöglicht das Teilen von Dateien per E-Mail.",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Benutzern, einen personalisierten Link zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Personen, einen personalisierten Link zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen.",
"Send password by mail" : "Passwort per Mail senden",
"Reply to initiator" : "Antwort an Initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Einstellungen zum Teilen via E-Mail konnten nicht aktualisiert werden"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Einstellungen zum Teilen via E-Mail konnten nicht aktualisiert werden",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element schon mit dem Benutzer %2$s geteilt wird.",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Benutzern, einen personalisierten Link zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de_DE.json
index 699981a0748..2ab48ef116d 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Passwort für den Zugriff auf {file} wurde an {email} versandt ",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Passwort für den Zugriff auf {file} wurde an Sie versandt ",
"Share by mail" : "Geteilt über eine E-Mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element schon mit dem Benutzer %2$s geteilt wird.",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Freigeben von %1$s ist fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element schon mit dem Konto %2$s geteilt wurde",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Automatisch erzeugtes Passwort kann nicht versandt werden. Bitte geben Sie in Ihren persönlichen Einstellungen eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein und versuche Sie es erneut.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Die Freigabe per E-Mail konnte nicht gesendet werden. Habe eine ungültige E-Mail-Adresse erhalten.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Fehler beim Senden der Freigabe per E-Mail",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Im Teilen-Dialog können Sie jederzeit ein anderes Passwort wählen.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Anbieter zum Teilen. Ermöglicht das Teilen von Dateien per E-Mail.",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Benutzern, einen personalisierten Link zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Personen, einen personalisierten Link zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen.",
"Send password by mail" : "Passwort per Mail senden",
"Reply to initiator" : "Antwort an Initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Einstellungen zum Teilen via E-Mail konnten nicht aktualisiert werden"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Einstellungen zum Teilen via E-Mail konnten nicht aktualisiert werden",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Freigabe von %1$s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Element schon mit dem Benutzer %2$s geteilt wird.",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Ermöglicht Benutzern, einen personalisierten Link zu einer Datei oder einem Ordner durch Eingabe einer E-Mail-Adresse zu teilen."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/el.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/el.js
index 20664234ddf..f2caaeafd5a 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/el.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/el.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης για πρόσβαση στο {αρχείο} έχει αποσταλεί στο {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Σας έχει αποσταλεί στο συνθηματικό για πρόσβαση {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Διαμοιρασμός με ηλεκτρονική αλληλογραφία",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Αποτυχία διαμοιρασμού του %1$s, διότι το αντικείμενο διαμοιράζεται ήδη με τον χρήστη %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Δεν μπορούμε να σας στείλουμε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης που δημιουργείται αυτόματα. Ορίστε μια έγκυρη διεύθυνση email στις προσωπικές σας ρυθμίσεις και δοκιμάστε ξανά.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Αποτυχία αποστολής της κοινής χρήσης μέσω email. Λάβαμε μια μη έγκυρη διεύθυνση email",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Αποτυχία αποστολής συνδέσμου διαμοιρασμού μέσω Ηλ.ταχυδρομείου",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Μπορείτε να διαλέξετε ένα διαφορετικό συνθηματικό οποιαδήποτε στιγμή στον διάλογο διαμοιρασμού.",
"Could not find share" : "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κοινόχρηστου",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Πάροχος διαμοιρασμού που σας επιτρέπει να διαμοιράζεστε αρχεία μέσω mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Να επιτρέπεται οι χρήστες να στέλνουν εξατομικευμένο σύνδεσμο σε ένα αρχείο ή φάκελο μέσω mail.",
"Send password by mail" : "Αποστολή συνθηματικου με ηλεκτρονική αλληλογραφία",
"Reply to initiator" : "Απάντηση στον αποστολέα",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Αδυναμία ενημέρωσης των ρυθμίσεων κοινής χρήσης μέσω mail"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Αδυναμία ενημέρωσης των ρυθμίσεων κοινής χρήσης μέσω mail",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Αποτυχία διαμοιρασμού του %1$s, διότι το αντικείμενο διαμοιράζεται ήδη με τον χρήστη %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Να επιτρέπεται οι χρήστες να στέλνουν εξατομικευμένο σύνδεσμο σε ένα αρχείο ή φάκελο μέσω mail."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/el.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/el.json
index c97c451fa0f..9aa2e6b2639 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/el.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/el.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης για πρόσβαση στο {αρχείο} έχει αποσταλεί στο {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Σας έχει αποσταλεί στο συνθηματικό για πρόσβαση {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Διαμοιρασμός με ηλεκτρονική αλληλογραφία",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Αποτυχία διαμοιρασμού του %1$s, διότι το αντικείμενο διαμοιράζεται ήδη με τον χρήστη %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Δεν μπορούμε να σας στείλουμε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης που δημιουργείται αυτόματα. Ορίστε μια έγκυρη διεύθυνση email στις προσωπικές σας ρυθμίσεις και δοκιμάστε ξανά.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Αποτυχία αποστολής της κοινής χρήσης μέσω email. Λάβαμε μια μη έγκυρη διεύθυνση email",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Αποτυχία αποστολής συνδέσμου διαμοιρασμού μέσω Ηλ.ταχυδρομείου",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Μπορείτε να διαλέξετε ένα διαφορετικό συνθηματικό οποιαδήποτε στιγμή στον διάλογο διαμοιρασμού.",
"Could not find share" : "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κοινόχρηστου",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Πάροχος διαμοιρασμού που σας επιτρέπει να διαμοιράζεστε αρχεία μέσω mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Να επιτρέπεται οι χρήστες να στέλνουν εξατομικευμένο σύνδεσμο σε ένα αρχείο ή φάκελο μέσω mail.",
"Send password by mail" : "Αποστολή συνθηματικου με ηλεκτρονική αλληλογραφία",
"Reply to initiator" : "Απάντηση στον αποστολέα",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Αδυναμία ενημέρωσης των ρυθμίσεων κοινής χρήσης μέσω mail"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Αδυναμία ενημέρωσης των ρυθμίσεων κοινής χρήσης μέσω mail",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Αποτυχία διαμοιρασμού του %1$s, διότι το αντικείμενο διαμοιράζεται ήδη με τον χρήστη %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Να επιτρέπεται οι χρήστες να στέλνουν εξατομικευμένο σύνδεσμο σε ένα αρχείο ή φάκελο μέσω mail."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/en_GB.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/en_GB.js
index e4307d78a50..08297363a87 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Password to access {file} was sent to {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Password to access {file} was sent to you",
"Share by mail" : "Share by mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Failed to send share by email",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialogue.",
"Could not find share" : "Could not find share",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Share provider which allows you to share files by mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows users to share a personalised link to a file or folder by putting in an email address.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address.",
"Send password by mail" : "Send password by mail",
"Reply to initiator" : "Reply to initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Unable to update share by mail config"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Unable to update share by mail config",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows users to share a personalised link to a file or folder by putting in an email address."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/en_GB.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/en_GB.json
index 65ef3f97ab6..065a49a22bd 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Password to access {file} was sent to {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Password to access {file} was sent to you",
"Share by mail" : "Share by mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Failed to send share by email",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialogue.",
"Could not find share" : "Could not find share",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Share provider which allows you to share files by mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows users to share a personalised link to a file or folder by putting in an email address.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address.",
"Send password by mail" : "Send password by mail",
"Reply to initiator" : "Reply to initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Unable to update share by mail config"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Unable to update share by mail config",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows users to share a personalised link to a file or folder by putting in an email address."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es.js
index ff2aaced8b6..952d3b29a5a 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Se ha enviado a {email} una contraseña para acceder a {file}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Se te ha enviado una contraseña para acceder a {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Enviado por correo electrónico",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Fallo al compartir %1$s porque este objeto ya está compartido con el usuario %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "No te podemos enviar la contraseña auto generada. Por favor, indica una dirección de email válida en tu configuración personal e inténtalo de nuevo.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "No se ha podido enviar el vínculo por correo electrónico. La dirección de correo electrónico no es válida",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Fallo al enviar compartido por correo electrónico",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Puedes elegir una contraseña diferente en cualquier momento en el diálogo de compartir.",
"Could not find share" : "No se pudo encontrar el recurso compartido",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Proveedor que permite compartir archivos por correo",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite a los usuarios compartir un enlace personalizado a un archivo o carpeta enviándolo a una dirección de correo electrónico",
"Send password by mail" : "Enviar contraseñas por email",
"Reply to initiator" : "Responder al iniciador",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No se puede actualizar la configuración de compartir por correo"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No se puede actualizar la configuración de compartir por correo",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Fallo al compartir %1$s porque este objeto ya está compartido con el usuario %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite a los usuarios compartir un enlace personalizado a un archivo o carpeta enviándolo a una dirección de correo electrónico"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es.json
index 10a97630dc1..b210d4bb2ff 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Se ha enviado a {email} una contraseña para acceder a {file}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Se te ha enviado una contraseña para acceder a {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Enviado por correo electrónico",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Fallo al compartir %1$s porque este objeto ya está compartido con el usuario %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "No te podemos enviar la contraseña auto generada. Por favor, indica una dirección de email válida en tu configuración personal e inténtalo de nuevo.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "No se ha podido enviar el vínculo por correo electrónico. La dirección de correo electrónico no es válida",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Fallo al enviar compartido por correo electrónico",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Puedes elegir una contraseña diferente en cualquier momento en el diálogo de compartir.",
"Could not find share" : "No se pudo encontrar el recurso compartido",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Proveedor que permite compartir archivos por correo",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite a los usuarios compartir un enlace personalizado a un archivo o carpeta enviándolo a una dirección de correo electrónico",
"Send password by mail" : "Enviar contraseñas por email",
"Reply to initiator" : "Responder al iniciador",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No se puede actualizar la configuración de compartir por correo"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No se puede actualizar la configuración de compartir por correo",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Fallo al compartir %1$s porque este objeto ya está compartido con el usuario %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite a los usuarios compartir un enlace personalizado a un archivo o carpeta enviándolo a una dirección de correo electrónico"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es_EC.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es_EC.js
index a4111a97b46..d82a407e441 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es_EC.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es_EC.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "La contraseña para acceder {file} ha sido enviada a {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "La contraseña para acceder {file} se te ha sido enviada",
"Share by mail" : "Compartir por correo",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "La compartición de %1$s falló, porque este elemento ya está compartido con el usuario %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "No podemos enviarte la contraseña generada automáticamente. Por favor, establece una dirección de correo electrónico válida en tus ajustes personales e inténtalo de nuevo.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Error al enviar el compartido por correo electrónico. Se proporcionó una dirección de correo electrónico no válida",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Se presentó una falla al enviar el elemento compartido por correo electrónico",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Puedes elegir una contraseña diferente en cualquier momento en la ventana de diálogo de compartir. ",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Proveedor de compartidos que te permite compartir archivos por correo electrónico",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Le permite a los usuarios compartir una liga personalizada a un archivo o carpeta colocando una dirección de correo eletrónico. ",
"Send password by mail" : "La contraseña ha sido enviada por correo",
"Reply to initiator" : "Responder al remitente",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de compartido por correo"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de compartido por correo",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "La compartición de %1$s falló, porque este elemento ya está compartido con el usuario %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Le permite a los usuarios compartir una liga personalizada a un archivo o carpeta colocando una dirección de correo eletrónico. "
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es_EC.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es_EC.json
index 889caae3425..fc4d11b694e 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es_EC.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/es_EC.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "La contraseña para acceder {file} ha sido enviada a {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "La contraseña para acceder {file} se te ha sido enviada",
"Share by mail" : "Compartir por correo",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "La compartición de %1$s falló, porque este elemento ya está compartido con el usuario %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "No podemos enviarte la contraseña generada automáticamente. Por favor, establece una dirección de correo electrónico válida en tus ajustes personales e inténtalo de nuevo.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Error al enviar el compartido por correo electrónico. Se proporcionó una dirección de correo electrónico no válida",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Se presentó una falla al enviar el elemento compartido por correo electrónico",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Puedes elegir una contraseña diferente en cualquier momento en la ventana de diálogo de compartir. ",
"Could not find share" : "No fue posible encontrar el elemento compartido",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Proveedor de compartidos que te permite compartir archivos por correo electrónico",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Le permite a los usuarios compartir una liga personalizada a un archivo o carpeta colocando una dirección de correo eletrónico. ",
"Send password by mail" : "La contraseña ha sido enviada por correo",
"Reply to initiator" : "Responder al remitente",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de compartido por correo"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de compartido por correo",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "La compartición de %1$s falló, porque este elemento ya está compartido con el usuario %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Le permite a los usuarios compartir una liga personalizada a un archivo o carpeta colocando una dirección de correo eletrónico. "
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/eu.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/eu.js
index 70ad53b0ddb..a738480a9f2 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/eu.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "{file} atzitzeko pasahitza bidali da {email}-(e)ra",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "{file} atzitzeko pasahitza bidali zaizu",
"Share by mail" : "Partekatu e-mail bidez",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$spartekatzeak huts egin du dagoeneko %2$serabiltzailearekin partekatuta dagoelako",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Ezin dizugu bidali automatikoki sortutako pasahitza. Ezarri baliozko helbide elektronikoa ezarpen pertsonaletan eta saiatu berriro.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Ezin izan da partekaturikoa posta elektronikoz bidali. Helbide elektroniko baliogabea lortu du",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Ezin izan da e-posta bidez partekatu",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Nahi duzuenan aukeratu dezakezu beste pasahitz bat partekatze-leihoan.",
"Could not find share" : "Ezin da partekatzea topatu",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Partekatze hornitzailea, fitxategiak posta bidez partekatzeko aukera ematen duena",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Erabiltzaileei fitxategi edo karpeta baterako esteka pertsonalizatua partekatzeko aukera ematen die helbide elektronikoa jarriz.",
"Send password by mail" : "Bidali pasahitza posta bidez",
"Reply to initiator" : "Erantzun hasieragailuari",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Ezin da eguneratu partekatzea posta konfigurazioaren bidez"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Ezin da eguneratu partekatzea posta konfigurazioaren bidez",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$spartekatzeak huts egin du dagoeneko %2$serabiltzailearekin partekatuta dagoelako",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Erabiltzaileei fitxategi edo karpeta baterako esteka pertsonalizatua partekatzeko aukera ematen die helbide elektronikoa jarriz."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/eu.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/eu.json
index 44b752905b3..c03600f11a1 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/eu.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "{file} atzitzeko pasahitza bidali da {email}-(e)ra",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "{file} atzitzeko pasahitza bidali zaizu",
"Share by mail" : "Partekatu e-mail bidez",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$spartekatzeak huts egin du dagoeneko %2$serabiltzailearekin partekatuta dagoelako",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Ezin dizugu bidali automatikoki sortutako pasahitza. Ezarri baliozko helbide elektronikoa ezarpen pertsonaletan eta saiatu berriro.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Ezin izan da partekaturikoa posta elektronikoz bidali. Helbide elektroniko baliogabea lortu du",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Ezin izan da e-posta bidez partekatu",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Nahi duzuenan aukeratu dezakezu beste pasahitz bat partekatze-leihoan.",
"Could not find share" : "Ezin da partekatzea topatu",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Partekatze hornitzailea, fitxategiak posta bidez partekatzeko aukera ematen duena",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Erabiltzaileei fitxategi edo karpeta baterako esteka pertsonalizatua partekatzeko aukera ematen die helbide elektronikoa jarriz.",
"Send password by mail" : "Bidali pasahitza posta bidez",
"Reply to initiator" : "Erantzun hasieragailuari",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Ezin da eguneratu partekatzea posta konfigurazioaren bidez"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Ezin da eguneratu partekatzea posta konfigurazioaren bidez",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$spartekatzeak huts egin du dagoeneko %2$serabiltzailearekin partekatuta dagoelako",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Erabiltzaileei fitxategi edo karpeta baterako esteka pertsonalizatua partekatzeko aukera ematen die helbide elektronikoa jarriz."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fa.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fa.js
index 1b317d4c1d2..51a231c61e1 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fa.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fa.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "رمز عبور برای دسترسی به {file} به {email} ارسال شد",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "رمز ورود برای دسترسی به {file} برای شما ارسال شد",
"Share by mail" : "اشتراک از طریق پست",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "اشتراک گذاری %1$sانجام نشد ، زیرا این مورد قبلاً با کاربر%2$s به اشتراک گذاشته شده است",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "ما نمی توانیم رمز عبور ایجاد شده به صورت خودکار را برای شما ارسال کنیم. لطفاً یک آدرس ایمیل معتبر در تنظیمات شخصی خود تنظیم کنید و دوباره امتحان کنید.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "اشتراک از طریق ایمیل ارسال نشد. یک آدرس ایمیل نامعتبر دریافت کردم",
"Failed to send share by email" : "ارسال اشتراک از طریق ایمیل انجام نشد",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "می توانید در هر زمان و در گفتگوی اشتراک ، رمزعبور دیگری را انتخاب کنید.",
"Could not find share" : "اشتراک یافت نشد",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "ارائه دهنده به شما امکان می دهد پرونده ها را از طریق پست به اشتراک بگذارید",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "به کاربران اجازه می دهد با قرار دادن یک آدرس ایمیل ، پیوند شخصی شده را با پرونده یا پوشه به اشتراک بگذارند.",
"Send password by mail" : "ارسال رمز عبور از طریق پست",
"Reply to initiator" : "پاسخ به آغازگر",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "به‌روزرسانی اشتراک‌گذاری با پیکربندی ایمیل امکان‌پذیر نیست"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "به‌روزرسانی اشتراک‌گذاری با پیکربندی ایمیل امکان‌پذیر نیست",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "اشتراک گذاری %1$sانجام نشد ، زیرا این مورد قبلاً با کاربر%2$s به اشتراک گذاشته شده است",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "به کاربران اجازه می دهد با قرار دادن یک آدرس ایمیل ، پیوند شخصی شده را با پرونده یا پوشه به اشتراک بگذارند."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fa.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fa.json
index df8ccaf048b..982d1c1a35f 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fa.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fa.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "رمز عبور برای دسترسی به {file} به {email} ارسال شد",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "رمز ورود برای دسترسی به {file} برای شما ارسال شد",
"Share by mail" : "اشتراک از طریق پست",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "اشتراک گذاری %1$sانجام نشد ، زیرا این مورد قبلاً با کاربر%2$s به اشتراک گذاشته شده است",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "ما نمی توانیم رمز عبور ایجاد شده به صورت خودکار را برای شما ارسال کنیم. لطفاً یک آدرس ایمیل معتبر در تنظیمات شخصی خود تنظیم کنید و دوباره امتحان کنید.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "اشتراک از طریق ایمیل ارسال نشد. یک آدرس ایمیل نامعتبر دریافت کردم",
"Failed to send share by email" : "ارسال اشتراک از طریق ایمیل انجام نشد",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "می توانید در هر زمان و در گفتگوی اشتراک ، رمزعبور دیگری را انتخاب کنید.",
"Could not find share" : "اشتراک یافت نشد",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "ارائه دهنده به شما امکان می دهد پرونده ها را از طریق پست به اشتراک بگذارید",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "به کاربران اجازه می دهد با قرار دادن یک آدرس ایمیل ، پیوند شخصی شده را با پرونده یا پوشه به اشتراک بگذارند.",
"Send password by mail" : "ارسال رمز عبور از طریق پست",
"Reply to initiator" : "پاسخ به آغازگر",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "به‌روزرسانی اشتراک‌گذاری با پیکربندی ایمیل امکان‌پذیر نیست"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "به‌روزرسانی اشتراک‌گذاری با پیکربندی ایمیل امکان‌پذیر نیست",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "اشتراک گذاری %1$sانجام نشد ، زیرا این مورد قبلاً با کاربر%2$s به اشتراک گذاشته شده است",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "به کاربران اجازه می دهد با قرار دادن یک آدرس ایمیل ، پیوند شخصی شده را با پرونده یا پوشه به اشتراک بگذارند."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fi.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fi.js
index 219d20145ac..b4cb0c0bf05 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fi.js
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Salasana kohteen {file} käyttämiseksi lähetettiin osoitteeseen {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Salasana tiedoston {file} käyttämiseksi lähetettiin sinulle",
"Share by mail" : "Jaa sähköpostitse",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Kohteen %1$s jakaminen epäonnistui, koska tämä kohde on jo jaettu käyttäjän %2$s kanssa",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Automaattisesti muodostettua salasanaa ei voi lähettää sinulle. Aseta kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite henkilökohtaisiin asetuksiisi ja yritä uudelleen.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Jaon lähettäminen sähköpostitse epäonnistui. Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Jaon lähettäminen sähköpostitse epäonnistui",
@@ -31,8 +30,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This is the password:" : "Tämä on salasana:",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Voit valita muun salasanan koska tahansa jakovalikossa.",
"Could not find share" : "Jakoa ei löytynyt",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Salli käyttäjien jakaa personoitu linkki tiedostoon tai kansioon syöttämällä sähköpostiosoitteen.",
"Send password by mail" : "Lähetä salasana sähköpostitse",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Vastaa aloitteentekijälle"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Vastaa aloitteentekijälle",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Kohteen %1$s jakaminen epäonnistui, koska tämä kohde on jo jaettu käyttäjän %2$s kanssa",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Salli käyttäjien jakaa personoitu linkki tiedostoon tai kansioon syöttämällä sähköpostiosoitteen."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fi.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fi.json
index 097a9f5fcfc..1c400fc185c 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fi.json
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Salasana kohteen {file} käyttämiseksi lähetettiin osoitteeseen {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Salasana tiedoston {file} käyttämiseksi lähetettiin sinulle",
"Share by mail" : "Jaa sähköpostitse",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Kohteen %1$s jakaminen epäonnistui, koska tämä kohde on jo jaettu käyttäjän %2$s kanssa",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Automaattisesti muodostettua salasanaa ei voi lähettää sinulle. Aseta kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite henkilökohtaisiin asetuksiisi ja yritä uudelleen.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Jaon lähettäminen sähköpostitse epäonnistui. Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Jaon lähettäminen sähköpostitse epäonnistui",
@@ -29,8 +28,9 @@
"This is the password:" : "Tämä on salasana:",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Voit valita muun salasanan koska tahansa jakovalikossa.",
"Could not find share" : "Jakoa ei löytynyt",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Salli käyttäjien jakaa personoitu linkki tiedostoon tai kansioon syöttämällä sähköpostiosoitteen.",
"Send password by mail" : "Lähetä salasana sähköpostitse",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Vastaa aloitteentekijälle"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Vastaa aloitteentekijälle",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Kohteen %1$s jakaminen epäonnistui, koska tämä kohde on jo jaettu käyttäjän %2$s kanssa",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Salli käyttäjien jakaa personoitu linkki tiedostoon tai kansioon syöttämällä sähköpostiosoitteen."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.js
index 8635a3bd86d..d5611449eb2 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Le mot de passe pour accèder à {file} a été envoyé à {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Le mot de passe pour accèder à {file} vous a été envoyé",
"Share by mail" : "Partage par e-mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Le partage de %1$s a échoué, parce que cet élément est déjà partagé avec l'utilisateur %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Nous ne pouvons pas vous envoyer le mot de passe généré automatiquement. Merci de définir une adresse e-mail valide dans vos paramètres personnels et essayez à nouveau.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Échec lors de l'envoi du partage par e-mail. L'adresse e-mail est invalide",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Échec lors de l'envoi du partage par e-mail",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Vous pouvez choisir un mot de passe différent à n'importe quel moment dans la boîte de dialogue de partage.",
"Could not find share" : "Impossible de trouver le partage",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Fournisseur de partage qui vous permet de partager des fichiers par courrier électronique.",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Autoriser les utilisateurs de partager un lien personnalisé vers un fichier ou un dossier en renseignant une adresse e-mail.",
"Send password by mail" : "Envoyer le mot de passe par e-mail",
"Reply to initiator" : "Répondre à l'initiateur",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Impossible de mettre à jour la configuration du partage par e-mail"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Impossible de mettre à jour la configuration du partage par e-mail",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Le partage de %1$s a échoué, parce que cet élément est déjà partagé avec l'utilisateur %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Autoriser les utilisateurs de partager un lien personnalisé vers un fichier ou un dossier en renseignant une adresse e-mail."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json
index 6b35fc0b607..8429e00cc90 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/fr.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Le mot de passe pour accèder à {file} a été envoyé à {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Le mot de passe pour accèder à {file} vous a été envoyé",
"Share by mail" : "Partage par e-mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Le partage de %1$s a échoué, parce que cet élément est déjà partagé avec l'utilisateur %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Nous ne pouvons pas vous envoyer le mot de passe généré automatiquement. Merci de définir une adresse e-mail valide dans vos paramètres personnels et essayez à nouveau.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Échec lors de l'envoi du partage par e-mail. L'adresse e-mail est invalide",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Échec lors de l'envoi du partage par e-mail",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Vous pouvez choisir un mot de passe différent à n'importe quel moment dans la boîte de dialogue de partage.",
"Could not find share" : "Impossible de trouver le partage",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Fournisseur de partage qui vous permet de partager des fichiers par courrier électronique.",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Autoriser les utilisateurs de partager un lien personnalisé vers un fichier ou un dossier en renseignant une adresse e-mail.",
"Send password by mail" : "Envoyer le mot de passe par e-mail",
"Reply to initiator" : "Répondre à l'initiateur",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Impossible de mettre à jour la configuration du partage par e-mail"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Impossible de mettre à jour la configuration du partage par e-mail",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Le partage de %1$s a échoué, parce que cet élément est déjà partagé avec l'utilisateur %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Autoriser les utilisateurs de partager un lien personnalisé vers un fichier ou un dossier en renseignant une adresse e-mail."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/gl.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/gl.js
index 4528ab5c558..dc4bf4ff4f7 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/gl.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Envióuselle a {email} un contrasinal para acceder a {file}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Envióuselle a Vde. un correo para acceder a {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Compartido por correo",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Fallou a compartición de %1$s por mor de que este elemento xa foi compartido co usuario %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Non é posíbel enviarlle o contrasinal xerado automaticamente. Estabeleza un enderezo de correo correcto nos seus axustes persoais e ténteo de novo.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Produciuse un erro ao enviar a compartición por correo. O enderezo de correo non é válido",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Produciuse un fallo ao enviar acomparticióno por correo",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Pode escoller un contrasinal diferente en calquera momento no diálogo de compartir.",
"Could not find share" : "Non foi posíbel atopar a compartición",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Provedor que permite compartirficheiros por correo",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite que os usuarios compartan unha ligazón personalizada ou un ficheiro ou cartafol enviándoo a un enderezo de correo.",
"Send password by mail" : "Enviar contrasinal por correo",
"Reply to initiator" : "Resposta ao iniciador",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Non é posíbel actualizar a configuración para compartir por correo"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Non é posíbel actualizar a configuración para compartir por correo",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Fallou a compartición de %1$s por mor de que este elemento xa foi compartido co usuario %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite que os usuarios compartan unha ligazón personalizada ou un ficheiro ou cartafol enviándoo a un enderezo de correo."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/gl.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/gl.json
index e8594ae702b..d03f755d200 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/gl.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Envióuselle a {email} un contrasinal para acceder a {file}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Envióuselle a Vde. un correo para acceder a {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Compartido por correo",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Fallou a compartición de %1$s por mor de que este elemento xa foi compartido co usuario %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Non é posíbel enviarlle o contrasinal xerado automaticamente. Estabeleza un enderezo de correo correcto nos seus axustes persoais e ténteo de novo.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Produciuse un erro ao enviar a compartición por correo. O enderezo de correo non é válido",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Produciuse un fallo ao enviar acomparticióno por correo",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Pode escoller un contrasinal diferente en calquera momento no diálogo de compartir.",
"Could not find share" : "Non foi posíbel atopar a compartición",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Provedor que permite compartirficheiros por correo",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite que os usuarios compartan unha ligazón personalizada ou un ficheiro ou cartafol enviándoo a un enderezo de correo.",
"Send password by mail" : "Enviar contrasinal por correo",
"Reply to initiator" : "Resposta ao iniciador",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Non é posíbel actualizar a configuración para compartir por correo"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Non é posíbel actualizar a configuración para compartir por correo",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Fallou a compartición de %1$s por mor de que este elemento xa foi compartido co usuario %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite que os usuarios compartan unha ligazón personalizada ou un ficheiro ou cartafol enviándoo a un enderezo de correo."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/he.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/he.js
index d844d12d0a8..07aaade2941 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/he.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/he.js
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "ניתן לבחור בססמה אחרת בכל עת בתיבת דו־שיח השיתוף.",
"Could not find share" : "לא ניתן למצוא את השיתוף",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "ספק השיתוף שמאפשר לך לשתף קבצים בדוא״ל",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "מאפשר למשתמשים לשתף קישורים מותאמים אישית לקובץ או לתיקייה על ידי הקלדת כתובת דוא״ל.",
- "Send password by mail" : "שליחת ססמה בדוא״ל"
+ "Send password by mail" : "שליחת ססמה בדוא״ל",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "מאפשר למשתמשים לשתף קישורים מותאמים אישית לקובץ או לתיקייה על ידי הקלדת כתובת דוא״ל."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/he.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/he.json
index c336e3c82bd..0ba1914b2b0 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/he.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/he.json
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "ניתן לבחור בססמה אחרת בכל עת בתיבת דו־שיח השיתוף.",
"Could not find share" : "לא ניתן למצוא את השיתוף",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "ספק השיתוף שמאפשר לך לשתף קבצים בדוא״ל",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "מאפשר למשתמשים לשתף קישורים מותאמים אישית לקובץ או לתיקייה על ידי הקלדת כתובת דוא״ל.",
- "Send password by mail" : "שליחת ססמה בדוא״ל"
+ "Send password by mail" : "שליחת ססמה בדוא״ל",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "מאפשר למשתמשים לשתף קישורים מותאמים אישית לקובץ או לתיקייה על ידי הקלדת כתובת דוא״ל."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hr.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hr.js
index 03a44669dd1..7ed64285aee 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hr.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hr.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Zaporka za pristupanje {file} poslana je {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Poslana vam je zaporka za pristupanje {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Dijelite poštom",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Dijeljenje %1$s nije uspjelo jer je ova stavka već podijeljena s korisnikom %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Ne možemo vam poslati automatski generiranu zaporku. U osobnim postavkama postavite valjanu adresu e-pošte i pokušajte ponovo.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Slanje dijeljenja putem e-pošte nije uspjelo",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama",
@@ -36,8 +35,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "U dijaloškom okviru za dijeljenje možete u bilo kojem trenutku odabrati drugu zaporku.",
"Could not find share" : "Nije moguće pronaći dijeljenje",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Davatelj usluge dijeljenja koji vam omogućuje dijeljenje datoteka poštom",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Omogućuje korisnicima dijeljenje personalizirane poveznice na datoteku ili mapu dodavanjem adrese e-pošte.",
"Send password by mail" : "Pošalji zaporku poštom",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Odgovori pokretaču"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Odgovori pokretaču",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Dijeljenje %1$s nije uspjelo jer je ova stavka već podijeljena s korisnikom %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Omogućuje korisnicima dijeljenje personalizirane poveznice na datoteku ili mapu dodavanjem adrese e-pošte."
"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hr.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hr.json
index 30d30f8280e..f7ef2c70876 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hr.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hr.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Zaporka za pristupanje {file} poslana je {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Poslana vam je zaporka za pristupanje {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Dijelite poštom",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Dijeljenje %1$s nije uspjelo jer je ova stavka već podijeljena s korisnikom %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Ne možemo vam poslati automatski generiranu zaporku. U osobnim postavkama postavite valjanu adresu e-pošte i pokušajte ponovo.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Slanje dijeljenja putem e-pošte nije uspjelo",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s dijeli »%2$s« s vama",
@@ -34,8 +33,9 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "U dijaloškom okviru za dijeljenje možete u bilo kojem trenutku odabrati drugu zaporku.",
"Could not find share" : "Nije moguće pronaći dijeljenje",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Davatelj usluge dijeljenja koji vam omogućuje dijeljenje datoteka poštom",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Omogućuje korisnicima dijeljenje personalizirane poveznice na datoteku ili mapu dodavanjem adrese e-pošte.",
"Send password by mail" : "Pošalji zaporku poštom",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Odgovori pokretaču"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Odgovori pokretaču",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Dijeljenje %1$s nije uspjelo jer je ova stavka već podijeljena s korisnikom %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Omogućuje korisnicima dijeljenje personalizirane poveznice na datoteku ili mapu dodavanjem adrese e-pošte."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hu.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hu.js
index 30d37eafe64..0319f5a3e1b 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hu.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "A(z) {file} eléréséhez szükséges jelszó elküldve a következőhöz: {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "A(z) {file} eléréséhez szükséges jelszó elküldve Önnek",
"Share by mail" : "Megosztás e-mailben",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "A(z) %1$s megosztása sikertelen, mert már meg van osztva %2$s felhasználóval",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Nem lehet az automatikusan előállított jelszót elküldeni. Állítson be érvényes e-mail-címet a személyes beállításokban, és próbálja újra.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Az e-mailben történő megosztás sikertelen. Érvénytelen e-mail-cím.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Az e-mailben történő megosztás sikertelen",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Bármikor másik jelszót választhat a megosztási párbeszédablakon.",
"Could not find share" : "Nem található a megosztás",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Megosztási szolgáltató, amely lehetővé teszi fájlok e-mailben történő megosztását",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Lehetővé teszi, hogy a felhasználók személyre szabott megosztási hivatkozásokat hozzanak létre egy fájlhoz vagy mappához az e-mail-cím megadásával.",
"Send password by mail" : "Jelszó kiküldése e-mailben",
"Reply to initiator" : "Válasz a kezdeményezőnek",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Az e-mailes megosztás beállításai nem frissíthetők"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Az e-mailes megosztás beállításai nem frissíthetők",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "A(z) %1$s megosztása sikertelen, mert már meg van osztva %2$s felhasználóval",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Lehetővé teszi, hogy a felhasználók személyre szabott megosztási hivatkozásokat hozzanak létre egy fájlhoz vagy mappához az e-mail-cím megadásával."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hu.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hu.json
index 53c5f4b85a1..3d66950ce29 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/hu.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "A(z) {file} eléréséhez szükséges jelszó elküldve a következőhöz: {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "A(z) {file} eléréséhez szükséges jelszó elküldve Önnek",
"Share by mail" : "Megosztás e-mailben",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "A(z) %1$s megosztása sikertelen, mert már meg van osztva %2$s felhasználóval",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Nem lehet az automatikusan előállított jelszót elküldeni. Állítson be érvényes e-mail-címet a személyes beállításokban, és próbálja újra.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Az e-mailben történő megosztás sikertelen. Érvénytelen e-mail-cím.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Az e-mailben történő megosztás sikertelen",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Bármikor másik jelszót választhat a megosztási párbeszédablakon.",
"Could not find share" : "Nem található a megosztás",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Megosztási szolgáltató, amely lehetővé teszi fájlok e-mailben történő megosztását",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Lehetővé teszi, hogy a felhasználók személyre szabott megosztási hivatkozásokat hozzanak létre egy fájlhoz vagy mappához az e-mail-cím megadásával.",
"Send password by mail" : "Jelszó kiküldése e-mailben",
"Reply to initiator" : "Válasz a kezdeményezőnek",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Az e-mailes megosztás beállításai nem frissíthetők"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Az e-mailes megosztás beállításai nem frissíthetők",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "A(z) %1$s megosztása sikertelen, mert már meg van osztva %2$s felhasználóval",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Lehetővé teszi, hogy a felhasználók személyre szabott megosztási hivatkozásokat hozzanak létre egy fájlhoz vagy mappához az e-mail-cím megadásával."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/is.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/is.js
index 3237ad42f14..f53c8dd4c00 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/is.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Lykilorð fyrir aðgang að {file} var sent til {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Lykilorð fyrir aðgang að {file} var sent til þín",
"Share by mail" : "Deila með tölvupósti",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deiling %1$s mistókst, því þessu atriði er þegar deilt með notandanum %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Ekki er hægt að senda þér sjálfvirkt framleidda lykilorðið. Settu inn gilt tölvupóstfang í einkastillingunum þínum og prófaðu aftur.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Mistókst að deila með tölvupósti. Er með rangt tölvupóstfang",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Gat ekki sent sameign með tölvupósti",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Þú getur hvenær sem er valið annað lykilorð með því að fara í deilingargluggann.",
"Could not find share" : "Gat ekki fundið sameign",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Deilingarþjónusta sem gerir þér kleift að deila skrám með tölvupósti",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Gerir notendum kleift að deila sérsniðnum tengli á skrá eða möppu með því að setja inn tölvupóstfang.",
"Send password by mail" : "Senda lykilorð með pósti",
"Reply to initiator" : "Svara til upphafsaðila",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Get ekki uppfært stillingar á deilingu með tölvupósti"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Get ekki uppfært stillingar á deilingu með tölvupósti",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deiling %1$s mistókst, því þessu atriði er þegar deilt með notandanum %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Gerir notendum kleift að deila sérsniðnum tengli á skrá eða möppu með því að setja inn tölvupóstfang."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/is.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/is.json
index 36b38bb9990..f36aa4e4a7a 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/is.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Lykilorð fyrir aðgang að {file} var sent til {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Lykilorð fyrir aðgang að {file} var sent til þín",
"Share by mail" : "Deila með tölvupósti",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deiling %1$s mistókst, því þessu atriði er þegar deilt með notandanum %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Ekki er hægt að senda þér sjálfvirkt framleidda lykilorðið. Settu inn gilt tölvupóstfang í einkastillingunum þínum og prófaðu aftur.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Mistókst að deila með tölvupósti. Er með rangt tölvupóstfang",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Gat ekki sent sameign með tölvupósti",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Þú getur hvenær sem er valið annað lykilorð með því að fara í deilingargluggann.",
"Could not find share" : "Gat ekki fundið sameign",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Deilingarþjónusta sem gerir þér kleift að deila skrám með tölvupósti",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Gerir notendum kleift að deila sérsniðnum tengli á skrá eða möppu með því að setja inn tölvupóstfang.",
"Send password by mail" : "Senda lykilorð með pósti",
"Reply to initiator" : "Svara til upphafsaðila",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Get ekki uppfært stillingar á deilingu með tölvupósti"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Get ekki uppfært stillingar á deilingu með tölvupósti",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deiling %1$s mistókst, því þessu atriði er þegar deilt með notandanum %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Gerir notendum kleift að deila sérsniðnum tengli á skrá eða möppu með því að setja inn tölvupóstfang."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/it.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/it.js
index 2f611099116..fd222cc5418 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/it.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "La password per accedere a {file} ti è stata inviata a {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "La password per accedere a {file} ti è stata inviata",
"Share by mail" : "Condividi tramite email",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Condivisione di %1$s non riuscita, poiché l'oggetto è già condiviso con l'utente %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Non possiamo inviarti la password generata automaticamente. Imposta un indirizzo di posta valido nelle impostazioni personali e prova ancora.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Impossibile inviare la condivisione tramite e-mail. L'indirizzo email non è valido",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Invio non riuscito della condivisione tramite email",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Puoi scegliere una password diversa in qualsiasi momento nella finestra di condivisione.",
"Could not find share" : "Non è stato possibile trovare la condivisione",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Fornitore di condivisione che ti consente di condividere file tramite posta",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Consente agli utenti di condividere un collegamento personalizzato a un file o a una cartella inserendo un indirizzo di posta elettronica.",
"Send password by mail" : "Invia password tramite posta",
"Reply to initiator" : "Rispondi all'iniziatore",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Impossibile aggiornare la configurazione della condivisione per email"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Impossibile aggiornare la configurazione della condivisione per email",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Condivisione di %1$s non riuscita, poiché l'oggetto è già condiviso con l'utente %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Consente agli utenti di condividere un collegamento personalizzato a un file o a una cartella inserendo un indirizzo di posta elettronica."
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/it.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/it.json
index 04c6416dbf1..0e57ce4eceb 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/it.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "La password per accedere a {file} ti è stata inviata a {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "La password per accedere a {file} ti è stata inviata",
"Share by mail" : "Condividi tramite email",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Condivisione di %1$s non riuscita, poiché l'oggetto è già condiviso con l'utente %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Non possiamo inviarti la password generata automaticamente. Imposta un indirizzo di posta valido nelle impostazioni personali e prova ancora.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Impossibile inviare la condivisione tramite e-mail. L'indirizzo email non è valido",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Invio non riuscito della condivisione tramite email",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Puoi scegliere una password diversa in qualsiasi momento nella finestra di condivisione.",
"Could not find share" : "Non è stato possibile trovare la condivisione",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Fornitore di condivisione che ti consente di condividere file tramite posta",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Consente agli utenti di condividere un collegamento personalizzato a un file o a una cartella inserendo un indirizzo di posta elettronica.",
"Send password by mail" : "Invia password tramite posta",
"Reply to initiator" : "Rispondi all'iniziatore",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Impossibile aggiornare la configurazione della condivisione per email"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Impossibile aggiornare la configurazione della condivisione per email",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Condivisione di %1$s non riuscita, poiché l'oggetto è già condiviso con l'utente %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Consente agli utenti di condividere un collegamento personalizzato a un file o a una cartella inserendo un indirizzo di posta elettronica."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ja.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ja.js
index e36bc388b6c..74ef83dbbd5 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ja.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "{file} にアクセスするパスワードを {email} に送信しました",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "{file} にアクセスするパスワードを あなたに送信しました",
"Share by mail" : "メールで共有",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "ユーザー%2$sによりすでに共有されているため%1$s を共有できませんでした。",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "あなたに自動生成したパスワードを送信できませんでした。個人設定画面から正しいメールアドレスを設定して再度実施してください。",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "共有メールの送信に失敗しました。無効なメールアドレスが入力されています",
"Failed to send share by email" : "メールで共有の送信に失敗しました",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "共有ダイアログからいつでも違うパスワードに変更できます。",
"Could not find share" : "共有が見つかりませんでした",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "メールでファイルを共有できる共有プロバイダー",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "ユーザーがメールアドレスを使ってファイルやフォルダーへの個人リンクを共有することを許可します。",
"Send password by mail" : "メールでパスワード送信",
"Reply to initiator" : "返信先を共有開始者にする",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "メール共有の設定の更新に失敗しました"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "メール共有の設定の更新に失敗しました",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "ユーザー%2$sによりすでに共有されているため%1$s を共有できませんでした。",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "ユーザーがメールアドレスを使ってファイルやフォルダーへの個人リンクを共有することを許可します。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ja.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ja.json
index 292f6ca50fc..44a6af8bb81 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ja.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "{file} にアクセスするパスワードを {email} に送信しました",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "{file} にアクセスするパスワードを あなたに送信しました",
"Share by mail" : "メールで共有",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "ユーザー%2$sによりすでに共有されているため%1$s を共有できませんでした。",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "あなたに自動生成したパスワードを送信できませんでした。個人設定画面から正しいメールアドレスを設定して再度実施してください。",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "共有メールの送信に失敗しました。無効なメールアドレスが入力されています",
"Failed to send share by email" : "メールで共有の送信に失敗しました",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "共有ダイアログからいつでも違うパスワードに変更できます。",
"Could not find share" : "共有が見つかりませんでした",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "メールでファイルを共有できる共有プロバイダー",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "ユーザーがメールアドレスを使ってファイルやフォルダーへの個人リンクを共有することを許可します。",
"Send password by mail" : "メールでパスワード送信",
"Reply to initiator" : "返信先を共有開始者にする",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "メール共有の設定の更新に失敗しました"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "メール共有の設定の更新に失敗しました",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "ユーザー%2$sによりすでに共有されているため%1$s を共有できませんでした。",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "ユーザーがメールアドレスを使ってファイルやフォルダーへの個人リンクを共有することを許可します。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ka.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ka.js
index 9cd97052210..c2126922c4c 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ka.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ka.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Password to access {file} was sent to {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Password to access {file} was sent to you",
"Share by mail" : "Share by mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Failed to send share by email",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog.",
"Could not find share" : "Could not find share",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Share provider which allows you to share files by mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address.",
"Send password by mail" : "Send password by mail",
"Reply to initiator" : "Reply to initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Unable to update share by mail config"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Unable to update share by mail config",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ka.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ka.json
index 022a626267d..67125f514b6 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ka.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ka.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Password to access {file} was sent to {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Password to access {file} was sent to you",
"Share by mail" : "Share by mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Failed to send share by email",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog.",
"Could not find share" : "Could not find share",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Share provider which allows you to share files by mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address.",
"Send password by mail" : "Send password by mail",
"Reply to initiator" : "Reply to initiator",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Unable to update share by mail config"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Unable to update share by mail config",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ko.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ko.js
index 42dc8b0b518..b5f5175b9bd 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ko.js
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "{file}에 접근할 수 있는 암호를 {email}(으)로 보냄",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "{file}에 접근할 수 있는 암호를 내게 보냄",
"Share by mail" : "이메일로 공유",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$s을(를) 공유할 수 없습니다. 이 항목을 이미 %2$s 님과 공유하고 있습니다",
"Failed to send share by email" : "이메일로 공유를 보낼 수 없음",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 님이 \"%2$s\" 항목을 공유했습니다",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
@@ -25,7 +24,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This is the password:" : "암호:",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "공유 대화 상자에서 언제든지 다른 암호를 선택할 수 있습니다.",
"Could not find share" : "공유를 찾을 수 없음",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "파일이나 폴더를 공유하는 개인화된 링크를 이메일 주소를 통해서 공유합니다.",
- "Send password by mail" : "이메일로 암호 보내기"
+ "Send password by mail" : "이메일로 암호 보내기",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$s을(를) 공유할 수 없습니다. 이 항목을 이미 %2$s 님과 공유하고 있습니다",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "파일이나 폴더를 공유하는 개인화된 링크를 이메일 주소를 통해서 공유합니다."
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ko.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ko.json
index e0de0358a22..691c8db7d3b 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ko.json
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "{file}에 접근할 수 있는 암호를 {email}(으)로 보냄",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "{file}에 접근할 수 있는 암호를 내게 보냄",
"Share by mail" : "이메일로 공유",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$s을(를) 공유할 수 없습니다. 이 항목을 이미 %2$s 님과 공유하고 있습니다",
"Failed to send share by email" : "이메일로 공유를 보낼 수 없음",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 님이 \"%2$s\" 항목을 공유했습니다",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s 님이 »%2$s« 항목을 공유했습니다",
@@ -23,7 +22,8 @@
"This is the password:" : "암호:",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "공유 대화 상자에서 언제든지 다른 암호를 선택할 수 있습니다.",
"Could not find share" : "공유를 찾을 수 없음",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "파일이나 폴더를 공유하는 개인화된 링크를 이메일 주소를 통해서 공유합니다.",
- "Send password by mail" : "이메일로 암호 보내기"
+ "Send password by mail" : "이메일로 암호 보내기",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$s을(를) 공유할 수 없습니다. 이 항목을 이미 %2$s 님과 공유하고 있습니다",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "파일이나 폴더를 공유하는 개인화된 링크를 이메일 주소를 통해서 공유합니다."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/lt_LT.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/lt_LT.js
index 5f740064261..7f785563ba3 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/lt_LT.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/lt_LT.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Slaptažodis, skirtas prieigai prie {file}, buvo išsiųstas į {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Jums buvo išsiųstas slaptažodis, skirtas prieigai prie {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Bendrinimas el. paštu",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Nepavyko bendrinti %1$s, nes šis elementas jau yra bendrinamas su naudotoju %2$s",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Nepavyko pasidalinti el. paštu",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis.",
@@ -35,8 +34,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Dalinimosi dialoge bet kuriuo metu galite pasirinkti kitą slaptažodį.",
"Could not find share" : "Nepavyko rasti viešinio",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Bendrinimo teikėjas, kuris leidžia bendrinti failus el. paštu",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Leidžia naudotojams bendrinti asmeninę nuorodą į failą ar aplanką, įvedus el. pašto adresą.",
"Send password by mail" : "Siųsti slaptažodį el. paštu",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Atsakyti iniciatoriui"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Atsakyti iniciatoriui",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Nepavyko bendrinti %1$s, nes šis elementas jau yra bendrinamas su naudotoju %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Leidžia naudotojams bendrinti asmeninę nuorodą į failą ar aplanką, įvedus el. pašto adresą."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/lt_LT.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/lt_LT.json
index d7dd6ad4df7..ec4bc5ada86 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/lt_LT.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/lt_LT.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Slaptažodis, skirtas prieigai prie {file}, buvo išsiųstas į {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Jums buvo išsiųstas slaptažodis, skirtas prieigai prie {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Bendrinimas el. paštu",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Nepavyko bendrinti %1$s, nes šis elementas jau yra bendrinamas su naudotoju %2$s",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Nepavyko pasidalinti el. paštu",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you." : "%1$s pasidalino „%2$s“ su jumis.",
@@ -33,8 +32,9 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Dalinimosi dialoge bet kuriuo metu galite pasirinkti kitą slaptažodį.",
"Could not find share" : "Nepavyko rasti viešinio",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Bendrinimo teikėjas, kuris leidžia bendrinti failus el. paštu",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Leidžia naudotojams bendrinti asmeninę nuorodą į failą ar aplanką, įvedus el. pašto adresą.",
"Send password by mail" : "Siųsti slaptažodį el. paštu",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Atsakyti iniciatoriui"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Atsakyti iniciatoriui",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Nepavyko bendrinti %1$s, nes šis elementas jau yra bendrinamas su naudotoju %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Leidžia naudotojams bendrinti asmeninę nuorodą į failą ar aplanką, įvedus el. pašto adresą."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/mk.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/mk.js
index 621e961c4c7..6aa6e023404 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/mk.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/mk.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Лозинката за пристап до {file} е испратена на {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Лозинката за пристап до {file}  е испратена до вас",
"Share by mail" : "Сподели преку е-пошта",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Споделувањето на %1$s е неуспешно, бидејќи истото веќе е споделено со корисникот %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Неможе да се испрати автоматски генерирана лозинка. Ве молиме внесете ја вашата е-пошта адреса во параметрите за лични податоци и обидете се повторно.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Неможе да се сподели на Е-пошта. Адресата не е валидна",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Неуспешно испраќање на споделување по е-пошта.",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Можете да изберете било каква лозинка во било кое време.",
"Could not find share" : "Неможе да се пронајде споделувањето",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Провајдер за споделување кој дозволува споделување преки е-пошта",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволете им на корисниците да споделуваат персонални линкови до датотеки и папки со внесување на адреса на е-пошта.",
"Send password by mail" : "Испрати лозинка преку е-пошта",
"Reply to initiator" : "Одговор до иницијаторот",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Неможе да се ажурираат параметрите за споделување со е-пошта"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Неможе да се ажурираат параметрите за споделување со е-пошта",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Споделувањето на %1$s е неуспешно, бидејќи истото веќе е споделено со корисникот %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволете им на корисниците да споделуваат персонални линкови до датотеки и папки со внесување на адреса на е-пошта."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/mk.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/mk.json
index 49367cecfcc..98d45849abc 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/mk.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/mk.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Лозинката за пристап до {file} е испратена на {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Лозинката за пристап до {file}  е испратена до вас",
"Share by mail" : "Сподели преку е-пошта",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Споделувањето на %1$s е неуспешно, бидејќи истото веќе е споделено со корисникот %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Неможе да се испрати автоматски генерирана лозинка. Ве молиме внесете ја вашата е-пошта адреса во параметрите за лични податоци и обидете се повторно.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Неможе да се сподели на Е-пошта. Адресата не е валидна",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Неуспешно испраќање на споделување по е-пошта.",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Можете да изберете било каква лозинка во било кое време.",
"Could not find share" : "Неможе да се пронајде споделувањето",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Провајдер за споделување кој дозволува споделување преки е-пошта",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволете им на корисниците да споделуваат персонални линкови до датотеки и папки со внесување на адреса на е-пошта.",
"Send password by mail" : "Испрати лозинка преку е-пошта",
"Reply to initiator" : "Одговор до иницијаторот",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Неможе да се ажурираат параметрите за споделување со е-пошта"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Неможе да се ажурираат параметрите за споделување со е-пошта",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Споделувањето на %1$s е неуспешно, бидејќи истото веќе е споделено со корисникот %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволете им на корисниците да споделуваат персонални линкови до датотеки и папки со внесување на адреса на е-пошта."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nb.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nb.js
index f4ee2a934fa..9ccba49e773 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nb.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Passord for tilgang til {file} ble sendt til {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Du ble tildelt passord for å benytte {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Del via e-post",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deling av %1$s mislyktes, fordi dette elementet allerede er delt med bruker %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Deling av %1$s feilet, fordi dette elementet er allerede delt med kontoen %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Vi kan ikke sende deg det automatisk genererte passordet. Angi en gyldig e-postadresse i dine personlige innstillinger og prøv igjen.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Kunne ikke sende deling via e-post. Fikk en ugyldig e-postadresse",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Delingen kunne ikke sendes med e-post",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Du kan velge et annet passord når som helst i delingsdialogvinduet.",
"Could not find share" : "Delingen ble ikke funnet",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Delingsleverandør som lar deg dele filer via post",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillater brukere å dele en personalisert lenke til ei fil eller mappe ved å skrive inn en e-postadresse.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillater personer å dele en personalisert lenke til en fil eller mappe ved å skrive inn en e-postadresse.",
"Send password by mail" : "Send passord via e-post",
"Reply to initiator" : "Svar til initiativtaker",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Kan ikke oppdatere deling via e-postkonfigurasjon"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Kan ikke oppdatere deling via e-postkonfigurasjon",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deling av %1$s mislyktes, fordi dette elementet allerede er delt med bruker %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillater brukere å dele en personalisert lenke til ei fil eller mappe ved å skrive inn en e-postadresse."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nb.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nb.json
index ffa356316bb..0e57317f6f5 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nb.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Passord for tilgang til {file} ble sendt til {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Du ble tildelt passord for å benytte {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Del via e-post",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deling av %1$s mislyktes, fordi dette elementet allerede er delt med bruker %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Deling av %1$s feilet, fordi dette elementet er allerede delt med kontoen %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Vi kan ikke sende deg det automatisk genererte passordet. Angi en gyldig e-postadresse i dine personlige innstillinger og prøv igjen.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Kunne ikke sende deling via e-post. Fikk en ugyldig e-postadresse",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Delingen kunne ikke sendes med e-post",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Du kan velge et annet passord når som helst i delingsdialogvinduet.",
"Could not find share" : "Delingen ble ikke funnet",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Delingsleverandør som lar deg dele filer via post",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillater brukere å dele en personalisert lenke til ei fil eller mappe ved å skrive inn en e-postadresse.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillater personer å dele en personalisert lenke til en fil eller mappe ved å skrive inn en e-postadresse.",
"Send password by mail" : "Send passord via e-post",
"Reply to initiator" : "Svar til initiativtaker",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Kan ikke oppdatere deling via e-postkonfigurasjon"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Kan ikke oppdatere deling via e-postkonfigurasjon",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Deling av %1$s mislyktes, fordi dette elementet allerede er delt med bruker %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillater brukere å dele en personalisert lenke til ei fil eller mappe ved å skrive inn en e-postadresse."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nl.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nl.js
index 47c9d0eb39d..c7b34a5751d 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nl.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Wachtwoord voor toegang tot {file} is gestuurd naar {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Wachtwoord voor toegang tot {file} is naar je verstuurd",
"Share by mail" : "Delen via email",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Delen van %1$s is mislukt omdat het object al wordt gedeeld met gebruiker %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "We kunnen je geen automatisch gegenereerd wachtwoord toesturen. Vermeld een geldig e-mailadres in je persoonlijke instellingen en probeer het nogmaals.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Het delen van het bestand per e-mail is mislukt. Ongeldig e-mailadres",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Versturen share per e-mail is mislukt",
@@ -37,8 +36,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Je kunt in de Delen-dialoog altijd een ander wachtwoord kiezen.",
"Could not find share" : "Kon gedeeld niet vinden",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Share provider waarmee je bestanden via de mail kunt delen",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Staat gebruikers toe om een gepersonaliseerde link of map te delen door een e-mailadres op te geven.",
"Send password by mail" : "Wachtwoord per email verzenden",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Antwoord aan oproeper"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Antwoord aan oproeper",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Delen van %1$s is mislukt omdat het object al wordt gedeeld met gebruiker %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Staat gebruikers toe om een gepersonaliseerde link of map te delen door een e-mailadres op te geven."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nl.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nl.json
index f27a1b9ce8f..d2bd548606e 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/nl.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Wachtwoord voor toegang tot {file} is gestuurd naar {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Wachtwoord voor toegang tot {file} is naar je verstuurd",
"Share by mail" : "Delen via email",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Delen van %1$s is mislukt omdat het object al wordt gedeeld met gebruiker %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "We kunnen je geen automatisch gegenereerd wachtwoord toesturen. Vermeld een geldig e-mailadres in je persoonlijke instellingen en probeer het nogmaals.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Het delen van het bestand per e-mail is mislukt. Ongeldig e-mailadres",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Versturen share per e-mail is mislukt",
@@ -35,8 +34,9 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Je kunt in de Delen-dialoog altijd een ander wachtwoord kiezen.",
"Could not find share" : "Kon gedeeld niet vinden",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Share provider waarmee je bestanden via de mail kunt delen",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Staat gebruikers toe om een gepersonaliseerde link of map te delen door een e-mailadres op te geven.",
"Send password by mail" : "Wachtwoord per email verzenden",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Antwoord aan oproeper"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Antwoord aan oproeper",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Delen van %1$s is mislukt omdat het object al wordt gedeeld met gebruiker %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Staat gebruikers toe om een gepersonaliseerde link of map te delen door een e-mailadres op te geven."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pl.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pl.js
index 79e777b5647..42493669b1d 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pl.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Hasło dostępu do {file} zostało wysłane na {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Hasło dostępu do {file} zostało wysłane do Ciebie",
"Share by mail" : "Udostępnij e-mailem",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Udostępnianie %1$s nie powiodło się, ponieważ ten element jest już udostępniony użytkownikowi %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Nie można wysłać automatycznie wygenerowanego hasła. Proszę ustawić prawidłowy adres e-mail w ustawieniach osobistych i spróbować ponownie.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Nie udało się wysłać udostępnienia pocztą e-mail. Masz nieprawidłowy adres e-mail",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Nie udało się wysłać linku udostępnienia e-mailem",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "W dowolnym momencie możesz zmienić hasło w oknie udostępnienia.",
"Could not find share" : "Nie można odnaleźć udostępnionego zasobu",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Wskaż dostawcę, który umożliwia udostępnianie plików pocztą",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Umożliwia użytkownikom udostępnianie spersonalizowanego linku do pliku lub katalogu poprzez umieszczenie go w wiadomości e-mail.",
"Send password by mail" : "Wyślij hasło e-mailem",
"Reply to initiator" : "Odpowiedz inicjatorowi",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nie można zaktualizować konfiguracji udostępniania przez pocztę"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nie można zaktualizować konfiguracji udostępniania przez pocztę",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Udostępnianie %1$s nie powiodło się, ponieważ ten element jest już udostępniony użytkownikowi %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Umożliwia użytkownikom udostępnianie spersonalizowanego linku do pliku lub katalogu poprzez umieszczenie go w wiadomości e-mail."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pl.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pl.json
index 7f6f39b711a..7a61d3dbf9f 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pl.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Hasło dostępu do {file} zostało wysłane na {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Hasło dostępu do {file} zostało wysłane do Ciebie",
"Share by mail" : "Udostępnij e-mailem",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Udostępnianie %1$s nie powiodło się, ponieważ ten element jest już udostępniony użytkownikowi %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Nie można wysłać automatycznie wygenerowanego hasła. Proszę ustawić prawidłowy adres e-mail w ustawieniach osobistych i spróbować ponownie.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Nie udało się wysłać udostępnienia pocztą e-mail. Masz nieprawidłowy adres e-mail",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Nie udało się wysłać linku udostępnienia e-mailem",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "W dowolnym momencie możesz zmienić hasło w oknie udostępnienia.",
"Could not find share" : "Nie można odnaleźć udostępnionego zasobu",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Wskaż dostawcę, który umożliwia udostępnianie plików pocztą",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Umożliwia użytkownikom udostępnianie spersonalizowanego linku do pliku lub katalogu poprzez umieszczenie go w wiadomości e-mail.",
"Send password by mail" : "Wyślij hasło e-mailem",
"Reply to initiator" : "Odpowiedz inicjatorowi",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nie można zaktualizować konfiguracji udostępniania przez pocztę"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nie można zaktualizować konfiguracji udostępniania przez pocztę",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Udostępnianie %1$s nie powiodło się, ponieważ ten element jest już udostępniony użytkownikowi %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Umożliwia użytkownikom udostępnianie spersonalizowanego linku do pliku lub katalogu poprzez umieszczenie go w wiadomości e-mail."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 30ec21932b1..30e21a1cea3 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "A senha para acesso {file} foi enviada para {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "A senha para acesso {file} foi enviada para você",
"Share by mail" : "Compartilhamento por e-mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Compartilhamento de %1$s falhou, porque este item já está compartilhado com o usuário%2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Não pudemos enviar a você a senha auto-gerada. Defina um e-mail válido em sua configuração e tente novamente.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Compartilhamento por email falhou. Endereço de email inválido",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Falha ao enviar compartilhamento via e-mail",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Você pode escolher uma senha diferente a qualquer momento no diálogo compartilhamento.",
"Could not find share" : "Não foi possível encontrar o compartilhamento",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Provedor de compartilhamento que permite compartilhar arquivos por e-mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite que os usuários compartilhem um link personalizado para um arquivo ou pasta, inserindo um endereço de e-mail.",
"Send password by mail" : "Enviar senha por e-mail",
"Reply to initiator" : "Responder ao iniciador",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Não foi possível atualizar o compartilhamento por configuração de e-mail"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Não foi possível atualizar o compartilhamento por configuração de e-mail",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Compartilhamento de %1$s falhou, porque este item já está compartilhado com o usuário%2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite que os usuários compartilhem um link personalizado para um arquivo ou pasta, inserindo um endereço de e-mail."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 6274b0b95e3..333045c7cd1 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "A senha para acesso {file} foi enviada para {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "A senha para acesso {file} foi enviada para você",
"Share by mail" : "Compartilhamento por e-mail",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Compartilhamento de %1$s falhou, porque este item já está compartilhado com o usuário%2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Não pudemos enviar a você a senha auto-gerada. Defina um e-mail válido em sua configuração e tente novamente.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Compartilhamento por email falhou. Endereço de email inválido",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Falha ao enviar compartilhamento via e-mail",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Você pode escolher uma senha diferente a qualquer momento no diálogo compartilhamento.",
"Could not find share" : "Não foi possível encontrar o compartilhamento",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Provedor de compartilhamento que permite compartilhar arquivos por e-mail",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite que os usuários compartilhem um link personalizado para um arquivo ou pasta, inserindo um endereço de e-mail.",
"Send password by mail" : "Enviar senha por e-mail",
"Reply to initiator" : "Responder ao iniciador",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Não foi possível atualizar o compartilhamento por configuração de e-mail"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Não foi possível atualizar o compartilhamento por configuração de e-mail",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Compartilhamento de %1$s falhou, porque este item já está compartilhado com o usuário%2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permite que os usuários compartilhem um link personalizado para um arquivo ou pasta, inserindo um endereço de e-mail."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_PT.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_PT.js
index 8b743d638cb..322e5152926 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_PT.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_PT.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This is the password:" : "Esta é a palavra passe: ",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Pode escolher uma palavra-chave diferente a qualquer altura utilizando a caixa de diálogo \"partilha\".",
"Could not find share" : "Não foi possível encontrar a partilha",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permitir que os utilizadores partilhem uma hiperligação personalizada para um ficheiro ou pasta colocando um endereço de ''e-mail''.",
- "Send password by mail" : "Enviar palavra-chave por e-mail"
+ "Send password by mail" : "Enviar palavra-chave por e-mail",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permitir que os utilizadores partilhem uma hiperligação personalizada para um ficheiro ou pasta colocando um endereço de ''e-mail''."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_PT.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_PT.json
index e588ef16d2c..5d7f511d001 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_PT.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/pt_PT.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"This is the password:" : "Esta é a palavra passe: ",
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Pode escolher uma palavra-chave diferente a qualquer altura utilizando a caixa de diálogo \"partilha\".",
"Could not find share" : "Não foi possível encontrar a partilha",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permitir que os utilizadores partilhem uma hiperligação personalizada para um ficheiro ou pasta colocando um endereço de ''e-mail''.",
- "Send password by mail" : "Enviar palavra-chave por e-mail"
+ "Send password by mail" : "Enviar palavra-chave por e-mail",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permitir que os utilizadores partilhem uma hiperligação personalizada para um ficheiro ou pasta colocando um endereço de ''e-mail''."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ru.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ru.js
index 053c74be7bf..6ade93eae2f 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ru.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Пароль для доступа к «{file}» был отправлен на адрес {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Вам был отправлен пароль для доступа к «{file}»",
"Share by mail" : "Поделиться по почте",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Не удалось предоставить доступ к %1$s, так как этот ресурс уже доступен пользователю %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Не удалось предоставить доступ к %1$s, так как этот ресурс уже доступен пользователю %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Мы не можем отправить вам автоматически сгенерированный пароль. Укажите действующий адрес электронной почты в личных настройках и повторите попытку.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Не удалось отправить ссылку общего доступа по электронной почте. Получен неверный адрес электронной почты",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Не удалось предоставить общий доступ по адресу электронной почты",
@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "В любой момент можно выбрать другой пароль в диалоге «Общий доступ».",
"Could not find share" : "Не удалось найти общий ресурс",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Приложение для обмена файлами с помощью электронной почты",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Позволяет пользователям делиться персонализированной ссылкой на файл или каталог, указав адрес электронной почты.",
"Send password by mail" : "Отправлять пароль по электронной почте",
"Reply to initiator" : "Направлять ответ инициатору",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Невозможно обновить конфигурацию общего доступа по почте"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Невозможно обновить конфигурацию общего доступа по почте",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Не удалось предоставить доступ к %1$s, так как этот ресурс уже доступен пользователю %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Позволяет пользователям делиться персонализированной ссылкой на файл или каталог, указав адрес электронной почты."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ru.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ru.json
index d51bc873d76..cbf5f6b6955 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/ru.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Пароль для доступа к «{file}» был отправлен на адрес {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Вам был отправлен пароль для доступа к «{file}»",
"Share by mail" : "Поделиться по почте",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Не удалось предоставить доступ к %1$s, так как этот ресурс уже доступен пользователю %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Не удалось предоставить доступ к %1$s, так как этот ресурс уже доступен пользователю %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Мы не можем отправить вам автоматически сгенерированный пароль. Укажите действующий адрес электронной почты в личных настройках и повторите попытку.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Не удалось отправить ссылку общего доступа по электронной почте. Получен неверный адрес электронной почты",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Не удалось предоставить общий доступ по адресу электронной почты",
@@ -36,9 +36,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "В любой момент можно выбрать другой пароль в диалоге «Общий доступ».",
"Could not find share" : "Не удалось найти общий ресурс",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Приложение для обмена файлами с помощью электронной почты",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Позволяет пользователям делиться персонализированной ссылкой на файл или каталог, указав адрес электронной почты.",
"Send password by mail" : "Отправлять пароль по электронной почте",
"Reply to initiator" : "Направлять ответ инициатору",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Невозможно обновить конфигурацию общего доступа по почте"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Невозможно обновить конфигурацию общего доступа по почте",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Не удалось предоставить доступ к %1$s, так как этот ресурс уже доступен пользователю %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Позволяет пользователям делиться персонализированной ссылкой на файл или каталог, указав адрес электронной почты."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sc.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sc.js
index 9882ecb04af..f5b2bbce6d2 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sc.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sc.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Sa crae pro s'atzessu a {file} est istada imbiada a {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Sa crae pro s'atzessu a {file} est istada imbiada a tie",
"Share by mail" : "Cumpartzi tràmite posta eletrònica",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "No at fatu a cumpartziree %1$s, ca custu elementu est giai cumpartzidu cun s'utente %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "No faghet a t'imbiare sa crae auto-generada. Imposta un'indiritzu de posta eletrònica bàlidu in is impostatzione personales e torra a proare.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "No at fatu a fàghere sa cumpartzidura tràmite posta eletrònica",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus",
@@ -36,8 +35,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Podes seberare una crae diferente in ogni momentu in sa ventana de cumpartzidura.",
"Could not find share" : "No at fatu a agatare sa cumpartzidura",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Frunidore de cumpartzidura chi ti permitit de cumpartzire archìvios tràmite posta eletrònica",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permitit a is utentes de cumpartzire unu ligòngiu personalizadu a un'archìviu o cartella insertende un'indiritzu de posta eletrònica.",
"Send password by mail" : "Imbia crae tràmite posta eletrònica",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Risponde a chie cumintzat"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Risponde a chie cumintzat",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "No at fatu a cumpartziree %1$s, ca custu elementu est giai cumpartzidu cun s'utente %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permitit a is utentes de cumpartzire unu ligòngiu personalizadu a un'archìviu o cartella insertende un'indiritzu de posta eletrònica."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sc.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sc.json
index 46972bf9fb4..2373d2d1df1 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sc.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sc.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Sa crae pro s'atzessu a {file} est istada imbiada a {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Sa crae pro s'atzessu a {file} est istada imbiada a tie",
"Share by mail" : "Cumpartzi tràmite posta eletrònica",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "No at fatu a cumpartziree %1$s, ca custu elementu est giai cumpartzidu cun s'utente %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "No faghet a t'imbiare sa crae auto-generada. Imposta un'indiritzu de posta eletrònica bàlidu in is impostatzione personales e torra a proare.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "No at fatu a fàghere sa cumpartzidura tràmite posta eletrònica",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s at cumpartzidu »%2$s cun tegus",
@@ -34,8 +33,9 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Podes seberare una crae diferente in ogni momentu in sa ventana de cumpartzidura.",
"Could not find share" : "No at fatu a agatare sa cumpartzidura",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Frunidore de cumpartzidura chi ti permitit de cumpartzire archìvios tràmite posta eletrònica",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permitit a is utentes de cumpartzire unu ligòngiu personalizadu a un'archìviu o cartella insertende un'indiritzu de posta eletrònica.",
"Send password by mail" : "Imbia crae tràmite posta eletrònica",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Risponde a chie cumintzat"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Risponde a chie cumintzat",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "No at fatu a cumpartziree %1$s, ca custu elementu est giai cumpartzidu cun s'utente %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Permitit a is utentes de cumpartzire unu ligòngiu personalizadu a un'archìviu o cartella insertende un'indiritzu de posta eletrònica."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sk.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sk.js
index 08eb288bc77..9d29eaa8ed5 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sk.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Heslo na sprístupnenie {file} bolo zaslané na {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Heslo na sprístupnenie {file} Vám bolo zaslané",
"Share by mail" : "Sprístupniť e-mailom",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Zdieľanie %1$s zlyhalo, táto položka už je zdieľaná s užívateľom %2$s ",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Vygenerované heslo Vám nemôže byť zaslané. Zadajte správnu mailovú adresu vo Vašich osobných nastaveniach a skúste znovu.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Odoslanie zdieľania e-mailom zlyhalo. Máte neplatnú e-mailovú adresu",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Zaslanie sprístupnenia cez e-mail zlyhalo",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Kedykoľvek môžete vybrať iné heslo v okne zdieľania.",
"Could not find share" : "Nebolo možné nájsť sprístupnenie",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Poskytovateľ zdieľania umožňuje zdieľať súbory pomocou e-mailu",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Povoľuje používateľom zdieľať personalizovaný odkaz na súbor alebo priečinok zadaním e-mailovej adresy.",
"Send password by mail" : "Odoslať heslo e-mailom",
"Reply to initiator" : "Odpovedať iniciátorovi",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nepodarila sa aktualizovať konfigurácia zdieľania prostredníctvom e-mailu"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nepodarila sa aktualizovať konfigurácia zdieľania prostredníctvom e-mailu",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Zdieľanie %1$s zlyhalo, táto položka už je zdieľaná s užívateľom %2$s ",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Povoľuje používateľom zdieľať personalizovaný odkaz na súbor alebo priečinok zadaním e-mailovej adresy."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sk.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sk.json
index 726d53700c0..51e35e7020d 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sk.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Heslo na sprístupnenie {file} bolo zaslané na {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Heslo na sprístupnenie {file} Vám bolo zaslané",
"Share by mail" : "Sprístupniť e-mailom",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Zdieľanie %1$s zlyhalo, táto položka už je zdieľaná s užívateľom %2$s ",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Vygenerované heslo Vám nemôže byť zaslané. Zadajte správnu mailovú adresu vo Vašich osobných nastaveniach a skúste znovu.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Odoslanie zdieľania e-mailom zlyhalo. Máte neplatnú e-mailovú adresu",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Zaslanie sprístupnenia cez e-mail zlyhalo",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Kedykoľvek môžete vybrať iné heslo v okne zdieľania.",
"Could not find share" : "Nebolo možné nájsť sprístupnenie",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Poskytovateľ zdieľania umožňuje zdieľať súbory pomocou e-mailu",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Povoľuje používateľom zdieľať personalizovaný odkaz na súbor alebo priečinok zadaním e-mailovej adresy.",
"Send password by mail" : "Odoslať heslo e-mailom",
"Reply to initiator" : "Odpovedať iniciátorovi",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nepodarila sa aktualizovať konfigurácia zdieľania prostredníctvom e-mailu"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Nepodarila sa aktualizovať konfigurácia zdieľania prostredníctvom e-mailu",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Zdieľanie %1$s zlyhalo, táto položka už je zdieľaná s užívateľom %2$s ",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Povoľuje používateľom zdieľať personalizovaný odkaz na súbor alebo priečinok zadaním e-mailovej adresy."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sl.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sl.js
index 092c68bea05..d22f56ff8b2 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sl.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Geslo za dostop do datoteke {file} je bilo poslano na {email}.",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Geslo za dostop do datoteke {file} je bilo poslano vaš elektronski naslov.",
"Share by mail" : "Souporaba prek elektronske pošte",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Nastavljanje souporabe %1$s je spodletelo, ker je predmet že v souporabi z uporabnikom %2$s.",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Samodejno ustvarjenega gesla ni mogoče poslati. Najprej je treba nastaviti veljavni elektronski naslov med osebnimi nastavitvami.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Pošiljanje povezave po elektronski pošti je spodletelo.",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«",
@@ -37,8 +36,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Geslo je mogoče kadarkoli spremeniti med nastavitvami souporabe.",
"Could not find share" : "Mape v souporabi ni mogoče najti",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Ponudnik souporabe, ki omogoča souporabo datotek prek elektronske pošte",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Dovoli uporabnikom omogočanje souporabe z osebno povezavo na datoteko ali mapo z vpisom elektronskega naslova.",
"Send password by mail" : "Pošlji geslo po elektronski pošti",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Odgovori pošiljatelju"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Odgovori pošiljatelju",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Nastavljanje souporabe %1$s je spodletelo, ker je predmet že v souporabi z uporabnikom %2$s.",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Dovoli uporabnikom omogočanje souporabe z osebno povezavo na datoteko ali mapo z vpisom elektronskega naslova."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sl.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sl.json
index 73e184e3eb9..670cfa9a1e4 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sl.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Geslo za dostop do datoteke {file} je bilo poslano na {email}.",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Geslo za dostop do datoteke {file} je bilo poslano vaš elektronski naslov.",
"Share by mail" : "Souporaba prek elektronske pošte",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Nastavljanje souporabe %1$s je spodletelo, ker je predmet že v souporabi z uporabnikom %2$s.",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Samodejno ustvarjenega gesla ni mogoče poslati. Najprej je treba nastaviti veljavni elektronski naslov med osebnimi nastavitvami.",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Pošiljanje povezave po elektronski pošti je spodletelo.",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s vam omogoča souporabo »%2$s«",
@@ -35,8 +34,9 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Geslo je mogoče kadarkoli spremeniti med nastavitvami souporabe.",
"Could not find share" : "Mape v souporabi ni mogoče najti",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Ponudnik souporabe, ki omogoča souporabo datotek prek elektronske pošte",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Dovoli uporabnikom omogočanje souporabe z osebno povezavo na datoteko ali mapo z vpisom elektronskega naslova.",
"Send password by mail" : "Pošlji geslo po elektronski pošti",
- "Reply to initiator" : "Odgovori pošiljatelju"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "Odgovori pošiljatelju",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Nastavljanje souporabe %1$s je spodletelo, ker je predmet že v souporabi z uporabnikom %2$s.",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Dovoli uporabnikom omogočanje souporabe z osebno povezavo na datoteko ali mapo z vpisom elektronskega naslova."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sr.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sr.js
index 887738fc77f..e692687a0d7 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sr.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Лозинка за приступ {file} је послата на {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Лозинка за приступ {file} Вам је послата ",
"Share by mail" : "Подели е-поштом",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Дељење %1$s није успело зато што се ова ставка већ дели са корисником %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Дељење %1$s није успело зато што се ова ставка већ дели са налогом %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Не можемо да вам пошаљемо аутоматски генерисану лозинку. Молимо вас да у вашим личним подешавањима поставите исправну и-мејл адресу и покушате поново.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Слање дељења и-мејлом није успело. Добијена је неисправна и-мејл адреса",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Грешка у слању дељења е-поштом",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Можете да одаберете другу лозинку кад год желите у дијалогу за дељење.",
"Could not find share" : "Не могу да пронађем дељење",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Добављач дељења који Вам дозвољава дељење е-поштом",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволи корисницима да поделе персонализовану везу до фајла или фасцикле уносом е-адресе.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозвољава да људи поделе персонализовани линк на фајл или фолдер уносом имејл адресе.",
"Send password by mail" : "Пошаљи лозинку е-поштом",
"Reply to initiator" : "Одговор иницијатору",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Није успело ажурирање конфигурације дељења путем и-мејла"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Није успело ажурирање конфигурације дељења путем и-мејла",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Дељење %1$s није успело зато што се ова ставка већ дели са корисником %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволи корисницима да поделе персонализовану везу до фајла или фасцикле уносом е-адресе."
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sr.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sr.json
index 68f9c22330f..0ec8494633f 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sr.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Лозинка за приступ {file} је послата на {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Лозинка за приступ {file} Вам је послата ",
"Share by mail" : "Подели е-поштом",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Дељење %1$s није успело зато што се ова ставка већ дели са корисником %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Дељење %1$s није успело зато што се ова ставка већ дели са налогом %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Не можемо да вам пошаљемо аутоматски генерисану лозинку. Молимо вас да у вашим личним подешавањима поставите исправну и-мејл адресу и покушате поново.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Слање дељења и-мејлом није успело. Добијена је неисправна и-мејл адреса",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Грешка у слању дељења е-поштом",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Можете да одаберете другу лозинку кад год желите у дијалогу за дељење.",
"Could not find share" : "Не могу да пронађем дељење",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Добављач дељења који Вам дозвољава дељење е-поштом",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволи корисницима да поделе персонализовану везу до фајла или фасцикле уносом е-адресе.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозвољава да људи поделе персонализовани линк на фајл или фолдер уносом имејл адресе.",
"Send password by mail" : "Пошаљи лозинку е-поштом",
"Reply to initiator" : "Одговор иницијатору",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Није успело ажурирање конфигурације дељења путем и-мејла"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Није успело ажурирање конфигурације дељења путем и-мејла",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Дељење %1$s није успело зато што се ова ставка већ дели са корисником %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволи корисницима да поделе персонализовану везу до фајла или фасцикле уносом е-адресе."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sv.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sv.js
index 67e7bac449c..a61692d394d 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sv.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Lösenord till {file} skickades till {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Lösenord till {file} skickades till dig",
"Share by mail" : "Dela via e-post",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Delning av %1$s misslyckades eftersom detta redan är delat med användaren %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Delning av %1$s misslyckades eftersom det här objektet redan delas med kontot %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Vi kan inte skicka det autogenererade lösenordet till dig. Vänligen ange en giltig e-postadress i dina personliga inställningar och försök igen.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Misslyckades att skicka delning via mejl. Ogiltig mejladress",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Det gick inte att skicka delning via e-post",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Du kan välja ett annat lösenord när som helst i delningsdialogen.",
"Could not find share" : "Kunde inte hitta delning",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Möjliggör delning av filer via e-post",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillåt användare att dela en personlig länk till en fil eller mapp genom att ange en e-postadress",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillåter personer att dela en personlig länk till en fil eller mapp genom att ange en e-postadress.",
"Send password by mail" : "Skicka lösenord via e-post",
"Reply to initiator" : "Svara till startare",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Kunde inte uppdatera konfiguration för delning via e-post"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Kunde inte uppdatera konfiguration för delning via e-post",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Delning av %1$s misslyckades eftersom detta redan är delat med användaren %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillåt användare att dela en personlig länk till en fil eller mapp genom att ange en e-postadress"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sv.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sv.json
index 4f9c0719a2d..b5c732e2c39 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/sv.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Lösenord till {file} skickades till {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Lösenord till {file} skickades till dig",
"Share by mail" : "Dela via e-post",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Delning av %1$s misslyckades eftersom detta redan är delat med användaren %2$s",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "Delning av %1$s misslyckades eftersom det här objektet redan delas med kontot %2$s",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Vi kan inte skicka det autogenererade lösenordet till dig. Vänligen ange en giltig e-postadress i dina personliga inställningar och försök igen.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Misslyckades att skicka delning via mejl. Ogiltig mejladress",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Det gick inte att skicka delning via e-post",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Du kan välja ett annat lösenord när som helst i delningsdialogen.",
"Could not find share" : "Kunde inte hitta delning",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Möjliggör delning av filer via e-post",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillåt användare att dela en personlig länk till en fil eller mapp genom att ange en e-postadress",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillåter personer att dela en personlig länk till en fil eller mapp genom att ange en e-postadress.",
"Send password by mail" : "Skicka lösenord via e-post",
"Reply to initiator" : "Svara till startare",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Kunde inte uppdatera konfiguration för delning via e-post"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Kunde inte uppdatera konfiguration för delning via e-post",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Delning av %1$s misslyckades eftersom detta redan är delat med användaren %2$s",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Tillåt användare att dela en personlig länk till en fil eller mapp genom att ange en e-postadress"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/tr.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/tr.js
index 4b3b2d8f896..76ee351f214 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/tr.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "{file} dosyasına erişim parolası {email} adresine gönderildi",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "{file} dosyasına erişim parolası size gönderildi",
"Share by mail" : "E-posta ile paylaşım",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$s ögesi %2$s kullanıcısı ile zaten paylaşılmış olduğundan paylaşılamadı",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "%1$s paylaşılamadı. Bu öge zaten %2$s hesabı ile paylaşılmış",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Otomatik oluşturulan parola size gönderilemedi. Lütfen kişisel ayarlarınızdan geçerli bir e-posta adresi ayarlayın ve yeniden deneyin.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Paylaşım e-posta ile gönderilemedi. Bir e-posta adresi geçersiz",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Paylaşım e-postası gönderilemedi",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "İstediğiniz zaman paylaşım bölümünden farklı bir parola belirtebilirsiniz.",
"Could not find share" : "Paylaşım bulunamadı",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "E-posta ile dosya paylaşımı için kullanılacak paylaşım hizmeti sağlayıcısı",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Kullanıcıların bir e-posta adresi yazarak bir dosya ya da klasör için kişisel bir bağlantı paylaşmasını sağlar.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Kişilerin bir e-posta adresi yazarak bir dosya ya da klasör için kişisel bir bağlantı paylaşmasını sağlar.",
"Send password by mail" : "Parola e-posta ile gönderilsin",
"Reply to initiator" : "Başlatan yanıtlansın",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "E-posta ile paylaşım yapılandırması güncellenemedi"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "E-posta ile paylaşım yapılandırması güncellenemedi",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$s ögesi %2$s kullanıcısı ile zaten paylaşılmış olduğundan paylaşılamadı",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Kullanıcıların bir e-posta adresi yazarak bir dosya ya da klasör için kişisel bir bağlantı paylaşmasını sağlar."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/tr.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/tr.json
index 54ea5f60573..039c98e93cc 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/tr.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "{file} dosyasına erişim parolası {email} adresine gönderildi",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "{file} dosyasına erişim parolası size gönderildi",
"Share by mail" : "E-posta ile paylaşım",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$s ögesi %2$s kullanıcısı ile zaten paylaşılmış olduğundan paylaşılamadı",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "%1$s paylaşılamadı. Bu öge zaten %2$s hesabı ile paylaşılmış",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Otomatik oluşturulan parola size gönderilemedi. Lütfen kişisel ayarlarınızdan geçerli bir e-posta adresi ayarlayın ve yeniden deneyin.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Paylaşım e-posta ile gönderilemedi. Bir e-posta adresi geçersiz",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Paylaşım e-postası gönderilemedi",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "İstediğiniz zaman paylaşım bölümünden farklı bir parola belirtebilirsiniz.",
"Could not find share" : "Paylaşım bulunamadı",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "E-posta ile dosya paylaşımı için kullanılacak paylaşım hizmeti sağlayıcısı",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Kullanıcıların bir e-posta adresi yazarak bir dosya ya da klasör için kişisel bir bağlantı paylaşmasını sağlar.",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Kişilerin bir e-posta adresi yazarak bir dosya ya da klasör için kişisel bir bağlantı paylaşmasını sağlar.",
"Send password by mail" : "Parola e-posta ile gönderilsin",
"Reply to initiator" : "Başlatan yanıtlansın",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "E-posta ile paylaşım yapılandırması güncellenemedi"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "E-posta ile paylaşım yapılandırması güncellenemedi",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "%1$s ögesi %2$s kullanıcısı ile zaten paylaşılmış olduğundan paylaşılamadı",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Kullanıcıların bir e-posta adresi yazarak bir dosya ya da klasör için kişisel bir bağlantı paylaşmasını sağlar."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/uk.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/uk.js
index eb67663a3b3..54108b63110 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/uk.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Пароль для доступу до {file} надіслано на адресу {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Вам надіслано пароль для доступу до {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Поділіться поштою",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Не вдалося надати спільний доступ %1$s, оскільки користувач %2$s уже має спільний доступ до цього елемента",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Ми не можемо надіслати вам автоматично згенерований пароль. Укажіть дійсну адресу електронної пошти в особистих налаштуваннях і повторіть спробу.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Не вдалося надіслати спільний доступ електронною поштою. Отримав недійсну електронну адресу",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Не вдалося надіслати спільний доступ електронною поштою",
@@ -38,9 +37,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Ви можете будь-коли вибрати інший пароль у діалоговому вікні спільного доступу.",
"Could not find share" : "Не вдалося знайти спільний доступ",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Провайдер спільного доступу, який дозволяє обмінюватися файлами поштою",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволяє користувачам ділитися персоналізованими посиланням на файл або каталог через електронну пошту.",
"Send password by mail" : "Надіслати пароль поштою",
"Reply to initiator" : "Відповідь ініціатору",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Не вдається оновити конфігурацію спільного доступу за допомогою пошти"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Не вдається оновити конфігурацію спільного доступу за допомогою пошти",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Не вдалося надати спільний доступ %1$s, оскільки користувач %2$s уже має спільний доступ до цього елемента",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволяє користувачам ділитися персоналізованими посиланням на файл або каталог через електронну пошту."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/uk.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/uk.json
index 96307d18f78..8e4e35281d5 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/uk.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "Пароль для доступу до {file} надіслано на адресу {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "Вам надіслано пароль для доступу до {file}",
"Share by mail" : "Поділіться поштою",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Не вдалося надати спільний доступ %1$s, оскільки користувач %2$s уже має спільний доступ до цього елемента",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "Ми не можемо надіслати вам автоматично згенерований пароль. Укажіть дійсну адресу електронної пошти в особистих налаштуваннях і повторіть спробу.",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "Не вдалося надіслати спільний доступ електронною поштою. Отримав недійсну електронну адресу",
"Failed to send share by email" : "Не вдалося надіслати спільний доступ електронною поштою",
@@ -36,9 +35,10 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "Ви можете будь-коли вибрати інший пароль у діалоговому вікні спільного доступу.",
"Could not find share" : "Не вдалося знайти спільний доступ",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "Провайдер спільного доступу, який дозволяє обмінюватися файлами поштою",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволяє користувачам ділитися персоналізованими посиланням на файл або каталог через електронну пошту.",
"Send password by mail" : "Надіслати пароль поштою",
"Reply to initiator" : "Відповідь ініціатору",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Не вдається оновити конфігурацію спільного доступу за допомогою пошти"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "Не вдається оновити конфігурацію спільного доступу за допомогою пошти",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "Не вдалося надати спільний доступ %1$s, оскільки користувач %2$s уже має спільний доступ до цього елемента",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "Дозволяє користувачам ділитися персоналізованими посиланням на файл або каталог через електронну пошту."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_CN.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 6cc8edc9eba..3089fb0b907 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "访问 {file} 的密码被发送给 {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "访问 {file} 的密码已发送给您",
"Share by mail" : "通过邮件共享",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失败,因为这个项目已经和用户 %2$s 进行了共享。",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "我们无法将自动生成的密码发送给您。请在您的个人设置中设置一个有效的电子邮件地址,然后重试。 ",
"Failed to send share by email" : "通过邮件发送共享失败",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«",
@@ -36,8 +35,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "您可以随时在共享对话框中选择不同的密码。",
"Could not find share" : "没有发现共享",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "共享提供程序,可让您通过邮件共享文件",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允许用户通过电子邮件地址来共享文件或文件夹的个性化链接。",
"Send password by mail" : "通过电子邮件发送密码",
- "Reply to initiator" : "回复发起人"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "回复发起人",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失败,因为这个项目已经和用户 %2$s 进行了共享。",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允许用户通过电子邮件地址来共享文件或文件夹的个性化链接。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_CN.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 81394dab8e8..08625006eeb 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "访问 {file} 的密码被发送给 {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "访问 {file} 的密码已发送给您",
"Share by mail" : "通过邮件共享",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失败,因为这个项目已经和用户 %2$s 进行了共享。",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "我们无法将自动生成的密码发送给您。请在您的个人设置中设置一个有效的电子邮件地址,然后重试。 ",
"Failed to send share by email" : "通过邮件发送共享失败",
"%1$s shared »%2$s« with you" : "%1$s 对您共享了 »%2$s«",
@@ -34,8 +33,9 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "您可以随时在共享对话框中选择不同的密码。",
"Could not find share" : "没有发现共享",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "共享提供程序,可让您通过邮件共享文件",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允许用户通过电子邮件地址来共享文件或文件夹的个性化链接。",
"Send password by mail" : "通过电子邮件发送密码",
- "Reply to initiator" : "回复发起人"
+ "Reply to initiator" : "回复发起人",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失败,因为这个项目已经和用户 %2$s 进行了共享。",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允许用户通过电子邮件地址来共享文件或文件夹的个性化链接。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 623ed633838..128d33ea259 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "訪問 {file} 的密碼已發送給 {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "訪問 {file} 的密碼已發送給您",
"Share by mail" : "通過郵件分享",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,此項目已經與用戶 %2$s 分享",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,因為此項目已與賬戶 %2$s 分享",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "我們無法將自動生成的密碼發送與您。請在您的個人設置中提供有效的電郵地址後重試。",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "透過電子郵件傳送分享失敗。收到無效的電郵地址",
"Failed to send share by email" : "通過電郵發送分享失敗",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "您可以隨時在分享對話框中選擇不同的密碼。",
"Could not find share" : "沒有發現分享",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "分享提供程序,可讓您通過郵件分享檔案",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "使用戶可以通過輸入電郵地址來分享指向檔案或資料夾的個性化連結。",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許人仕透過輸入電子郵件地址來分享到檔案或資料夾的個人化連結。",
"Send password by mail" : "通過電郵發送密碼",
"Reply to initiator" : "回覆發起人",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "無法更新通過郵件分享配置"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "無法更新通過郵件分享配置",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,此項目已經與用戶 %2$s 分享",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "使用戶可以通過輸入電郵地址來分享指向檔案或資料夾的個性化連結。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.json
index b1323f02045..6224f269382 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "訪問 {file} 的密碼已發送給 {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "訪問 {file} 的密碼已發送給您",
"Share by mail" : "通過郵件分享",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,此項目已經與用戶 %2$s 分享",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,因為此項目已與賬戶 %2$s 分享",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "我們無法將自動生成的密碼發送與您。請在您的個人設置中提供有效的電郵地址後重試。",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "透過電子郵件傳送分享失敗。收到無效的電郵地址",
"Failed to send share by email" : "通過電郵發送分享失敗",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "您可以隨時在分享對話框中選擇不同的密碼。",
"Could not find share" : "沒有發現分享",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "分享提供程序,可讓您通過郵件分享檔案",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "使用戶可以通過輸入電郵地址來分享指向檔案或資料夾的個性化連結。",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許人仕透過輸入電子郵件地址來分享到檔案或資料夾的個人化連結。",
"Send password by mail" : "通過電郵發送密碼",
"Reply to initiator" : "回覆發起人",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "無法更新通過郵件分享配置"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "無法更新通過郵件分享配置",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,此項目已經與用戶 %2$s 分享",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "使用戶可以通過輸入電郵地址來分享指向檔案或資料夾的個性化連結。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 4f50d07ee49..fe57eb05d47 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "存取 {file} 的密碼已寄送給 {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "存取 {file} 的密碼已寄送給您",
"Share by mail" : "透過電子郵件分享",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,因為此項目已與使用者 %2$s 分享",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,因為此項目已與帳號 %2$s 分享",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "我們無法將自動生成的密碼寄送給您。請在您的個人設定裡設定有效的電子郵件地址並再試一次。",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "透過電子郵件傳送分享失敗。收到無效的電子郵件地址",
"Failed to send share by email" : "透過電子郵件寄送分享失敗",
@@ -38,9 +38,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "您隨時可以在分享對話框中選擇其他密碼。",
"Could not find share" : "找不到分享",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "分享提供者,讓您可以透過電子郵件分享檔案",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許使用者透過輸入電子郵件地址來分享到檔案或資料夾的個人化連結。",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許使用者透過輸入電子郵件地址來分享到檔案或資料夾的個人化連結。",
"Send password by mail" : "透過電子郵件寄送密碼",
"Reply to initiator" : "回覆給發起人",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "無法更新透過郵件分享設定"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "無法更新透過郵件分享設定",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,因為此項目已與使用者 %2$s 分享",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許使用者透過輸入電子郵件地址來分享到檔案或資料夾的個人化連結。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 9f0f45659da..f18187d4373 100644
--- a/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/sharebymail/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"Password to access {file} was sent to {email}" : "存取 {file} 的密碼已寄送給 {email}",
"Password to access {file} was sent to you" : "存取 {file} 的密碼已寄送給您",
"Share by mail" : "透過電子郵件分享",
- "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,因為此項目已與使用者 %2$s 分享",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with the account %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,因為此項目已與帳號 %2$s 分享",
"We cannot send you the auto-generated password. Please set a valid email address in your personal settings and try again." : "我們無法將自動生成的密碼寄送給您。請在您的個人設定裡設定有效的電子郵件地址並再試一次。",
"Failed to send share by email. Got an invalid email address" : "透過電子郵件傳送分享失敗。收到無效的電子郵件地址",
"Failed to send share by email" : "透過電子郵件寄送分享失敗",
@@ -36,9 +36,11 @@
"You can choose a different password at any time in the share dialog." : "您隨時可以在分享對話框中選擇其他密碼。",
"Could not find share" : "找不到分享",
"Share provider which allows you to share files by mail" : "分享提供者,讓您可以透過電子郵件分享檔案",
- "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許使用者透過輸入電子郵件地址來分享到檔案或資料夾的個人化連結。",
+ "Allows people to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許使用者透過輸入電子郵件地址來分享到檔案或資料夾的個人化連結。",
"Send password by mail" : "透過電子郵件寄送密碼",
"Reply to initiator" : "回覆給發起人",
- "Unable to update share by mail config" : "無法更新透過郵件分享設定"
+ "Unable to update share by mail config" : "無法更新透過郵件分享設定",
+ "Sharing %1$s failed, because this item is already shared with user %2$s" : "分享 %1$s 失敗,因為此項目已與使用者 %2$s 分享",
+ "Allows users to share a personalized link to a file or folder by putting in an email address." : "允許使用者透過輸入電子郵件地址來分享到檔案或資料夾的個人化連結。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file