path: root/apps/shorty/lib/meta.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/shorty/lib/meta.php')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/shorty/lib/meta.php b/apps/shorty/lib/meta.php
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index 00000000000..91937bd3c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/shorty/lib/meta.php
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+* @package shorty an ownCloud url shortener plugin
+* @category internet
+* @author Christian Reiner
+* @copyright 2011-2012 Christian Reiner <>
+* @license GNU Affero General Public license (AGPL)
+* @link information
+* @link repository
+* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+* version 3 of the license, or any later version.
+* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+* License along with this library.
+* If not, see <>.
+ * @file lib/meta.php
+ * Routines to retrieve meta information about a remote url
+ * @author Christian Reiner
+ */
+ * @class OC_Shorty_Meta
+ * @brief Static 'namespace' class for url meta information retrieval
+ * ownCloud propagates to use static classes as namespaces instead of OOP.
+ * This 'namespace' defines routines for the retrieval of meta information about remote urls.
+ * @access public
+ * @author Christian Reiner
+ */
+class OC_Shorty_Meta
+ /**
+ * @method OC_Shorty_Meta::fetchMetaData
+ * @brief Retrieves the meta information to a given remote url
+ * @param url decoded target url for which meta information if requested
+ * @returns associative array holding the requested meta data
+ * @access public
+ * @author Christian Reiner
+ */
+ static function fetchMetaData ( $url )
+ {
+ $url_token = parse_url ( $url );
+ // some sane fallback values, in case we cannot get the meta data
+ $meta = array();
+ $meta['target'] = $url;
+ $meta['title'] = strtolower ( $url_token['host'] );
+ $meta['scheme'] = strtolower ( $url_token['scheme'] );
+ $meta['mimetype'] = 'application/octet-stream';
+ $meta['schemicon'] = self::selectIcon ( 'scheme', strtolower($url_token['scheme']) );
+ // we wont bother retrieving data about other protocols than http or ftp
+ if ( ! in_array(strtolower($url_token['scheme']),array('http','https','ftp','ftps')) )
+ return $meta;
+ // to fetch meta data we rely on curl being installed
+ if ( ! function_exists('curl_init') )
+ return $meta;
+ // try to retrieve the meta data
+ $handle = curl_init ( );
+ curl_setopt ( $handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
+ curl_setopt ( $handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
+ curl_setopt ( $handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE );
+ curl_setopt ( $handle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10 );
+ if ( FALSE!==($page=curl_exec($handle)) )
+ {
+ // try to extract title from page
+ preg_match ( "/<head>.*<title>(.*)<\/title>.*<\/head>/si", $page, $match );
+ $meta['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode ( $match[1] );
+ $meta['staticon'] = self::selectIcon ( 'state', TRUE );
+ // final url after a possible redirection
+ $meta['final'] = curl_getinfo ( $handle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL );
+ // try to extract favicon from page
+ preg_match ( '/<[^>]*link[^>]*(rel=["\']icon["\']|rel=["\']shortcut icon["\']) .*href=["\']([^>]*)["\'].*>/iU', $page, $match );
+ if (1<sizeof($match))
+ {
+ // the specified uri might be an url, an absolute or a relative path
+ // we have to turn it into an url to be able to display it out of context
+ $favicon = htmlspecialchars_decode ( $match[2] );
+ // test for an url
+ if (parse_url($favicon,PHP_URL_SCHEME))
+ {
+ $meta['favicon'] = $favicon;
+ }
+ // test for an absolute path
+ elseif ( 0===strpos(parse_url($favicon,PHP_URL_PATH),'/') )
+ {
+ $url_token = parse_url($meta['final']);
+ $meta['favicon'] = sprintf( '%s://%s/%s', $url_token['scheme'], $url_token['host'], $favicon );
+ }
+ // so it appears to be a relative path
+ else
+ {
+ $url_token = parse_url($meta['final']);
+ $meta['favicon'] = sprintf( '%s://%s%s%s', $url_token['scheme'], $url_token['host'], dirname($url_token['path']), $favicon );
+ }
+ }
+ $meta['mimetype'] = preg_replace ( '/^([^;]+);.*/i', '$1', curl_getinfo($handle,CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE) );
+ $meta['mimicon'] = self::selectIcon ( 'mimetype', $meta['mimetype'] );
+ $meta['code'] = curl_getinfo ( $handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );
+ $meta['status'] = OC_Shorty_L10n::t ( self::selectCode('status',$meta['code']) );
+ $meta['explanation'] = OC_Shorty_L10n::t ( self::selectCode('explanation',$meta['code']) );
+ }
+ curl_close ( $handle );
+ // that's it !
+ return $meta;
+ } // function fetchMetaData
+ /**
+ * @method OC_Shorty_Meta::selectCode
+ * @brief Some helper utility used to resolve numeric http status codes into human readable strings
+ * @param aspect a string indicating a section/pool a code is to be resolved in
+ * @param identifier a string indicating a specific code to be resolved
+ * @returns a human readable string resolving the specified numeric status code
+ * @throws OC_Shorty_Exception in case of an undefined code to be resolved
+ * @access public
+ * @author Christian Reiner
+ */
+ static function selectCode ( $aspect, $identifier )
+ {
+ // map of official http status codes
+ $_code_map = array
+ (
+ 'status' => OC_Shorty_Type::$HTTPCODE,
+ 'explanation' => array
+ (
+ 200 => 'Target url is valid and resolved.',
+ 201 => 'The request has been fulfilled and created a new ressource.',
+ 202 => 'The request has been accepted.',
+ 203 => 'The request yielded in non-authorative information.',
+ 204 => 'The request has been fulfilled but not produced any content.',
+ 205 => 'The request has been fulfilled and the view should be reset.',
+ 206 => 'The request has been fulfilled partially.',
+ )
+ );
+ // resolve specified code against map or provide some fallback content
+ if ( key_exists($aspect,$_code_map) && key_exists($identifier,$_code_map[$aspect]) )
+ return $_code_map[$aspect][$identifier];
+ else
+ {
+ switch ( $aspect )
+ {
+ case 'status': return sprintf("Status %s [unknown]",$identifier);
+ case 'explanation': return sprintf("[Undefined status code '%s']",$identifier);
+ default: throw new OC_Shorty_Exception ( "unknown aspect '%s' requested to resolve code '%s'",
+ array($aspect,$identifier) );
+ } // switch
+ }
+ } // function selectCode
+ /**
+ * @method OC_Shorty_Meta::selectIcon
+ * @brief Some helper utility for the easy integrate of icon references into templates and alike
+ * @param aspect a string indicating a section/pool an icon is to be chosen from
+ * @param identifier a string indicating a specific icon to be referenced
+ * @returns a hyper reference to an icon in form of a string
+ * @access public
+ * @author Christian Reiner
+ */
+ static function selectIcon ( $aspect, $identifier )
+ {
+ switch ( $aspect )
+ {
+ case 'state':
+ switch ($identifier)
+ {
+ case TRUE: return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'status/good.png');
+ case FALSE: return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'status/bad.png');
+ default: return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'status/neutral.png');
+ } // switch identifier
+ case 'scheme':
+ switch ($identifier)
+ {
+ case 'http':
+ case 'https': return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'scheme/H.png');
+ case 'ftp':
+ case 'ftps': return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'scheme/F.png');
+ case 'sftp': return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'scheme/S.png');
+ case 'mailto': return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'scheme/M.png');
+ case 'gopher': return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'scheme/G.png');
+ case 'webdav':
+ case 'webdavs': return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'scheme/W.png');
+ default: return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'blank.png');
+ } // switch identifier
+ case 'mimetype':
+ $identifier = explode('/',$identifier);
+ switch ($identifier[0])
+ {
+ case 'audio': return OCP\Util::imagePath('core', 'filetypes/audio.png');
+ case 'text': return OCP\Util::imagePath('core', 'filetypes/text.png');
+ case 'video': return OCP\Util::imagePath('core', 'filetypes/video.png');
+ case 'application':
+ switch ($identifier[1])
+ {
+ case 'pdf': return OCP\Util::imagePath('core', 'filetypes/application-pdf.png');
+ default: return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'blank.png');
+ } // switch identifier[1]
+ default: return OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'blank.png');
+ } // switch identifier[0]
+ } // switch aspect
+ } // function selectIcon
+} // class OC_Shorty_Meta