path: root/apps/theming/l10n
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/theming/l10n')
4 files changed, 30 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/theming/l10n/es_MX.js b/apps/theming/l10n/es_MX.js
index 9e846a5eb92..594e5b9beed 100644
--- a/apps/theming/l10n/es_MX.js
+++ b/apps/theming/l10n/es_MX.js
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The given web address is too long" : "La dirección web dada es demasiado larga",
"The given slogan is too long" : "El lema dado es demasiado largo",
"The given color is invalid" : "El color dado es inválido",
+ "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" : "No hay errores, el archivo se cargó exitosamente",
+ "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "El archivo cargado excede el valor establecido en la directiva upload_max_filesize en el archivo php.ini",
+ "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "El archivo cargado excede el valor especificado de la directiva MAX_FILE_SIZE en la forma de HTML",
+ "No file was uploaded" : "No se cargó el archivo",
+ "Missing a temporary folder" : "Falta una carpeta temporal",
+ "Failed to write file to disk." : "Se presentó una falla al escribir el archivo en el disco. ",
+ "A PHP extension stopped the file upload." : "Una extensión de PHP detuvo la carga del archivo. ",
"No file uploaded" : "No hay archivos cargados",
"Unsupported image type" : "Tipo de imagen no soportado",
"You are already using a custom theme" : "Ya estás usando un tema personalizado",
diff --git a/apps/theming/l10n/es_MX.json b/apps/theming/l10n/es_MX.json
index eb2632daf68..d6db2de8184 100644
--- a/apps/theming/l10n/es_MX.json
+++ b/apps/theming/l10n/es_MX.json
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@
"The given web address is too long" : "La dirección web dada es demasiado larga",
"The given slogan is too long" : "El lema dado es demasiado largo",
"The given color is invalid" : "El color dado es inválido",
+ "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" : "No hay errores, el archivo se cargó exitosamente",
+ "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "El archivo cargado excede el valor establecido en la directiva upload_max_filesize en el archivo php.ini",
+ "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "El archivo cargado excede el valor especificado de la directiva MAX_FILE_SIZE en la forma de HTML",
+ "No file was uploaded" : "No se cargó el archivo",
+ "Missing a temporary folder" : "Falta una carpeta temporal",
+ "Failed to write file to disk." : "Se presentó una falla al escribir el archivo en el disco. ",
+ "A PHP extension stopped the file upload." : "Una extensión de PHP detuvo la carga del archivo. ",
"No file uploaded" : "No hay archivos cargados",
"Unsupported image type" : "Tipo de imagen no soportado",
"You are already using a custom theme" : "Ya estás usando un tema personalizado",
diff --git a/apps/theming/l10n/tr.js b/apps/theming/l10n/tr.js
index e720ccaa005..89f01f4eb54 100644
--- a/apps/theming/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/theming/l10n/tr.js
@@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The given web address is too long" : "Belirtilen web adresi çok uzun",
"The given slogan is too long" : "Belirtilen slogan çok uzun",
"The given color is invalid" : "Belirtilen renk geçersiz",
+ "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" : "Herhangi bir sorun yok, dosya yüklendi",
+ "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Yüklenen dosya php.ini dosyasındaki yüklenebilecek dosya boyutunu belirten upload_max_filesize değişkeninin değerini aşıyor",
+ "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Yüklenen dosya HTML formundaki yüklenebilecek dosya boyutunu belirten MAX_FILE_SIZE değişkeninin değerini aşıyor",
+ "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" : "Dosyanın yalnızca bir bölümü yüklenebildi",
+ "No file was uploaded" : "Herhangi bir dosya yüklenmedi",
+ "Missing a temporary folder" : "Geçici klasör bulunamadı",
+ "Failed to write file to disk." : "Dosya diske yazılamadı.",
+ "A PHP extension stopped the file upload." : "Bir PHP eklentisi dosyanın yüklenmesini engelledi.",
"No file uploaded" : "Herhangi bir dosya yüklenmemiş",
"Unsupported image type" : "Görsel türü desteklenmiyor",
"You are already using a custom theme" : "Zaten özel bir tema kullanıyorsunuz",
diff --git a/apps/theming/l10n/tr.json b/apps/theming/l10n/tr.json
index 03de74cbb4c..b77802476d4 100644
--- a/apps/theming/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/theming/l10n/tr.json
@@ -7,6 +7,14 @@
"The given web address is too long" : "Belirtilen web adresi çok uzun",
"The given slogan is too long" : "Belirtilen slogan çok uzun",
"The given color is invalid" : "Belirtilen renk geçersiz",
+ "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" : "Herhangi bir sorun yok, dosya yüklendi",
+ "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" : "Yüklenen dosya php.ini dosyasındaki yüklenebilecek dosya boyutunu belirten upload_max_filesize değişkeninin değerini aşıyor",
+ "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" : "Yüklenen dosya HTML formundaki yüklenebilecek dosya boyutunu belirten MAX_FILE_SIZE değişkeninin değerini aşıyor",
+ "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" : "Dosyanın yalnızca bir bölümü yüklenebildi",
+ "No file was uploaded" : "Herhangi bir dosya yüklenmedi",
+ "Missing a temporary folder" : "Geçici klasör bulunamadı",
+ "Failed to write file to disk." : "Dosya diske yazılamadı.",
+ "A PHP extension stopped the file upload." : "Bir PHP eklentisi dosyanın yüklenmesini engelledi.",
"No file uploaded" : "Herhangi bir dosya yüklenmemiş",
"Unsupported image type" : "Görsel türü desteklenmiyor",
"You are already using a custom theme" : "Zaten özel bir tema kullanıyorsunuz",