path: root/apps/theming
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/theming')
2 files changed, 220 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/apps/theming/lib/Migration/Version2006Date20240905111627.php b/apps/theming/lib/Migration/Version2006Date20240905111627.php
index 92b3c0e4cfa..8f4130cba46 100644
--- a/apps/theming/lib/Migration/Version2006Date20240905111627.php
+++ b/apps/theming/lib/Migration/Version2006Date20240905111627.php
@@ -83,7 +83,45 @@ class Version2006Date20240905111627 implements IMigrationStep {
->set('configkey', $qb->createNamedParameter('primary_color'))
->where($qb->expr()->eq('appid', $qb->createNamedParameter(Application::APP_ID)))
->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('configkey', $qb->createNamedParameter('background_color')));
- $qb->executeStatement();
+ try {
+ $qb->executeStatement();
+ } catch (\Exception) {
+ $output->debug('Some users already configured the background color');
+ $this->restoreUserColorsFallback($output);
+ }
$output->info('Primary color of users restored');
+ /**
+ * Similar to restoreUserColors but also works if some users already setup a new value.
+ * This is only called if the first approach fails as this takes much longer on the DB.
+ */
+ private function restoreUserColorsFallback(IOutput $output): void {
+ $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
+ $qb2 = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
+ $qb2->select('userid')
+ ->from('preferences')
+ ->where($qb->expr()->eq('appid', $qb->createNamedParameter(Application::APP_ID)))
+ ->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('configkey', $qb->createNamedParameter('primary_color')));
+ // MySQL does not update on select of the same table, so this is a workaround:
+ if ($this->connection->getDatabaseProvider() === IDBConnection::PLATFORM_MYSQL) {
+ $subquery = 'SELECT * from ( ' . $qb2->getSQL() . ' ) preferences_alias';
+ } else {
+ $subquery = $qb2->getSQL();
+ }
+ $qb->update('preferences')
+ ->set('configkey', $qb->createNamedParameter('primary_color'))
+ ->where($qb->expr()->eq('appid', $qb->createNamedParameter(Application::APP_ID)))
+ ->andWhere(
+ $qb->expr()->eq('configkey', $qb->createNamedParameter('background_color')),
+ $qb->expr()->notIn('userid', $qb->createFunction($subquery)),
+ );
+ $qb->executeStatement();
+ }
diff --git a/apps/theming/tests/Migration/Version2006Date20240905111627Test.php b/apps/theming/tests/Migration/Version2006Date20240905111627Test.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bdd27d08e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/theming/tests/Migration/Version2006Date20240905111627Test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+namespace OCA\Theming\Tests\Migration;
+use NCU\Config\IUserConfig;
+use OCA\Theming\Migration\Version2006Date20240905111627;
+use OCP\BackgroundJob\IJobList;
+use OCP\IAppConfig;
+use OCP\IDBConnection;
+use OCP\IUserManager;
+use OCP\Migration\IOutput;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
+use Test\TestCase;
+ * @group DB
+ */
+class Version2006Date20240905111627Test extends TestCase {
+ private IAppConfig&MockObject $appConfig;
+ private IDBConnection&MockObject $connection;
+ private IJobList&MockObject $jobList;
+ private Version2006Date20240905111627 $migration;
+ protected function setUp(): void {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->appConfig = $this->createMock(IAppConfig::class);
+ $this->connection = $this->createMock(IDBConnection::class);
+ $this->jobList = $this->createMock(IJobList::class);
+ $this->migration = new Version2006Date20240905111627(
+ $this->jobList,
+ $this->appConfig,
+ $this->connection,
+ );
+ }
+ public function testRestoreSystemColors(): void {
+ $this->appConfig->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('getValueString')
+ ->with('theming', 'color', '')
+ ->willReturn('ffab00');
+ $this->appConfig->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('getValueBool')
+ ->with('theming', 'disable-user-theming')
+ ->willReturn(true);
+ // expect the color value to be deleted
+ $this->appConfig->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('deleteKey')
+ ->with('theming', 'color');
+ // expect the correct calls to setValueString (setting the new values)
+ $setValueCalls = [];
+ $this->appConfig->expects(self::exactly(2))
+ ->method('setValueString')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function () use (&$setValueCalls) {
+ $setValueCalls[] = func_get_args();
+ return true;
+ });
+ $output = $this->createMock(IOutput::class);
+ $this->migration->changeSchema($output, fn () => null, []);
+ $this->assertEquals([
+ ['theming', 'background_color', 'ffab00', false, false],
+ ['theming', 'primary_color', 'ffab00', false, false],
+ ], $setValueCalls);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @group DB
+ */
+ public function testRestoreUserColors(): void {
+ $this->appConfig->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('getValueString')
+ ->with('theming', 'color', '')
+ ->willReturn('');
+ $this->appConfig->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('getValueBool')
+ ->with('theming', 'disable-user-theming')
+ ->willReturn(false);
+ // Create a user
+ $manager = \OCP\Server::get(IUserManager::class);
+ $user = $manager->createUser('theming_legacy', 'theming_legacy');
+ self::assertNotFalse($user);
+ // Set the users theming value to legacy key
+ $config = \OCP\Server::get(IUserConfig::class);
+ $config->setValueString('theming_legacy', 'theming', 'background_color', 'ffab00');
+ // expect some output
+ $output = $this->createMock(IOutput::class);
+ $output->expects(self::exactly(3))
+ ->method('info')
+ ->willReturnCallback(fn ($txt) => match($txt) {
+ 'No custom system color configured - skipping' => true,
+ 'Restoring user primary color' => true,
+ 'Primary color of users restored' => true,
+ default => self::fail('output.info called with unexpected argument: ' . $txt)
+ });
+ // Create the migration class
+ $migration = new Version2006Date20240905111627(
+ $this->jobList,
+ $this->appConfig,
+ \OCP\Server::get(IDBConnection::class),
+ );
+ // Run the migration
+ $migration->changeSchema($output, fn () => null, []);
+ // See new value
+ $config->clearCache('theming_legacy');
+ $newValue = $config->getValueString('theming_legacy', 'theming', 'primary_color');
+ self::assertEquals('ffab00', $newValue);
+ // cleanup
+ $user->delete();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ensure only users with background color but no primary color are migrated
+ * @group DB
+ */
+ public function testRestoreUserColorsWithConflicts(): void {
+ $this->appConfig->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('getValueString')
+ ->with('theming', 'color', '')
+ ->willReturn('');
+ $this->appConfig->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('getValueBool')
+ ->with('theming', 'disable-user-theming')
+ ->willReturn(false);
+ // Create a user
+ $manager = \OCP\Server::get(IUserManager::class);
+ $legacyUser = $manager->createUser('theming_legacy', 'theming_legacy');
+ self::assertNotFalse($legacyUser);
+ $user = $manager->createUser('theming_no_legacy', 'theming_no_legacy');
+ self::assertNotFalse($user);
+ // Set the users theming value to legacy key
+ $config = \OCP\Server::get(IUserConfig::class);
+ $config->setValueString($user->getUID(), 'theming', 'primary_color', '999999');
+ $config->setValueString($user->getUID(), 'theming', 'background_color', '111111');
+ $config->setValueString($legacyUser->getUID(), 'theming', 'background_color', 'ffab00');
+ // expect some output
+ $output = $this->createMock(IOutput::class);
+ $output->expects(self::exactly(3))
+ ->method('info')
+ ->willReturnCallback(fn ($txt) => match($txt) {
+ 'No custom system color configured - skipping' => true,
+ 'Restoring user primary color' => true,
+ 'Primary color of users restored' => true,
+ default => self::fail('output.info called with unexpected argument: ' . $txt)
+ });
+ // Create the migration class
+ $migration = new Version2006Date20240905111627(
+ $this->jobList,
+ $this->appConfig,
+ \OCP\Server::get(IDBConnection::class),
+ );
+ // Run the migration
+ $migration->changeSchema($output, fn () => null, []);
+ // See new value of only the legacy user
+ $config->clearCacheAll();
+ self::assertEquals('111111', $config->getValueString($user->getUID(), 'theming', 'background_color'));
+ self::assertEquals('999999', $config->getValueString($user->getUID(), 'theming', 'primary_color'));
+ self::assertEquals('ffab00', $config->getValueString($legacyUser->getUID(), 'theming', 'primary_color'));
+ // cleanup
+ $legacyUser->delete();
+ $user->delete();
+ }