path: root/apps/user_ldap/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/user_ldap/lib')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/lib/access.php b/apps/user_ldap/lib/access.php
index 44162e32d47..12c6f8118d3 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/lib/access.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/lib/access.php
@@ -1316,32 +1316,38 @@ class Access extends LDAPUtility implements user\IUserTools {
* converts a binary SID into a string representation
* @param string $sid
* @return string
- * @link
public function convertSID2Str($sid) {
- try {
- if(!function_exists('bcadd')) {
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('user_ldap',
- 'You need to install bcmath module for PHP to have support ' .
- 'for AD primary groups', \OCP\Util::WARN);
- throw new \Exception('missing bcmath module');
- }
- $srl = ord($sid[0]);
- $numberSubID = ord($sid[1]);
- $x = substr($sid, 2, 6);
- $h = unpack('N', "\x0\x0" . substr($x,0,2));
- $l = unpack('N', substr($x,2,6));
- $iav = bcadd(bcmul($h[1], bcpow(2,32)), $l[1]);
- $subIDs = array();
- for ($i=0; $i<$numberSubID; $i++) {
- $subID = unpack('V', substr($sid, 8+4*$i, 4));
- $subIDs[] = $subID[1];
- }
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ // The format of a SID binary string is as follows:
+ // 1 byte for the revision level
+ // 1 byte for the number n of variable sub-ids
+ // 6 bytes for identifier authority value
+ // n*4 bytes for n sub-ids
+ //
+ // Example: 010400000000000515000000a681e50e4d6c6c2bca32055f
+ // Legend: RRNNAAAAAAAAAAAA11111111222222223333333344444444
+ $revision = ord($sid[0]);
+ $numberSubID = ord($sid[1]);
+ $subIdStart = 8; // 1 + 1 + 6
+ $subIdLength = 4;
+ if (strlen($sid) !== $subIdStart + $subIdLength * $numberSubID) {
+ // Incorrect number of bytes present.
return '';
- return sprintf('S-%d-%d-%s', $srl, $iav, implode('-', $subIDs));
+ // 6 bytes = 48 bits can be represented using floats without loss of
+ // precision (see
+ $iav = number_format(hexdec(bin2hex(substr($sid, 2, 6))), 0, '', '');
+ $subIDs = array();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $numberSubID; $i++) {
+ $subID = unpack('V', substr($sid, $subIdStart + $subIdLength * $i, $subIdLength));
+ $subIDs[] = sprintf('%u', $subID[1]);
+ }
+ // Result for example above: S-1-5-21-249921958-728525901-1594176202
+ return sprintf('S-%d-%s-%s', $revision, $iav, implode('-', $subIDs));