path: root/apps/user_ldap/lib_ldap.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/user_ldap/lib_ldap.php')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/lib_ldap.php b/apps/user_ldap/lib_ldap.php
index 752ac4f2289..4efcf0c5a0d 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/lib_ldap.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/lib_ldap.php
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
//needed to unbind, because we use OC_LDAP only statically
@@ -45,7 +46,9 @@ class OC_LDAP {
static protected $ldapTLS;
static protected $ldapNoCase;
// user and group settings, that are needed in both backends
- static public $ldapUserDisplayName;
+ static protected $ldapUserDisplayName;
+ static protected $ldapUserFilter;
+ static protected $ldapGroupDisplayName;
static public function init() {
@@ -56,14 +59,345 @@ class OC_LDAP {
+ /**
+ * @brief returns a read-only configuration value
+ * @param $key the name of the configuration value
+ * @returns the value on success, otherwise null
+ *
+ * returns a read-only configuration values
+ *
+ * we cannot work with getters, because it is a static class
+ */
static public function conf($key) {
+ if(!self::$configured) {
+ self::init();
+ }
$availableProperties = array(
+ 'ldapGroupDisplayName',
if(in_array($key, $availableProperties)) {
return self::$$key;
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * gives back the database table for the query
+ */
+ static private function getMapTable($isUser) {
+ if($isUser) {
+ return '*PREFIX*ldap_user_mapping';
+ } else {
+ return '*PREFIX*ldap_group_mapping';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief returns the LDAP DN for the given internal ownCloud name of the group
+ * @param $name the ownCloud name in question
+ * @returns string with the LDAP DN on success, otherwise false
+ *
+ * returns the LDAP DN for the given internal ownCloud name of the group
+ */
+ static public function groupname2dn($name) {
+ return self::ocname2dn($name, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief returns the LDAP DN for the given internal ownCloud name of the user
+ * @param $name the ownCloud name in question
+ * @returns string with the LDAP DN on success, otherwise false
+ *
+ * returns the LDAP DN for the given internal ownCloud name of the user
+ */
+ static public function username2dn($name) {
+ $dn = self::ocname2dn($name, true);
+ if($dn) {
+ return $dn;
+ } else {
+ //fallback: user is not mapped
+ $filter = self::combineFilterWithAnd(array(
+ self::$ldapUserFilter,
+ self::$ldapUserDisplayName . '=' . $name,
+ ));
+ $result = self::searchUsers($filter, 'dn');
+ if(isset($result[0]['dn'])) {
+ self::mapUser($result[0], $name);
+ return $result[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static private function ocname2dn($name, $isUser) {
+ $table = self::getMapTable($isUser);
+ $query = OC_DB::prepare('
+ SELECT ldap_dn
+ FROM '.$table.'
+ WHERE owncloud_name = ?
+ ');
+ $record = $query->execute(array($name))->fetchOne();
+ return $record;
+ if($name=='Coyotes') {
+ echo("adsfasdf ");
+ var_dump($record);
+ die();
+ }
+ if(isset($record['ldap_dn'])) {
+ return $record['ldap_dn'];
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief returns the internal ownCloud name for the given LDAP DN of the group
+ * @param $dn the dn of the group object
+ * @param $ldapname optional, the display name of the object
+ * @returns string with with the name to use in ownCloud
+ *
+ * returns the internal ownCloud name for the given LDAP DN of the group
+ */
+ static public function dn2groupname($dn, $ldapname = null) {
+ return self::dn2ocname($dn, $ldapname, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief returns the internal ownCloud name for the given LDAP DN of the user
+ * @param $dn the dn of the user object
+ * @param $ldapname optional, the display name of the object
+ * @returns string with with the name to use in ownCloud
+ *
+ * returns the internal ownCloud name for the given LDAP DN of the user
+ */
+ static public function dn2username($dn, $ldapname = null) {
+ return self::dn2ocname($dn, $ldapname, true);
+ }
+ static public function dn2ocname($dn, $ldapname = null, $isUser = true) {
+ $table = self::getMapTable($isUser);
+ if($isUser) {
+ $nameAttribute = self::conf('ldapUserDisplayName');
+ } else {
+ $nameAttribute = self::conf('ldapGroupDisplayName');
+ }
+ $query = OC_DB::prepare('
+ SELECT owncloud_name
+ FROM '.$table.'
+ WHERE ldap_dn = ?
+ ');
+ $component = $query->execute(array($dn))->fetchOne();
+ if($component) {
+ return $component;
+ }
+ if(is_null($ldapname)) {
+ $ldapname = self::readAttribute($dn, $nameAttribute);
+ $ldapname = $ldapname[0];
+ }
+ //a new user/group! Then let's try to add it. We're shooting into the blue with the user/group name, assuming that in most cases there will not be a conflict. Otherwise an error will occur and we will continue with our second shot.
+ if(self::mapComponent($dn, $ldapname, $isUser)) {
+ return $ldapname;
+ }
+ //doh! There is a conflict. We need to distinguish between users/groups. Adding indexes is an idea, but not much of a help for the user. The DN is ugly, but for now the only reasonable way. But we transform it to a readable format and remove the first part to only give the path where this object is located.
+ $oc_name = self::alternateOwnCloudName($ldapname, $dn);
+ if(self::mapComponent($dn, $oc_name, $isUser)) {
+ return $oc_name;
+ }
+ //and this of course should never been thrown :)
+ throw new Exception('LDAP backend: unexpected collision of DN and ownCloud Name.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief gives back the user names as they are used ownClod internally
+ * @param $ldapGroups an array with the ldap Users result in style of array ( array ('dn' => foo, 'uid' => bar), ... )
+ * @returns an array with the user names to use in ownCloud
+ *
+ * gives back the user names as they are used ownClod internally
+ */
+ static public function ownCloudUserNames($ldapUsers) {
+ return self::ldap2ownCloudNames($ldapUsers, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief gives back the group names as they are used ownClod internally
+ * @param $ldapGroups an array with the ldap Groups result in style of array ( array ('dn' => foo, 'cn' => bar), ... )
+ * @returns an array with the group names to use in ownCloud
+ *
+ * gives back the group names as they are used ownClod internally
+ */
+ static public function ownCloudGroupNames($ldapGroups) {
+ return self::ldap2ownCloudNames($ldapGroups, false);
+ }
+ static private function ldap2ownCloudNames($ldapObjects, $isUsers) {
+ if($isUsers) {
+ $knownObjects = self::mappedUsers();
+ $nameAttribute = self::conf('ldapUserDisplayName');
+ } else {
+ $knownObjects = self::mappedGroups();
+ $nameAttribute = self::conf('ldapGroupDisplayName');
+ }
+ $ownCloudNames = array();
+ foreach($ldapObjects as $ldapObject) {
+ $key = self::recursiveArraySearch($knownObjects, $ldapObject['dn']);
+ //everything is fine when we know the group
+ if($key) {
+ $ownCloudNames[] = $knownObjects[$key]['owncloud_name'];
+ continue;
+ }
+ //a new group! Then let's try to add it. We're shooting into the blue with the group name, assuming that in most cases there will not be a conflict
+ if(self::mapComponent($ldapObject['dn'], $ldapObject[$nameAttribute], $isUsers)) {
+ $ownCloudNames[] = $ldapObject[$nameAttribute];
+ continue;
+ }
+ //doh! There is a conflict. We need to distinguish between groups. Adding indexes is an idea, but not much of a help for the user. The DN is ugly, but for now the only reasonable way. But we transform it to a readable format and remove the first part to only give the path where this entry is located.
+ $oc_name = self::alternateOwnCloudName($ldapObject[$nameAttribute], $ldapObject['dn']);
+ if(self::mapComponent($ldapObject['dn'], $oc_name, $isUsers)) {
+ $ownCloudNames[] = $oc_name;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //and this of course should never been thrown :)
+ throw new Exception('LDAP backend: unexpected collision of DN and ownCloud Name.');
+ }
+ return $ownCloudNames;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief creates a hopefully unique name for owncloud based on the display name and the dn of the LDAP object
+ * @param $name the display name of the object
+ * @param $dn the dn of the object
+ * @returns string with with the name to use in ownCloud
+ *
+ * creates a hopefully unique name for owncloud based on the display name and the dn of the LDAP object
+ */
+ static private function alternateOwnCloudName($name, $dn) {
+ $ufn = ldap_dn2ufn($dn);
+ return $name . ' (' . trim(substr_replace($ufn, '', 0, strpos($ufn, ','))) . ')';
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief retrieves all known groups from the mappings table
+ * @returns array with the results
+ *
+ * retrieves all known groups from the mappings table
+ */
+ static private function mappedGroups() {
+ return self::mappedComponents(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief retrieves all known users from the mappings table
+ * @returns array with the results
+ *
+ * retrieves all known users from the mappings table
+ */
+ static private function mappedUsers() {
+ return self::mappedComponents(true);
+ }
+ static private function mappedComponents($isUsers) {
+ $table = self::getMapTable($isUsers);
+ $query = OC_DB::prepare('
+ SELECT ldap_dn, owncloud_name
+ FROM '. $table
+ );
+ return $query->execute()->fetchAll();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief inserts a new group into the mappings table
+ * @param $dn the record in question
+ * @param $ocname the name to use in ownCloud
+ * @returns true on success, false otherwise
+ *
+ * inserts a new group into the mappings table
+ */
+ static private function mapGroup($dn, $ocname) {
+ return self::mapComponent($dn, $ocname, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief inserts a new user into the mappings table
+ * @param $dn the record in question
+ * @param $ocname the name to use in ownCloud
+ * @returns true on success, false otherwise
+ *
+ * inserts a new user into the mappings table
+ */
+ static private function mapUser($dn, $ocname) {
+ return self::mapComponent($dn, $ocname, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief inserts a new user or group into the mappings table
+ * @param $dn the record in question
+ * @param $ocname the name to use in ownCloud
+ * @param $isUser is it a user or a group?
+ * @returns true on success, false otherwise
+ *
+ * inserts a new user or group into the mappings table
+ */
+ static private function mapComponent($dn, $ocname, $isUser = true) {
+ $table = self::getMapTable($isUser);
+ $insert = OC_DB::prepare('
+ (ldap_dn, owncloud_name)
+ VALUES (?,?)
+ ');
+ $res = $insert->execute(array($dn, $ocname));
+ return !OC_DB::isError($res);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief reads a given attribute for an LDAP record identified by a DN
+ * @param $dn the record in question
+ * @param $attr the attribute that shall be retrieved
+ * @returns the values in an array on success, false otherwise
+ *
+ * Reads an attribute from an LDAP entry
+ */
+ static public function readAttribute($dn, $attr) {
+ $cr = self::getConnectionResource();
+// echo("<pre>");var_dump($dn);
+ $rr = ldap_read($cr, $dn, 'objectClass=*', array($attr));
+ if(!$rr) {
+ echo('<pre>###RA ');var_dump($dn);var_dump(debug_backtrace());die();
+ }
+ $er = ldap_first_entry($cr, $rr);
+ $result = ldap_get_attributes($cr, $er);
+// if($dn == 'cn=Coyotes,cn=groups,dc=blizzz-oc,dc=bzoc') die((var_dump($result)));
+ if($result[$attr]['count'] > 0){
+ $values = array();
+ for($i=0;$i<$result[$attr]['count'];$i++) {
+ $values[] = $result[$attr][$i];
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }
+ return false;
@@ -100,15 +434,38 @@ class OC_LDAP {
* Executes an LDAP search
static private function search($filter, $base, $attr = null) {
- $sr = ldap_search(self::getConnectionResource(), $base, $filter, array($attr));
+ if(!is_null($attr) && !is_array($attr)) {
+ $attr = array(strtolower($attr));
+ }
+ $sr = ldap_search(self::getConnectionResource(), $base, $filter, $attr);
$findings = ldap_get_entries(self::getConnectionResource(), $sr );
if(!is_null($attr)) {
$selection = array();
+ $multiarray = false;
+ if(count($attr) > 1) {
+ $multiarray = true;
+ $i = 0;
+ }
foreach($findings as $item) {
- if(isset($item[strtolower($attr)])) {
- $selection[] = $item[strtolower($attr)][0];
+ if($multiarray) {
+ foreach($attr as $key) {
+ if(isset($item[$key])) {
+ if($key != 'dn'){
+ $selection[$i][$key] = $item[$key][0];
+ } else {
+ $selection[$i][$key] = $item[$key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $i++;
+ } else {
+ if(isset($item[$attr[0]])) {
+ $selection[] = $item[$attr[0]];
+ }
return $selection;
@@ -173,16 +530,18 @@ class OC_LDAP {
static private function readConfiguration() {
if(!self::$configured) {
- self::$ldapHost = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_host', '');
- self::$ldapPort = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_port', OC_USER_BACKEND_LDAP_DEFAULT_PORT);
- self::$ldapAgentName = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_dn','');
- self::$ldapAgentPassword = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_password','');
- self::$ldapBase = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_base', '');
- self::$ldapBaseUsers = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_base_users',self::$ldapBase);
- self::$ldapBaseGroups = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_base_groups', self::$ldapBase);
- self::$ldapTLS = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_tls',0);
- self::$ldapNoCase = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_nocase', 0);
- self::$ldapUserDisplayName = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_display_name', OC_USER_BACKEND_LDAP_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_NAME);
+ self::$ldapHost = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_host', '');
+ self::$ldapPort = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_port', OC_USER_BACKEND_LDAP_DEFAULT_PORT);
+ self::$ldapAgentName = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_dn','');
+ self::$ldapAgentPassword = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_password','');
+ self::$ldapBase = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_base', '');
+ self::$ldapBaseUsers = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_base_users',self::$ldapBase);
+ self::$ldapBaseGroups = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_base_groups', self::$ldapBase);
+ self::$ldapTLS = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_tls',0);
+ self::$ldapNoCase = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_nocase', 0);
+ self::$ldapUserDisplayName = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_display_name', OC_USER_BACKEND_LDAP_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_NAME);
+ self::$ldapUserFilter = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_userlist_filter','objectClass=person');
+ self::$ldapGroupDisplayName = OC_Appconfig::getValue('user_ldap', 'ldap_group_display_name', LDAP_GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME_ATTR);
@@ -226,5 +585,23 @@ class OC_LDAP {
+ /**
+ * taken from
+ * TODO: move somewhere, where its better placed since it is not LDAP specific. OC_Helper maybe?
+ */
+ static public function recursiveArraySearch($haystack, $needle, $index = null) {
+ $aIt = new RecursiveArrayIterator($haystack);
+ $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($aIt);
+ while($it->valid()) {
+ if (((isset($index) AND ($it->key() == $index)) OR (!isset($index))) AND ($it->current() == $needle)) {
+ return $aIt->key();
+ }
+ $it->next();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file