path: root/apps/user_ldap
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/user_ldap')
16 files changed, 263 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ak.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ak.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dd5f66761d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ak.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("",""),
+"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("","")
+$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;";
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/az.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/az.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bba52d53a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/az.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array(""),
+"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("")
+$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/be.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/be.php
index 2641c1d1300..089b92efe7b 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/be.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/be.php
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+"Error" => "Памылка",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("","","",""),
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("","","","")
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/el.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/el.php
index 0e32abbf9c3..8369dff4895 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/el.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/el.php
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Failed to delete the server configuration" => "Αποτυχία διαγραφής ρυθμίσεων διακομιστή",
"The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" => "Οι ρυθμίσεις είναι έγκυρες και η σύνδεση μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθεί!",
"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." => "Οι ρυθμίσεις είναι έγκυρες, αλλά απέτυχε η σύνδεση. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε τις ρυθμίσεις του διακομιστή και τα διαπιστευτήρια.",
+"The configuration is invalid. Please have a look at the logs for further details." => "Η διαμόρφωση είναι άκυρη. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε τα αρχεία σφαλμάτων για περαιτέρω λεπτομέρειες.",
+"No action specified" => "Καμμία εντολή δεν προσδιορίστηκε",
+"No configuration specified" => "Καμμία διαμόρφωση δεν προσδιορίστηκε",
+"No data specified" => "Δεν προσδιορίστηκαν δεδομένα",
"Deletion failed" => "Η διαγραφή απέτυχε",
"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Πάρτε πάνω από τις πρόσφατες ρυθμίσεις διαμόρφωσης του διακομιστή?",
"Keep settings?" => "Διατήρηση ρυθμίσεων;",
@@ -11,16 +15,35 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"mappings cleared" => "αντιστοιχίες εκκαθαρίστηκαν",
"Success" => "Επιτυχία",
"Error" => "Σφάλμα",
+"Configuration OK" => "Η διαμόρφωση είναι εντάξει",
+"Configuration incorrect" => "Η διαμόρφωση είναι λανθασμένη",
+"Configuration incomplete" => "Η διαμόρφωση είναι ελλιπής",
"Select groups" => "Επιλέξτε ομάδες",
+"Select object classes" => "Επιλογή κλάσης αντικειμένων",
+"Select attributes" => "Επιλογή χαρακτηριστικών",
"Connection test succeeded" => "Επιτυχημένη δοκιμαστική σύνδεση",
"Connection test failed" => "Αποτυχημένη δοκιμαστική σύνδεσης.",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "Θέλετε να διαγράψετε τις τρέχουσες ρυθμίσεις του διακομιστή;",
"Confirm Deletion" => "Επιβεβαίωση Διαγραφής",
-"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("",""),
-"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("",""),
+"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("%s ομάδα βρέθηκε","%s ομάδες βρέθηκαν"),
+"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("%s χρήστης βρέθηκε","%s χρήστες βρέθηκαν"),
+"Invalid Host" => "Άκυρος εξυπηρετητής",
+"Could not find the desired feature" => "Αδυναμία εύρεσης επιθυμητου χαρακτηριστικού",
"Save" => "Αποθήκευση",
"Test Configuration" => "Δοκιμαστικες ρυθμισεις",
"Help" => "Βοήθεια",
+"Limit the access to %s to groups meeting this criteria:" => "Περιορισμός πρόσβασης %s σε ομάδες που ταιριάζουν αυτά τα κριτήρια:",
+"only those object classes:" => "μόνο αυτές οι κλάσεις αντικειμένων:",
+"only from those groups:" => "μόνο από αυτές τις ομάδες:",
+"Edit raw filter instead" => "Επεξεργασία πρωτογενούς φίλτρου αντί αυτού",
+"Raw LDAP filter" => "Πρωτογενές φίλτρο ",
+"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." => "Το φίλτρο καθορίζει ποιες ομάδες LDAP θα έχουν πρόσβαση στην εγκατάσταση %s.",
+"groups found" => "ομάδες βρέθηκαν",
+"What attribute shall be used as login name:" => "Ποια ιδιότητα θα χρησιμοποιηθεί ως όνομα σύνδεσης:",
+"LDAP Username:" => "Όνομα χρήστη LDAP:",
+"LDAP Email Address:" => "Διεύθυνση ηλ. ταχυδρομείου LDAP:",
+"Other Attributes:" => "Άλλες Ιδιότητες:",
+"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" => "Ορίζει το φίλτρο που θα εφαρμοστεί, όταν επιχειριθεί σύνδεση. Το %%uid αντικαθιστά το όνομα χρήστη κατά τη σύνδεση. Παράδειγμα: \"uid=%%uid\"",
"Add Server Configuration" => "Προσθήκη Ρυθμίσεων Διακομιστή",
"Host" => "Διακομιστής",
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Μπορείτε να παραλείψετε το πρωτόκολλο, εκτός αν απαιτείται SSL. Σε αυτή την περίπτωση ξεκινήστε με ldaps://",
@@ -31,6 +54,9 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Για ανώνυμη πρόσβαση, αφήστε κενά τα πεδία DN και Pasword.",
"One Base DN per line" => "Ένα DN Βάσης ανά γραμμή ",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "Μπορείτε να καθορίσετε το Base DN για χρήστες και ομάδες από την καρτέλα Προηγμένες ρυθμίσεις",
+"Limit the access to %s to users meeting this criteria:" => "Περιορισμός πρόσβασης %s σε χρήστες που ταιριάζουν αυτά τα κριτήρια:",
+"The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." => "Το φίλτρο καθορίζει ποιοι χρήστες LDAP θα έχουν πρόσβαση στην εγκατάσταση %s.",
+"users found" => "χρήστες βρέθηκαν",
"Back" => "Επιστροφή",
"Continue" => "Συνέχεια",
"<b>Warning:</b> Apps user_ldap and user_webdavauth are incompatible. You may experience unexpected behavior. Please ask your system administrator to disable one of them." => "<b>Προσοχή:</b> Οι εφαρμογές user_ldap και user_webdavauth είναι ασύμβατες. Μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσετε απρόβλεπτη συμπεριφορά. Παρακαλώ ζητήστε από τον διαχειριστή συστήματος να απενεργοποιήσει μία από αυτές.",
@@ -44,15 +70,18 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Disable Main Server" => "Απενεργοποιηση του κεντρικου διακομιστη",
"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "LDAP server (Windows) με διάκριση πεζών-ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΩΝ",
"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "Απενεργοποίηση επικύρωσης πιστοποιητικού SSL.",
+"Not recommended, use it for testing only! If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your %s server." => "Δεν προτείνεται, χρησιμοποιείστε το μόνο για δοκιμές! Εάν η σύνδεση λειτουργεί μόνο με αυτή την επιλογή, εισάγετε το πιστοποιητικό SSL του διακομιστή LDAP στο %s διακομιστή σας.",
"Cache Time-To-Live" => "Cache Time-To-Live",
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "σε δευτερόλεπτα. Μια αλλαγή αδειάζει την μνήμη cache.",
"Directory Settings" => "Ρυθμίσεις Καταλόγου",
"User Display Name Field" => "Πεδίο Ονόματος Χρήστη",
+"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user's display name." => "Η ιδιότητα LDAP προς χρήση για δημιουργία του προβαλλόμενου ονόματος χρήστη.",
"Base User Tree" => "Base User Tree",
"One User Base DN per line" => "Ένα DN βάσης χρηστών ανά γραμμή",
"User Search Attributes" => "Χαρακτηριστικά αναζήτησης των χρηστών ",
"Optional; one attribute per line" => "Προαιρετικά? Ένα χαρακτηριστικό ανά γραμμή ",
"Group Display Name Field" => "Group Display Name Field",
+"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups's display name." => "Η ιδιότητα LDAP προς χρήση για δημιουργία του προβαλλόμενου ονόματος ομάδας.",
"Base Group Tree" => "Base Group Tree",
"One Group Base DN per line" => "Μια ομαδικη Βάση DN ανά γραμμή",
"Group Search Attributes" => "Ομάδα Χαρακτηριστικων Αναζήτηση",
@@ -65,6 +94,15 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"User Home Folder Naming Rule" => "Χρήστης Προσωπικόςφάκελος Ονομασία Κανόνας ",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Αφήστε το κενό για το όνομα χρήστη (προεπιλογή). Διαφορετικά, συμπληρώστε μία ιδιότητα LDAP/AD.",
"Internal Username" => "Εσωτερικό Όνομα Χρήστη",
-"Internal Username Attribute:" => "Ιδιότητα Εσωτερικού Ονόματος Χρήστη:"
+"By default the internal username will be created from the UUID attribute. It makes sure that the username is unique and characters do not need to be converted. The internal username has the restriction that only these characters are allowed: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Other characters are replaced with their ASCII correspondence or simply omitted. On collisions a number will be added/increased. The internal username is used to identify a user internally. It is also the default name for the user home folder. It is also a part of remote URLs, for instance for all *DAV services. With this setting, the default behavior can be overridden. To achieve a similar behavior as before ownCloud 5 enter the user display name attribute in the following field. Leave it empty for default behavior. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users." => "Εξ ορισμού, το εσωτερικό όνομα χρήστη θα δημιουργηθεί από το χαρακτηριστικό UUID. Αυτό βεβαιώνει ότι το όνομα χρήστη είναι μοναδικό και δεν χρειάζεται μετατροπή χαρακτήρων. Το εσωτερικό όνομα χρήστη έχει τον περιορισμό ότι μόνο αυτοί οι χαρακτήρες επιτρέπονται: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Οι άλλοι χαρακτήρες αντικαθίστανται με τους αντίστοιχους ASCII ή απλά παραλείπονται. Στις συγκρούσεις ένας αριθμός θα προστεθεί / αυξηθεί. Το εσωτερικό όνομα χρήστη χρησιμοποιείται για την αναγνώριση ενός χρήστη εσωτερικά. Είναι επίσης το προεπιλεγμένο όνομα για τον αρχικό φάκελο χρήστη. Αποτελεί επίσης μέρος των απομακρυσμένων διευθύνσεων URL, για παράδειγμα για όλες τις υπηρεσίες *DAV. Με αυτή τη ρύθμιση, η προεπιλεγμένη συμπεριφορά μπορεί να παρακαμφθεί. Για να επιτευχθεί μια παρόμοια συμπεριφορά όπως πριν το ownCloud 5 εισάγετε το χαρακτηριστικό του προβαλλόμενου ονόματος χρήστη στο παρακάτω πεδίο. Αφήστε το κενό για την προεπιλεγμένη λειτουργία. Οι αλλαγές θα έχουν ισχύ μόνο σε νεώτερους (προστιθέμενους) χρήστες LDAP.",
+"Internal Username Attribute:" => "Ιδιότητα Εσωτερικού Ονόματος Χρήστη:",
+"Override UUID detection" => "Παράκαμψη ανίχνευσης UUID",
+"By default, the UUID attribute is automatically detected. The UUID attribute is used to doubtlessly identify LDAP users and groups. Also, the internal username will be created based on the UUID, if not specified otherwise above. You can override the setting and pass an attribute of your choice. You must make sure that the attribute of your choice can be fetched for both users and groups and it is unique. Leave it empty for default behavior. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users and groups." => "Από προεπιλογή, το χαρακτηριστικό UUID εντοπίζεται αυτόματα. Το χαρακτηριστικό UUID χρησιμοποιείται για την αναγνώριση χωρίς αμφιβολία χρηστών και ομάδων LDAP. Επίσης, το εσωτερικό όνομα χρήστη θα δημιουργηθεί με βάση το UUID, εφόσον δεν ορίζεται διαφορετικά ανωτέρω. Μπορείτε να παρακάμψετε τη ρύθμιση και να ορίσετε ένα χαρακτηριστικό της επιλογής σας. Θα πρέπει να βεβαιωθείτε ότι το χαρακτηριστικό της επιλογής σας μπορεί να ληφθεί για τους χρήστες και τις ομάδες και ότι είναι μοναδικό. Αφήστε το κενό για την προεπιλεγμένη λειτουργία. Οι αλλαγές θα έχουν ισχύ μόνο σε πρόσφατα αντιστοιχισμένους (προστιθέμενους) χρήστες και ομάδες LDAP.",
+"UUID Attribute for Users:" => "Χαρακτηριστικό UUID για Χρήστες:",
+"UUID Attribute for Groups:" => "Χαρακτηριστικό UUID για Ομάδες:",
+"Username-LDAP User Mapping" => "Αντιστοίχιση Χρηστών Όνομα Χρήστη-LDAP",
+"Usernames are used to store and assign (meta) data. In order to precisely identify and recognize users, each LDAP user will have a internal username. This requires a mapping from username to LDAP user. The created username is mapped to the UUID of the LDAP user. Additionally the DN is cached as well to reduce LDAP interaction, but it is not used for identification. If the DN changes, the changes will be found. The internal username is used all over. Clearing the mappings will have leftovers everywhere. Clearing the mappings is not configuration sensitive, it affects all LDAP configurations! Never clear the mappings in a production environment, only in a testing or experimental stage." => "Τα ονόματα χρηστών χρησιμοποιούνται για την αποθήκευση και την ανάθεση (μετα) δεδομένων. Προκειμένου να προσδιοριστούν με ακρίβεια και να αναγνωρίστουν οι χρήστες, κάθε χρήστης LDAP θα έχει ένα εσωτερικό όνομα. Αυτό απαιτεί μια αντιστοίχιση του ονόματος χρήστη με το χρήστη LDAP. Το όνομα χρήστη που δημιουργήθηκε αντιστοιχίζεται στην UUID του χρήστη LDAP. Επιπροσθέτως, το DN αποθηκεύεται προσωρινά (cache) ώστε να μειωθεί η αλληλεπίδραση LDAP, αλλά δεν χρησιμοποιείται για την ταυτοποίηση. Αν το DN αλλάξει, οι αλλαγές θα βρεθούν. Το εσωτερικό όνομα χρήστη χρησιμοποιείται παντού. Η εκκαθάριση των αντιστοιχίσεων θα αφήσει κατάλοιπα παντού. Η εκκαθάριση των αντιστοιχίσεων δεν επηρεάζεται από τη διαμόρφωση, επηρεάζει όλες τις διαμορφώσεις LDAP! Μην διαγράψετε ποτέ τις αντιστοιχίσεις σε ένα λειτουργικό περιβάλλον παρά μόνο σε δοκιμές ή σε πειραματικό στάδιο.",
+"Clear Username-LDAP User Mapping" => "Διαγραφή αντιστοίχησης Ονόματος Χρήστη LDAP-Χρήστη",
+"Clear Groupname-LDAP Group Mapping" => "Διαγραφή αντιστοίχησης Ονόματος Ομάδας-LDAP Ομάδας"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es_CL.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es_CL.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b3522617b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es_CL.php
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("",""),
+"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("",""),
+"Password" => "Clave"
+$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es_MX.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es_MX.php
index 3a1e002311c..16aaa91fd51 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es_MX.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es_MX.php
@@ -1,6 +1,110 @@
-"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("",""),
-"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("","")
+"Failed to clear the mappings." => "Ocurrió un fallo al borrar las asignaciones.",
+"Failed to delete the server configuration" => "No se pudo borrar la configuración del servidor",
+"The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" => "¡La configuración es válida y la conexión puede establecerse!",
+"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." => "La configuración es válida, pero falló el Enlace. Por favor, compruebe la configuración del servidor y las credenciales.",
+"The configuration is invalid. Please have a look at the logs for further details." => "La configuración no es válida. Por favor, busque en el log para más detalles.",
+"No action specified" => "No se ha especificado la acción",
+"No configuration specified" => "No se ha especificado la configuración",
+"No data specified" => "No se han especificado los datos",
+" Could not set configuration %s" => "No se pudo establecer la configuración %s",
+"Deletion failed" => "Falló el borrado",
+"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "¿Asumir los ajustes actuales de la configuración del servidor?",
+"Keep settings?" => "¿Mantener la configuración?",
+"Cannot add server configuration" => "No se puede añadir la configuración del servidor",
+"mappings cleared" => "Asignaciones borradas",
+"Success" => "Éxito",
+"Error" => "Error",
+"Configuration OK" => "Configuración OK",
+"Configuration incorrect" => "Configuración Incorrecta",
+"Configuration incomplete" => "Configuración incompleta",
+"Select groups" => "Seleccionar grupos",
+"Select object classes" => "Seleccionar la clase de objeto",
+"Select attributes" => "Seleccionar atributos",
+"Connection test succeeded" => "La prueba de conexión fue exitosa",
+"Connection test failed" => "La prueba de conexión falló",
+"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "¿Realmente desea eliminar la configuración actual del servidor?",
+"Confirm Deletion" => "Confirmar eliminación",
+"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("Grupo %s encontrado","Grupos %s encontrados"),
+"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("Usuario %s encontrado","Usuarios %s encontrados"),
+"Invalid Host" => "Host inválido",
+"Could not find the desired feature" => "No se puede encontrar la función deseada.",
+"Save" => "Guardar",
+"Test Configuration" => "Configuración de prueba",
+"Help" => "Ayuda",
+"Limit the access to %s to groups meeting this criteria:" => "Limitar el acceso a %s a los grupos que cumplan este criterio:",
+"only those object classes:" => "solamente de estas clases de objeto:",
+"only from those groups:" => "solamente de estos grupos:",
+"Edit raw filter instead" => "Editar el filtro en bruto en su lugar",
+"Raw LDAP filter" => "Filtro LDAP en bruto",
+"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." => "El filtro especifica que grupos LDAP tendrán acceso a %s.",
+"groups found" => "grupos encontrados",
+"What attribute shall be used as login name:" => "Que atributo debe ser usado como login:",
+"LDAP Username:" => "Nombre de usuario LDAP:",
+"LDAP Email Address:" => "Dirección e-mail LDAP:",
+"Other Attributes:" => "Otros atributos:",
+"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" => "Define el filtro a aplicar cuando se intenta identificar. %%uid remplazará al nombre de usuario en el proceso de identificación. Por ejemplo: \"uid=%%uid\"",
+"Add Server Configuration" => "Agregar configuracion del servidor",
+"Host" => "Servidor",
+"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Puede omitir el protocolo, excepto si requiere SSL. En ese caso, empiece con ldaps://",
+"Port" => "Puerto",
+"User DN" => "DN usuario",
+"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "El DN del usuario cliente con el que se hará la asociación, p.ej. uid=agente,dc=ejemplo,dc=com. Para acceso anónimo, deje DN y contraseña vacíos.",
+"Password" => "Contraseña",
+"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "Para acceso anónimo, deje DN y contraseña vacíos.",
+"One Base DN per line" => "Un DN Base por línea",
+"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "Puede especificar el DN base para usuarios y grupos en la pestaña Avanzado",
+"Limit the access to %s to users meeting this criteria:" => "Limitar el acceso a %s a los usuarios que cumplan el siguiente criterio:",
+"The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." => "El filtro especifica que usuarios LDAP pueden tener acceso a %s.",
+"users found" => "usuarios encontrados",
+"Back" => "Atrás",
+"Continue" => "Continuar",
+"<b>Warning:</b> Apps user_ldap and user_webdavauth are incompatible. You may experience unexpected behavior. Please ask your system administrator to disable one of them." => "<b>Advertencia:</b> Las apps user_ldap y user_webdavauth son incompatibles. Puede que experimente un comportamiento inesperado. Pregunte al su administrador de sistemas para desactivar uno de ellos.",
+"<b>Warning:</b> The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it." => "<b>Advertencia:</b> El módulo LDAP de PHP no está instalado, el sistema no funcionará. Por favor consulte al administrador del sistema para instalarlo.",
+"Connection Settings" => "Configuración de conexión",
+"Configuration Active" => "Configuracion activa",
+"When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." => "Cuando deseleccione, esta configuracion sera omitida.",
+"Backup (Replica) Host" => "Servidor de copia de seguridad (Replica)",
+"Give an optional backup host. It must be a replica of the main LDAP/AD server." => "Dar un servidor de copia de seguridad opcional. Debe ser una réplica del servidor principal LDAP / AD.",
+"Backup (Replica) Port" => "Puerto para copias de seguridad (Replica)",
+"Disable Main Server" => "Deshabilitar servidor principal",
+"Only connect to the replica server." => "Conectar sólo con el servidor de réplica.",
+"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "Servidor de LDAP no sensible a mayúsculas/minúsculas (Windows)",
+"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "Apagar la validación por certificado SSL.",
+"Not recommended, use it for testing only! If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your %s server." => "No se recomienda, ¡utilízalo únicamente para pruebas! Si la conexión únicamente funciona con esta opción, importa el certificado SSL del servidor LDAP en tu servidor %s.",
+"Cache Time-To-Live" => "Cache TTL",
+"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "en segundos. Un cambio vacía la caché.",
+"Directory Settings" => "Configuración de directorio",
+"User Display Name Field" => "Campo de nombre de usuario a mostrar",
+"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user's display name." => "El campo LDAP a usar para generar el nombre para mostrar del usuario.",
+"Base User Tree" => "Árbol base de usuario",
+"One User Base DN per line" => "Un DN Base de Usuario por línea",
+"User Search Attributes" => "Atributos de la busqueda de usuario",
+"Optional; one attribute per line" => "Opcional; un atributo por linea",
+"Group Display Name Field" => "Campo de nombre de grupo a mostrar",
+"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups's display name." => "El campo LDAP a usar para generar el nombre para mostrar del grupo.",
+"Base Group Tree" => "Árbol base de grupo",
+"One Group Base DN per line" => "Un DN Base de Grupo por línea",
+"Group Search Attributes" => "Atributos de busqueda de grupo",
+"Group-Member association" => "Asociación Grupo-Miembro",
+"Special Attributes" => "Atributos especiales",
+"Quota Field" => "Cuota",
+"Quota Default" => "Cuota por defecto",
+"in bytes" => "en bytes",
+"Email Field" => "E-mail",
+"User Home Folder Naming Rule" => "Regla para la carpeta Home de usuario",
+"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Vacío para el nombre de usuario (por defecto). En otro caso, especifique un atributo LDAP/AD.",
+"Internal Username" => "Nombre de usuario interno",
+"By default the internal username will be created from the UUID attribute. It makes sure that the username is unique and characters do not need to be converted. The internal username has the restriction that only these characters are allowed: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Other characters are replaced with their ASCII correspondence or simply omitted. On collisions a number will be added/increased. The internal username is used to identify a user internally. It is also the default name for the user home folder. It is also a part of remote URLs, for instance for all *DAV services. With this setting, the default behavior can be overridden. To achieve a similar behavior as before ownCloud 5 enter the user display name attribute in the following field. Leave it empty for default behavior. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users." => "El nombre de usuario interno será creado de forma predeterminada desde el atributo UUID. Esto asegura que el nombre de usuario es único y los caracteres no necesitan ser convertidos. En el nombre de usuario interno sólo se pueden usar estos caracteres: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. El resto de caracteres son sustituidos por su correspondiente en ASCII o simplemente omitidos. En caso de duplicidades, se añadirá o incrementará un número. El nombre de usuario interno es usado para identificar un usuario. Es también el nombre predeterminado para la carpeta personal del usuario en ownCloud. También es parte de URLs remotas, por ejemplo, para todos los servicios *DAV. Con esta configuración el comportamiento predeterminado puede ser cambiado. Para conseguir un comportamiento similar a como era antes de ownCloud 5, introduzca el campo del nombre para mostrar del usuario en la siguiente caja. Déjelo vacío para el comportamiento predeterminado. Los cambios solo tendrán efecto en los usuarios LDAP mapeados (añadidos) recientemente.",
+"Internal Username Attribute:" => "Atributo Nombre de usuario Interno:",
+"Override UUID detection" => "Sobrescribir la detección UUID",
+"By default, the UUID attribute is automatically detected. The UUID attribute is used to doubtlessly identify LDAP users and groups. Also, the internal username will be created based on the UUID, if not specified otherwise above. You can override the setting and pass an attribute of your choice. You must make sure that the attribute of your choice can be fetched for both users and groups and it is unique. Leave it empty for default behavior. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users and groups." => "Por defecto, el atributo UUID es autodetectado. Este atributo es usado para identificar indudablemente usuarios y grupos LDAP. Además, el nombre de usuario interno será creado en base al UUID, si no ha sido especificado otro comportamiento arriba. Puedes sobrescribir la configuración y pasar un atributo de tu elección. Debes asegurarte de que el atributo de tu elección sea accesible por los usuarios y grupos y ser único. Déjalo en blanco para usar el comportamiento por defecto. Los cambios tendrán efecto solo en los usuarios y grupos de LDAP mapeados (añadidos) recientemente.",
+"UUID Attribute for Users:" => "Atributo UUID para usuarios:",
+"UUID Attribute for Groups:" => "Atributo UUID para Grupos:",
+"Username-LDAP User Mapping" => "Asignación del Nombre de usuario de un usuario LDAP",
+"Usernames are used to store and assign (meta) data. In order to precisely identify and recognize users, each LDAP user will have a internal username. This requires a mapping from username to LDAP user. The created username is mapped to the UUID of the LDAP user. Additionally the DN is cached as well to reduce LDAP interaction, but it is not used for identification. If the DN changes, the changes will be found. The internal username is used all over. Clearing the mappings will have leftovers everywhere. Clearing the mappings is not configuration sensitive, it affects all LDAP configurations! Never clear the mappings in a production environment, only in a testing or experimental stage." => "Los usuarios son usados para almacenar y asignar (meta) datos. Con el fin de identificar de forma precisa y reconocer usuarios, cada usuario de LDAP tendrá un nombre de usuario interno. Esto requiere un mapeo entre el nombre de usuario y el usuario del LDAP. El nombre de usuario creado es mapeado respecto al UUID del usuario en el LDAP. De forma adicional, el DN es cacheado para reducir la interacción entre el LDAP, pero no es usado para identificar. Si el DN cambia, los cambios serán aplicados. El nombre de usuario interno es usado por encima de todo. Limpiar los mapeos dejará restos por todas partes, no es sensible a configuración, ¡afecta a todas las configuraciones del LDAP! Nunca limpies los mapeos en un entorno de producción, únicamente en una fase de desarrollo o experimental.",
+"Clear Username-LDAP User Mapping" => "Borrar la asignación de los Nombres de usuario de los usuarios LDAP",
+"Clear Groupname-LDAP Group Mapping" => "Borrar la asignación de los Nombres de grupo de los grupos de LDAP"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/hu_HU.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/hu_HU.php
index 34f626c8c24..2799d0407c4 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/hu_HU.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/hu_HU.php
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"mappings cleared" => "Töröltük a hozzárendeléseket",
"Success" => "Sikeres végrehajtás",
"Error" => "Hiba",
+"Configuration OK" => "Konfiguráció OK",
+"Configuration incorrect" => "Konfiguráió hibás",
+"Configuration incomplete" => "Konfiguráció nincs befejezve",
"Select groups" => "Csoportok kiválasztása",
"Select object classes" => "Objektumosztályok kiválasztása",
"Select attributes" => "Attribútumok kiválasztása",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ia.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ia.php
index 4a23d5860c4..e138fd835f1 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ia.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ia.php
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+"Deletion failed" => "Il falleva deler",
"Error" => "Error",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("",""),
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("",""),
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/id.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/id.php
index 6f4ddd21483..03071bb1d0f 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/id.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/id.php
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"One Base DN per line" => "Satu Base DN per baris",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "Anda dapat menetapkan Base DN untuk pengguna dan grup dalam tab Lanjutan",
"Back" => "Kembali",
+"Continue" => "Lanjutkan",
"<b>Warning:</b> The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it." => "<b>Peringatan:</b> Modul LDAP PHP tidak terpasang, perangkat tidak akan bekerja. Silakan minta administrator sistem untuk memasangnya.",
"Connection Settings" => "Pengaturan Koneksi",
"Configuration Active" => "Konfigurasi Aktif",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ko.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ko.php
index bac25ec96b9..2d861f27ba8 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ko.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ko.php
@@ -1,19 +1,53 @@
+"Failed to clear the mappings." => "매핑을 비울 수 없습니다.",
+"Failed to delete the server configuration" => "서버 설정을 삭제할 수 없습니다.",
+"The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" => "설정 정보가 올바르고 연결할 수 있습니다!",
+"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." => "설정 정보가 올바르지만 바인딩이 실패하였습니다. 서버 설정과 인증 정보를 확인하십시오.",
+"The configuration is invalid. Please have a look at the logs for further details." => "설정이 올바르지 않습니다. 자세한 사항은 로그를 참고하십시오.",
+"No action specified" => "동작이 지정되지 않음",
+"No configuration specified" => "설정이 지정되지 않음",
+"No data specified" => "데이터가 지정되지 않음",
+" Could not set configuration %s" => " 설정 %s을(를) 지정할 수 없음",
"Deletion failed" => "삭제 실패",
-"Keep settings?" => "설정을 유지합니까?",
+"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "최근 서버 설정을 다시 불러오시겠습니까?",
+"Keep settings?" => "설정을 유지하겠습니까?",
+"Cannot add server configuration" => "서버 설정을 추가할 수 없음",
+"mappings cleared" => "매핑 삭제됨",
+"Success" => "성공",
"Error" => "오류",
+"Configuration OK" => "설정 올바름",
+"Configuration incorrect" => "설정 올바르지 않음",
+"Configuration incomplete" => "설정 불완전함",
"Select groups" => "그룹 선택",
+"Select object classes" => "객체 클래스 선택",
+"Select attributes" => "속성 선택",
"Connection test succeeded" => "연결 시험 성공",
"Connection test failed" => "연결 시험 실패",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" => "현재 서버 설정을 지우시겠습니까?",
-"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array(""),
-"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array(""),
+"Confirm Deletion" => "삭제 확인",
+"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("그룹 %s개 찾음"),
+"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("사용자 %s명 찾음"),
+"Invalid Host" => "잘못된 호스트",
+"Could not find the desired feature" => "필요한 기능을 찾을 수 없음",
"Save" => "저장",
+"Test Configuration" => "설정 시험",
"Help" => "도움말",
+"Limit the access to %s to groups meeting this criteria:" => "다음 조건을 만족하는 그룹만 %s 접근 허용:",
+"only those object classes:" => "다음 객체 클래스만:",
+"only from those groups:" => "다음 그룹에서만:",
+"Edit raw filter instead" => "필터 직접 편집",
+"Raw LDAP filter" => "LDAP 필터",
+"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." => "이 필터는 %s에 접근할 수 있는 LDAP 그룹을 설정합니다.",
+"groups found" => "그룹 찾음",
+"What attribute shall be used as login name:" => "로그인 이름으로 사용할 속성:",
+"LDAP Username:" => "LDAP 사용자 이름:",
+"LDAP Email Address:" => "LDAP 이메일 주소:",
+"Other Attributes:" => "기타 속성:",
+"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" => "로그인을 시도할 때 적용할 필터를 입력하십시오. %%uid는 로그인 동작의 사용자 이름으로 대체됩니다. 예: \"uid=%%uid\"",
"Add Server Configuration" => "서버 설정 추가",
"Host" => "호스트",
-"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "SSL을 사용하는 경우가 아니라면 프로토콜을 입력하지 않아도 됩니다. SSL을 사용하려면 ldaps://를 입력하십시오.",
+"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "SSL을 사용하지 않으면 프로토콜을 입력하지 않아도 됩니다. SSL을 사용하려면 ldaps://를 입력하십시오.",
"Port" => "포트",
"User DN" => "사용자 DN",
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "바인딩 작업을 수행할 클라이언트 사용자 DN입니다. 예를 들어서 uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com입니다. 익명 접근을 허용하려면 DN과 암호를 비워 두십시오.",
@@ -21,29 +55,56 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "익명 접근을 허용하려면 DN과 암호를 비워 두십시오.",
"One Base DN per line" => "기본 DN을 한 줄에 하나씩 입력하십시오",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "고급 탭에서 사용자 및 그룹에 대한 기본 DN을 지정할 수 있습니다.",
+"Limit the access to %s to users meeting this criteria:" => "다음 조건을 만족하는 사용자만 %s 접근 허용:",
+"The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." => "이 필터는 %s에 접근할 수 있는 LDAP 사용자를 설정합니다.",
+"users found" => "사용자 찾음",
"Back" => "뒤로",
"Continue" => "계속",
+"<b>Warning:</b> Apps user_ldap and user_webdavauth are incompatible. You may experience unexpected behavior. Please ask your system administrator to disable one of them." => "<b>경고:</b> user_ldap, user_webdavauth 앱은 서로 호환되지 않습니다. 예상하지 못한 행동을 할 수도 있습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 연락하여 둘 중 하나의 앱의 사용을 중단하십시오.",
"<b>Warning:</b> The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it." => "<b>경고:</b> PHP LDAP 모듈이 비활성화되어 있거나 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 백엔드를 사용할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 설치를 요청하십시오.",
"Connection Settings" => "연결 설정",
-"Configuration Active" => "구성 활성화",
-"When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." => "선택하지 않으시면, 설정은 무시됩니다.",
-"Backup (Replica) Host" => "백업 (복제) 포트",
+"Configuration Active" => "구성 활성",
+"When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." => "선택하지 않으면 이 설정을 무시합니다.",
+"Backup (Replica) Host" => "백업 (복제) 호스트",
+"Give an optional backup host. It must be a replica of the main LDAP/AD server." => "추가적인 백업 호스트를 지정합니다. 기본 LDAP/AD 서버의 복사본이어야 합니다.",
"Backup (Replica) Port" => "백업 (복제) 포트",
"Disable Main Server" => "주 서버 비활성화",
+"Only connect to the replica server." => "복제 서버에만 연결합니다.",
"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "서버에서 대소문자를 구분하지 않음 (Windows)",
"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "SSL 인증서 유효성 검사를 해제합니다.",
-"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "초. 항목 변경 시 캐시가 갱신됩니다.",
-"Directory Settings" => "디렉토리 설정",
+"Not recommended, use it for testing only! If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your %s server." => "테스트 목적으로만 사용하십시오! 이 옵션을 사용해야만 연결할 수 있으면 %s 서버에 LDAP 서버의 SSL 인증서를 설치하십시오.",
+"Cache Time-To-Live" => "캐시 유지 시간",
+"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "초 단위입니다. 항목 변경 시 캐시가 갱신됩니다.",
+"Directory Settings" => "디렉터리 설정",
"User Display Name Field" => "사용자의 표시 이름 필드",
+"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user's display name." => "사용자 표시 이름을 생성할 때 사용할 LDAP 속성입니다.",
"Base User Tree" => "기본 사용자 트리",
"One User Base DN per line" => "사용자 DN을 한 줄에 하나씩 입력하십시오",
"User Search Attributes" => "사용자 검색 속성",
+"Optional; one attribute per line" => "추가적, 한 줄에 하나의 속성을 입력하십시오",
"Group Display Name Field" => "그룹의 표시 이름 필드",
+"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups's display name." => "그룹 표시 이름을 생성할 때 사용할 LDAP 속성입니다.",
"Base Group Tree" => "기본 그룹 트리",
"One Group Base DN per line" => "그룹 기본 DN을 한 줄에 하나씩 입력하십시오",
"Group Search Attributes" => "그룹 검색 속성",
"Group-Member association" => "그룹-회원 연결",
-"in bytes" => "바이트",
-"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "사용자 이름을 사용하려면 비워 두십시오(기본값). 기타 경우 LDAP/AD 속성을 지정하십시오."
+"Special Attributes" => "특수 속성",
+"Quota Field" => "할당량 필드",
+"Quota Default" => "기본 할당량",
+"in bytes" => "바이트 단위",
+"Email Field" => "이메일 필드",
+"User Home Folder Naming Rule" => "사용자 홈 폴더 이름 규칙",
+"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "사용자 이름을 사용하려면 비워 두십시오(기본값). 기타 경우 LDAP/AD 속성을 지정하십시오.",
+"Internal Username" => "내부 사용자 이름",
+"By default the internal username will be created from the UUID attribute. It makes sure that the username is unique and characters do not need to be converted. The internal username has the restriction that only these characters are allowed: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Other characters are replaced with their ASCII correspondence or simply omitted. On collisions a number will be added/increased. The internal username is used to identify a user internally. It is also the default name for the user home folder. It is also a part of remote URLs, for instance for all *DAV services. With this setting, the default behavior can be overridden. To achieve a similar behavior as before ownCloud 5 enter the user display name attribute in the following field. Leave it empty for default behavior. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users." => "기본적으로 내부 사용자 이름은 UUID 속성에서 생성됩니다. 사용자 이름이 중복되지 않고 문자열을 변환할 필요가 없도록 합니다. 내부 사용자 이름에는 다음과 같은 문자열만 사용할 수 있습니다: [a-zA-Z0-9_.@-] 다른 문자열은 ASCII에 해당하는 문자열로 변경되거나 없는 글자로 취급됩니다. 충돌하는 경우 숫자가 붙거나 증가합니다. 내부 사용자 이름은 내부적으로 사용자를 식별하는 데 사용되며, 사용자 홈 폴더의 기본 이름입니다. 또한 *DAV와 같은 외부 URL의 일부로 사용됩니다. 이 설정을 사용하면 기본 설정을 재정의할 수 있습니다. ownCloud 5 이전의 행동을 사용하려면 아래 필드에 사용자의 표시 이름 속성을 입력하십시오. 비워 두면 기본 설정을 사용합니다. 새로 추가되거나 매핑된 LDAP 사용자에게만 적용됩니다.",
+"Internal Username Attribute:" => "내부 사용자 이름 속성:",
+"Override UUID detection" => "UUID 확인 재정의",
+"By default, the UUID attribute is automatically detected. The UUID attribute is used to doubtlessly identify LDAP users and groups. Also, the internal username will be created based on the UUID, if not specified otherwise above. You can override the setting and pass an attribute of your choice. You must make sure that the attribute of your choice can be fetched for both users and groups and it is unique. Leave it empty for default behavior. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users and groups." => "기본적으로 UUID 속성은 자동적으로 감지됩니다. UUID 속성은 LDAP 사용자와 그룹을 정확히 식별하는 데 사용됩니다. 지정하지 않은 경우 내부 사용자 이름은 UUID를 기반으로 생성됩니다. 이 설정을 다시 정의하고 임의의 속성을 지정할 수 있습니다. 사용자와 그룹 모두에게 속성을 적용할 수 있고 중복된 값이 없는지 확인하십시오. 비워 두면 기본 설정을 사용합니다. 새로 추가되거나 매핑된 LDAP 사용자와 그룹에만 적용됩니다.",
+"UUID Attribute for Users:" => "사용자 UUID 속성:",
+"UUID Attribute for Groups:" => "그룹 UUID 속성:",
+"Username-LDAP User Mapping" => "사용자 이름-LDAP 사용자 매핑",
+"Usernames are used to store and assign (meta) data. In order to precisely identify and recognize users, each LDAP user will have a internal username. This requires a mapping from username to LDAP user. The created username is mapped to the UUID of the LDAP user. Additionally the DN is cached as well to reduce LDAP interaction, but it is not used for identification. If the DN changes, the changes will be found. The internal username is used all over. Clearing the mappings will have leftovers everywhere. Clearing the mappings is not configuration sensitive, it affects all LDAP configurations! Never clear the mappings in a production environment, only in a testing or experimental stage." => "사용자 이름은 (메타) 데이터를 저장하고 할당하는 데 사용됩니다. 사용자를 정확하게 식별하기 위하여 각각 LDAP 사용자는 내부 사용자 이름을 갖습니다. 이는 사용자 이름과 LDAP 사용자 간의 매핑이 필요합니다. 생성된 사용자 이름은 LDAP 사용자의 UUID로 매핑됩니다. 추가적으로 LDAP 통신을 줄이기 위해서 DN이 캐시에 저장되지만 식별에 사용되지는 않습니다. DN이 변경되면 변경 사항이 기록됩니다. 내부 사용자 이름은 계속 사용됩니다. 매핑을 비우면 흔적이 남아 있게 됩니다. 매핑을 비우는 작업은 모든 LDAP 설정에 영향을 줍니다! 테스트 및 실험 단계에만 사용하고, 사용 중인 서버에서는 시도하지 마십시오.",
+"Clear Username-LDAP User Mapping" => "사용자 이름-LDAP 사용자 매핑 비우기",
+"Clear Groupname-LDAP Group Mapping" => "그룹 이름-LDAP 그룹 매핑 비우기"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb_NO.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb_NO.php
index c9bca8d4c45..625ec79d76b 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb_NO.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb_NO.php
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"One Base DN per line" => "En hoved DN pr. linje",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" => "Du kan spesifisere Base DN for brukere og grupper under Avansert fanen",
"Back" => "Tilbake",
+"Continue" => "Fortsett",
"<b>Warning:</b> The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it." => "<b>Warning:</b> PHP LDAP modulen er ikke installert, hjelperen vil ikke virke. Vennligst be din system-administrator om å installere den.",
"Configuration Active" => "Konfigurasjon aktiv",
"When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." => "Når ikke huket av så vil denne konfigurasjonen bli hoppet over.",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.php
index 8a689224737..2578bb55649 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.php
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("","",""),
-"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("","","")
+"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("","",""),
+"Save" => "Uložiť"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;";
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk_SK.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk_SK.php
index 1672545adeb..850fce24c48 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk_SK.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk_SK.php
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Limit the access to %s to groups meeting this criteria:" => "Obmedziť prístup %s do skupiny, ktoré spĺňajú tieto kritériá:",
"only those object classes:" => "len tieto triedy objektov:",
"only from those groups:" => "len z týchto skupín:",
-"Raw LDAP filter" => "Surový LDAP filter",
+"Edit raw filter instead" => "Miesto pre úpravu raw filtra",
+"Raw LDAP filter" => "Raw LDAP filter",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." => "Tento filter LDAP určuje, ktoré skupiny budú mať prístup k %s inštancii.",
"groups found" => "nájdené skupiny",
"What attribute shall be used as login name:" => "Ako prihlasovacie meno použiť atribút:",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ur.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ur.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3a1e002311c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/ur.php
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" => array("",""),
+"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" => array("","")
+$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/lib/configuration.php b/apps/user_ldap/lib/configuration.php
index 874082f78f6..93f044e3152 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/lib/configuration.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/lib/configuration.php
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ class Configuration {
if(!empty($val) && strpos($val, 'attr:') === false) {
$val = 'attr:'.$val;
+ break;
case 'ldapBase':
case 'ldapBaseUsers':
case 'ldapBaseGroups':
@@ -140,11 +141,11 @@ class Configuration {
case 'ldapGroupFilterGroups':
case 'ldapLoginFilterAttributes':
$setMethod = 'setMultiLine';
- default:
- $this->$setMethod($key, $val);
- if(is_array($applied)) {
- $applied[] = $inputkey;
- }
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->$setMethod($key, $val);
+ if(is_array($applied)) {
+ $applied[] = $inputkey;
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/templates/part.wizard-server.php b/apps/user_ldap/templates/part.wizard-server.php
index fde7c36cdd1..0312c17ab7b 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/templates/part.wizard-server.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/templates/part.wizard-server.php
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<div class="tablerow">
<input type="text" id="ldap_dn" name="ldap_dn"
class="tablecell lwautosave"
- placeholder="<?php p($l->t('User DN'));?>"
+ placeholder="<?php p($l->t('User DN'));?>" autocomplete="off"
title="<?php p($l->t('The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty.'));?>"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<div class="tablerow">
<input type="password" id="ldap_agent_password"
class="tablecell lwautosave" name="ldap_agent_password"
- placeholder="<?php p($l->t('Password'));?>"
+ placeholder="<?php p($l->t('Password'));?>" autocomplete="off"
title="<?php p($l->t('For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty.'));?>"