path: root/build/integration/features/comments.feature
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/integration/features/comments.feature')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/integration/features/comments.feature b/build/integration/features/comments.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..135bb016527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/integration/features/comments.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+Feature: comments
+ Scenario: Creating a comment on a file belonging to myself
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given As an "user0"
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ When "user0" posts a comment with content "My first comment" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "201"
+ Then As "user0" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My first comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user0"
+ And the response should contain only "1" comments
+ Scenario: Creating a comment on a shared file belonging to another user
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given user "user1" exists
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
+ | path | myFileToComment.txt |
+ | shareWith | user1 |
+ | shareType | 0 |
+ When "user1" posts a comment with content "A comment from another user" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "201"
+ Then As "user1" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "A comment from another user"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user1"
+ And the response should contain only "1" comments
+ Scenario: Creating a comment on a non-shared file belonging to another user
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given user "user1" exists
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Then "user1" posts a comment with content "My first comment" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "404"
+ Scenario: Reading comments on a non-shared file belonging to another user
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given user "user1" exists
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Then As "user1" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "404"
+ Scenario: Deleting my own comments on a file belonging to myself
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given As an "user0"
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Given "user0" posts a comment with content "My first comment" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "201"
+ When As "user0" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ Then the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ Then the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My first comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user0"
+ And the response should contain only "1" comments
+ And As "user0" delete the created comment it should return "204"
+ And As "user0" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ And the response should contain only "0" comments
+ Scenario: Deleting my own comments on a file shared by somebody else
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given user "user1" exists
+ Given As an "user0"
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
+ | path | myFileToComment.txt |
+ | shareWith | user1 |
+ | shareType | 0 |
+ Given "user1" posts a comment with content "My first comment" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "201"
+ When As "user1" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ Then the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My first comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user1"
+ And the response should contain only "1" comments
+ And As "user1" delete the created comment it should return "204"
+ And As "user1" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ And the response should contain only "0" comments
+ Scenario: Deleting my own comments on a file unshared by someone else
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given user "user1" exists
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
+ | path | myFileToComment.txt |
+ | shareWith | user1 |
+ | shareType | 0 |
+ Given "user1" posts a comment with content "My first comment" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "201"
+ When As "user1" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ Then the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My first comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user1"
+ And the response should contain only "1" comments
+ And As "user0" remove all shares from the file named "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ And As "user1" delete the created comment it should return "404"
+ And As "user1" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "404"
+ Scenario: Edit my own comments on a file belonging to myself
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Given "user0" posts a comment with content "My first comment" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "201"
+ When As "user0" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ Then the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My first comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user0"
+ And the response should contain only "1" comments
+ When As "user0" edit the last created comment and set text to "My edited comment" it should return "207"
+ Then As "user0" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My edited comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user0"
+ Scenario: Edit my own comments on a file shared by someone with me
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given user "user1" exists
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
+ | path | myFileToComment.txt |
+ | shareWith | user1 |
+ | shareType | 0 |
+ Given "user1" posts a comment with content "My first comment" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "201"
+ When As "user0" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ Then the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My first comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user1"
+ And the response should contain only "1" comments
+ Given As "user1" edit the last created comment and set text to "My edited comment" it should return "207"
+ Then As "user1" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My edited comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user1"
+ Scenario: Edit my own comments on a file unshared by someone with me
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given user "user1" exists
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
+ | path | myFileToComment.txt |
+ | shareWith | user1 |
+ | shareType | 0 |
+ When "user1" posts a comment with content "My first comment" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "201"
+ Then As "user0" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My first comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user1"
+ And the response should contain only "1" comments
+ And As "user0" remove all shares from the file named "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ When As "user1" edit the last created comment and set text to "My edited comment" it should return "404"
+ Then As "user0" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My first comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user1"
+ Scenario: Edit comments of other users should not be possible
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ Given user "user1" exists
+ Given User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToComment.txt"
+ Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
+ | path | myFileToComment.txt |
+ | shareWith | user1 |
+ | shareType | 0 |
+ Given "user1" posts a comment with content "My first comment" on the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "201"
+ When As "user0" load all the comments of the file named "/myFileToComment.txt" it should return "207"
+ Then the response should contain a property "oc:parentId" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:childrenCount" with value "0"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:verb" with value "comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorType" with value "users"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:objectType" with value "files"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:message" with value "My first comment"
+ And the response should contain a property "oc:actorDisplayName" with value "user1"
+ And the response should contain only "1" comments
+ Then As "user0" edit the last created comment and set text to "My edited comment" it should return "403" \ No newline at end of file