path: root/core/l10n/ar.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/l10n/ar.json')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/ar.json b/core/l10n/ar.json
index 955dbbc36b3..1c8232a44ea 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/core/l10n/ar.json
@@ -37,11 +37,10 @@
"Connection to server lost" : "تم فقد الاتصال بالخادم",
"Saving..." : "جاري الحفظ...",
"Dismiss" : "تجاهل",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "يتطلب هذا الإجراء منك تأكيد كلمة المرور",
"Authentication required" : "المصادقة مطلوبة",
- "Password" : "كلمة المرور",
- "Cancel" : "الغاء",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "يتطلب هذا الإجراء منك تأكيد كلمة المرور",
"Confirm" : "تأكيد",
+ "Password" : "كلمة المرور",
"Failed to authenticate, try again" : "أخفق المصادقة، أعد المحاولة",
"seconds ago" : "منذ ثواني",
"Logging in …" : "تسجيل الدخول …",
@@ -61,6 +60,7 @@
"Already existing files" : "المفات موجودة مسبقاً",
"Which files do you want to keep?" : "ماهي الملفات التي ترغب في إبقاءها ؟",
"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." : "عند إختيار كلا النسختين. المف المنسوخ سيحتوي على رقم في إسمه.",
+ "Cancel" : "الغاء",
"Continue" : "المتابعة",
"(all selected)" : "(إختيار الكل)",
"Pending" : "معلّق",
is preferred you should set `IS_TLS_ENABLED=false`. - `FROM`: **\<empty\>**: Mail from address, RFC 5322. This can be just an email address, or the "Name" \<\> format. - `ENVELOPE_FROM`: **\<empty\>**: Address set as the From address on the SMTP mail envelope. Set to `<>` to send an empty address. - `USER`: **\<empty\>**: Username of mailing user (usually the sender's e-mail address). - `PASSWD`: **\<empty\>**: Password of mailing user. Use \`your password\` for quoting if you use special characters in the password. - Please note: authentication is only supported when the SMTP server communication is encrypted with TLS (this can be via `STARTTLS`) or `HOST=localhost`. See [Email Setup]({{< relref "doc/usage/" >}}) for more information. - `SEND_AS_PLAIN_TEXT`: **false**: Send mails as plain text. - `SKIP_VERIFY`: **false**: Whether or not to skip verification of certificates; `true` to disable verification. - **Warning:** This option is unsafe. Consider adding the certificate to the system trust store instead. - **Note:** Gitea only supports SMTP with STARTTLS. - `USE_CERTIFICATE`: **false**: Use client certificate. - `CERT_FILE`: **custom/mailer/cert.pem** - `KEY_FILE`: **custom/mailer/key.pem** - `SUBJECT_PREFIX`: **\<empty\>**: Prefix to be placed before e-mail subject lines. - `MAILER_TYPE`: **smtp**: \[smtp, sendmail, dummy\] - **smtp** Use SMTP to send mail - **sendmail** Use the operating system's `sendmail` command instead of SMTP. This is common on Linux systems. - **dummy** Send email messages to the log as a testing phase. - Note that enabling sendmail will ignore all other `mailer` settings except `ENABLED`, `FROM`, `SUBJECT_PREFIX` and `SENDMAIL_PATH`. - Enabling dummy will ignore all settings except `ENABLED`, `SUBJECT_PREFIX` and `FROM`. - `SENDMAIL_PATH`: **sendmail**: The location of sendmail on the operating system (can be command or full path). - `SENDMAIL_ARGS`: **_empty_**: Specify any extra sendmail arguments. - `SENDMAIL_TIMEOUT`: **5m**: default timeout for sending email through sendmail - `SENDMAIL_CONVERT_CRLF`: **true**: Most versions of sendmail prefer LF line endings rather than CRLF line endings. Set this to false if your version of sendmail requires CRLF line endings. - `SEND_BUFFER_LEN`: **100**: Buffer length of mailing queue. **DEPRECATED** use `LENGTH` in `[queue.mailer]` ## Cache (`cache`) - `ENABLED`: **true**: Enable the cache. - `ADAPTER`: **memory**: Cache engine adapter, either `memory`, `redis`, `twoqueue` or `memcache`. (`twoqueue` represents a size limited LRU cache.) - `INTERVAL`: **60**: Garbage Collection interval (sec), for memory and twoqueue cache only. - `HOST`: **\<empty\>**: Connection string for `redis` and `memcache`. For `twoqueue` sets configuration for the queue. - Redis: `redis://:macaron@` - Memcache: `;` - TwoQueue LRU cache: `{"size":50000,"recent_ratio":0.25,"ghost_ratio":0.5}` or `50000` representing the maximum number of objects stored in the cache. - `ITEM_TTL`: **16h**: Time to keep items in cache if not used, Setting it to 0 disables caching. ## Cache - LastCommitCache settings (`cache.last_commit`) - `ENABLED`: **true**: Enable the cache. - `ITEM_TTL`: **8760h**: Time to keep items in cache if not used, Setting it to 0 disables caching. - `COMMITS_COUNT`: **1000**: Only enable the cache when repository's commits count great than. ## Session (`session`) - `PROVIDER`: **memory**: Session engine provider \[memory, file, redis, db, mysql, couchbase, memcache, postgres\]. - `PROVIDER_CONFIG`: **data/sessions**: For file, the root path; for db, empty (database config will be used); for others, the connection string. - `COOKIE_SECURE`: **false**: Enable this to force using HTTPS for all session access. - `COOKIE_NAME`: **i\_like\_gitea**: The name of the cookie used for the session ID. - `GC_INTERVAL_TIME`: **86400**: GC interval in seconds. - `SESSION_LIFE_TIME`: **86400**: Session life time in seconds, default is 86400 (1 day) - `DOMAIN`: **\<empty\>**: Sets the cookie Domain - `SAME_SITE`: **lax** \[strict, lax, none\]: Set the SameSite setting for the cookie. ## Picture (`picture`) - `GRAVATAR_SOURCE`: **gravatar**: Can be `gravatar`, `duoshuo` or anything like ``. - `DISABLE_GRAVATAR`: **false**: Enable this to use local avatars only. - `ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR`: **false**: Enable support for federated avatars (see []( - `AVATAR_STORAGE_TYPE`: **default**: Storage type defined in `[]`. Default is `default` which will read `[storage]` if no section `[storage]` will be a type `local`. - `AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH`: **data/avatars**: Path to store user avatar image files. - `AVATAR_MAX_WIDTH`: **4096**: Maximum avatar image width in pixels. - `AVATAR_MAX_HEIGHT`: **3072**: Maximum avatar image height in pixels. - `AVATAR_MAX_FILE_SIZE`: **1048576** (1Mb): Maximum avatar image file size in bytes. - `AVATAR_RENDERED_SIZE_FACTOR`: **3**: The multiplication factor for rendered avatar images. Larger values result in finer rendering on HiDPI devices. - `REPOSITORY_AVATAR_STORAGE_TYPE`: **default**: Storage type defined in `[]`. Default is `default` which will read `[storage]` if no section `[storage]` will be a type `local`. - `REPOSITORY_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH`: **data/repo-avatars**: Path to store repository avatar image files. - `REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK`: **none**: How Gitea deals with missing repository avatars - none = no avatar will be displayed - random = random avatar will be generated - image = default image will be used (which is set in `REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK_IMAGE`) - `REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK_IMAGE`: **/img/repo_default.png**: Image used as default repository avatar (if `REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK` is set to image and none was uploaded) ## Project (`project`) Default templates for project boards: - `PROJECT_BOARD_BASIC_KANBAN_TYPE`: **To Do, In Progress, Done** - `PROJECT_BOARD_BUG_TRIAGE_TYPE`: **Needs Triage, High Priority, Low Priority, Closed** ## Issue and pull request attachments (`attachment`) - `ENABLED`: **true**: Whether issue and pull request attachments are enabled. - `ALLOWED_TYPES`: **.docx,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,mp4,.log,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.txt,.xlsx,.zip**: Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types. - `MAX_SIZE`: **4**: Maximum size (MB). - `MAX_FILES`: **5**: Maximum number of attachments that can be uploaded at once. - `STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: Storage type for attachments, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible object storage service, default is `local` or other name defined with `[]` - `SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly. Currently, only Minio/S3 is supported via signed URLs, local does nothing. - `PATH`: **data/attachments**: Path to store attachments only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `local` - `MINIO_ENDPOINT`: **localhost:9000**: Minio endpoint to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` - `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID`: Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` - `MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`: Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` - `MINIO_BUCKET`: **gitea**: Minio bucket to store the attachments only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` - `MINIO_LOCATION`: **us-east-1**: Minio location to create bucket only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` - `MINIO_BASE_PATH`: **attachments/**: Minio base path on the bucket only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` - `MINIO_USE_SSL`: **false**: Minio enabled ssl only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` ## Log (`log`) - `ROOT_PATH`: **\<empty\>**: Root path for log files. - `MODE`: **console**: Logging mode. For multiple modes, use a comma to separate values. You can configure each mode in per mode log subsections `\[log.modename\]`. By default the file mode will log to `$ROOT_PATH/gitea.log`. - `LEVEL`: **Info**: General log level. \[Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Critical, Fatal, None\] - `STACKTRACE_LEVEL`: **None**: Default log level at which to log create stack traces. \[Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Critical, Fatal, None\] - `ENABLE_SSH_LOG`: **false**: save ssh log to log file - `ENABLE_XORM_LOG`: **true**: Set whether to perform XORM logging. Please note SQL statement logging can be disabled by setting `LOG_SQL` to false in the `[database]` section. ### Router Log (`log`) - `DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG`: **false**: Mute printing of the router log. - `ROUTER`: **console**: The mode or name of the log the router should log to. (If you set this to `,` it will log to default Gitea logger.) NB: You must have `DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG` set to `false` for this option to take effect. Configure each mode in per mode log subsections `\[log.modename.router\]`. ### Access Log (`log`) - `ENABLE_ACCESS_LOG`: **false**: Creates an access.log in NCSA common log format, or as per the following template - `ACCESS`: **file**: Logging mode for the access logger, use a comma to separate values. Configure each mode in per mode log subsections `\[log.modename.access\]`. By default the file mode will log to `$ROOT_PATH/access.log`. (If you set this to `,` it will log to the default Gitea logger.) - `ACCESS_LOG_TEMPLATE`: **`{{.Ctx.RemoteAddr}} - {{.Identity}} {{.Start.Format "[02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700]" }} "{{.Ctx.Req.Method}} {{.Ctx.Req.URL.RequestURI}} {{.Ctx.Req.Proto}}" {{.ResponseWriter.Status}} {{.ResponseWriter.Size}} "{{.Ctx.Req.Referer}}\" \"{{.Ctx.Req.UserAgent}}"`**: Sets the template used to create the access log. - The following variables are available: - `Ctx`: the `context.Context` of the request. - `Identity`: the SignedUserName or `"-"` if not logged in. - `Start`: the start time of the request. - `ResponseWriter`: the responseWriter from the request. - You must be very careful to ensure that this template does not throw errors or panics as this template runs outside of the panic/recovery script. ### Log subsections (``, `*`) - `LEVEL`: **log.LEVEL**: Sets the log-level of this sublogger. Defaults to the `LEVEL` set in the global `[log]` section. - `STACKTRACE_LEVEL`: **log.STACKTRACE_LEVEL**: Sets the log level at which to log stack traces. - `MODE`: **name**: Sets the mode of this sublogger - Defaults to the provided subsection name. This allows you to have two different file loggers at different levels. - `EXPRESSION`: **""**: A regular expression to match either the function name, file or message. Defaults to empty. Only log messages that match the expression will be saved in the logger. - `FLAGS`: **stdflags**: A comma separated string representing the log flags. Defaults to `stdflags` which represents the prefix: `2009/01/23 01:23:23 ...a/b/c/d.go:23:runtime.Caller() [I]: message`. `none` means don't prefix log lines. See `modules/log/base.go` for more information. - `PREFIX`: **""**: An additional prefix for every log line in this logger. Defaults to empty. - `COLORIZE`: **false**: Colorize the log lines by default ### Console log mode (`log.console`, `log.console.*`, or `MODE=console`) - For the console logger `COLORIZE` will default to `true` if not on windows or the terminal is determined to be able to color. - `STDERR`: **false**: Use Stderr instead of Stdout. ### File log mode (`log.file`, `log.file.*` or `MODE=file`) - `FILE_NAME`: Set the file name for this logger. Defaults as described above. If relative will be relative to the `ROOT_PATH` - `LOG_ROTATE`: **true**: Rotate the log files. - `MAX_SIZE_SHIFT`: **28**: Maximum size shift of a single file, 28 represents 256Mb. - `DAILY_ROTATE`: **true**: Rotate logs daily. - `MAX_DAYS`: **7**: Delete the log file after n days - `COMPRESS`: **true**: Compress old log files by default with gzip - `COMPRESSION_LEVEL`: **-1**: Compression level ### Conn log mode (`log.conn`, `log.conn.*` or `MODE=conn`) - `RECONNECT_ON_MSG`: **false**: Reconnect host for every single message. - `RECONNECT`: **false**: Try to reconnect when connection is lost. - `PROTOCOL`: **tcp**: Set the protocol, either "tcp", "unix" or "udp". - `ADDR`: **:7020**: Sets the address to connect to. ### SMTP log mode (`log.smtp`, `log.smtp.*` or `MODE=smtp`) - `USER`: User email address to send from. - `PASSWD`: Password for the smtp server. - `HOST`: ****: The SMTP host to connect to. - `RECEIVERS`: Email addresses to send to. - `SUBJECT`: **Diagnostic message from Gitea** ## Cron (`cron`) - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enable to run all cron tasks periodically with default settings. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run cron tasks at application start-up. - `NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **false**: Set to true to switch off success notices. - `SCHEDULE` accept formats - Full crontab specs, e.g. `* * * * * ?` - Descriptors, e.g. `@midnight`, `@every 1h30m` ... - See more: [cron decument]( ### Basic cron tasks - enabled by default #### Cron - Cleanup old repository archives (`cron.archive_cleanup`) - `ENABLED`: **true**: Enable service. - `RUN_AT_START`: **true**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED). - `SCHEDULE`: **@midnight**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository archive cleanup, e.g. `@every 1h`. - `OLDER_THAN`: **24h**: Archives created more than `OLDER_THAN` ago are subject to deletion, e.g. `12h`. #### Cron - Update Mirrors (`cron.update_mirrors`) - `SCHEDULE`: **@every 10m**: Cron syntax for scheduling update mirrors, e.g. `@every 3h`. - `NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **true**: The cron task for update mirrors success report is not very useful - as it just means that the mirrors have been queued. Therefore this is turned off by default. - `PULL_LIMIT`: **50**: Limit the number of mirrors added to the queue to this number (negative values mean no limit, 0 will result in no mirrors being queued effectively disabling pull mirror updating). - `PUSH_LIMIT`: **50**: Limit the number of mirrors added to the queue to this number (negative values mean no limit, 0 will result in no mirrors being queued effectively disabling push mirror updating). #### Cron - Repository Health Check (`cron.repo_health_check`) - `SCHEDULE`: **@midnight**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository health check. - `TIMEOUT`: **60s**: Time duration syntax for health check execution timeout. - `ARGS`: **\<empty\>**: Arguments for command `git fsck`, e.g. `--unreachable --tags`. See more on #### Cron - Repository Statistics Check (`cron.check_repo_stats`) - `RUN_AT_START`: **true**: Run repository statistics check at start time. - `SCHEDULE`: **@midnight**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository statistics check. ### Cron - Cleanup hook_task Table (`cron.cleanup_hook_task_table`) - `ENABLED`: **true**: Enable cleanup hook_task job. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run cleanup hook_task at start time (if ENABLED). - `SCHEDULE`: **@midnight**: Cron syntax for cleaning hook_task table. - `CLEANUP_TYPE` **OlderThan** OlderThan or PerWebhook Method to cleanup hook_task, either by age (i.e. how long ago hook_task record was delivered) or by the number to keep per webhook (i.e. keep most recent x deliveries per webhook). - `OLDER_THAN`: **168h**: If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to OlderThan, then any delivered hook_task records older than this expression will be deleted. - `NUMBER_TO_KEEP`: **10**: If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to PerWebhook, this is number of hook_task records to keep for a webhook (i.e. keep the most recent x deliveries). #### Cron - Update Migration Poster ID (`cron.update_migration_poster_id`) - `SCHEDULE`: **@midnight** : Interval as a duration between each synchronization, it will always attempt synchronization when the instance starts. #### Cron - Sync External Users (`cron.sync_external_users`) - `SCHEDULE`: **@midnight** : Interval as a duration between each synchronization, it will always attempt synchronization when the instance starts. - `UPDATE_EXISTING`: **true**: Create new users, update existing user data and disable users that are not in external source anymore (default) or only create new users if UPDATE_EXISTING is set to false. ### Extended cron tasks (not enabled by default) #### Cron - Garbage collect all repositories ('cron.git_gc_repos') - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enable service. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED). - `SCHEDULE`: **@every 72h**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository archive cleanup, e.g. `@every 1h`. - `TIMEOUT`: **60s**: Time duration syntax for garbage collection execution timeout. - `NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **false**: Set to true to switch off success notices. - `ARGS`: **\<empty\>**: Arguments for command `git gc`, e.g. `--aggressive --auto`. The default value is same with [git] -> GC_ARGS #### Cron - Update the '.ssh/authorized_keys' file with Gitea SSH keys ('cron.resync_all_sshkeys') - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enable service. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED). - `NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **false**: Set to true to switch off success notices. - `SCHEDULE`: **@every 72h**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository archive cleanup, e.g. `@every 1h`. #### Cron - Resynchronize pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories ('cron.resync_all_hooks') - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enable service. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED). - `NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **false**: Set to true to switch off success notices. - `SCHEDULE`: **@every 72h**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository archive cleanup, e.g. `@every 1h`. #### Cron - Reinitialize all missing Git repositories for which records exist ('cron.reinit_missing_repos') - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enable service. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED). - `NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **false**: Set to true to switch off success notices. - `SCHEDULE`: **@every 72h**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository archive cleanup, e.g. `@every 1h`. #### Cron - Delete all repositories missing their Git files ('cron.delete_missing_repos') - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enable service. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED). - `NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **false**: Set to true to switch off success notices. - `SCHEDULE`: **@every 72h**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository archive cleanup, e.g. `@every 1h`. #### Cron - Delete generated repository avatars ('cron.delete_generated_repository_avatars') - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enable service. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED). - `NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **false**: Set to true to switch off success notices. - `SCHEDULE`: **@every 72h**: Cron syntax for scheduling repository archive cleanup, e.g. `@every 1h`. #### Cron - Delete all old actions from database ('cron.delete_old_actions') - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enable service. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED). - `NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **false**: Set to true to switch off success notices. - `SCHEDULE`: **@every 168h**: Cron syntax to set how often to check. - `OLDER_THAN`: **@every 8760h**: any action older than this expression will be deleted from database, suggest using `8760h` (1 year) because that's the max length of heatmap. #### Cron - Check for new Gitea versions ('cron.update_checker') - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enable service. - `RUN_AT_START`: **false**: Run tasks at start up time (if ENABLED). - `ENABLE_SUCCESS_NOTICE`: **true**: Set to false to switch off success notices. - `SCHEDULE`: **@every 168h**: Cron syntax for scheduling a work, e.g. `@every 168h`. - `HTTP_ENDPOINT`: ****: the endpoint that Gitea will check for newer versions ## Git (`git`) - `PATH`: **""**: The path of Git executable. If empty, Gitea searches through the PATH environment. - `DISABLE_DIFF_HIGHLIGHT`: **false**: Disables highlight of added and removed changes. - `MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINES`: **1000**: Max number of lines allowed of a single file in diff view. - `MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINE_CHARACTERS`: **5000**: Max character count per line highlighted in diff view. - `MAX_GIT_DIFF_FILES`: **100**: Max number of files shown in diff view. - `COMMITS_RANGE_SIZE`: **50**: Set the default commits range size - `BRANCHES_RANGE_SIZE`: **20**: Set the default branches range size - `GC_ARGS`: **\<empty\>**: Arguments for command `git gc`, e.g. `--aggressive --auto`. See more on - `ENABLE_AUTO_GIT_WIRE_PROTOCOL`: **true**: If use Git wire protocol version 2 when Git version >= 2.18, default is true, set to false when you always want Git wire protocol version 1 - `PULL_REQUEST_PUSH_MESSAGE`: **true**: Respond to pushes to a non-default branch with a URL for creating a Pull Request (if the repository has them enabled) - `VERBOSE_PUSH`: **true**: Print status information about pushes as they are being processed. - `VERBOSE_PUSH_DELAY`: **5s**: Only print verbose information if push takes longer than this delay. - `LARGE_OBJECT_THRESHOLD`: **1048576**: (Go-Git only), don't cache objects greater than this in memory. (Set to 0 to disable.) - `DISABLE_CORE_PROTECT_NTFS`: **false** Set to true to forcibly set `core.protectNTFS` to false. - `DISABLE_PARTIAL_CLONE`: **false** Disable the usage of using partial clones for git. ## Git - Timeout settings (`git.timeout`) - `DEFAUlT`: **360**: Git operations default timeout seconds. - `MIGRATE`: **600**: Migrate external repositories timeout seconds. - `MIRROR`: **300**: Mirror external repositories timeout seconds. - `CLONE`: **300**: Git clone from internal repositories timeout seconds. - `PULL`: **300**: Git pull from internal repositories timeout seconds. - `GC`: **60**: Git repository GC timeout seconds. ## Metrics (`metrics`) - `ENABLED`: **false**: Enables /metrics endpoint for prometheus. - `ENABLED_ISSUE_BY_LABEL`: **false**: Enable issue by label metrics with format `gitea_issues_by_label{label="bug"} 2`. - `ENABLED_ISSUE_BY_REPOSITORY`: **false**: Enable issue by repository metrics with format `gitea_issues_by_repository{repository="org/repo"} 5`. - `TOKEN`: **\<empty\>**: You need to specify the token, if you want to include in the authorization the metrics . The same token need to be used in prometheus parameters `bearer_token` or `bearer_token_file`. ## API (`api`) - `ENABLE_SWAGGER`: **true**: Enables /api/swagger, /api/v1/swagger etc. endpoints. True or false; default is true. - `MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS`: **50**: Max number of items in a page. - `DEFAULT_PAGING_NUM`: **30**: Default paging number of API. - `DEFAULT_GIT_TREES_PER_PAGE`: **1000**: Default and maximum number of items per page for Git trees API. - `DEFAULT_MAX_BLOB_SIZE`: **10485760**: Default max size of a blob that can be return by the blobs API. ## OAuth2 (`oauth2`) - `ENABLE`: **true**: Enables OAuth2 provider. - `ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`: **3600**: Lifetime of an OAuth2 access token in seconds - `REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME`: **730**: Lifetime of an OAuth2 refresh token in hours - `INVALIDATE_REFRESH_TOKENS`: **false**: Check if refresh token has already been used - `JWT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM`: **RS256**: Algorithm used to sign OAuth2 tokens. Valid values: \[`HS256`, `HS384`, `HS512`, `RS256`, `RS384`, `RS512`, `ES256`, `ES384`, `ES512`\] - `JWT_SECRET`: **\<empty\>**: OAuth2 authentication secret for access and refresh tokens, change this to a unique string. This setting is only needed if `JWT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM` is set to `HS256`, `HS384` or `HS512`. - `JWT_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE`: **jwt/private.pem**: Private key file path used to sign OAuth2 tokens. The path is relative to `APP_DATA_PATH`. This setting is only needed if `JWT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM` is set to `RS256`, `RS384`, `RS512`, `ES256`, `ES384` or `ES512`. The file must contain a RSA or ECDSA private key in the PKCS8 format. If no key exists a 4096 bit key will be created for you. - `MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH`: **32767**: Maximum length of token/cookie to accept from OAuth2 provider ## i18n (`i18n`) - `LANGS`: **en-US,zh-CN,zh-HK,zh-TW,de-DE,fr-FR,nl-NL,lv-LV,ru-RU,ja-JP,es-ES,pt-BR,pt-PT,pl-PL,bg-BG,it-IT,fi-FI,tr-TR,cs-CZ,sr-SP,sv-SE,ko-KR,el-GR,fa-IR,hu-HU,id-ID,ml-IN**: List of locales shown in language selector - `NAMES`: **English,简体中文,繁體中文(香港),繁體中文(台灣),Deutsch,français,Nederlands,latviešu,русский,日本語,español,português do Brasil,Português de Portugal,polski,български,italiano,suomi,Türkçe,čeština,српски,svenska,한국어,ελληνικά,فارسی,magyar nyelv,bahasa Indonesia,മലയാളം**: Visible names corresponding to the locales ## U2F (`U2F`) **DEPRECATED** - `APP_ID`: **`ROOT_URL`**: Declares the facet of the application which is used for authentication of previously registered U2F keys. Requires HTTPS. ## Markup (`markup`) - `MERMAID_MAX_SOURCE_CHARACTERS`: **5000**: Set the maximum size of a Mermaid source. (Set to -1 to disable) Gitea can support Markup using external tools. The example below will add a markup named `asciidoc`. ```ini [markup.asciidoc] ENABLED = true NEED_POSTPROCESS = true FILE_EXTENSIONS = .adoc,.asciidoc RENDER_COMMAND = "asciidoc --out-file=- -" IS_INPUT_FILE = false ``` - ENABLED: **false** Enable markup support; set to **true** to enable this renderer. - NEED\_POSTPROCESS: **true** set to **true** to replace links / sha1 and etc. - FILE\_EXTENSIONS: **\<empty\>** List of file extensions that should be rendered by an external command. Multiple extensions needs a comma as splitter. - RENDER\_COMMAND: External command to render all matching extensions. - IS\_INPUT\_FILE: **false** Input is not a standard input but a file param followed `RENDER_COMMAND`. Two special environment variables are passed to the render command: - `GITEA_PREFIX_SRC`, which contains the current URL prefix in the `src` path tree. To be used as prefix for links. - `GITEA_PREFIX_RAW`, which contains the current URL prefix in the `raw` path tree. To be used as prefix for image paths. Gitea supports customizing the sanitization policy for rendered HTML. The example below will support KaTeX output from pandoc. ```ini [markup.sanitizer.TeX] ; Pandoc renders TeX segments as <span>s with the "math" class, optionally ; with "inline" or "display" classes depending on context. ELEMENT = span ALLOW_ATTR = class REGEXP = ^\s*((math(\s+|$)|inline(\s+|$)|display(\s+|$)))+ ALLOW_DATA_URI_IMAGES = true ``` - `ELEMENT`: The element this policy applies to. Must be non-empty. - `ALLOW_ATTR`: The attribute this policy allows. Must be non-empty. - `REGEXP`: A regex to match the contents of the attribute against. Must be present but may be empty for unconditional whitelisting of this attribute. - `ALLOW_DATA_URI_IMAGES`: **false** Allow data uri images (`<img src="data:image/png;base64,..."/>`). Multiple sanitisation rules can be defined by adding unique subsections, e.g. `[markup.sanitizer.TeX-2]`. To apply a sanitisation rules only for a specify external renderer they must use the renderer name, e.g. `[markup.sanitizer.asciidoc.rule-1]`. If the rule is defined above the renderer ini section or the name does not match a renderer it is applied to every renderer. ## Highlight Mappings (`highlight.mapping`) - `file_extension e.g. .toml`: **language e.g. ini**. File extension to language mapping overrides. - Gitea will highlight files using the `linguist-language` or `gitlab-language` attribute from the `.gitattributes` file if available. If this is not set or the language is unavailable, the file extension will be looked up in this mapping or the filetype using heuristics. ## Time (`time`) - `FORMAT`: Time format to display on UI. i.e. RFC1123 or 2006-01-02 15:04:05 - `DEFAULT_UI_LOCATION`: Default location of time on the UI, so that we can display correct user's time on UI. i.e. Shanghai/Asia ## Task (`task`) Task queue configuration has been moved to `queue.task`. However, the below configuration values are kept for backwards compatibility: - `QUEUE_TYPE`: **channel**: Task queue type, could be `channel` or `redis`. - `QUEUE_LENGTH`: **1000**: Task queue length, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `channel`. - `QUEUE_CONN_STR`: **redis://**: Task queue connection string, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`. If redis needs a password, use `redis://123@`. ## Migrations (`migrations`) - `MAX_ATTEMPTS`: **3**: Max attempts per http/https request on migrations. - `RETRY_BACKOFF`: **3**: Backoff time per http/https request retry (seconds) - `ALLOWED_DOMAINS`: **\<empty\>**: Domains allowlist for migrating repositories, default is blank. It means everything will be allowed. Multiple domains could be separated by commas. - `BLOCKED_DOMAINS`: **\<empty\>**: Domains blocklist for migrating repositories, default is blank. Multiple domains could be separated by commas. When `ALLOWED_DOMAINS` is not blank, this option has a higher priority to deny domains. - `ALLOW_LOCALNETWORKS`: **false**: Allow private addresses defined by RFC 1918, RFC 1122, RFC 4632 and RFC 4291 - `SKIP_TLS_VERIFY`: **false**: Allow skip tls verify ## Federation (`federation`) - `ENABLED`: **true**: Enable/Disable federation capabilities ## Mirror (`mirror`) - `ENABLED`: **true**: Enables the mirror functionality. Set to **false** to disable all mirrors. - `DISABLE_NEW_PULL`: **false**: Disable the creation of **new** pull mirrors. Pre-existing mirrors remain valid. Will be ignored if `mirror.ENABLED` is `false`. - `DISABLE_NEW_PUSH`: **false**: Disable the creation of **new** push mirrors. Pre-existing mirrors remain valid. Will be ignored if `mirror.ENABLED` is `false`. - `DEFAULT_INTERVAL`: **8h**: Default interval between each check - `MIN_INTERVAL`: **10m**: Minimum interval for checking. (Must be >1m). ## LFS (`lfs`) Storage configuration for lfs data. It will be derived from default `[storage]` or `[]` when set `STORAGE_TYPE` to `xxx`. When derived, the default of `PATH` is `data/lfs` and the default of `MINIO_BASE_PATH` is `lfs/`. - `STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: Storage type for lfs, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible object storage service or other name defined with `[]` - `SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly. Currently, only Minio/S3 is supported via signed URLs, local does nothing. - `PATH`: **./data/lfs**: Where to store LFS files, only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `local`. If not set it fall back to deprecated LFS_CONTENT_PATH value in [server] section. - `MINIO_ENDPOINT`: **localhost:9000**: Minio endpoint to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID`: Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`: Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE is` `minio` - `MINIO_BUCKET`: **gitea**: Minio bucket to store the lfs only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_LOCATION`: **us-east-1**: Minio location to create bucket only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_BASE_PATH`: **lfs/**: Minio base path on the bucket only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_USE_SSL`: **false**: Minio enabled ssl only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` ## Storage (`storage`) Default storage configuration for attachments, lfs, avatars and etc. - `SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly. Currently, only Minio/S3 is supported via signed URLs, local does nothing. - `MINIO_ENDPOINT`: **localhost:9000**: Minio endpoint to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID`: Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`: Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE is` `minio` - `MINIO_BUCKET`: **gitea**: Minio bucket to store the data only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_LOCATION`: **us-east-1**: Minio location to create bucket only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_USE_SSL`: **false**: Minio enabled ssl only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` And you can also define a customize storage like below: ```ini [storage.my_minio] STORAGE_TYPE = minio ; Minio endpoint to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` MINIO_ENDPOINT = localhost:9000 ; Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID = ; Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = ; Minio bucket to store the attachments only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` MINIO_BUCKET = gitea ; Minio location to create bucket only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` MINIO_LOCATION = us-east-1 ; Minio enabled ssl only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio` MINIO_USE_SSL = false ``` And used by `[attachment]`, `[lfs]` and etc. as `STORAGE_TYPE`. ## Repository Archive Storage (`storage.repo-archive`) Configuration for repository archive storage. It will inherit from default `[storage]` or `[]` when set `STORAGE_TYPE` to `xxx`. The default of `PATH` is `data/repo-archive` and the default of `MINIO_BASE_PATH` is `repo-archive/`. - `STORAGE_TYPE`: **local**: Storage type for repo archive, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible object storage service or other name defined with `[]` - `SERVE_DIRECT`: **false**: Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly. Currently, only Minio/S3 is supported via signed URLs, local does nothing. - `PATH`: **./data/repo-archive**: Where to store archive files, only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `local`. - `MINIO_ENDPOINT`: **localhost:9000**: Minio endpoint to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID`: Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`: Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when `STORAGE_TYPE is` `minio` - `MINIO_BUCKET`: **gitea**: Minio bucket to store the lfs only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_LOCATION`: **us-east-1**: Minio location to create bucket only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_BASE_PATH`: **repo-archive/**: Minio base path on the bucket only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` - `MINIO_USE_SSL`: **false**: Minio enabled ssl only available when `STORAGE_TYPE` is `minio` ## Proxy (`proxy`) - `PROXY_ENABLED`: **false**: Enable the proxy if true, all requests to external via HTTP will be affected, if false, no proxy will be used even environment http_proxy/https_proxy - `PROXY_URL`: **\<empty\>**: Proxy server URL, support http://, https//, socks://, blank will follow environment http_proxy/https_proxy - `PROXY_HOSTS`: **\<empty\>**: Comma separated list of host names requiring proxy. Glob patterns (*) are accepted; use ** to match all hosts. i.e. ```ini PROXY_ENABLED = true PROXY_URL = socks:// PROXY_HOSTS = * ``` ## Other (`other`) - `SHOW_FOOTER_BRANDING`: **false**: Show Gitea branding in the footer. - `SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION`: **true**: Show Gitea and Go version information in the footer. - `SHOW_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TIME`: **true**: Show time of template execution in the footer.