path: root/core/l10n/eu.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/l10n/eu.json')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/eu.json b/core/l10n/eu.json
index 37d0faa64b9..686e31fcc7d 100644
--- a/core/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/core/l10n/eu.json
@@ -148,9 +148,6 @@
"No users or groups found for {search}" : "Ez dira {search} -rentzat erabiltzaile edo talderik aurkitu",
"No users found for {search}" : "Ez dira {search} -rentzat erabiltzailerik aurkitu",
"An error occurred. Please try again" : "Errore bat gertatu da. Saiatu berriro.",
- "{sharee} (group)" : "{sharee} (taldea)",
- "{sharee} (remote)" : "{sharee} (urrunekoa)",
- "{sharee} (email)" : "{sharee} (email)",
"{sharee} ({type}, {owner})" : "{sharee} ({type}, {jabea})",
"Share" : "Partekatu",
"Name or email address..." : "Izena edo e-posta helbidea...",
@@ -271,6 +268,9 @@
"Error setting expiration date" : "Errore bat egon da muga data ezartzean",
"The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Esteka publikoak iraungi egingo du, askoz jota, sortu eta {days} egunetara.",
"{{shareInitiatorDisplayName}} shared via link" : "{{shareInitiatorDisplayName}} esteka bidez partekatuta",
+ "{sharee} (group)" : "{sharee} (taldea)",
+ "{sharee} (remote)" : "{sharee} (urrunekoa)",
+ "{sharee} (email)" : "{sharee} (email)",
"Share with other people by entering a user or group, a federated cloud ID or an email address." : "Parteka ezazu jendearekin taldeko erabiltzailea, federatutako hodei baten IDa edo e-posta helbide bat sartuta.",
"Share with other people by entering a user or group or a federated cloud ID." : "Parteka ezazu jendearekin taldeko erabiltzailea edo federatutako hodei baten IDa sartuta.",
"Share with other people by entering a user or group or an email address." : "Parteka ezazu jendearekin taldeko erabiltzailea edo e-posta helbide bat sartuta.",