path: root/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/l10n/zh_TW.json')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_TW.json b/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 5d60dfb2d24..0b691409cb7 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
"Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud 伺服器",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "部分分享連結己被移除",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "由於安全性問題,我們必須移除您一部分的連結分享。查看更多資訊請點選連結。",
- "The user limit of this instance is reached." : "已達此站台的使用者數量上限。",
- "Enter your subscription key in the support app in order to increase the user limit. This does also grant you all additional benefits that Nextcloud Enterprise offers and is highly recommended for the operation in companies." : "在支援應用程式中輸入您的訂閱金鑰以增加使用者限制。這也確實為您提供了 Nextcloud Enterprise 提供的所有額外好處,並且強烈推薦用於公司的營運。",
+ "The account limit of this instance is reached." : "已達此站台的帳號數量上限。",
+ "Enter your subscription key in the support app in order to increase the account limit. This does also grant you all additional benefits that Nextcloud Enterprise offers and is highly recommended for the operation in companies." : "在支援應用程式中輸入您的訂閱金鑰以增加帳號限制。這也確實為您提供了 Nextcloud Enterprise 提供的所有額外好處,並且強烈推薦用於公司的營運。",
"Learn more ↗" : "取得更多資訊 ↗",
"Preparing update" : "準備更新",
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
"Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "WebDAV 介面似乎為故障狀態,導致您的網頁伺服器無法提供檔案同步功能。",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "您的網頁伺服器設定不正確,因此無法解析「{url}」。更多資訊可在{linkstart}文件 ↗{linkend}中找到。",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's {linkstart}documentation page ↗{linkend}. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "您的伺服器並未正確的設定解析「{url}」。這可能與伺服器的設定未更新為直接傳送此資料夾有關。請檢查 Apache 的 \".htaccess\" 檔案,或在 Nginx 中的{linkstart}文件頁面 ↗{linkend}中查閱重寫規則。在 Nginx 環境中,通常是在由 \"location ~\" 開始的那行需要做調整。",
- "Your web server is not properly set up to deliver .woff2 files. This is typically an issue with the Nginx configuration. For Nextcloud 15 it needs an adjustement to also deliver .woff2 files. Compare your Nginx configuration to the recommended configuration in our {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "您的伺服器並未正確的設定,因此無法傳遞 .woff2 的檔案。這通常是因為 Nginx 的設定問題所導致。在 Nextcloud 15 中,需要一些調整才能一並傳遞 .woff2 的檔案。請檢查您的 Nginx 設定,和 Nextcloud {linkstart}說明文件 ↗{linkend}中提到的建議設定。",
"You are accessing your instance over a secure connection, however your instance is generating insecure URLs. This most likely means that you are behind a reverse proxy and the overwrite config variables are not set correctly. Please read {linkstart}the documentation page about this ↗{linkend}." : "你經由安全的連線存取系統,但系統卻生成了不安全的 URL。這很有可能是因為你使用了反向代理伺服器,但反向代理伺服器的改寫規則並未正常工作,請閱讀{linkstart}關於此問題的文件頁面 ↗{linkend}。",
"Error occurred while checking server setup" : "檢查伺服器設定時發生錯誤",
"For more details see the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "更多詳細資訊請見{linkstart}文件 ↗{linkend}。",
@@ -119,21 +118,20 @@
"Please try again." : "請再試一次。",
"An internal error occurred." : "發生內部錯誤",
"Please try again or contact your administrator." : "請重試或聯絡系統管理員",
- "Account name or email" : "帳號名稱或電子郵件",
+ "Login or email" : "帳號或電子郵件",
"Password" : "密碼",
"Log in to {productName}" : "登入至 {productName}",
- "Wrong username or password." : "錯誤的使用者名稱 或 密碼",
- "User disabled" : "使用者已遭停用",
+ "Wrong login or password." : "錯誤的帳號或密碼。",
+ "This account is disabled" : "此帳號已停用",
"We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "您的 IP 多次嘗試登入無效。因此下一次登入將會被延時30秒。",
"Log in with a device" : "使用免密碼裝置登入",
- "Username or email" : "使用者名稱或電子郵件",
"Your account is not setup for passwordless login." : "你的帳號尚未設定免密碼登入。",
"Browser not supported" : "不支援的瀏覽器",
"Passwordless authentication is not supported in your browser." : "無密碼身份驗證不支援你使用的瀏覽器。",
"Your connection is not secure" : "您的連線不安全",
"Passwordless authentication is only available over a secure connection." : "無密碼身份驗證僅支援經加密的連線。",
"Reset password" : "重設密碼",
- "If this account exists, a password reset message has been sent to its email address. If you do not receive it, verify your email address and/or account name, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administration for help." : "若此帳號存在,密碼重設郵件即已寄送至其電子郵件地址。若您未收到,請驗證您的電子郵件地址及/或帳號名稱,並檢查您的垃圾郵件資料夾,或向您的本機管理員求助。",
+ "If this account exists, a password reset message has been sent to its email address. If you do not receive it, verify your email address and/or Login, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administration for help." : "若此帳號存在,密碼重設郵件即已寄送至其電子郵件地址。若您未收到,請驗證您的電子郵件地址及/或帳號,並檢查您的垃圾郵件資料夾,或向您的本機管理員求助。",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "無法寄出重設密碼資訊。請聯絡您的管理員。",
"Password cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "密碼無法變更。請聯絡您的管理員。",
"Back to login" : "回到登入畫面",
@@ -262,7 +260,7 @@
"Collaborative tags" : "標籤",
"No tags found" : "查無標籤",
"Personal" : "個人",
- "Users" : "使用者",
+ "Accounts" : "帳號",
"Apps" : "應用程式",
"Admin" : "管理",
"Help" : "說明",
@@ -293,7 +291,6 @@
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." : "您的資料目錄看起來可以被公開存取,因為 .htaccess 設定檔並未生效。",
"For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">documentation</a>." : "閱讀<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">說明文件</a>來瞭解如何正確設定您的伺服器",
"Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "新增<strong>管理者帳號</strong>",
- "Username" : "使用者名稱",
"Show password" : "顯示密碼",
"Toggle password visibility" : "切換密碼可見度",
"Storage & database" : "儲存空間和資料庫",
@@ -302,7 +299,7 @@
"Only %s is available." : "剩下 %s 可使用",
"Install and activate additional PHP modules to choose other database types." : "安裝並啟用相關 PHP 模組來使用其他種資料庫",
"For more details check out the documentation." : "更多細節詳見說明文件",
- "Database user" : "資料庫使用者",
+ "Database account" : "資料庫帳號",
"Database password" : "資料庫密碼",
"Database name" : "資料庫名稱",
"Database tablespace" : "資料庫資料表空間",
@@ -365,7 +362,7 @@
"To avoid timeouts with larger installations, you can instead run the following command from your installation directory:" : "在大型安裝上,為了避免升級請求逾時,你也可以在安裝目錄執行下列指令:",
"Detailed logs" : "詳細記錄檔",
"Update needed" : "需要更新",
- "Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance with more than 50 users." : "因為您有超過 50 名使用者,服務規模較大,請透過命令列介面更新。",
+ "Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance with more than 50 accounts." : "因為您有超過 50 個帳號,服務規模較大,請透過命令列介面更新。",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "若需要協助,請參閱<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"%s\">說明文件</a>",
"I know that if I continue doing the update via web UI has the risk, that the request runs into a timeout and could cause data loss, but I have a backup and know how to restore my instance in case of a failure." : "若我繼續透過網頁介面更新,我已了解有其風險,若請求逾時可能導致資料遺失,萬一更新失敗,我已準備好備份並知道如何回復運作。",
"Upgrade via web on my own risk" : "願意承擔風險透過網頁更新",
@@ -374,6 +371,9 @@
"This page will refresh itself when the instance is available again." : "安裝恢復可用之後,本頁會自動重新整理",
"Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." : "若這個訊息持續出現,請聯絡系統管理員",
"Please try again" : "請再試一次",
+ "The user limit of this instance is reached." : "已達此站台的使用者數量上限。",
+ "Enter your subscription key in the support app in order to increase the user limit. This does also grant you all additional benefits that Nextcloud Enterprise offers and is highly recommended for the operation in companies." : "在支援應用程式中輸入您的訂閱金鑰以增加使用者限制。這也確實為您提供了 Nextcloud Enterprise 提供的所有額外好處,並且強烈推薦用於公司的營運。",
+ "Your web server is not properly set up to deliver .woff2 files. This is typically an issue with the Nginx configuration. For Nextcloud 15 it needs an adjustement to also deliver .woff2 files. Compare your Nginx configuration to the recommended configuration in our {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "您的伺服器並未正確的設定,因此無法傳遞 .woff2 的檔案。這通常是因為 Nginx 的設定問題所導致。在 Nextcloud 15 中,需要一些調整才能一並傳遞 .woff2 的檔案。請檢查您的 Nginx 設定,和 Nextcloud {linkstart}說明文件 ↗{linkend}中提到的建議設定。",
"PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "PHP 設定似乎不完整,導致無法正確取得系統環境變數,因為偵測到 getenv(\"PATH\") 回傳資料為空值",
"Please check the {linkstart}installation documentation ↗{linkend} for PHP configuration notes and the PHP configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm." : "請參考{linkstart}安裝文件 ↗{linkend}中 PHP 設定的註記,並檢查您伺服器上的 PHP 設定,特別是如果您是使用 php-fpm 的情況下。",
"The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "「唯讀設定檔」已經啟用,這樣可以防止來自網頁端的設定操作,每次需要更改設定時,都需要手動將設定檔暫時改為可讀寫。",
@@ -416,6 +416,10 @@
"MySQL is used as database but does not support 4-byte characters. To be able to handle 4-byte characters (like emojis) without issues in filenames or comments for example it is recommended to enable the 4-byte support in MySQL. For further details read {linkstart}the documentation page about this ↗{linkend}." : "您的 MySQL 資料庫並不支援 4-byte 的字元。為了能處理檔案名稱中,或是註記中的 4-byte 的字元(如表情符號等)。建議您啟用 MySQL 中支援 4-byte 的字元的功能。詳情請見{linkstart}此文件中關於此項目的說明 ↗{linkend}。",
"This instance uses an S3 based object store as primary storage. The uploaded files are stored temporarily on the server and thus it is recommended to have 50 GB of free space available in the temp directory of PHP. Check the logs for full details about the path and the available space. To improve this please change the temporary directory in the php.ini or make more space available in that path." : "此站台使用 Amazon S3 物件儲存為主要儲存區。上傳檔案會暫存在伺服器,因此建議 PHP 的暫存資料夾最少要有 50 GB 可用容量。請在登錄檔中查閱關於資料夾路徑及可用容量的詳細資訊。要增進效能,請在 php.ini 中變更暫存資料夾位置,或將該資料夾容量增加。",
"The temporary directory of this instance points to an either non-existing or non-writable directory." : "此站台的臨時目錄指向一個不存在或無法寫入的目錄。",
+ "Account name or email" : "帳號名稱或電子郵件",
+ "Wrong username or password." : "錯誤的使用者名稱 或 密碼",
+ "User disabled" : "使用者已遭停用",
+ "Username or email" : "使用者名稱或電子郵件",
"A password reset message has been sent to the email address of this account. If you do not receive it, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administrator for help." : "重設密碼資訊已寄至您的電子郵件。若您並未收到該信件,請確認您垃圾信箱,或請求管理員協助。",
"If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "你找的東西不在,請聯絡管理員。",
"Start search" : "開始搜尋",
@@ -445,14 +449,19 @@
"This action requires you to confirm your password" : "這個動作需要您再次確認密碼",
"Confirm" : "確認",
"Failed to authenticate, try again" : "驗證失敗,請再試一次",
+ "Users" : "使用者",
"The page could not be found on the server." : "無法在伺服器上找到此頁面。",
+ "Username" : "使用者名稱",
+ "Database user" : "資料庫使用者",
"Confirm your password" : "確認密碼",
"App token" : "應用程式權杖",
"Alternative log in using app token" : "使用應用程式權杖來登入",
+ "Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance with more than 50 users." : "因為您有超過 50 名使用者,服務規模較大,請透過命令列介面更新。",
"Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is brute-force throttled at the moment slowing down the performance of various requests. If the remote address is not your address this can be an indication that a proxy is not configured correctly. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "您的遠端地址被識別為「{remoteAddress}」,且目前正受到強力限制,導致降低了各種請求的效能。若遠端地址不是您的地址,可能代表代理伺服器設定不正確。可以在{linkstart}文件 ↗{linkend}中找到進一步的資訊。",
"The database is used for transactional file locking. To enhance performance, please configure memcache, if available. See the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend} for more information." : "資料庫用於交易檔案鎖定。要強化效能,請設定 memcache(若可用)。請見{linkstart}文件 ↗{linkend}。",
"PHP 8.0 is now deprecated in Nextcloud 27. Nextcloud 28 may require at least PHP 8.1. Please upgrade to {linkstart}one of the officially supported PHP versions provided by the PHP Group ↗{linkend} as soon as possible." : "Nextcloud 27 已棄用 PHP 8.0。Nextcloud 28 需要 PHP 8.1 或更新版本。請盡快升級至 {linkstart}PHP Group ↗{linkend}提供官方支援的其中一個版本。",
"This instance is running in debug mode. Only enable this for local development and not in production environments." : "此站台以除錯模式執行。僅在本機開發且非生產環境時才啟用這個。",
+ "If this account exists, a password reset message has been sent to its email address. If you do not receive it, verify your email address and/or account name, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administration for help." : "若此帳號存在,密碼重設郵件即已寄送至其電子郵件地址。若您未收到,請驗證您的電子郵件地址及/或帳號名稱,並檢查您的垃圾郵件資料夾,或向您的本機管理員求助。",
"Avatar of {fullName}" : "{fullName} 的大頭照"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file