path: root/core/l10n
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/l10n')
4 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/nl.js b/core/l10n/nl.js
index f5ee9019cee..2738ffc6785 100644
--- a/core/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/core/l10n/nl.js
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Uw webserver is nog niet goed ingesteld voor bestandssynchronisatie omdat de WebDAV interface verstoord lijkt.",
"This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Deze server heeft geen actieve internetverbinding. Dat betekent dat sommige functies, zoals aankoppelen van externe opslag, notificaties over updates of installatie van apps van 3e partijen niet werken. Ook het benaderen van bestanden vanaf een remote locatie en het versturen van notificatie emails kan mislukken. We adviseren om de internetverbinding voor deze server in te schakelen als u alle functies wilt gebruiken.",
"Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "Uw data folder en uw bestanden zijn waarschijnlijk vanaf het internet bereikbaar. Het .htaccess-bestand werkt niet. We raden ten zeerste aan aan om uw webserver zodanig te configureren, dat de datadirectory niet bereikbaar is vanaf het internet of om uw datadirectory te verplaatsen naar een locatie buiten de document root van de webserver.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a href=\"\">documentation</a>." : "Er is geen geheugencache geconfigureerd. Om de prestaties te verhogen kunt u de memcache configureren als die beschikbaar is. Meer informatie vind u in onze <a href=\"\">documentatie</a>.",
"Error occurred while checking server setup" : "Een fout trad op bij checken serverconfiguratie",
"The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "De \"{header}\" HTTP header is niet overeenkomstig met \"{expected}\" geconfigureerd. Dit is een potentieel security of privacy risico en we adviseren om deze instelling te wijzigen.",
"The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"2,678,400\" seconds. This is a potential security risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "De \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is niet geconfigureerd als minimaal \"2,678,400\" seconden. Dit is een mogelijk beveiligingsrisico en we adviseren deze instelling aan te passen.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/nl.json b/core/l10n/nl.json
index efa2951fff8..6fd11c98302 100644
--- a/core/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/core/l10n/nl.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
"Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Uw webserver is nog niet goed ingesteld voor bestandssynchronisatie omdat de WebDAV interface verstoord lijkt.",
"This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Deze server heeft geen actieve internetverbinding. Dat betekent dat sommige functies, zoals aankoppelen van externe opslag, notificaties over updates of installatie van apps van 3e partijen niet werken. Ook het benaderen van bestanden vanaf een remote locatie en het versturen van notificatie emails kan mislukken. We adviseren om de internetverbinding voor deze server in te schakelen als u alle functies wilt gebruiken.",
"Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "Uw data folder en uw bestanden zijn waarschijnlijk vanaf het internet bereikbaar. Het .htaccess-bestand werkt niet. We raden ten zeerste aan aan om uw webserver zodanig te configureren, dat de datadirectory niet bereikbaar is vanaf het internet of om uw datadirectory te verplaatsen naar een locatie buiten de document root van de webserver.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a href=\"\">documentation</a>." : "Er is geen geheugencache geconfigureerd. Om de prestaties te verhogen kunt u de memcache configureren als die beschikbaar is. Meer informatie vind u in onze <a href=\"\">documentatie</a>.",
"Error occurred while checking server setup" : "Een fout trad op bij checken serverconfiguratie",
"The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "De \"{header}\" HTTP header is niet overeenkomstig met \"{expected}\" geconfigureerd. Dit is een potentieel security of privacy risico en we adviseren om deze instelling te wijzigen.",
"The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"2,678,400\" seconds. This is a potential security risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "De \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is niet geconfigureerd als minimaal \"2,678,400\" seconden. Dit is een mogelijk beveiligingsrisico en we adviseren deze instelling aan te passen.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_CN.js b/core/l10n/zh_CN.js
index ea2239eed97..0ab9ef3d276 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -8,11 +8,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Checked database schema update" : "已经检查数据库架构更新",
"Checked database schema update for apps" : "已经检查应用的数据库架构更新",
"Updated \"%s\" to %s" : "更新 \"%s\" 为 %s",
+ "Repair warning: " : "修复警告:",
+ "Repair error: " : "修复错误:",
+ "Following incompatible apps have been disabled: %s" : "下列不兼容应用已经被禁用:%s",
+ "Following 3rd party apps have been disabled: %s" : " 下列第三方应用已经被禁用:%s",
+ "Invalid file provided" : "提供了无效文件",
"No image or file provided" : "没有提供图片或文件",
"Unknown filetype" : "未知的文件类型",
"Invalid image" : "无效的图像",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "没有临时概览页图片可用,请重试",
"No crop data provided" : "没有提供相应数据",
+ "No valid crop data provided" : "没有提供有效的裁剪数据",
+ "Crop is not square" : "裁剪的不是正方形",
"Sunday" : "星期日",
"Monday" : "星期一",
"Tuesday" : "星期二",
@@ -62,7 +69,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"So-so password" : "一般强度的密码",
"Good password" : "较强的密码",
"Strong password" : "强密码",
+ "Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "由于 WebDAV 接口似乎被破坏,因此你的网页服务器没有正确地设置来允许文件同步。",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "该服务器没有工作在互联网连接,这意味着像挂载外部存储,第三方应用的更新或者安装的通知将不会工作。远程文件访问和邮件通知的发送也可能不会工作。如果你想拥有所有功能,我们建议你为服务器打开互联网连接。",
+ "Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "你的数据目录和你的文件可能从互联网被访问到。.htaccess 文件不工作。我们强烈建议你配置你的网页服务器,使数据目录不再可访问,或者将数据目录移动到网页服务器根文档目录之外。",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a href=\"\">documentation</a>." : "没有配置内存缓存。为了提高性能,如果 memcache 可用,请配置它。更多信息可以在我们的<a href=\"\">文档</a>中找到。",
"Error occurred while checking server setup" : "当检查服务器启动时出错",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "\"{header}\" HTTP 头部没有配置和 \"{expected}\" 的一样。这是一个潜在的安全或者隐私风险,我们调整这项设置。",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"2,678,400\" seconds. This is a potential security risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "\"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP 头部未配置到至少“2678400”秒。这是一个潜在的安全风险,我们建议调整该项设置。",
+ "You are accessing this site via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead." : "你正在通过 HTTP 访问该站点。我们强烈建议你配置你的服务器要求使用 HTTPS 来代替。",
"Shared" : "已共享",
"Shared with {recipients}" : "由{recipients}分享",
"Share" : "分享",
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"can edit" : "可以修改",
"access control" : "访问控制",
"create" : "创建",
+ "change" : "更改",
"delete" : "删除",
"Password protected" : "密码已受保护",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "取消设置过期日期时出错",
@@ -114,6 +129,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hello world!" : "Hello world!",
"sunny" : "晴",
"Hello {name}, the weather is {weather}" : "您好 {name},今天天气是{weather}",
+ "Hello {name}" : "你好 {name}",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["下载 %n 个文件"],
"Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "更新 {productName} 到版本 {version},这可能需要一些时间。",
"Please reload the page." : "请重新加载页面。",
@@ -127,6 +143,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New password" : "新密码",
"New Password" : "新密码",
"Reset password" : "重置密码",
+ "Searching other places" : "搜索其他地方",
+ "No search result in other places" : "在其他地方没有搜索结果",
+ "_{count} search result in other places_::_{count} search results in other places_" : ["在其他地方有 {count} 个搜索结果"],
"Personal" : "个人",
"Users" : "用户",
"Apps" : "应用",
@@ -153,6 +172,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Technical details" : "技术细节",
"Remote Address: %s" : "远程地址: %s",
"Request ID: %s" : "请求 ID: %s",
+ "Type: %s" : "类型:%s",
"Code: %s" : "代码: %s",
"Message: %s" : "消息: %s",
"File: %s" : "文件: %s",
@@ -172,8 +192,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Database name" : "数据库名",
"Database tablespace" : "数据库表空间",
"Database host" : "数据库主机",
+ "Performance Warning" : "性能警告",
+ "SQLite will be used as database." : "SQLite 将被作为数据库使用。",
+ "For larger installations we recommend to choose a different database backend." : "对于更大的安装,我们建议选择一个不同的数据库后端。",
+ "Especially when using the desktop client for file syncing the use of SQLite is discouraged." : "特别当使用桌面客户端来同步文件时,不鼓励使用 SQLite 。",
"Finish setup" : "安装完成",
"Finishing …" : "正在结束 ...",
+ "This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "对于正确的操作,该应用要求 JavaScript 。请 {linkstart} 打开 JavaScript {linkend} ,然后重新载入页面。",
"%s is available. Get more information on how to update." : "%s 可用。获取更多关于如何升级的信息。",
"Log out" : "注销",
"Search" : "搜索",
@@ -198,6 +223,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Please make sure that the database, the config folder and the data folder have been backed up before proceeding." : "在继续之前,请确认数据库、配置文件夹和数据文件夹已经备份。",
"Start update" : "开始更新",
"To avoid timeouts with larger installations, you can instead run the following command from your installation directory:" : "为避免更大的安装演示,你能在你的安装目录下面运行这些命令:",
+ "This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "该 %s 实例当前处于维护模式,这将进行一些时间。",
"This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "当实例 %s 再次可用时这个页面将刷新。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_CN.json b/core/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 7d11e502de5..14fd8153b7c 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -6,11 +6,18 @@
"Checked database schema update" : "已经检查数据库架构更新",
"Checked database schema update for apps" : "已经检查应用的数据库架构更新",
"Updated \"%s\" to %s" : "更新 \"%s\" 为 %s",
+ "Repair warning: " : "修复警告:",
+ "Repair error: " : "修复错误:",
+ "Following incompatible apps have been disabled: %s" : "下列不兼容应用已经被禁用:%s",
+ "Following 3rd party apps have been disabled: %s" : " 下列第三方应用已经被禁用:%s",
+ "Invalid file provided" : "提供了无效文件",
"No image or file provided" : "没有提供图片或文件",
"Unknown filetype" : "未知的文件类型",
"Invalid image" : "无效的图像",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "没有临时概览页图片可用,请重试",
"No crop data provided" : "没有提供相应数据",
+ "No valid crop data provided" : "没有提供有效的裁剪数据",
+ "Crop is not square" : "裁剪的不是正方形",
"Sunday" : "星期日",
"Monday" : "星期一",
"Tuesday" : "星期二",
@@ -60,7 +67,14 @@
"So-so password" : "一般强度的密码",
"Good password" : "较强的密码",
"Strong password" : "强密码",
+ "Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "由于 WebDAV 接口似乎被破坏,因此你的网页服务器没有正确地设置来允许文件同步。",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "该服务器没有工作在互联网连接,这意味着像挂载外部存储,第三方应用的更新或者安装的通知将不会工作。远程文件访问和邮件通知的发送也可能不会工作。如果你想拥有所有功能,我们建议你为服务器打开互联网连接。",
+ "Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "你的数据目录和你的文件可能从互联网被访问到。.htaccess 文件不工作。我们强烈建议你配置你的网页服务器,使数据目录不再可访问,或者将数据目录移动到网页服务器根文档目录之外。",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a href=\"\">documentation</a>." : "没有配置内存缓存。为了提高性能,如果 memcache 可用,请配置它。更多信息可以在我们的<a href=\"\">文档</a>中找到。",
"Error occurred while checking server setup" : "当检查服务器启动时出错",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "\"{header}\" HTTP 头部没有配置和 \"{expected}\" 的一样。这是一个潜在的安全或者隐私风险,我们调整这项设置。",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"2,678,400\" seconds. This is a potential security risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "\"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP 头部未配置到至少“2678400”秒。这是一个潜在的安全风险,我们建议调整该项设置。",
+ "You are accessing this site via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead." : "你正在通过 HTTP 访问该站点。我们强烈建议你配置你的服务器要求使用 HTTPS 来代替。",
"Shared" : "已共享",
"Shared with {recipients}" : "由{recipients}分享",
"Share" : "分享",
@@ -94,6 +108,7 @@
"can edit" : "可以修改",
"access control" : "访问控制",
"create" : "创建",
+ "change" : "更改",
"delete" : "删除",
"Password protected" : "密码已受保护",
"Error unsetting expiration date" : "取消设置过期日期时出错",
@@ -112,6 +127,7 @@
"Hello world!" : "Hello world!",
"sunny" : "晴",
"Hello {name}, the weather is {weather}" : "您好 {name},今天天气是{weather}",
+ "Hello {name}" : "你好 {name}",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["下载 %n 个文件"],
"Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "更新 {productName} 到版本 {version},这可能需要一些时间。",
"Please reload the page." : "请重新加载页面。",
@@ -125,6 +141,9 @@
"New password" : "新密码",
"New Password" : "新密码",
"Reset password" : "重置密码",
+ "Searching other places" : "搜索其他地方",
+ "No search result in other places" : "在其他地方没有搜索结果",
+ "_{count} search result in other places_::_{count} search results in other places_" : ["在其他地方有 {count} 个搜索结果"],
"Personal" : "个人",
"Users" : "用户",
"Apps" : "应用",
@@ -151,6 +170,7 @@
"Technical details" : "技术细节",
"Remote Address: %s" : "远程地址: %s",
"Request ID: %s" : "请求 ID: %s",
+ "Type: %s" : "类型:%s",
"Code: %s" : "代码: %s",
"Message: %s" : "消息: %s",
"File: %s" : "文件: %s",
@@ -170,8 +190,13 @@
"Database name" : "数据库名",
"Database tablespace" : "数据库表空间",
"Database host" : "数据库主机",
+ "Performance Warning" : "性能警告",
+ "SQLite will be used as database." : "SQLite 将被作为数据库使用。",
+ "For larger installations we recommend to choose a different database backend." : "对于更大的安装,我们建议选择一个不同的数据库后端。",
+ "Especially when using the desktop client for file syncing the use of SQLite is discouraged." : "特别当使用桌面客户端来同步文件时,不鼓励使用 SQLite 。",
"Finish setup" : "安装完成",
"Finishing …" : "正在结束 ...",
+ "This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "对于正确的操作,该应用要求 JavaScript 。请 {linkstart} 打开 JavaScript {linkend} ,然后重新载入页面。",
"%s is available. Get more information on how to update." : "%s 可用。获取更多关于如何升级的信息。",
"Log out" : "注销",
"Search" : "搜索",
@@ -196,6 +221,7 @@
"Please make sure that the database, the config folder and the data folder have been backed up before proceeding." : "在继续之前,请确认数据库、配置文件夹和数据文件夹已经备份。",
"Start update" : "开始更新",
"To avoid timeouts with larger installations, you can instead run the following command from your installation directory:" : "为避免更大的安装演示,你能在你的安装目录下面运行这些命令:",
+ "This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "该 %s 实例当前处于维护模式,这将进行一些时间。",
"This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "当实例 %s 再次可用时这个页面将刷新。"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file