path: root/core/search/js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/search/js')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/search/js/search.js b/core/search/js/search.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..57de07bf7fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/search/js/search.js
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+ * ownCloud - core
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later. See the COPYING file.
+ *
+ * @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer <>
+ * @copyright Jörn Friedrich Dreyer 2014
+ */
+(function () {
+ /**
+ * @class OCA.Search
+ * @classdesc
+ *
+ * The Search class manages a search queries and their results
+ *
+ * @param $searchBox container element with existing markup for the #searchbox form
+ * @param $searchResults container element for results und status message
+ */
+ var Search = function($searchBox, $searchResults) {
+ this.initialize($searchBox, $searchResults);
+ };
+ /**
+ * @memberof OC
+ */
+ Search.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * Initialize the search box
+ *
+ * @param $searchBox container element with existing markup for the #searchbox form
+ * @param $searchResults container element for results und status message
+ * @private
+ */
+ initialize: function($searchBox, $searchResults) {
+ var self = this;
+ /**
+ * contains closures that are called to filter the current content
+ */
+ var filters = {};
+ this.setFilter = function(type, filter) {
+ filters[type] = filter;
+ };
+ this.hasFilter = function(type) {
+ return typeof filters[type] !== 'undefined';
+ };
+ this.getFilter = function(type) {
+ return filters[type];
+ };
+ /**
+ * contains closures that are called to render search results
+ */
+ var renderers = {};
+ this.setRenderer = function(type, renderer) {
+ renderers[type] = renderer;
+ };
+ this.hasRenderer = function(type) {
+ return typeof renderers[type] !== 'undefined';
+ };
+ this.getRenderer = function(type) {
+ return renderers[type];
+ };
+ /**
+ * contains closures that are called when a search result has been clicked
+ */
+ var handlers = {};
+ this.setHandler = function(type, handler) {
+ handlers[type] = handler;
+ };
+ this.hasHandler = function(type) {
+ return typeof handlers[type] !== 'undefined';
+ };
+ this.getHandler = function(type) {
+ return handlers[type];
+ };
+ var currentResult = -1;
+ var lastQuery = '';
+ var lastInApps = [];
+ var lastPage = 0;
+ var lastSize = 30;
+ var lastResults = [];
+ var timeoutID = null;
+ this.getLastQuery = function() {
+ return lastQuery;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Do a search query and display the results
+ * @param {string} query the search query
+ */
+ = function(query, inApps, page, size) {
+ if (query) {
+ OC.addStyle('search','results');
+ if (typeof page !== 'number') {
+ page = 1;
+ }
+ if (typeof size !== 'number') {
+ size = 30;
+ }
+ if (typeof inApps !== 'object') {
+ var currentApp = getCurrentApp();
+ if(currentApp) {
+ inApps = [currentApp];
+ } else {
+ inApps = [];
+ }
+ }
+ // prevent double pages
+ if ($searchResults && query === lastQuery && page === lastPage && size === lastSize) {
+ return;
+ }
+ window.clearTimeout(timeoutID);
+ timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function() {
+ lastQuery = query;
+ lastInApps = inApps;
+ lastPage = page;
+ lastSize = size;
+ //show spinner
+ $searchResults.removeClass('hidden');
+ $status.html(t('core', 'Searching other places')+'<img class="spinner" alt="search in progress" src="'+OC.webroot+'/core/img/loading.gif" />');
+ // do the actual search query
+ $.getJSON(OC.generateUrl('search/ajax/search.php'), {query:query, inApps:inApps, page:page, size:size }, function(results) {
+ lastResults = results;
+ if (page === 1) {
+ showResults(results);
+ } else {
+ addResults(results);
+ }
+ });
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ };
+ //TODO should be a core method, see
+ function getCurrentApp() {
+ var content = document.getElementById('content');
+ if (content) {
+ var classList = document.getElementById('content').className.split(/\s+/);
+ for (var i = 0; i < classList.length; i++) {
+ if (classList[i].indexOf('app-') === 0) {
+ return classList[i].substr(4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ var $status = $searchResults.find('#status');
+ // summaryAndStatusHeight is a constant
+ var summaryAndStatusHeight = 118;
+ function isStatusOffScreen() {
+ return $searchResults.position() && ($searchResults.position().top + summaryAndStatusHeight > window.innerHeight);
+ }
+ function placeStatus() {
+ if (isStatusOffScreen()) {
+ $status.addClass('fixed');
+ } else {
+ $status.removeClass('fixed');
+ }
+ }
+ function showResults(results) {
+ lastResults = results;
+ $searchResults.find('tr.result').remove();
+ $searchResults.removeClass('hidden');
+ addResults(results);
+ }
+ function addResults(results) {
+ var $template = $searchResults.find('tr.template');
+ jQuery.each(results, function (i, result) {
+ var $row = $template.clone();
+ $row.removeClass('template');
+ $row.addClass('result');
+ $'result', result);
+ // generic results only have four attributes
+ $row.find('').text(;
+ $row.find(' a').attr('href',;
+ /**
+ * Give plugins the ability to customize the search results. see result.js for examples
+ */
+ if (self.hasRenderer(result.type)) {
+ $row = self.getRenderer(result.type)($row, result);
+ } else {
+ // for backward compatibility add text div
+ $row.find('').addClass('result');
+ $row.find('td.result').after('<div class="text"></div>');
+ $row.find('td.result div.text').text(;
+ if ( &&[result.type]) {
+[result.type]($row, result);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($row) {
+ $searchResults.find('tbody').append($row);
+ }
+ });
+ var count = $searchResults.find('tr.result').length;
+ $'count', count);
+ if (count === 0) {
+ $status.text(t('core', 'No search result in other places'));
+ } else {
+ $status.text(n('core', '{count} search result in other places', '{count} search results in other places', count, {count:count}));
+ }
+ }
+ function renderCurrent() {
+ var result = $searchResults.find('tr.result')[currentResult];
+ if (result) {
+ var $result = $(result);
+ var currentOffset = $('#app-content').scrollTop();
+ $('#app-content').animate({
+ // Scrolling to the top of the new result
+ scrollTop: currentOffset + $result.offset().top - $result.height() * 2
+ }, {
+ duration: 100
+ });
+ $searchResults.find('tr.result.current').removeClass('current');
+ $result.addClass('current');
+ }
+ }
+ this.hideResults = function() {
+ $searchResults.addClass('hidden');
+ $searchResults.find('tr.result').remove();
+ lastQuery = false;
+ };
+ this.clear = function() {
+ self.hideResults();
+ if(self.hasFilter(getCurrentApp())) {
+ self.getFilter(getCurrentApp())('');
+ }
+ $searchBox.val('');
+ $searchBox.blur();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Event handler for when scrolling the list container.
+ * This appends/renders the next page of entries when reaching the bottom.
+ */
+ function onScroll(e) {
+ if ($searchResults && lastQuery !== false && lastResults.length > 0) {
+ var resultsBottom = $searchResults.offset().top + $searchResults.height();
+ var containerBottom = $searchResults.offsetParent().offset().top + $searchResults.offsetParent().height();
+ if ( resultsBottom < containerBottom * 1.2 ) {
+, lastInApps, lastPage + 1);
+ }
+ placeStatus();
+ }
+ }
+ $('#app-content').on('scroll', _.bind(onScroll, this));
+ /**
+ * scrolls the search results to the top
+ */
+ function scrollToResults() {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if (isStatusOffScreen()) {
+ var newScrollTop = $('#app-content').prop('scrollHeight') - $searchResults.height();
+ console.log('scrolling to ' + newScrollTop);
+ $('#app-content').animate({
+ scrollTop: newScrollTop
+ }, {
+ duration: 100,
+ complete: function () {
+ scrollToResults();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }, 150);
+ }
+ $('form.searchbox').submit(function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ });
+ $searchBox.on('search', function (event) {
+ if($searchBox.val() === '') {
+ if(self.hasFilter(getCurrentApp())) {
+ self.getFilter(getCurrentApp())('');
+ }
+ self.hideResults();
+ }
+ });
+ $searchBox.keyup(function(event) {
+ if (event.keyCode === 13) { //enter
+ if(currentResult > -1) {
+ var result = $searchResults.find('tr.result a')[currentResult];
+ window.location = $(result).attr('href');
+ }
+ } else if(event.keyCode === 38) { //up
+ if(currentResult > 0) {
+ currentResult--;
+ renderCurrent();
+ }
+ } else if(event.keyCode === 40) { //down
+ if(lastResults.length > currentResult + 1){
+ currentResult++;
+ renderCurrent();
+ }
+ } else {
+ var query = $searchBox.val();
+ if (lastQuery !== query) {
+ currentResult = -1;
+ if (query.length > 2) {
+ } else {
+ self.hideResults();
+ }
+ if(self.hasFilter(getCurrentApp())) {
+ self.getFilter(getCurrentApp())(query);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $(document).keyup(function(event) {
+ if(event.keyCode === 27) { //esc
+ $searchBox.val('');
+ if(self.hasFilter(getCurrentApp())) {
+ self.getFilter(getCurrentApp())('');
+ }
+ self.hideResults();
+ }
+ });
+ $searchResults.on('click', 'tr.result', function (event) {
+ var $row = $(this);
+ var item = $'result');
+ if(self.hasHandler(item.type)){
+ var result = self.getHandler(item.type)($row, result, event);
+ $searchBox.val('');
+ if(self.hasFilter(getCurrentApp())) {
+ self.getFilter(getCurrentApp())('');
+ }
+ self.hideResults();
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ $searchResults.on('click', '#status', function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ scrollToResults();
+ return false;
+ });
+ placeStatus();
+ OC.Plugins.attach('OCA.Search', this);
+ }
+ };
+ OCA.Search = Search;
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ var $searchResults = $('<div id="searchresults" class="hidden"/>');
+ $('#app-content')
+ .append($searchResults)
+ .find('.viewcontainer').css('min-height', 'initial');
+ $searchResults.load(OC.webroot + '/search/templates/part.results.html', function () {
+ OC.Search = new OCA.Search($('#searchbox'), $('#searchresults'));
+ });
+ * @deprecated use get/setRenderer() instead
+ */ = {};
+ * @deprecated use get/setRenderer() instead
+ */ = {}; \ No newline at end of file