path: root/core
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
6 files changed, 108 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/fr.php b/core/l10n/fr.php
index 82b93172a1e..7eff85ce6a6 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fr.php
+++ b/core/l10n/fr.php
@@ -96,8 +96,12 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Email sent" => "Email envoyé",
"Warning" => "Attention",
"The object type is not specified." => "Le type d'objet n'est pas spécifié.",
+"Enter new" => "Saisir un nouveau",
"Delete" => "Supprimer",
"Add" => "Ajouter",
+"Edit tags" => "Modifier les balises",
+"Error loading dialog template: {error}" => "Erreur de chargement du modèle de dialogue : {error}",
+"No tags selected for deletion." => "Aucune balise sélectionnée pour la suppression.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>." => "La mise à jour a échoué. Veuillez signaler ce problème à la <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">communauté ownCloud</a>.",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "La mise à jour a réussi. Vous êtes redirigé maintenant vers ownCloud.",
"%s password reset" => "Réinitialisation de votre mot de passe %s",
@@ -118,6 +122,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Apps" => "Applications",
"Admin" => "Administration",
"Help" => "Aide",
+"Error loading tags" => "Erreur de chargement des balises.",
+"Tag already exists" => "La balise existe déjà.",
+"Error deleting tag(s)" => "Erreur de suppression de(s) balise(s)",
+"Error tagging" => "Erreur lors de la mise en place de la balise",
+"Error untagging" => "Erreur lors de la suppression de la balise",
+"Error favoriting" => "Erreur lors de la mise en favori",
+"Error unfavoriting" => "Erreur lors de la suppression des favoris",
"Access forbidden" => "Accès interdit",
"Cloud not found" => "Introuvable",
"Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\n" => "Bonjour,\n\nJuste pour vous signaler que %s a partagé %s avec vous.\nConsultez-le : %s\n",
diff --git a/core/l10n/hu_HU.php b/core/l10n/hu_HU.php
index f2d9d1ba22a..4985edf0378 100644
--- a/core/l10n/hu_HU.php
+++ b/core/l10n/hu_HU.php
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"%s shared »%s« with you" => "%s megosztotta Önnel ezt: »%s«",
+"Couldn't send mail to following users: %s " => "Nem sikerült e-mailt küldeni a következő felhasználóknak: %s",
"group" => "csoport",
"Turned on maintenance mode" => "A karbantartási mód bekapcsolva",
"Turned off maintenance mode" => "A karbantartási mód kikapcsolva",
@@ -34,13 +35,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"December" => "december",
"Settings" => "Beállítások",
"seconds ago" => "pár másodperce",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("%n perccel ezelőtt","%n perccel ezelőtt"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("%n órával ezelőtt","%n órával ezelőtt"),
"today" => "ma",
"yesterday" => "tegnap",
-"_%n day ago_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day ago_::_%n days ago_" => array("%n nappal ezelőtt","%n nappal ezelőtt"),
"last month" => "múlt hónapban",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("%n hónappal ezelőtt","%n hónappal ezelőtt"),
"months ago" => "több hónapja",
"last year" => "tavaly",
"years ago" => "több éve",
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"No" => "Nem",
"Ok" => "Ok",
"Error loading message template: {error}" => "Nem sikerült betölteni az üzenet sablont: {error}",
-"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("",""),
+"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("{count} fájl ütközik","{count} fájl ütközik"),
"One file conflict" => "Egy file ütközik",
"Which files do you want to keep?" => "Melyik file-okat akarod megtartani?",
"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." => "Ha kiválasztod mindazokaz a verziókat, a másolt fileok neve sorszámozva lesz.",
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Ezt az állományt csak a tulajdonosa oszthatja meg másokkal",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Megosztva {item}-ben {user}-rel",
"Unshare" => "A megosztás visszavonása",
+"notify user by email" => "felhasználó értesítése e-mailben",
"can edit" => "módosíthat",
"access control" => "jogosultság",
"create" => "létrehoz",
@@ -94,8 +96,12 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Email sent" => "Az emailt elküldtük",
"Warning" => "Figyelmeztetés",
"The object type is not specified." => "Az objektum típusa nincs megadva.",
+"Enter new" => "Új beírása",
"Delete" => "Törlés",
"Add" => "Hozzáadás",
+"Edit tags" => "Címkék szerkesztése",
+"Error loading dialog template: {error}" => "Hiba a párbeszédpanel-sablon betöltésekor: {error}",
+"No tags selected for deletion." => "Nincs törlésre kijelölt címke.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>." => "A frissítés nem sikerült. Kérem értesítse erről a problémáról az <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud közösséget</a>.",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "A frissítés sikeres volt. Visszairányítjuk az ownCloud szolgáltatáshoz.",
"%s password reset" => "%s jelszó visszaállítás",
@@ -116,8 +122,18 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Apps" => "Alkalmazások",
"Admin" => "Adminsztráció",
"Help" => "Súgó",
+"Error loading tags" => "Hiba a címkék betöltésekor",
+"Tag already exists" => "A címke már létezik",
+"Error deleting tag(s)" => "Hiba a címkék törlésekor",
+"Error tagging" => "Hiba a címkézéskor",
+"Error untagging" => "Hiba a címkék eltávolításakor",
+"Error favoriting" => "Hiba a kedvencekhez adáskor",
+"Error unfavoriting" => "Hiba a kedvencekből törléskor",
"Access forbidden" => "A hozzáférés nem engedélyezett",
"Cloud not found" => "A felhő nem található",
+"Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\n" => "Szia!\\n\n\\n\nÉrtesítünk, hogy %s megosztotta veled a következőt: %s.\\n\nItt tudod megnézni: %s\\n\n\\n",
+"The share will expire on %s.\n\n" => "A megosztás ekkor jár le: %s\\n\n\\n",
+"Cheers!" => "Üdv.",
"Security Warning" => "Biztonsági figyelmeztetés",
"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "Az Ön PHP verziója sebezhető a NULL bájtos támadással szemben (CVE-2006-7243)",
"Please update your PHP installation to use %s securely." => "Kérjük frissítse a telepített PHP csomagjait, hogy biztonságos legyen az %s szolgáltatása.",
@@ -136,15 +152,20 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Database tablespace" => "Az adatbázis táblázattér (tablespace)",
"Database host" => "Adatbázis szerver",
"Finish setup" => "A beállítások befejezése",
+"Finishing …" => "Befejezés ...",
"%s is available. Get more information on how to update." => "%s rendelkezésre áll. További információ a frissítéshez.",
"Log out" => "Kilépés",
"Automatic logon rejected!" => "Az automatikus bejelentkezés sikertelen!",
"If you did not change your password recently, your account may be compromised!" => "Ha mostanában nem módosította a jelszavát, akkor lehetséges, hogy idegenek jutottak be a rendszerbe az Ön nevében!",
"Please change your password to secure your account again." => "A biztonsága érdekében változtassa meg a jelszavát!",
+"Server side authentication failed!" => "A szerveroldali hitelesítés sikertelen!",
+"Please contact your administrator." => "Kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával.",
"Lost your password?" => "Elfelejtette a jelszavát?",
"remember" => "emlékezzen",
"Log in" => "Bejelentkezés",
"Alternative Logins" => "Alternatív bejelentkezés",
+"Hey there,<br><br>just letting you know that %s shared »%s« with you.<br><a href=\"%s\">View it!</a><br><br>" => "Szia!<br><br>Értesítünk, hogy %s megosztotta veled a következőt: »%s«.<br><a href=\"%s\">Ide kattintva tudod megnézni</a><br><br>",
+"The share will expire on %s.<br><br>" => "A megosztás ekkor jár le: %s<br><br>",
"Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while." => "Owncloud frissítés a %s verzióra folyamatban. Kis türelmet."
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/core/l10n/it.php b/core/l10n/it.php
index 68bd6ff78ca..dead0fab87c 100644
--- a/core/l10n/it.php
+++ b/core/l10n/it.php
@@ -99,8 +99,9 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Enter new" => "Inserisci nuovo",
"Delete" => "Elimina",
"Add" => "Aggiungi",
-"Edit tags" => "Modifica tag",
-"No tags selected for deletion." => "Nessuna tag selezionata per l'eliminazione.",
+"Edit tags" => "Modifica etichette",
+"Error loading dialog template: {error}" => "Errore durante il caricamento del modello di finestra: {error}",
+"No tags selected for deletion." => "Nessuna etichetta selezionata per l'eliminazione.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>." => "L'aggiornamento non è riuscito. Segnala il problema alla <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">comunità di ownCloud</a>.",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "L'aggiornamento è stato effettuato correttamente. Stai per essere reindirizzato a ownCloud.",
"%s password reset" => "Ripristino password di %s",
@@ -121,7 +122,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Apps" => "Applicazioni",
"Admin" => "Admin",
"Help" => "Aiuto",
-"Error loading tags" => "Errore di caricamento tag",
+"Error loading tags" => "Errore di caricamento delle etichette",
+"Tag already exists" => "L'etichetta esiste già",
+"Error deleting tag(s)" => "Errore di eliminazione delle etichette",
+"Error tagging" => "Errore di assegnazione delle etichette",
+"Error untagging" => "Errore di rimozione delle etichette",
+"Error favoriting" => "Errore di creazione dei preferiti",
+"Error unfavoriting" => "Errore di rimozione dai preferiti",
"Access forbidden" => "Accesso negato",
"Cloud not found" => "Nuvola non trovata",
"Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\n" => "Ciao,\n\nvolevo informarti che %s ha condiviso %s con te.\nVedi: %s\n\n",
@@ -151,8 +158,8 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Automatic logon rejected!" => "Accesso automatico rifiutato.",
"If you did not change your password recently, your account may be compromised!" => "Se non hai cambiato la password recentemente, il tuo account potrebbe essere compromesso.",
"Please change your password to secure your account again." => "Cambia la password per rendere nuovamente sicuro il tuo account.",
-"Server side authentication failed!" => "Autenticazione lato server faillita!",
-"Please contact your administrator." => "Per favore contatta l'amministratore di sistema.",
+"Server side authentication failed!" => "Autenticazione lato server non riuscita!",
+"Please contact your administrator." => "Contatta il tuo amministratore di sistema.",
"Lost your password?" => "Hai perso la password?",
"remember" => "ricorda",
"Log in" => "Accedi",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ja_JP.php b/core/l10n/ja_JP.php
index b0c519e3a1c..469d75e229e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ja_JP.php
+++ b/core/l10n/ja_JP.php
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Delete" => "削除",
"Add" => "追加",
"Edit tags" => "タグを編集",
+"Error loading dialog template: {error}" => "メッセージテンプレートの読み込みエラー: {error}",
"No tags selected for deletion." => "削除するタグが選択されていません。",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>." => "更新に成功しました。この問題を <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a> にレポートしてください。",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "更新に成功しました。今すぐownCloudにリダイレクトします。",
@@ -126,9 +127,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Error deleting tag(s)" => "タグの削除エラー",
"Error tagging" => "タグの付与エラー",
"Error untagging" => "タグの解除エラー",
+"Error favoriting" => "お気に入りに追加エラー",
+"Error unfavoriting" => "お気に入りから削除エラー",
"Access forbidden" => "アクセスが禁止されています",
"Cloud not found" => "見つかりません",
+"Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\n" => "こんにちは、\n\n%s があなたと %s を共有したことをお知らせします。\nそれを表示: %s\n",
"The share will expire on %s.\n\n" => "共有は %s で有効期限が切れます。\n\n",
+"Cheers!" => "それでは!",
"Security Warning" => "セキュリティ警告",
"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "あなたのPHPのバージョンには、Null Byte攻撃(CVE-2006-7243)という脆弱性が含まれています。",
"Please update your PHP installation to use %s securely." => "%s を安全に利用する為に インストールされているPHPをアップデートしてください。",
@@ -159,6 +164,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"remember" => "パスワードを記憶する",
"Log in" => "ログイン",
"Alternative Logins" => "代替ログイン",
+"Hey there,<br><br>just letting you know that %s shared »%s« with you.<br><a href=\"%s\">View it!</a><br><br>" => "こんにちは、<br><br>%sがあなたと »%s« を共有したことをお知らせします。<br><a href=\"%s\">それを表示</a><br><br>",
"The share will expire on %s.<br><br>" => "共有は %s で有効期限が切れます。<br><br>",
"Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while." => "ownCloud をバージョン %s に更新しています、しばらくお待ち下さい。"
diff --git a/core/l10n/ru_RU.php b/core/l10n/ru_RU.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a82c09c5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/l10n/ru_RU.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+"Settings" => "Настройки",
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","",""),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("","",""),
+"_%n day ago_::_%n days ago_" => array("","",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","",""),
+"Yes" => "Да",
+"No" => "Нет",
+"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("","",""),
+"Cancel" => "Отмена",
+"Share" => "Сделать общим",
+"Error" => "Ошибка",
+"Password" => "Пароль",
+"Warning" => "Предупреждение",
+"Username" => "Имя пользователя"
+$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);";
diff --git a/core/l10n/sk_SK.php b/core/l10n/sk_SK.php
index db29395a7f6..5aa9b56ec07 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sk_SK.php
+++ b/core/l10n/sk_SK.php
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"%s shared »%s« with you" => "%s s Vami zdieľa »%s«",
+"Couldn't send mail to following users: %s " => "Nebolo možné odoslať email týmto používateľom: %s ",
"group" => "skupina",
"Turned on maintenance mode" => "Mód údržby zapnutý",
"Turned off maintenance mode" => "Mód údržby vypnutý",
@@ -8,6 +9,11 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Updating filecache, this may take really long..." => "Aktualizácia \"filecache\", toto môže trvať dlhšie...",
"Updated filecache" => "\"Filecache\" aktualizovaná",
"... %d%% done ..." => "... %d%% dokončených ...",
+"No image or file provided" => "Obrázok alebo súbor nebol zadaný",
+"Unknown filetype" => "Neznámy typ súboru",
+"Invalid image" => "Chybný obrázok",
+"No temporary profile picture available, try again" => "Dočasný profilový obrázok nie je k dispozícii, skúste to znovu",
+"No crop data provided" => "Dáta pre orezanie neboli zadané",
"Sunday" => "Nedeľa",
"Monday" => "Pondelok",
"Tuesday" => "Utorok",
@@ -40,11 +46,19 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"last year" => "minulý rok",
"years ago" => "pred rokmi",
"Choose" => "Výber",
+"Error loading file picker template: {error}" => "Chyba pri nahrávaní šablóny výberu súborov: {error}",
"Yes" => "Áno",
"No" => "Nie",
"Ok" => "Ok",
-"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("","",""),
+"Error loading message template: {error}" => "Chyba pri nahrávaní šablóny správy: {error}",
+"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("{count} konflikt súboru","{count} konflikty súboru","{count} konfliktov súboru"),
+"One file conflict" => "Jeden konflikt súboru",
+"Which files do you want to keep?" => "Ktoré súbory chcete ponechať?",
+"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." => "Ak zvolíte obe verzie, názov nakopírovaného súboru bude doplnený o číslo.",
"Cancel" => "Zrušiť",
+"Continue" => "Pokračovať",
+"(all selected)" => "(všetko vybrané)",
+"({count} selected)" => "({count} vybraných)",
"Shared" => "Zdieľané",
"Share" => "Zdieľať",
"Error" => "Chyba",
@@ -67,6 +81,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Resharing is not allowed" => "Zdieľanie už zdieľanej položky nie je povolené",
"Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Zdieľané v {item} s {user}",
"Unshare" => "Zrušiť zdieľanie",
+"notify user by email" => "upozorniť používateľa emailom",
"can edit" => "môže upraviť",
"access control" => "prístupové práva",
"create" => "vytvoriť",
@@ -80,8 +95,12 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Email sent" => "Email odoslaný",
"Warning" => "Varovanie",
"The object type is not specified." => "Nešpecifikovaný typ objektu.",
+"Enter new" => "Zadať nový",
"Delete" => "Zmazať",
"Add" => "Pridať",
+"Edit tags" => "Upraviť štítky",
+"Error loading dialog template: {error}" => "Chyba pri načítaní šablóny dialógu: {error}",
+"No tags selected for deletion." => "Nie sú vybraté štítky na zmazanie.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>." => "Aktualizácia nebola úspešná. Problém nahláste na <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>.",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "Aktualizácia bola úspešná. Presmerovávam na prihlasovaciu stránku.",
"%s password reset" => "reset hesla %s",
@@ -102,8 +121,18 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Apps" => "Aplikácie",
"Admin" => "Administrátor",
"Help" => "Pomoc",
+"Error loading tags" => "Chyba pri načítaní štítkov",
+"Tag already exists" => "Štítok už existuje",
+"Error deleting tag(s)" => "Chyba pri mazaní štítka(ov)",
+"Error tagging" => "Chyba pri pridaní štítka",
+"Error untagging" => "Chyba pri odobratí štítka",
+"Error favoriting" => "Chyba pri pridaní do obľúbených",
+"Error unfavoriting" => "Chyba pri odobratí z obľúbených",
"Access forbidden" => "Prístup odmietnutý",
"Cloud not found" => "Nenájdené",
+"Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\n" => "Ahoj,\n\nchcem ti dať navedomie, že %s zdieľa %s s tebou.\nZobrazenie tu: %s\n\n",
+"The share will expire on %s.\n\n" => "Zdieľanie vyexpiruje %s.\n\n",
+"Cheers!" => "Za zdravie!",
"Security Warning" => "Bezpečnostné varovanie",
"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "Verzia Vášho PHP je napadnuteľná pomocou techniky \"NULL Byte\" (CVE-2006-7243)",
"Please update your PHP installation to use %s securely." => "Aktualizujte prosím vašu inštanciu PHP pre bezpečné používanie %s.",
@@ -122,15 +151,20 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Database tablespace" => "Tabuľkový priestor databázy",
"Database host" => "Server databázy",
"Finish setup" => "Dokončiť inštaláciu",
+"Finishing …" => "Dokončujem...",
"%s is available. Get more information on how to update." => "%s je dostupná. Získajte viac informácií k postupu aktualizáce.",
"Log out" => "Odhlásiť",
"Automatic logon rejected!" => "Automatické prihlásenie bolo zamietnuté!",
"If you did not change your password recently, your account may be compromised!" => "V nedávnej dobe ste nezmenili svoje heslo, Váš účet môže byť kompromitovaný.",
"Please change your password to secure your account again." => "Prosím, zmeňte svoje heslo pre opätovné zabezpečenie Vášho účtu",
+"Server side authentication failed!" => "Autentifikácia na serveri zlyhala!",
+"Please contact your administrator." => "Kontaktujte prosím vášho administrátora.",
"Lost your password?" => "Zabudli ste heslo?",
"remember" => "zapamätať",
"Log in" => "Prihlásiť sa",
"Alternative Logins" => "Alternatívne prihlasovanie",
+"Hey there,<br><br>just letting you know that %s shared »%s« with you.<br><a href=\"%s\">View it!</a><br><br>" => "Ahoj,<br><br>chcem ti dať navedomie, že %s zdieľa »%s« s tebou.<br><a href=\"%s\">Zobrazenie tu!</a><br><br>",
+"The share will expire on %s.<br><br>" => "Zdieľanie vyexpiruje %s.<br><br>",
"Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while." => "Aktualizujem ownCloud na verziu %s, môže to chvíľu trvať."
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;";