path: root/core
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Diffstat (limited to 'core')
3 files changed, 212 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/core/js/js.js b/core/js/js.js
index f35a3a1e2be..d49001ee387 100644
--- a/core/js/js.js
+++ b/core/js/js.js
@@ -1367,8 +1367,58 @@ OC.Util = {
// FIXME: likely to break when crossing DST
// would be better to use a library like momentJS
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate());
+ },
+ _chunkify: function(t) {
+ // Adapted from
+ var tz = [], x = 0, y = -1, n = 0, code, c;
+ while (x < t.length) {
+ c = t.charAt(x);
+ // only include the dot in strings
+ var m = ((!n && c === '.') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'));
+ if (m !== n) {
+ // next chunk
+ y++;
+ tz[y] = '';
+ n = m;
+ }
+ tz[y] += c;
+ x++;
+ }
+ return tz;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Compare two strings to provide a natural sort
+ * @param a first string to compare
+ * @param b second string to compare
+ * @return -1 if b comes before a, 1 if a comes before b
+ * or 0 if the strings are identical
+ */
+ naturalSortCompare: function(a, b) {
+ var x;
+ var aa = OC.Util._chunkify(a);
+ var bb = OC.Util._chunkify(b);
+ for (x = 0; aa[x] && bb[x]; x++) {
+ if (aa[x] !== bb[x]) {
+ var aNum = Number(aa[x]), bNum = Number(bb[x]);
+ // note: == is correct here
+ if (aNum == aa[x] && bNum == bb[x]) {
+ return aNum - bNum;
+ } else {
+ // Forcing 'en' locale to match the server-side locale which is
+ // always 'en'.
+ //
+ // Note: This setting isn't supported by all browsers but for the ones
+ // that do there will be more consistency between client-server sorting
+ return aa[x].localeCompare(bb[x], 'en');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aa.length - bb.length;
* Utility class for the history API,
diff --git a/core/js/tests/specHelper.js b/core/js/tests/specHelper.js
index 66e5d3578b2..b62a0efe40d 100644
--- a/core/js/tests/specHelper.js
+++ b/core/js/tests/specHelper.js
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ window.Snap.prototype = {
close: function() {}
+window.isPhantom = /phantom/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
// global setup for all tests
(function setupTests() {
var fakeServer = null,
diff --git a/core/js/tests/specs/coreSpec.js b/core/js/tests/specs/coreSpec.js
index c61528f6686..2c5c22905b0 100644
--- a/core/js/tests/specs/coreSpec.js
+++ b/core/js/tests/specs/coreSpec.js
@@ -496,5 +496,164 @@ describe('Core base tests', function() {
+ describe('naturalSortCompare', function() {
+ // cit() will skip tests if running on PhantomJS because it has issues with
+ // localeCompare(). See
+ //
+ // Please make sure to run these tests in Chrome/Firefox manually
+ // to make sure they run.
+ var cit = window.isPhantom?xit:it;
+ // must provide the same results as \OC_Util::naturalSortCompare
+ it('sorts alphabetically', function() {
+ var a = [
+ 'def',
+ 'xyz',
+ 'abc'
+ ];
+ a.sort(OC.Util.naturalSortCompare);
+ expect(a).toEqual([
+ 'abc',
+ 'def',
+ 'xyz'
+ ]);
+ });
+ cit('sorts with different casing', function() {
+ var a = [
+ 'aaa',
+ 'bbb',
+ 'BBB',
+ 'AAA'
+ ];
+ a.sort(OC.Util.naturalSortCompare);
+ expect(a).toEqual([
+ 'aaa',
+ 'AAA',
+ 'bbb',
+ 'BBB'
+ ]);
+ });
+ it('sorts with numbers', function() {
+ var a = [
+ '124.txt',
+ 'abc1',
+ '123.txt',
+ 'abc',
+ 'abc2',
+ 'def (2).txt',
+ 'ghi 10.txt',
+ 'abc12',
+ 'def.txt',
+ 'def (1).txt',
+ 'ghi 2.txt',
+ 'def (10).txt',
+ 'abc10',
+ 'def (12).txt',
+ 'z',
+ 'ghi.txt',
+ 'za',
+ 'ghi 1.txt',
+ 'ghi 12.txt',
+ 'zz',
+ '15.txt',
+ '15b.txt'
+ ];
+ a.sort(OC.Util.naturalSortCompare);
+ expect(a).toEqual([
+ '15.txt',
+ '15b.txt',
+ '123.txt',
+ '124.txt',
+ 'abc',
+ 'abc1',
+ 'abc2',
+ 'abc10',
+ 'abc12',
+ 'def.txt',
+ 'def (1).txt',
+ 'def (2).txt',
+ 'def (10).txt',
+ 'def (12).txt',
+ 'ghi.txt',
+ 'ghi 1.txt',
+ 'ghi 2.txt',
+ 'ghi 10.txt',
+ 'ghi 12.txt',
+ 'z',
+ 'za',
+ 'zz'
+ ]);
+ });
+ it('sorts with chinese characters', function() {
+ var a = [
+ '十.txt',
+ '一.txt',
+ '二.txt',
+ '十 2.txt',
+ '三.txt',
+ '四.txt',
+ 'abc.txt',
+ '五.txt',
+ '七.txt',
+ '八.txt',
+ '九.txt',
+ '六.txt',
+ '十一.txt',
+ '波.txt',
+ '破.txt',
+ '莫.txt',
+ '啊.txt',
+ '123.txt'
+ ];
+ a.sort(OC.Util.naturalSortCompare);
+ expect(a).toEqual([
+ '123.txt',
+ 'abc.txt',
+ '一.txt',
+ '七.txt',
+ '三.txt',
+ '九.txt',
+ '二.txt',
+ '五.txt',
+ '八.txt',
+ '六.txt',
+ '十.txt',
+ '十 2.txt',
+ '十一.txt',
+ '啊.txt',
+ '四.txt',
+ '波.txt',
+ '破.txt',
+ '莫.txt'
+ ]);
+ });
+ cit('sorts with umlauts', function() {
+ var a = [
+ 'öh.txt',
+ 'Äh.txt',
+ 'oh.txt',
+ 'Üh 2.txt',
+ 'Üh.txt',
+ 'ah.txt',
+ 'Öh.txt',
+ 'uh.txt',
+ 'üh.txt',
+ 'äh.txt'
+ ];
+ a.sort(OC.Util.naturalSortCompare);
+ expect(a).toEqual([
+ 'ah.txt',
+ 'äh.txt',
+ 'Äh.txt',
+ 'oh.txt',
+ 'öh.txt',
+ 'Öh.txt',
+ 'uh.txt',
+ 'üh.txt',
+ 'Üh.txt',
+ 'Üh 2.txt'
+ ]);
+ });
+ });