diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/ast.php | 13 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/de.php | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/de_DE.php | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/fi_FI.php | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/gl.php | 18 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/it.php | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/ja.php | 6 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/tr.php | 2 |
8 files changed, 45 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/ast.php b/core/l10n/ast.php index 65ec8192744..483bd4b7f7d 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ast.php +++ b/core/l10n/ast.php @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Error while changing permissions" => "Fallu mientres camudaben los permisos", "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" => "Compartíu contigo y col grupu {group} por {owner}", "Shared with you by {owner}" => "Compartíu contigo por {owner}", +"Share with user or group …" => "Compartir col usuariu o grupu ...", "Share link" => "Compartir enllaz", "Password protect" => "Protexer con contraseña", "Choose a password for the public link" => "Escueyi una contraseña pal enllaz públicu", @@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Add" => "Amestar", "Edit tags" => "Editar etiquetes", "Please reload the page." => "Por favor, recarga la páxina", +"The update was unsuccessful." => "L'anovamientu nun foi esitosu.", "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "L'anovamientu fízose con ésitu. Redirixiendo agora al to ownCloud.", "%s password reset" => "%s restablecer contraseña", "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "Usa'l siguiente enllaz pa restablecer la to contraseña: {link}", @@ -122,6 +124,9 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Apps" => "Aplicaciones", "Admin" => "Alministrador", "Help" => "Ayuda", +"Error loading tags" => "Fallu cargando les etiquetes", +"Tag already exists" => "Yá esiste la etiqueta", +"Error tagging" => "Fallu etiquetando", "Access forbidden" => "Accesu denegáu", "Cloud not found" => "Ñube non atopada", "Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\n" => "Hola, ¿qué hai?\n\nnamái déxanos dicite que %s compartió %s contigo.\nVelu: %s\n\n", @@ -137,6 +142,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Password" => "Contraseña", "Data folder" => "Carpeta de datos", "Configure the database" => "Configura la base de datos", +"Only %s is available." => "Namái ta disponible %s", "Database user" => "Usuariu de la base de datos", "Database password" => "Contraseña de la base de datos", "Database name" => "Nome de la base de datos", @@ -154,6 +160,11 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "remember" => "recordar", "Log in" => "Aniciar sesión", "Alternative Logins" => "Anicios de sesión alternativos", -"Thank you for your patience." => "Gracies pola to paciencia." +"Hey there,<br><br>just letting you know that %s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you.<br><a href=\"%s\">View it!</a><br><br>" => "Hola, ¿qué hai?,<br><br>namái déxamos dicite que %s compartió <strong>%s</strong> contigo.\n<br><a href=\"%s\">¡Velu!</a><br><br>", +"Thank you for your patience." => "Gracies pola to paciencia.", +"%s will be updated to version %s." => "%s anovaráse a la versión %s.", +"The following apps will be disabled:" => "Deshabilitaránse les siguientes aplicaciones:", +"Start update" => "Aniciar anovamientu", +"This ownCloud instance is currently being updated, which may take a while." => "Esta instancia de OwnCloud ta anguaño anovándose, polo que pue tardar un pocoñín." ); $PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"; diff --git a/core/l10n/de.php b/core/l10n/de.php index b3a30a228ef..d51a810b348 100644 --- a/core/l10n/de.php +++ b/core/l10n/de.php @@ -158,11 +158,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Storage & database" => "Speicher & Datenbank", "Data folder" => "Datenverzeichnis", "Configure the database" => "Datenbank einrichten", +"Only %s is available." => "Es sind nur %s verfügbar.", "Database user" => "Datenbank-Benutzer", "Database password" => "Datenbank-Passwort", "Database name" => "Datenbank-Name", "Database tablespace" => "Datenbank-Tablespace", "Database host" => "Datenbank-Host", +"SQLite will be used as database. For larger installations we recommend to change this." => "SQLite wird als Datenbank benutzt. Für größere Installationen wird empfohlen, dies zu ändern.", "Finish setup" => "Installation abschließen", "Finishing …" => "Abschließen ...", "This application requires JavaScript to be enabled for correct operation. Please <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">enable JavaScript</a> and re-load this interface." => "Diese Anwendung benötigt ein aktiviertes JavaScript zum korrekten Betrieb. Bitte <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">aktiviere JavaScript</a> und lade diese Schnittstelle neu.", diff --git a/core/l10n/de_DE.php b/core/l10n/de_DE.php index dfceff4113f..4d1079d81a9 100644 --- a/core/l10n/de_DE.php +++ b/core/l10n/de_DE.php @@ -158,11 +158,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Storage & database" => "Speicher & Datenbank", "Data folder" => "Datenverzeichnis", "Configure the database" => "Datenbank einrichten", +"Only %s is available." => "Es sind nur %s verfügbar.", "Database user" => "Datenbank-Benutzer", "Database password" => "Datenbank-Passwort", "Database name" => "Datenbank-Name", "Database tablespace" => "Datenbank-Tablespace", "Database host" => "Datenbank-Host", +"SQLite will be used as database. For larger installations we recommend to change this." => "SQLite wird als Datenbank benutzt. Für größere Installationen wird empfohlen, dies zu ändern.", "Finish setup" => "Installation abschließen", "Finishing …" => "Abschließen ...", "This application requires JavaScript to be enabled for correct operation. Please <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">enable JavaScript</a> and re-load this interface." => "Diese Anwendung benötigt ein aktiviertes JavaScript zum korrekten Betrieb. Bitte <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">aktivieren Sie JavaScript</a> und laden Sie diese Schnittstelle neu.", diff --git a/core/l10n/fi_FI.php b/core/l10n/fi_FI.php index 716f6fdd4a8..88f94f254e1 100644 --- a/core/l10n/fi_FI.php +++ b/core/l10n/fi_FI.php @@ -158,11 +158,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Storage & database" => "Tallennus ja tietokanta", "Data folder" => "Datakansio", "Configure the database" => "Muokkaa tietokantaa", +"Only %s is available." => "Vain %s on käytettävissä.", "Database user" => "Tietokannan käyttäjä", "Database password" => "Tietokannan salasana", "Database name" => "Tietokannan nimi", "Database tablespace" => "Tietokannan taulukkotila", "Database host" => "Tietokantapalvelin", +"SQLite will be used as database. For larger installations we recommend to change this." => "SQLitea käytetään tietokantana. Laajoja asennuksia varten tämä asetus kannattaa muuttaa. ", "Finish setup" => "Viimeistele asennus", "Finishing …" => "Valmistellaan…", "This application requires JavaScript to be enabled for correct operation. Please <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">enable JavaScript</a> and re-load this interface." => "Tämä sovellus vaatii toimiakseen JavaScriptin käyttöä. <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">Ota JavaScript käyttöön</a> ja päivitä tämä käyttöliittymä.", diff --git a/core/l10n/gl.php b/core/l10n/gl.php index a6dd114c021..c7ff0a923a5 100644 --- a/core/l10n/gl.php +++ b/core/l10n/gl.php @@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Settings" => "Axustes", "Saving..." => "Gardando...", "seconds ago" => "segundos atrás", -"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("hai %n minuto","hai %n minutos"), -"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("hai %n hora","hai %n horas"), +"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("hai %n minuto","vai %n minutos"), +"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("hai %n hora","vai %n horas"), "today" => "hoxe", "yesterday" => "onte", "_%n day ago_::_%n days ago_" => array("hai %n día","vai %n días"), "last month" => "último mes", -"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("hai %n mes","hai %n meses"), +"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("hai %n mes","vai %n meses"), "last year" => "último ano", "years ago" => "anos atrás", "Yes" => "Si", @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "So-so password" => "Contrasinal non moi aló", "Good password" => "Bo contrasinal", "Strong password" => "Contrasinal forte", -"Shared" => "Compartir", +"Shared" => "Compartido", "Share" => "Compartir", "Error" => "Erro", "Error while sharing" => "Produciuse un erro ao compartir", @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Share link" => "Ligazón para compartir", "The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" => "A ligazón pública caducará, a máis tardar, {days} días após a súa creación", "By default the public link will expire after {days} days" => "De xeito predeterminado, a ligazón pública caduca aos {days} días", -"Password protect" => "Protexido con contrasinais", +"Password protect" => "Protexido con contrasinal", "Choose a password for the public link" => "Escolla un contrasinal para a ligazón pública", "Allow Public Upload" => "Permitir o envío público", "Email link to person" => "Enviar ligazón por correo", @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Share via email:" => "Compartir por correo:", "No people found" => "Non se atopou xente", "group" => "grupo", -"Resharing is not allowed" => "Non se permite volver a compartir", +"Resharing is not allowed" => "Non se permite volver compartir", "Shared in {item} with {user}" => "Compartido en {item} con {user}", "Unshare" => "Deixar de compartir", "notify by email" => "notificar por correo", @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Error loading dialog template: {error}" => "Produciuse un erro ao cargar o modelo do dialogo: {error}", "No tags selected for deletion." => "Non se seleccionaron etiquetas para borrado.", "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." => "Actualizando {productName} a versión {version}, isto pode levar un anaco.", -"Please reload the page." => "Volva a cargar a páxina.", +"Please reload the page." => "Volva cargar a páxina.", "The update was unsuccessful." => "A actualización foi satisfactoria.", "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "A actualización realizouse correctamente. Redirixíndoo agora á ownCloud.", "%s password reset" => "Restabelecer o contrasinal %s", @@ -158,13 +158,15 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Storage & database" => "Almacenamento e base de datos", "Data folder" => "Cartafol de datos", "Configure the database" => "Configurar a base de datos", +"Only %s is available." => "Só está dispoñíbel %s.", "Database user" => "Usuario da base de datos", "Database password" => "Contrasinal da base de datos", "Database name" => "Nome da base de datos", "Database tablespace" => "Táboa de espazos da base de datos", "Database host" => "Servidor da base de datos", +"SQLite will be used as database. For larger installations we recommend to change this." => "Empregarase SQLite como base de datos. Para instalacións máis grandes recomendámoslle que cambie isto.", "Finish setup" => "Rematar a configuración", -"Finishing …" => "Rematado ...", +"Finishing …" => "Rematando ...", "This application requires JavaScript to be enabled for correct operation. Please <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">enable JavaScript</a> and re-load this interface." => "Este aplicativo require que o JavaScript estea activado para unha operativa correcta. <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">Active o JavaScript</a> e volva a cargar a interface.", "%s is available. Get more information on how to update." => "%s está dispoñíbel. Obteña máis información sobre como actualizar.", "Log out" => "Desconectar", diff --git a/core/l10n/it.php b/core/l10n/it.php index 3aa35741d49..7c5478dff07 100644 --- a/core/l10n/it.php +++ b/core/l10n/it.php @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Turned on maintenance mode" => "Modalità di manutenzione attivata", "Turned off maintenance mode" => "Modalità di manutenzione disattivata", "Updated database" => "Database aggiornato", +"Disabled incompatible apps: %s" => "Applicazione incompatibili disabilitate: %s", "No image or file provided" => "Non è stata fornita alcun immagine o file", "Unknown filetype" => "Tipo di file sconosciuto", "Invalid image" => "Immagine non valida", @@ -108,7 +109,9 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Edit tags" => "Modifica etichette", "Error loading dialog template: {error}" => "Errore durante il caricamento del modello di finestra: {error}", "No tags selected for deletion." => "Nessuna etichetta selezionata per l'eliminazione.", +"Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." => "Aggiornamento di {productName} alla versione {version}, potrebbe richiedere del tempo.", "Please reload the page." => "Ricarica la pagina.", +"The update was unsuccessful." => "L'aggiornamento non è riuscito.", "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "L'aggiornamento è stato effettuato correttamente. Stai per essere reindirizzato a ownCloud.", "%s password reset" => "Ripristino password di %s", "A problem has occurred whilst sending the email, please contact your administrator." => "Si è verificato un problema durante l'invio della email, contatta il tuo amministratore.", @@ -155,11 +158,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Storage & database" => "Archiviazione e database", "Data folder" => "Cartella dati", "Configure the database" => "Configura il database", +"Only %s is available." => "È disponibile solo %s.", "Database user" => "Utente del database", "Database password" => "Password del database", "Database name" => "Nome del database", "Database tablespace" => "Spazio delle tabelle del database", "Database host" => "Host del database", +"SQLite will be used as database. For larger installations we recommend to change this." => "SQLite sarà utilizzato come database. Per installazioni più grandi consigliamo di cambiarlo.", "Finish setup" => "Termina la configurazione", "Finishing …" => "Completamento...", "This application requires JavaScript to be enabled for correct operation. Please <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">enable JavaScript</a> and re-load this interface." => "L'applicazione richiede che JavaScript sia abilitato per un corretto funzionamento. <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">Abilita JavaScript</a> e ricarica questa interfaccia.", @@ -179,6 +184,11 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "This means only administrators can use the instance." => "Ciò significa che solo gli amministratori possono utilizzare l'istanza.", "Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." => "Contatta il tuo amministratore di sistema se questo messaggio persiste o appare inaspettatamente.", "Thank you for your patience." => "Grazie per la pazienza.", +"%s will be updated to version %s." => "%s sarà aggiornato alla versione %s.", +"The following apps will be disabled:" => "Le seguenti applicazioni saranno disabilitate:", +"The theme %s has been disabled." => "Il tema %s è stato disabilitato.", +"Please make sure that the database, the config folder and the data folder have been backed up before proceeding." => "Assicurati di aver creato una copia di sicurezza del database, della cartella config e della cartella data prima di procedere. ", +"Start update" => "Avvia l'aggiornamento", "This ownCloud instance is currently being updated, which may take a while." => "Questa istanza di ownCloud è in fase di aggiornamento, potrebbe richiedere del tempo.", "Please reload this page after a short time to continue using ownCloud." => "Ricarica questa pagina per poter continuare ad usare ownCloud." ); diff --git a/core/l10n/ja.php b/core/l10n/ja.php index 7c2c40dc509..fc87790f289 100644 --- a/core/l10n/ja.php +++ b/core/l10n/ja.php @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." => "両方のバージョンを選択した場合は、ファイル名の後ろに数字を追加したファイルのコピーを作成します。", "Cancel" => "キャンセル", "Continue" => "続ける", -"(all selected)" => "(全て選択)", +"(all selected)" => "(すべて選択)", "({count} selected)" => "({count} 選択)", "Error loading file exists template" => "既存ファイルのテンプレートの読み込みエラー", "Very weak password" => "非常に弱いパスワード", @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Error loading dialog template: {error}" => "メッセージテンプレートの読み込みエラー: {error}", "No tags selected for deletion." => "削除するタグが選択されていません。", "Please reload the page." => "ページをリロードしてください。", +"The update was unsuccessful." => "アップデートに失敗しました。", "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "アップデートに成功しました。今すぐownCloudにリダイレクトします。", "%s password reset" => "%s パスワードリセット", "A problem has occurred whilst sending the email, please contact your administrator." => "メールの送信中に問題が発生しました。管理者に問い合わせください。", @@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Storage & database" => "ストレージとデータベース", "Data folder" => "データフォルダー", "Configure the database" => "データベースを設定してください", +"Only %s is available." => "%s のみ有効です。", "Database user" => "データベースのユーザー名", "Database password" => "データベースのパスワード", "Database name" => "データベース名", @@ -179,6 +181,8 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "This means only administrators can use the instance." => "これは、管理者のみがインスタンスを利用できることを意味しています。", "Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." => "このメッセージが引き続きもしくは予期せず現れる場合は、システム管理者に連絡してください。", "Thank you for your patience." => "しばらくお待ちください。", +"%s will be updated to version %s." => "%s はバージョン %s にアップデートされました。", +"Start update" => "アップデートを開始", "This ownCloud instance is currently being updated, which may take a while." => "この ownCloud インスタンスは現在アップデート中のため、しばらく時間がかかります。", "Please reload this page after a short time to continue using ownCloud." => "ownCloud を続けて利用するには、しばらくした後でページをリロードしてください。" ); diff --git a/core/l10n/tr.php b/core/l10n/tr.php index c13420e87c0..cf94b52dec0 100644 --- a/core/l10n/tr.php +++ b/core/l10n/tr.php @@ -158,11 +158,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Storage & database" => "Depolama ve veritabanı", "Data folder" => "Veri klasörü", "Configure the database" => "Veritabanını yapılandır", +"Only %s is available." => "Sadece %s kullanılabilir.", "Database user" => "Veritabanı kullanıcı adı", "Database password" => "Veritabanı parolası", "Database name" => "Veritabanı adı", "Database tablespace" => "Veritabanı tablo alanı", "Database host" => "Veritabanı sunucusu", +"SQLite will be used as database. For larger installations we recommend to change this." => "Veritabanı olarak SQLite kullanılacak. Daha büyük kurulumlar için bunu değiştirmenizi öneririz.", "Finish setup" => "Kurulumu tamamla", "Finishing …" => "Tamamlanıyor ...", "This application requires JavaScript to be enabled for correct operation. Please <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">enable JavaScript</a> and re-load this interface." => "Uygulama, doğru çalışabilmesi için JavaScript'in etkinleştirilmesini gerektiriyor. Lütfen <a href=\"http://enable-javascript.com/\" target=\"_blank\">JavaScript'i etkinleştirin</a> ve bu arayüzü yeniden yükleyin.", |