path: root/core
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/core/ajax/share.php b/core/ajax/share.php
index cd4144bc6a7..987b637cc97 100644
--- a/core/ajax/share.php
+++ b/core/ajax/share.php
@@ -43,92 +43,6 @@ $defaults = new \OCP\Defaults();
if (isset($_POST['action']) && isset($_POST['itemType']) && isset($_POST['itemSource'])) {
switch ($_POST['action']) {
- case 'share':
- if (isset($_POST['shareType']) && isset($_POST['shareWith']) && isset($_POST['permissions'])) {
- try {
- $shareType = (int)$_POST['shareType'];
- $shareWith = $_POST['shareWith'];
- $itemSourceName = isset($_POST['itemSourceName']) ? (string)$_POST['itemSourceName'] : null;
- /*
- * Nasty nasty fix for
- */
- $passwordChanged = null;
- if (is_array($shareWith)) {
- $passwordChanged = ($shareWith['passwordChanged'] === 'true');
- if ($shareType === OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK && $shareWith['password'] === '') {
- $shareWith = null;
- } else {
- $shareWith = $shareWith['password'];
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * We need this branch since the calendar and contacts also use this
- * endpoint
- */
- if ($shareType === OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK && $shareWith === '') {
- $shareWith = null;
- }
- }
- $itemSourceName=(isset($_POST['itemSourceName'])) ? (string)$_POST['itemSourceName']:'';
- $token = OCP\Share::shareItem(
- $_POST['itemType'],
- $_POST['itemSource'],
- $shareType,
- $shareWith,
- $_POST['permissions'],
- $itemSourceName,
- (!empty($_POST['expirationDate']) ? new \DateTime((string)$_POST['expirationDate']) : null),
- $passwordChanged
- );
- if (is_string($token)) {
- OC_JSON::success(array('data' => array('token' => $token)));
- } else {
- OC_JSON::success();
- }
- } catch (\OC\HintException $exception) {
- OC_JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $exception->getHint())));
- } catch (Exception $exception) {
- OC_JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $exception->getMessage())));
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'unshare':
- if (isset($_POST['shareType']) && isset($_POST['shareWith'])) {
- if ((int)$_POST['shareType'] === OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK && $_POST['shareWith'] == '') {
- $shareWith = null;
- } else {
- $shareWith = (string)$_POST['shareWith'];
- }
- $return = OCP\Share::unshare((string)$_POST['itemType'],(string) $_POST['itemSource'], (int)$_POST['shareType'], $shareWith);
- ($return) ? OC_JSON::success() : OC_JSON::error();
- }
- break;
- case 'setPermissions':
- if (isset($_POST['shareType']) && isset($_POST['shareWith']) && isset($_POST['permissions'])) {
- $return = OCP\Share::setPermissions(
- (string)$_POST['itemType'],
- (string)$_POST['itemSource'],
- (int)$_POST['shareType'],
- (string)$_POST['shareWith'],
- (int)$_POST['permissions']
- );
- ($return) ? OC_JSON::success() : OC_JSON::error();
- }
- break;
- case 'setExpirationDate':
- if (isset($_POST['date'])) {
- try {
- $return = OCP\Share::setExpirationDate((string)$_POST['itemType'], (string)$_POST['itemSource'], (string)$_POST['date']);
- ($return) ? OC_JSON::success() : OC_JSON::error();
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- OC_JSON::error(array('data' => array('message' => $e->getMessage())));
- }
- }
- break;
case 'informRecipients':
$l = \OC::$server->getL10N('core');
$shareType = (int) $_POST['shareType'];