path: root/inc/packages
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inc/packages')
12 files changed, 2336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inc/packages/Archive_Tar.xml b/inc/packages/Archive_Tar.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ba748a18afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/Archive_Tar.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0">
+ <name>Archive_Tar</name>
+ <summary>Tar file management class</summary>
+ <description>This class provides handling of tar files in PHP.
+It supports creating, listing, extracting and adding to tar files.
+Gzip support is available if PHP has the zlib extension built-in or
+loaded. Bz2 compression is also supported with the bz2 extension loaded.</description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>vblavet</user>
+ <name>Vincent Blavet</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>ssb</user>
+ <name>Stig Bakken</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>helper</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.1</version>
+ <date>2005-03-17</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Correct Bug #3855</notes>
+ <provides type="class" name="Archive_Tar" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::create" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::add" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::extract" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::listContent" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::createModify" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::addModify" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::addString" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::extractModify" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::extractInString" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::extractList" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Archive_Tar::setAttribute" />
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="5a9ef212cbfc1789c875870b3a4db6e5" name="Archive/Tar.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="ae640b797078a6542ea0d236f28efffb" name="docs/Archive_Tar.txt"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.0</version>
+ <date>2005-03-06</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Bugs correction (2475, 2488, 2135, 2176)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2</version>
+ <date>2004-05-08</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Add support for other separator than the space char and bug
+ correction
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1</version>
+ <date>2003-05-28</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Add support for BZ2 compression
+* Add support for add and extract without using temporary files : methods addString() and extractInString()
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0</version>
+ <date>2003-01-24</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Change status to stable
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.10-b1</version>
+ <date>2003-01-08</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>Add support for long filenames (greater than 99 characters)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.9</version>
+ <date>2002-05-27</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Auto-detect gzip'ed files
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.4</version>
+ <date>2002-05-20</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Windows bugfix: use forward slashes inside archives
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.2</version>
+ <date>2002-02-18</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>From initial commit to stable
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.3</version>
+ <date>2002-04-13</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Windows bugfix: used wrong directory separators
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/Console_Getopt.xml b/inc/packages/Console_Getopt.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..221919d9767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/Console_Getopt.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0">
+ <name>Console_Getopt</name>
+ <summary>Command-line option parser</summary>
+ <description>This is a PHP implementation of &quot;getopt&quot; supporting both
+short and long options.</description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>andrei</user>
+ <name>Andrei Zmievski</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>ssb</user>
+ <name>Stig Bakken</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>developer</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2</version>
+ <date>2003-12-11</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Fix to preserve BC with 1.0 and allow correct behaviour for new users</notes>
+ <provides type="class" name="Console_Getopt" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Console_Getopt::getopt2" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Console_Getopt::getopt" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Console_Getopt::doGetopt" />
+ <provides type="function" name="Console_Getopt::readPHPArgv" />
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="add0781a1cae0b3daf5e8521b8a954cc" name="Console/Getopt.php"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0</version>
+ <date>2002-09-13</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Stable release
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.11</version>
+ <date>2002-05-26</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>POSIX getopt compatibility fix: treat first element of args
+ array as command name
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.10</version>
+ <date>2002-05-12</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>Packaging fix
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.9</version>
+ <date>2002-05-12</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>Initial release
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/DB.xml b/inc/packages/DB.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..d8aaec82c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/DB.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0" packagerversion="1.4.0a10">
+ <name>DB</name>
+ <summary>Database Abstraction Layer</summary>
+ <description>DB is a database abstraction layer providing:
+* an OO-style query API
+* portability features that make programs written for one DBMS work with other DBMS's
+* a DSN (data source name) format for specifying database servers
+* prepare/execute (bind) emulation for databases that don't support it natively
+* a result object for each query response
+* portable error codes
+* sequence emulation
+* sequential and non-sequential row fetching as well as bulk fetching
+* formats fetched rows as associative arrays, ordered arrays or objects
+* row limit support
+* transactions support
+* table information interface
+* DocBook and phpDocumentor API documentation
+DB layers itself on top of PHP's existing
+database extensions.
+Drivers for the following extensions pass
+the complete test suite and provide
+interchangeability when all of DB's
+portability options are enabled:
+ fbsql, ibase, informix, msql, mssql,
+ mysql, mysqli, oci8, odbc, pgsql,
+ sqlite and sybase.
+There is also a driver for the dbase
+extension, but it can't be used
+interchangeably because dbase doesn't
+support many standard DBMS features.
+DB is compatible with both PHP 4 and PHP 5.
+ </description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>ssb</user>
+ <name>Stig Bakken</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>developer</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>cox</user>
+ <name>Tomas V.V.Cox</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>developer</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>danielc</user>
+ <name>Daniel Convissor</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>lsmith</user>
+ <name>Lukas Kahwe Smith</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>helper</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.7.6</version>
+ <date>2005-04-11</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>common:
+* Fix the docblocks regarding DB_FETCHMODE_FLIPPED. Bug 4027.
+* Provide BC hack for those connecting to oci8 using 'hostspec' instead of 'database'. Bug 4104.
+ </notes>
+ <deps>
+ <dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.2.0"/>
+ <dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.0b1">PEAR</dep>
+ </deps>
+ <provides type="class" name="DB" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB::factory" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_common" extends="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_common::toString" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_common::quoteString" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_common::quote" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_common::quoteIdentifier" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_common::quoteSmart" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_common::escapeSimple" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_common::provides" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_common::setFetchMode" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_common::setOption" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_dbase" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_dbase::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_dbase::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_dbase::query" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_dbase::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_dbase::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_dbase::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_dbase::quoteSmart" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_dbase::tableInfo" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_fbsql" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_fbsql::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_fbsql::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_fbsql::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_ibase" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ibase::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ibase::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ibase::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ibase::modifyLimitQuery" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_ifx" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::affectedRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::autoCommit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::commit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::rollback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::ifxRaiseError" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::errorNative" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::errorCode" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_ifx::tableInfo" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_msql" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::affectedRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_msql::nextId" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_mssql" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::autoCommit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::commit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::rollback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::affectedRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mssql::nextId" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_mysql" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::autoCommit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::commit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::rollback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::affectedRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysql::nextId" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_mysqli" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::autoCommit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::commit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::rollback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::affectedRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_mysqli::nextId" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_oci8" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::freePrepared" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::prepare" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_oci8::execute" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_odbc" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::affectedRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::quoteIdentifier" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::quote" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_odbc::nextId" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_pgsql" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::quote" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::quoteSmart" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::escapeSimple" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::autoCommit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::commit" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::rollback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::affectedRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_pgsql::nextId" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_sybase" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::affectedRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sybase::nextId" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_storage" extends="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_storage::setup" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_storage::insert" />
+ <provides type="class" name="DB_sqlite" extends="DB_common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::connect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::disconnect" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::simpleQuery" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::nextResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::fetchInto" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::freeResult" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::numCols" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::numRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::affectedRows" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::dropSequence" />
+ <provides type="function" name="DB_sqlite::createSequence" />
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="ea7037643a27c7d1eb0f818efcbf35ee" name="DB.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="05dadd359cf7682e73fe7bc41cc4742c" name="DB/common.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="921d3cde2d8295ca978caae22ab48761" name="DB/dbase.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="830899b5b2ee3dbc93a0ccaab184c153" name="DB/fbsql.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="64376b17c209ebc78745e7a532ccdd86" name="DB/ibase.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="a27b90a13bfc9580d3954ca420d87c01" name="DB/ifx.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="0fc78181842e1b47893a0be27f680bd9" name="DB/msql.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="c7f21c8c526d7cf698095d594acc0c7c" name="DB/mssql.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="3838d8d75ce62c730814bdb87799e79c" name="DB/mysql.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="908762bfcf17b2195a61ec9219cbf10e" name="DB/mysqli.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="dc42cd00866890e91f9235938a9acf87" name="DB/oci8.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="8d6d0c54cfcec2cf46eace182886d8aa" name="DB/odbc.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="7018bbfb1cd7f5e283688747d83fe18b" name="DB/pgsql.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="fdc093d71420407c0034206c4068d332" name="DB/sybase.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="0a920908d899cf8ce620449207de5e89" name="DB/storage.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="7726118beb7c038e531783542b816a33" name="DB/sqlite.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="doc" md5sum="651a644b6f3495fc39279d75b8099372" name="doc/IDEAS"/>
+ <file role="doc" md5sum="8c5779871e07720a032615177403b691" name="doc/MAINTAINERS"/>
+ <file role="doc" md5sum="30bc4ceeccd51413ab81fa98c1fb9aa8" name="doc/STATUS"/>
+ <file role="doc" md5sum="31f276d6ff710a1f048c50cd533ffe5c" name="doc/TESTERS"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="2e7f987503b8b5e2a7fc4c3c30e79c13" name="tests/db_error.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="ca733f1d806681c6522ab993c999b12f" name="tests/db_parsedsn.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="79e88e6db0c25ca1ee5e2aac35a24d6c" name="tests/db_factory.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="859cffe6ae0f54122485879805629261" name="tests/db_ismanip.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="5f5068a8a1a3742ff0810be61b57288d" name="tests/db_error2.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="0ebba9b5012622df59dc2066e884cce1" name="tests/"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="3732edbe1c159b16d82c0cefb23fb283" name="tests/"/>
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+ </file>
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+ <file role="test" md5sum="3abeeb0a61cdd7f4108a647cccb55810" name="tests/"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="26fb3581b281991838b2dfacf4e86f5d" name="tests/"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="06f6cd517eb324113c8cedf1c64a1e3e" name="tests/"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="aac444f47ed3ad1642013539d99f5757" name="tests/run.cvs"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="0a3b6c14fb3a8cb6e3cd8ece9736e9eb" name="tests/"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="8f773eb10ee19145937296dca60d296e" name="tests/"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="8b42ffcce8bbe68507f0ed21dab3200c" name="tests/"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="5f6f6b62f9779b97adf57bdbbcffe450" name="tests/"/>
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+ <file role="test" md5sum="f796eae81fce16bc2a03cbea5af80b49" name="tests/driver/17query.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="8363274c9471e5b8038856ec4b111bea" name="tests/driver/18get.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="871bdd4a90291602c206042742922a71" name="tests/driver/19getlistof.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="4180a5d038d41a1262d1cc41951f0f3d" name="tests/driver/"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="6f4a4b1e45c94733717a21ef26f388ba" name="tests/driver/"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="4af9cff841e14f1c94e358346747e7b6" name="tests/driver/multiconnect.php"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="7023d979e8bcb94a93d48597d864feb3" name="tests/driver/run.cvs"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="a7ee27ff0a2aacf0ef906eea8569718f" name="tests/driver/">
+ <replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="5e3ad6fb4ab28735d788396ab80a63b5" name="tests/driver/"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
diff --git a/inc/packages/Log.xml b/inc/packages/Log.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..de16370c8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/Log.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0">
+ <name>Log</name>
+ <summary>Logging utilities</summary>
+ <description>The Log framework provides an abstracted logging system. It supports logging to console, file, syslog, SQL, Sqlite, mail and mcal targets. It also provides a subject - observer mechanism.</description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>jon</user>
+ <name>Jon Parise</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.8.7</version>
+ <date>2004-12-20</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The Log package now supports logging arrays with a 'message' key.
+The 'display' handler now preserves line breaks in its output.
+An experimental new handler ('daemon') has been added.</notes>
+ <deps>
+ <dep type="pkg" rel="has" optional="yes">DB</dep>
+ <dep type="ext" rel="has" optional="yes">sqlite</dep>
+ <dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.3.0" optional="no"/>
+ </deps>
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/guide.txt"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/composite.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/console.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/display.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/error_log.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/file.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/mail.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/null.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/observer_mail.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/pear_error_handler.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/php_error_handler.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/sql.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/sqlite.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/syslog.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="/" name="docs/examples/win.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/composite.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/console.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/daemon.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/display.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/error_log.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/file.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/mail.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/mcal.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/null.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/observer.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/sql.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/sqlite.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/syslog.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log/win.php"/>
+ <file role="data" baseinstalldir="/" name="misc/log.sql"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/composite.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/console.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/display.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/error_log.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/extract.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/extract2.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/factory.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/null.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/priority.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/singleton.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/sqlite.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="/" name="tests/sql_ident.phpt"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" name="Log.php"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.8.7</version>
+ <date>2004-12-20</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The Log::_extractMessage() routine will now extract and use the value of an array's 'message' key if it exists. (Laurent Laville)
+The 'display' handler now preserves line breaks in its output. (Bug 2606)
+An experimental new syslog daemon log handler ('daemon') has been added to the Log distribution. (Bart van der Schans)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.8.6</version>
+ <date>2004-09-08</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The maximum length of the 'sql' handler's 'ident' string is now configurable via the 'identLimit' configuration parameter. (Bug 2137)
+Different instances of the 'win' handler can now address their own output windows. (Bug 2212)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.8.5</version>
+ <date>2004-08-09</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The 'sql' handler now enforces a maximum 'ident' length of 16 characters.
+The 'sql' handler can now use a user-defined sequence (via the 'sequence' configuration parameter). This allows each log table to use its own sequence. You will need to take appropriate steps to preserve your sequence numbering if that is important to your site; the ID sequence will be reinitialized to 0 the first time this updated handler is used. You may also need to explicitly drop the 'log_id_seq' sequence before using this new code.
+The 'composite' handler now properly closes all of its children when its close() method is called. It also guards against multiple calls to open(). (Bug 1947)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.8.4</version>
+ <date>2004-02-16</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The Log package now requires PHP 4.3.0 or later.
+The _extractMessage() method no longer uses the serialize()'ed version of an event object if no string conversion method is available. Instead, the human-readable (via print_r()) representation of the object will be used.
+_extractMessage() can now handle arrays. Their human-readable representation will be used.
+Each Log instance now has a default priority level. This priority will be used by the log() method when no specific priority parameter is provided. It can be accessed using the new getPriority() and setPriority() methods.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.8.3</version>
+ <date>2004-01-11</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The open() and close() methods now consistently return success or failure. Previously, some handlers' open() and close() methods did not return any result. Also, the log() methods will return failure when the handler cannot be opened.
+Bertrand Mansion contributed a new handler that logs using the Sqlite extension.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.8.2</version>
+ <date>2004-01-01</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>A new 'null' log handler that simply consumes log events has been added. The 'null' handler will still respect log masks and attached observers.
+The public Log API has grown a flush() method. This allows buffered log output to be explicitly flushed. At this time, the flush() method is only implemented by the console, file and mail handlers.
+New unit tests for the Factory and Singleton construction methods have been added.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.8.1</version>
+ <date>2003-12-14</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The 'win' handler now handles newline sequences correctly (Bug 282).
+The Log_observer::factory() method has been updated to accept an optional associative array of configuration values, return the newly-created object by reference, and look for files named 'Log/observer_.php'. Backwards compatibility for the old-style conventions has been preserved.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.8.0</version>
+ <date>2003-11-18</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The Log package now includes a users guide, example scripts and unit tests.
+A number of small improvements have been made to the 'win' log handler (based on suggestions from Paul Yanchenko).
+A new 'display' log handler has been added to the distribution. Contributed by Paul Yanchenko, this handler simply prints the error message back to the browser. It respects the 'error_prepend_string' and 'error_append_string' PHP INI values and is useful when using PEAR::setErrorHandling()'s PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK mechanism.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.7.1</version>
+ <date>2003-09-21</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The mail handler now uses &quot;\n&quot; to terminate lines instead of &quot;\r\n&quot;.
+The file handler's path creation routines now guard against potentially infinite recursion.
+It is now possible to pass an object to the logging methods. If the object offers a PEAR_Error-style getMessage() or PHP5 exception-style toString() method, it will be used to extract the message text.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.7.0</version>
+ <date>2003-08-02</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>It is now possible to specific a specific mask that dictates exactly which levels will be logged.
+A number of convenient &quot;shortcut&quot; functions have been added for logging messages at specific log messages.
+Two new log handers have been added: the 'error_log' handler wraps PHP's native error_log() function; and the 'win' handler outputs log messages to a separate browser window.
+The file log handler has been completely rewritten based on suggestions from Roman Neuhauser. It no longer buffers log output in memory before writing to the log file.
+Greg Beaver submitted a change that allows callers to provide their own Log classes (that existing outside of the PEAR file hierarchy) by including them before invoking a factory() method.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.6.7</version>
+ <date>2003-06-16</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>It is now possible to set the identification string for all of a composite's child instances.
+The preamble of the mail handler's message is now configurable.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.6.5</version>
+ <date>2003-04-26</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The mail log handler needs to register its own destructer now that the Log class no longer inherits from the PEAR base class.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.6.4</version>
+ <date>2003-04-08</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The Log classes no longer inherits from the PEAR base class. Not including the PEAR base class gives us smaller, faster Log objects.
+The Log_file class now registers its own destructor to ensure that the logfile is correctly closed upon shutdown.
+A ZendEngine 1 incompatibility was introduced in the previous release. This has been corrrected.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.6.3</version>
+ <date>2003-04-07</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>A unique identifier is now stored inside each Log instance. Both the composite and subject-observer mechanisms use this identifier to index their object lists.
+The internals of the Log_observer system have been rewritten for general cleanliness. The external interface remains unchanged.
+The Log class now offers public setIdent() and getIdent() members for setting and getting the Log instance's identification string during the object's lifetime.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.6.2</version>
+ <date>2003-04-06</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>In the Log_observer class, operate directly on the reference to the Log instance (instead of on a copy of the object).
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.6.1</version>
+ <date>2003-04-02</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Fix a typo that broke the Log_Observer class.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.6.0</version>
+ <date>2003-02-17</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- The SQL handler now uses sequences instead of timestamps as unique identifiers.
+- The time format used by the file handler is now configurable.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.5.3</version>
+ <date>2003-01-01</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Improved singleton()'s signature generation.
+- The SQL handler no longer closes existing database connections.
+- The log() method now returns a boolean result indicating success or failure.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.5.2</version>
+ <date>2002-11-28</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Altered the singleton's &quot;signature&quot; construction to be shorter and more array-friendly.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.5.1</version>
+ <date>2002-11-17</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- The mail handler now implements a destructor to ensure close() is called.
+- The syslog handler now requires $name to be a valid syslog facility.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.5</version>
+ <date>2002-10-24</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Adding the ability to set the mode of the logfile in the Log_file.
+- mail() failures in Log_mail are logged via error_log().
+- Replaced all remaining LOG_* constants with the PEAR_LOG_* versions.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.4</version>
+ <date>2002-09-28</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Altered the format of the SQL logging table to use a TIMESTAMP field.
+- The Log class now extends the PEAR base class.
+- New file logger that keeps the log file open for the life of the request.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3</version>
+ <date>2002-09-15</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Adding a mail logging target.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2</version>
+ <date>2002-07-24</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Introduce the PEAR_LOG_* constants.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1</version>
+ <date>2002-04-12</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Adding a new console logging target.
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/Mail.xml b/inc/packages/Mail.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..0fbd10ac951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/Mail.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0">
+ <name>Mail</name>
+ <summary>Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails</summary>
+ <description>PEAR's Mail:: package defines the interface for implementing mailers under the PEAR hierarchy, and provides supporting functions useful in multiple mailer backends. Currently supported are native PHP mail() function, sendmail and SMTP. This package also provides a RFC 822 Email address list validation utility class.</description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>chagenbu</user>
+ <name>Chuck Hagenbuch</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>richard</user>
+ <name>Richard Heyes</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>developer</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>jon</user>
+ <name>Jon Parise</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.6</version>
+ <date>2005-07-12</date>
+ <license>PHP/BSD</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Don't emit warnings with PHP 4.4/5.1.</notes>
+ <deps>
+ <dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.1.0" optional="yes">Net_SMTP</dep>
+ </deps>
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="b0699c0f6b51275e74a2c97cb1de7980" name="Mail.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="ff2c701d512ef88a6c9c3dfe3f0e88e5" name="Mail/mail.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="4a1ed7ae8036862b24fa0ea84f8bbe0e" name="Mail/null.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="34ee064a62dae8fe5d9d3a17f3c27d39" name="Mail/sendmail.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="2afc664c71665f79c30814427bfe36ae" name="Mail/smtp.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="1dd4f8ccc2527904d07149d4d9855c41" name="Mail/RFC822.php"/>
+ <file role="test" md5sum="415a187e606d547c3e852ab83e2ab4e8" name="tests/rfc822.phpt"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.5</version>
+ <date>2005-06-26</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Unfold long lines before parsing addresses in Mail_RFC822.
+- The SMTP driver now supports a 'timeout' value. (Request #3776)
+- An array of Received: headers can now be provided. (Bug #4636)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.4</version>
+ <date>2004-09-08</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Header key comparisons are now case-insensitive. (Colin Viebrock)
+- Header fields (e.g., 'Cc', 'Bcc') may now be specified as arrays of addresses. (Colin Viebrock)
+- PHP5 compatibility fix (Bug #1563).
+- PHP4 / Win32 compatibility fix for the 'sendmail' driver (Bug 1881).
+- Stricter &quot;local part&quot; parsing for Mail_RFC822 (in accordance with Section 6.2.4 of RFC 822) (Bug 1869).
+- The various send() implementations now properly escalate the PEAR_Error object returned by Mail::prepareHeaders() in the event of an invalid header.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.3</version>
+ <date>2004-04-08</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- The 'mail' driver now returns a PEAR_Error object on failure.
+- The individual drivers no longer include the 'Mail.php' file. If you want to instantiate a driver directly, you'll need to explicitly include the 'Mail.php' file yourself.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.2</version>
+ <date>2003-09-04</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The 'localhost' value can now be set in the SMTP driver.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.1</version>
+ <date>2003-06-26</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Minor fixes with newlines in headers.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.0</version>
+ <date>2003-06-21</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The Mail package now depends on Net_SMTP 1.1.0 or greater for its SMTP authentication capabilities.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.2</version>
+ <date>2002-07-27</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Minor additions and changes to RFC822.php. Fixed line terminator issue for smtp.php and set smtp.php to use Return-Path header in place of From header for MAIL FROM: (if supplied)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.1</version>
+ <date>2002-07-27</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>License change for RFC822.php
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0</version>
+ <date>2002-06-06</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Initial release as PEAR package
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/Mail_Mime.xml b/inc/packages/Mail_Mime.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..ddf734f0c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/Mail_Mime.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0">
+ <name>Mail_Mime</name>
+ <summary>Provides classes to create and decode mime messages.</summary>
+ <description>Provides classes to deal with creation and manipulation of mime messages.</description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>cipri</user>
+ <name>Cipriano Groenendal</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>gschlossnagle</user>
+ <name>George Schlossnagle</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>sean</user>
+ <name>Sean Coates</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>richard</user>
+ <name>Richard Heyes</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>contributor</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>cox</user>
+ <name>Tomas V.V.Cox</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>contributor</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.1</version>
+ <date>2005-07-13</date>
+ <license>PHP</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>A bugfix release:</notes>
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="8c87c7120ef61cd7c927f022fb270d2d" name="mime.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="e266dce6abce7f0e0e2e8972a8fe2275" name="mimeDecode.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="3663406015b4ae1cc9df19f68247a784" name="mimePart.php"/>
+ <file role="data" baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="194810c478066eaeb28f51116b88e25a" name="xmail.dtd"/>
+ <file role="data" baseinstalldir="Mail" md5sum="61cea06fb6b4bd3a4b5e2d37384e14a9" name="xmail.xsl"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.0</version>
+ <date>2005-04-01</date>
+ <license>PHP</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>o First (stable) release in over 2.5 years (!)
+o MANY bugfixes (see the bugtracker)
+o added a few tests
+o one small fix after RC1 (bug #3940)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.0RC1</version>
+ <date>2005-03-20</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>o First release in over 2.5 years (!)
+o MANY bugfixes (see the bugtracker)
+o added a few tests
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.1</version>
+ <date>2002-07-27</date>
+ <license>PHP</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>o License change
+o Applied a few changes From Ilia Alshanetsky
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2</version>
+ <date>2002-07-14</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>o Added header encoding
+o Altered mimePart to put boundary parameter on newline
+o Changed addFrom() to setFrom()
+o Added setSubject()
+o Made mimePart inherit crlf setting from mime
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1</version>
+ <date>2002-04-03</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>This is a maintenance release with various bugfixes and minor enhancements.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0</version>
+ <date>2001-12-28</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>This is the initial release of the Mime_Mail package.
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/Net_SMTP.xml b/inc/packages/Net_SMTP.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..d1e8c56332e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/Net_SMTP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0">
+ <name>Net_SMTP</name>
+ <summary>Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol</summary>
+ <description>Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol using PEAR's Net_Socket class.</description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>chagenbu</user>
+ <name>Chuck Hagenbuch</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>jon</user>
+ <name>Jon Parise</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.6</version>
+ <date>2004-04-12</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Renaming some methods to be compatible with the PEAR coding standards. Backwards-compatible wrappers have been provided.</notes>
+ <deps>
+ <dep type="pkg" rel="has" optional="no">Net_Socket</dep>
+ <dep type="pkg" rel="has" optional="yes">Auth_SASL</dep>
+ </deps>
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="Net" name="docs/guide.txt"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="Net" name="docs/examples/basic.php"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="Net" name="tests/auth.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="Net" name="tests/basic.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="Net" name="tests/config.php.dist"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="Net" name="SMTP.php"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.6</version>
+ <date>2004-04-12</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The following methods have been renamed for compliance with the PEAR coding standards: send_from() -&gt; sendFrom(), soml_from() -&gt; somlFrom(), saml_from() -&gt; samlFrom(). Backwards-compatible wrappers have been provided.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.5</version>
+ <date>2004-03-11</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The connect() method has grown an optional 'persistent' parameter that will be passed to the Net_Socket::connect() method. Previously, persistent connections will always disabled. 'persistent' defaults to false.
+Release 1.2.4 was incorrectly packaged. Release 1.2.5 corrects that error. The code itself remains the same.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.4</version>
+ <date>2004-03-11</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The connect() method has grown an optional 'persistent' parameter that will be passed to the Net_Socket::connect() method. Previously, persistent connections will always disabled. 'persistent' defaults to false.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.3</version>
+ <date>2003-05-11</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Both 235 (Authentication successful) and 503 (Error: already authenticated) are now accepted as valid AUTH responses.
+503 (Error: already authenticated) is now considered a valid EHLO response.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.2</version>
+ <date>2003-05-02</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Fix a call-time pass-by-reference problem that was raising a warning if call-time pass-by-reference was disabled.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.1</version>
+ <date>2003-04-26</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>The Auth_SASL package is no longer absolutely required, but it will be used if it is available. Otherwise, the authentication methods that depend upon it will be disabled.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0</version>
+ <date>2003-04-06</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Perform data quoting in its own routine: quotedata()
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.2</version>
+ <date>2003-02-17</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Correctly handle the case where the server's ESMTP response includes a SIZE keyword with no specific value.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.1</version>
+ <date>2003-01-30</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Don't enforce a maximum message size if the SIZE parameter is zero.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.0</version>
+ <date>2003-01-18</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- The SMTP server's SIZE capability is now honored.
+- Improved support for SMTP authentication (LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5).
+- Overhauled the server response parsing system.
+- Added optional debugging output (enabled via setDebug()).
+- A timeout value can now be specified for the socket connection.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.1</version>
+ <date>2003-01-02</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Corrected an off-by-one bug that corrupted the list of ESMTP capabilities.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0</version>
+ <date>2002-06-11</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Initial release as PEAR package
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/Net_Socket.xml b/inc/packages/Net_Socket.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..9c7eae00940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/Net_Socket.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0">
+ <name>Net_Socket</name>
+ <summary>Network Socket Interface</summary>
+ <description>Net_Socket is a class interface to TCP sockets. It provides blocking
+and non-blocking operation, with different reading and writing modes
+(byte-wise, block-wise, line-wise and special formats like network
+byte-order ip addresses).</description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>ssb</user>
+ <name>Stig Bakken</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>chagenbu</user>
+ <name>Chuck Hagenbuch</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.6</version>
+ <date>2005-02-26</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Make package.xml safe for PEAR 1.4.0.
+- Chunk socket writes on Windows by default, or if explicitly specified (Bug #980)
+- Don't run any $addr with a '/' in it through gethostbyname() (Bug #3372)</notes>
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="Net" md5sum="1c7a9a28fc3fa78e682200d7540b66d5" name="Socket.php"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.0</version>
+ <date>2002-04-01</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>First independent release of Net_Socket.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.1</version>
+ <date>2002-04-04</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Touch up error handling.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.2</version>
+ <date>2004-04-26</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Fixes for several longstanding bugs. Allow setting of stream
+context. Correctly read lines that only end in \n. Suppress
+PHP warnings.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.3</version>
+ <date>2004-12-08</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Optimize away some duplicate is_resource() calls.
+Better solution for eof() on blocking sockets [#1427].
+Add select() implementation [#1428].
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.4</version>
+ <date>2004-12-13</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Restore support for unix sockets (Bug #2961).
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.5</version>
+ <date>2005-01-11</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Don't rely on gethostbyname() for error checking (Bug #3100).
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/PEAR.xml b/inc/packages/PEAR.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..83800a16a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/PEAR.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0" packagerversion="1.4.0a1">
+ <name>PEAR</name>
+ <summary>PEAR Base System</summary>
+ <description>The PEAR package contains:
+ * the PEAR installer, for creating, distributing
+ and installing packages
+ * the alpha-quality PEAR_Exception php5-only exception class
+ * the beta-quality PEAR_ErrorStack advanced error handling mechanism
+ * the PEAR_Error error handling mechanism
+ * the OS_Guess class for retrieving info about the OS
+ where PHP is running on
+ * the System class for quick handling common operations
+ with files and directories
+ * the PEAR base class
+ </description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>ssb</user>
+ <name>Stig Bakken</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>cox</user>
+ <name>Tomas V.V.Cox</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>cellog</user>
+ <name>Greg Beaver</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>pajoye</user>
+ <name>Pierre-Alain Joye</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>mj</user>
+ <name>Martin Jansen</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>developer</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.5</version>
+ <date>2005-02-18</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* fix Bug #3505: pecl can't install PDO
+* enhance pear run-tests dramatically
+* fix Bug #3506: pear install should export the pear version into the environment
+ </notes>
+ <deps>
+ <dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.2"/>
+ <dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.1">Archive_Tar</dep>
+ <dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.2">Console_Getopt</dep>
+ <dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.0.4">XML_RPC</dep>
+ <dep type="ext" rel="has">xml</dep>
+ <dep type="ext" rel="has">pcre</dep>
+ </deps>
+ <provides type="class" name="OS_Guess" />
+ <provides type="class" name="System" />
+ <provides type="function" name="md5_file" />
+ <provides type="function" name="OS_Guess::parseSignature" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command_Auth" extends="PEAR_Command_Common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Auth::doLogin" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command_Build" extends="PEAR_Command_Common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Build::doBuild" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Build::buildCallback" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command_Common" extends="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Common::getCommands" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Common::getShortcuts" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Common::getOptions" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Common::getGetoptArgs" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Common::getHelp" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command_Config" extends="PEAR_Command_Common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Config::doConfigShow" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Config::doConfigGet" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Config::doConfigSet" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Config::doConfigHelp" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command_Install" extends="PEAR_Command_Common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Install::doInstall" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command_Package" extends="PEAR_Command_Common" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command_Registry" extends="PEAR_Command_Common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Registry::doList" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command_Remote" extends="PEAR_Command_Common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Remote::doRemoteInfo" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command_Mirror" extends="PEAR_Command_Common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command_Mirror::doDownloadAll" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Frontend_CLI" extends="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Frontend_CLI::displayLine" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Autoloader" extends="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Autoloader::addAutoload" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Autoloader::removeAutoload" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Autoloader::addAggregateObject" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Autoloader::removeAggregateObject" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Command" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Command::factory" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Common" extends="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Common::addTempFile" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Common::mkDirHier" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Config" extends="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Config::singleton" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Config::readConfigFile" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Dependency" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Dependency::callCheckMethod" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Downloader" extends="PEAR_Common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Downloader::configSet" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Downloader::setOptions" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Exception" extends="Exception" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::addObserver" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::removeObserver" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::getUniqueId" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::signal" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::getErrorData" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::getCause" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::getCauseMessage" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::getTraceSafe" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::getErrorClass" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::getErrorMethod" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::toHtml" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Exception::toText" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_ErrorStack" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultLogger" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::setLogger" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::setMessageCallback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::getMessageCallback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::setContextCallback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::pushCallback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::popCallback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPopCallback" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::push" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPush" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::pop" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::staticHasErrors" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::staticGetErrors" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::getFileLine" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessage" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessageTemplate" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::setErrorMessageTemplate" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_ErrorStack::raiseError" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Builder" extends="PEAR_Common" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Installer" extends="PEAR_Downloader" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Packager" extends="PEAR_Common" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Packager::package" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Registry" extends="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_Remote" extends="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Remote::getCache" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Remote::saveCache" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Remote::call" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_Remote::call_epi" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR_RunTest" />
+ <provides type="function" name="PEAR_RunTest::run" />
+ <provides type="class" name="PEAR" />
+ <provides type="function" name="System::raiseError" />
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="7f552f5a5476a5ef8d180290d7d2a90f" name="OS/Guess.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="f257b9252172a6e174b36499296bb972" name="PEAR/Command/Auth.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="b0c210a914fb6c25507bfb948ff71bac" name="PEAR/Command/Build.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="d90bfb54cf2505747999d8ad1f6c470f" name="PEAR/Command/Common.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="303bbf44d112d510dd3a87ea7e55becf" name="PEAR/Command/Config.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="6fee5ff129e8846d32e54dd5952c214d" name="PEAR/Command/Install.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="3f428a3b9f09eb6f2e5e36dcf8983d1e" name="PEAR/Command/Package.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="87a9582c0ba5ec6c9fbaba2d518e33dd" name="PEAR/Command/Registry.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="db11793e282f070ad9dcadf2a644aeec" name="PEAR/Command/Remote.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="a0f44e37e237f81404c6f73819a58206" name="PEAR/Command/Mirror.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="8e310f4f947bf7079778ef0a71fcc5b3" name="PEAR/Frontend/CLI.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="3940b7d27d339d72f019b8ab7e8e81b0" name="PEAR/Autoloader.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="7fe4074ba2914cea3d17913b96c0088c" name="PEAR/Command.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="435431d9bec9802f440845fce49f7b4b" name="PEAR/Common.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="cea7df54a1491f7acf6d5290d68cd4ae" name="PEAR/Config.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="e807f3abd241e82703725709c6a405c5" name="PEAR/Dependency.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="bd1e073d4d42516164fe9da30bad9e75" name="PEAR/Downloader.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="3b598325201802e8bb6498ec8c72128e" name="PEAR/Exception.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="119d0fc70323e7a01bbc45a74c7840e4" name="PEAR/ErrorStack.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="e2588d6c525aa58c0e063678a463138e" name="PEAR/Builder.php">
+ <replace from="@PEAR-VER@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="f6e026da8c0c36db331bd4e07f52608f" name="PEAR/Installer.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="cf9a5b9cbd6cf1d43bbb6151c77a5b4c" name="PEAR/Packager.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="6840ca9ca43e611da23aee935657a67d" name="PEAR/Registry.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="a2a46e11af74a5b73cd1095f54ad5e51" name="PEAR/Remote.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="342353331db1aff0c29818ff1b51e91c" name="PEAR/RunTest.php"/>
+ <file role="script" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="a3bc543b3f7174ab74108449496cad8b" install-as="pear" name="scripts/">
+ <replace from="/usr/bin/php" to="php_bin" type="pear-config"/>
+ <replace from="/usr/share/pear" to="php_dir" type="pear-config"/>
+ <replace from="5.0.4" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ <replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="script" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="9ba3c9c4bd09c5dbd18af6dab0dab7b4" platform="windows" install-as="pear.bat" name="scripts/pear.bat">
+ <replace from="@bin_dir@" to="bin_dir" type="pear-config"/>
+ <replace from="/usr/bin/php" to="php_bin" type="pear-config"/>
+ <replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="ea4d7860cf26ab30a3f9426f8a7df8c1" install-as="pearcmd.php" name="scripts/pearcmd.php">
+ <replace from="/usr/bin/php" to="php_bin" type="pear-config"/>
+ <replace from="/usr/share/pear" to="php_dir" type="pear-config"/>
+ <replace from="5.0.4" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ <replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="data" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="72ce49e8fe0ec14277d29e15d0f6166f" name="package.dtd"/>
+ <file role="data" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="f2abf8db08a36295645d19b51e319a32" name="template.spec"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="58a98a6d63e1089d7e389bc0249eac36" name="PEAR.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="57012786babadc058fab98c6e6468689" name="System.php"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.1</version>
+ <date>2004-04-06</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>PEAR Installer:
+ * Bug #534 pear search doesn't list unstable releases
+ * Bug #933 CMD Usability Patch
+ * Bug #937 throwError() treats every call as static
+ * Bug #964 PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION causes fatal error
+ * Bug #1008 safe mode raises warning
+ * Added experimental error handling, designed to eventually replace
+ PEAR_Error. It should be considered experimental until explicitly marked
+ stable. require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php' to use.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.3</version>
+ <date>2004-10-28</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Installer:
+ * fix Bug #1186 raise a notice error on PEAR::Common $_packageName
+ * fix Bug #1249 display the right state when using --force option
+ * fix Bug #2189 upgrade-all stops if dependancy fails
+ * fix Bug #1637 The use of interface causes warnings when packaging with PEAR
+ * fix Bug #1420 Parser bug for T_DOUBLE_COLON
+ * fix Request #2220 pear5 build fails on dual php4/php5 system
+ * fix Bug #1163 pear makerpm fails with packages that supply role=&quot;doc&quot;
+ * add PEAR_Exception class for PHP5 users
+ * fix critical problem in package.xml for linux in 1.3.2
+ * fix staticPopCallback() in PEAR_ErrorStack
+ * fix warning in PEAR_Registry for windows 98 users
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version></version>
+ <date>2004-11-08</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>add RunTest.php to package.xml, make run-tests display failed tests, and use ui
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.4</version>
+ <date>2005-01-01</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* fix a serious problem caused by a bug in all versions of PHP that caused multiple registration
+ of the shutdown function of PEAR.php
+* fix Bug #2861: package.dtd does not define NUMBER
+* fix Bug #2946: ini_set warning errors
+* fix Bug #3026: Dependency type &quot;ne&quot; is needed, &quot;not&quot; is not handled
+ properly
+* fix Bug #3061: potential warnings in PEAR_Exception
+* implement Request #2848: PEAR_ErrorStack logger extends, PEAR_ERRORSTACK_DIE
+* implement Request #2914: Dynamic Include Path for run-tests command
+* make pear help listing more useful (put how-to-use info at the bottom of the listing)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/PHPUnit.xml b/inc/packages/PHPUnit.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..71e736764db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/PHPUnit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0">
+ <name>PHPUnit</name>
+ <summary>Regression testing framework for unit tests.</summary>
+ <description>PHPUnit is a regression testing framework used by the developer who implements unit tests in PHP. This is the version to be used with PHP 4.</description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>sebastian</user>
+ <name>Sebastian Bergmann</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.3</version>
+ <date>2005-05-14</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>Fixed bug #4342.</notes>
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="5488043b7a6387fddd81e17a21f830ef" name="PHPUnit.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="5851a03772edcb21eb6fe5b45190da20" name="PHPUnit/GUI/Gtk.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="fa838ef5db2b541c6491164c3ea47077" name="PHPUnit/GUI/HTML.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="222a8fef6537f8fb1653f68f1b1d6a28" name="PHPUnit/GUI/HTML.tpl"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="8f82a97cc65ff80dced33a75fca0bc3d" name="PHPUnit/GUI/SetupDecorator.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="23c0b3e2ecb4195e149c7a7b0e575cdf" name="PHPUnit/Assert.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="e21e528ba2fdbf0f1e8b04cd36c477f0" name="PHPUnit/RepeatedTest.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="2a425b3f6e42680e0926627d17413d59" name="PHPUnit/Skeleton.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="7cc66f04974a60461bfb1ef03b2d23c4" name="PHPUnit/TestCase.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="061dcb2cfc8ef9b17ac09032906e8beb" name="PHPUnit/TestDecorator.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="74e1f1d35ff640598182ff86bed75142" name="PHPUnit/TestFailure.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="e334f9dbad5478edb6da17714b9fa3ab" name="PHPUnit/TestListener.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="9ca95d9252f8395def72fc3a9c68e73e" name="PHPUnit/TestResult.php"/>
+ <file role="php" md5sum="20fccede54695a140ebad7f7289cb465" name="PHPUnit/TestSuite.php"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.2</version>
+ <date>2005-01-31</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Fixed bug #3332.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.1</version>
+ <date>2005-01-28</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Relaxed PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotNull() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNull() to work on non-objects.
+* Fixed an issue in PHPUnit_GUI_SetupDecorator related to Windows' directory separators. (Patch by Lorenzo Alberton &lt;;)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0</version>
+ <date>2005-01-19</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>+ Added Gtk-based frontend. (Patch by Scott Mattocks &lt;;)
++ Re-Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertSame() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotSame() to make the PEAR QA team happy. These methods only work with PHP &gt;= 5.0.0.
+* PHPUnit_Assert::assertSame(), PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotSame(), PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotNull(), and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNull() are now stricter than before and only work on objects. This was always the documented behaviour.
+* Fixed a bug in the PHPUnit_GUI_SetupDecorator::_getFiles() method. (Patch by Michael Schmidt &lt;;)
+* Fixed bug #3127: PHPUnit_GUI_HTML and $_REQUEST. (Patch by
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.1</version>
+ <date>2004-11-05</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Fixed bug #2701.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.0</version>
+ <date>2004-09-29</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>+ Added PHPUnit_Skeleton class for creating a PHPUnit_TestCase skeleton file. (Patch by Scott Mattocks &lt;;)
++ Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertContains() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotContains() methods to assert that an array contains (or not contains) a given value or that a string contains (or not contains) a given substring.
++ Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotRegexp() to assert that a string does not match a given regular expression.
+- Removed PHPUnit_Assert::assertSame() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotSame() since these assertion methods do not work with PHP 4.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.2</version>
+ <date>2004-09-21</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Added/fixed phpDocumentor code documentation.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.1</version>
+ <date>2004-04-17</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Fixed a bug that let the HTML GUI fail for expected and/or actual results with newline characters. (Patch by Thiemo Maettig &lt;;)
+* Fixed bug #1169.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.0</version>
+ <date>2004-03-15</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* No functional changes since PHPUnit-0.6.2.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.6.2</version>
+ <date>2003-06-21</date>
+ <notes>* Fixed PHPUnit_Assert::assertType().
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.6.1</version>
+ <date>2003-05-15</date>
+ <notes>+ Added assertType() assertion method.
+* Fixed parse error in GUI/HTML.php that occured with PHP 5.
+* Fixed a layout issue in the HTML GUI.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.6</version>
+ <date>2003-04-25</date>
+ <notes>* Fixed bug that caused the constructor detection in PHPUnit_TestSuite to fail with upper-case class names.
+* Fixed bug with multiple assertions per Test Case.
+* call_user_func() was called with a copy instead of a reference in PHPUnit_TestCase::runTest().
+* Assertion methods append the generated actual/expected message to a user-defined message, rather than overwriting it.
+* Constructors are now excluded from automatic TestCase creation in TestSuite::addTestSuite(). (Patch by Wolfram Kriesing &lt;;.)
+* serialize() was called twice in PHPUnit_Assert::assertEquals().
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.5</version>
+ <date>2003-03-26</date>
+ <notes>+ Added new HTML GUI. (Patch by Wolfram Kriesing &lt;;.)
++ Added &quot;loosely typed&quot; mode to assertEquals() that can be turned on/off using setLooselyTyped(). When activated, array elements are cast to strings before comparison.
+* Allow multiple assertions per Test Case.
+* Use call_user_func() instead of $object-&gt;$method().
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.4</version>
+ <date>2002-09-25</date>
+ <notes>+ Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertFalse() and PHPUnit_Assert::assertNotSame(). JUnit introduced those two convenience methods in the JUnit 3.8 release.
+* Fixed directory structure.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.3</version>
+ <date>2002-07-12</date>
+ <notes>* Added PHPUnit_TestDecorator and PHPUnit_RepeatedTest.
+* Implemented PHPUnit_TestResult::addListener() and PHPUnit_TestResult::removeListener().
+* Added object support to PHPUnit_Assert::assertEquals().
+* Implemented PHPUnit_Assert::assertSame() using Zend Engine 2 object handles.
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.2</version>
+ <date>2002-07-11</date>
+ <notes>* Added Array support to PHPUnit_Assert::equals(). (Patch by Wolfram Kriesing &lt;;)
+* Added PHPUnit_Assert::assertRegExp(). (Patch by M@rms &lt;;)
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>0.1</version>
+ <date>2002-04-06</date>
+ <notes>First release.
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/XML_Parser.xml b/inc/packages/XML_Parser.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..9b4b0269faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/XML_Parser.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0" packagerversion="1.4.0a9">
+ <name>XML_Parser</name>
+ <summary>XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat</summary>
+ <description>This is an XML parser based on PHPs built-in xml extension.
+It supports two basic modes of operation: &quot;func&quot; and &quot;event&quot;. In &quot;func&quot; mode, it will look for a function named after each element (xmltag_ELEMENT for start tags and xmltag_ELEMENT_ for end tags), and in &quot;event&quot; mode it uses a set of generic callbacks.
+Since version 1.2.0 there's a new XML_Parser_Simple class that makes parsing of most XML documents easier, by automatically providing a stack for the elements.
+Furthermore its now possible to split the parser from the handler object, so you do not have to extend XML_Parser anymore in order to parse a document with it.
+ </description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>schst</user>
+ <name>Stephan Schmidt</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>ssb</user>
+ <name>Stig S&amp;#230;ther Bakken</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>developer</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>cox</user>
+ <name>Tomas V.V.Cox</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>developer</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.6</version>
+ <date>2005-03-25</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- fixed Bug #3949: reset does not return true on success as the documentation states
+- implement Request #3905: replace &quot;.&quot; with &quot;_&quot; in tagnames when using func mode
+- added package2.xml file for PEAR 1.4.0
+ </notes>
+ <deps>
+ <dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.2.0" optional="no"/>
+ <dep type="pkg" rel="has" optional="no">PEAR</dep>
+ </deps>
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="XML" name="examples/xml_parser_file.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="XML" name="examples/xml_parser_file.xml"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="XML" name="examples/xml_parser_handler.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="XML" name="examples/xml_parser_simple1.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="XML" name="examples/xml_parser_simple1.xml"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="XML" name="examples/xml_parser_simple2.php"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="XML" name="examples/xml_parser_simple2.xml"/>
+ <file role="doc" baseinstalldir="XML" name="examples/xml_parser_simple_handler.php"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="XML" name="Parser/Simple.php"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="XML" name="tests/001.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="XML" name="tests/002.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="XML" name="tests/003.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="XML" name="tests/004.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="XML" name="tests/005.phpt"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="XML" name="tests/test2.xml"/>
+ <file role="test" baseinstalldir="XML" name="tests/test3.xml"/>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="XML" name="Parser.php"/>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.0beta1</version>
+ <date>2004-04-16</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>- Fixed memory leaks parsing many documents or big files (mroch)
+- Fixed setInput() url detection regex (mroch)
+- Added setInputString() method, allowing strings to be passed as input (schst)
+- Error handling rewritten (cox)
+- Increased the overall parsing speed (cox)
+- Added free() method (schst
+- Added reset() method, that is called when parsing a document so it is possible to parse more than one document per instance (schst)
+- Added error codes (schst)
+- revamped documentation (cox, schst)
+- Fixed bug #516 (url fopen and safe mode) (schst)
+- Fixed bug #637 (dependency on PEAR) (schst)
+- improved parse() and parseString() to be able to parse more than one document (schst)
+- added PHP5 constructor (schst)
+- moved xml_parser_create() to _create() for PHP5 compatibility (schst)
+- added dependency on PHP 4.2
+Thanks to Marshall Roch for commments and contributions and Tomas V.V. Cox
+for applying a lot of fixes and improvements.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.0beta2</version>
+ <date>2004-04-18</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>beta2:
+- Fixed calling of __construct
+- Fixed memory leaks parsing many documents or big files (mroch)
+- Fixed setInput() url detection regex (mroch)
+- Added setInputString() method, allowing strings to be passed as input (schst)
+- Error handling rewritten (cox)
+- Increased the overall parsing speed (cox)
+- Added free() method (schst
+- Added reset() method, that is called when parsing a document so it is possible to parse more than one document per instance (schst)
+- Added error codes (schst)
+- revamped documentation (cox, schst)
+- Fixed bug #516 (url fopen and safe mode) (schst)
+- Fixed bug #637 (dependency on PEAR) (schst)
+- improved parse() and parseString() to be able to parse more than one document (schst)
+- added PHP5 constructor (schst)
+- moved xml_parser_create() to _create() for PHP5 compatibility (schst)
+- added dependency on PHP 4.2
+Thanks to Marshall Roch for commments and contributions and Tomas V.V. Cox
+for applying a lot of fixes and improvements.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.0</version>
+ <date>2004-04-23</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- Fixed memory leaks parsing many documents or big files (mroch)
+- Fixed setInput() url detection regex (mroch)
+- Added setInputString() method, allowing strings to be passed as input (schst)
+- Error handling rewritten (cox)
+- Increased the overall parsing speed (cox)
+- Added free() method (schst
+- Added reset() method, that is called when parsing a document so it is possible to parse more than one document per instance (schst)
+- Added error codes (schst)
+- revamped documentation (cox, schst)
+- Fixed bug #516 (url fopen and safe mode) (schst)
+- Fixed bug #637 (dependency on PEAR) (schst)
+- improved parse() and parseString() to be able to parse more than one document (schst)
+- added PHP5 constructor (schst)
+- moved xml_parser_create() to _create() for PHP5 compatibility (schst)
+- added dependency on PHP 4.2
+Thanks to Marshall Roch for commments and contributions and Tomas V.V. Cox
+for applying a lot of fixes and improvements.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0beta1</version>
+ <date>2004-05-17</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>added new class XML_Parser_Simple that provides a stack for the elements so the user only needs to implement one method to handle the tag and cdata.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0beta2</version>
+ <date>2004-05-24</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>XML_Parser:
+- fixed bug with setMode()
+- moved the init routines for the handlers in _initHandlers()
+- fixed bug with character data (did not get parsed)
+- fixed bug with setMode()
+- some refactoring
+- added getCurrentDepth() to retrieve the tag depth
+- added addToData()
+- added new example
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0beta3</version>
+ <date>2004-05-25</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>- added setHandlerObj() which allows you to have the parser separate from the handler methods
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0</version>
+ <date>2004-05-28</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- added setHandlerObj() which allows you to have the parser separate from the handler methods
+- fixed bug with setMode()
+- moved the init routines for the handlers in _initHandlers()
+- added new examples
+- fixed test files so they do not fail because of different resource ids
+- added new class XML_Parser_Simple that provides a stack for the elements so the user only needs to implement one method to handle the tag and cdata.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.1</version>
+ <date>2004-10-04</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>fixed bug #2442: Call to &quot;xmltag_ELEMENT_&quot; not correctly managed in function funcEndHandler
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.2beta1</version>
+ <date>2004-12-22</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>- fixed small notice in XML_Parser::free(),
+- fixed Bug #2939: bug in error routine leads to segmentation fault (raiseError does not free the internal resources anymore)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.2</version>
+ <date>2004-12-22</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- fixed small notice in XML_Parser::free(),
+- fixed Bug #2939: bug in error routine leads to segmentation fault (raiseError does not free the internal resources anymore)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.3</version>
+ <date>2005-01-17</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- fixed a bug that occured when using 'func' mode and setHandlerObj() (schst)
+- added default handlers for 'func' mode (schst)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.4</version>
+ <date>2005-01-18</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- fixed a bug in XML_Parser_Simple when trying to register more than the default handlers and a separate callback object (schst)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.5</version>
+ <date>2005-02-26</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- fixed Bug #3557 (removed $attribs parameter, which caused a notice)
+- fixed Bug #3277 (remove obsolete ini_set('allow_url_fopen'))
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.6</version>
+ <date>2005-03-25</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>- fixed Bug #3949: reset does not return true on success as the documentation states
+- implement Request #3905: replace &quot;.&quot; with &quot;_&quot; in tagnames when using func mode
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ </changelog>
diff --git a/inc/packages/XML_RPC.xml b/inc/packages/XML_RPC.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..44e94882647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/packages/XML_RPC.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "">
+<package version="1.0" packagerversion="1.4.0a12">
+ <name>XML_RPC</name>
+ <summary>PHP implementation of the XML-RPC protocol</summary>
+ <description>A PEAR-ified version of Useful Inc's XML-RPC for PHP.
+It has support for HTTP/HTTPS transport, proxies and authentication.
+ </description>
+ <maintainers>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>ssb</user>
+ <name>Stig Bakken</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>danielc</user>
+ <name>Daniel Convissor</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
+ </maintainers>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.4.0</version>
+ <date>2005-08-14</date>
+ <license>PHP License</license>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* MAJOR SECURITY FIX: eliminate use of eval().
+* Using socket_get_status() because stream_get_meta_data() was introduced in 4.3.0, but we need to support 4.2.0. Bug 4805.
+ </notes>
+ <filelist>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="XML" name="RPC.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="XML/RPC" name="Server.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="php" baseinstalldir="XML/RPC" name="Dump.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="test" name="tests/protoport.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ <file role="test" name="tests/test_Dump.php">
+ <replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
+ </file>
+ </filelist>
+ </release>
+ <changelog>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.3</version>
+ <date>2005-07-15</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Eliminate memory leak by resetting $XML_RPC_xh each time parseResponse() is called. Bug 4780.
+* Using socket_set_timeout() because stream_set_timeout() was introduced in 4.3.0, but we need to support 4.2.0. Bug 4805.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.2</version>
+ <date>2005-07-07</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Eliminate path disclosure vulnerabilities by suppressing error messages when eval()'ing.
+* Eliminate path disclosure vulnerability by catching bogus parameters submitted to XML_RPC_Value::serializeval().
+* In XML_RPC_Server::service(), only call createServerPayload() and createServerHeaders() if necessary. Fixes compatibility issue introduced in Release 1.3.0RC1 for users who set the $serviceNow parameter of XML_RPC_Server() to 0. Bug 4757.
+* Change &quot;var $errstring&quot; to &quot;var $errstr&quot;. Bug 4582. Was put into CVS version 1.75 of RPC.php but didn't make it into RELEASE_1_3_1.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.1</version>
+ <date>2005-06-29</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Security fix. Update highly recommended!
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.0</version>
+ <date>2005-06-13</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Stable release. See earlier releases for changes since 1.2.2.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.0RC3</version>
+ <date>2005-05-10</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* When verifying requests against function signatures, if the number of parameters don't match, provide an appropriate message. NOTE: this resolves a path disclosure vulnerability. (Refines the changes made in the last commit.) Bug 4231.
+* XML_RPC_Message::getParam() now returns an XML_RPC_Response object upon error. Changed from Release 1.3.0RC2.
+* Add the XML_RPC_Value::isValue() method. For testing if an item is an XML_RPC_Value object.
+* If XML_RPC_Client::send() is given an incorrect $msg parameter, raise an error with the new XML_RPC_ERROR_PROGRAMMING code and return 0.
+* Improve cross-platform operation by using PEAR::loadExtension() instead of dl().
+* Use &lt;br /&gt; instead of &lt;br&gt; in XML_RPC_Value::dump().
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.0RC2</version>
+ <date>2005-05-05</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* If XML_RPC_Message::getParam() is given an incorrect parameter, raise an error with the new XML_RPC_ERROR_INCORRECT_PARAMS code and return FALSE.
+* Handle improper requests to XML_RPC_Server::verifySignature(). Bug 4231.
+* Try to allow HTTP 100 responses if followed by a 200 response. Bug 4116.
+* Help Delphi users by making RPCMETHODNAME an alias for METHODNAME. Request 4205.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.3.0RC1</version>
+ <date>2005-04-07</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* Improve timeout handling for situations where connection to server is made but no response is not received in time. Accomplished via stream_set_timeout(). Request 3963.
+* Add Fault Code 6: &quot;The requested method didn't return an XML_RPC_Response object.&quot; Request 4032.
+* Add the createServerPayload() and createServerHeaders() methods and the $server_payload and $server_headers properties. Request 3121.
+* As in earlier versions, if the $serviceNow parameter to XML_RPC_Server() is 0, no data will be returned, but now the new $server_payload and $server_headers properties will be set.
+* Convert the parser handle to an integer before using it as an index for $XML_RPC_xh[$parser]. Reduces E_STRICT notices. Bug 3782.
+* Add createHeaders() method and $headers property to XML_RPC_Client to make testing easier.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.2</version>
+ <date>2005-03-07</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* When using a proxy, add the protocol to the Request-URI, making it an &quot;absoluteURI&quot; as per the HTTP 1.0 spec. Bug 3679.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.1</version>
+ <date>2005-03-01</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Add isset() check before examining the dispatch map. Bug 3658.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0</version>
+ <date>2005-02-27</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Provide the &quot;stable&quot; release.
+* Add package2.xml for compatibility with PEAR 1.4.0.
+* For changes since 1.1.0, see the changelogs for the various RC releases.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0RC7</version>
+ <date>2005-02-22</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* Add the setSendEncoding() method and $send_encoding
+ property to XML_RPC_Message. Request 3537.
+* Allow class methods to be mapped using either syntax:
+ 'function' =&gt; 'hello::sayHello',
+ or
+ 'function' =&gt; array('hello', 'sayhello'),
+ Bug 3363.
+* Use 8192 instead of 32768 for bytes in fread()
+ in parseResponseFile(). Bug 3340.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0RC6</version>
+ <date>2005-01-25</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* Don't put the protocol in the Host field of the POST data. (danielc)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0RC5</version>
+ <date>2005-01-24</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* If $port is 443 but a protocol isn't specified in $server, assume ssl:// is the protocol.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0RC4</version>
+ <date>2005-01-24</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* When a connection attempt fails, have the method return 0. (danielc)
+* Move the protocol/port checking/switching and the property settings from sendPayloadHTTP10() to the XML_RPC_Client constructor. (danielc)
+* Add tests for setting the client properties. (danielc)
+* Remove $GLOBALS['XML_RPC_twoslash'] since it's not used. (danielc)
+* Bundle the tests with the package. (danielc)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0RC3</version>
+ <date>2005-01-19</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* ssl uses port 443, not 445.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0RC2</version>
+ <date>2005-01-11</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* Handle ssl:// in the $server string. (danielc)
+* Also default to port 445 for ssl:// requests as well. (danielc)
+* Enhance debugging in the server. (danielc)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.2.0RC1</version>
+ <date>2004-12-30</date>
+ <state>beta</state>
+ <notes>* Make things work with SSL. Bug 2489. (nkukard lbsd net)
+* Allow array function callbacks (Matt Kane)
+* Some minor speed-ups (Matt Kane)
+* Add Dump.php to the package (Christian Weiske)
+* Replace all line endings with \r\n. Had only done replacements on \n. Bug 2521. (danielc)
+* Silence fsockopen() errors. Bug 1714. (danielc)
+* Encode empty arrays as an array. Bug 1493. (danielc)
+* Eliminate undefined index notice when submitting empty arrays to XML_RPC_Encode(). Bug 1819. (danielc)
+* Speed up check for enumerated arrays in XML_RPC_Encode(). (danielc)
+* Prepend &quot;XML_RPC_&quot; to ERROR_NON_NUMERIC_FOUND, eliminating problem when eval()'ing error messages. (danielc)
+* Use XML_RPC_Base::raiseError() instead of PEAR::raiseError() in XML_RPC_ee() because PEAR.php is lazy loaded. (danielc)
+* Allow raiseError() to be called statically. (danielc)
+* Stop double escaping of character entities. Bug 987. (danielc)
+ NOTICE: the following have been removed:
+ * XML_RPC_dh()
+ * $GLOBALS['XML_RPC_entities']
+ * XML_RPC_entity_decode()
+ * XML_RPC_lookup_entity()
+* Determine the XML's encoding via the encoding attribute in the XML declaration. Bug 52. (danielc)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.1.0</version>
+ <date>2004-03-15</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* Added support for sequential arrays to XML_RPC_encode() (mroch)
+* Cleaned up new XML_RPC_encode() changes a bit (mroch, pierre)
+* Remove &quot;require_once 'PEAR.php'&quot;, include only when needed to raise an error
+* Replace echo and error_log() with raiseError() (mroch)
+* Make all classes extend XML_RPC_Base, which will handle common functions (mroch)
+* be tolerant of junk after methodResponse (Luca Mariano, mroch)
+* Silent notice even in the error log (pierre)
+* fix include of shared xml extension on win32 (pierre)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.4</version>
+ <date>2002-10-02</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* added HTTP proxy authorization support (thanks to Arnaud Limbourg)
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.3</version>
+ <date>2002-05-19</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* fix bug when parsing responses with boolean types
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.2</version>
+ <date>2002-04-16</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>* E_ALL fixes
+* fix HTTP response header parsing
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ <release>
+ <version>1.0.1</version>
+ <date>2001-09-25</date>
+ <state>stable</state>
+ <notes>This is a PEAR-ified version of Useful Inc's 1.0.1 release.
+Includes an urgent security fix identified by Dan Libby &lt;;.
+ </notes>
+ </release>
+ </changelog>