path: root/lib/installer.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/installer.php')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lib/installer.php b/lib/installer.php
index 7dc8b0cef8d..f4094a5d4c9 100644
--- a/lib/installer.php
+++ b/lib/installer.php
@@ -141,6 +141,20 @@ class OC_Installer{
return false;
+ // check if shipped tag is set which is only allowed for apps that are shipped with ownCloud
+ if(isset($info['shipped']) and ($info['shipped']=='true')) {
+ OC_Log::write('core', 'App can\'t be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shippe> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps', OC_Log::ERROR);
+ OC_Helper::rmdirr($extractDir);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // check if the ocs version is the same as the version in info.xml/version
+ if(!isset($info['version']) or ($info['version']<>$data['appdata']['version'])) {
+ OC_Log::write('core', 'App can\'t be installed because the version in info.xml/version is not the same as the version reported from the app store', OC_Log::ERROR);
+ OC_Helper::rmdirr($extractDir);
+ return false;
+ }
//check if an app with the same id is already installed
if(self::isInstalled( $info['id'] )) {
OC_Log::write('core', 'App already installed', OC_Log::WARN);
@@ -226,7 +240,6 @@ class OC_Installer{
* @brief Update an application
* @param $data array with all information
- * @returns integer
* This function installs an app. All information needed are passed in the
* associative array $data.
@@ -250,11 +263,57 @@ class OC_Installer{
* upgrade.php can determine the current installed version of the app using "OC_Appconfig::getValue($appid, 'installed_version')"
- public static function upgradeApp( $data = array()) {
- // TODO: write function
- return true;
+ public static function updateApp( $app ) {
+ error_log('updater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!');
+ return(true);
+ if(OC_Installer::isDownloaded( $name )) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if an update for the app is available
+ * @param $name name of the application
+ * @returns emptry string is no update available or the version number of the update
+ *
+ * The function will check if an update for a version is available
+ */
+ public static function isUpdateAvailable( $app ) {
+ //debug
+ return('1.1');
+ $ocsid=OC_Appconfig::getValue( $app, 'ocsid', '');
+ if($ocsid<>''){
+ $ocsdata=OC_OCSClient::getApplication($ocsid);
+ $ocsversion=$ocsdata['version'];
+ $currentversion=OC_App::getAppVersion($app);
+//error_log('bb'.$app.' '.$ocsversion);
+ return($ocsversion);
+ }else{
+ return('');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if app is already downloaded
+ * @param $name name of the application to remove
+ * @returns true/false
+ *
+ * The function will check if the app is already downloaded in the apps repository
+ */
+ public static function isDownloaded( $name ) {
+ $downloaded=false;
+ foreach(OC::$APPSROOTS as $dir) {
+ if(is_dir($dir['path'].'/'.$name)) $downloaded=true;
+ }
+ return($downloaded);
+ }
* @brief Removes an app
* @param $name name of the application to remove
@@ -276,8 +335,36 @@ class OC_Installer{
* this has to be done by the function oc_app_uninstall().
public static function removeApp( $name, $options = array()) {
- // TODO: write function
- return true;
+ if(isset($options['keeppreferences']) and $options['keeppreferences']==false ){
+ // todo
+ // remove preferences
+ }
+ if(isset($options['keepappconfig']) and $options['keepappconfig']==false ){
+ // todo
+ // remove app config
+ }
+ if(isset($options['keeptables']) and $options['keeptables']==false ){
+ // todo
+ // remove app database tables
+ }
+ if(isset($options['keepfiles']) and $options['keepfiles']==false ){
+ // todo
+ // remove user files
+ }
+ if(OC_Installer::isDownloaded( $name )) {
+ $appdir=OC_App::getInstallPath().'/'.$name;
+ OC_Helper::rmdirr($appdir);
+ }else{
+ OC_Log::write('core', 'can\'t remove app '.$name.'. It is not installed.', OC_Log::ERROR);
+ }