path: root/lib/l10n/eu.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/l10n/eu.json')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/lib/l10n/eu.json b/lib/l10n/eu.json
index 39c82354efd..3c7705352c2 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/eu.json
@@ -103,10 +103,6 @@
"Please ask your server administrator to install the module." : "Mesedez eskatu zure zerbitzariaren kudeatzaileari modulua instala dezan.",
"PHP module %s not installed." : "PHPren %s modulua ez dago instalaturik.",
"Please ask your server administrator to update PHP to the latest version. Your PHP version is no longer supported by ownCloud and the PHP community." : "Mesedez eskatu zure zerbitzariaren kudeatzaileari PHP azkenengo bertsiora eguneratzea. Zure PHP bertsioa ez dute ez ownCloud eta ez PHP komunitateek mantentzen.",
- "PHP Safe Mode is enabled. ownCloud requires that it is disabled to work properly." : "PHP SafeMode gaitua dago. ownCloudek ongi funtzionatzeko desgaitua behar du.",
- "PHP Safe Mode is a deprecated and mostly useless setting that should be disabled. Please ask your server administrator to disable it in php.ini or in your webserver config." : "PHP Safe Mode ia erabiligabeko ezarpen zahar bat da eta desgaituta egon beharko luke. Mesedez eskatu zerbitzariaren kudeatzaileari php.ini edo zure web zerbitzariaren konfigurazioan desgaitu dezan.",
- "Magic Quotes is enabled. ownCloud requires that it is disabled to work properly." : "Magic Quotes gaitua dago. ownCloudek ongi funtzionatzeko desgaitua behar du.",
- "Magic Quotes is a deprecated and mostly useless setting that should be disabled. Please ask your server administrator to disable it in php.ini or in your webserver config." : "Magic Quotes ia erabiligabeko ezarpen zahar bat da eta desgaituta egon beharko luke. Mesedez eskatu zerbitzariaren kudeatzaileari php.ini edo zure web zerbitzariaren konfigurazioan desgaitu dezan.",
"PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?" : "PHP moduluak instalatu dira, baina oraindik faltan bezala markatuta daude?",
"Please ask your server administrator to restart the web server." : "Mesedez eskatu zerbitzariaren kudeatzaileari web zerbitzaria berrabiarazteko.",
"PostgreSQL >= 9 required" : "PostgreSQL >= 9 behar da",