path: root/lib/l10n
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/l10n')
14 files changed, 160 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ach.php b/lib/l10n/ach.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..406ff5f5a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/l10n/ach.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","")
+$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);";
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es.php b/lib/l10n/es.php
index 7a82f8f6a19..047d5d955bb 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/es.php
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App" => "La aplicación no puede ser instalada por tener código no autorizado en la aplicación",
"App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud" => "La aplicación no se puede instalar porque no es compatible con esta versión de ownCloud",
"App can't be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shipped> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps" => "La aplicación no se puede instalar porque contiene la etiqueta\n<shipped>\ntrue\n</shipped>\nque no está permitida para aplicaciones no distribuidas",
+"App can't be installed because the version in info.xml/version is not the same as the version reported from the app store" => "La aplicación no puede ser instalada por que la versión en info.xml/version no es la misma que la establecida en la app store",
+"App directory already exists" => "El directorio de la aplicación ya existe",
+"Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" => "No se puede crear la carpeta de la aplicación. Corrija los permisos. %s",
"Application is not enabled" => "La aplicación no está habilitada",
"Authentication error" => "Error de autenticación",
"Token expired. Please reload page." => "Token expirado. Por favor, recarga la página.",
@@ -32,7 +35,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Images" => "Imágenes",
"%s enter the database username." => "%s ingresar el usuario de la base de datos.",
"%s enter the database name." => "%s ingresar el nombre de la base de datos",
-"%s you may not use dots in the database name" => "%s no se puede utilizar puntos en el nombre de la base de datos",
+"%s you may not use dots in the database name" => "%s puede utilizar puntos en el nombre de la base de datos",
"MS SQL username and/or password not valid: %s" => "Usuario y/o contraseña de MS SQL no válidos: %s",
"You need to enter either an existing account or the administrator." => "Tiene que ingresar una cuenta existente o la del administrador.",
"MySQL username and/or password not valid" => "Usuario y/o contraseña de MySQL no válidos",
@@ -51,13 +54,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Su servidor web aún no está configurado adecuadamente para permitir sincronización de archivos ya que la interfaz WebDAV parece no estar funcionando.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Por favor, vuelva a comprobar las <a href='%s'>guías de instalación</a>.",
"seconds ago" => "hace segundos",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("Hace %n minuto","Hace %n minutos"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("Hace %n hora","Hace %n horas"),
"today" => "hoy",
"yesterday" => "ayer",
-"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("Hace %n día","Hace %n días"),
"last month" => "mes pasado",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("Hace %n mes","Hace %n meses"),
"last year" => "año pasado",
"years ago" => "hace años",
"Caused by:" => "Causado por:",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_AR.php b/lib/l10n/es_AR.php
index 26f1e4ecd5e..f637eb403ed 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/es_AR.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_AR.php
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud." => "La app \"%s\" no puede ser instalada porque no es compatible con esta versión de ownCloud",
+"No app name specified" => "No fue especificado el nombre de la app",
"Help" => "Ayuda",
"Personal" => "Personal",
"Settings" => "Configuración",
@@ -13,6 +15,18 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Back to Files" => "Volver a Archivos",
"Selected files too large to generate zip file." => "Los archivos seleccionados son demasiado grandes para generar el archivo zip.",
"Download the files in smaller chunks, seperately or kindly ask your administrator." => "Descargá los archivos en partes más chicas, de forma separada, o pedíselos al administrador",
+"No source specified when installing app" => "No se especificó el origen al instalar la app",
+"No href specified when installing app from http" => "No se especificó href al instalar la app",
+"No path specified when installing app from local file" => "No se especificó PATH al instalar la app desde el archivo local",
+"Archives of type %s are not supported" => "No hay soporte para archivos de tipo %s",
+"Failed to open archive when installing app" => "Error al abrir archivo mientras se instalaba la app",
+"App does not provide an info.xml file" => "La app no suministra un archivo info.xml",
+"App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App" => "No puede ser instalada la app por tener código no autorizado",
+"App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud" => "No se puede instalar la app porque no es compatible con esta versión de ownCloud",
+"App can't be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shipped> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps" => "La app no se puede instalar porque contiene la etiqueta <shipped>true</shipped> que no está permitida para apps no distribuidas",
+"App can't be installed because the version in info.xml/version is not the same as the version reported from the app store" => "La app no puede ser instalada porque la versión en info.xml/version no es la misma que la establecida en el app store",
+"App directory already exists" => "El directorio de la app ya existe",
+"Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" => "No se puede crear el directorio para la app. Corregí los permisos. %s",
"Application is not enabled" => "La aplicación no está habilitada",
"Authentication error" => "Error al autenticar",
"Token expired. Please reload page." => "Token expirado. Por favor, recargá la página.",
@@ -40,13 +54,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Tu servidor web no está configurado todavía para permitir sincronización de archivos porque la interfaz WebDAV parece no funcionar.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Por favor, comprobá nuevamente la <a href='%s'>guía de instalación</a>.",
"seconds ago" => "segundos atrás",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("Hace %n minuto","Hace %n minutos"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("Hace %n hora","Hace %n horas"),
"today" => "hoy",
"yesterday" => "ayer",
-"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("Hace %n día","Hace %n días"),
"last month" => "el mes pasado",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("Hace %n mes","Hace %n meses"),
"last year" => "el año pasado",
"years ago" => "años atrás",
"Caused by:" => "Provocado por:",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/es_MX.php b/lib/l10n/es_MX.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..15f78e0bce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/l10n/es_MX.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","")
+$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fr.php b/lib/l10n/fr.php
index cfcca28d5f8..da3ec4ce372 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fr.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/fr.php
@@ -1,15 +1,32 @@
+"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud." => "L'application \"%s\" ne peut être installée car elle n'est pas compatible avec cette version de ownCloud.",
+"No app name specified" => "Aucun nom d'application spécifié",
"Help" => "Aide",
"Personal" => "Personnel",
"Settings" => "Paramètres",
"Users" => "Utilisateurs",
"Admin" => "Administration",
+"Failed to upgrade \"%s\"." => "Echec de la mise à niveau \"%s\".",
"web services under your control" => "services web sous votre contrôle",
+"cannot open \"%s\"" => "impossible d'ouvrir \"%s\"",
"ZIP download is turned off." => "Téléchargement ZIP désactivé.",
"Files need to be downloaded one by one." => "Les fichiers nécessitent d'être téléchargés un par un.",
"Back to Files" => "Retour aux Fichiers",
"Selected files too large to generate zip file." => "Les fichiers sélectionnés sont trop volumineux pour être compressés.",
+"Download the files in smaller chunks, seperately or kindly ask your administrator." => "Télécharger les fichiers en parties plus petites, séparément ou demander avec bienveillance à votre administrateur.",
+"No source specified when installing app" => "Aucune source spécifiée pour installer l'application",
+"No href specified when installing app from http" => "Aucun href spécifié pour installer l'application par http",
+"No path specified when installing app from local file" => "Aucun chemin spécifié pour installer l'application depuis un fichier local",
+"Archives of type %s are not supported" => "Les archives de type %s ne sont pas supportées",
+"Failed to open archive when installing app" => "Échec de l'ouverture de l'archive lors de l'installation de l'application",
+"App does not provide an info.xml file" => "L'application ne fournit pas de fichier info.xml",
+"App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App" => "L'application ne peut être installée car elle contient du code non-autorisé",
+"App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud" => "L'application ne peut être installée car elle n'est pas compatible avec cette version de ownCloud",
+"App can't be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shipped> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps" => "L'application ne peut être installée car elle contient la balise <shipped>true</shipped> qui n'est pas autorisée pour les applications non-diffusées",
+"App can't be installed because the version in info.xml/version is not the same as the version reported from the app store" => "L'application ne peut être installée car la version de info.xml/version n'est identique à celle indiquée sur l'app store",
+"App directory already exists" => "Le dossier de l'application existe déjà",
+"Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" => "Impossible de créer le dossier de l'application. Corrigez les droits d'accès. %s",
"Application is not enabled" => "L'application n'est pas activée",
"Authentication error" => "Erreur d'authentification",
"Token expired. Please reload page." => "La session a expiré. Veuillez recharger la page.",
@@ -37,15 +54,16 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Votre serveur web, n'est pas correctement configuré pour permettre la synchronisation des fichiers, car l'interface WebDav ne fonctionne pas comme il faut.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Veuillez vous référer au <a href='%s'>guide d'installation</a>.",
"seconds ago" => "il y a quelques secondes",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","il y a %n minutes"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("","Il y a %n heures"),
"today" => "aujourd'hui",
"yesterday" => "hier",
-"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("","il y a %n jours"),
"last month" => "le mois dernier",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","Il y a %n mois"),
"last year" => "l'année dernière",
"years ago" => "il y a plusieurs années",
+"Caused by:" => "Causé par :",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Impossible de trouver la catégorie \"%s\""
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);";
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ja_JP.php b/lib/l10n/ja_JP.php
index e2b67e76187..2d37001ca19 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ja_JP.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/ja_JP.php
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"App does not provide an info.xml file" => "アプリにinfo.xmlファイルが入っていません",
"App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App" => "アプリで許可されないコードが入っているのが原因でアプリがインストールできません",
"App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud" => "アプリは、このバージョンのownCloudと互換性がない為、インストールできません。",
+"App can't be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shipped> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps" => "非shippedアプリには許可されない<shipped>true</shipped>タグが含まれているためにアプリをインストール出来ません。",
"App can't be installed because the version in info.xml/version is not the same as the version reported from the app store" => "info.xml/versionのバージョンがアプリストアのバージョンと合っていない為、アプリはインストールされません",
"App directory already exists" => "アプリディレクトリは既に存在します",
"Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" => "アプリフォルダを作成出来ませんでした。%s のパーミッションを修正してください。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/km.php b/lib/l10n/km.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e7b09649a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/l10n/km.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array(""),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array(""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array(""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("")
+$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";
diff --git a/lib/l10n/lt_LT.php b/lib/l10n/lt_LT.php
index 242b0a23106..1fd9b9ea634 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/lt_LT.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/lt_LT.php
@@ -1,30 +1,69 @@
+"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud." => "Programa „%s“ negali būti įdiegta, nes yra nesuderinama su šia ownCloud versija.",
+"No app name specified" => "Nenurodytas programos pavadinimas",
"Help" => "Pagalba",
"Personal" => "Asmeniniai",
"Settings" => "Nustatymai",
"Users" => "Vartotojai",
"Admin" => "Administravimas",
+"Failed to upgrade \"%s\"." => "Nepavyko pakelti „%s“ versijos.",
"web services under your control" => "jūsų valdomos web paslaugos",
+"cannot open \"%s\"" => "nepavyksta atverti „%s“",
"ZIP download is turned off." => "ZIP atsisiuntimo galimybė yra išjungta.",
"Files need to be downloaded one by one." => "Failai turi būti parsiunčiami vienas po kito.",
"Back to Files" => "Atgal į Failus",
"Selected files too large to generate zip file." => "Pasirinkti failai per dideli archyvavimui į ZIP.",
+"Download the files in smaller chunks, seperately or kindly ask your administrator." => "Atsisiųskite failus mažesnėmis dalimis atskirai, arba mandagiai prašykite savo administratoriaus.",
+"No source specified when installing app" => "Nenurodytas šaltinis diegiant programą",
+"No href specified when installing app from http" => "Nenurodytas href diegiant programą iš http",
+"No path specified when installing app from local file" => "Nenurodytas kelias diegiant programą iš vietinio failo",
+"Archives of type %s are not supported" => "%s tipo archyvai nepalaikomi",
+"Failed to open archive when installing app" => "Nepavyko atverti archyvo diegiant programą",
+"App does not provide an info.xml file" => "Programa nepateikia info.xml failo",
+"App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App" => "Programa negali būti įdiegta, nes turi neleistiną kodą",
+"App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud" => "Programa negali būti įdiegta, nes yra nesuderinama su šia ownCloud versija",
+"App can't be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shipped> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps" => "Programa negali būti įdiegta, nes turi <shipped>true</shipped> žymę, kuri yra neleistina ne kartu platinamoms programoms",
+"App can't be installed because the version in info.xml/version is not the same as the version reported from the app store" => "Programa negali būti įdiegta, nes versija pateikta info.xml/version nesutampa su versija deklaruota programų saugykloje",
+"App directory already exists" => "Programos aplankas jau egzistuoja",
+"Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" => "Nepavyksta sukurti aplanko. Prašome pataisyti leidimus. %s",
"Application is not enabled" => "Programa neįjungta",
"Authentication error" => "Autentikacijos klaida",
"Token expired. Please reload page." => "Sesija baigėsi. Prašome perkrauti puslapį.",
"Files" => "Failai",
"Text" => "Žinučių",
"Images" => "Paveikslėliai",
+"%s enter the database username." => "%s įrašykite duombazės naudotojo vardą.",
+"%s enter the database name." => "%s įrašykite duombazės pavadinimą.",
+"%s you may not use dots in the database name" => "%s negalite naudoti taškų duombazės pavadinime",
+"MS SQL username and/or password not valid: %s" => "MS SQL naudotojo vardas ir/arba slaptažodis netinka: %s",
+"You need to enter either an existing account or the administrator." => "Turite prisijungti su egzistuojančia paskyra arba su administratoriumi.",
+"MySQL username and/or password not valid" => "Neteisingas MySQL naudotojo vardas ir/arba slaptažodis",
+"DB Error: \"%s\"" => "DB klaida: \"%s\"",
+"Offending command was: \"%s\"" => "Vykdyta komanda buvo: \"%s\"",
+"MySQL user '%s'@'localhost' exists already." => "MySQL naudotojas '%s'@'localhost' jau egzistuoja.",
+"Drop this user from MySQL" => "Pašalinti šį naudotoją iš MySQL",
+"MySQL user '%s'@'%%' already exists" => "MySQL naudotojas '%s'@'%%' jau egzistuoja",
+"Drop this user from MySQL." => "Pašalinti šį naudotoją iš MySQL.",
+"Oracle connection could not be established" => "Nepavyko sukurti Oracle ryšio",
+"Oracle username and/or password not valid" => "Neteisingas Oracle naudotojo vardas ir/arba slaptažodis",
+"Offending command was: \"%s\", name: %s, password: %s" => "Vykdyta komanda buvo: \"%s\", name: %s, password: %s",
+"PostgreSQL username and/or password not valid" => "Neteisingas PostgreSQL naudotojo vardas ir/arba slaptažodis",
+"Set an admin username." => "Nustatyti administratoriaus naudotojo vardą.",
+"Set an admin password." => "Nustatyti administratoriaus slaptažodį.",
+"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Jūsų serveris nėra tvarkingai nustatytas leisti failų sinchronizaciją, nes WebDAV sąsaja panašu, kad yra sugadinta.",
+"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Prašome pažiūrėkite dar kartą <a href='%s'>diegimo instrukcijas</a>.",
"seconds ago" => "prieš sekundę",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""," prieš %n minučių"),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("","","prieš %n valandų"),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("prieš %n min.","Prieš % minutes","Prieš %n minučių"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("Prieš %n valandą","Prieš %n valandas","Prieš %n valandų"),
"today" => "šiandien",
"yesterday" => "vakar",
-"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("","",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("Prieš %n dieną","Prieš %n dienas","Prieš %n dienų"),
"last month" => "praeitą mėnesį",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","","prieš %n mėnesių"),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("Prieš %n mėnesį","Prieš %n mėnesius","Prieš %n mėnesių"),
"last year" => "praeitais metais",
-"years ago" => "prieš metus"
+"years ago" => "prieš metus",
+"Caused by:" => "Iššaukė:",
+"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Nepavyko rasti kategorijos „%s“"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);";
diff --git a/lib/l10n/nn_NO.php b/lib/l10n/nn_NO.php
index 28b4f7b7d94..d5da8c64415 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/nn_NO.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/nn_NO.php
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Files" => "Filer",
"Text" => "Tekst",
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Tenaren din er ikkje enno rett innstilt til å tilby filsynkronisering sidan WebDAV-grensesnittet ser ut til å vera øydelagt.",
-"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Ver vennleg og dobbeltsjekk <a href='%s'>installasjonsrettleiinga</a>.",
+"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Ver venleg og dobbeltsjekk <a href='%s'>installasjonsrettleiinga</a>.",
"seconds ago" => "sekund sidan",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","%n minutt sidan"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("","%n timar sidan"),
"today" => "i dag",
"yesterday" => "i går",
-"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("","%n dagar sidan"),
"last month" => "førre månad",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","%n månadar sidan"),
"last year" => "i fjor",
"years ago" => "år sidan"
diff --git a/lib/l10n/nqo.php b/lib/l10n/nqo.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e7b09649a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/l10n/nqo.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array(""),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array(""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array(""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("")
+$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pl.php b/lib/l10n/pl.php
index 984043aa0be..4acd735d692 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pl.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/pl.php
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud." => "Aplikacja \"%s\" nie może zostać zainstalowana, ponieważ nie jest zgodna z tą wersją ownCloud.",
+"No app name specified" => "Nie określono nazwy aplikacji",
"Help" => "Pomoc",
"Personal" => "Osobiste",
"Settings" => "Ustawienia",
@@ -13,6 +15,18 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Back to Files" => "Wróć do plików",
"Selected files too large to generate zip file." => "Wybrane pliki są zbyt duże, aby wygenerować plik zip.",
"Download the files in smaller chunks, seperately or kindly ask your administrator." => "Pobierz pliki w mniejszy kawałkach, oddzielnie lub poproś administratora o zwiększenie limitu.",
+"No source specified when installing app" => "Nie określono źródła podczas instalacji aplikacji",
+"No href specified when installing app from http" => "Nie określono linku skąd aplikacja ma być zainstalowana",
+"No path specified when installing app from local file" => "Nie określono lokalnego pliku z którego miała być instalowana aplikacja",
+"Archives of type %s are not supported" => "Typ archiwum %s nie jest obsługiwany",
+"Failed to open archive when installing app" => "Nie udało się otworzyć archiwum podczas instalacji aplikacji",
+"App does not provide an info.xml file" => "Aplikacja nie posiada pliku info.xml",
+"App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App" => "Aplikacja nie może być zainstalowany ponieważ nie dopuszcza kod w aplikacji",
+"App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud" => "Aplikacja nie może zostać zainstalowana ponieważ jest niekompatybilna z tą wersja ownCloud",
+"App can't be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shipped> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps" => "Aplikacja nie może być zainstalowana ponieważ true tag nie jest <shipped>true</shipped> , co nie jest dozwolone dla aplikacji nie wysłanych",
+"App can't be installed because the version in info.xml/version is not the same as the version reported from the app store" => "Nie można zainstalować aplikacji, ponieważ w wersji info.xml/version nie jest taka sama, jak wersja z app store",
+"App directory already exists" => "Katalog aplikacji już isnieje",
+"Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" => "Nie mogę utworzyć katalogu aplikacji. Proszę popraw uprawnienia. %s",
"Application is not enabled" => "Aplikacja nie jest włączona",
"Authentication error" => "Błąd uwierzytelniania",
"Token expired. Please reload page." => "Token wygasł. Proszę ponownie załadować stronę.",
@@ -40,13 +54,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Serwer internetowy nie jest jeszcze poprawnie skonfigurowany, aby umożliwić synchronizację plików, ponieważ interfejs WebDAV wydaje się być uszkodzony.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Sprawdź ponownie <a href='%s'>przewodniki instalacji</a>.",
"seconds ago" => "sekund temu",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","",""),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("","",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("%n minute temu","%n minut temu","%n minut temu"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("%n godzinę temu","%n godzin temu","%n godzin temu"),
"today" => "dziś",
"yesterday" => "wczoraj",
-"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("","",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("%n dzień temu","%n dni temu","%n dni temu"),
"last month" => "w zeszłym miesiącu",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("%n miesiąc temu","%n miesięcy temu","%n miesięcy temu"),
"last year" => "w zeszłym roku",
"years ago" => "lat temu",
"Caused by:" => "Spowodowane przez:",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.php b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.php
index a2379ca4883..72bc1f36a1e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.php
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Seu servidor web não está configurado corretamente para permitir sincronização de arquivos porque a interface WebDAV parece estar quebrada.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Por favor, confira os <a href='%s'>guias de instalação</a>.",
"seconds ago" => "segundos atrás",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","ha %n minutos"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("","ha %n horas"),
"today" => "hoje",
"yesterday" => "ontem",
-"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("","ha %n dias"),
"last month" => "último mês",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","ha %n meses"),
"last year" => "último ano",
"years ago" => "anos atrás",
"Caused by:" => "Causados ​​por:",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.php b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.php
index c8a2f78cbf5..bf540012249 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.php
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "O seu servidor web não está configurado correctamente para autorizar sincronização de ficheiros, pois o interface WebDAV parece estar com problemas.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Por favor verifique <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>.",
"seconds ago" => "Minutos atrás",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","%n minutos atrás"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("","%n horas atrás"),
"today" => "hoje",
"yesterday" => "ontem",
-"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("","%n dias atrás"),
"last month" => "ultímo mês",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","%n meses atrás"),
"last year" => "ano passado",
"years ago" => "anos atrás",
"Caused by:" => "Causado por:",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sq.php b/lib/l10n/sq.php
index c2447b7ea23..edaa1df2b86 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sq.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/sq.php
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Serveri web i juaji nuk është konfiguruar akoma për të lejuar sinkronizimin e skedarëve sepse ndërfaqja WebDAV mund të jetë e dëmtuar.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Ju lutemi kontrolloni mirë <a href='%s'>shoqëruesin e instalimit</a>.",
"seconds ago" => "sekonda më parë",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
-"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","%n minuta më parë"),
+"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("","%n orë më parë"),
"today" => "sot",
"yesterday" => "dje",
-"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n day go_::_%n days ago_" => array("","%n ditë më parë"),
"last month" => "muajin e shkuar",
-"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","%n muaj më parë"),
"last year" => "vitin e shkuar",
"years ago" => "vite më parë",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Kategoria \"%s\" nuk u gjet"