path: root/lib/l10n
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/l10n')
4 files changed, 25 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ast.php b/lib/l10n/ast.php
index 4eaf734931f..c6aa43e9b59 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ast.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/ast.php
@@ -1,19 +1,33 @@
+"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud." => "Nun pue instalase l'aplicación \"%s\" porque nun ye compatible con esta versión d'ownCloud.",
"Help" => "Ayuda",
"Personal" => "Personal",
"Settings" => "Axustes",
"Users" => "Usuarios",
"Failed to upgrade \"%s\"." => "Fallu al anovar \"%s\".",
+"Unknown filetype" => "Triba de ficheru desconocida",
"Invalid image" => "Imaxe inválida",
+"web services under your control" => "servicios web baxo'l to control",
+"Files need to be downloaded one by one." => "Los ficheros necesiten descargase ún a ún",
+"App does not provide an info.xml file" => "L'aplicación nun apurre un ficheru info.xml",
+"App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud" => "Nun pue instalase l'aplicación porque nun ye compatible con esta versión d'ownCloud.",
+"Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" => "Nun pue crease la carpeta de l'aplicación. Por favor, igua los permisos. %s",
"Application is not enabled" => "L'aplicación nun ta habilitada",
"Authentication error" => "Fallu d'autenticación",
+"Unknown user" => "Usuariu desconocíu",
"Files" => "Ficheros",
"Text" => "Testu",
"Images" => "Imaxes",
+"MySQL/MariaDB user '%s'@'%%' already exists" => "Yá esiste l'usuariu de MySQL/MariaDB '%s'@'%%'",
+"Oracle connection could not be established" => "Nun pudo afitase la conexón d'Oracle",
"Set an admin username." => "Afitar nome d'usuariu p'almin",
"Set an admin password." => "Afitar contraseña p'almin",
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "El sirvidor web entá nun ta configurado pa permitir la sincronización de ficheros yá que la interface WebDAV paez nun tar funcionando.",
+"%s shared »%s« with you" => "%s compartió »%s« contigo",
+"Share type %s is not valid for %s" => "La triba de compartición %s nun ye válida pa %s",
+"Sharing backend %s not found" => "Nun s'alcontró'l botón de compartición %s",
+"Sharing backend for %s not found" => "Nun s'alcontró'l botón de partición pa %s",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Nun pudo alcontrase la estaya \"%s.\"",
"seconds ago" => "fai segundos",
"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","fai %n minutos"),
@@ -25,7 +39,9 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("","fai %n meses"),
"last year" => "añu caberu",
"years ago" => "fai años",
+"Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-\"" => "Namái tan permitíos los siguientes caráuteres nun nome d'usuariu: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", y \"_.@-\"",
"A valid username must be provided" => "Tien d'apurrise un nome d'usuariu válidu",
-"A valid password must be provided" => "Tien d'apurrise una contraseña válida"
+"A valid password must be provided" => "Tien d'apurrise una contraseña válida",
+"The username is already being used" => "El nome d'usuariu yá ta usándose"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fr.php b/lib/l10n/fr.php
index 3bfa3fe8916..696d7c2724a 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fr.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/fr.php
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"You are accessing the server from an untrusted domain." => "Vous accédez au serveur à partir d'un domaine non-approuvé.",
+"Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator of this instance, configure the \"trusted_domain\" setting in config/config.php. An example configuration is provided in config/config.sample.php." => "Veuillez contacter votre administrateur. Si vous être l'administrateur de cette instance, il faut configurer la variable \"trusted_domain\" dans le fichier config/config.php. Un exemple de configuration est fournit dans le fichier config/config.sample.php.",
"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud." => "L'application \"%s\" ne peut être installée car elle n'est pas compatible avec cette version de ownCloud.",
"No app name specified" => "Aucun nom d'application spécifié",
"Help" => "Aide",
@@ -64,13 +65,18 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" => "Le partage de %s a échoué car cet objet est déjà partagé avec %s",
"Sharing %s failed, because the group %s does not exist" => "Le partage de %s a échoué car le groupe %s n'existe pas",
"Sharing %s failed, because %s is not a member of the group %s" => "Le partage de %s a échoué car %s n'est pas membre du groupe %s",
+"You need to provide a password to create a public link, only protected links are allowed" => "Vous devez fournir un mot de passe pour créer un lien public, seul les liens protégés sont autorisées.",
"Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed" => "Le partage de %s a échoué car un partage de lien n'est pas permis",
"Share type %s is not valid for %s" => "Le type de partage %s n'est pas valide pour %s",
"Setting permissions for %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" => "Le réglage des permissions pour %s a échoué car les permissions dépassent celle accordée à %s",
"Setting permissions for %s failed, because the item was not found" => "Le réglage des permissions pour %s a échoué car l'objet n'a pas été trouvé",
+"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" => "L'emplacement du partage %s doit implémenter l'interface OCP\\Share_Backend",
+"Sharing backend %s not found" => "Emplacement de partage %s introuvable",
+"Sharing backend for %s not found" => "L'emplacement du partage %s est introuvable",
"Sharing %s failed, because the user %s is the original sharer" => "Le partage de %s a échoué car l'utilisateur %s est déjà l'utilisateur à l'origine du partage.",
"Sharing %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" => "Le partage de %s a échoué car les permissions dépassent les permissions accordées à %s",
"Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" => "Le partage de %s a échoué car le repartage n'est pas autorisé",
+"Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" => "Le partage %s a échoué parce que la source n'a été trouvée pour le partage %s.",
"Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" => "Le partage de %s a échoué car le fichier n'a pas été trouvé dans les fichiers mis en cache.",
"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Impossible de trouver la catégorie \"%s\"",
"seconds ago" => "il y a quelques secondes",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ja.php b/lib/l10n/ja.php
index 19cdb5f13cd..195169c6e1c 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ja.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/ja.php
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" => "%s の共有に失敗しました。このアイテムは既に %s で共有されています。",
"Sharing %s failed, because the group %s does not exist" => "%s の共有に失敗しました。グループ %s は存在しません。",
"Sharing %s failed, because %s is not a member of the group %s" => "%s の共有に失敗しました。%s は、グループ %s のメンバーではありません。",
+"You need to provide a password to create a public link, only protected links are allowed" => "公開用リンクの作成にはパスワードの設定が必要です",
"Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed" => "%s の共有に失敗しました。リンクでの共有は許可されていません。",
"Share type %s is not valid for %s" => "%s の共有方法は、%s には適用できません。",
"Setting permissions for %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" => "%s の権限設定に失敗しました。%s に許可されている権限を越えています。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/ur_PK.php b/lib/l10n/ur_PK.php
index 351e3fae14f..458414e9da2 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/ur_PK.php
+++ b/lib/l10n/ur_PK.php
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Invalid image" => "غلط تصویر",
"web services under your control" => "آپ کے اختیار میں ویب سروسیز",
"seconds ago" => "سیکنڈز پہلے",
-"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
+"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("","%n منٹس پہلے"),
"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
"today" => "آج",
"yesterday" => "کل",