path: root/lib/public
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1 files changed, 40 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public/share.php b/lib/public/share.php
index 6d4749b1ac9..b4ff205a70c 100644
--- a/lib/public/share.php
+++ b/lib/public/share.php
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class Share {
* @param int CRUDS permissions
* @return bool Returns true on success or false on failure
- public static function shareItem($itemType, $itemName, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $permissions) {
+ public static function shareItem($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $permissions) {
$uidOwner = \OC_User::getUser();
// Verify share type and sharing conditions are met
if ($shareType === self::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
@@ -152,10 +152,18 @@ class Share {
$message = 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because the user '.$shareWith.' does not exist';
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);
- } else {
- $inGroup = array_intersect(\OC_Group::getUserGroups($uidOwner), \OC_Group::getUserGroups($shareWith));
- if (empty($inGroup)) {
- $message = 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because the user '.$shareWith.' is not a member of any groups that '.$uidOwner.' is a member of';
+ }
+ $inGroup = array_intersect(\OC_Group::getUserGroups($uidOwner), \OC_Group::getUserGroups($shareWith));
+ if (empty($inGroup)) {
+ $message = 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because the user '.$shareWith.' is not a member of any groups that '.$uidOwner.' is a member of';
+ \OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
+ throw new \Exception($message);
+ }
+ // Check if the item source is already shared with the user, either from the same owner or a different user
+ if ($checkExists = self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, self::$shareTypeUserAndGroups, $shareWith, null, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1, true, true)) {
+ // Only allow the same share to occur again if it is the same owner and is not a user share, this use case is for increasing permissions for a specific user
+ if ($checkExists['uid_owner'] != $uidOwner || $checkExists['share_type'] == $shareType) {
+ $message = 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because this item is already shared with '.$shareWith;
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);
@@ -165,11 +173,27 @@ class Share {
$message = 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because the group '.$shareWith.' does not exist';
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);
- } else if (!\OC_Group::inGroup($uidOwner, $shareWith)) {
+ }
+ if (!\OC_Group::inGroup($uidOwner, $shareWith)) {
$message = 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because '.$uidOwner.' is not a member of the group '.$shareWith;
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);
+ // Check if the item source is already shared with the group, either from the same owner or a different user
+ // The check for each user in the group is done inside the put() function
+ if ($checkExists = self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, $shareWith, null, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1, true, true)) {
+ // Only allow the same share to occur again if it is the same owner and is not a group share, this use case is for increasing permissions for a specific user
+ if ($checkExists['uid_owner'] != $uidOwner || $checkExists['share_type'] == $shareType) {
+ $message = 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because this item is already shared with '.$shareWith;
+ \OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
+ throw new \Exception($message);
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert share with into an array with the keys group and users
+ $group = $shareWith;
+ $shareWith = array();
+ $shareWith['group'] = $group;
+ $shareWith['users'] = array_diff(\OC_Group::usersInGroup($group), array($uidOwner));
} else if ($shareType === self::SHARE_TYPE_PRIVATE_LINK) {
$shareWith = md5(uniqid($itemSource, true));
return self::put($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions);
@@ -192,26 +216,13 @@ class Share {
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);
- return self::shareItem($itemType, $itemName, $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL, $details['EMAIL'], $permissions);
+ return self::shareItem($itemType, $itemSource, self::SHARE_TYPE_EMAIL, $details['EMAIL'], $permissions);
} else {
// Future share types need to include their own conditions
$message = 'Share type '.$shareType.' is not valid for '.$itemSource;
\OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
throw new \Exception($message);
- // TODO This query has pretty bad performance if there are large collections, figure out a way to make the collection searching more efficient
- if (self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1, true)) {
- $message = 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because this item is already shared with '.$shareWith;
- \OC_Log::write('OCP\Share', $message, \OC_Log::ERROR);
- throw new \Exception($message);
- }
- if ($shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP) {
- // Convert share with into an array with the keys group and users
- $group = $shareWith;
- $shareWith = array();
- $shareWith['group'] = $group;
- $shareWith['users'] = array_diff(\OC_Group::usersInGroup($group), array($uidOwner));
- }
// If the item is a folder, scan through the folder looking for equivalent item types
if ($itemType == 'folder') {
$parentFolder = self::put('folder', $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, true);
@@ -223,7 +234,7 @@ class Share {
array_push($files, $children);
} else {
// Pass on to put() to check if this item should be converted, the item won't be inserted into the database unless it can be converted
- self::put('file', $name, $name, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, $parentFolder);
+ self::put('file', $name, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, $parentFolder);
return true;
@@ -231,7 +242,7 @@ class Share {
return false;
} else {
// Put the item into the database
- return self::put($itemType, $itemName, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions);
+ return self::put($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions);
@@ -566,7 +577,11 @@ class Share {
// Remove root from file source paths if retrieving own shared items
if (isset($uidOwner) && isset($row['file_source'])) {
- $row['file_source'] = substr($row['file_source'], $root);
+ if (isset($row['parent'])) {
+ $row['file_source'] = '/Shared/'.basename($row['file_source']);
+ } else {
+ $row['file_source'] = substr($row['file_source'], $root);
+ }
$items[$row['id']] = $row;
@@ -644,7 +659,7 @@ class Share {
* @param bool|array Parent folder target (optional)
* @return bool Returns true on success or false on failure
- private static function put($itemType, $itemName, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, $parentFolder = null) {
+ private static function put($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, $parentFolder = null) {
// Check file extension for an equivalent item type to convert to
if ($itemType == 'file') {
$extension = strtolower(substr($itemSource, strrpos($itemSource, '.') + 1));
@@ -661,7 +676,7 @@ class Share {
$backend = self::getBackend($itemType);
// Check if this is a reshare
- if ($checkReshare = self::getItemSharedWith($itemType, $itemName, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, true)) {
+ if ($checkReshare = self::getItemSharedWithBySource($itemType, $itemSource, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, true)) {
// Check if attempting to share back to owner
if ($checkReshare['uid_owner'] == $shareWith && $shareType == self::SHARE_TYPE_USER) {
$message = 'Sharing '.$itemSource.' failed, because the user '.$shareWith.' is the original sharer';