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52 files changed, 277 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public/API.php b/lib/public/API.php index ce09a4349a9..e1ccd3d02a1 100644 --- a/lib/public/API.php +++ b/lib/public/API.php @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ class API { * API Response Codes * @since 8.1.0 */ - const RESPOND_UNAUTHORISED = 997; - const RESPOND_SERVER_ERROR = 996; - const RESPOND_NOT_FOUND = 998; - const RESPOND_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 999; + public const RESPOND_UNAUTHORISED = 997; + public const RESPOND_SERVER_ERROR = 996; + public const RESPOND_NOT_FOUND = 998; + public const RESPOND_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 999; } diff --git a/lib/public/Accounts/IAccountManager.php b/lib/public/Accounts/IAccountManager.php index 9d02e0b43c0..23af0f8b0b1 100644 --- a/lib/public/Accounts/IAccountManager.php +++ b/lib/public/Accounts/IAccountManager.php @@ -38,23 +38,23 @@ use OCP\IUser; interface IAccountManager { /** nobody can see my account details */ - const VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = 'private'; + public const VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = 'private'; /** only contacts, especially trusted servers can see my contact details */ - const VISIBILITY_CONTACTS_ONLY = 'contacts'; + public const VISIBILITY_CONTACTS_ONLY = 'contacts'; /** every body ca see my contact detail, will be published to the lookup server */ - const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 'public'; + public const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 'public'; - const PROPERTY_AVATAR = 'avatar'; - const PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME = 'displayname'; - const PROPERTY_PHONE = 'phone'; - const PROPERTY_EMAIL = 'email'; - const PROPERTY_WEBSITE = 'website'; - const PROPERTY_ADDRESS = 'address'; - const PROPERTY_TWITTER = 'twitter'; + public const PROPERTY_AVATAR = 'avatar'; + public const PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME = 'displayname'; + public const PROPERTY_PHONE = 'phone'; + public const PROPERTY_EMAIL = 'email'; + public const PROPERTY_WEBSITE = 'website'; + public const PROPERTY_ADDRESS = 'address'; + public const PROPERTY_TWITTER = 'twitter'; - const NOT_VERIFIED = '0'; - const VERIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS = '1'; - const VERIFIED = '2'; + public const NOT_VERIFIED = '0'; + public const VERIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS = '1'; + public const VERIFIED = '2'; /** * Get the account data for a given user diff --git a/lib/public/Activity/IExtension.php b/lib/public/Activity/IExtension.php index c470ef07e04..5ba09507cbf 100644 --- a/lib/public/Activity/IExtension.php +++ b/lib/public/Activity/IExtension.php @@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ namespace OCP\Activity; * @since 8.0.0 */ interface IExtension { - const METHOD_STREAM = 'stream'; - const METHOD_MAIL = 'email'; + public const METHOD_STREAM = 'stream'; + public const METHOD_MAIL = 'email'; - const PRIORITY_VERYLOW = 10; - const PRIORITY_LOW = 20; - const PRIORITY_MEDIUM = 30; - const PRIORITY_HIGH = 40; - const PRIORITY_VERYHIGH = 50; + public const PRIORITY_VERYLOW = 10; + public const PRIORITY_LOW = 20; + public const PRIORITY_MEDIUM = 30; + public const PRIORITY_HIGH = 40; + public const PRIORITY_VERYHIGH = 50; } diff --git a/lib/public/App/ManagerEvent.php b/lib/public/App/ManagerEvent.php index e98ada424c6..b44cd3a5dcc 100644 --- a/lib/public/App/ManagerEvent.php +++ b/lib/public/App/ManagerEvent.php @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event; * @since 9.0.0 */ class ManagerEvent extends Event { - const EVENT_APP_ENABLE = 'OCP\App\IAppManager::enableApp'; - const EVENT_APP_ENABLE_FOR_GROUPS = 'OCP\App\IAppManager::enableAppForGroups'; - const EVENT_APP_DISABLE = 'OCP\App\IAppManager::disableApp'; + public const EVENT_APP_ENABLE = 'OCP\App\IAppManager::enableApp'; + public const EVENT_APP_ENABLE_FOR_GROUPS = 'OCP\App\IAppManager::enableAppForGroups'; + public const EVENT_APP_DISABLE = 'OCP\App\IAppManager::disableApp'; /** * @since 9.1.0 */ - const EVENT_APP_UPDATE = 'OCP\App\IAppManager::updateApp'; + public const EVENT_APP_UPDATE = 'OCP\App\IAppManager::updateApp'; /** @var string */ protected $event; diff --git a/lib/public/AppFramework/Http.php b/lib/public/AppFramework/Http.php index e0b910325a0..1106c58af85 100644 --- a/lib/public/AppFramework/Http.php +++ b/lib/public/AppFramework/Http.php @@ -34,63 +34,63 @@ namespace OCP\AppFramework; * @since 6.0.0 */ class Http { - const STATUS_CONTINUE = 100; - const STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101; - const STATUS_PROCESSING = 102; - const STATUS_OK = 200; - const STATUS_CREATED = 201; - const STATUS_ACCEPTED = 202; - const STATUS_NON_AUTHORATIVE_INFORMATION = 203; - const STATUS_NO_CONTENT = 204; - const STATUS_RESET_CONTENT = 205; - const STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206; - const STATUS_MULTI_STATUS = 207; - const STATUS_ALREADY_REPORTED = 208; - const STATUS_IM_USED = 226; - const STATUS_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300; - const STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301; - const STATUS_FOUND = 302; - const STATUS_SEE_OTHER = 303; - const STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED = 304; - const STATUS_USE_PROXY = 305; - const STATUS_RESERVED = 306; - const STATUS_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307; - const STATUS_BAD_REQUEST = 400; - const STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED = 401; - const STATUS_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402; - const STATUS_FORBIDDEN = 403; - const STATUS_NOT_FOUND = 404; - const STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405; - const STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406; - const STATUS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407; - const STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408; - const STATUS_CONFLICT = 409; - const STATUS_GONE = 410; - const STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411; - const STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412; - const STATUS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413; - const STATUS_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414; - const STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415; - const STATUS_REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = 416; - const STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417; - const STATUS_IM_A_TEAPOT = 418; - const STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422; - const STATUS_LOCKED = 423; - const STATUS_FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424; - const STATUS_UPGRADE_REQUIRED = 426; - const STATUS_PRECONDITION_REQUIRED = 428; - const STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 429; - const STATUS_REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE = 431; - const STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500; - const STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501; - const STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY = 502; - const STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503; - const STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504; - const STATUS_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505; - const STATUS_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES = 506; - const STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507; - const STATUS_LOOP_DETECTED = 508; - const STATUS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 509; - const STATUS_NOT_EXTENDED = 510; - const STATUS_NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 511; + public const STATUS_CONTINUE = 100; + public const STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101; + public const STATUS_PROCESSING = 102; + public const STATUS_OK = 200; + public const STATUS_CREATED = 201; + public const STATUS_ACCEPTED = 202; + public const STATUS_NON_AUTHORATIVE_INFORMATION = 203; + public const STATUS_NO_CONTENT = 204; + public const STATUS_RESET_CONTENT = 205; + public const STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206; + public const STATUS_MULTI_STATUS = 207; + public const STATUS_ALREADY_REPORTED = 208; + public const STATUS_IM_USED = 226; + public const STATUS_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300; + public const STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301; + public const STATUS_FOUND = 302; + public const STATUS_SEE_OTHER = 303; + public const STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED = 304; + public const STATUS_USE_PROXY = 305; + public const STATUS_RESERVED = 306; + public const STATUS_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307; + public const STATUS_BAD_REQUEST = 400; + public const STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED = 401; + public const STATUS_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402; + public const STATUS_FORBIDDEN = 403; + public const STATUS_NOT_FOUND = 404; + public const STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405; + public const STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406; + public const STATUS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407; + public const STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408; + public const STATUS_CONFLICT = 409; + public const STATUS_GONE = 410; + public const STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411; + public const STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412; + public const STATUS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413; + public const STATUS_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414; + public const STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415; + public const STATUS_REQUEST_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = 416; + public const STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417; + public const STATUS_IM_A_TEAPOT = 418; + public const STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422; + public const STATUS_LOCKED = 423; + public const STATUS_FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424; + public const STATUS_UPGRADE_REQUIRED = 426; + public const STATUS_PRECONDITION_REQUIRED = 428; + public const STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 429; + public const STATUS_REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE = 431; + public const STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500; + public const STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501; + public const STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY = 502; + public const STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503; + public const STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504; + public const STATUS_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505; + public const STATUS_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES = 506; + public const STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507; + public const STATUS_LOOP_DETECTED = 508; + public const STATUS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 509; + public const STATUS_NOT_EXTENDED = 510; + public const STATUS_NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 511; } diff --git a/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/TemplateResponse.php b/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/TemplateResponse.php index 283189a774a..d6c4006433c 100644 --- a/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/TemplateResponse.php +++ b/lib/public/AppFramework/Http/TemplateResponse.php @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ namespace OCP\AppFramework\Http; * @since 6.0.0 */ class TemplateResponse extends Response { - const EVENT_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_SCRIPTS = self::class . '::loadAdditionalScripts'; - const EVENT_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_SCRIPTS_LOGGEDIN = self::class . '::loadAdditionalScriptsLoggedIn'; + public const EVENT_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_SCRIPTS = self::class . '::loadAdditionalScripts'; + public const EVENT_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_SCRIPTS_LOGGEDIN = self::class . '::loadAdditionalScriptsLoggedIn'; /** * name of the template diff --git a/lib/public/Authentication/TwoFactorAuth/IProvider.php b/lib/public/Authentication/TwoFactorAuth/IProvider.php index 4de49340b7d..d2f5df2e3eb 100644 --- a/lib/public/Authentication/TwoFactorAuth/IProvider.php +++ b/lib/public/Authentication/TwoFactorAuth/IProvider.php @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ interface IProvider { /** * @since 14.0.0 */ - const EVENT_SUCCESS = self::class . '::success'; - const EVENT_FAILED = self::class . '::failed'; + public const EVENT_SUCCESS = self::class . '::success'; + public const EVENT_FAILED = self::class . '::failed'; /** * Get unique identifier of this 2FA provider diff --git a/lib/public/Authentication/TwoFactorAuth/IRegistry.php b/lib/public/Authentication/TwoFactorAuth/IRegistry.php index 77aad28620b..c98feee2545 100644 --- a/lib/public/Authentication/TwoFactorAuth/IRegistry.php +++ b/lib/public/Authentication/TwoFactorAuth/IRegistry.php @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ use OCP\IUser; * @since 14.0.0 */ interface IRegistry { - const EVENT_PROVIDER_ENABLED = self::class . '::enable'; - const EVENT_PROVIDER_DISABLED = self::class . '::disable'; + public const EVENT_PROVIDER_ENABLED = self::class . '::enable'; + public const EVENT_PROVIDER_DISABLED = self::class . '::disable'; /** * Get a key-value map of providers and their enabled/disabled state for diff --git a/lib/public/Comments/CommentsEntityEvent.php b/lib/public/Comments/CommentsEntityEvent.php index 53ccd87f08d..9644c9119a6 100644 --- a/lib/public/Comments/CommentsEntityEvent.php +++ b/lib/public/Comments/CommentsEntityEvent.php @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event; * @since 9.1.0 */ class CommentsEntityEvent extends Event { - const EVENT_ENTITY = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::registerEntity'; + public const EVENT_ENTITY = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::registerEntity'; /** @var string */ protected $event; diff --git a/lib/public/Comments/CommentsEvent.php b/lib/public/Comments/CommentsEvent.php index b2116eb51ec..313df7e2ff7 100644 --- a/lib/public/Comments/CommentsEvent.php +++ b/lib/public/Comments/CommentsEvent.php @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event; * @since 9.0.0 */ class CommentsEvent extends Event { - const EVENT_ADD = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::addComment'; - const EVENT_PRE_UPDATE = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::preUpdateComment'; - const EVENT_UPDATE = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::updateComment'; - const EVENT_DELETE = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::deleteComment'; + public const EVENT_ADD = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::addComment'; + public const EVENT_PRE_UPDATE = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::preUpdateComment'; + public const EVENT_UPDATE = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::updateComment'; + public const EVENT_DELETE = 'OCP\Comments\ICommentsManager::deleteComment'; /** @var string */ protected $event; diff --git a/lib/public/Comments/IComment.php b/lib/public/Comments/IComment.php index 604aaefd890..fdf789b6637 100644 --- a/lib/public/Comments/IComment.php +++ b/lib/public/Comments/IComment.php @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace OCP\Comments; * @since 9.0.0 */ interface IComment { - const MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 1000; + public const MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 1000; /** * returns the ID of the comment diff --git a/lib/public/Comments/ICommentsManager.php b/lib/public/Comments/ICommentsManager.php index bb3a6fe255c..c49426422e3 100644 --- a/lib/public/Comments/ICommentsManager.php +++ b/lib/public/Comments/ICommentsManager.php @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ interface ICommentsManager { * * User interfaces shall show "Deleted user" as display name, if needed. */ - const DELETED_USER = 'deleted_users'; + public const DELETED_USER = 'deleted_users'; /** * returns a comment instance diff --git a/lib/public/Console/ConsoleEvent.php b/lib/public/Console/ConsoleEvent.php index 0c3fa25f54f..78f7ae55814 100644 --- a/lib/public/Console/ConsoleEvent.php +++ b/lib/public/Console/ConsoleEvent.php @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event; * @since 9.0.0 */ class ConsoleEvent extends Event { - const EVENT_RUN = 'OC\Console\Application::run'; + public const EVENT_RUN = 'OC\Console\Application::run'; /** @var string */ protected $event; diff --git a/lib/public/Constants.php b/lib/public/Constants.php index 7c23745b935..b7165768733 100644 --- a/lib/public/Constants.php +++ b/lib/public/Constants.php @@ -40,16 +40,16 @@ class Constants { * CRUDS permissions. * @since 8.0.0 */ - const PERMISSION_CREATE = 4; - const PERMISSION_READ = 1; - const PERMISSION_UPDATE = 2; - const PERMISSION_DELETE = 8; - const PERMISSION_SHARE = 16; - const PERMISSION_ALL = 31; + public const PERMISSION_CREATE = 4; + public const PERMISSION_READ = 1; + public const PERMISSION_UPDATE = 2; + public const PERMISSION_DELETE = 8; + public const PERMISSION_SHARE = 16; + public const PERMISSION_ALL = 31; /** * @since 8.0.0 - Updated in 9.0.0 to allow all POSIX chars since we no * longer support windows as server platform. */ - const FILENAME_INVALID_CHARS = "\\/"; + public const FILENAME_INVALID_CHARS = "\\/"; } diff --git a/lib/public/DB/QueryBuilder/IExpressionBuilder.php b/lib/public/DB/QueryBuilder/IExpressionBuilder.php index 5f17585a131..9501aabe53a 100644 --- a/lib/public/DB/QueryBuilder/IExpressionBuilder.php +++ b/lib/public/DB/QueryBuilder/IExpressionBuilder.php @@ -35,27 +35,27 @@ interface IExpressionBuilder { /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const EQ = ExpressionBuilder::EQ; + public const EQ = ExpressionBuilder::EQ; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const NEQ = ExpressionBuilder::NEQ; + public const NEQ = ExpressionBuilder::NEQ; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const LT = ExpressionBuilder::LT; + public const LT = ExpressionBuilder::LT; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const LTE = ExpressionBuilder::LTE; + public const LTE = ExpressionBuilder::LTE; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const GT = ExpressionBuilder::GT; + public const GT = ExpressionBuilder::GT; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const GTE = ExpressionBuilder::GTE; + public const GTE = ExpressionBuilder::GTE; /** * Creates a conjunction of the given boolean expressions. diff --git a/lib/public/DB/QueryBuilder/IQueryBuilder.php b/lib/public/DB/QueryBuilder/IQueryBuilder.php index d65872388f9..bb0ed6b205c 100644 --- a/lib/public/DB/QueryBuilder/IQueryBuilder.php +++ b/lib/public/DB/QueryBuilder/IQueryBuilder.php @@ -37,36 +37,36 @@ interface IQueryBuilder { /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const PARAM_NULL = \PDO::PARAM_NULL; + public const PARAM_NULL = \PDO::PARAM_NULL; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const PARAM_BOOL = \PDO::PARAM_BOOL; + public const PARAM_BOOL = \PDO::PARAM_BOOL; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const PARAM_INT = \PDO::PARAM_INT; + public const PARAM_INT = \PDO::PARAM_INT; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const PARAM_STR = \PDO::PARAM_STR; + public const PARAM_STR = \PDO::PARAM_STR; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const PARAM_LOB = \PDO::PARAM_LOB; + public const PARAM_LOB = \PDO::PARAM_LOB; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const PARAM_DATE = 'datetime'; + public const PARAM_DATE = 'datetime'; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const PARAM_INT_ARRAY = Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY; + public const PARAM_INT_ARRAY = Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY; /** * @since 9.0.0 */ - const PARAM_STR_ARRAY = Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY; + public const PARAM_STR_ARRAY = Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY; /** diff --git a/lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetting.php b/lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetting.php index 27daa76cbdf..f3586b46faf 100644 --- a/lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetting.php +++ b/lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetting.php @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ use JsonSerializable; * @package OCP\Dashboard\Model */ final class WidgetSetting implements JsonSerializable { - const TYPE_INPUT = 'input'; - const TYPE_CHECKBOX = 'checkbox'; + public const TYPE_INPUT = 'input'; + public const TYPE_CHECKBOX = 'checkbox'; /** @var string */ diff --git a/lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetup.php b/lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetup.php index 8a502b09e58..5440b0cc93a 100644 --- a/lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetup.php +++ b/lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetup.php @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ use JsonSerializable; * @package OCP\Dashboard\Model */ final class WidgetSetup implements JsonSerializable { - const SIZE_TYPE_MIN = 'min'; - const SIZE_TYPE_MAX = 'max'; - const SIZE_TYPE_DEFAULT = 'default'; + public const SIZE_TYPE_MIN = 'min'; + public const SIZE_TYPE_MAX = 'max'; + public const SIZE_TYPE_DEFAULT = 'default'; /** @var array */ diff --git a/lib/public/Files.php b/lib/public/Files.php index a1ff8a6d5a9..33bd3296193 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files.php +++ b/lib/public/Files.php @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class Files { * @since 5.0.0 * @deprecated 14.0.0 */ - static public function rmdirr($dir) { + public static function rmdirr($dir) { return \OC_Helper::rmdirr($dir); } @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class Files { * @since 5.0.0 * @deprecated 14.0.0 */ - static public function getMimeType($path) { + public static function getMimeType($path) { return \OC::$server->getMimeTypeDetector()->detect($path); } @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Files { * @since 6.0.0 * @deprecated 14.0.0 */ - static public function searchByMime($mimetype) { + public static function searchByMime($mimetype) { return \OC\Files\Filesystem::searchByMime($mimetype); } diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Cache/ICache.php b/lib/public/Files/Cache/ICache.php index d1388f02b1d..643a2bad628 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/Cache/ICache.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/Cache/ICache.php @@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ use OCP\Files\Search\ISearchQuery; * @since 9.0.0 */ interface ICache { - const NOT_FOUND = 0; - const PARTIAL = 1; //only partial data available, file not cached in the database - const SHALLOW = 2; //folder in cache, but not all child files are completely scanned - const COMPLETE = 3; + public const NOT_FOUND = 0; + public const PARTIAL = 1; //only partial data available, file not cached in the database + public const SHALLOW = 2; //folder in cache, but not all child files are completely scanned + public const COMPLETE = 3; /** * Get the numeric storage id for this cache's storage diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Cache/ICacheEntry.php b/lib/public/Files/Cache/ICacheEntry.php index 369c8b69fc1..c9766620885 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/Cache/ICacheEntry.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/Cache/ICacheEntry.php @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace OCP\Files\Cache; * @since 9.0.0 */ interface ICacheEntry { - const DIRECTORY_MIMETYPE = 'httpd/unix-directory'; + public const DIRECTORY_MIMETYPE = 'httpd/unix-directory'; /** * Get the numeric id of a file diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Cache/IScanner.php b/lib/public/Files/Cache/IScanner.php index e12561eb0c5..c15d42315bf 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/Cache/IScanner.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/Cache/IScanner.php @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ namespace OCP\Files\Cache; * @since 9.0.0 */ interface IScanner { - const SCAN_RECURSIVE_INCOMPLETE = 2; // only recursive into not fully scanned folders - const SCAN_RECURSIVE = true; - const SCAN_SHALLOW = false; + public const SCAN_RECURSIVE_INCOMPLETE = 2; // only recursive into not fully scanned folders + public const SCAN_RECURSIVE = true; + public const SCAN_SHALLOW = false; - const REUSE_NONE = 0; - const REUSE_ETAG = 1; - const REUSE_SIZE = 2; + public const REUSE_NONE = 0; + public const REUSE_ETAG = 1; + public const REUSE_SIZE = 2; /** * scan a single file and store it in the cache diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Cache/IWatcher.php b/lib/public/Files/Cache/IWatcher.php index 0c8065828e7..e279c8b07e0 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/Cache/IWatcher.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/Cache/IWatcher.php @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ namespace OCP\Files\Cache; * @since 9.0.0 */ interface IWatcher { - const CHECK_NEVER = 0; // never check the underlying filesystem for updates - const CHECK_ONCE = 1; // check the underlying filesystem for updates once every request for each file - const CHECK_ALWAYS = 2; // always check the underlying filesystem for updates + public const CHECK_NEVER = 0; // never check the underlying filesystem for updates + public const CHECK_ONCE = 1; // check the underlying filesystem for updates once every request for each file + public const CHECK_ALWAYS = 2; // always check the underlying filesystem for updates /** * @param int $policy either IWatcher::CHECK_NEVER, IWatcher::CHECK_ONCE, IWatcher::CHECK_ALWAYS diff --git a/lib/public/Files/FileInfo.php b/lib/public/Files/FileInfo.php index f7a36e0542d..f8b0623c3e4 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/FileInfo.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/FileInfo.php @@ -38,38 +38,38 @@ interface FileInfo { /** * @since 7.0.0 */ - const TYPE_FILE = 'file'; + public const TYPE_FILE = 'file'; /** * @since 7.0.0 */ - const TYPE_FOLDER = 'dir'; + public const TYPE_FOLDER = 'dir'; /** * @const \OCP\Files\FileInfo::SPACE_NOT_COMPUTED Return value for a not computed space value * @since 8.0.0 */ - const SPACE_NOT_COMPUTED = -1; + public const SPACE_NOT_COMPUTED = -1; /** * @const \OCP\Files\FileInfo::SPACE_UNKNOWN Return value for unknown space value * @since 8.0.0 */ - const SPACE_UNKNOWN = -2; + public const SPACE_UNKNOWN = -2; /** * @const \OCP\Files\FileInfo::SPACE_UNLIMITED Return value for unlimited space * @since 8.0.0 */ - const SPACE_UNLIMITED = -3; + public const SPACE_UNLIMITED = -3; /** * @since 9.1.0 */ - const MIMETYPE_FOLDER = 'httpd/unix-directory'; + public const MIMETYPE_FOLDER = 'httpd/unix-directory'; /** * @const \OCP\Files\FileInfo::BLACKLIST_FILES_REGEX Return regular expression to test filenames against (blacklisting) * @since 12.0.0 */ - const BLACKLIST_FILES_REGEX = '\.(part|filepart)$'; + public const BLACKLIST_FILES_REGEX = '\.(part|filepart)$'; /** * Get the Etag of the file or folder diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Notify/IChange.php b/lib/public/Files/Notify/IChange.php index 762030c738a..b018be77932 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/Notify/IChange.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/Notify/IChange.php @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ namespace OCP\Files\Notify; * @since 12.0.0 */ interface IChange { - const ADDED = 1; - const REMOVED = 2; - const MODIFIED = 3; - const RENAMED = 4; + public const ADDED = 1; + public const REMOVED = 2; + public const MODIFIED = 3; + public const RENAMED = 4; /** * Get the type of the change diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchBinaryOperator.php b/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchBinaryOperator.php index a089323c9fc..554108aadf2 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchBinaryOperator.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchBinaryOperator.php @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ namespace OCP\Files\Search; * @since 12.0.0 */ interface ISearchBinaryOperator extends ISearchOperator { - const OPERATOR_AND = 'and'; - const OPERATOR_OR = 'or'; - const OPERATOR_NOT = 'not'; + public const OPERATOR_AND = 'and'; + public const OPERATOR_OR = 'or'; + public const OPERATOR_NOT = 'not'; /** * The type of binary operator diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchComparison.php b/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchComparison.php index 6cfbb29ee54..e2e0a705183 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchComparison.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchComparison.php @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ namespace OCP\Files\Search; * @since 12.0.0 */ interface ISearchComparison extends ISearchOperator { - const COMPARE_EQUAL = 'eq'; - const COMPARE_GREATER_THAN = 'gt'; - const COMPARE_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL = 'gte'; - const COMPARE_LESS_THAN = 'lt'; - const COMPARE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL = 'lte'; - const COMPARE_LIKE = 'like'; + public const COMPARE_EQUAL = 'eq'; + public const COMPARE_GREATER_THAN = 'gt'; + public const COMPARE_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL = 'gte'; + public const COMPARE_LESS_THAN = 'lt'; + public const COMPARE_LESS_THAN_EQUAL = 'lte'; + public const COMPARE_LIKE = 'like'; /** * Get the type of comparison, one of the ISearchComparison::COMPARE_* constants diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchOrder.php b/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchOrder.php index 817c7e3b5b4..fdcd53447f5 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchOrder.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/Search/ISearchOrder.php @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ namespace OCP\Files\Search; * @since 12.0.0 */ interface ISearchOrder { - const DIRECTION_ASCENDING = 'asc'; - const DIRECTION_DESCENDING = 'desc'; + public const DIRECTION_ASCENDING = 'asc'; + public const DIRECTION_DESCENDING = 'desc'; /** * The direction to sort in, either ISearchOrder::DIRECTION_ASCENDING or ISearchOrder::DIRECTION_DESCENDING diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Storage/INotifyStorage.php b/lib/public/Files/Storage/INotifyStorage.php index 60893c2f636..f460201becb 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/Storage/INotifyStorage.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/Storage/INotifyStorage.php @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ use OCP\Files\Notify\INotifyHandler; * @since 9.1.0 */ interface INotifyStorage { - const NOTIFY_ADDED = 1; - const NOTIFY_REMOVED = 2; - const NOTIFY_MODIFIED = 3; - const NOTIFY_RENAMED = 4; + public const NOTIFY_ADDED = 1; + public const NOTIFY_REMOVED = 2; + public const NOTIFY_MODIFIED = 3; + public const NOTIFY_RENAMED = 4; /** * Start listening for update notifications diff --git a/lib/public/Files/StorageNotAvailableException.php b/lib/public/Files/StorageNotAvailableException.php index 1a0465bda13..c0592cfc5af 100644 --- a/lib/public/Files/StorageNotAvailableException.php +++ b/lib/public/Files/StorageNotAvailableException.php @@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ use OC\HintException; * @since 6.0.0 - since 8.2.1 based on HintException */ class StorageNotAvailableException extends HintException { - const STATUS_SUCCESS = 0; - const STATUS_ERROR = 1; - const STATUS_INDETERMINATE = 2; - const STATUS_INCOMPLETE_CONF = 3; - const STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED = 4; - const STATUS_TIMEOUT = 5; - const STATUS_NETWORK_ERROR = 6; + public const STATUS_SUCCESS = 0; + public const STATUS_ERROR = 1; + public const STATUS_INDETERMINATE = 2; + public const STATUS_INCOMPLETE_CONF = 3; + public const STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED = 4; + public const STATUS_TIMEOUT = 5; + public const STATUS_NETWORK_ERROR = 6; /** * StorageNotAvailableException constructor. diff --git a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IIndex.php b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IIndex.php index fb279336c55..8272d7e78eb 100644 --- a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IIndex.php +++ b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IIndex.php @@ -45,25 +45,25 @@ namespace OCP\FullTextSearch\Model; * @package OCP\FullTextSearch\Model */ interface IIndex { - const INDEX_OK = 1; - const INDEX_IGNORE = 2; - - const INDEX_META = 4; - const INDEX_CONTENT = 8; - const INDEX_PARTS = 16; - const INDEX_FULL = 28; - const INDEX_REMOVE = 32; - const INDEX_DONE = 64; - const INDEX_FAILED = 128; - - const ERROR_FAILED = 1; - const ERROR_FAILED2 = 2; - const ERROR_FAILED3 = 4; - - const ERROR_SEV_1 = 1; - const ERROR_SEV_2 = 2; - const ERROR_SEV_3 = 3; - const ERROR_SEV_4 = 4; + public const INDEX_OK = 1; + public const INDEX_IGNORE = 2; + + public const INDEX_META = 4; + public const INDEX_CONTENT = 8; + public const INDEX_PARTS = 16; + public const INDEX_FULL = 28; + public const INDEX_REMOVE = 32; + public const INDEX_DONE = 64; + public const INDEX_FAILED = 128; + + public const ERROR_FAILED = 1; + public const ERROR_FAILED2 = 2; + public const ERROR_FAILED3 = 4; + + public const ERROR_SEV_1 = 1; + public const ERROR_SEV_2 = 2; + public const ERROR_SEV_3 = 3; + public const ERROR_SEV_4 = 4; /** diff --git a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IIndexDocument.php b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IIndexDocument.php index c7af11d7472..1858e5dc97c 100644 --- a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IIndexDocument.php +++ b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IIndexDocument.php @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ namespace OCP\FullTextSearch\Model; * @package OC\FullTextSearch\Model */ interface IIndexDocument { - const NOT_ENCODED = 0; - const ENCODED_BASE64 = 1; + public const NOT_ENCODED = 0; + public const ENCODED_BASE64 = 1; diff --git a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IRunner.php b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IRunner.php index 230e9932c46..3692400d1dc 100644 --- a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IRunner.php +++ b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/IRunner.php @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ namespace OCP\FullTextSearch\Model; * @package OCP\FullTextSearch\Model */ interface IRunner { - const RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS = 1; - const RESULT_TYPE_WARNING = 4; - const RESULT_TYPE_FAIL = 9; + public const RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS = 1; + public const RESULT_TYPE_WARNING = 4; + public const RESULT_TYPE_FAIL = 9; /** diff --git a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/ISearchOption.php b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/ISearchOption.php index 7d57f9eb3f9..8e902296ff6 100644 --- a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/ISearchOption.php +++ b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/ISearchOption.php @@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ interface ISearchOption { /** * @since 16.0.0 */ - const CHECKBOX = 'checkbox'; + public const CHECKBOX = 'checkbox'; /** * @since 16.0.0 */ - const INPUT = 'input'; + public const INPUT = 'input'; /** * @since 16.0.0 */ - const INPUT_SMALL = 'small'; + public const INPUT_SMALL = 'small'; /** diff --git a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/ISearchRequestSimpleQuery.php b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/ISearchRequestSimpleQuery.php index f9ddde86a0d..e0868c260c2 100644 --- a/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/ISearchRequestSimpleQuery.php +++ b/lib/public/FullTextSearch/Model/ISearchRequestSimpleQuery.php @@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ namespace OCP\FullTextSearch\Model; * @package OCP\FullTextSearch\Model */ interface ISearchRequestSimpleQuery { - const COMPARE_TYPE_TEXT = 1; - const COMPARE_TYPE_KEYWORD = 2; - const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_EQ = 3; - const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_GTE = 4; - const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_GT = 5; - const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_LTE = 6; - const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_LT = 7; - const COMPARE_TYPE_BOOL = 8; - const COMPARE_TYPE_ARRAY = 9; - const COMPARE_TYPE_REGEX = 10; - const COMPARE_TYPE_WILDCARD = 11; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_TEXT = 1; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_KEYWORD = 2; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_EQ = 3; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_GTE = 4; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_GT = 5; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_LTE = 6; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_INT_LT = 7; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_BOOL = 8; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_ARRAY = 9; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_REGEX = 10; + public const COMPARE_TYPE_WILDCARD = 11; /** diff --git a/lib/public/GroupInterface.php b/lib/public/GroupInterface.php index 8960a791b83..c01b53fcd97 100644 --- a/lib/public/GroupInterface.php +++ b/lib/public/GroupInterface.php @@ -47,18 +47,18 @@ interface GroupInterface { /** * actions that user backends can define */ - const CREATE_GROUP = 0x00000001; - const DELETE_GROUP = 0x00000010; - const ADD_TO_GROUP = 0x00000100; - const REMOVE_FROM_GOUP = 0x00001000; // oops - const REMOVE_FROM_GROUP = 0x00001000; + public const CREATE_GROUP = 0x00000001; + public const DELETE_GROUP = 0x00000010; + public const ADD_TO_GROUP = 0x00000100; + public const REMOVE_FROM_GOUP = 0x00001000; // oops + public const REMOVE_FROM_GROUP = 0x00001000; //OBSOLETE const GET_DISPLAYNAME = 0x00010000; - const COUNT_USERS = 0x00100000; - const GROUP_DETAILS = 0x01000000; + public const COUNT_USERS = 0x00100000; + public const GROUP_DETAILS = 0x01000000; /** * @since 13.0.0 */ - const IS_ADMIN = 0x10000000; + public const IS_ADMIN = 0x10000000; /** * Check if backend implements actions diff --git a/lib/public/IConfig.php b/lib/public/IConfig.php index a46dff322c5..780d32d22dd 100644 --- a/lib/public/IConfig.php +++ b/lib/public/IConfig.php @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ interface IConfig { /** * @since 8.2.0 */ - const SENSITIVE_VALUE = '***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***'; + public const SENSITIVE_VALUE = '***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***'; /** * Sets and deletes system wide values diff --git a/lib/public/IDBConnection.php b/lib/public/IDBConnection.php index a8822ad7e5c..5e5543f10cf 100644 --- a/lib/public/IDBConnection.php +++ b/lib/public/IDBConnection.php @@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; * @since 6.0.0 */ interface IDBConnection { - const ADD_MISSING_INDEXES_EVENT = self::class . '::ADD_MISSING_INDEXES'; - const CHECK_MISSING_INDEXES_EVENT = self::class . '::CHECK_MISSING_INDEXES'; - const ADD_MISSING_COLUMNS_EVENT = self::class . '::ADD_MISSING_COLUMNS'; - const CHECK_MISSING_COLUMNS_EVENT = self::class . '::CHECK_MISSING_COLUMNS'; + public const ADD_MISSING_INDEXES_EVENT = self::class . '::ADD_MISSING_INDEXES'; + public const CHECK_MISSING_INDEXES_EVENT = self::class . '::CHECK_MISSING_INDEXES'; + public const ADD_MISSING_COLUMNS_EVENT = self::class . '::ADD_MISSING_COLUMNS'; + public const CHECK_MISSING_COLUMNS_EVENT = self::class . '::CHECK_MISSING_COLUMNS'; /** * Gets the QueryBuilder for the connection. diff --git a/lib/public/ILogger.php b/lib/public/ILogger.php index 878f795e113..d7f326f1f6d 100644 --- a/lib/public/ILogger.php +++ b/lib/public/ILogger.php @@ -43,23 +43,23 @@ interface ILogger { /** * @since 14.0.0 */ - const DEBUG=0; + public const DEBUG=0; /** * @since 14.0.0 */ - const INFO=1; + public const INFO=1; /** * @since 14.0.0 */ - const WARN=2; + public const WARN=2; /** * @since 14.0.0 */ - const ERROR=3; + public const ERROR=3; /** * @since 14.0.0 */ - const FATAL=4; + public const FATAL=4; /** * System is unusable. diff --git a/lib/public/INavigationManager.php b/lib/public/INavigationManager.php index 1e8e461341b..0a5e1890f42 100644 --- a/lib/public/INavigationManager.php +++ b/lib/public/INavigationManager.php @@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ interface INavigationManager { * Navigation entries of the app navigation * @since 16.0.0 */ - const TYPE_APPS = 'link'; + public const TYPE_APPS = 'link'; /** * Navigation entries of the settings navigation * @since 16.0.0 */ - const TYPE_SETTINGS = 'settings'; + public const TYPE_SETTINGS = 'settings'; /** * Navigation entries for public page footer navigation * @since 16.0.0 */ - const TYPE_GUEST = 'guest'; + public const TYPE_GUEST = 'guest'; /** * Creates a new navigation entry diff --git a/lib/public/IPreview.php b/lib/public/IPreview.php index 164cbbac2bf..602a54bea2e 100644 --- a/lib/public/IPreview.php +++ b/lib/public/IPreview.php @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ interface IPreview { /** * @since 9.2.0 */ - const EVENT = self::class . ':' . 'PreviewRequested'; + public const EVENT = self::class . ':' . 'PreviewRequested'; - const MODE_FILL = 'fill'; - const MODE_COVER = 'cover'; + public const MODE_FILL = 'fill'; + public const MODE_COVER = 'cover'; /** * In order to improve lazy loading a closure can be registered which will be diff --git a/lib/public/IRequest.php b/lib/public/IRequest.php index 05ba1055be3..bb646c078aa 100644 --- a/lib/public/IRequest.php +++ b/lib/public/IRequest.php @@ -73,37 +73,37 @@ interface IRequest { /** * @since 9.1.0 */ - const USER_AGENT_CLIENT_ANDROID = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(Android\) (ownCloud|Nextcloud)\-android.*$/'; + public const USER_AGENT_CLIENT_ANDROID = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(Android\) (ownCloud|Nextcloud)\-android.*$/'; /** * @since 13.0.0 */ - const USER_AGENT_TALK_ANDROID = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(Android\) Nextcloud\-Talk v.*$/'; + public const USER_AGENT_TALK_ANDROID = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(Android\) Nextcloud\-Talk v.*$/'; /** * @since 9.1.0 */ - const USER_AGENT_CLIENT_DESKTOP = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \([A-Za-z ]+\) (mirall|csyncoC)\/.*$/'; + public const USER_AGENT_CLIENT_DESKTOP = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \([A-Za-z ]+\) (mirall|csyncoC)\/.*$/'; /** * @since 9.1.0 */ - const USER_AGENT_CLIENT_IOS = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(iOS\) (ownCloud|Nextcloud)\-iOS.*$/'; + public const USER_AGENT_CLIENT_IOS = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(iOS\) (ownCloud|Nextcloud)\-iOS.*$/'; /** * @since 13.0.0 */ - const USER_AGENT_TALK_IOS = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(iOS\) Nextcloud\-Talk v.*$/'; + public const USER_AGENT_TALK_IOS = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \(iOS\) Nextcloud\-Talk v.*$/'; /** * @since 13.0.1 */ - const USER_AGENT_OUTLOOK_ADDON = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \([A-Za-z ]+\) Nextcloud\-Outlook v.*$/'; + public const USER_AGENT_OUTLOOK_ADDON = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \([A-Za-z ]+\) Nextcloud\-Outlook v.*$/'; /** * @since 13.0.1 */ - const USER_AGENT_THUNDERBIRD_ADDON = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \([A-Za-z ]+\) Nextcloud\-Thunderbird v.*$/'; + public const USER_AGENT_THUNDERBIRD_ADDON = '/^Mozilla\/5\.0 \([A-Za-z ]+\) Nextcloud\-Thunderbird v.*$/'; /** * @param string $name diff --git a/lib/public/Lock/ILockingProvider.php b/lib/public/Lock/ILockingProvider.php index 4403b091993..373a68334a1 100644 --- a/lib/public/Lock/ILockingProvider.php +++ b/lib/public/Lock/ILockingProvider.php @@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ interface ILockingProvider { /** * @since 8.1.0 */ - const LOCK_SHARED = 1; + public const LOCK_SHARED = 1; /** * @since 8.1.0 */ - const LOCK_EXCLUSIVE = 2; + public const LOCK_EXCLUSIVE = 2; /** * @param string $path diff --git a/lib/public/Search/PagedProvider.php b/lib/public/Search/PagedProvider.php index 17e8aef337c..ee8d1b12508 100644 --- a/lib/public/Search/PagedProvider.php +++ b/lib/public/Search/PagedProvider.php @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ abstract class PagedProvider extends Provider { * show all results * @since 8.0.0 */ - const SIZE_ALL = 0; + public const SIZE_ALL = 0; /** * Constructor diff --git a/lib/public/Search/Provider.php b/lib/public/Search/Provider.php index bc6f76a11c2..18594eefb8f 100644 --- a/lib/public/Search/Provider.php +++ b/lib/public/Search/Provider.php @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ abstract class Provider { /** * @since 8.0.0 */ - const OPTION_APPS = 'apps'; + public const OPTION_APPS = 'apps'; /** * List of options diff --git a/lib/public/Security/ISecureRandom.php b/lib/public/Security/ISecureRandom.php index 956026bc9e3..2268e91289a 100644 --- a/lib/public/Security/ISecureRandom.php +++ b/lib/public/Security/ISecureRandom.php @@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ interface ISecureRandom { /** * Flags for characters that can be used for <code>generate($length, $characters)</code> */ - const CHAR_UPPER = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; - const CHAR_LOWER = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; - const CHAR_DIGITS = '0123456789'; - const CHAR_SYMBOLS = '!\"#$%&\\\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~'; + public const CHAR_UPPER = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; + public const CHAR_LOWER = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; + public const CHAR_DIGITS = '0123456789'; + public const CHAR_SYMBOLS = '!\"#$%&\\\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~'; /** * Characters that can be used for <code>generate($length, $characters)</code>, to * generate human readable random strings. Lower- and upper-case characters and digits * are included. Characters which are ambiguous are excluded, such as I, l, and 1 and so on. */ - const CHAR_HUMAN_READABLE = 'abcdefgijkmnopqrstwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTWXYZ23456789'; + public const CHAR_HUMAN_READABLE = 'abcdefgijkmnopqrstwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTWXYZ23456789'; /** * Generate a random string of specified length. diff --git a/lib/public/Settings/IManager.php b/lib/public/Settings/IManager.php index 5c7d0712080..c03c3d588b8 100644 --- a/lib/public/Settings/IManager.php +++ b/lib/public/Settings/IManager.php @@ -33,22 +33,22 @@ interface IManager { /** * @since 9.1.0 */ - const KEY_ADMIN_SETTINGS = 'admin'; + public const KEY_ADMIN_SETTINGS = 'admin'; /** * @since 9.1.0 */ - const KEY_ADMIN_SECTION = 'admin-section'; + public const KEY_ADMIN_SECTION = 'admin-section'; /** * @since 13.0.0 */ - const KEY_PERSONAL_SETTINGS = 'personal'; + public const KEY_PERSONAL_SETTINGS = 'personal'; /** * @since 13.0.0 */ - const KEY_PERSONAL_SECTION = 'personal-section'; + public const KEY_PERSONAL_SECTION = 'personal-section'; /** * @param string $type 'admin' or 'personal' diff --git a/lib/public/SystemTag/ManagerEvent.php b/lib/public/SystemTag/ManagerEvent.php index 290d4f4c129..816a7585dfc 100644 --- a/lib/public/SystemTag/ManagerEvent.php +++ b/lib/public/SystemTag/ManagerEvent.php @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event; * @since 9.0.0 */ class ManagerEvent extends Event { - const EVENT_CREATE = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::createTag'; - const EVENT_UPDATE = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::updateTag'; - const EVENT_DELETE = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::deleteTag'; + public const EVENT_CREATE = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::createTag'; + public const EVENT_UPDATE = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::updateTag'; + public const EVENT_DELETE = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::deleteTag'; /** @var string */ protected $event; diff --git a/lib/public/SystemTag/MapperEvent.php b/lib/public/SystemTag/MapperEvent.php index 38268fed1da..a8f04742e90 100644 --- a/lib/public/SystemTag/MapperEvent.php +++ b/lib/public/SystemTag/MapperEvent.php @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event; * @since 9.0.0 */ class MapperEvent extends Event { - const EVENT_ASSIGN = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagObjectMapper::assignTags'; - const EVENT_UNASSIGN = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagObjectMapper::unassignTags'; + public const EVENT_ASSIGN = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagObjectMapper::assignTags'; + public const EVENT_UNASSIGN = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagObjectMapper::unassignTags'; /** @var string */ protected $event; diff --git a/lib/public/SystemTag/SystemTagsEntityEvent.php b/lib/public/SystemTag/SystemTagsEntityEvent.php index 011f7d09fc0..ae49323507b 100644 --- a/lib/public/SystemTag/SystemTagsEntityEvent.php +++ b/lib/public/SystemTag/SystemTagsEntityEvent.php @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event; * @since 9.1.0 */ class SystemTagsEntityEvent extends Event { - const EVENT_ENTITY = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::registerEntity'; + public const EVENT_ENTITY = 'OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager::registerEntity'; /** @var string */ protected $event; diff --git a/lib/public/Util.php b/lib/public/Util.php index 46d818fc497..72f061afb45 100644 --- a/lib/public/Util.php +++ b/lib/public/Util.php @@ -60,23 +60,23 @@ class Util { /** * @deprecated 14.0.0 use \OCP\ILogger::DEBUG */ - const DEBUG=0; + public const DEBUG=0; /** * @deprecated 14.0.0 use \OCP\ILogger::INFO */ - const INFO=1; + public const INFO=1; /** * @deprecated 14.0.0 use \OCP\ILogger::WARN */ - const WARN=2; + public const WARN=2; /** * @deprecated 14.0.0 use \OCP\ILogger::ERROR */ - const ERROR=3; + public const ERROR=3; /** * @deprecated 14.0.0 use \OCP\ILogger::FATAL */ - const FATAL=4; + public const FATAL=4; /** \OCP\Share\IManager */ private static $shareManager; @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ class Util { * TODO: write example * @since 4.0.0 */ - static public function connectHook($signalClass, $signalName, $slotClass, $slotName) { + public static function connectHook($signalClass, $signalName, $slotClass, $slotName) { return \OC_Hook::connect($signalClass, $signalName, $slotClass, $slotName); } @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class Util { * TODO: write example * @since 4.0.0 */ - static public function emitHook($signalclass, $signalname, $params = []) { + public static function emitHook($signalclass, $signalname, $params = []) { return \OC_Hook::emit($signalclass, $signalname, $params); } diff --git a/lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IManager.php b/lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IManager.php index b9ce157c222..6537666ce08 100644 --- a/lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IManager.php +++ b/lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IManager.php @@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ namespace OCP\WorkflowEngine; * @since 9.1 */ interface IManager { - const SCOPE_ADMIN = 0; - const SCOPE_USER = 1; + public const SCOPE_ADMIN = 0; + public const SCOPE_USER = 1; /** * @depreacted Will be removed in NC19. Use the dedicated events in OCP\WorkflowEngine\Events */ - const EVENT_NAME_REG_OPERATION = 'OCP\WorkflowEngine::registerOperations'; - const EVENT_NAME_REG_ENTITY = 'OCP\WorkflowEngine::registerEntities'; - const EVENT_NAME_REG_CHECK = 'OCP\WorkflowEngine::registerChecks'; + public const EVENT_NAME_REG_OPERATION = 'OCP\WorkflowEngine::registerOperations'; + public const EVENT_NAME_REG_ENTITY = 'OCP\WorkflowEngine::registerEntities'; + public const EVENT_NAME_REG_CHECK = 'OCP\WorkflowEngine::registerChecks'; /** * Listen to `OCP\WorkflowEngine\Events\RegisterEntitiesEvent` at the |