path: root/settings/apps.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'settings/apps.php')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/settings/apps.php b/settings/apps.php
index 99a3094399d..b6426a31c97 100644
--- a/settings/apps.php
+++ b/settings/apps.php
@@ -26,99 +26,8 @@ OC_App::loadApps();
// Load the files we need
OC_Util::addStyle( "settings", "settings" );
-OC_Util::addScript( "settings", "apps" );
OC_App::setActiveNavigationEntry( "core_apps" );
-$installedApps = OC_App::getAllApps();
-//TODO which apps do we want to blacklist and how do we integrate blacklisting with the multi apps folder feature?
-$blacklist = array('files');//we dont want to show configuration for these
-$appList = array();
-foreach ( $installedApps as $app ) {
- if ( array_search( $app, $blacklist ) === false ) {
- $info=OC_App::getAppInfo($app);
- if (!isset($info['name'])) {
- OC_Log::write('core', 'App id "'.$app.'" has no name in appinfo', OC_Log::ERROR);
- continue;
- }
- if ( OC_Appconfig::getValue( $app, 'enabled', 'no') == 'yes' ) {
- $active = true;
- } else {
- $active = false;
- }
- $info['active'] = $active;
- if(isset($info['shipped']) and ($info['shipped']=='true')) {
- $info['internal']=true;
- $info['internallabel']='Internal App';
- }else{
- $info['internal']=false;
- $info['internallabel']='3rd Party App';
- }
- $info['preview'] = OC_Helper::imagePath('settings', 'trans.png');
- $info['version'] = OC_App::getAppVersion($app);
- $appList[] = $info;
- }
-$remoteApps = OC_App::getAppstoreApps();
-if ( $remoteApps ) {
- // Remove duplicates
- foreach ( $appList as $app ) {
- foreach ( $remoteApps AS $key => $remote ) {
- if (
- $app['name'] == $remote['name']
- // To set duplicate detection to use OCS ID instead of string name,
- // enable this code, remove the line of code above,
- // and add <ocs_id>[ID]</ocs_id> to info.xml of each 3rd party app:
- // OR $app['ocs_id'] == $remote['ocs_id']
- ) {
- unset( $remoteApps[$key]);
- }
- }
- }
- $combinedApps = array_merge( $appList, $remoteApps );
-} else {
- $combinedApps = $appList;
function app_sort( $a, $b ) {
if ($a['active'] != $b['active']) {
@@ -131,6 +40,7 @@ function app_sort( $a, $b ) {
+$combinedApps = OC_App::listAllApps();
usort( $combinedApps, 'app_sort' );
$tmpl = new OC_Template( "settings", "apps", "user" );