path: root/settings/l10n/is.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'settings/l10n/is.js')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/settings/l10n/is.js b/settings/l10n/is.js
index b97df80e5ed..11af9e6d5c7 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/is.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/is.js
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to add group." : "Ekki tókst að bæta hóp við.",
"Unable to delete group." : "Get ekki eytt hópi.",
"test email settings" : "prófa tölvupóststillingar",
+ "Mail could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Ekki var hægt að senda póst. Skoðaðu annál póstþjónsins",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Vandamál kom upp við að senda tölvupóst. Farðu yfir stillingarnar þínar. (Villa: %s)",
"Email sent" : "Tölvupóstur sendur",
"You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails." : "Þú verður að gefa upp netfangið þitt svo að þú getir sent prófunarpósta.",
@@ -267,6 +268,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Getting help" : "Til að fá hjálp",
"Commercial support" : "Gjaldskyld tækniaðstoð",
"You are using <strong>%s</strong> of <strong>%s</strong>" : "Þú notar <strong>%s</strong> af <strong>%s</strong>",
+ "You are using <strong>%s</strong> of <strong>%s</strong> (<strong>%s %%</strong>)" : "You are using <strong>%s</strong> af <strong>%s</strong> (<strong>%s %%</strong>)",
"Profile picture" : "Einkennismynd",
"Upload new" : "Senda inn nýtt",
"Select from Files" : "Veldu skrár",