path: root/settings/l10n/lo.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'settings/l10n/lo.json')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
:: ownCloud
:: @author Thomas Müller
:: @author Tobias Ramforth (translated into Windows batch file)
:: @copyright 2012, 2013 Thomas Müller

set DATADIR=data-autotest
set BASEDIR=%~dp0

:: create autoconfig for sqlite, mysql, postgresql and mssql
echo ^<?php                                      > .\tests\autoconfig-sqlite.php
echo $AUTOCONFIG ^= array ^(                     >> .\tests\autoconfig-sqlite.php
echo  'installed' ^=^> false^,                   >> .\tests\autoconfig-sqlite.php
echo  'dbtype' ^=^> 'sqlite'^,                   >> .\tests\autoconfig-sqlite.php
echo  'dbtableprefix' ^=^> 'oc_'^,               >> .\tests\autoconfig-sqlite.php
echo  'adminlogin' ^=^> 'admin'^,                >> .\tests\autoconfig-sqlite.php
echo  'adminpass' ^=^> 'admin'^,                 >> .\tests\autoconfig-sqlite.php
echo  'directory' ^=^> '%BASEDIR%%DATADIR%'^,    >> .\tests\autoconfig-sqlite.php
echo ^)^;                                        >> .\tests\autoconfig-sqlite.php

echo ^<?php                                      > .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo $AUTOCONFIG ^= array ^(                     >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'installed' ^=^> false^,                  >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'dbtype' ^=^> 'mysql'^,                   >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'dbtableprefix' ^=^> 'oc_'^,              >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'adminlogin' ^=^> 'admin'^,               >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'adminpass' ^=^> 'admin'^,                >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'directory' ^=^> '%BASEDIR%%DATADIR%'^,   >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'dbuser' ^=^> 'oc_autotest'^,             >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'dbname' ^=^> 'oc_autotest'^,             >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'dbhost' ^=^> 'localhost'^,               >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo   'dbpass' ^=^> 'owncloud'^,                >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php
echo ^)^;                                        >> .\tests\autoconfig-mysql.php

echo ^<?php                                      > .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo $AUTOCONFIG ^= array ^(                     >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'installed' ^=^> false^,                  >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'dbtype' ^=^> 'pgsql'^,                   >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'dbtableprefix' ^=^> 'oc_'^,              >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'adminlogin' ^=^> 'admin'^,               >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'adminpass' ^=^> 'admin'^,                >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'directory' ^=^> '%BASEDIR%%DATADIR%'^,   >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'dbuser' ^=^> 'oc_autotest'^,             >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'dbname' ^=^> 'oc_autotest'^,             >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'dbhost' ^=^> 'localhost'^,               >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo   'dbpass' ^=^> 'owncloud'^,                >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php
echo ^)^;                                        >> .\tests\autoconfig-pgsql.php

echo ^<?php                                      > .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo $AUTOCONFIG ^= array ^(                     >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'installed' ^=^> false^,                  >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'dbtype' ^=^> 'mssql'^,                   >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'dbtableprefix' ^=^> 'oc_'^,              >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'adminlogin' ^=^> 'admin'^,               >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'adminpass' ^=^> 'admin'^,                >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'directory' ^=^> '%BASEDIR%%DATADIR%'^,   >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'dbuser' ^=^> 'oc_autotest'^,             >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'dbname' ^=^> 'oc_autotest'^,             >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'dbhost' ^=^> 'localhost\sqlexpress'^,    >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo   'dbpass' ^=^> 'owncloud'^,                >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php
echo ^)^;                                        >> .\tests\autoconfig-mssql.php

echo localhost:5432:*:oc_autotest:owncloud > %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf

:: start test execution
if [%1] == [] (
	echo "Running on all database backends"
	call:execute_tests "sqlite"
	call:execute_tests "mysql"
	call:execute_tests "mssql"
	::call:execute_tests "ora"
	call:execute_tests "pgsql"
) else (
	call:execute_tests "%1"


	echo "Setup environment for %~1 testing ..."
	:: back to root folder

	:: revert changes to tests\data
	git checkout tests\data\*

	:: reset data directory
	rmdir /s /q %DATADIR%

	:: remove the old config file
	:: del /q /f config\config.php
	copy /y tests\preseed-config.php config\config.php

	:: drop database
	if "%~1" == "mysql" mysql -u oc_autotest -powncloud -e "DROP DATABASE oc_autotest"
	if "%~1" == "pgsql" dropdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U oc_autotest -w oc_autotest

	:: we assume a sqlexpress installation
	if "%~1" == "mssql" sqlcmd -S localhost\sqlexpress -U oc_autotest -P owncloud -Q "IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name=N'oc_autotest') DROP DATABASE [oc_autotest]"
	:: copy autoconfig
	copy /y %BASEDIR%\tests\autoconfig-%~1.php %BASEDIR%\config\autoconfig.php

	:: trigger installation
	php -f index.php

	::test execution
	echo "Testing with %~1 ..."
	cd tests
	rmdir /s /q coverage-html-%~1
	md coverage-html-%~1
	php -f enable_all.php

	call phpunit --bootstrap bootstrap.php --configuration phpunit-autotest.xml --log-junit autotest-results-%~1.xml --coverage-clover autotest-clover-%~1.xml --coverage-html coverage-html-%~1

	echo "Done with testing %~1 ..."

:: NOTES on mysql:
::  - CREATE USER 'oc_autotest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'owncloud';
::  - grant access permissions: grant all on oc_autotest.* to 'oc_autotest'@'localhost';
:: NOTES on pgsql:
::  - su - postgres
::  - createuser -P (enter username and password and enable superuser)
::  - to enable dropdb I decided to add following line to pg_hba.conf (this is not the safest way but I don't care for the testing machine):
:: local	all	all	trust
:: NOTES on mssql:
::  we assume the usage of a local installed sqlexpress
::  create a user 'oc_autotest' with password 'owncloud' and assign the server role 'dbcreator'
::  make sure the sqlserver is configured to allow sql authentication