path: root/settings/l10n/nn_NO.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'settings/l10n/nn_NO.php')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/settings/l10n/nn_NO.php b/settings/l10n/nn_NO.php
index 7eacdbedfb0..2fa0dc24e01 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/nn_NO.php
+++ b/settings/l10n/nn_NO.php
@@ -64,9 +64,8 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Enable Share API" => "Slå på API-et for deling",
"Allow apps to use the Share API" => "La app-ar bruka API-et til deling",
"Allow links" => "Tillat lenkjer",
-"Allow users to share items to the public with links" => "La brukarar dela ting offentleg med lenkjer",
"Allow public uploads" => "Tillat offentlege opplastingar",
-"Allow users to enable others to upload into their publicly shared folders" => "La brukarar tillata andre å lasta opp i deira offentleg delte mapper",
+"Allow users to share items to the public with links" => "La brukarar dela ting offentleg med lenkjer",
"Allow resharing" => "Tillat vidaredeling",
"Allow users to share items shared with them again" => "La brukarar vidaredela delte ting",
"Allow users to share with anyone" => "La brukarar dela med kven som helst",