path: root/tests/Settings/Controller/GroupsControllerTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/Settings/Controller/GroupsControllerTest.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 381 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Settings/Controller/GroupsControllerTest.php b/tests/Settings/Controller/GroupsControllerTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d43d4faf218..00000000000
--- a/tests/Settings/Controller/GroupsControllerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
- * @author Lukas Reschke
- * @copyright 2014 Lukas Reschke lukas@owncloud.com
- *
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
- * later.
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- */
-namespace Tests\Settings\Controller;
-use OC\Group\Group;
-use OC\Group\MetaData;
-use OC\Settings\Controller\GroupsController;
-use OC\User\User;
-use OCP\AppFramework\Http;
-use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
-use OCP\IGroupManager;
-use OCP\IL10N;
-use OCP\IRequest;
-use OCP\IUserSession;
- * @package Tests\Settings\Controller
- */
-class GroupsControllerTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- /** @var IGroupManager|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
- private $groupManager;
- /** @var IUserSession|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
- private $userSession;
- /** @var GroupsController */
- private $groupsController;
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- $this->groupManager = $this->createMock(IGroupManager::class);
- $this->userSession = $this->createMock(IUserSession::class);
- $l = $this->createMock(IL10N::class);
- $l->method('t')
- ->will($this->returnCallback(function($text, $parameters = []) {
- return vsprintf($text, $parameters);
- }));
- $this->groupsController = new GroupsController(
- 'settings',
- $this->createMock(IRequest::class),
- $this->groupManager,
- $this->userSession,
- true,
- $l
- );
- }
- /**
- * TODO: Since GroupManager uses the static OC_Subadmin class it can't be mocked
- * to test for subadmins. Thus the test always assumes you have admin permissions...
- */
- public function testIndexSortByName() {
- $firstGroup = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $firstGroup
- ->method('getGID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('firstGroup'));
- $firstGroup
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('First group'));
- $firstGroup
- ->method('count')
- ->will($this->returnValue(12));
- $secondGroup = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $secondGroup
- ->method('getGID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('secondGroup'));
- $secondGroup
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('Second group'));
- $secondGroup
- ->method('count')
- ->will($this->returnValue(25));
- $thirdGroup = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $thirdGroup
- ->method('getGID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('thirdGroup'));
- $thirdGroup
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('Third group'));
- $thirdGroup
- ->method('count')
- ->will($this->returnValue(14));
- $fourthGroup = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $fourthGroup
- ->method('getGID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('admin'));
- $fourthGroup
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('Admin'));
- $fourthGroup
- ->method('count')
- ->will($this->returnValue(18));
- /** @var \OC\Group\Group[] $groups */
- $groups = array();
- $groups[] = $firstGroup;
- $groups[] = $secondGroup;
- $groups[] = $thirdGroup;
- $groups[] = $fourthGroup;
- $user = $this->getMockBuilder(User::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $this->userSession
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('getUser')
- ->will($this->returnValue($user));
- $user
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('getUID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('MyAdminUser'));
- $this->groupManager->method('search')
- ->will($this->returnValue($groups));
- $expectedResponse = new DataResponse(
- array(
- 'data' => array(
- 'adminGroups' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'id' => 'admin',
- 'name' => 'Admin',
- 'usercount' => 0,//User count disabled 18,
- )
- ),
- 'groups' =>
- array(
- 0 => array(
- 'id' => 'firstGroup',
- 'name' => 'First group',
- 'usercount' => 0,//User count disabled 12,
- ),
- 1 => array(
- 'id' => 'secondGroup',
- 'name' => 'Second group',
- 'usercount' => 0,//User count disabled 25,
- ),
- 2 => array(
- 'id' => 'thirdGroup',
- 'name' => 'Third group',
- 'usercount' => 0,//User count disabled 14,
- ),
- )
- )
- )
- );
- $response = $this->groupsController->index('', false, MetaData::SORT_GROUPNAME);
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);
- }
- /**
- * TODO: Since GroupManager uses the static OC_Subadmin class it can't be mocked
- * to test for subadmins. Thus the test always assumes you have admin permissions...
- */
- public function testIndexSortbyCount() {
- $firstGroup = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $firstGroup
- ->method('getGID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('firstGroup'));
- $firstGroup
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('First group'));
- $firstGroup
- ->method('count')
- ->will($this->returnValue(12));
- $secondGroup = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $secondGroup
- ->method('getGID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('secondGroup'));
- $secondGroup
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('Second group'));
- $secondGroup
- ->method('count')
- ->will($this->returnValue(25));
- $thirdGroup = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $thirdGroup
- ->method('getGID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('thirdGroup'));
- $thirdGroup
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('Third group'));
- $thirdGroup
- ->method('count')
- ->will($this->returnValue(14));
- $fourthGroup = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $fourthGroup
- ->method('getGID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('admin'));
- $fourthGroup
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('Admin'));
- $fourthGroup
- ->method('count')
- ->will($this->returnValue(18));
- /** @var \OC\Group\Group[] $groups */
- $groups = array();
- $groups[] = $firstGroup;
- $groups[] = $secondGroup;
- $groups[] = $thirdGroup;
- $groups[] = $fourthGroup;
- $user = $this->getMockBuilder(User::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $this->userSession
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('getUser')
- ->will($this->returnValue($user));
- $user
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('getUID')
- ->will($this->returnValue('MyAdminUser'));
- $this->groupManager
- ->method('search')
- ->will($this->returnValue($groups));
- $expectedResponse = new DataResponse(
- array(
- 'data' => array(
- 'adminGroups' => array(
- 0 => array(
- 'id' => 'admin',
- 'name' => 'Admin',
- 'usercount' => 18,
- )
- ),
- 'groups' =>
- array(
- 0 => array(
- 'id' => 'secondGroup',
- 'name' => 'Second group',
- 'usercount' => 25,
- ),
- 1 => array(
- 'id' => 'thirdGroup',
- 'name' => 'Third group',
- 'usercount' => 14,
- ),
- 2 => array(
- 'id' => 'firstGroup',
- 'name' => 'First group',
- 'usercount' => 12,
- ),
- )
- )
- )
- );
- $response = $this->groupsController->index();
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);
- }
- public function testCreateWithExistingGroup() {
- $this->groupManager
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('groupExists')
- ->with('ExistingGroup')
- ->will($this->returnValue(true));
- $expectedResponse = new DataResponse(
- array(
- 'message' => 'Group already exists.'
- ),
- );
- $response = $this->groupsController->create('ExistingGroup');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);
- }
- public function testCreateSuccessful() {
- $group = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $this->groupManager
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('groupExists')
- ->with('NewGroup')
- ->will($this->returnValue(false));
- $this->groupManager
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('createGroup')
- ->with('NewGroup')
- ->will($this->returnValue($group));
- $group
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('NewGroup'));
- $expectedResponse = new DataResponse(
- array(
- 'groupname' => 'NewGroup'
- ),
- );
- $response = $this->groupsController->create('NewGroup');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);
- }
- public function testCreateUnsuccessful() {
- $this->groupManager
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('groupExists')
- ->with('NewGroup')
- ->will($this->returnValue(false));
- $this->groupManager
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('createGroup')
- ->with('NewGroup')
- ->will($this->returnValue(false));
- $expectedResponse = new DataResponse(
- array(
- 'status' => 'error',
- 'data' => array('message' => 'Unable to add group.')
- ),
- );
- $response = $this->groupsController->create('NewGroup');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);
- }
- public function testDestroySuccessful() {
- $group = $this->getMockBuilder(Group::class)
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $this->groupManager
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('get')
- ->with('ExistingGroup')
- ->will($this->returnValue($group));
- $group
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('delete')
- ->will($this->returnValue(true));
- $group
- ->method('getDisplayName')
- ->will($this->returnValue('ExistingGroup'));
- $expectedResponse = new DataResponse(
- array(
- 'status' => 'success',
- 'data' => array('groupname' => 'ExistingGroup')
- ),
- );
- $response = $this->groupsController->destroy('ExistingGroup');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);
- }
- public function testDestroyUnsuccessful() {
- $this->groupManager
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('get')
- ->with('ExistingGroup')
- ->will($this->returnValue(null));
- $expectedResponse = new DataResponse(
- array(
- 'status' => 'error',
- 'data' => array('message' => 'Unable to delete group.')
- ),
- );
- $response = $this->groupsController->destroy('ExistingGroup');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedResponse, $response);
- }