path: root/tests/acceptance/features
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2 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/app-comments.feature b/tests/acceptance/features/app-comments.feature
index a5bdb0aa745..1ee113d0aac 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/app-comments.feature
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/app-comments.feature
@@ -6,3 +6,26 @@ Feature: app-comments
And I open the "Comments" tab in the details view
When I create a new comment with "Hello world" as message
Then I see a comment with "Hello world" as message
+ Scenario: open the comments for a different file
+ Given I am logged in
+ And I create a new folder named "Folder"
+ And I open the details view for "welcome.txt"
+ And I open the "Comments" tab in the details view
+ And I create a new comment with "Hello world" as message
+ And I see a comment with "Hello world" as message
+ When I open the details view for "Folder"
+ # The "Comments" tab should already be opened
+ Then I see that there are no comments
+ Scenario: write a comment in a file right after writing a comment in another file
+ Given I am logged in
+ And I create a new folder named "Folder"
+ And I open the details view for "Folder"
+ And I open the "Comments" tab in the details view
+ And I create a new comment with "Comment in Folder" as message
+ And I open the details view for "welcome.txt"
+ # The "Comments" tab should already be opened
+ When I create a new comment with "Comment in welcome.txt" as message
+ Then I see a comment with "Comment in welcome.txt" as message
+ And I see that there is no comment with "Comment in Folder" as message
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/CommentsAppContext.php b/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/CommentsAppContext.php
index 13d8af4e60e..5d19412c30e 100644
--- a/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/CommentsAppContext.php
+++ b/tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/CommentsAppContext.php
@@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ class CommentsAppContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
+ * @return Locator
+ */
+ public static function emptyContent() {
+ return Locator::forThe()->css(".emptycontent")->
+ descendantOf(FilesAppContext::detailsView())->
+ describedAs("Empty content in details view in Files app");
+ }
+ /**
* @When /^I create a new comment with "([^"]*)" as message$/
public function iCreateANewCommentWithAsMessage($commentText) {
@@ -71,10 +80,29 @@ class CommentsAppContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface {
+ * @Then /^I see that there are no comments$/
+ */
+ public function iSeeThatThereAreNoComments() {
+ PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTrue(
+ $this->actor->find(self::emptyContent(), 10)->isVisible());
+ }
+ /**
* @Then /^I see a comment with "([^"]*)" as message$/
public function iSeeACommentWithAsMessage($commentText) {
$this->actor->find(self::commentWithText($commentText), 10)->isVisible());
+ /**
+ * @Then /^I see that there is no comment with "([^"]*)" as message$/
+ */
+ public function iSeeThatThereIsNoCommentWithAsMessage($commentText) {
+ try {
+ PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertFalse(
+ $this->actor->find(self::commentWithText($commentText))->isVisible());
+ } catch (NoSuchElementException $exception) {
+ }
+ }