path: root/tests/acceptance/tests/pages/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/acceptance/tests/pages/')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/acceptance/tests/pages/ b/tests/acceptance/tests/pages/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9a973bd42c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/acceptance/tests/pages/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+(function() {
+ var UserPage = function(baseUrl) {
+ this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
+ this.path = 'index.php/settings/users';
+ this.url = baseUrl + this.path;
+ this.newUserNameInput = element('newusername'));
+ this.newUserPasswordInput = element('newuserpassword'));
+ this.createNewUserButton = element(by.css('#newuser input[type="submit"]'));
+ this.newGroupButton = element(by.css('#newgroup-init a'));
+ this.newGroupNameInput = element(by.css('#newgroup-form input#newgroupname'));
+ };
+ UserPage.prototype.get = function() {
+ browser.get(this.url);
+ };
+ UserPage.prototype.isUserPage = function() {
+ return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl() == this.url;
+ };
+ UserPage.prototype.ensureUserPage = function() {
+ // console.log(this.isUserPage());
+ // if (! this.isUserPage()) {
+ // display.log('Warning: Auto loading UserPage');
+ // this.get();
+ // }
+ };
+ UserPage.prototype.fillNewUserInput = function(user, pass) {
+ this.ensureUserPage();
+ this.newUserNameInput.sendKeys(user);
+ this.newUserPasswordInput.sendKeys(pass);
+ };
+ UserPage.prototype.createNewUser = function(user, pass) {
+ this.ensureUserPage();
+ this.fillNewUserInput(user, pass);
+ };
+ UserPage.prototype.deleteUser = function(user) {
+ this.ensureUserPage();
+ var removeId = by.css('#userlist tr[data-displayname="' + user + '"] td.remove a');
+ var filter = browser.findElement(removeId);
+ var scrollIntoView = function () {
+ arguments[0].scrollIntoView();
+ }
+ browser.executeScript(scrollIntoView, filter).then(function () {
+ browser.actions().mouseMove(browser.findElement(removeId)).perform();
+ element(removeId).click();
+ });
+ };
+ UserPage.prototype.setCurrentListElem = function(name) {
+ return element(by.css("tr[data-uid='" + name + "']"));
+ }
+ UserPage.prototype.renameDisplayName = function(name, newName) {
+ var renameDisplayNameButton = element(by.css("tr[data-uid='" + name + "'] td.displayName"));
+ var renameDisplayNameForm = element(by.css("tr[data-uid='" + name + "'] td.displayName input"));
+ renameDisplayNameForm.sendKeys(newName);
+ renameDisplayNameForm.sendKeys(protractor.Key.ENTER);
+ };
+ UserPage.prototype.listUser = function() {
+ this.ensureUserPage();
+ return element.all(by.css('td.displayName')).map(function(user) {
+ return user.getText();
+ });
+ };
+ UserPage.prototype.createNewGroup = function(name) {
+ var newGroupNameInput = this.newGroupNameInput;
+ browser.wait(function() {
+ return newGroupNameInput.isDisplayed();
+ }, 3000);
+ this.newGroupNameInput.sendKeys(name);
+ this.newGroupNameInput.sendKeys(protractor.Key.ENTER);
+ };
+///// NOT WORKING, CLICK ON CHECKBOX RESEIVES AN OTHER ELEMENT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // UserPage.prototype.setUserGroup = function(userName, groupName) {
+ // var renameDisplayNameButton = element(by.css("tr[data-uid='" + userName + "'] td.groups .multiselect.button"));
+ //;
+ // var a = 'tr[data-uid="' + userName + '"] ul.multiselectoptions.down';
+ // var dropdown = element(by.css(a));
+ // browser.wait(function() {
+ // return dropdown.isDisplayed();
+ // }, 3000);
+ // browser.pause();
+ // var checkboxId = by.css('tr[data-uid="' + userName + '"] ul.multiselectoptions.down label');
+ // element.all(checkboxId).each(function(checkbox) {
+ // checkbox.getText().then(function(text) {
+ // console.log(checkboxId);
+ // console.log(text);
+ // if(text == groupName) {
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // })
+ // });
+ // };
+ module.exports = UserPage;
+})(); \ No newline at end of file