path: root/tests/lib/DB/MigratorTest.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/lib/DB/MigratorTest.php')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lib/DB/MigratorTest.php b/tests/lib/DB/MigratorTest.php
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+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Robin Appelman <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+namespace Test\DB;
+use \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException;
+use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\OraclePlatform;
+use \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
+use \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaConfig;
+use OCP\IConfig;
+ * Class MigratorTest
+ *
+ * @group DB
+ *
+ * @package Test\DB
+ */
+class MigratorTest extends \Test\TestCase {
+ /**
+ * @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection
+ */
+ private $connection;
+ /**
+ * @var \OC\DB\MDB2SchemaManager
+ */
+ private $manager;
+ /**
+ * @var IConfig
+ **/
+ private $config;
+ /** @var string */
+ private $tableName;
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->config = \OC::$server->getConfig();
+ $this->connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
+ if ($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof OraclePlatform) {
+ $this->markTestSkipped('DB migration tests are not supported on OCI');
+ }
+ $this->manager = new \OC\DB\MDB2SchemaManager($this->connection);
+ $this->tableName = strtolower($this->getUniqueID($this->config->getSystemValue('dbtableprefix', 'oc_') . 'test_'));
+ }
+ protected function tearDown() {
+ $this->connection->exec('DROP TABLE ' . $this->tableName);
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema[]
+ */
+ private function getDuplicateKeySchemas() {
+ $startSchema = new Schema(array(), array(), $this->getSchemaConfig());
+ $table = $startSchema->createTable($this->tableName);
+ $table->addColumn('id', 'integer');
+ $table->addColumn('name', 'string');
+ $table->addIndex(array('id'), $this->tableName . '_id');
+ $endSchema = new Schema(array(), array(), $this->getSchemaConfig());
+ $table = $endSchema->createTable($this->tableName);
+ $table->addColumn('id', 'integer');
+ $table->addColumn('name', 'string');
+ $table->addUniqueIndex(array('id'), $this->tableName . '_id');
+ return array($startSchema, $endSchema);
+ }
+ private function getSchemaConfig() {
+ $config = new SchemaConfig();
+ $config->setName($this->connection->getDatabase());
+ return $config;
+ }
+ private function isSQLite() {
+ return $this->connection->getDriver() instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOSqlite\Driver;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @expectedException \OC\DB\MigrationException
+ */
+ public function testDuplicateKeyUpgrade() {
+ if ($this->isSQLite()) {
+ $this->markTestSkipped('sqlite does not throw errors when creating a new key on existing data');
+ }
+ list($startSchema, $endSchema) = $this->getDuplicateKeySchemas();
+ $migrator = $this->manager->getMigrator();
+ $migrator->migrate($startSchema);
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'));
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar'));
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'qwerty'));
+ $migrator->checkMigrate($endSchema);
+ $this->fail('checkMigrate should have failed');
+ }
+ public function testUpgrade() {
+ list($startSchema, $endSchema) = $this->getDuplicateKeySchemas();
+ $migrator = $this->manager->getMigrator();
+ $migrator->migrate($startSchema);
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'));
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar'));
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'qwerty'));
+ $migrator->checkMigrate($endSchema);
+ $migrator->migrate($endSchema);
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ }
+ public function testUpgradeDifferentPrefix() {
+ $oldTablePrefix = $this->config->getSystemValue('dbtableprefix', 'oc_');
+ $this->config->setSystemValue('dbtableprefix', 'ownc_');
+ $this->tableName = strtolower($this->getUniqueID($this->config->getSystemValue('dbtableprefix') . 'test_'));
+ list($startSchema, $endSchema) = $this->getDuplicateKeySchemas();
+ $migrator = $this->manager->getMigrator();
+ $migrator->migrate($startSchema);
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'));
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar'));
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'qwerty'));
+ $migrator->checkMigrate($endSchema);
+ $migrator->migrate($endSchema);
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ $this->config->setSystemValue('dbtableprefix', $oldTablePrefix);
+ }
+ public function testInsertAfterUpgrade() {
+ list($startSchema, $endSchema) = $this->getDuplicateKeySchemas();
+ $migrator = $this->manager->getMigrator();
+ $migrator->migrate($startSchema);
+ $migrator->migrate($endSchema);
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'));
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar'));
+ try {
+ $this->connection->insert($this->tableName, array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'qwerty'));
+ $this->fail('Expected duplicate key insert to fail');
+ } catch (DBALException $e) {
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ }
+ }
+ public function testAddingPrimaryKeyWithAutoIncrement() {
+ $startSchema = new Schema(array(), array(), $this->getSchemaConfig());
+ $table = $startSchema->createTable($this->tableName);
+ $table->addColumn('id', 'integer');
+ $table->addColumn('name', 'string');
+ $endSchema = new Schema(array(), array(), $this->getSchemaConfig());
+ $table = $endSchema->createTable($this->tableName);
+ $table->addColumn('id', 'integer', array('autoincrement' => true));
+ $table->addColumn('name', 'string');
+ $table->setPrimaryKey(array('id'));
+ $migrator = $this->manager->getMigrator();
+ $migrator->migrate($startSchema);
+ $migrator->checkMigrate($endSchema);
+ $migrator->migrate($endSchema);
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ }
+ public function testReservedKeywords() {
+ $startSchema = new Schema(array(), array(), $this->getSchemaConfig());
+ $table = $startSchema->createTable($this->tableName);
+ $table->addColumn('id', 'integer', array('autoincrement' => true));
+ $table->addColumn('user', 'string', array('length' => 255));
+ $table->setPrimaryKey(array('id'));
+ $endSchema = new Schema(array(), array(), $this->getSchemaConfig());
+ $table = $endSchema->createTable($this->tableName);
+ $table->addColumn('id', 'integer', array('autoincrement' => true));
+ $table->addColumn('user', 'string', array('length' => 64));
+ $table->setPrimaryKey(array('id'));
+ $migrator = $this->manager->getMigrator();
+ $migrator->migrate($startSchema);
+ $migrator->checkMigrate($endSchema);
+ $migrator->migrate($endSchema);
+ $this->assertTrue(true);
+ }