path: root/tests/lib/PreviewTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/lib/PreviewTest.php')
1 files changed, 963 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lib/PreviewTest.php b/tests/lib/PreviewTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ca88253468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/PreviewTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+ * @author Georg Ehrke <>
+ * @author Olivier Paroz <>
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, ownCloud, Inc.
+ * @license AGPL-3.0
+ *
+ * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>
+ *
+ */
+namespace Test;
+use OC\Files\FileInfo;
+use OC\Files\Storage\Temporary;
+use OC\Files\View;
+use Test\Traits\MountProviderTrait;
+use Test\Traits\UserTrait;
+ * Class PreviewTest
+ *
+ * @group DB
+ *
+ * @package Test
+ */
+class PreviewTest extends TestCase {
+ use UserTrait;
+ use MountProviderTrait;
+ const TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 = "test-preview-user1";
+ /** @var \OC\Files\View */
+ private $rootView;
+ /**
+ * Note that using 756 with an image with a ratio of 1.6 brings interesting rounding issues
+ *
+ * @var int maximum width allowed for a preview
+ * */
+ private $configMaxWidth = 756;
+ /** @var int maximum height allowed for a preview */
+ private $configMaxHeight = 756;
+ private $keepAspect;
+ private $scalingUp;
+ private $samples = [];
+ private $sampleFileId;
+ private $sampleFilename;
+ private $sampleWidth;
+ private $sampleHeight;
+ private $maxScaleFactor;
+ /** @var int width of the max preview */
+ private $maxPreviewWidth;
+ /** @var int height of the max preview */
+ private $maxPreviewHeight;
+ /** @var int height of the max preview, which is the same as the one of the original image */
+ private $maxPreviewRatio;
+ private $cachedBigger = [];
+ /**
+ * Make sure your configuration file doesn't contain any additional providers
+ */
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->createUser(self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1, self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1);
+ $this->loginAsUser(self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1);
+ $storage = new \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary([]);
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, [], '/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/');
+ $this->rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
+ $this->rootView->mkdir('/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1);
+ $this->rootView->mkdir('/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/files');
+ // We simulate the max dimension set in the config
+ \OC::$server->getConfig()
+ ->setSystemValue('preview_max_x', $this->configMaxWidth);
+ \OC::$server->getConfig()
+ ->setSystemValue('preview_max_y', $this->configMaxHeight);
+ // Used to test upscaling
+ $this->maxScaleFactor = 2;
+ \OC::$server->getConfig()
+ ->setSystemValue('preview_max_scale_factor', $this->maxScaleFactor);
+ // We need to enable the providers we're going to use in the tests
+ $providers = [
+ 'OC\\Preview\\JPEG',
+ 'OC\\Preview\\PNG',
+ 'OC\\Preview\\GIF',
+ 'OC\\Preview\\TXT',
+ 'OC\\Preview\\Postscript'
+ ];
+ \OC::$server->getConfig()
+ ->setSystemValue('enabledPreviewProviders', $providers);
+ // Sample is 1680x1050 JPEG
+ $this->prepareSample('testimage.jpg', 1680, 1050);
+ // Sample is 2400x1707 EPS
+ $this->prepareSample('testimage.eps', 2400, 1707);
+ // Sample is 1200x450 PNG
+ $this->prepareSample('testimage-wide.png', 1200, 450);
+ // Sample is 64x64 GIF
+ $this->prepareSample('testimage.gif', 64, 64);
+ }
+ protected function tearDown() {
+ $this->logout();
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests if a preview can be deleted
+ */
+ public function testIsPreviewDeleted() {
+ $sampleFile = '/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/files/test.txt';
+ $this->rootView->file_put_contents($sampleFile, 'dummy file data');
+ $x = 50;
+ $y = 50;
+ $preview = new \OC\Preview(self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1, 'files/', 'test.txt', $x, $y);
+ $preview->getPreview();
+ $fileInfo = $this->rootView->getFileInfo($sampleFile);
+ /** @var int $fileId */
+ $fileId = $fileInfo['fileid'];
+ $thumbCacheFile = $this->buildCachePath($fileId, $x, $y, true);
+ $this->assertSame(
+ true, $this->rootView->file_exists($thumbCacheFile), "$thumbCacheFile \n"
+ );
+ $preview->deletePreview();
+ $this->assertSame(false, $this->rootView->file_exists($thumbCacheFile));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests if all previews can be deleted
+ *
+ * We test this first to make sure we'll be able to cleanup after each preview generating test
+ */
+ public function testAreAllPreviewsDeleted() {
+ $sampleFile = '/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/files/test.txt';
+ $this->rootView->file_put_contents($sampleFile, 'dummy file data');
+ $x = 50;
+ $y = 50;
+ $preview = new \OC\Preview(self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1, 'files/', 'test.txt', $x, $y);
+ $preview->getPreview();
+ $fileInfo = $this->rootView->getFileInfo($sampleFile);
+ /** @var int $fileId */
+ $fileId = $fileInfo['fileid'];
+ $thumbCacheFolder = '/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/' . \OC\Preview::THUMBNAILS_FOLDER .
+ '/' . $fileId . '/';
+ $this->assertSame(true, $this->rootView->is_dir($thumbCacheFolder), "$thumbCacheFolder \n");
+ $preview->deleteAllPreviews();
+ $this->assertSame(false, $this->rootView->is_dir($thumbCacheFolder));
+ }
+ public function txtBlacklist() {
+ $txt = 'random text file';
+ return [
+ ['txt', $txt, false],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider txtBlacklist
+ *
+ * @param $extension
+ * @param $data
+ * @param $expectedResult
+ */
+ public function testIsTransparent($extension, $data, $expectedResult) {
+ $x = 32;
+ $y = 32;
+ $sample = '/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/files/test.' . $extension;
+ $this->rootView->file_put_contents($sample, $data);
+ $preview = new \OC\Preview(
+ self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1, 'files/', 'test.' . $extension, $x,
+ $y
+ );
+ $image = $preview->getPreview();
+ $resource = $image->resource();
+ //
+ $colorIndex = imagecolorat($resource, 1, 1);
+ $colorInfo = imagecolorsforindex($resource, $colorIndex);
+ $this->assertSame(
+ $expectedResult,
+ $colorInfo['alpha'] === 127,
+ 'Failed asserting that only previews for text files are transparent.'
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests if unsupported previews return an empty object
+ */
+ public function testUnsupportedPreviewsReturnEmptyObject() {
+ $width = 400;
+ $height = 200;
+ // Previews for odt files are not enabled
+ $imgData = file_get_contents(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/testimage.odt');
+ $imgPath = '/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/files/testimage.odt';
+ $this->rootView->file_put_contents($imgPath, $imgData);
+ $preview =
+ new \OC\Preview(self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1, 'files/', 'testimage.odt', $width, $height);
+ $preview->getPreview();
+ $image = $preview->getPreview();
+ $this->assertSame(false, $image->valid());
+ }
+ /**
+ * We generate the data to use as it makes it easier to adjust in case we need to test
+ * something different
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public static function dimensionsDataProvider() {
+ $data = [];
+ $samples = [
+ [200, 800],
+ [200, 800],
+ [50, 400],
+ [4, 60],
+ ];
+ $keepAspect = false;
+ $scalingUp = false;
+ for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($samples); $a++) {
+ for ($b = 0; $b < 2; $b++) {
+ for ($c = 0; $c < 2; $c++) {
+ for ($d = 0; $d < 4; $d++) {
+ $coordinates = [
+ [
+ -rand($samples[$a][0], $samples[$a][1]),
+ -rand($samples[$a][0], $samples[$a][1])
+ ],
+ [
+ rand($samples[$a][0], $samples[$a][1]),
+ rand($samples[$a][0], $samples[$a][1])
+ ],
+ [
+ -rand($samples[$a][0], $samples[$a][1]),
+ rand($samples[$a][0], $samples[$a][1])
+ ],
+ [
+ rand($samples[$a][0], $samples[$a][1]),
+ -rand($samples[$a][0], $samples[$a][1])
+ ]
+ ];
+ $row = [$a];
+ $row[] = $coordinates[$d][0];
+ $row[] = $coordinates[$d][1];
+ $row[] = $keepAspect;
+ $row[] = $scalingUp;
+ $data[] = $row;
+ }
+ $scalingUp = !$scalingUp;
+ }
+ $keepAspect = !$keepAspect;
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests if a preview of max dimensions gets created
+ *
+ * @requires extension imagick
+ * @dataProvider dimensionsDataProvider
+ *
+ * @param int $sampleId
+ * @param int $widthAdjustment
+ * @param int $heightAdjustment
+ * @param bool $keepAspect
+ * @param bool $scalingUp
+ */
+ public function testCreateMaxAndNormalPreviewsAtFirstRequest(
+ $sampleId, $widthAdjustment, $heightAdjustment, $keepAspect = false, $scalingUp = false
+ ) {
+ //$this->markTestSkipped('Not testing this at this time');
+ // Get the right sample for the experiment
+ $this->getSample($sampleId);
+ $sampleWidth = $this->sampleWidth;
+ $sampleHeight = $this->sampleHeight;
+ $sampleFileId = $this->sampleFileId;
+ // Adjust the requested size so that we trigger various test cases
+ $previewWidth = $sampleWidth + $widthAdjustment;
+ $previewHeight = $sampleHeight + $heightAdjustment;
+ $this->keepAspect = $keepAspect;
+ $this->scalingUp = $scalingUp;
+ // Generates the max preview
+ $preview = $this->createPreview($previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ // There should be no cached thumbnails
+ $thumbnailFolder = '/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/' . \OC\Preview::THUMBNAILS_FOLDER .
+ '/' . $sampleFileId;
+ $this->assertSame(false, $this->rootView->is_dir($thumbnailFolder));
+ $image = $preview->getPreview();
+ $this->assertNotSame(false, $image);
+ $maxThumbCacheFile = $this->buildCachePath(
+ $sampleFileId, $this->maxPreviewWidth, $this->maxPreviewHeight, true, '-max'
+ );
+ $this->assertSame(
+ true, $this->rootView->file_exists($maxThumbCacheFile), "$maxThumbCacheFile \n"
+ );
+ // We check the dimensions of the file we've just stored
+ $maxPreview = imagecreatefromstring($this->rootView->file_get_contents($maxThumbCacheFile));
+ $this->assertEquals($this->maxPreviewWidth, imagesx($maxPreview));
+ $this->assertEquals($this->maxPreviewHeight, imagesy($maxPreview));
+ // A thumbnail of the asked dimensions should also have been created (within the constraints of the max preview)
+ list($limitedPreviewWidth, $limitedPreviewHeight) =
+ $this->simulatePreviewDimensions($previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ $actualWidth = $image->width();
+ $actualHeight = $image->height();
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ (int)$limitedPreviewWidth, $image->width(), "$actualWidth x $actualHeight \n"
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals((int)$limitedPreviewHeight, $image->height());
+ // And it should be cached
+ $this->checkCache($sampleFileId, $limitedPreviewWidth, $limitedPreviewHeight);
+ $preview->deleteAllPreviews();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests if the second preview will be based off the cached max preview
+ *
+ * @requires extension imagick
+ * @dataProvider dimensionsDataProvider
+ *
+ * @param int $sampleId
+ * @param int $widthAdjustment
+ * @param int $heightAdjustment
+ * @param bool $keepAspect
+ * @param bool $scalingUp
+ */
+ public function testSecondPreviewsGetCachedMax(
+ $sampleId, $widthAdjustment, $heightAdjustment, $keepAspect = false, $scalingUp = false
+ ) {
+ //$this->markTestSkipped('Not testing this at this time');
+ $this->getSample($sampleId);
+ $sampleWidth = $this->sampleWidth;
+ $sampleHeight = $this->sampleHeight;
+ $sampleFileId = $this->sampleFileId;
+ //Creates the Max preview which will be used in the rest of the test
+ $this->createMaxPreview();
+ // Adjust the requested size so that we trigger various test cases
+ $previewWidth = $sampleWidth + $widthAdjustment;
+ $previewHeight = $sampleHeight + $heightAdjustment;
+ $this->keepAspect = $keepAspect;
+ $this->scalingUp = $scalingUp;
+ $preview = $this->createPreview($previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ // A cache query should return the thumbnail of max dimension
+ $isCached = $preview->isCached($sampleFileId);
+ $cachedMaxPreview = $this->buildCachePath(
+ $sampleFileId, $this->maxPreviewWidth, $this->maxPreviewHeight, false, '-max'
+ );
+ $this->assertSame($cachedMaxPreview, $isCached);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make sure that the max preview can never be deleted
+ *
+ * For this test to work, the preview we generate first has to be the size of max preview
+ */
+ public function testMaxPreviewCannotBeDeleted() {
+ //$this->markTestSkipped('Not testing this at this time');
+ $this->keepAspect = true;
+ $this->getSample(0);
+ $fileId = $this->sampleFileId;
+ //Creates the Max preview which we will try to delete
+ $preview = $this->createMaxPreview();
+ // We try to deleted the preview
+ $preview->deletePreview();
+ $this->assertNotSame(false, $preview->isCached($fileId));
+ $preview->deleteAllPreviews();
+ }
+ public static function aspectDataProvider() {
+ $data = [];
+ $samples = 4;
+ $keepAspect = false;
+ $scalingUp = false;
+ for ($a = 0; $a < $samples; $a++) {
+ for ($b = 0; $b < 2; $b++) {
+ for ($c = 0; $c < 2; $c++) {
+ $row = [$a];
+ $row[] = $keepAspect;
+ $row[] = $scalingUp;
+ $data[] = $row;
+ $scalingUp = !$scalingUp;
+ }
+ $keepAspect = !$keepAspect;
+ }
+ }
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * We ask for a preview larger than what is set in the configuration,
+ * so we should be getting either the max preview or a preview the size
+ * of the dimensions set in the config
+ *
+ * @requires extension imagick
+ * @dataProvider aspectDataProvider
+ *
+ * @param int $sampleId
+ * @param bool $keepAspect
+ * @param bool $scalingUp
+ */
+ public function testDoNotCreatePreviewsLargerThanConfigMax(
+ $sampleId, $keepAspect = false, $scalingUp = false
+ ) {
+ //$this->markTestSkipped('Not testing this at this time');
+ $this->getSample($sampleId);
+ //Creates the Max preview which will be used in the rest of the test
+ $this->createMaxPreview();
+ // Now we will create the real preview
+ $previewWidth = 4000;
+ $previewHeight = 4000;
+ $this->keepAspect = $keepAspect;
+ $this->scalingUp = $scalingUp;
+ // Tries to create the very large preview
+ $preview = $this->createPreview($previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ $image = $preview->getPreview();
+ $this->assertNotSame(false, $image);
+ list($expectedWidth, $expectedHeight) =
+ $this->simulatePreviewDimensions($previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWidth, $image->width());
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedHeight, $image->height());
+ // A preview of the asked size should not have been created since it's larger that our max dimensions
+ $postfix = $this->getThumbnailPostfix($previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ $thumbCacheFile = $this->buildCachePath(
+ $this->sampleFileId, $previewWidth, $previewHeight, false, $postfix
+ );
+ $this->assertSame(
+ false, $this->rootView->file_exists($thumbCacheFile), "$thumbCacheFile \n"
+ );
+ $preview->deleteAllPreviews();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Makes sure we're getting the proper cached thumbnail
+ *
+ * When we start by generating a preview which keeps the aspect ratio
+ * 200-125-with-aspect
+ * 300-300 ✓
+ *
+ * When we start by generating a preview of exact dimensions
+ * 200-200 ✓
+ * 300-188-with-aspect
+ *
+ * @requires extension imagick
+ * @dataProvider aspectDataProvider
+ *
+ * @param int $sampleId
+ * @param bool $keepAspect
+ * @param bool $scalingUp
+ */
+ public function testIsBiggerWithAspectRatioCached(
+ $sampleId, $keepAspect = false, $scalingUp = false
+ ) {
+ //$this->markTestSkipped('Not testing this at this time');
+ $previewWidth = 400;
+ $previewHeight = 400;
+ $this->getSample($sampleId);
+ $fileId = $this->sampleFileId;
+ $this->keepAspect = $keepAspect;
+ $this->scalingUp = $scalingUp;
+ // Caching the max preview in our preview array for the test
+ $this->cachedBigger[] = $this->buildCachePath(
+ $fileId, $this->maxPreviewWidth, $this->maxPreviewHeight, false, '-max'
+ );
+ $this->getSmallerThanMaxPreview($fileId, $previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ // We switch the aspect ratio, to generate a thumbnail we should not be picked up
+ $this->keepAspect = !$keepAspect;
+ $this->getSmallerThanMaxPreview($fileId, $previewWidth + 100, $previewHeight + 100);
+ // Small thumbnails are always cropped
+ $this->keepAspect = false;
+ // Smaller previews should be based on the previous, larger preview, with the correct aspect ratio
+ $this->createThumbnailFromBiggerCachedPreview($fileId, 32, 32);
+ // 2nd cache query should indicate that we have a cached copy of the exact dimension
+ $this->getCachedSmallThumbnail($fileId, 32, 32);
+ // We create a preview in order to be able to delete the cache
+ $preview = $this->createPreview(rand(), rand());
+ $preview->deleteAllPreviews();
+ $this->cachedBigger = [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialises the preview
+ *
+ * @param int $width
+ * @param int $height
+ *
+ * @return \OC\Preview
+ */
+ private function createPreview($width, $height) {
+ $preview = new \OC\Preview(
+ self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1, 'files/', $this->sampleFilename, $width,
+ $height
+ );
+ $this->assertSame(true, $preview->isFileValid());
+ $preview->setKeepAspect($this->keepAspect);
+ $preview->setScalingup($this->scalingUp);
+ return $preview;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates the Max preview which will be used in the rest of the test
+ *
+ * @return \OC\Preview
+ */
+ private function createMaxPreview() {
+ $this->keepAspect = true;
+ $preview = $this->createPreview($this->maxPreviewWidth, $this->maxPreviewHeight);
+ $preview->getPreview();
+ return $preview;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Makes sure the preview which was just created has been saved to disk
+ *
+ * @param int $fileId
+ * @param int $previewWidth
+ * @param int $previewHeight
+ */
+ private function checkCache($fileId, $previewWidth, $previewHeight) {
+ $postfix = $this->getThumbnailPostfix($previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ $thumbCacheFile = $this->buildCachePath(
+ $fileId, $previewWidth, $previewHeight, true, $postfix
+ );
+ $this->assertSame(
+ true, $this->rootView->file_exists($thumbCacheFile), "$thumbCacheFile \n"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes special filename postfixes
+ *
+ * @param int $width
+ * @param int $height
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function getThumbnailPostfix($width, $height) {
+ // Need to take care of special postfix added to the dimensions
+ $postfix = '';
+ $isMaxPreview = ($width === $this->maxPreviewWidth
+ && $height === $this->maxPreviewHeight) ? true : false;
+ if ($isMaxPreview) {
+ $postfix = '-max';
+ }
+ if ($this->keepAspect && !$isMaxPreview) {
+ $postfix = '-with-aspect';
+ }
+ return $postfix;
+ }
+ private function getSmallerThanMaxPreview($fileId, $previewWidth, $previewHeight) {
+ $preview = $this->createPreview($previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ $image = $preview->getPreview();
+ $this->assertNotSame(false, $image);
+ // A thumbnail of the asked dimensions should also have been created (within the constraints of the max preview)
+ list($limitedPreviewWidth, $limitedPreviewHeight) =
+ $this->simulatePreviewDimensions($previewWidth, $previewHeight);
+ $this->assertEquals($limitedPreviewWidth, $image->width());
+ $this->assertEquals($limitedPreviewHeight, $image->height());
+ // And it should be cached
+ $this->checkCache($fileId, $limitedPreviewWidth, $limitedPreviewHeight);
+ $this->cachedBigger[] = $preview->isCached($fileId);
+ }
+ private function createThumbnailFromBiggerCachedPreview($fileId, $width, $height) {
+ $preview = $this->createPreview($width, $height);
+ // A cache query should return a thumbnail of slightly larger dimensions
+ // and with the proper aspect ratio
+ $isCached = $preview->isCached($fileId);
+ $expectedCachedBigger = $this->getExpectedCachedBigger();
+ $this->assertSame($expectedCachedBigger, $isCached);
+ $image = $preview->getPreview();
+ $this->assertNotSame(false, $image);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Picks the bigger cached preview with the correct aspect ratio or the max preview if it's
+ * smaller than that
+ *
+ * For non-upscaled images, we pick the only picture without aspect ratio
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function getExpectedCachedBigger() {
+ $foundPreview = null;
+ $foundWidth = null;
+ $foundHeight = null;
+ $maxPreview = null;
+ $maxWidth = null;
+ $maxHeight = null;
+ foreach ($this->cachedBigger as $cached) {
+ $size = explode('-', basename($cached));
+ $width = (int)$size[0];
+ $height = (int)$size[1];
+ if (strpos($cached, 'max')) {
+ $maxWidth = $width;
+ $maxHeight = $height;
+ $maxPreview = $cached;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We pick the larger preview with no aspect ratio
+ if (!strpos($cached, 'aspect') && !strpos($cached, 'max')) {
+ $foundPreview = $cached;
+ $foundWidth = $width;
+ $foundHeight = $height;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($foundWidth > $maxWidth && $foundHeight > $maxHeight) {
+ $foundPreview = $maxPreview;
+ }
+ return $foundPreview;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A small thumbnail of exact dimensions should be in the cache
+ *
+ * @param int $fileId
+ * @param int $width
+ * @param int $height
+ */
+ private function getCachedSmallThumbnail($fileId, $width, $height) {
+ $preview = $this->createPreview($width, $height);
+ $isCached = $preview->isCached($fileId);
+ $thumbCacheFile = $this->buildCachePath($fileId, $width, $height);
+ $this->assertSame($thumbCacheFile, $isCached, "$thumbCacheFile \n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Builds the complete path to a cached thumbnail starting from the user folder
+ *
+ * @param int $fileId
+ * @param int $width
+ * @param int $height
+ * @param bool $user
+ * @param string $postfix
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function buildCachePath($fileId, $width, $height, $user = false, $postfix = '') {
+ $userPath = '';
+ if ($user) {
+ $userPath = '/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/';
+ }
+ return $userPath . \OC\Preview::THUMBNAILS_FOLDER . '/' . $fileId
+ . '/' . $width . '-' . $height . $postfix . '.png';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stores the sample in the filesystem and stores it in the $samples array
+ *
+ * @param string $fileName
+ * @param int $sampleWidth
+ * @param int $sampleHeight
+ */
+ private function prepareSample($fileName, $sampleWidth, $sampleHeight) {
+ $imgData = file_get_contents(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/' . $fileName);
+ $imgPath = '/' . self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1 . '/files/' . $fileName;
+ $this->rootView->file_put_contents($imgPath, $imgData);
+ $fileInfo = $this->rootView->getFileInfo($imgPath);
+ list($maxPreviewWidth, $maxPreviewHeight) =
+ $this->setMaxPreview($sampleWidth, $sampleHeight);
+ $this->samples[] =
+ [
+ 'sampleFileId' => $fileInfo['fileid'],
+ 'sampleFileName' => $fileName,
+ 'sampleWidth' => $sampleWidth,
+ 'sampleHeight' => $sampleHeight,
+ 'maxPreviewWidth' => $maxPreviewWidth,
+ 'maxPreviewHeight' => $maxPreviewHeight
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the variables used to define the boundaries which need to be respected when using a
+ * specific sample
+ *
+ * @param $sampleId
+ */
+ private function getSample($sampleId) {
+ // Corrects a rounding difference when using the EPS (Imagick converted) sample
+ $filename = $this->samples[$sampleId]['sampleFileName'];
+ $splitFileName = pathinfo($filename);
+ $extension = $splitFileName['extension'];
+ $correction = ($extension === 'eps') ? 1 : 0;
+ $maxPreviewHeight = $this->samples[$sampleId]['maxPreviewHeight'];
+ $maxPreviewHeight = $maxPreviewHeight - $correction;
+ $this->sampleFileId = $this->samples[$sampleId]['sampleFileId'];
+ $this->sampleFilename = $this->samples[$sampleId]['sampleFileName'];
+ $this->sampleWidth = $this->samples[$sampleId]['sampleWidth'];
+ $this->sampleHeight = $this->samples[$sampleId]['sampleHeight'];
+ $this->maxPreviewWidth = $this->samples[$sampleId]['maxPreviewWidth'];
+ $this->maxPreviewHeight = $maxPreviewHeight;
+ $ratio = $this->maxPreviewWidth / $this->maxPreviewHeight;
+ $this->maxPreviewRatio = $ratio;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Defines the size of the max preview
+ *
+ * @fixme the Imagick previews don't have the exact same size on disk as they're calculated here
+ *
+ * @param int $sampleWidth
+ * @param int $sampleHeight
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function setMaxPreview($sampleWidth, $sampleHeight) {
+ // Max previews are never scaled up
+ $this->scalingUp = false;
+ // Max previews always keep the aspect ratio
+ $this->keepAspect = true;
+ // We set this variable in order to be able to calculate the max preview with the proper aspect ratio
+ $this->maxPreviewRatio = $sampleWidth / $sampleHeight;
+ $maxPreviewWidth = min($sampleWidth, $this->configMaxWidth);
+ $maxPreviewHeight = min($sampleHeight, $this->configMaxHeight);
+ list($maxPreviewWidth, $maxPreviewHeight) =
+ $this->applyAspectRatio($maxPreviewWidth, $maxPreviewHeight);
+ return [$maxPreviewWidth, $maxPreviewHeight];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates the expected dimensions of the preview to be able to assess if we've got the
+ * right result
+ *
+ * @param int $askedWidth
+ * @param int $askedHeight
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function simulatePreviewDimensions($askedWidth, $askedHeight) {
+ $askedWidth = min($askedWidth, $this->configMaxWidth);
+ $askedHeight = min($askedHeight, $this->configMaxHeight);
+ if ($this->keepAspect) {
+ // Defines the box in which the preview has to fit
+ $scaleFactor = $this->scalingUp ? $this->maxScaleFactor : 1;
+ $newPreviewWidth = min($askedWidth, $this->maxPreviewWidth * $scaleFactor);
+ $newPreviewHeight = min($askedHeight, $this->maxPreviewHeight * $scaleFactor);
+ list($newPreviewWidth, $newPreviewHeight) =
+ $this->applyAspectRatio($newPreviewWidth, $newPreviewHeight);
+ } else {
+ list($newPreviewWidth, $newPreviewHeight) =
+ $this->fixSize($askedWidth, $askedHeight);
+ }
+ return [(int)$newPreviewWidth, (int)$newPreviewHeight];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resizes the boundaries to match the aspect ratio
+ *
+ * @param int $askedWidth
+ * @param int $askedHeight
+ *
+ * @return \int[]
+ */
+ private function applyAspectRatio($askedWidth, $askedHeight) {
+ $originalRatio = $this->maxPreviewRatio;
+ if ($askedWidth / $originalRatio < $askedHeight) {
+ $askedHeight = round($askedWidth / $originalRatio);
+ } else {
+ $askedWidth = round($askedHeight * $originalRatio);
+ }
+ return [(int)$askedWidth, (int)$askedHeight];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Clips or stretches the dimensions so that they fit in the boundaries
+ *
+ * @param int $askedWidth
+ * @param int $askedHeight
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function fixSize($askedWidth, $askedHeight) {
+ if ($this->scalingUp) {
+ $askedWidth = min($this->configMaxWidth, $askedWidth);
+ $askedHeight = min($this->configMaxHeight, $askedHeight);
+ }
+ return [(int)$askedWidth, (int)$askedHeight];
+ }
+ public function testKeepAspectRatio() {
+ $originalWidth = 1680;
+ $originalHeight = 1050;
+ $originalAspectRation = $originalWidth / $originalHeight;
+ $preview = new \OC\Preview(
+ self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1, 'files/', 'testimage.jpg',
+ 150,
+ 150
+ );
+ $preview->setKeepAspect(true);
+ $image = $preview->getPreview();
+ $aspectRatio = $image->width() / $image->height();
+ $this->assertEquals(round($originalAspectRation, 2), round($aspectRatio, 2));
+ $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(150, $image->width());
+ $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(150, $image->height());
+ }
+ public function testKeepAspectRatioCover() {
+ $originalWidth = 1680;
+ $originalHeight = 1050;
+ $originalAspectRation = $originalWidth / $originalHeight;
+ $preview = new \OC\Preview(
+ self::TEST_PREVIEW_USER1, 'files/', 'testimage.jpg',
+ 150,
+ 150
+ );
+ $preview->setKeepAspect(true);
+ $preview->setMode(\OC\Preview::MODE_COVER);
+ $image = $preview->getPreview();
+ $aspectRatio = $image->width() / $image->height();
+ $this->assertEquals(round($originalAspectRation, 2), round($aspectRatio, 2));
+ $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(150, $image->width());
+ $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(150, $image->height());
+ }
+ public function testSetFileWithInfo() {
+ $info = new FileInfo('/foo', null, '/foo', ['mimetype' => 'foo/bar'], null);
+ $preview = new \OC\Preview();
+ $preview->setFile('/foo', $info);
+ $this->assertEquals($info, $this->invokePrivate($preview, 'getFileInfo'));
+ }
+ public function testIsCached() {
+ $sourceFile = __DIR__ . '/../data/testimage.png';
+ $userId = $this->getUniqueID();
+ $this->createUser($userId, 'pass');
+ $storage = new Temporary();
+ $storage->mkdir('files');
+ $this->registerMount($userId, $storage, '/' . $userId);
+ \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+ \OC_Util::setupFS($userId);
+ $preview = new \OC\Preview($userId, 'files');
+ $view = new View('/' . $userId . '/files');
+ $view->file_put_contents('test.png', file_get_contents($sourceFile));
+ $info = $view->getFileInfo('test.png');
+ $preview->setFile('test.png', $info);
+ $preview->setMaxX(64);
+ $preview->setMaxY(64);
+ $this->assertFalse($preview->isCached($info->getId()));
+ $preview->getPreview();
+ $this->assertEquals('thumbnails/' . $info->getId() . '/64-64.png', $preview->isCached($info->getId()));
+ }