path: root/tests/lib/files/view.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/lib/files/view.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2447 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lib/files/view.php b/tests/lib/files/view.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d33c9f31503..00000000000
--- a/tests/lib/files/view.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2447 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Robin Appelman <>
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
- * later.
- * See the COPYING-README file. */
-namespace Test\Files;
-use OC\Files\Cache\Watcher;
-use OC\Files\Storage\Common;
-use OC\Files\Mount\MountPoint;
-use OC\Files\Storage\Temporary;
-use OCP\Files\FileInfo;
-use OCP\Lock\ILockingProvider;
-class TemporaryNoTouch extends \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary {
- public function touch($path, $mtime = null) {
- return false;
- }
-class TemporaryNoCross extends \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary {
- public function copyFromStorage(\OCP\Files\Storage $sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath) {
- return Common::copyFromStorage($sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath);
- }
- public function moveFromStorage(\OCP\Files\Storage $sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath) {
- return Common::moveFromStorage($sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath);
- }
-class TemporaryNoLocal extends \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary {
- public function instanceOfStorage($className) {
- if ($className === '\OC\Files\Storage\Local') {
- return false;
- } else {
- return parent::instanceOfStorage($className);
- }
- }
- * Class View
- *
- * @group DB
- *
- * @package Test\Files
- */
-class View extends \Test\TestCase {
- /**
- * @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage[] $storages
- */
- private $storages = array();
- /**
- * @var string
- */
- private $user;
- /**
- * @var \OCP\IUser
- */
- private $userObject;
- /**
- * @var \OCP\IGroup
- */
- private $groupObject;
- /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage */
- private $tempStorage;
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- \OC_Hook::clear();
- \OC_User::clearBackends();
- \OC_User::useBackend(new \Test\Util\User\Dummy());
- //login
- $userManager = \OC::$server->getUserManager();
- $groupManager = \OC::$server->getGroupManager();
- $this->user = 'test';
- $this->userObject = $userManager->createUser('test', 'test');
- $this->groupObject = $groupManager->createGroup('group1');
- $this->groupObject->addUser($this->userObject);
- $this->loginAsUser($this->user);
- // clear mounts but somehow keep the root storage
- // that was initialized above...
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::clearMounts();
- $this->tempStorage = null;
- }
- protected function tearDown() {
- \OC_User::setUserId($this->user);
- foreach ($this->storages as $storage) {
- $cache = $storage->getCache();
- $ids = $cache->getAll();
- $cache->clear();
- }
- if ($this->tempStorage && !\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
- system('rm -rf ' . escapeshellarg($this->tempStorage->getDataDir()));
- }
- $this->logout();
- $this->userObject->delete();
- $this->groupObject->delete();
- $mountProviderCollection = \OC::$server->getMountProviderCollection();
- \Test\TestCase::invokePrivate($mountProviderCollection, 'providers', [[]]);
- parent::tearDown();
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testCacheAPI() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage3 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $root = $this->getUniqueID('/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), $root . '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), $root . '/substorage');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage3, array(), $root . '/folder/anotherstorage');
- $textSize = strlen("dummy file data\n");
- $imageSize = filesize(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/core/img/logo.png');
- $storageSize = $textSize * 2 + $imageSize;
- $storageInfo = $storage3->getCache()->get('');
- $this->assertEquals($storageSize, $storageInfo['size']);
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View($root);
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/foo.txt');
- $this->assertEquals($textSize, $cachedData['size']);
- $this->assertEquals('text/plain', $cachedData['mimetype']);
- $this->assertNotEquals(-1, $cachedData['permissions']);
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/');
- $this->assertEquals($storageSize * 3, $cachedData['size']);
- $this->assertEquals('httpd/unix-directory', $cachedData['mimetype']);
- // get cached data excluding mount points
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/', false);
- $this->assertEquals($storageSize, $cachedData['size']);
- $this->assertEquals('httpd/unix-directory', $cachedData['mimetype']);
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/folder');
- $this->assertEquals($storageSize + $textSize, $cachedData['size']);
- $this->assertEquals('httpd/unix-directory', $cachedData['mimetype']);
- $folderData = $rootView->getDirectoryContent('/');
- /**
- * expected entries:
- * folder
- * foo.png
- * foo.txt
- * substorage
- */
- $this->assertEquals(4, count($folderData));
- $this->assertEquals('folder', $folderData[0]['name']);
- $this->assertEquals('foo.png', $folderData[1]['name']);
- $this->assertEquals('foo.txt', $folderData[2]['name']);
- $this->assertEquals('substorage', $folderData[3]['name']);
- $this->assertEquals($storageSize + $textSize, $folderData[0]['size']);
- $this->assertEquals($imageSize, $folderData[1]['size']);
- $this->assertEquals($textSize, $folderData[2]['size']);
- $this->assertEquals($storageSize, $folderData[3]['size']);
- $folderData = $rootView->getDirectoryContent('/substorage');
- /**
- * expected entries:
- * folder
- * foo.png
- * foo.txt
- */
- $this->assertEquals(3, count($folderData));
- $this->assertEquals('folder', $folderData[0]['name']);
- $this->assertEquals('foo.png', $folderData[1]['name']);
- $this->assertEquals('foo.txt', $folderData[2]['name']);
- $folderView = new \OC\Files\View($root . '/folder');
- $this->assertEquals($rootView->getFileInfo('/folder'), $folderView->getFileInfo('/'));
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/foo.txt');
- $this->assertFalse($cachedData['encrypted']);
- $id = $rootView->putFileInfo('/foo.txt', array('encrypted' => true));
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/foo.txt');
- $this->assertTrue($cachedData['encrypted']);
- $this->assertEquals($cachedData['fileid'], $id);
- $this->assertFalse($rootView->getFileInfo('/non/existing'));
- $this->assertEquals(array(), $rootView->getDirectoryContent('/non/existing'));
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testGetPath() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage3 = $this->getTestStorage();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/substorage');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage3, array(), '/folder/anotherstorage');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/foo.txt');
- /** @var int $id1 */
- $id1 = $cachedData['fileid'];
- $this->assertEquals('/foo.txt', $rootView->getPath($id1));
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/substorage/foo.txt');
- /** @var int $id2 */
- $id2 = $cachedData['fileid'];
- $this->assertEquals('/substorage/foo.txt', $rootView->getPath($id2));
- $folderView = new \OC\Files\View('/substorage');
- $this->assertEquals('/foo.txt', $folderView->getPath($id2));
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \OCP\Files\NotFoundException
- */
- function testGetPathNotExisting() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, [], '/');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/foo.txt');
- /** @var int $id1 */
- $id1 = $cachedData['fileid'];
- $folderView = new \OC\Files\View('/substorage');
- $this->assertNull($folderView->getPath($id1));
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testMountPointOverwrite() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage(false);
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage1->mkdir('substorage');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/substorage');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $folderContent = $rootView->getDirectoryContent('/');
- $this->assertEquals(4, count($folderContent));
- }
- public function sharingDisabledPermissionProvider() {
- return [
- ['no', '', true],
- ['yes', 'group1', false],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider sharingDisabledPermissionProvider
- */
- public function testRemoveSharePermissionWhenSharingDisabledForUser($excludeGroups, $excludeGroupsList, $expectedShareable) {
- $appConfig = \OC::$server->getAppConfig();
- $oldExcludeGroupsFlag = $appConfig->getValue('core', 'shareapi_exclude_groups', 'no');
- $oldExcludeGroupsList = $appConfig->getValue('core', 'shareapi_exclude_groups_list', '');
- $appConfig->setValue('core', 'shareapi_exclude_groups', $excludeGroups);
- $appConfig->setValue('core', 'shareapi_exclude_groups_list', $excludeGroupsList);
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/mount');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/');
- $folderContent = $view->getDirectoryContent('');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedShareable, $folderContent[0]->isShareable());
- $folderContent = $view->getDirectoryContent('mount');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedShareable, $folderContent[0]->isShareable());
- $appConfig->setValue('core', 'shareapi_exclude_groups', $oldExcludeGroupsFlag);
- $appConfig->setValue('core', 'shareapi_exclude_groups_list', $oldExcludeGroupsList);
- }
- public function testCacheIncompleteFolder() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage(false);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::clearMounts();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/incomplete');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('/incomplete');
- $entries = $rootView->getDirectoryContent('/');
- $this->assertEquals(3, count($entries));
- // /folder will already be in the cache but not scanned
- $entries = $rootView->getDirectoryContent('/folder');
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($entries));
- }
- public function testAutoScan() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage(false);
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage(false);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/substorage');
- $textSize = strlen("dummy file data\n");
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('/');
- $this->assertEquals('httpd/unix-directory', $cachedData['mimetype']);
- $this->assertEquals(-1, $cachedData['size']);
- $folderData = $rootView->getDirectoryContent('/substorage/folder');
- $this->assertEquals('text/plain', $folderData[0]['mimetype']);
- $this->assertEquals($textSize, $folderData[0]['size']);
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testSearch() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage3 = $this->getTestStorage();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/substorage');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage3, array(), '/folder/anotherstorage');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $results = $rootView->search('foo');
- $this->assertEquals(6, count($results));
- $paths = array();
- foreach ($results as $result) {
- $this->assertEquals($result['path'], \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($result['path']));
- $paths[] = $result['path'];
- }
- $this->assertContains('/foo.txt', $paths);
- $this->assertContains('/foo.png', $paths);
- $this->assertContains('/substorage/foo.txt', $paths);
- $this->assertContains('/substorage/foo.png', $paths);
- $this->assertContains('/folder/anotherstorage/foo.txt', $paths);
- $this->assertContains('/folder/anotherstorage/foo.png', $paths);
- $folderView = new \OC\Files\View('/folder');
- $results = $folderView->search('bar');
- $this->assertEquals(2, count($results));
- $paths = array();
- foreach ($results as $result) {
- $paths[] = $result['path'];
- }
- $this->assertContains('/anotherstorage/folder/bar.txt', $paths);
- $this->assertContains('/bar.txt', $paths);
- $results = $folderView->search('foo');
- $this->assertEquals(2, count($results));
- $paths = array();
- foreach ($results as $result) {
- $paths[] = $result['path'];
- }
- $this->assertContains('/anotherstorage/foo.txt', $paths);
- $this->assertContains('/anotherstorage/foo.png', $paths);
- $this->assertEquals(6, count($rootView->searchByMime('text')));
- $this->assertEquals(3, count($folderView->searchByMime('text')));
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testWatcher() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- $storage1->getWatcher()->setPolicy(Watcher::CHECK_ALWAYS);
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('foo.txt');
- $this->assertEquals(16, $cachedData['size']);
- $rootView->putFileInfo('foo.txt', array('storage_mtime' => 10));
- $storage1->file_put_contents('foo.txt', 'foo');
- clearstatcache();
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('foo.txt');
- $this->assertEquals(3, $cachedData['size']);
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testCopyBetweenStorageNoCross() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage(true, '\Test\Files\TemporaryNoCross');
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage(true, '\Test\Files\TemporaryNoCross');
- $this->copyBetweenStorages($storage1, $storage2);
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testCopyBetweenStorageCross() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $this->copyBetweenStorages($storage1, $storage2);
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testCopyBetweenStorageCrossNonLocal() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage(true, '\Test\Files\TemporaryNoLocal');
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage(true, '\Test\Files\TemporaryNoLocal');
- $this->copyBetweenStorages($storage1, $storage2);
- }
- function copyBetweenStorages($storage1, $storage2) {
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/substorage');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $rootView->mkdir('substorage/emptyfolder');
- $rootView->copy('substorage', 'anotherfolder');
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->is_dir('/anotherfolder'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->is_dir('/substorage'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->is_dir('/anotherfolder/emptyfolder'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->is_dir('/substorage/emptyfolder'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('/anotherfolder/foo.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('/anotherfolder/foo.png'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('/anotherfolder/folder/bar.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('/substorage/foo.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('/substorage/foo.png'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('/substorage/folder/bar.txt'));
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testMoveBetweenStorageNoCross() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage(true, '\Test\Files\TemporaryNoCross');
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage(true, '\Test\Files\TemporaryNoCross');
- $this->moveBetweenStorages($storage1, $storage2);
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testMoveBetweenStorageCross() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $this->moveBetweenStorages($storage1, $storage2);
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testMoveBetweenStorageCrossNonLocal() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage(true, '\Test\Files\TemporaryNoLocal');
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage(true, '\Test\Files\TemporaryNoLocal');
- $this->moveBetweenStorages($storage1, $storage2);
- }
- function moveBetweenStorages($storage1, $storage2) {
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/substorage');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $rootView->rename('foo.txt', 'substorage/folder/foo.txt');
- $this->assertFalse($rootView->file_exists('foo.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('substorage/folder/foo.txt'));
- $rootView->rename('substorage/folder', 'anotherfolder');
- $this->assertFalse($rootView->is_dir('substorage/folder'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('anotherfolder/foo.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('anotherfolder/bar.txt'));
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testUnlink() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/substorage');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $rootView->file_put_contents('/foo.txt', 'asd');
- $rootView->file_put_contents('/substorage/bar.txt', 'asd');
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('foo.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists('substorage/bar.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->unlink('foo.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->unlink('substorage/bar.txt'));
- $this->assertFalse($rootView->file_exists('foo.txt'));
- $this->assertFalse($rootView->file_exists('substorage/bar.txt'));
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testUnlinkRootMustFail() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/substorage');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $rootView->file_put_contents('/foo.txt', 'asd');
- $rootView->file_put_contents('/substorage/bar.txt', 'asd');
- $this->assertFalse($rootView->unlink(''));
- $this->assertFalse($rootView->unlink('/'));
- $this->assertFalse($rootView->unlink('substorage'));
- $this->assertFalse($rootView->unlink('/substorage'));
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testTouch() {
- $storage = $this->getTestStorage(true, '\Test\Files\TemporaryNoTouch');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $oldCachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('foo.txt');
- $rootView->touch('foo.txt', 500);
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('foo.txt');
- $this->assertEquals(500, $cachedData['mtime']);
- $this->assertEquals($oldCachedData['storage_mtime'], $cachedData['storage_mtime']);
- $rootView->putFileInfo('foo.txt', array('storage_mtime' => 1000)); //make sure the watcher detects the change
- $rootView->file_put_contents('foo.txt', 'asd');
- $cachedData = $rootView->getFileInfo('foo.txt');
- $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($oldCachedData['mtime'], $cachedData['mtime']);
- $this->assertEquals($cachedData['storage_mtime'], $cachedData['mtime']);
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testViewHooks() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $defaultRoot = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getRoot();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), $defaultRoot . '/substorage');
- \OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem', 'post_write', $this, 'dummyHook');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $subView = new \OC\Files\View($defaultRoot . '/substorage');
- $this->hookPath = null;
- $rootView->file_put_contents('/foo.txt', 'asd');
- $this->assertNull($this->hookPath);
- $subView->file_put_contents('/foo.txt', 'asd');
- $this->assertEquals('/substorage/foo.txt', $this->hookPath);
- }
- private $hookPath;
- public function dummyHook($params) {
- $this->hookPath = $params['path'];
- }
- public function testSearchNotOutsideView() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- $storage1->rename('folder', 'foo');
- $scanner = $storage1->getScanner();
- $scanner->scan('');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/foo');
- $result = $view->search('.txt');
- $this->assertCount(1, $result);
- }
- /**
- * @param bool $scan
- * @param string $class
- * @return \OC\Files\Storage\Storage
- */
- private function getTestStorage($scan = true, $class = '\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary') {
- /**
- * @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $storage
- */
- $storage = new $class(array());
- $textData = "dummy file data\n";
- $imgData = file_get_contents(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/core/img/logo.png');
- $storage->mkdir('folder');
- $storage->file_put_contents('foo.txt', $textData);
- $storage->file_put_contents('foo.png', $imgData);
- $storage->file_put_contents('folder/bar.txt', $textData);
- if ($scan) {
- $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
- $scanner->scan('');
- }
- $this->storages[] = $storage;
- return $storage;
- }
- /**
- * @medium
- */
- public function testViewHooksIfRootStartsTheSame() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $defaultRoot = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getRoot();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), $defaultRoot . '_substorage');
- \OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem', 'post_write', $this, 'dummyHook');
- $subView = new \OC\Files\View($defaultRoot . '_substorage');
- $this->hookPath = null;
- $subView->file_put_contents('/foo.txt', 'asd');
- $this->assertNull($this->hookPath);
- }
- private $hookWritePath;
- private $hookCreatePath;
- private $hookUpdatePath;
- public function dummyHookWrite($params) {
- $this->hookWritePath = $params['path'];
- }
- public function dummyHookUpdate($params) {
- $this->hookUpdatePath = $params['path'];
- }
- public function dummyHookCreate($params) {
- $this->hookCreatePath = $params['path'];
- }
- public function testEditNoCreateHook() {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $storage2 = $this->getTestStorage();
- $defaultRoot = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getRoot();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), $defaultRoot);
- \OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem', 'post_create', $this, 'dummyHookCreate');
- \OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem', 'post_update', $this, 'dummyHookUpdate');
- \OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem', 'post_write', $this, 'dummyHookWrite');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View($defaultRoot);
- $this->hookWritePath = $this->hookUpdatePath = $this->hookCreatePath = null;
- $view->file_put_contents('/asd.txt', 'foo');
- $this->assertEquals('/asd.txt', $this->hookCreatePath);
- $this->assertNull($this->hookUpdatePath);
- $this->assertEquals('/asd.txt', $this->hookWritePath);
- $this->hookWritePath = $this->hookUpdatePath = $this->hookCreatePath = null;
- $view->file_put_contents('/asd.txt', 'foo');
- $this->assertNull($this->hookCreatePath);
- $this->assertEquals('/asd.txt', $this->hookUpdatePath);
- $this->assertEquals('/asd.txt', $this->hookWritePath);
- \OC_Hook::clear('OC_Filesystem', 'post_create');
- \OC_Hook::clear('OC_Filesystem', 'post_update');
- \OC_Hook::clear('OC_Filesystem', 'post_write');
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider resolvePathTestProvider
- */
- public function testResolvePath($expected, $pathToTest) {
- $storage1 = $this->getTestStorage();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $result = $view->resolvePath($pathToTest);
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result[1]);
- $exists = $view->file_exists($pathToTest);
- $this->assertTrue($exists);
- $exists = $view->file_exists($result[1]);
- $this->assertTrue($exists);
- }
- function resolvePathTestProvider() {
- return array(
- array('foo.txt', 'foo.txt'),
- array('foo.txt', '/foo.txt'),
- array('folder', 'folder'),
- array('folder', '/folder'),
- array('folder', 'folder/'),
- array('folder', '/folder/'),
- array('folder/bar.txt', 'folder/bar.txt'),
- array('folder/bar.txt', '/folder/bar.txt'),
- array('', ''),
- array('', '/'),
- );
- }
- public function testUTF8Names() {
- $names = array('虚', '和知しゃ和で', 'regular ascii', 'sɨˈrɪlɪk', 'ѨѬ', 'أنا أحب القراءة كثيرا');
- $storage = new \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary(array());
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- foreach ($names as $name) {
- $rootView->file_put_contents('/' . $name, 'dummy content');
- }
- $list = $rootView->getDirectoryContent('/');
- $this->assertCount(count($names), $list);
- foreach ($list as $item) {
- $this->assertContains($item['name'], $names);
- }
- $cache = $storage->getCache();
- $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
- $scanner->scan('');
- $list = $cache->getFolderContents('');
- $this->assertCount(count($names), $list);
- foreach ($list as $item) {
- $this->assertContains($item['name'], $names);
- }
- }
- public function xtestLongPath() {
- $storage = new \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary(array());
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $longPath = '';
- /*
- * 4096 is the maximum path length in file_cache.path in *nix
- * 1024 is the max path length in mac
- * 228 is the max path length in windows
- */
- $folderName = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678901234567890123456789';
- $tmpdirLength = strlen(\OC::$server->getTempManager()->getTemporaryFolder());
- if (\OC_Util::runningOnWindows()) {
- $this->markTestSkipped('[Windows] ');
- $depth = ((260 - $tmpdirLength) / 57);
- } elseif (\OC_Util::runningOnMac()) {
- $depth = ((1024 - $tmpdirLength) / 57);
- } else {
- $depth = ((4000 - $tmpdirLength) / 57);
- }
- foreach (range(0, $depth - 1) as $i) {
- $longPath .= $ds . $folderName;
- $result = $rootView->mkdir($longPath);
- $this->assertTrue($result, "mkdir failed on $i - path length: " . strlen($longPath));
- $result = $rootView->file_put_contents($longPath . "{$ds}test.txt", 'lorem');
- $this->assertEquals(5, $result, "file_put_contents failed on $i");
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists($longPath));
- $this->assertTrue($rootView->file_exists($longPath . "{$ds}test.txt"));
- }
- $cache = $storage->getCache();
- $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
- $scanner->scan('');
- $longPath = $folderName;
- foreach (range(0, $depth - 1) as $i) {
- $cachedFolder = $cache->get($longPath);
- $this->assertTrue(is_array($cachedFolder), "No cache entry for folder at $i");
- $this->assertEquals($folderName, $cachedFolder['name'], "Wrong cache entry for folder at $i");
- $cachedFile = $cache->get($longPath . '/test.txt');
- $this->assertTrue(is_array($cachedFile), "No cache entry for file at $i");
- $this->assertEquals('test.txt', $cachedFile['name'], "Wrong cache entry for file at $i");
- $longPath .= $ds . $folderName;
- }
- }
- public function testTouchNotSupported() {
- $storage = new TemporaryNoTouch(array());
- $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/test/');
- $past = time() - 100;
- $storage->file_put_contents('test', 'foobar');
- $scanner->scan('');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $info = $view->getFileInfo('/test/test');
- $view->touch('/test/test', $past);
- $scanner->scanFile('test', \OC\Files\Cache\Scanner::REUSE_ETAG);
- $info2 = $view->getFileInfo('/test/test');
- $this->assertSame($info['etag'], $info2['etag']);
- }
- public function testWatcherEtagCrossStorage() {
- $storage1 = new Temporary(array());
- $storage2 = new Temporary(array());
- $scanner1 = $storage1->getScanner();
- $scanner2 = $storage2->getScanner();
- $storage1->mkdir('sub');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/test/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/test/sub/storage');
- $past = time() - 100;
- $storage2->file_put_contents('test.txt', 'foobar');
- $scanner1->scan('');
- $scanner2->scan('');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $storage2->getWatcher('')->setPolicy(Watcher::CHECK_ALWAYS);
- $oldFileInfo = $view->getFileInfo('/test/sub/storage/test.txt');
- $oldFolderInfo = $view->getFileInfo('/test');
- $storage2->getCache()->update($oldFileInfo->getId(), array(
- 'storage_mtime' => $past
- ));
- $view->getFileInfo('/test/sub/storage/test.txt');
- $newFolderInfo = $view->getFileInfo('/test');
- $this->assertNotEquals($newFolderInfo->getEtag(), $oldFolderInfo->getEtag());
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider absolutePathProvider
- */
- public function testGetAbsolutePath($expectedPath, $relativePath) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/files');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedPath, $view->getAbsolutePath($relativePath));
- }
- public function testPartFileInfo() {
- $storage = new Temporary(array());
- $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/test/');
- $storage->file_put_contents('test.part', 'foobar');
- $scanner->scan('');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/test');
- $info = $view->getFileInfo('test.part');
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\OCP\Files\FileInfo', $info);
- $this->assertNull($info->getId());
- $this->assertEquals(6, $info->getSize());
- }
- function absolutePathProvider() {
- return array(
- array('/files/', ''),
- array('/files/0', '0'),
- array('/files/false', 'false'),
- array('/files/true', 'true'),
- array('/files/', '/'),
- array('/files/test', 'test'),
- array('/files/test', '/test'),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider chrootRelativePathProvider
- */
- function testChrootGetRelativePath($root, $absolutePath, $expectedPath) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/files');
- $view->chroot($root);
- $this->assertEquals($expectedPath, $view->getRelativePath($absolutePath));
- }
- public function chrootRelativePathProvider() {
- return $this->relativePathProvider('/');
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider initRelativePathProvider
- */
- public function testInitGetRelativePath($root, $absolutePath, $expectedPath) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View($root);
- $this->assertEquals($expectedPath, $view->getRelativePath($absolutePath));
- }
- public function initRelativePathProvider() {
- return $this->relativePathProvider(null);
- }
- public function relativePathProvider($missingRootExpectedPath) {
- return array(
- // No root - returns the path
- array('', '/files', '/files'),
- array('', '/files/', '/files/'),
- // Root equals path - /
- array('/files/', '/files/', '/'),
- array('/files/', '/files', '/'),
- array('/files', '/files/', '/'),
- array('/files', '/files', '/'),
- // False negatives: chroot fixes those by adding the leading slash.
- // But setting them up with this root (instead of chroot($root))
- // will fail them, although they should be the same.
- // TODO init should be fixed, so it also adds the leading slash
- array('files/', '/files/', $missingRootExpectedPath),
- array('files', '/files/', $missingRootExpectedPath),
- array('files/', '/files', $missingRootExpectedPath),
- array('files', '/files', $missingRootExpectedPath),
- // False negatives: Paths provided to the method should have a leading slash
- // TODO input should be checked to have a leading slash
- array('/files/', 'files/', null),
- array('/files', 'files/', null),
- array('/files/', 'files', null),
- array('/files', 'files', null),
- // with trailing slashes
- array('/files/', '/files/0', '0'),
- array('/files/', '/files/false', 'false'),
- array('/files/', '/files/true', 'true'),
- array('/files/', '/files/test', 'test'),
- array('/files/', '/files/test/foo', 'test/foo'),
- // without trailing slashes
- // TODO false expectation: Should match "with trailing slashes"
- array('/files', '/files/0', '/0'),
- array('/files', '/files/false', '/false'),
- array('/files', '/files/true', '/true'),
- array('/files', '/files/test', '/test'),
- array('/files', '/files/test/foo', '/test/foo'),
- // leading slashes
- array('/files/', '/files_trashbin/', null),
- array('/files', '/files_trashbin/', null),
- array('/files/', '/files_trashbin', null),
- array('/files', '/files_trashbin', null),
- // no leading slashes
- array('files/', 'files_trashbin/', null),
- array('files', 'files_trashbin/', null),
- array('files/', 'files_trashbin', null),
- array('files', 'files_trashbin', null),
- // mixed leading slashes
- array('files/', '/files_trashbin/', null),
- array('/files/', 'files_trashbin/', null),
- array('files', '/files_trashbin/', null),
- array('/files', 'files_trashbin/', null),
- array('files/', '/files_trashbin', null),
- array('/files/', 'files_trashbin', null),
- array('files', '/files_trashbin', null),
- array('/files', 'files_trashbin', null),
- array('files', 'files_trashbin/test', null),
- array('/files', '/files_trashbin/test', null),
- array('/files', 'files_trashbin/test', null),
- );
- }
- public function testFileView() {
- $storage = new Temporary(array());
- $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
- $storage->file_put_contents('foo.txt', 'bar');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/test/');
- $scanner->scan('');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/test/foo.txt');
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $view->file_get_contents(''));
- $fh = tmpfile();
- fwrite($fh, 'foo');
- rewind($fh);
- $view->file_put_contents('', $fh);
- $this->assertEquals('foo', $view->file_get_contents(''));
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider tooLongPathDataProvider
- * @expectedException \OCP\Files\InvalidPathException
- */
- public function testTooLongPath($operation, $param0 = null) {
- $longPath = '';
- // 4000 is the maximum path length in file_cache.path
- $folderName = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678901234567890123456789';
- $depth = (4000 / 57);
- foreach (range(0, $depth + 1) as $i) {
- $longPath .= '/' . $folderName;
- }
- $storage = new \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary(array());
- $this->tempStorage = $storage; // for later hard cleanup
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/');
- $rootView = new \OC\Files\View('');
- if ($param0 === '@0') {
- $param0 = $longPath;
- }
- if ($operation === 'hash') {
- $param0 = $longPath;
- $longPath = 'md5';
- }
- call_user_func(array($rootView, $operation), $longPath, $param0);
- }
- public function tooLongPathDataProvider() {
- return array(
- array('getAbsolutePath'),
- array('getRelativePath'),
- array('getMountPoint'),
- array('resolvePath'),
- array('getLocalFile'),
- array('getLocalFolder'),
- array('mkdir'),
- array('rmdir'),
- array('opendir'),
- array('is_dir'),
- array('is_file'),
- array('stat'),
- array('filetype'),
- array('filesize'),
- array('readfile'),
- array('isCreatable'),
- array('isReadable'),
- array('isUpdatable'),
- array('isDeletable'),
- array('isSharable'),
- array('file_exists'),
- array('filemtime'),
- array('touch'),
- array('file_get_contents'),
- array('unlink'),
- array('deleteAll'),
- array('toTmpFile'),
- array('getMimeType'),
- array('free_space'),
- array('getFileInfo'),
- array('getDirectoryContent'),
- array('getOwner'),
- array('getETag'),
- array('file_put_contents', 'ipsum'),
- array('rename', '@0'),
- array('copy', '@0'),
- array('fopen', 'r'),
- array('fromTmpFile', '@0'),
- array('hash'),
- array('hasUpdated', 0),
- array('putFileInfo', array()),
- );
- }
- public function testRenameCrossStoragePreserveMtime() {
- $storage1 = new Temporary(array());
- $storage2 = new Temporary(array());
- $scanner1 = $storage1->getScanner();
- $scanner2 = $storage2->getScanner();
- $storage1->mkdir('sub');
- $storage1->mkdir('foo');
- $storage1->file_put_contents('foo.txt', 'asd');
- $storage1->file_put_contents('foo/bar.txt', 'asd');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/test/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/test/sub/storage');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $time = time() - 200;
- $view->touch('/test/foo.txt', $time);
- $view->touch('/test/foo', $time);
- $view->touch('/test/foo/bar.txt', $time);
- $view->rename('/test/foo.txt', '/test/sub/storage/foo.txt');
- $this->assertEquals($time, $view->filemtime('/test/sub/storage/foo.txt'));
- $view->rename('/test/foo', '/test/sub/storage/foo');
- $this->assertEquals($time, $view->filemtime('/test/sub/storage/foo/bar.txt'));
- }
- public function testRenameFailDeleteTargetKeepSource() {
- $this->doTestCopyRenameFail('rename');
- }
- public function testCopyFailDeleteTargetKeepSource() {
- $this->doTestCopyRenameFail('copy');
- }
- private function doTestCopyRenameFail($operation) {
- $storage1 = new Temporary(array());
- /** @var \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject | \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary $storage2 */
- $storage2 = $this->getMockBuilder('\Test\Files\TemporaryNoCross')
- ->setConstructorArgs([[]])
- ->setMethods(['fopen'])
- ->getMock();
- $storage2->expects($this->any())
- ->method('fopen')
- ->will($this->returnCallback(function ($path, $mode) use ($storage2) {
- /** @var \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject | \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary $storage2 */
- $source = fopen($storage2->getSourcePath($path), $mode);
- return \OC\Files\Stream\Quota::wrap($source, 9);
- }));
- $storage1->mkdir('sub');
- $storage1->file_put_contents('foo.txt', '0123456789ABCDEFGH');
- $storage1->mkdir('dirtomove');
- $storage1->file_put_contents('dirtomove/indir1.txt', '0123456'); // fits
- $storage1->file_put_contents('dirtomove/indir2.txt', '0123456789ABCDEFGH'); // doesn't fit
- $storage2->file_put_contents('existing.txt', '0123');
- $storage1->getScanner()->scan('');
- $storage2->getScanner()->scan('');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), '/test/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), '/test/sub/storage');
- // move file
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $this->assertTrue($storage1->file_exists('foo.txt'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage2->file_exists('foo.txt'));
- $this->assertFalse($view->$operation('/test/foo.txt', '/test/sub/storage/foo.txt'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage2->file_exists('foo.txt'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage2->getCache()->get('foo.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage1->file_exists('foo.txt'));
- // if target exists, it will be deleted too
- $this->assertFalse($view->$operation('/test/foo.txt', '/test/sub/storage/existing.txt'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage2->file_exists('existing.txt'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage2->getCache()->get('existing.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage1->file_exists('foo.txt'));
- // move folder
- $this->assertFalse($view->$operation('/test/dirtomove/', '/test/sub/storage/dirtomove/'));
- // since the move failed, the full source tree is kept
- $this->assertTrue($storage1->file_exists('dirtomove/indir1.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($storage1->file_exists('dirtomove/indir2.txt'));
- // second file not moved/copied
- $this->assertFalse($storage2->file_exists('dirtomove/indir2.txt'));
- $this->assertFalse($storage2->getCache()->get('dirtomove/indir2.txt'));
- }
- public function testDeleteFailKeepCache() {
- /**
- * @var \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject | \OC\Files\Storage\Temporary $storage
- */
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setConstructorArgs(array(array()))
- ->setMethods(array('unlink'))
- ->getMock();
- $storage->expects($this->once())
- ->method('unlink')
- ->will($this->returnValue(false));
- $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
- $cache = $storage->getCache();
- $storage->file_put_contents('foo.txt', 'asd');
- $scanner->scan('');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/test/');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/test');
- $this->assertFalse($view->unlink('foo.txt'));
- $this->assertTrue($cache->inCache('foo.txt'));
- }
- function directoryTraversalProvider() {
- return [
- ['../test/'],
- ['..\\test\\my/../folder'],
- ['/test/my/../foo\\'],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider directoryTraversalProvider
- * @expectedException \Exception
- * @param string $root
- */
- public function testConstructDirectoryTraversalException($root) {
- new \OC\Files\View($root);
- }
- public function testRenameOverWrite() {
- $storage = new Temporary(array());
- $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
- $storage->mkdir('sub');
- $storage->mkdir('foo');
- $storage->file_put_contents('foo.txt', 'asd');
- $storage->file_put_contents('foo/bar.txt', 'asd');
- $scanner->scan('');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/test/');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('');
- $this->assertTrue($view->rename('/test/foo.txt', '/test/foo/bar.txt'));
- }
- public function testSetMountOptionsInStorage() {
- $mount = new MountPoint('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary', '/asd/', [[]], \OC\Files\Filesystem::getLoader(), ['foo' => 'bar']);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::getMountManager()->addMount($mount);
- /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Common $storage */
- $storage = $mount->getStorage();
- $this->assertEquals($storage->getMountOption('foo'), 'bar');
- }
- public function testSetMountOptionsWatcherPolicy() {
- $mount = new MountPoint('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary', '/asd/', [[]], \OC\Files\Filesystem::getLoader(), ['filesystem_check_changes' => Watcher::CHECK_NEVER]);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::getMountManager()->addMount($mount);
- /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Common $storage */
- $storage = $mount->getStorage();
- $watcher = $storage->getWatcher();
- $this->assertEquals(Watcher::CHECK_NEVER, $watcher->getPolicy());
- }
- public function testGetAbsolutePathOnNull() {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View();
- $this->assertNull($view->getAbsolutePath(null));
- }
- public function testGetRelativePathOnNull() {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View();
- $this->assertNull($view->getRelativePath(null));
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
- */
- public function testNullAsRoot() {
- new \OC\Files\View(null);
- }
- /**
- * e.g. reading from a folder that's being renamed
- *
- * @expectedException \OCP\Lock\LockedException
- *
- * @dataProvider dataLockPaths
- *
- * @param string $rootPath
- * @param string $pathPrefix
- */
- public function testReadFromWriteLockedPath($rootPath, $pathPrefix) {
- $rootPath = str_replace('{folder}', 'files', $rootPath);
- $pathPrefix = str_replace('{folder}', 'files', $pathPrefix);
- $view = new \OC\Files\View($rootPath);
- $storage = new Temporary(array());
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, [], '/');
- $this->assertTrue($view->lockFile($pathPrefix . '/foo/bar', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
- $view->lockFile($pathPrefix . '/foo/bar/asd', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED);
- }
- /**
- * Reading from a files_encryption folder that's being renamed
- *
- * @dataProvider dataLockPaths
- *
- * @param string $rootPath
- * @param string $pathPrefix
- */
- public function testReadFromWriteUnlockablePath($rootPath, $pathPrefix) {
- $rootPath = str_replace('{folder}', 'files_encryption', $rootPath);
- $pathPrefix = str_replace('{folder}', 'files_encryption', $pathPrefix);
- $view = new \OC\Files\View($rootPath);
- $storage = new Temporary(array());
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, [], '/');
- $this->assertFalse($view->lockFile($pathPrefix . '/foo/bar', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
- $this->assertFalse($view->lockFile($pathPrefix . '/foo/bar/asd', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED));
- }
- /**
- * e.g. writing a file that's being downloaded
- *
- * @expectedException \OCP\Lock\LockedException
- *
- * @dataProvider dataLockPaths
- *
- * @param string $rootPath
- * @param string $pathPrefix
- */
- public function testWriteToReadLockedFile($rootPath, $pathPrefix) {
- $rootPath = str_replace('{folder}', 'files', $rootPath);
- $pathPrefix = str_replace('{folder}', 'files', $pathPrefix);
- $view = new \OC\Files\View($rootPath);
- $storage = new Temporary(array());
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, [], '/');
- $this->assertTrue($view->lockFile($pathPrefix . '/foo/bar', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED));
- $view->lockFile($pathPrefix . '/foo/bar', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
- }
- /**
- * Writing a file that's being downloaded
- *
- * @dataProvider dataLockPaths
- *
- * @param string $rootPath
- * @param string $pathPrefix
- */
- public function testWriteToReadUnlockableFile($rootPath, $pathPrefix) {
- $rootPath = str_replace('{folder}', 'files_encryption', $rootPath);
- $pathPrefix = str_replace('{folder}', 'files_encryption', $pathPrefix);
- $view = new \OC\Files\View($rootPath);
- $storage = new Temporary(array());
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, [], '/');
- $this->assertFalse($view->lockFile($pathPrefix . '/foo/bar', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED));
- $this->assertFalse($view->lockFile($pathPrefix . '/foo/bar', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
- }
- /**
- * Test that locks are on mount point paths instead of mount root
- */
- public function testLockLocalMountPointPathInsteadOfStorageRoot() {
- $lockingProvider = \OC::$server->getLockingProvider();
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/testuser/files/');
- $storage = new Temporary([]);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, [], '/');
- $mountedStorage = new Temporary([]);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($mountedStorage, [], '/testuser/files/mountpoint');
- $this->assertTrue(
- $view->lockFile('/mountpoint', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, true),
- 'Can lock mount point'
- );
- // no exception here because storage root was not locked
- $mountedStorage->acquireLock('', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockingProvider);
- $thrown = false;
- try {
- $storage->acquireLock('/testuser/files/mountpoint', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockingProvider);
- } catch (\OCP\Lock\LockedException $e) {
- $thrown = true;
- }
- $this->assertTrue($thrown, 'Mount point path was locked on root storage');
- $lockingProvider->releaseAll();
- }
- /**
- * Test that locks are on mount point paths and also mount root when requested
- */
- public function testLockStorageRootButNotLocalMountPoint() {
- $lockingProvider = \OC::$server->getLockingProvider();
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/testuser/files/');
- $storage = new Temporary([]);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, [], '/');
- $mountedStorage = new Temporary([]);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($mountedStorage, [], '/testuser/files/mountpoint');
- $this->assertTrue(
- $view->lockFile('/mountpoint', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, false),
- 'Can lock mount point'
- );
- $thrown = false;
- try {
- $mountedStorage->acquireLock('', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockingProvider);
- } catch (\OCP\Lock\LockedException $e) {
- $thrown = true;
- }
- $this->assertTrue($thrown, 'Mount point storage root was locked on original storage');
- // local mount point was not locked
- $storage->acquireLock('/testuser/files/mountpoint', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockingProvider);
- $lockingProvider->releaseAll();
- }
- /**
- * Test that locks are on mount point paths and also mount root when requested
- */
- public function testLockMountPointPathFailReleasesBoth() {
- $lockingProvider = \OC::$server->getLockingProvider();
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/testuser/files/');
- $storage = new Temporary([]);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, [], '/');
- $mountedStorage = new Temporary([]);
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($mountedStorage, [], '/testuser/files/mountpoint.txt');
- // this would happen if someone is writing on the mount point
- $mountedStorage->acquireLock('', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockingProvider);
- $thrown = false;
- try {
- // this actually acquires two locks, one on the mount point and one on the storage root,
- // but the one on the storage root will fail
- $view->lockFile('/mountpoint.txt', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED);
- } catch (\OCP\Lock\LockedException $e) {
- $thrown = true;
- }
- $this->assertTrue($thrown, 'Cannot acquire shared lock because storage root is already locked');
- // from here we expect that the lock on the local mount point was released properly
- // so acquiring an exclusive lock will succeed
- $storage->acquireLock('/testuser/files/mountpoint.txt', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockingProvider);
- $lockingProvider->releaseAll();
- }
- public function dataLockPaths() {
- return [
- ['/testuser/{folder}', ''],
- ['/testuser', '/{folder}'],
- ['', '/testuser/{folder}'],
- ];
- }
- public function pathRelativeToFilesProvider() {
- return [
- ['admin/files', ''],
- ['admin/files/x', 'x'],
- ['/admin/files', ''],
- ['/admin/files/sub', 'sub'],
- ['/admin/files/sub/', 'sub'],
- ['/admin/files/sub/sub2', 'sub/sub2'],
- ['//admin//files/sub//sub2', 'sub/sub2'],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider pathRelativeToFilesProvider
- */
- public function testGetPathRelativeToFiles($path, $expectedPath) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View();
- $this->assertEquals($expectedPath, $view->getPathRelativeToFiles($path));
- }
- public function pathRelativeToFilesProviderExceptionCases() {
- return [
- [''],
- ['x'],
- ['files'],
- ['/files'],
- ['/admin/files_versions/abc'],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider pathRelativeToFilesProviderExceptionCases
- * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
- */
- public function testGetPathRelativeToFilesWithInvalidArgument($path) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View();
- $view->getPathRelativeToFiles($path);
- }
- public function testChangeLock() {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/testuser/files/');
- $storage = new Temporary(array());
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, [], '/');
- $view->lockFile('/test/sub', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED);
- $this->assertTrue($this->isFileLocked($view, '/test//sub', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED));
- $this->assertFalse($this->isFileLocked($view, '/test//sub', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
- $view->changeLock('//test/sub', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
- $this->assertTrue($this->isFileLocked($view, '/test//sub', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
- $view->changeLock('test/sub', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED);
- $this->assertTrue($this->isFileLocked($view, '/test//sub', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED));
- $view->unlockFile('/test/sub/', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED);
- $this->assertFalse($this->isFileLocked($view, '/test//sub', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED));
- $this->assertFalse($this->isFileLocked($view, '/test//sub', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE));
- }
- public function hookPathProvider() {
- return [
- ['/foo/files', '/foo', true],
- ['/foo/files/bar', '/foo', true],
- ['/foo', '/foo', false],
- ['/foo', '/files/foo', true],
- ['/foo', 'filesfoo', false],
- ['', '/foo/files', true],
- ['', '/foo/files/bar.txt', true]
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider hookPathProvider
- * @param $root
- * @param $path
- * @param $shouldEmit
- */
- public function testHookPaths($root, $path, $shouldEmit) {
- $filesystemReflection = new \ReflectionClass('\OC\Files\Filesystem');
- $defaultRootValue = $filesystemReflection->getProperty('defaultInstance');
- $defaultRootValue->setAccessible(true);
- $oldRoot = $defaultRootValue->getValue();
- $defaultView = new \OC\Files\View('/foo/files');
- $defaultRootValue->setValue($defaultView);
- $view = new \OC\Files\View($root);
- $result = $this->invokePrivate($view, 'shouldEmitHooks', [$path]);
- $defaultRootValue->setValue($oldRoot);
- $this->assertEquals($shouldEmit, $result);
- }
- /**
- * Create test movable mount points
- *
- * @param array $mountPoints array of mount point locations
- * @return array array of MountPoint objects
- */
- private function createTestMovableMountPoints($mountPoints) {
- $mounts = [];
- foreach ($mountPoints as $mountPoint) {
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods([])
- ->getMock();
- $mounts[] = $this->getMock(
- '\Test\TestMoveableMountPoint',
- ['moveMount'],
- [$storage, $mountPoint]
- );
- }
- $mountProvider = $this->getMock('\OCP\Files\Config\IMountProvider');
- $mountProvider->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getMountsForUser')
- ->will($this->returnValue($mounts));
- $mountProviderCollection = \OC::$server->getMountProviderCollection();
- $mountProviderCollection->registerProvider($mountProvider);
- return $mounts;
- }
- /**
- * Test mount point move
- */
- public function testMountPointMove() {
- $this->loginAsUser($this->user);
- list($mount1, $mount2) = $this->createTestMovableMountPoints([
- $this->user . '/files/mount1',
- $this->user . '/files/mount2',
- ]);
- $mount1->expects($this->once())
- ->method('moveMount')
- ->will($this->returnValue(true));
- $mount2->expects($this->once())
- ->method('moveMount')
- ->will($this->returnValue(true));
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $view->mkdir('sub');
- $this->assertTrue($view->rename('mount1', 'renamed_mount'), 'Can rename mount point');
- $this->assertTrue($view->rename('mount2', 'sub/moved_mount'), 'Can move a mount point into a subdirectory');
- }
- /**
- * Test that moving a mount point into another is forbidden
- */
- public function testMoveMountPointIntoAnother() {
- $this->loginAsUser($this->user);
- list($mount1, $mount2) = $this->createTestMovableMountPoints([
- $this->user . '/files/mount1',
- $this->user . '/files/mount2',
- ]);
- $mount1->expects($this->never())
- ->method('moveMount');
- $mount2->expects($this->never())
- ->method('moveMount');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $this->assertFalse($view->rename('mount1', 'mount2'), 'Cannot overwrite another mount point');
- $this->assertFalse($view->rename('mount1', 'mount2/sub'), 'Cannot move a mount point into another');
- }
- /**
- * Test that moving a mount point into a shared folder is forbidden
- */
- public function testMoveMountPointIntoSharedFolder() {
- $this->loginAsUser($this->user);
- list($mount1) = $this->createTestMovableMountPoints([
- $this->user . '/files/mount1',
- ]);
- $mount1->expects($this->never())
- ->method('moveMount');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $view->mkdir('shareddir');
- $view->mkdir('shareddir/sub');
- $view->mkdir('shareddir/sub2');
- $fileId = $view->getFileInfo('shareddir')->getId();
- $userObject = \OC::$server->getUserManager()->createUser('test2', 'IHateNonMockableStaticClasses');
- $this->assertTrue(\OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $fileId, \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'test2', \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_READ));
- $this->assertFalse($view->rename('mount1', 'shareddir'), 'Cannot overwrite shared folder');
- $this->assertFalse($view->rename('mount1', 'shareddir/sub'), 'Cannot move mount point into shared folder');
- $this->assertFalse($view->rename('mount1', 'shareddir/sub/sub2'), 'Cannot move mount point into shared subfolder');
- $this->assertTrue(\OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileId, \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'test2'));
- $userObject->delete();
- }
- public function basicOperationProviderForLocks() {
- return [
- // --- write hook ----
- [
- 'touch',
- ['touch-create.txt'],
- 'touch-create.txt',
- 'create',
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ],
- [
- 'fopen',
- ['test-write.txt', 'w'],
- 'test-write.txt',
- 'write',
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE,
- null,
- // exclusive lock stays until fclose
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE,
- ],
- [
- 'mkdir',
- ['newdir'],
- 'newdir',
- 'write',
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ],
- [
- 'file_put_contents',
- ['file_put_contents.txt', 'blah'],
- 'file_put_contents.txt',
- 'write',
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ],
- // ---- delete hook ----
- [
- 'rmdir',
- ['dir'],
- 'dir',
- 'delete',
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ],
- [
- 'unlink',
- ['test.txt'],
- 'test.txt',
- 'delete',
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ],
- // ---- read hook (no post hooks) ----
- [
- 'file_get_contents',
- ['test.txt'],
- 'test.txt',
- 'read',
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- null,
- ],
- [
- 'fopen',
- ['test.txt', 'r'],
- 'test.txt',
- 'read',
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- null,
- ],
- [
- 'opendir',
- ['dir'],
- 'dir',
- 'read',
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- null,
- ],
- // ---- no lock, touch hook ---
- ['touch', ['test.txt'], 'test.txt', 'touch', null, null, null],
- // ---- no hooks, no locks ---
- ['is_dir', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['is_file', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['stat', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['filetype', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['filesize', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['isCreatable', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['isReadable', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['isUpdatable', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['isDeletable', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['isSharable', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['file_exists', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ['filemtime', ['dir'], 'dir', null],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Test whether locks are set before and after the operation
- *
- * @dataProvider basicOperationProviderForLocks
- *
- * @param string $operation operation name on the view
- * @param array $operationArgs arguments for the operation
- * @param string $lockedPath path of the locked item to check
- * @param string $hookType hook type
- * @param int $expectedLockBefore expected lock during pre hooks
- * @param int $expectedLockduring expected lock during operation
- * @param int $expectedLockAfter expected lock during post hooks
- * @param int $expectedStrayLock expected lock after returning, should
- * be null (unlock) for most operations
- */
- public function testLockBasicOperation(
- $operation,
- $operationArgs,
- $lockedPath,
- $hookType,
- $expectedLockBefore = ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- $expectedLockDuring = ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- $expectedLockAfter = ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED,
- $expectedStrayLock = null
- ) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods([$operation])
- ->getMock();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), $this->user . '/');
- // work directly on disk because mkdir might be mocked
- $realPath = $storage->getSourcePath('');
- mkdir($realPath . '/files');
- mkdir($realPath . '/files/dir');
- file_put_contents($realPath . '/files/test.txt', 'blah');
- $storage->getScanner()->scan('files');
- $storage->expects($this->once())
- ->method($operation)
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function () use ($view, $lockedPath, &$lockTypeDuring) {
- $lockTypeDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $lockedPath);
- return true;
- }
- ));
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $lockedPath), 'File not locked before operation');
- $this->connectMockHooks($hookType, $view, $lockedPath, $lockTypePre, $lockTypePost);
- // do operation
- call_user_func_array(array($view, $operation), $operationArgs);
- if ($hookType !== null) {
- $this->assertEquals($expectedLockBefore, $lockTypePre, 'File locked properly during pre-hook');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedLockAfter, $lockTypePost, 'File locked properly during post-hook');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedLockDuring, $lockTypeDuring, 'File locked properly during operation');
- } else {
- $this->assertNull($lockTypeDuring, 'File not locked during operation');
- }
- $this->assertEquals($expectedStrayLock, $this->getFileLockType($view, $lockedPath));
- }
- /**
- * Test locks for file_put_content with stream.
- * This code path uses $storage->fopen instead
- */
- public function testLockFilePutContentWithStream() {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $path = 'test_file_put_contents.txt';
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods(['fopen'])
- ->getMock();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), $this->user . '/');
- $storage->mkdir('files');
- $storage->expects($this->once())
- ->method('fopen')
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function () use ($view, $path, &$lockTypeDuring) {
- $lockTypeDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $path);
- return fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
- }
- ));
- $this->connectMockHooks('write', $view, $path, $lockTypePre, $lockTypePost);
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $path), 'File not locked before operation');
- // do operation
- $view->file_put_contents($path, fopen('php://temp', 'r+'));
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypePre, 'File locked properly during pre-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypePost, 'File locked properly during post-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockTypeDuring, 'File locked properly during operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $path));
- }
- /**
- * Test locks for fopen with fclose at the end
- */
- public function testLockFopen() {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $path = 'test_file_put_contents.txt';
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods(['fopen'])
- ->getMock();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), $this->user . '/');
- $storage->mkdir('files');
- $storage->expects($this->once())
- ->method('fopen')
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function () use ($view, $path, &$lockTypeDuring) {
- $lockTypeDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $path);
- return fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
- }
- ));
- $this->connectMockHooks('write', $view, $path, $lockTypePre, $lockTypePost);
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $path), 'File not locked before operation');
- // do operation
- $res = $view->fopen($path, 'w');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypePre, 'File locked properly during pre-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockTypeDuring, 'File locked properly during operation');
- $this->assertNull($lockTypePost, 'No post hook, no lock check possible');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockTypeDuring, 'File still locked after fopen');
- fclose($res);
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $path), 'File unlocked after fclose');
- }
- /**
- * Test locks for fopen with fclose at the end
- *
- * @dataProvider basicOperationProviderForLocks
- *
- * @param string $operation operation name on the view
- * @param array $operationArgs arguments for the operation
- * @param string $path path of the locked item to check
- */
- public function testLockBasicOperationUnlocksAfterException(
- $operation,
- $operationArgs,
- $path
- ) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods([$operation])
- ->getMock();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), $this->user . '/');
- // work directly on disk because mkdir might be mocked
- $realPath = $storage->getSourcePath('');
- mkdir($realPath . '/files');
- mkdir($realPath . '/files/dir');
- file_put_contents($realPath . '/files/test.txt', 'blah');
- $storage->getScanner()->scan('files');
- $storage->expects($this->once())
- ->method($operation)
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function () {
- throw new \Exception('Simulated exception');
- }
- ));
- $thrown = false;
- try {
- call_user_func_array(array($view, $operation), $operationArgs);
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- $thrown = true;
- $this->assertEquals('Simulated exception', $e->getMessage());
- }
- $this->assertTrue($thrown, 'Exception was rethrown');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $path), 'File got unlocked after exception');
- }
- /**
- * Test locks for fopen with fclose at the end
- *
- * @dataProvider basicOperationProviderForLocks
- *
- * @param string $operation operation name on the view
- * @param array $operationArgs arguments for the operation
- * @param string $path path of the locked item to check
- * @param string $hookType hook type
- */
- public function testLockBasicOperationUnlocksAfterCancelledHook(
- $operation,
- $operationArgs,
- $path,
- $hookType
- ) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods([$operation])
- ->getMock();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), $this->user . '/');
- $storage->mkdir('files');
- \OCP\Util::connectHook(
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::CLASSNAME,
- $hookType,
- '\Test\HookHelper',
- 'cancellingCallback'
- );
- call_user_func_array(array($view, $operation), $operationArgs);
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $path), 'File got unlocked after exception');
- }
- public function lockFileRenameOrCopyDataProvider() {
- return [
- ['rename', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE],
- ['copy', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Test locks for rename or copy operation
- *
- * @dataProvider lockFileRenameOrCopyDataProvider
- *
- * @param string $operation operation to be done on the view
- * @param int $expectedLockTypeSourceDuring expected lock type on source file during
- * the operation
- */
- public function testLockFileRename($operation, $expectedLockTypeSourceDuring) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods([$operation, 'filemtime'])
- ->getMock();
- $storage->expects($this->any())
- ->method('filemtime')
- ->will($this->returnValue(123456789));
- $sourcePath = 'original.txt';
- $targetPath = 'target.txt';
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), $this->user . '/');
- $storage->mkdir('files');
- $view->file_put_contents($sourcePath, 'meh');
- $storage->expects($this->once())
- ->method($operation)
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function () use ($view, $sourcePath, $targetPath, &$lockTypeSourceDuring, &$lockTypeTargetDuring) {
- $lockTypeSourceDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath);
- $lockTypeTargetDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath);
- return true;
- }
- ));
- $this->connectMockHooks($operation, $view, $sourcePath, $lockTypeSourcePre, $lockTypeSourcePost);
- $this->connectMockHooks($operation, $view, $targetPath, $lockTypeTargetPre, $lockTypeTargetPost);
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath), 'Source file not locked before operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath), 'Target file not locked before operation');
- $view->$operation($sourcePath, $targetPath);
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeSourcePre, 'Source file locked properly during pre-hook');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedLockTypeSourceDuring, $lockTypeSourceDuring, 'Source file locked properly during operation');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeSourcePost, 'Source file locked properly during post-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeTargetPre, 'Target file locked properly during pre-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockTypeTargetDuring, 'Target file locked properly during operation');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeTargetPost, 'Target file locked properly during post-hook');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath), 'Source file not locked after operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath), 'Target file not locked after operation');
- }
- /**
- * simulate a failed copy operation.
- * We expect that we catch the exception, free the lock and re-throw it.
- *
- * @expectedException \Exception
- */
- public function testLockFileCopyException() {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods(['copy'])
- ->getMock();
- $sourcePath = 'original.txt';
- $targetPath = 'target.txt';
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), $this->user . '/');
- $storage->mkdir('files');
- $view->file_put_contents($sourcePath, 'meh');
- $storage->expects($this->once())
- ->method('copy')
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function () {
- throw new \Exception();
- }
- ));
- $this->connectMockHooks('copy', $view, $sourcePath, $lockTypeSourcePre, $lockTypeSourcePost);
- $this->connectMockHooks('copy', $view, $targetPath, $lockTypeTargetPre, $lockTypeTargetPost);
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath), 'Source file not locked before operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath), 'Target file not locked before operation');
- try {
- $view->copy($sourcePath, $targetPath);
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath), 'Source file not locked after operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath), 'Target file not locked after operation');
- throw $e;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test rename operation: unlock first path when second path was locked
- */
- public function testLockFileRenameUnlockOnException() {
- $this->loginAsUser('test');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $sourcePath = 'original.txt';
- $targetPath = 'target.txt';
- $view->file_put_contents($sourcePath, 'meh');
- // simulate that the target path is already locked
- $view->lockFile($targetPath, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath), 'Source file not locked before operation');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath), 'Target file is locked before operation');
- $thrown = false;
- try {
- $view->rename($sourcePath, $targetPath);
- } catch (\OCP\Lock\LockedException $e) {
- $thrown = true;
- }
- $this->assertTrue($thrown, 'LockedException thrown');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath), 'Source file not locked after operation');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath), 'Target file still locked after operation');
- $view->unlockFile($targetPath, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
- }
- /**
- * Test rename operation: unlock first path when second path was locked
- */
- public function testGetOwner() {
- $this->loginAsUser('test');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/test/files/');
- $path = 'foo.txt';
- $view->file_put_contents($path, 'meh');
- $this->assertEquals('test', $view->getFileInfo($path)->getOwner()->getUID());
- $folderInfo = $view->getDirectoryContent('');
- $folderInfo = array_values(array_filter($folderInfo, function (FileInfo $info) {
- return $info->getName() === 'foo.txt';
- }));
- $this->assertEquals('test', $folderInfo[0]->getOwner()->getUID());
- $subStorage = new Temporary();
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($subStorage, [], '/test/files/asd');
- $folderInfo = $view->getDirectoryContent('');
- $folderInfo = array_values(array_filter($folderInfo, function (FileInfo $info) {
- return $info->getName() === 'asd';
- }));
- $this->assertEquals('test', $folderInfo[0]->getOwner()->getUID());
- }
- public function lockFileRenameOrCopyCrossStorageDataProvider() {
- return [
- ['rename', 'moveFromStorage', ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE],
- ['copy', 'copyFromStorage', ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Test locks for rename or copy operation cross-storage
- *
- * @dataProvider lockFileRenameOrCopyCrossStorageDataProvider
- *
- * @param string $viewOperation operation to be done on the view
- * @param string $storageOperation operation to be mocked on the storage
- * @param int $expectedLockTypeSourceDuring expected lock type on source file during
- * the operation
- */
- public function testLockFileRenameCrossStorage($viewOperation, $storageOperation, $expectedLockTypeSourceDuring) {
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $storage = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods([$storageOperation])
- ->getMock();
- $storage2 = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary')
- ->setMethods([$storageOperation, 'filemtime'])
- ->getMock();
- $storage2->expects($this->any())
- ->method('filemtime')
- ->will($this->returnValue(123456789));
- $sourcePath = 'original.txt';
- $targetPath = 'substorage/target.txt';
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), $this->user . '/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage2, array(), $this->user . '/files/substorage');
- $storage->mkdir('files');
- $view->file_put_contents($sourcePath, 'meh');
- $storage->expects($this->never())
- ->method($storageOperation);
- $storage2->expects($this->once())
- ->method($storageOperation)
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function () use ($view, $sourcePath, $targetPath, &$lockTypeSourceDuring, &$lockTypeTargetDuring) {
- $lockTypeSourceDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath);
- $lockTypeTargetDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath);
- return true;
- }
- ));
- $this->connectMockHooks($viewOperation, $view, $sourcePath, $lockTypeSourcePre, $lockTypeSourcePost);
- $this->connectMockHooks($viewOperation, $view, $targetPath, $lockTypeTargetPre, $lockTypeTargetPost);
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath), 'Source file not locked before operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath), 'Target file not locked before operation');
- $view->$viewOperation($sourcePath, $targetPath);
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeSourcePre, 'Source file locked properly during pre-hook');
- $this->assertEquals($expectedLockTypeSourceDuring, $lockTypeSourceDuring, 'Source file locked properly during operation');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeSourcePost, 'Source file locked properly during post-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeTargetPre, 'Target file locked properly during pre-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockTypeTargetDuring, 'Target file locked properly during operation');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeTargetPost, 'Target file locked properly during post-hook');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath), 'Source file not locked after operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath), 'Target file not locked after operation');
- }
- /**
- * Test locks when moving a mount point
- */
- public function testLockMoveMountPoint() {
- $this->loginAsUser('test');
- list($mount) = $this->createTestMovableMountPoints([
- $this->user . '/files/substorage',
- ]);
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files/');
- $view->mkdir('subdir');
- $sourcePath = 'substorage';
- $targetPath = 'subdir/substorage_moved';
- $mount->expects($this->once())
- ->method('moveMount')
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function ($target) use ($mount, $view, $sourcePath, $targetPath, &$lockTypeSourceDuring, &$lockTypeTargetDuring, &$lockTypeSharedRootDuring) {
- $lockTypeSourceDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath, true);
- $lockTypeTargetDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath, true);
- $lockTypeSharedRootDuring = $this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath, false);
- $mount->setMountPoint($target);
- return true;
- }
- ));
- $this->connectMockHooks('rename', $view, $sourcePath, $lockTypeSourcePre, $lockTypeSourcePost, true);
- $this->connectMockHooks('rename', $view, $targetPath, $lockTypeTargetPre, $lockTypeTargetPost, true);
- // in pre-hook, mount point is still on $sourcePath
- $this->connectMockHooks('rename', $view, $sourcePath, $lockTypeSharedRootPre, $dummy, false);
- // in post-hook, mount point is now on $targetPath
- $this->connectMockHooks('rename', $view, $targetPath, $dummy, $lockTypeSharedRootPost, false);
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath, false), 'Shared storage root not locked before operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath, true), 'Source path not locked before operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath, true), 'Target path not locked before operation');
- $view->rename($sourcePath, $targetPath);
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeSourcePre, 'Source path locked properly during pre-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockTypeSourceDuring, 'Source path locked properly during operation');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeSourcePost, 'Source path locked properly during post-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeTargetPre, 'Target path locked properly during pre-hook');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockTypeTargetDuring, 'Target path locked properly during operation');
- $this->assertEquals(ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $lockTypeTargetPost, 'Target path locked properly during post-hook');
- $this->assertNull($lockTypeSharedRootPre, 'Shared storage root not locked during pre-hook');
- $this->assertNull($lockTypeSharedRootDuring, 'Shared storage root not locked during move');
- $this->assertNull($lockTypeSharedRootPost, 'Shared storage root not locked during post-hook');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath, false), 'Shared storage root not locked after operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $sourcePath, true), 'Source path not locked after operation');
- $this->assertNull($this->getFileLockType($view, $targetPath, true), 'Target path not locked after operation');
- }
- /**
- * Connect hook callbacks for hook type
- *
- * @param string $hookType hook type or null for none
- * @param \OC\Files\View $view view to check the lock on
- * @param string $path path for which to check the lock
- * @param int $lockTypePre variable to receive lock type that was active in the pre-hook
- * @param int $lockTypePost variable to receive lock type that was active in the post-hook
- * @param bool $onMountPoint true to check the mount point instead of the
- * mounted storage
- */
- private function connectMockHooks($hookType, $view, $path, &$lockTypePre, &$lockTypePost, $onMountPoint = false) {
- if ($hookType === null) {
- return;
- }
- $eventHandler = $this->getMockBuilder('\stdclass')
- ->setMethods(['preCallback', 'postCallback'])
- ->getMock();
- $eventHandler->expects($this->any())
- ->method('preCallback')
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function () use ($view, $path, $onMountPoint, &$lockTypePre) {
- $lockTypePre = $this->getFileLockType($view, $path, $onMountPoint);
- }
- ));
- $eventHandler->expects($this->any())
- ->method('postCallback')
- ->will($this->returnCallback(
- function () use ($view, $path, $onMountPoint, &$lockTypePost) {
- $lockTypePost = $this->getFileLockType($view, $path, $onMountPoint);
- }
- ));
- if ($hookType !== null) {
- \OCP\Util::connectHook(
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::CLASSNAME,
- $hookType,
- $eventHandler,
- 'preCallback'
- );
- \OCP\Util::connectHook(
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::CLASSNAME,
- 'post_' . $hookType,
- $eventHandler,
- 'postCallback'
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the file lock type
- *
- * @param \OC\Files\View $view view
- * @param string $path path
- * @param bool $onMountPoint true to check the mount point instead of the
- * mounted storage
- *
- * @return int lock type or null if file was not locked
- */
- private function getFileLockType(\OC\Files\View $view, $path, $onMountPoint = false) {
- if ($this->isFileLocked($view, $path, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $onMountPoint)) {
- return ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE;
- } else if ($this->isFileLocked($view, $path, ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $onMountPoint)) {
- return ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public function testRemoveMoveableMountPoint() {
- $mountPoint = '/' . $this->user . '/files/mount/';
- // Mock the mount point
- $mount = $this->getMockBuilder('\Test\TestMoveableMountPoint')
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()
- ->getMock();
- $mount->expects($this->once())
- ->method('getMountPoint')
- ->willReturn($mountPoint);
- $mount->expects($this->once())
- ->method('removeMount')
- ->willReturn('foo');
- $mount->expects($this->any())
- ->method('getInternalPath')
- ->willReturn('');
- // Register mount
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::getMountManager()->addMount($mount);
- // Listen for events
- $eventHandler = $this->getMockBuilder('\stdclass')
- ->setMethods(['umount', 'post_umount'])
- ->getMock();
- $eventHandler->expects($this->once())
- ->method('umount')
- ->with([\OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_param_path => '/mount']);
- $eventHandler->expects($this->once())
- ->method('post_umount')
- ->with([\OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_param_path => '/mount']);
- \OCP\Util::connectHook(
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::CLASSNAME,
- 'umount',
- $eventHandler,
- 'umount'
- );
- \OCP\Util::connectHook(
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::CLASSNAME,
- 'post_umount',
- $eventHandler,
- 'post_umount'
- );
- //Delete the mountpoint
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->user . '/files');
- $this->assertEquals('foo', $view->rmdir('mount'));
- }
- public function mimeFilterProvider() {
- return [
- [null, ['test1.txt', 'test2.txt', '', 'test4.png']],
- ['text/plain', ['test1.txt', 'test2.txt']],
- ['text/markdown', ['']],
- ['text', ['test1.txt', 'test2.txt', '']],
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @param string $filter
- * @param string[] $expected
- * @dataProvider mimeFilterProvider
- */
- public function testGetDirectoryContentMimeFilter($filter, $expected) {
- $storage1 = new Temporary();
- $root = $this->getUniqueID('/');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage1, array(), $root . '/');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View($root);
- $view->file_put_contents('test1.txt', 'asd');
- $view->file_put_contents('test2.txt', 'asd');
- $view->file_put_contents('', 'asd');
- $view->file_put_contents('test4.png', '');
- $content = $view->getDirectoryContent('', $filter);
- $files = array_map(function(FileInfo $info) {
- return $info->getName();
- }, $content);
- sort($files);
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $files);
- }
- public function testFilePutContentsClearsChecksum() {
- $storage = new Temporary(array());
- $scanner = $storage->getScanner();
- $storage->file_put_contents('foo.txt', 'bar');
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($storage, array(), '/test/');
- $scanner->scan('');
- $view = new \OC\Files\View('/test/foo.txt');
- $view->putFileInfo('.', ['checksum' => '42']);
- $this->assertEquals('bar', $view->file_get_contents(''));
- $fh = tmpfile();
- fwrite($fh, 'fooo');
- rewind($fh);
- $view->file_put_contents('', $fh);
- $this->assertEquals('fooo', $view->file_get_contents(''));
- $data = $view->getFileInfo('.');
- $this->assertEquals('', $data->getChecksum());
- }