path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
5 files changed, 799 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lib/activitymanager.php b/tests/lib/activitymanager.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f21b82c52c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/activitymanager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Thomas Müller <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ *
+class Test_ActivityManager extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ /** @var \OC\ActivityManager */
+ private $activityManager;
+ public function setUp() {
+ $this->activityManager = new \OC\ActivityManager();
+ $this->activityManager->registerExtension(function() {
+ return new NoOpExtension();
+ });
+ $this->activityManager->registerExtension(function() {
+ return new SimpleExtension();
+ });
+ }
+ public function testNotificationTypes() {
+ $result = $this->activityManager->getNotificationTypes('en');
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($result));
+ $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($result));
+ }
+ public function testFilterNotificationTypes() {
+ $result = $this->activityManager->filterNotificationTypes(array('NT0', 'NT1', 'NT2', 'NT3'), 'FILTER1');
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($result));
+ $this->assertEquals(3, sizeof($result));
+ $result = $this->activityManager->filterNotificationTypes(array('NT0', 'NT1', 'NT2', 'NT3'), 'FILTER2');
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($result));
+ $this->assertEquals(4, sizeof($result));
+ }
+ public function testDefaultTypes() {
+ $result = $this->activityManager->getDefaultTypes('stream');
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($result));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($result));
+ $result = $this->activityManager->getDefaultTypes('email');
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($result));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, sizeof($result));
+ }
+ public function testTranslate() {
+ $result = $this->activityManager->translate('APP0', '', '', array(), false, false, 'en');
+ $this->assertEquals('Stupid translation', $result);
+ $result = $this->activityManager->translate('APP1', '', '', array(), false, false, 'en');
+ $this->assertFalse($result);
+ }
+ public function testTypeIcon() {
+ $result = $this->activityManager->getTypeIcon('NT1');
+ $this->assertEquals('icon-nt-one', $result);
+ $result = $this->activityManager->getTypeIcon('NT2');
+ $this->assertEquals('', $result);
+ }
+ public function testGroupParameter() {
+ $result = $this->activityManager->getGroupParameter(array());
+ $this->assertEquals(5, $result);
+ }
+ public function testNavigation() {
+ $result = $this->activityManager->getNavigation();
+ $this->assertEquals(4, sizeof($result['apps']));
+ $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($result['top']));
+ }
+ public function testIsFilterValid() {
+ $result = $this->activityManager->isFilterValid('fv01');
+ $this->assertTrue($result);
+ $result = $this->activityManager->isFilterValid('FV2');
+ $this->assertFalse($result);
+ }
+ public function testQueryForFilter() {
+ $result = $this->activityManager->getQueryForFilter('filter1');
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ array(
+ '`app` = ? and `message` like ?',
+ array('mail', 'ownCloud%')
+ ), $result
+ );
+ $result = $this->activityManager->isFilterValid('filter2');
+ $this->assertFalse($result);
+ }
+class SimpleExtension implements \OCP\Activity\IExtension {
+ public function getNotificationTypes($languageCode) {
+ return array('NT1', 'NT2');
+ }
+ public function filterNotificationTypes($types, $filter) {
+ if ($filter === 'FILTER1') {
+ unset($types[0]);
+ }
+ return $types;
+ }
+ public function getDefaultTypes($method) {
+ if ($method === 'stream') {
+ return array('DT0');
+ }
+ return array();
+ }
+ public function translate($app, $text, $params, $stripPath, $highlightParams, $languageCode) {
+ if ($app === 'APP0') {
+ return "Stupid translation";
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function getTypeIcon($type) {
+ if ($type === 'NT1') {
+ return 'icon-nt-one';
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ public function getGroupParameter($activity) {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ public function getNavigation() {
+ return array(
+ 'apps' => array('nav1', 'nav2', 'nav3', 'nav4'),
+ 'top' => array('top1', 'top2')
+ );
+ }
+ public function isFilterValid($filterValue) {
+ if ($filterValue === 'fv01') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function getQueryForFilter($filter) {
+ if ($filter === 'filter1') {
+ return array('`app` = ? and `message` like ?', array('mail', 'ownCloud%'));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+class NoOpExtension implements \OCP\Activity\IExtension {
+ public function getNotificationTypes($languageCode) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function filterNotificationTypes($types, $filter) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function getDefaultTypes($method) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function translate($app, $text, $params, $stripPath, $highlightParams, $languageCode) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function getTypeIcon($type) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function getGroupParameter($activity) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function getNavigation() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function isFilterValid($filterValue) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function getQueryForFilter($filter) {
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/lib/appconfig.php b/tests/lib/appconfig.php
index 6ae790a9edd..9257ae45b0e 100644
--- a/tests/lib/appconfig.php
+++ b/tests/lib/appconfig.php
@@ -95,6 +95,72 @@ class Test_Appconfig extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this->assertEquals('somevalue', $value['configvalue']);
+ public function testSetValueUnchanged() {
+ $statementMock = $this->getMock('\Doctrine\DBAL\Statement', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $statementMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('fetch')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(false));
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('executeQuery')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT `configvalue`, `configkey` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig`'
+ .' WHERE `appid` = ?'), $this->equalTo(array('bar')))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($statementMock));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('insert')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*appconfig'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ 'configkey' => 'foo',
+ 'configvalue' => 'v1',
+ )
+ ));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->never())
+ ->method('update');
+ $appconfig = new OC\AppConfig($connectionMock);
+ $appconfig->setValue('bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $appconfig->setValue('bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $appconfig->setValue('bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ }
+ public function testSetValueUnchanged2() {
+ $statementMock = $this->getMock('\Doctrine\DBAL\Statement', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $statementMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('fetch')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(false));
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('executeQuery')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT `configvalue`, `configkey` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig`'
+ .' WHERE `appid` = ?'), $this->equalTo(array('bar')))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($statementMock));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('insert')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*appconfig'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ 'configkey' => 'foo',
+ 'configvalue' => 'v1',
+ )
+ ));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('update')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*appconfig'),
+ $this->equalTo(array('configvalue' => 'v2')),
+ $this->equalTo(array('appid' => 'bar', 'configkey' => 'foo'))
+ );
+ $appconfig = new OC\AppConfig($connectionMock);
+ $appconfig->setValue('bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $appconfig->setValue('bar', 'foo', 'v2');
+ $appconfig->setValue('bar', 'foo', 'v2');
+ }
public function testDeleteKey() {
\OC_Appconfig::deleteKey('testapp', 'deletethis');
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
diff --git a/tests/lib/preferences-singleton.php b/tests/lib/preferences-singleton.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5204775fc43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/preferences-singleton.php
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 Christopher Schäpers <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 Bart Visscher <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+class Test_Preferences extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*preferences` VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)');
+ $query->execute(array("Someuser", "someapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getusersapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Anotheruser", "getusersapp", "somekey", "someothervalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Anuser", "getusersapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getappsapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getkeysapp", "firstkey", "somevalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getkeysapp", "anotherkey", "somevalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getkeysapp", "key-tastic", "somevalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getvalueapp", "key", "a value for a key"));
+ $query->execute(array("Deleteuser", "deleteapp", "deletekey", "somevalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Deleteuser", "deleteapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
+ $query->execute(array("Deleteuser", "someapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
+ }
+ public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ?');
+ $query->execute(array('Someuser'));
+ $query->execute(array('Anotheruser'));
+ $query->execute(array('Anuser'));
+ }
+ public function testGetUsers() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT DISTINCT `userid` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`');
+ $result = $query->execute();
+ $expected = array();
+ while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
+ $expected[] = $row['userid'];
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Preferences::getUsers());
+ }
+ public function testGetApps() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT DISTINCT `appid` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser'));
+ $expected = array();
+ while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
+ $expected[] = $row['appid'];
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Preferences::getApps('Someuser'));
+ }
+ public function testGetKeys() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT DISTINCT `configkey` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'getkeysapp'));
+ $expected = array();
+ while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
+ $expected[] = $row['configkey'];
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Preferences::getKeys('Someuser', 'getkeysapp'));
+ }
+ public function testGetValue() {
+ $this->assertNull(\OC_Preferences::getValue('nonexistant', 'nonexistant', 'nonexistant'));
+ $this->assertEquals('default', \OC_Preferences::getValue('nonexistant', 'nonexistant', 'nonexistant', 'default'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'getvalueapp', 'key'));
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ $expected = $row['configvalue'];
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Preferences::getValue('Someuser', 'getvalueapp', 'key'));
+ }
+ public function testSetValue() {
+ $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'newvalue'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ $value = $row['configvalue'];
+ $this->assertEquals('newvalue', $value);
+ $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'othervalue'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ $value = $row['configvalue'];
+ $this->assertEquals('othervalue', $value);
+ }
+ public function testSetValueWithPreCondition() {
+ // remove existing key
+ $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteKey('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
+ // add new preference with pre-condition should fails
+ $this->assertFalse(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'newvalue', 'preCondition'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ $this->assertFalse($row);
+ // add new preference without pre-condition should insert the new value
+ $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'newvalue'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ $value = $row['configvalue'];
+ $this->assertEquals('newvalue', $value);
+ // wrong pre-condition, value should stay the same
+ $this->assertFalse(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'othervalue', 'preCondition'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ $value = $row['configvalue'];
+ $this->assertEquals('newvalue', $value);
+ // correct pre-condition, value should change
+ $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'othervalue', 'newvalue'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ $value = $row['configvalue'];
+ $this->assertEquals('othervalue', $value);
+ }
+ public function testDeleteKey() {
+ $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteKey('Deleteuser', 'deleteapp', 'deletekey'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Deleteuser', 'deleteapp', 'deletekey'));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($result->fetchAll()));
+ }
+ public function testDeleteApp() {
+ $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteApp('Deleteuser', 'deleteapp'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Deleteuser', 'deleteapp'));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($result->fetchAll()));
+ }
+ public function testDeleteUser() {
+ $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteUser('Deleteuser'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('Deleteuser'));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($result->fetchAll()));
+ }
+ public function testDeleteAppFromAllUsers() {
+ $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteAppFromAllUsers('someapp'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `appid` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('someapp'));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($result->fetchAll()));
+ }
+class Test_Preferences_Object extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public function testGetUsers()
+ {
+ $statementMock = $this->getMock('\Doctrine\DBAL\Statement', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $statementMock->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ ->method('fetchColumn')
+ ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls('foo', false));
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('executeQuery')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT DISTINCT `userid` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`'))
+ ->will($this->returnValue($statementMock));
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $apps = $preferences->getUsers();
+ $this->assertEquals(array('foo'), $apps);
+ }
+ public function testSetValue()
+ {
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ ->method('fetchColumn')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`'
+ .' WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?'),
+ $this->equalTo(array('grg', 'bar', 'foo')))
+ ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(0, 1));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('insert')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*preferences'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'userid' => 'grg',
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ 'configkey' => 'foo',
+ 'configvalue' => 'v1',
+ )
+ ));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('executeUpdate')
+ ->with($this->equalTo("UPDATE `*PREFIX*preferences` SET `configvalue` = ?"
+ . " WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?"),
+ $this->equalTo(array('v2', 'grg', 'bar', 'foo'))
+ );
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v2');
+ }
+ public function testSetValueUnchanged() {
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ ->method('fetchColumn')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`'
+ .' WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?'),
+ $this->equalTo(array('grg', 'bar', 'foo')))
+ ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(0, 1));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('insert')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*preferences'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'userid' => 'grg',
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ 'configkey' => 'foo',
+ 'configvalue' => 'v1',
+ )
+ ));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->never())
+ ->method('executeUpdate');
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ }
+ public function testSetValueUnchanged2() {
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ ->method('fetchColumn')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`'
+ .' WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?'),
+ $this->equalTo(array('grg', 'bar', 'foo')))
+ ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(0, 1));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('insert')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*preferences'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'userid' => 'grg',
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ 'configkey' => 'foo',
+ 'configvalue' => 'v1',
+ )
+ ));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('executeUpdate')
+ ->with($this->equalTo("UPDATE `*PREFIX*preferences` SET `configvalue` = ?"
+ . " WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?"),
+ $this->equalTo(array('v2', 'grg', 'bar', 'foo'))
+ );
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v2');
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v2');
+ }
+ public function testGetUserValues()
+ {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*preferences` VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)');
+ $query->execute(array('SomeUser', 'testGetUserValues', 'somekey', 'somevalue'));
+ $query->execute(array('AnotherUser', 'testGetUserValues', 'somekey', 'someothervalue'));
+ $query->execute(array('AUser', 'testGetUserValues', 'somekey', 'somevalue'));
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences(\OC_DB::getConnection());
+ $users = array('SomeUser', 'AnotherUser', 'NoValueSet');
+ $values = $preferences->getValueForUsers('testGetUserValues', 'somekey', $users);
+ $this->assertUserValues($values);
+ // Add a lot of users so the array is chunked
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= 75; $i++) {
+ array_unshift($users, 'NoValueBefore#' . $i);
+ array_push($users, 'NoValueAfter#' . $i);
+ }
+ $values = $preferences->getValueForUsers('testGetUserValues', 'somekey', $users);
+ $this->assertUserValues($values);
+ // Clean DB after the test
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `appid` = ?');
+ $query->execute(array('testGetUserValues'));
+ }
+ protected function assertUserValues($values) {
+ $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($values));
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('SomeUser', $values);
+ $this->assertEquals('somevalue', $values['SomeUser']);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('AnotherUser', $values);
+ $this->assertEquals('someothervalue', $values['AnotherUser']);
+ }
+ public function testGetValueUsers()
+ {
+ // Prepare data
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*preferences` VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)');
+ $query->execute(array('SomeUser', 'testGetUsersForValue', 'somekey', 'somevalue'));
+ $query->execute(array('AnotherUser', 'testGetUsersForValue', 'somekey', 'someothervalue'));
+ $query->execute(array('AUser', 'testGetUsersForValue', 'somekey', 'somevalue'));
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences(\OC_DB::getConnection());
+ $result = $preferences->getUsersForValue('testGetUsersForValue', 'somekey', 'somevalue');
+ sort($result);
+ $this->assertEquals(array('AUser', 'SomeUser'), $result);
+ // Clean DB after the test
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `appid` = ?');
+ $query->execute(array('testGetUsersForValue'));
+ }
+ public function testDeleteKey()
+ {
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('delete')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*preferences'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'userid' => 'grg',
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ 'configkey' => 'foo',
+ )
+ ));
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $preferences->deleteKey('grg', 'bar', 'foo');
+ }
+ public function testDeleteApp()
+ {
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('delete')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*preferences'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'userid' => 'grg',
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ )
+ ));
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $preferences->deleteApp('grg', 'bar');
+ }
+ public function testDeleteUser()
+ {
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('delete')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*preferences'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'userid' => 'grg',
+ )
+ ));
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $preferences->deleteUser('grg');
+ }
+ public function testDeleteAppFromAllUsers()
+ {
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('delete')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*preferences'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ )
+ ));
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $preferences->deleteAppFromAllUsers('bar');
+ }
diff --git a/tests/lib/preferences.php b/tests/lib/preferences.php
index d31b0257bad..fe8e3e8b48c 100644
--- a/tests/lib/preferences.php
+++ b/tests/lib/preferences.php
@@ -7,161 +7,6 @@
* See the COPYING-README file.
-class Test_Preferences extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*preferences` VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)');
- $query->execute(array("Someuser", "someapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getusersapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Anotheruser", "getusersapp", "somekey", "someothervalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Anuser", "getusersapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getappsapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getkeysapp", "firstkey", "somevalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getkeysapp", "anotherkey", "somevalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getkeysapp", "key-tastic", "somevalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Someuser", "getvalueapp", "key", "a value for a key"));
- $query->execute(array("Deleteuser", "deleteapp", "deletekey", "somevalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Deleteuser", "deleteapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
- $query->execute(array("Deleteuser", "someapp", "somekey", "somevalue"));
- }
- public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ?');
- $query->execute(array('Someuser'));
- $query->execute(array('Anotheruser'));
- $query->execute(array('Anuser'));
- }
- public function testGetUsers() {
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT DISTINCT `userid` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`');
- $result = $query->execute();
- $expected = array();
- while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
- $expected[] = $row['userid'];
- }
- $this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Preferences::getUsers());
- }
- public function testGetApps() {
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT DISTINCT `appid` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser'));
- $expected = array();
- while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
- $expected[] = $row['appid'];
- }
- $this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Preferences::getApps('Someuser'));
- }
- public function testGetKeys() {
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT DISTINCT `configkey` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'getkeysapp'));
- $expected = array();
- while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
- $expected[] = $row['configkey'];
- }
- $this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Preferences::getKeys('Someuser', 'getkeysapp'));
- }
- public function testGetValue() {
- $this->assertNull(\OC_Preferences::getValue('nonexistant', 'nonexistant', 'nonexistant'));
- $this->assertEquals('default', \OC_Preferences::getValue('nonexistant', 'nonexistant', 'nonexistant', 'default'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'getvalueapp', 'key'));
- $row = $result->fetchRow();
- $expected = $row['configvalue'];
- $this->assertEquals($expected, \OC_Preferences::getValue('Someuser', 'getvalueapp', 'key'));
- }
- public function testSetValue() {
- $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'newvalue'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
- $row = $result->fetchRow();
- $value = $row['configvalue'];
- $this->assertEquals('newvalue', $value);
- $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'othervalue'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
- $row = $result->fetchRow();
- $value = $row['configvalue'];
- $this->assertEquals('othervalue', $value);
- }
- public function testSetValueWithPreCondition() {
- // remove existing key
- $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteKey('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
- // add new preference with pre-condition should fails
- $this->assertFalse(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'newvalue', 'preCondition'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
- $row = $result->fetchRow();
- $this->assertFalse($row);
- // add new preference without pre-condition should insert the new value
- $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'newvalue'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
- $row = $result->fetchRow();
- $value = $row['configvalue'];
- $this->assertEquals('newvalue', $value);
- // wrong pre-condition, value should stay the same
- $this->assertFalse(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'othervalue', 'preCondition'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
- $row = $result->fetchRow();
- $value = $row['configvalue'];
- $this->assertEquals('newvalue', $value);
- // correct pre-condition, value should change
- $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::setValue('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey', 'othervalue', 'newvalue'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Someuser', 'setvalueapp', 'newkey'));
- $row = $result->fetchRow();
- $value = $row['configvalue'];
- $this->assertEquals('othervalue', $value);
- }
- public function testDeleteKey() {
- $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteKey('Deleteuser', 'deleteapp', 'deletekey'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Deleteuser', 'deleteapp', 'deletekey'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($result->fetchAll()));
- }
- public function testDeleteApp() {
- $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteApp('Deleteuser', 'deleteapp'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Deleteuser', 'deleteapp'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($result->fetchAll()));
- }
- public function testDeleteUser() {
- $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteUser('Deleteuser'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `userid` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('Deleteuser'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($result->fetchAll()));
- }
- public function testDeleteAppFromAllUsers() {
- $this->assertTrue(\OC_Preferences::deleteAppFromAllUsers('someapp'));
- $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences` WHERE `appid` = ?');
- $result = $query->execute(array('someapp'));
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($result->fetchAll()));
- }
class Test_Preferences_Object extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
public function testGetUsers()
@@ -185,10 +30,69 @@ class Test_Preferences_Object extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
- ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`'
+ ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`'
+ .' WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?'),
+ $this->equalTo(array('grg', 'bar', 'foo')))
+ ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(false, 'v1'));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('insert')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*preferences'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'userid' => 'grg',
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ 'configkey' => 'foo',
+ 'configvalue' => 'v1',
+ )
+ ));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('executeUpdate')
+ ->with($this->equalTo("UPDATE `*PREFIX*preferences` SET `configvalue` = ?"
+ . " WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?"),
+ $this->equalTo(array('v2', 'grg', 'bar', 'foo'))
+ );
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v2');
+ }
+ public function testSetValueUnchanged() {
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->exactly(3))
+ ->method('fetchColumn')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`'
.' WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?'),
$this->equalTo(array('grg', 'bar', 'foo')))
- ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(0, 1));
+ ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(false, 'v1', 'v1'));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('insert')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('*PREFIX*preferences'),
+ $this->equalTo(
+ array(
+ 'userid' => 'grg',
+ 'appid' => 'bar',
+ 'configkey' => 'foo',
+ 'configvalue' => 'v1',
+ )
+ ));
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->never())
+ ->method('executeUpdate');
+ $preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
+ }
+ public function testSetValueUnchanged2() {
+ $connectionMock = $this->getMock('\OC\DB\Connection', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $connectionMock->expects($this->exactly(3))
+ ->method('fetchColumn')
+ ->with($this->equalTo('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*preferences`'
+ .' WHERE `userid` = ? AND `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?'),
+ $this->equalTo(array('grg', 'bar', 'foo')))
+ ->will($this->onConsecutiveCalls(false, 'v1', 'v2'));
@@ -210,6 +114,7 @@ class Test_Preferences_Object extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$preferences = new OC\Preferences($connectionMock);
$preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v1');
$preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v2');
+ $preferences->setValue('grg', 'bar', 'foo', 'v2');
public function testGetUserValues()
diff --git a/tests/lib/repair/repaircollation.php b/tests/lib/repair/repaircollation.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..362feb8463f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/repair/repaircollation.php
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Thomas Müller <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+class TestCollationRepair extends \OC\Repair\Collation {
+ /**
+ * @param \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection
+ * @return string[]
+ */
+ public function getAllNonUTF8BinTables($connection) {
+ return parent::getAllNonUTF8BinTables($connection);
+ }
+ * Tests for the converting of MySQL tables to InnoDB engine
+ *
+ * @see \OC\Repair\RepairMimeTypes
+ */
+class TestRepairCollation extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ /**
+ * @var TestCollationRepair
+ */
+ private $repair;
+ /**
+ * @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection
+ */
+ private $connection;
+ /**
+ * @var string
+ */
+ private $tableName;
+ /**
+ * @var \OCP\IConfig
+ */
+ private $config;
+ public function setUp() {
+ $this->connection = \OC_DB::getConnection();
+ $this->config = \OC::$server->getConfig();
+ if (!$this->connection->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof \Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform) {
+ $this->markTestSkipped("Test only relevant on MySql");
+ }
+ $dbPrefix = $this->config->getSystemValue("dbtableprefix");
+ $this->tableName = uniqid($dbPrefix . "_collation_test");
+ $this->connection->exec("CREATE TABLE $this->tableName(text VARCHAR(16)) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci");
+ $this->repair = new TestCollationRepair($this->config, $this->connection);
+ }
+ public function tearDown() {
+ $this->connection->getSchemaManager()->dropTable($this->tableName);
+ }
+ public function testCollationConvert() {
+ $tables = $this->repair->getAllNonUTF8BinTables($this->connection);
+ $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(1, count($tables));
+ $this->repair->run();
+ $tables = $this->repair->getAllNonUTF8BinTables($this->connection);
+ $this->assertCount(0, $tables);
+ }