From 3b850a2524471030da27227cba18b31ffc998aa4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florin Peter <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 01:24:36 +0200
Subject: reformat code added and changed phpdoc

 apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php        |  827 +++++++++---------
 apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php       |  134 +--
 apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php   |  517 +++++------
 apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php        |  677 ++++++++-------
 apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php      |  167 ++--
 apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php       |  562 ++++++------
 apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php         | 1294 +++++++++++++++-------------
 apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php      |  911 ++++++++++----------
 apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php |  147 ++--
 apps/files_encryption/tests/share.php      |  640 +++++++-------
 apps/files_encryption/tests/util.php       |  192 +++--
 11 files changed, 3154 insertions(+), 2914 deletions(-)

diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php
index ba588819d06..783c19d2542 100755
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
  * ownCloud
  * @author Sam Tuke, Frank Karlitschek, Robin Appelman
- * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke, 
- * Robin Appelman, Frank Karlitschek 
+ * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke,
+ * Robin Appelman, Frank Karlitschek
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -27,505 +27,532 @@ namespace OCA\Encryption;
 require_once 'Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php';
-// Todo:
-//  - Add a setting "DonĀ“t encrypt files larger than xx because of performance"
-//  - Don't use a password directly as encryption key. but a key which is 
-//    stored on the server and encrypted with the user password. -> change pass 
-//    faster
  * Class for common cryptography functionality
-class Crypt {
+class Crypt
 	 * @brief return encryption mode client or server side encryption
-	 * @param string user name (use system wide setting if name=null)
+	 * @param string $user name (use system wide setting if name=null)
 	 * @return string 'client' or 'server'
-	public static function mode( $user = null ) {
+	public static function mode($user = null)
+	{
 		return 'server';
-        /**
-         * @brief Create a new encryption keypair
-         * @return array publicKey, privatekey
-         */
-	public static function createKeypair() {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Create a new encryption keypair
+	 * @return array publicKey, privatekey
+	 */
+	public static function createKeypair()
+	{
 		$res = openssl_pkey_new(array('private_key_bits' => 4096));
 		// Get private key
-		openssl_pkey_export( $res, $privateKey );
+		openssl_pkey_export($res, $privateKey);
 		// Get public key
-		$publicKey = openssl_pkey_get_details( $res );
+		$publicKey = openssl_pkey_get_details($res);
 		$publicKey = $publicKey['key'];
-		return( array( 'publicKey' => $publicKey, 'privateKey' => $privateKey ) );
+		return (array('publicKey' => $publicKey, 'privateKey' => $privateKey));
-        /**
-         * @brief Add arbitrary padding to encrypted data
-         * @param string $data data to be padded
-         * @return padded data
-         * @note In order to end up with data exactly 8192 bytes long we must 
-         * add two letters. It is impossible to achieve exactly 8192 length 
-         * blocks with encryption alone, hence padding is added to achieve the 
-         * required length. 
-         */
-	public static function addPadding( $data ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Add arbitrary padding to encrypted data
+	 * @param string $data data to be padded
+	 * @return string padded data
+	 * @note In order to end up with data exactly 8192 bytes long we must
+	 * add two letters. It is impossible to achieve exactly 8192 length
+	 * blocks with encryption alone, hence padding is added to achieve the
+	 * required length.
+	 */
+	public static function addPadding($data)
+	{
 		$padded = $data . 'xx';
 		return $padded;
-        /**
-         * @brief Remove arbitrary padding to encrypted data
-         * @param string $padded padded data to remove padding from
-         * @return unpadded data on success, false on error
-         */
-	public static function removePadding( $padded ) {
-		if ( substr( $padded, -2 ) == 'xx' ) {
-			$data = substr( $padded, 0, -2 );
+	/**
+	 * @brief Remove arbitrary padding to encrypted data
+	 * @param string $padded padded data to remove padding from
+	 * @return string unpadded data on success, false on error
+	 */
+	public static function removePadding($padded)
+	{
+		if (substr($padded, -2) == 'xx') {
+			$data = substr($padded, 0, -2);
 			return $data;
 		} else {
 			// TODO: log the fact that unpadded data was submitted for removal of padding
 			return false;
-        /**
-         * @brief Check if a file's contents contains an IV and is symmetrically encrypted
-         * @return true / false
-         * @note see also OCA\Encryption\Util->isEncryptedPath()
-         */
-	public static function isCatfileContent( $content ) {
-		if ( !$content ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Check if a file's contents contains an IV and is symmetrically encrypted
+	 * @param $content
+	 * @return boolean
+	 * @note see also OCA\Encryption\Util->isEncryptedPath()
+	 */
+	public static function isCatfileContent($content)
+	{
+		if (!$content) {
 			return false;
-		$noPadding = self::removePadding( $content );
+		$noPadding = self::removePadding($content);
 		// Fetch encryption metadata from end of file
-		$meta = substr( $noPadding, -22 );
+		$meta = substr($noPadding, -22);
 		// Fetch IV from end of file
-		$iv = substr( $meta, -16 );
+		$iv = substr($meta, -16);
 		// Fetch identifier from start of metadata
-		$identifier = substr( $meta, 0, 6 );
-		if ( $identifier == '00iv00') {
+		$identifier = substr($meta, 0, 6);
+		if ($identifier == '00iv00') {
 			return true;
 		} else {
 			return false;
 	 * Check if a file is encrypted according to database file cache
 	 * @param string $path
 	 * @return bool
-	public static function isEncryptedMeta( $path ) {
+	public static function isEncryptedMeta($path)
+	{
 		// TODO: Use DI to get \OC\Files\Filesystem out of here
 		// Fetch all file metadata from DB
-		$metadata = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo( $path);
+		$metadata = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($path);
 		// Return encryption status
-		return isset( $metadata['encrypted'] ) and ( bool )$metadata['encrypted'];
+		return isset($metadata['encrypted']) and ( bool )$metadata['encrypted'];
-        /**
-         * @brief Check if a file is encrypted via legacy system
-         * @param string $relPath The path of the file, relative to user/data;
-         *        e.g. filename or /Docs/filename, NOT admin/files/filename
-         * @return true / false
-         */
-	public static function isLegacyEncryptedContent( $data, $relPath ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Check if a file is encrypted via legacy system
+	 * @param $data
+	 * @param string $relPath The path of the file, relative to user/data;
+	 *        e.g. filename or /Docs/filename, NOT admin/files/filename
+	 * @return boolean
+	 */
+	public static function isLegacyEncryptedContent($data, $relPath)
+	{
 		// Fetch all file metadata from DB
-		$metadata = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo( $relPath, '' );
+		$metadata = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($relPath, '');
 		// If a file is flagged with encryption in DB, but isn't a 
 		// valid content + IV combination, it's probably using the 
 		// legacy encryption system
-		if ( 
-			isset( $metadata['encrypted'] ) 
-			and $metadata['encrypted'] === true 
-			and ! self::isCatfileContent( $data ) 
+		if (
+			isset($metadata['encrypted'])
+			and $metadata['encrypted'] === true
+			and !self::isCatfileContent($data)
 		) {
 			return true;
 		} else {
 			return false;
-        /**
-         * @brief Symmetrically encrypt a string
-         * @returns encrypted file
-         */
-	public static function encrypt( $plainContent, $iv, $passphrase = '' ) {
-		if ( $encryptedContent = openssl_encrypt( $plainContent, 'AES-128-CFB', $passphrase, false, $iv ) ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Symmetrically encrypt a string
+	 * @return string encrypted file content
+	 */
+	public static function encrypt($plainContent, $iv, $passphrase = '')
+	{
+		if ($encryptedContent = openssl_encrypt($plainContent, 'AES-128-CFB', $passphrase, false, $iv)) {
 			return $encryptedContent;
 		} else {
-			\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Encryption (symmetric) of content failed', \OC_Log::ERROR );
+			\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Encryption (symmetric) of content failed', \OC_Log::ERROR);
 			return false;
-        /**
-         * @brief Symmetrically decrypt a string
-         * @returns decrypted file
-         */
-	public static function decrypt( $encryptedContent, $iv, $passphrase ) {
-		if ( $plainContent = openssl_decrypt( $encryptedContent, 'AES-128-CFB', $passphrase, false, $iv ) ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Symmetrically decrypt a string
+	 * @return string decrypted file content
+	 */
+	public static function decrypt($encryptedContent, $iv, $passphrase)
+	{
+		if ($plainContent = openssl_decrypt($encryptedContent, 'AES-128-CFB', $passphrase, false, $iv)) {
 			return $plainContent;
 		} else {
-			throw new \Exception( 'Encryption library: Decryption (symmetric) of content failed' );
+			throw new \Exception('Encryption library: Decryption (symmetric) of content failed');
 			return false;
-        /**
-         * @brief Concatenate encrypted data with its IV and padding
-         * @param string $content content to be concatenated
-         * @param string $iv IV to be concatenated
-         * @returns string concatenated content
-         */
-	public static function concatIv ( $content, $iv ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Concatenate encrypted data with its IV and padding
+	 * @param string $content content to be concatenated
+	 * @param string $iv IV to be concatenated
+	 * @returns string concatenated content
+	 */
+	public static function concatIv($content, $iv)
+	{
 		$combined = $content . '00iv00' . $iv;
 		return $combined;
-        /**
-         * @brief Split concatenated data and IV into respective parts
-         * @param string $catFile concatenated data to be split
-         * @returns array keys: encrypted, iv
-         */
-	public static function splitIv ( $catFile ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Split concatenated data and IV into respective parts
+	 * @param string $catFile concatenated data to be split
+	 * @returns array keys: encrypted, iv
+	 */
+	public static function splitIv($catFile)
+	{
 		// Fetch encryption metadata from end of file
-		$meta = substr( $catFile, -22 );
+		$meta = substr($catFile, -22);
 		// Fetch IV from end of file
-		$iv = substr( $meta, -16 );
+		$iv = substr($meta, -16);
 		// Remove IV and IV identifier text to expose encrypted content
-		$encrypted = substr( $catFile, 0, -22 );
+		$encrypted = substr($catFile, 0, -22);
 		$split = array(
 			'encrypted' => $encrypted
-			, 'iv' => $iv
+		, 'iv' => $iv
 		return $split;
-        /**
-         * @brief Symmetrically encrypts a string and returns keyfile content
-         * @param $plainContent content to be encrypted in keyfile
-         * @returns encrypted content combined with IV
-         * @note IV need not be specified, as it will be stored in the returned keyfile
-         * and remain accessible therein.
-         */
-	public static function symmetricEncryptFileContent( $plainContent, $passphrase = '' ) {
-		if ( !$plainContent ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Symmetrically encrypts a string and returns keyfile content
+	 * @param string $plainContent content to be encrypted in keyfile
+	 * @param string $passphrase
+	 * @return bool|string
+	 * @return string encrypted content combined with IV
+	 * @note IV need not be specified, as it will be stored in the returned keyfile
+	 * and remain accessible therein.
+	 */
+	public static function symmetricEncryptFileContent($plainContent, $passphrase = '')
+	{
+		if (!$plainContent) {
 			return false;
 		$iv = self::generateIv();
-		if ( $encryptedContent = self::encrypt( $plainContent, $iv, $passphrase ) ) {
-				// Combine content to encrypt with IV identifier and actual IV
-				$catfile = self::concatIv( $encryptedContent, $iv );
-				$padded = self::addPadding( $catfile );
-				return $padded;
+		if ($encryptedContent = self::encrypt($plainContent, $iv, $passphrase)) {
+			// Combine content to encrypt with IV identifier and actual IV
+			$catfile = self::concatIv($encryptedContent, $iv);
+			$padded = self::addPadding($catfile);
+			return $padded;
 		} else {
-			\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Encryption (symmetric) of keyfile content failed', \OC_Log::ERROR );
+			\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Encryption (symmetric) of keyfile content failed', \OC_Log::ERROR);
 			return false;
-	* @brief Symmetrically decrypts keyfile content
-	* @param string $source
-	* @param string $target
-	* @param string $key the decryption key
-	* @returns decrypted content
-	*
-	* This function decrypts a file
-	*/
-	public static function symmetricDecryptFileContent( $keyfileContent, $passphrase = '' ) {
-		if ( !$keyfileContent ) {
-			throw new \Exception( 'Encryption library: no data provided for decryption' );
+	 * @brief Symmetrically decrypts keyfile content
+	 * @param $keyfileContent
+	 * @param string $passphrase
+	 * @throws \Exception
+	 * @return bool|string
+	 * @internal param string $source
+	 * @internal param string $target
+	 * @internal param string $key the decryption key
+	 * @returns string decrypted content
+	 *
+	 * This function decrypts a file
+	 */
+	public static function symmetricDecryptFileContent($keyfileContent, $passphrase = '')
+	{
+		if (!$keyfileContent) {
+			throw new \Exception('Encryption library: no data provided for decryption');
 		// Remove padding
-		$noPadding = self::removePadding( $keyfileContent );
+		$noPadding = self::removePadding($keyfileContent);
 		// Split into enc data and catfile
-		$catfile = self::splitIv( $noPadding );
-		if ( $plainContent = self::decrypt( $catfile['encrypted'], $catfile['iv'], $passphrase ) ) {
+		$catfile = self::splitIv($noPadding);
+		if ($plainContent = self::decrypt($catfile['encrypted'], $catfile['iv'], $passphrase)) {
 			return $plainContent;
-	* @brief Creates symmetric keyfile content using a generated key
-	* @param string $plainContent content to be encrypted
-	* @returns array keys: key, encrypted
-	* @note symmetricDecryptFileContent() can be used to decrypt files created using this method
-	*
-	* This function decrypts a file
-	*/
-	public static function symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $plainContent ) {
+	 * @brief Creates symmetric keyfile content using a generated key
+	 * @param string $plainContent content to be encrypted
+	 * @returns array keys: key, encrypted
+	 * @note symmetricDecryptFileContent() can be used to decrypt files created using this method
+	 *
+	 * This function decrypts a file
+	 */
+	public static function symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile($plainContent)
+	{
 		$key = self::generateKey();
-		if( $encryptedContent = self::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $plainContent, $key ) ) {
+		if ($encryptedContent = self::symmetricEncryptFileContent($plainContent, $key)) {
 			return array(
 				'key' => $key
-				, 'encrypted' => $encryptedContent
+			, 'encrypted' => $encryptedContent
 		} else {
 			return false;
-	* @brief Create asymmetrically encrypted keyfile content using a generated key
-	* @param string $plainContent content to be encrypted
-	* @param array $publicKeys array keys must be the userId of corresponding user
-	* @returns array keys: keys (array, key = userId), data
-	* @note symmetricDecryptFileContent() can decrypt files created using this method
-	*/
-	public static function multiKeyEncrypt( $plainContent, array $publicKeys ) {
+	 * @brief Create asymmetrically encrypted keyfile content using a generated key
+	 * @param string $plainContent content to be encrypted
+	 * @param array $publicKeys array keys must be the userId of corresponding user
+	 * @returns array keys: keys (array, key = userId), data
+	 * @note symmetricDecryptFileContent() can decrypt files created using this method
+	 */
+	public static function multiKeyEncrypt($plainContent, array $publicKeys)
+	{
 		// openssl_seal returns false without errors if $plainContent 
 		// is empty, so trigger our own error
-		if ( empty( $plainContent ) ) {
-			trigger_error( "Cannot mutliKeyEncrypt empty plain content" );
-			throw new \Exception( 'Cannot mutliKeyEncrypt empty plain content' );
+		if (empty($plainContent)) {
+			trigger_error("Cannot mutliKeyEncrypt empty plain content");
+			throw new \Exception('Cannot mutliKeyEncrypt empty plain content');
 		// Set empty vars to be set by openssl by reference
 		$sealed = '';
 		$shareKeys = array();
-		if( openssl_seal( $plainContent, $sealed, $shareKeys, $publicKeys ) ) {
+		if (openssl_seal($plainContent, $sealed, $shareKeys, $publicKeys)) {
 			$i = 0;
 			// Ensure each shareKey is labelled with its 
 			// corresponding userId
-			foreach ( $publicKeys as $userId => $publicKey ) {
+			foreach ($publicKeys as $userId => $publicKey) {
 				$mappedShareKeys[$userId] = $shareKeys[$i];
 			return array(
 				'keys' => $mappedShareKeys
-				, 'data' => $sealed
+			, 'data' => $sealed
 		} else {
 			return false;
-	* @brief Asymmetrically encrypt a file using multiple public keys
-	* @param string $plainContent content to be encrypted
-	* @returns string $plainContent decrypted string
-	* @note symmetricDecryptFileContent() can be used to decrypt files created using this method
-	*
-	* This function decrypts a file
-	*/
-	public static function multiKeyDecrypt( $encryptedContent, $shareKey, $privateKey ) {
-		if ( !$encryptedContent ) {
+	 * @brief Asymmetrically encrypt a file using multiple public keys
+	 * @param $encryptedContent
+	 * @param $shareKey
+	 * @param $privateKey
+	 * @return bool
+	 * @internal param string $plainContent content to be encrypted
+	 * @returns string $plainContent decrypted string
+	 * @note symmetricDecryptFileContent() can be used to decrypt files created using this method
+	 *
+	 * This function decrypts a file
+	 */
+	public static function multiKeyDecrypt($encryptedContent, $shareKey, $privateKey)
+	{
+		if (!$encryptedContent) {
 			return false;
-		if ( openssl_open( $encryptedContent, $plainContent, $shareKey, $privateKey ) ) {
+		if (openssl_open($encryptedContent, $plainContent, $shareKey, $privateKey)) {
 			return $plainContent;
 		} else {
-			\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Decryption (asymmetric) of sealed content failed', \OC_Log::ERROR );
+			\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Decryption (asymmetric) of sealed content failed', \OC_Log::ERROR);
 			return false;
-        /**
-         * @brief Asymetrically encrypt a string using a public key
-         * @returns encrypted file
-         */
-	public static function keyEncrypt( $plainContent, $publicKey ) {
-		openssl_public_encrypt( $plainContent, $encryptedContent, $publicKey );
+	/**
+	 * @brief Asymetrically encrypt a string using a public key
+	 * @return string encrypted file
+	 */
+	public static function keyEncrypt($plainContent, $publicKey)
+	{
+		openssl_public_encrypt($plainContent, $encryptedContent, $publicKey);
 		return $encryptedContent;
-        /**
-         * @brief Asymetrically decrypt a file using a private key
-         * @returns decrypted file
-         */
-	public static function keyDecrypt( $encryptedContent, $privatekey ) {
-		$result = @openssl_private_decrypt( $encryptedContent, $plainContent, $privatekey );
-		if ( $result ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Asymetrically decrypt a file using a private key
+	 * @return string decrypted file
+	 */
+	public static function keyDecrypt($encryptedContent, $privatekey)
+	{
+		$result = @openssl_private_decrypt($encryptedContent, $plainContent, $privatekey);
+		if ($result) {
 			return $plainContent;
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief Generates a pseudo random initialisation vector
 	 * @return String $iv generated IV
-	public static function generateIv() {
-		if ( $random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 12, $strong ) ) {
-			if ( !$strong ) {
+	public static function generateIv()
+	{
+		if ($random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(12, $strong)) {
+			if (!$strong) {
 				// If OpenSSL indicates randomness is insecure, log error
-				\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Insecure symmetric key was generated using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()', \OC_Log::WARN );
+				\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Insecure symmetric key was generated using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()', \OC_Log::WARN);
 			// We encode the iv purely for string manipulation 
 			// purposes - it gets decoded before use
-			$iv = base64_encode( $random );
+			$iv = base64_encode($random);
 			return $iv;
 		} else {
-			throw new Exception( 'Generating IV failed' );
+			throw new \Exception('Generating IV failed');
 	 * @brief Generate a pseudo random 1024kb ASCII key
 	 * @returns $key Generated key
-	public static function generateKey() {
+	public static function generateKey()
+	{
 		// Generate key
-		if ( $key = base64_encode( openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 183, $strong ) ) ) {
-			if ( !$strong ) {
+		if ($key = base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(183, $strong))) {
+			if (!$strong) {
 				// If OpenSSL indicates randomness is insecure, log error
-				throw new Exception ( 'Encryption library, Insecure symmetric key was generated using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()' );
+				throw new \Exception('Encryption library, Insecure symmetric key was generated using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()');
 			return $key;
 		} else {
 			return false;
@@ -535,70 +562,89 @@ class Crypt {
 	 * if the key is left out, the default handeler will be used
-	public static function getBlowfish( $key = '' ) {
-		if ( $key ) {
-			return new \Crypt_Blowfish( $key );
+	public static function getBlowfish($key = '')
+	{
+		if ($key) {
+			return new \Crypt_Blowfish($key);
 		} else {
 			return false;
-	public static function legacyCreateKey( $passphrase ) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $passphrase
+	 * @return mixed
+	 */
+	public static function legacyCreateKey($passphrase)
+	{
 		// Generate a random integer
-		$key = mt_rand( 10000, 99999 ) . mt_rand( 10000, 99999 ) . mt_rand( 10000, 99999 ) . mt_rand( 10000, 99999 );
+		$key = mt_rand(10000, 99999) . mt_rand(10000, 99999) . mt_rand(10000, 99999) . mt_rand(10000, 99999);
 		// Encrypt the key with the passphrase
-		$legacyEncKey = self::legacyEncrypt( $key, $passphrase );
+		$legacyEncKey = self::legacyEncrypt($key, $passphrase);
 		return $legacyEncKey;
 	 * @brief encrypts content using legacy blowfish system
-	 * @param $content the cleartext message you want to encrypt
-	 * @param $key the encryption key (optional)
-	 * @returns encrypted content
+	 * @param string $content the cleartext message you want to encrypt
+	 * @param string $passphrase
+	 * @return
+	 * @internal param \OCA\Encryption\the $key encryption key (optional)
+	 * @returns string encrypted content
 	 * This function encrypts an content
-	public static function legacyEncrypt( $content, $passphrase = '' ) {
-		$bf = self::getBlowfish( $passphrase );
-		return $bf->encrypt( $content );
+	public static function legacyEncrypt($content, $passphrase = '')
+	{
+		$bf = self::getBlowfish($passphrase);
+		return $bf->encrypt($content);
-	* @brief decrypts content using legacy blowfish system
-	* @param $content the cleartext message you want to decrypt
-	* @param $key the encryption key (optional)
-	* @returns cleartext content
-	*
-	* This function decrypts an content
-	*/
-	public static function legacyDecrypt( $content, $passphrase = '' ) {
-		$bf = self::getBlowfish( $passphrase );
-		$decrypted = $bf->decrypt( $content );
+	 * @brief decrypts content using legacy blowfish system
+	 * @param string $content the cleartext message you want to decrypt
+	 * @param string $passphrase
+	 * @return string
+	 * @internal param \OCA\Encryption\the $key encryption key (optional)
+	 * @return string cleartext content
+	 *
+	 * This function decrypts an content
+	 */
+	public static function legacyDecrypt($content, $passphrase = '')
+	{
+		$bf = self::getBlowfish($passphrase);
+		$decrypted = $bf->decrypt($content);
 		return rtrim($decrypted, "\0");;
-	private static function legacyBlockDecrypt($data, $key='',$maxLength=0) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $data
+	 * @param string $key
+	 * @param int $maxLength
+	 * @return string
+	 */
+	private static function legacyBlockDecrypt($data, $key = '', $maxLength = 0)
+	{
 		$result = '';
 		while (strlen($data)) {
-			$result.=self::legacyDecrypt(substr($data, 0, 8192), $key);
+			$result .= self::legacyDecrypt(substr($data, 0, 8192), $key);
 			$data = substr($data, 8192);
 		if ($maxLength > 0) {
@@ -607,19 +653,28 @@ class Crypt {
 			return rtrim($result, "\0");
-	public static function legacyKeyRecryptKeyfile( $legacyEncryptedContent, $legacyPassphrase, $publicKeys, $newPassphrase, $path ) {
-		$decrypted = self::legacyBlockDecrypt( $legacyEncryptedContent, $legacyPassphrase );
+	/**
+	 * @param $legacyEncryptedContent
+	 * @param $legacyPassphrase
+	 * @param $publicKeys
+	 * @param $newPassphrase
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @return array
+	 */
+	public static function legacyKeyRecryptKeyfile($legacyEncryptedContent, $legacyPassphrase, $publicKeys, $newPassphrase, $path)
+	{
+		$decrypted = self::legacyBlockDecrypt($legacyEncryptedContent, $legacyPassphrase);
 		// Encrypt plain data, generate keyfile & encrypted file
-		$cryptedData = self::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $decrypted );
+		$cryptedData = self::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile($decrypted);
 		// Encrypt plain keyfile to multiple sharefiles
-		$multiEncrypted = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $cryptedData['key'], $publicKeys );
+		$multiEncrypted = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($cryptedData['key'], $publicKeys);
+		return array('data' => $cryptedData['encrypted'], 'filekey' => $multiEncrypted['data'], 'sharekeys' => $multiEncrypted['keys']);
-		return array( 'data' => $cryptedData['encrypted'], 'filekey' => $multiEncrypted['data'], 'sharekeys' => $multiEncrypted['keys'] );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
index a04c65e251f..c57f0bc0092 100755
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
@@ -23,76 +23,82 @@
 namespace OCA\Encryption;
- * @brief Class to manage registration of hooks an various helper methods
- */
+	/**
+	 * @brief Class to manage registration of hooks an various helper methods
+	 */
  * Class Helper
  * @package OCA\Encryption
-class Helper {
+class Helper
 	 * @brief register share related hooks
-	 * 
+	 *
+	 */
+	public static function registerShareHooks()
+	{
+		\OCP\Util::connectHook('OCP\Share', 'pre_shared', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'preShared');
+		\OCP\Util::connectHook('OCP\Share', 'post_shared', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postShared');
+		\OCP\Util::connectHook('OCP\Share', 'post_unshare', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postUnshare');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @brief register user related hooks
+	 *
-	public static function registerShareHooks() {
+	public static function registerUserHooks()
+	{
-        \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OCP\Share', 'pre_shared', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'preShared' );
-		\OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OCP\Share', 'post_shared', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postShared' );
-        \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OCP\Share', 'post_unshare', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postUnshare' );
+		\OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_User', 'post_login', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'login');
+		\OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_User', 'post_setPassword', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'setPassphrase');
+		\OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_User', 'post_createUser', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postCreateUser');
+		\OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_User', 'post_deleteUser', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postDeleteUser');
-    /**
-     * @brief register user related hooks
-     *
-     */
-    public static function registerUserHooks() {
-        \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_login', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'login' );
-        \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_setPassword', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'setPassphrase' );
-        \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_createUser', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postCreateUser' );
-        \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_deleteUser', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postDeleteUser' );
-    }
-    /**
-     * @brief register webdav related hooks
-     *
-     */
-    public static function registerWebdavHooks() {
-    }
-    /**
-     * @brief register filesystem related hooks
-     *
-     */
-    public static function registerFilesystemHooks() {
-        \OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_Filesystem', 'post_rename', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postRename');
-    }
-    /**
-     * @brief setup user for files_encryption
-     *
-     * @param Util $util
-     * @param string $password
-     * @return bool
-     */
-    public static function setupUser($util, $password) {
-        // Check files_encryption infrastructure is ready for action
-        if ( ! $util->ready() ) {
-            \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'User account "' . $util->getUserId() . '" is not ready for encryption; configuration started', \OC_Log::DEBUG );
-            if(!$util->setupServerSide( $password )) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
+	/**
+	 * @brief register webdav related hooks
+	 *
+	 */
+	public static function registerWebdavHooks()
+	{
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @brief register filesystem related hooks
+	 *
+	 */
+	public static function registerFilesystemHooks()
+	{
+		\OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_Filesystem', 'post_rename', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postRename');
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @brief setup user for files_encryption
+	 *
+	 * @param Util $util
+	 * @param string $password
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public static function setupUser($util, $password)
+	{
+		// Check files_encryption infrastructure is ready for action
+		if (!$util->ready()) {
+			\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'User account "' . $util->getUserId() . '" is not ready for encryption; configuration started', \OC_Log::DEBUG);
+			if (!$util->setupServerSide($password)) {
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
 	 * @brief enable recovery
@@ -103,7 +109,8 @@ class Helper {
 	 * @internal param string $password
 	 * @return bool
-	public static function adminEnableRecovery($recoveryKeyId, $recoveryPassword) {
+	public static function adminEnableRecovery($recoveryKeyId, $recoveryPassword)
+	{
 		$view = new \OC\Files\View('/');
 		if ($recoveryKeyId === null) {
@@ -139,7 +146,7 @@ class Helper {
 			$view->file_put_contents('/owncloud_private_key/' . $recoveryKeyId . '.private.key', $encryptedPrivateKey);
 			// create control file which let us check later on if the entered password was correct.
-			$encryptedControlData =  \OCA\Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt("ownCloud", $keypair['publicKey']);
+			$encryptedControlData = \OCA\Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt("ownCloud", $keypair['publicKey']);
 			if (!$view->is_dir('/control-file')) {
@@ -170,7 +177,8 @@ class Helper {
 	 * @param $recoveryPassword
 	 * @return bool
-	public static function adminDisableRecovery($recoveryPassword) {
+	public static function adminDisableRecovery($recoveryPassword)
+	{
 		$util = new Util(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'), \OCP\User::getUser());
 		$return = $util->checkRecoveryPassword($recoveryPassword);
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php
index b422ff099b1..1bc334e7a17 100755
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ namespace OCA\Encryption;
  * @brief Class to manage storage and retrieval of encryption keys
  * @note Where a method requires a view object, it's root must be '/'
-class Keymanager {
+class Keymanager
 	 * @brief retrieve the ENCRYPTED private key from a user
@@ -37,17 +38,18 @@ class Keymanager {
 	 * @return string private key or false (hopefully)
 	 * @note the key returned by this method must be decrypted before use
-	public static function getPrivateKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $user ) {
-		$path =  '/' . $user . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . $user.'.private.key';
+	public static function getPrivateKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $user)
+	{
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		$path = '/' . $user . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . $user . '.private.key';
-		$key = $view->file_get_contents( $path );
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		$key = $view->file_get_contents($path);
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return $key;
@@ -57,104 +59,111 @@ class Keymanager {
 	 * @param $userId
 	 * @return string public key or false
-	public static function getPublicKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId ) {
+	public static function getPublicKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId)
+	{
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-		$result =  $view->file_get_contents( '/public-keys/' . $userId . '.public.key' );
+		$result = $view->file_get_contents('/public-keys/' . $userId . '.public.key');
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        return $result;
+		return $result;
 	 * @brief Retrieve a user's public and private key
 	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
 	 * @param $userId
 	 * @return array keys: privateKey, publicKey
-	public static function getUserKeys( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId ) {
+	public static function getUserKeys(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId)
+	{
 		return array(
-			'publicKey' => self::getPublicKey( $view, $userId )
-			, 'privateKey' => self::getPrivateKey( $view, $userId )
+			'publicKey' => self::getPublicKey($view, $userId)
+		, 'privateKey' => self::getPrivateKey($view, $userId)
 	 * @brief Retrieve public keys for given users
 	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
 	 * @param array $userIds
 	 * @return array of public keys for the specified users
-	public static function getPublicKeys( \OC_FilesystemView $view, array $userIds ) {
+	public static function getPublicKeys(\OC_FilesystemView $view, array $userIds)
+	{
 		$keys = array();
-		foreach ( $userIds as $userId ) {
-			$keys[$userId] = self::getPublicKey( $view, $userId );
+		foreach ($userIds as $userId) {
+			$keys[$userId] = self::getPublicKey($view, $userId);
 		return $keys;
 	 * @brief store file encryption key
+	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
 	 * @param string $path relative path of the file, including filename
-	 * @param string $key
+	 * @param $userId
+	 * @param $catfile
+	 * @internal param string $key
 	 * @return bool true/false
-	 * @note The keyfile is not encrypted here. Client code must 
+	 * @note The keyfile is not encrypted here. Client code must
 	 * asymmetrically encrypt the keyfile before passing it to this method
-	public static function setFileKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $userId, $catfile ) {
+	public static function setFileKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $userId, $catfile)
+	{
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 		//here we need the currently logged in user, while userId can be a different user
-		$util = new Util( $view, \OCP\User::getUser() );
-		list( $owner, $filename ) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $path );
+		$util = new Util($view, \OCP\User::getUser());
+		list($owner, $filename) = $util->getUidAndFilename($path);
 		$basePath = '/' . $owner . '/files_encryption/keyfiles';
-		$targetPath = self::keySetPreparation( $view, $filename, $basePath, $owner );
-		if ( !$view->is_dir( $basePath . '/' . $targetPath ) ) {
+		$targetPath = self::keySetPreparation($view, $filename, $basePath, $owner);
+		if (!$view->is_dir($basePath . '/' . $targetPath)) {
 			// create all parent folders
-			$info = pathinfo( $basePath . '/' . $targetPath );
-			$keyfileFolderName = $view->getLocalFolder( $info['dirname'] );
-			if ( ! file_exists( $keyfileFolderName ) ) {
-				mkdir( $keyfileFolderName, 0750, true );
+			$info = pathinfo($basePath . '/' . $targetPath);
+			$keyfileFolderName = $view->getLocalFolder($info['dirname']);
+			if (!file_exists($keyfileFolderName)) {
+				mkdir($keyfileFolderName, 0750, true);
 		// try reusing key file if part file
-		if ( self::isPartialFilePath( $targetPath ) ) {
-			$result = $view->file_put_contents( $basePath . '/' . self::fixPartialFilePath( $targetPath ) . '.key', $catfile );
+		if (self::isPartialFilePath($targetPath)) {
+			$result = $view->file_put_contents($basePath . '/' . self::fixPartialFilePath($targetPath) . '.key', $catfile);
 		} else {
-			$result = $view->file_put_contents( $basePath . '/' . $targetPath . '.key', $catfile );
+			$result = $view->file_put_contents($basePath . '/' . $targetPath . '.key', $catfile);
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return $result;
@@ -163,15 +172,16 @@ class Keymanager {
 	 * @return string File path without .part extension
 	 * @note this is needed for reusing keys
-	public static function fixPartialFilePath( $path ) {
+	public static function fixPartialFilePath($path)
+	{
 		if (preg_match('/\.part$/', $path)) {
 			$newLength = strlen($path) - 5;
 			$fPath = substr($path, 0, $newLength);
 			return $fPath;
 		} else {
 			return $path;
@@ -185,19 +195,21 @@ class Keymanager {
 	 * @param string $path Path that may identify a .part file
 	 * @return bool
-	public static function isPartialFilePath( $path ) {
-		if ( preg_match('/\.part$/', $path ) ) {
+	public static function isPartialFilePath($path)
+	{
+		if (preg_match('/\.part$/', $path)) {
 			return true;
 		} else {
 			return false;
 	 * @brief retrieve keyfile for an encrypted file
 	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
@@ -208,227 +220,239 @@ class Keymanager {
 	 * @note The keyfile returned is asymmetrically encrypted. Decryption
 	 * of the keyfile must be performed by client code
-	public static function getFileKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath ) {
+	public static function getFileKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath)
+	{
 		// try reusing key file if part file
-		if ( self::isPartialFilePath( $filePath ) ) {
-			$result = self::getFileKey( $view, $userId, self::fixPartialFilePath( $filePath ) );
-			if ( $result ) {
+		if (self::isPartialFilePath($filePath)) {
+			$result = self::getFileKey($view, $userId, self::fixPartialFilePath($filePath));
+			if ($result) {
 				return $result;
 		$util = new Util($view, \OCP\User::getUser());
 		list($owner, $filename) = $util->getUidAndFilename($filePath);
-		$filePath_f = ltrim( $filename, '/' );
+		$filePath_f = ltrim($filename, '/');
 		$keyfilePath = '/' . $owner . '/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $filePath_f . '.key';
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-		if ( $view->file_exists( $keyfilePath ) ) {
-			$result =  $view->file_get_contents( $keyfilePath );
+		if ($view->file_exists($keyfilePath)) {
+			$result = $view->file_get_contents($keyfilePath);
 		} else {
-			$result =  false;
+			$result = false;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief Delete a keyfile
-	 * @param OC_FilesystemView $view
+	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
 	 * @param string $userId username
 	 * @param string $path path of the file the key belongs to
 	 * @return bool Outcome of unlink operation
 	 * @note $path must be relative to data/user/files. e.g. mydoc.txt NOT
 	 *       /data/admin/files/mydoc.txt
-	public static function deleteFileKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $path ) {
-		$trimmed = ltrim( $path, '/' );
-		$keyPath =  '/' . $userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $trimmed;
+	public static function deleteFileKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $path)
+	{
+		$trimmed = ltrim($path, '/');
+		$keyPath = '/' . $userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $trimmed;
 		$result = false;
-		if ( $view->is_dir($keyPath) ) {
+		if ($view->is_dir($keyPath)) {
 			$result = $view->unlink($keyPath);
-		} else if ( $view->file_exists( $keyPath.'.key' ) ) {
+		} else if ($view->file_exists($keyPath . '.key')) {
-			$result = $view->unlink( $keyPath.'.key' );
+			$result = $view->unlink($keyPath . '.key');
-		if ( !$result ) {
-			\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Could not delete keyfile; does not exist: "' . $keyPath, \OC_Log::ERROR );
+		if (!$result) {
+			\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Could not delete keyfile; does not exist: "' . $keyPath, \OC_Log::ERROR);
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief store private key from the user
-	 * @param string key
+	 * @param string $key
 	 * @return bool
 	 * @note Encryption of the private key must be performed by client code
 	 * as no encryption takes place here
-	public static function setPrivateKey( $key ) {
+	public static function setPrivateKey($key)
+	{
 		$user = \OCP\User::getUser();
-		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $user . '/files_encryption' );
+		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/' . $user . '/files_encryption');
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-		if ( !$view->file_exists( '' ) ) $view->mkdir( '' );
-		$result =  $view->file_put_contents( $user . '.private.key', $key );
+		if (!$view->file_exists('')) $view->mkdir('');
+		$result = $view->file_put_contents($user . '.private.key', $key);
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief store private keys from the user
-	 * @param string privatekey
-	 * @param string publickey
+	 * @param string $privatekey
+	 * @param string $publickey
 	 * @return bool true/false
-	public static function setUserKeys($privatekey, $publickey) {
-		return ( self::setPrivateKey( $privatekey ) && self::setPublicKey( $publickey ) );
+	public static function setUserKeys($privatekey, $publickey)
+	{
+		return (self::setPrivateKey($privatekey) && self::setPublicKey($publickey));
 	 * @brief store public key of the user
-	 * @param string key
+	 * @param string $key
 	 * @return bool true/false
-	public static function setPublicKey( $key ) {
-		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/public-keys' );
+	public static function setPublicKey($key)
+	{
+		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/public-keys');
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-		if ( !$view->file_exists( '' ) ) $view->mkdir( '' );
-		$result =  $view->file_put_contents( \OCP\User::getUser() . '.public.key', $key );
+		if (!$view->file_exists('')) $view->mkdir('');
+		$result = $view->file_put_contents(\OCP\User::getUser() . '.public.key', $key);
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief store share key
+	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
 	 * @param string $path relative path of the file, including filename
-	 * @param string $key
-	 * @param null $view
-	 * @param string $dbClassName
+	 * @param $userId
+	 * @param $shareKey
+	 * @internal param string $key
+	 * @internal param string $dbClassName
 	 * @return bool true/false
 	 * @note The keyfile is not encrypted here. Client code must
 	 * asymmetrically encrypt the keyfile before passing it to this method
-	public static function setShareKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $userId, $shareKey ) {
+	public static function setShareKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $userId, $shareKey)
+	{
 		// Here we need the currently logged in user, while userId can be a different user
-		$util = new Util( $view, \OCP\User::getUser() );
+		$util = new Util($view, \OCP\User::getUser());
-		list( $owner, $filename ) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $path );
+		list($owner, $filename) = $util->getUidAndFilename($path);
 		$basePath = '/' . $owner . '/files_encryption/share-keys';
-		$shareKeyPath = self::keySetPreparation( $view, $filename, $basePath, $owner );
+		$shareKeyPath = self::keySetPreparation($view, $filename, $basePath, $owner);
 		// try reusing key file if part file
-		if(self::isPartialFilePath($shareKeyPath)) {
+		if (self::isPartialFilePath($shareKeyPath)) {
 			$writePath = $basePath . '/' . self::fixPartialFilePath($shareKeyPath) . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey';
 		} else {
 			$writePath = $basePath . '/' . $shareKeyPath . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey';
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-		$result = $view->file_put_contents( $writePath, $shareKey );
+		$result = $view->file_put_contents($writePath, $shareKey);
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-		if ( 
-			is_int( $result ) 
+		if (
+			is_int($result)
 			&& $result > 0
 		) {
 			return true;
 		} else {
 			return false;
 	 * @brief store multiple share keys for a single file
+	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @param array $shareKeys
 	 * @return bool
-	public static function setShareKeys( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, array $shareKeys ) {
+	public static function setShareKeys(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, array $shareKeys)
+	{
 		// $shareKeys must be  an array with the following format:
 		// [userId] => [encrypted key]
 		$result = true;
-		foreach ( $shareKeys as $userId => $shareKey ) {
-			if ( ! self::setShareKey( $view, $path, $userId, $shareKey ) ) {
+		foreach ($shareKeys as $userId => $shareKey) {
+			if (!self::setShareKey($view, $path, $userId, $shareKey)) {
 				// If any of the keys are not set, flag false
 				$result = false;
 		// Returns false if any of the keys weren't set
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief retrieve shareKey for an encrypted file
 	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
@@ -439,59 +463,61 @@ class Keymanager {
 	 * @note The sharekey returned is encrypted. Decryption
 	 * of the keyfile must be performed by client code
-	public static function getShareKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath ) {
+	public static function getShareKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath)
+	{
 		// try reusing key file if part file
-		if(self::isPartialFilePath($filePath)) {
+		if (self::isPartialFilePath($filePath)) {
 			$result = self::getShareKey($view, $userId, self::fixPartialFilePath($filePath));
-			if($result) {
+			if ($result) {
 				return $result;
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 		//here we need the currently logged in user, while userId can be a different user
-		$util = new Util( $view, \OCP\User::getUser() );
+		$util = new Util($view, \OCP\User::getUser());
 		list($owner, $filename) = $util->getUidAndFilename($filePath);
 		$shareKeyPath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('/' . $owner . '/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filename . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey');
-		if ( $view->file_exists( $shareKeyPath ) ) {
-			$result = $view->file_get_contents( $shareKeyPath );
+		if ($view->file_exists($shareKeyPath)) {
+			$result = $view->file_get_contents($shareKeyPath);
 		} else {
 			$result = false;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief delete all share keys of a given file
 	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
-	 * @param type $userId owner of the file
-	 * @param type $filePath path to the file, relative to the owners file dir
+	 * @param string $userId owner of the file
+	 * @param string $filePath path to the file, relative to the owners file dir
-	public static function delAllShareKeys(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath) {
-		if ($view->is_dir($userId.'/files/'.$filePath)) {
-			$view->unlink($userId.'/files_encryption/share-keys/'.$filePath);
+	public static function delAllShareKeys(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath)
+	{
+		if ($view->is_dir($userId . '/files/' . $filePath)) {
+			$view->unlink($userId . '/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filePath);
 		} else {
-			$localKeyPath = $view->getLocalFile($userId.'/files_encryption/share-keys/'.$filePath);
-			$matches = glob(preg_quote($localKeyPath).'*.shareKey');
+			$localKeyPath = $view->getLocalFile($userId . '/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filePath);
+			$matches = glob(preg_quote($localKeyPath) . '*.shareKey');
 			foreach ($matches as $ma) {
@@ -501,13 +527,14 @@ class Keymanager {
 	 * @brief Delete a single user's shareKey for a single file
-	public static function delShareKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userIds, $filePath ) {
+	public static function delShareKey(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $userIds, $filePath)
+	{
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 		//here we need the currently logged in user, while userId can be a different user
-		$util = new Util( $view, \OCP\User::getUser() );
+		$util = new Util($view, \OCP\User::getUser());
 		list($owner, $filename) = $util->getUidAndFilename($filePath);
@@ -515,7 +542,7 @@ class Keymanager {
 		$result = false;
-		if ( $view->is_dir($shareKeyPath) ) {
+		if ($view->is_dir($shareKeyPath)) {
 			$localPath = \OC_Filesystem::normalizePath($view->getLocalFolder($shareKeyPath));
 			$result = self::recursiveDelShareKeys($localPath, $userIds);
@@ -523,40 +550,42 @@ class Keymanager {
 		} else {
 			foreach ($userIds as $userId) {
-				$view->unlink($shareKeyPath.'.'.$userId.'.shareKey');
+				$view->unlink($shareKeyPath . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey');
 			$result = true;
-		if ( ! $result ) {
-			\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Could not delete shareKey; does not exist: "' . $shareKeyPath, \OC_Log::ERROR );
+		if (!$result) {
+			\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Could not delete shareKey; does not exist: "' . $shareKeyPath, \OC_Log::ERROR);
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief recursively delete share keys from given users
-	 * @param type $dir directory
-	 * @param type $userIds user ids for which the share keys should be deleted
+	 * @param string $dir directory
+	 * @param array $userIds user ids for which the share keys should be deleted
-	private static function recursiveDelShareKeys($dir, $userIds) {
+	private static function recursiveDelShareKeys($dir, $userIds)
+	{
 		foreach ($userIds as $userId) {
-			$completePath = $dir.'/.*'.'.'.$userId.'.shareKey';
-			$matches = glob(preg_quote($dir).'/*'.preg_quote('.'.$userId.'.shareKey'));
+			$completePath = $dir . '/.*' . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey';
+			$matches = glob(preg_quote($dir) . '/*' . preg_quote('.' . $userId . '.shareKey'));
-		foreach ($matches as $ma)  {
+		/** @var $matches array */
+		foreach ($matches as $ma) {
-		$subdirs = $directories = glob(preg_quote($dir) . '/*' , GLOB_ONLYDIR);
-		foreach ( $subdirs as $subdir ) {
+		$subdirs = $directories = glob(preg_quote($dir) . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
+		foreach ($subdirs as $subdir) {
 			self::recursiveDelShareKeys($subdir, $userIds);
 		return true;
@@ -565,16 +594,17 @@ class Keymanager {
 	 * @brief Make preparations to vars and filesystem for saving a keyfile
-	public static function keySetPreparation( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $basePath, $userId ) {
-		$targetPath = ltrim( $path, '/' );
-		$path_parts = pathinfo( $targetPath );
+	public static function keySetPreparation(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $basePath, $userId)
+	{
+		$targetPath = ltrim($path, '/');
+		$path_parts = pathinfo($targetPath);
 		// If the file resides within a subdirectory, create it
-		if ( 
-		isset( $path_parts['dirname'] )
-		&& ! $view->file_exists( $basePath . '/' . $path_parts['dirname'] ) 
+		if (
+			isset($path_parts['dirname'])
+			&& !$view->file_exists($basePath . '/' . $path_parts['dirname'])
 		) {
 			$sub_dirs = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $basePath . '/' . $path_parts['dirname']);
 			$dir = '';
@@ -585,41 +615,26 @@ class Keymanager {
 		return $targetPath;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @brief change password of private encryption key
-	 *
-	 * @param string $oldpasswd old password
-	 * @param string $newpasswd new password
-	 * @return bool true/false
-	 */
-	public static function changePasswd($oldpasswd, $newpasswd) {
-		if ( \OCP\User::checkPassword(\OCP\User::getUser(), $newpasswd) ) {
-			return Crypt::changekeypasscode($oldpasswd, $newpasswd);
-		}
-		return false;
 	 * @brief Fetch the legacy encryption key from user files
-	 * @param string $login used to locate the legacy key
-	 * @param string $passphrase used to decrypt the legacy key
-	 * @return true / false
+	 * @internal param string $login used to locate the legacy key
+	 * @internal param string $passphrase used to decrypt the legacy key
+	 * @return boolean
 	 * if the key is left out, the default handeler will be used
-	public function getLegacyKey() {
+	public function getLegacyKey()
+	{
 		$user = \OCP\User::getUser();
-		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $user );
-		return $view->file_get_contents( 'encryption.key' );
+		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/' . $user);
+		return $view->file_get_contents('encryption.key');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php
index 1d60770b4d7..55ad882a8f9 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php
@@ -1,41 +1,46 @@
-* ownCloud
-* @author Sam Tuke, Robin Appelman
-* @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke, Robin Appelman 
-* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-* License along with this library.  If not, see <>.
+ * ownCloud
+ *
+ * @author Sam Tuke, Robin Appelman
+ * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke, Robin Appelman
+ *
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+ * License along with this library.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ */
-* @brief Encryption proxy which handles filesystem operations before and after
-*        execution and encrypts, and handles keyfiles accordingly. Used for 
-*        webui.
+ * @brief Encryption proxy which handles filesystem operations before and after
+ *        execution and encrypts, and handles keyfiles accordingly. Used for
+ *        webui.
+ */
 namespace OCA\Encryption;
-class Proxy extends \OC_FileProxy {
+ * Class Proxy
+ * @package OCA\Encryption
+ */
+class Proxy extends \OC_FileProxy
 	private static $blackList = null; //mimetypes blacklisted from encryption
 	private static $enableEncryption = null;
 	 * Check if a file requires encryption
 	 * @param string $path
@@ -43,461 +48,481 @@ class Proxy extends \OC_FileProxy {
 	 * Tests if server side encryption is enabled, and file is allowed by blacklists
-	private static function shouldEncrypt( $path ) {
-		if ( is_null( self::$enableEncryption ) ) {
-			if ( 
-				\OCP\Config::getAppValue( 'files_encryption', 'enable_encryption', 'true' ) == 'true' 
-				&& Crypt::mode() == 'server' 
+	private static function shouldEncrypt($path)
+	{
+		if (is_null(self::$enableEncryption)) {
+			if (
+				\OCP\Config::getAppValue('files_encryption', 'enable_encryption', 'true') == 'true'
+				&& Crypt::mode() == 'server'
 			) {
 				self::$enableEncryption = true;
 			} else {
 				self::$enableEncryption = false;
-		if ( !self::$enableEncryption ) {
+		if (!self::$enableEncryption) {
 			return false;
-		if ( is_null(self::$blackList ) ) {
-			self::$blackList = explode(',', \OCP\Config::getAppValue( 'files_encryption', 'type_blacklist', '' ) );
+		if (is_null(self::$blackList)) {
+			self::$blackList = explode(',', \OCP\Config::getAppValue('files_encryption', 'type_blacklist', ''));
-		if ( Crypt::isCatfileContent( $path ) ) {
+		if (Crypt::isCatfileContent($path)) {
 			return true;
-		$extension = substr( $path, strrpos( $path, '.' ) +1 );
-		if ( array_search( $extension, self::$blackList ) === false ) {
+		$extension = substr($path, strrpos($path, '.') + 1);
+		if (array_search($extension, self::$blackList) === false) {
 			return true;
 		return false;
-	public function preFile_put_contents( $path, &$data ) {
-		if ( self::shouldEncrypt( $path ) ) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @param $data
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function preFile_put_contents($path, &$data)
+	{
+		if (self::shouldEncrypt($path)) {
 			// Stream put contents should have been converted to fopen
-			if ( !is_resource( $data ) ) {
+			if (!is_resource($data)) {
 				$userId = \OCP\USER::getUser();
-				$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
-				$util = new Util( $view, $userId );
-				$session = new Session( $view );
+				$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+				$util = new Util($view, $userId);
+				$session = new Session($view);
 				$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey();
-				$filePath = $util->stripUserFilesPath( $path );
+				$filePath = $util->stripUserFilesPath($path);
 				// Set the filesize for userland, before encrypting
-				$size = strlen( $data );
+				$size = strlen($data);
 				// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
 				$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 				\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 				// Check if there is an existing key we can reuse
-				if ( $encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $view, $userId, $filePath ) ) {
+				if ($encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey($view, $userId, $filePath)) {
 					// Fetch shareKey
-					$shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey( $view, $userId, $filePath );
+					$shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey($view, $userId, $filePath);
 					// Decrypt the keyfile
-					$plainKey = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
+					$plainKey = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
 				} else {
 					// Make a new key
 					$plainKey = Crypt::generateKey();
 				// Encrypt data
-				$encData = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $data, $plainKey );
+				$encData = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($data, $plainKey);
 				$sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
 				// if file exists try to get sharing users
-				if($view->file_exists($path)) {
-					$uniqueUserIds = $util->getSharingUsersArray( $sharingEnabled, $filePath, $userId );
+				if ($view->file_exists($path)) {
+					$uniqueUserIds = $util->getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $filePath, $userId);
 				} else {
 					$uniqueUserIds[] = $userId;
 				// Fetch public keys for all users who will share the file
-				$publicKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys( $view, $uniqueUserIds );
+				$publicKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys($view, $uniqueUserIds);
 				// Encrypt plain keyfile to multiple sharefiles
-				$multiEncrypted = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $plainKey, $publicKeys );
+				$multiEncrypted = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($plainKey, $publicKeys);
 				// Save sharekeys to user folders
-				Keymanager::setShareKeys( $view, $filePath, $multiEncrypted['keys'] );
+				Keymanager::setShareKeys($view, $filePath, $multiEncrypted['keys']);
 				// Set encrypted keyfile as common varname
 				$encKey = $multiEncrypted['data'];
 				// Save keyfile for newly encrypted file in parallel directory tree
-				Keymanager::setFileKey( $view, $filePath, $userId, $encKey );
+				Keymanager::setFileKey($view, $filePath, $userId, $encKey);
 				// Replace plain content with encrypted content by reference
 				$data = $encData;
 				// Update the file cache with file info
-				\OC\Files\Filesystem::putFileInfo( $filePath, array( 'encrypted'=>true, 'size' => strlen($size), 'unencrypted_size' => $size), '' );
+				\OC\Files\Filesystem::putFileInfo($filePath, array('encrypted' => true, 'size' => strlen($size), 'unencrypted_size' => $size), '');
 				// Re-enable proxy - our work is done
 				\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return true;
 	 * @param string $path Path of file from which has been read
 	 * @param string $data Data that has been read from file
-	public function postFile_get_contents( $path, $data ) {
+	public function postFile_get_contents($path, $data)
+	{
+		// FIXME: $path for shared files is just /uid/files/Shared/filepath
-        // FIXME: $path for shared files is just /uid/files/Shared/filepath
 		$userId = \OCP\USER::getUser();
-		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
-		$util = new Util( $view, $userId );
-		$relPath = $util->stripUserFilesPath( $path );
+		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+		$util = new Util($view, $userId);
+		$relPath = $util->stripUserFilesPath($path);
 		// TODO check for existing key file and reuse it if possible to avoid problems with versioning etc.
 		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        // If data is a catfile
-		if ( 
-			Crypt::mode() == 'server' 
-			&& Crypt::isCatfileContent( $data ) // TODO: Do we really need this check? Can't we assume it is properly encrypted?
+		// If data is a catfile
+		if (
+			Crypt::mode() == 'server'
+			&& Crypt::isCatfileContent($data) // TODO: Do we really need this check? Can't we assume it is properly encrypted?
 		) {
 			// TODO: use get owner to find correct location of key files for shared files
-			$session = new Session( $view );
-			$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey( $userId );
+			$session = new Session($view);
+			$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey($userId);
 			// Get the encrypted keyfile
-			$encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $view, $userId, $relPath );
+			$encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey($view, $userId, $relPath);
 			// Attempt to fetch the user's shareKey
-			$shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey( $view, $userId, $relPath );
+			$shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey($view, $userId, $relPath);
 			// Decrypt keyfile with shareKey
-			$plainKeyfile = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
-			$plainData = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $data, $plainKeyfile );
+			$plainKeyfile = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
+			$plainData = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($data, $plainKeyfile);
 		} elseif (
-		Crypt::mode() == 'server' 
-		&& isset( $_SESSION['legacyenckey'] )
-		&& Crypt::isEncryptedMeta( $path ) 
+			Crypt::mode() == 'server'
+			&& isset($_SESSION['legacyenckey'])
+			&& Crypt::isEncryptedMeta($path)
 		) {
-			$plainData = Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $data, $session->getLegacyKey() );
+			$plainData = Crypt::legacyDecrypt($data, $session->getLegacyKey());
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-		if ( ! isset( $plainData ) ) {
+		if (!isset($plainData)) {
 			$plainData = $data;
 		return $plainData;
 	 * @brief When a file is deleted, remove its keyfile also
-	public function preUnlink( $path ) {
+	public function preUnlink($path)
+	{
 		// let the trashbin handle this  
-		if ( \OCP\App::isEnabled('files_trashbin') ) {
-		     return true;
+		if (\OCP\App::isEnabled('files_trashbin')) {
+			return true;
 		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
 		$userId = \OCP\USER::getUser();
-		$util = new Util( $view, $userId );
+		$util = new Util($view, $userId);
 		// Format path to be relative to user files dir
-		$relPath = $util->stripUserFilesPath( $path );
+		$relPath = $util->stripUserFilesPath($path);
- 		list( $owner, $ownerPath ) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $relPath );
+		list($owner, $ownerPath) = $util->getUidAndFilename($relPath);
 		// Delete keyfile & shareKey so it isn't orphaned
 		if (
-			! (
-				Keymanager::deleteFileKey( $view, $owner, $ownerPath )
-				&& Keymanager::delAllShareKeys( $view, $owner, $ownerPath )
+			!(
+				Keymanager::deleteFileKey($view, $owner, $ownerPath)
+					&& Keymanager::delAllShareKeys($view, $owner, $ownerPath)
 		) {
-			\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Keyfile or shareKey could not be deleted for file "'.$ownerPath.'"', \OC_Log::ERROR );
+			\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Keyfile or shareKey could not be deleted for file "' . $ownerPath . '"', \OC_Log::ERROR);
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		// If we don't return true then file delete will fail; better
 		// to leave orphaned keyfiles than to disallow file deletion
 		return true;
-     * @brief When a file is renamed, rename its keyfile also
-     * @return bool Result of rename()
-     * @note This is pre rather than post because using post didn't work
-     */
-    public function postWrite( $path )
-    {
-        $this->handleFile($path);
+	 * @brief When a file is renamed, rename its keyfile also
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @return bool Result of rename()
+	 * @note This is pre rather than post because using post didn't work
+	 */
+	public function postWrite($path)
+	{
+		$this->handleFile($path);
-        return true;
-    }
+		return true;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function postTouch($path)
+	{
+		$this->handleFile($path);
-    public function postTouch( $path )
-    {
-        $this->handleFile($path);
+		return true;
+	}
-        return true;
-    }
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @param $result
+	 * @return resource
+	 */
+	public function postFopen($path, &$result)
+	{
-    public function postFopen( $path, &$result ){
+		if (!$result) {
-        if ( !$result ) {
 			return $result;
-        // Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
-		$path_split = explode( '/', $path );
-		$path_f = implode( '/', array_slice( $path_split, 3 ) );
+		// Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
+		$path_split = explode('/', $path);
+		$path_f = implode('/', array_slice($path_split, 3));
-        // FIXME: handling for /userId/cache used by webdav for chunking. The cache chunks are NOT encrypted
-        if($path_split[2] == 'cache') {
-            return $result;
-        }
+		// FIXME: handling for /userId/cache used by webdav for chunking. The cache chunks are NOT encrypted
+		if ($path_split[2] == 'cache') {
+			return $result;
+		}
 		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        $meta = stream_get_meta_data( $result );
-		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '' );
-		$util = new Util( $view, \OCP\USER::getUser());
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		$meta = stream_get_meta_data($result);
+		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('');
+		$util = new Util($view, \OCP\USER::getUser());
 		// If file is already encrypted, decrypt using crypto protocol
-		if ( 
-			Crypt::mode() == 'server' 
-			&& $util->isEncryptedPath( $path ) 
+		if (
+			Crypt::mode() == 'server'
+			&& $util->isEncryptedPath($path)
 		) {
 			// Close the original encrypted file
-			fclose( $result );
+			fclose($result);
 			// Open the file using the crypto stream wrapper 
 			// protocol and let it do the decryption work instead
-			$result = fopen( 'crypt://' . $path_f, $meta['mode'] );
-		} elseif ( 
-			self::shouldEncrypt( $path ) 
-			and $meta ['mode'] != 'r' 
-			and $meta['mode'] != 'rb' 
+			$result = fopen('crypt://' . $path_f, $meta['mode']);
+		} elseif (
+			self::shouldEncrypt($path)
+			and $meta ['mode'] != 'r'
+			and $meta['mode'] != 'rb'
 		) {
-		// If the file is not yet encrypted, but should be 
-		// encrypted when it's saved (it's not read only)
-		// NOTE: this is the case for new files saved via WebDAV
-//			if (
-//			$view->file_exists( $path )
-//			and $view->filesize( $path ) > 0
-//			) {
-//				$x = $view->file_get_contents( $path );
-//				$tmp = tmpfile();
-// 				// Make a temporary copy of the original file
-// 				\OCP\Files::streamCopy( $result, $tmp );
-// 				// Close the original stream, we'll return another one
-// 				fclose( $result );
-// 				$view->file_put_contents( $path_f, $tmp );
-// 				fclose( $tmp );
-//			}
-            $result = fopen( 'crypt://'.$path_f, $meta['mode'] );
+			$result = fopen('crypt://' . $path_f, $meta['mode']);
 		// Re-enable the proxy
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return $result;
-	public function postGetMimeType( $path, $mime ) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @param $mime
+	 * @return string
+	 */
+	public function postGetMimeType($path, $mime)
+	{
+		if (Crypt::isCatfileContent($path)) {
+			$mime = \OCP\Files::getMimeType('crypt://' . $path, 'w');
-        if ( Crypt::isCatfileContent( $path ) ) {
-			$mime = \OCP\Files::getMimeType( 'crypt://' . $path, 'w' );
 		return $mime;
-	}
-    public function postGetFileInfo( $path, $data ) {
+	}
-        // if path is a folder do nothing
-        if(is_array($data) && array_key_exists('size', $data)) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @param $data
+	 * @return array
+	 */
+	public function postGetFileInfo($path, $data)
+	{
-            // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-            $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-            \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		// if path is a folder do nothing
+		if (is_array($data) && array_key_exists('size', $data)) {
-            // get file size
-            $data['size'] = self::postFileSize($path, $data['size']);
+			// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+			$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-            // Re-enable the proxy
-            \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        }
+			// get file size
+			$data['size'] = self::postFileSize($path, $data['size']);
-        return $data;
-    }
+			// Re-enable the proxy
+			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		}
-    public function postStat($path, $data)
-    {
-        // check if file is encrypted
-        if (Crypt::isCatfileContent($path)) {
+		return $data;
+	}
-            // get file info from cache
-            $cached = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($path, '');
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @param $data
+	 * @return mixed
+	 */
+	public function postStat($path, $data)
+	{
+		// check if file is encrypted
+		if (Crypt::isCatfileContent($path)) {
-            // set the real file size
-            $data['size'] = $cached['unencrypted_size'];
-        }
+			// get file info from cache
+			$cached = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($path, '');
-        return $data;
-    }
+			// set the real file size
+			$data['size'] = $cached['unencrypted_size'];
+		}
-    public function postFileSize($path, $size)
-    {
+		return $data;
+	}
-        $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @param $size
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function postFileSize($path, $size)
+	{
-        // if path is a folder do nothing
-        if ($view->is_dir($path)) {
-            return $size;
-        }
+		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
-        // Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
-        $path_split = explode('/', $path);
-        $path_f = implode('/', array_slice($path_split, 3));
+		// if path is a folder do nothing
+		if ($view->is_dir($path)) {
+			return $size;
+		}
-        // if path is empty we cannot resolve anything
-        if(empty($path_f)) {
-            return $size;
-        }
+		// Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
+		$path_split = explode('/', $path);
+		$path_f = implode('/', array_slice($path_split, 3));
-        // get file info from database/cache
-        $fileInfo = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($path_f);
+		// if path is empty we cannot resolve anything
+		if (empty($path_f)) {
+			return $size;
+		}
-        // if file is encrypted return real file size
-        if (is_array($fileInfo) && $fileInfo['encrypted'] === true) {
-            $size = $fileInfo['unencrypted_size'];
-        } else {
-            // self healing if file was removed from file cache
-            if(is_array($fileInfo)) {
-                $userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
-                $util = new Util( $view, $userId );
-                $fixSize = $util->getFileSize($path);
-                if($fixSize > 0) {
-                    $size = $fixSize;
+		// get file info from database/cache
+		$fileInfo = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($path_f);
+		// if file is encrypted return real file size
+		if (is_array($fileInfo) && $fileInfo['encrypted'] === true) {
+			$size = $fileInfo['unencrypted_size'];
+		} else {
+			// self healing if file was removed from file cache
+			if (is_array($fileInfo)) {
+				$userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
+				$util = new Util($view, $userId);
+				$fixSize = $util->getFileSize($path);
+				if ($fixSize > 0) {
+					$size = $fixSize;
+					$fileInfo['encrypted'] = true;
+					$fileInfo['unencrypted_size'] = $size;
+					// put file info
+					$view->putFileInfo($path_f, $fileInfo);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return $size;
+	}
-                    $fileInfo['encrypted'] = true;
-                    $fileInfo['unencrypted_size'] = $size;
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 */
+	public function handleFile($path)
+	{
-                    // put file info
-                    $view->putFileInfo( $path_f, $fileInfo );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return $size;
-    }
+		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-    public function handleFile($path) {
+		$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+		$session = new Session($view);
+		$userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
+		$util = new Util($view, $userId);
-        // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		// Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
+		$path_split = explode('/', $path);
+		$path_f = implode('/', array_slice($path_split, 3));
-        $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
-        $session = new Session($view);
-        $userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
-        $util = new Util( $view, $userId );
+		// only if file is on 'files' folder fix file size and sharing
+		if ($path_split[2] == 'files' && $util->fixFileSize($path)) {
-        // Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
-        $path_split = explode( '/', $path );
-        $path_f = implode( '/', array_slice( $path_split, 3 ) );
+			// get sharing app state
+			$sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
-        // only if file is on 'files' folder fix file size and sharing
-        if($path_split[2] == 'files' && $util->fixFileSize($path)) {
+			// get users
+			$usersSharing = $util->getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $path_f);
-            // get sharing app state
-            $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+			// update sharing-keys
+			$util->setSharedFileKeyfiles($session, $usersSharing, $path_f);
+		}
-            // get users
-            $usersSharing = $util->getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $path_f);
-            // update sharing-keys
-            $util->setSharedFileKeyfiles($session, $usersSharing, $path_f);
-        }
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-    }
- }
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+	}
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php
index 8d604dc721e..8425cedd99f 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php
@@ -26,73 +26,75 @@ namespace OCA\Encryption;
  * Class for handling encryption related session data
-class Session {
+class Session
 	private $view;
 	 * @brief if session is started, check if ownCloud key pair is set up, if not create it
-	 * 
-	 * The ownCloud key pair is used to allow public link sharing even if encryption is enabled
+	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+	 *
+	 * @note The ownCloud key pair is used to allow public link sharing even if encryption is enabled
-	public function __construct( $view ) {
+	public function __construct($view)
+	{
 		$this->view = $view;
+		if (!$this->view->is_dir('owncloud_private_key')) {
+			$this->view->mkdir('owncloud_private_key');
-		if ( ! $this->view->is_dir( 'owncloud_private_key' ) ) {
-			$this->view->mkdir( 'owncloud_private_key' );
 		$publicShareKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId');
 		if ($publicShareKeyId === null) {
-			$publicShareKeyId = 'pubShare_'.substr(md5(time()),0,8);
+			$publicShareKeyId = 'pubShare_' . substr(md5(time()), 0, 8);
 			\OC_Appconfig::setValue('files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId', $publicShareKeyId);
-		if ( 
-			! $this->view->file_exists( "/public-keys/".$publicShareKeyId.".public.key" )
-			|| ! $this->view->file_exists( "/owncloud_private_key/".$publicShareKeyId.".private.key" )
+		if (
+			!$this->view->file_exists("/public-keys/" . $publicShareKeyId . ".public.key")
+			|| !$this->view->file_exists("/owncloud_private_key/" . $publicShareKeyId . ".private.key")
 		) {
- 			$keypair = Crypt::createKeypair();
-            // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-            $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-            \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- 			// Save public key
- 			if (!$view->is_dir('/public-keys')) {
- 				$view->mkdir('/public-keys');
- 			}
- 			$this->view->file_put_contents( '/public-keys/'.$publicShareKeyId.'.public.key', $keypair['publicKey'] );
- 			// Encrypt private key empthy passphrase
- 			$encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $keypair['privateKey'], '' );
- 			// Save private key
- 			$this->view->file_put_contents( '/owncloud_private_key/'.$publicShareKeyId.'.private.key', $encryptedPrivateKey );
+			$keypair = Crypt::createKeypair();
+			// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+			$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+			// Save public key
+			if (!$view->is_dir('/public-keys')) {
+				$view->mkdir('/public-keys');
+			}
+			$this->view->file_put_contents('/public-keys/' . $publicShareKeyId . '.public.key', $keypair['publicKey']);
+			// Encrypt private key empthy passphrase
+			$encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($keypair['privateKey'], '');
+			// Save private key
+			$this->view->file_put_contents('/owncloud_private_key/' . $publicShareKeyId . '.private.key', $encryptedPrivateKey);
 			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        if(\OCP\USER::getUser() === false) {
-            // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-            $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-            \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		if (\OCP\USER::getUser() === false) {
+			// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+			$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-            $encryptedKey = $this->view->file_get_contents( '/owncloud_private_key/'.$publicShareKeyId.'.private.key' );
-            $privateKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $encryptedKey, '' );
-            $this->setPrivateKey($privateKey);
+			$encryptedKey = $this->view->file_get_contents('/owncloud_private_key/' . $publicShareKeyId . '.private.key');
+			$privateKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($encryptedKey, '');
+			$this->setPrivateKey($privateKey);
-            \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        }
+			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		}
@@ -100,71 +102,72 @@ class Session {
 	 * @param string $privateKey
 	 * @return bool
-	public function setPrivateKey( $privateKey ) {
+	public function setPrivateKey($privateKey)
+	{
 		$_SESSION['privateKey'] = $privateKey;
 		return true;
 	 * @brief Gets user private key from session
 	 * @returns string $privateKey The user's plaintext private key
-	public function getPrivateKey() {
-		if ( 
-			isset( $_SESSION['privateKey'] )
-			&& !empty( $_SESSION['privateKey'] )
+	public function getPrivateKey()
+	{
+		if (
+			isset($_SESSION['privateKey'])
+			&& !empty($_SESSION['privateKey'])
 		) {
 			return $_SESSION['privateKey'];
 		} else {
 			return false;
 	 * @brief Sets user legacy key to session
+	 * @param $legacyKey
 	 * @return bool
-	 *
-	public function setLegacyKey( $legacyKey ) {
-		if ( $_SESSION['legacyKey'] = $legacyKey ) {
-			return true;
-		}
+	public function setLegacyKey($legacyKey)
+	{
+		$_SESSION['legacyKey'] = $legacyKey;
+		return true;
 	 * @brief Gets user legacy key from session
 	 * @returns string $legacyKey The user's plaintext legacy key
-	public function getLegacyKey() {
-		if ( 
-			isset( $_SESSION['legacyKey'] )
-			&& !empty( $_SESSION['legacyKey'] )
+	public function getLegacyKey()
+	{
+		if (
+			isset($_SESSION['legacyKey'])
+			&& !empty($_SESSION['legacyKey'])
 		) {
 			return $_SESSION['legacyKey'];
 		} else {
 			return false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php
index ab967835082..31546a2cc50 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * ownCloud
  * @author Robin Appelman
- * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke <>, 2011 Robin Appelman 
+ * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke <>, 2011 Robin Appelman
  * <>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -32,30 +32,31 @@ namespace OCA\Encryption;
  * @brief Provides 'crypt://' stream wrapper protocol.
- * @note We use a stream wrapper because it is the most secure way to handle 
+ * @note We use a stream wrapper because it is the most secure way to handle
  * decrypted content transfers. There is no safe way to decrypt the entire file
  * somewhere on the server, so we have to encrypt and decrypt blocks on the fly.
  * @note Paths used with this protocol MUST BE RELATIVE. Use URLs like:
- * crypt://filename, or crypt://subdirectory/filename, NOT 
- * crypt:///home/user/owncloud/data. Otherwise keyfiles will be put in 
- * [owncloud]/data/user/files_encryption/keyfiles/home/user/owncloud/data and 
+ * crypt://filename, or crypt://subdirectory/filename, NOT
+ * crypt:///home/user/owncloud/data. Otherwise keyfiles will be put in
+ * [owncloud]/data/user/files_encryption/keyfiles/home/user/owncloud/data and
  * will not be accessible to other methods.
- * @note Data read and written must always be 8192 bytes long, as this is the 
- * buffer size used internally by PHP. The encryption process makes the input 
- * data longer, and input is chunked into smaller pieces in order to result in 
+ * @note Data read and written must always be 8192 bytes long, as this is the
+ * buffer size used internally by PHP. The encryption process makes the input
+ * data longer, and input is chunked into smaller pieces in order to result in
  * a 8192 encrypted block size.
- * @note When files are deleted via webdav, or when they are updated and the 
- * previous version deleted, this is handled by OC\Files\View, and thus the 
+ * @note When files are deleted via webdav, or when they are updated and the
+ * previous version deleted, this is handled by OC\Files\View, and thus the
  * encryption proxies are used and keyfiles deleted.
-class Stream {
+class Stream
 	public static $sourceStreams = array();
+	private $plainKey;
+	private $encKeyfiles;
-	// TODO: make all below properties private again once unit testing is 
-	// configured correctly
-	public $rawPath; // The raw path relative to the data dir
-	public $relPath; // rel path to users file dir
+	private $rawPath; // The raw path relative to the data dir
+	private $relPath; // rel path to users file dir
 	private $userId;
 	private $handle; // Resource returned by fopen
 	private $path;
@@ -63,226 +64,238 @@ class Stream {
 	private $meta = array(); // Header / meta for source stream
 	private $count;
 	private $writeCache;
-	public $size;
-    public $unencryptedSize;
+	private $size;
+	private $unencryptedSize;
 	private $publicKey;
 	private $keyfile;
 	private $encKeyfile;
 	private static $view; // a fsview object set to user dir
 	private $rootView; // a fsview object set to '/'
-	public function stream_open( $path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path ) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @param $mode
+	 * @param $options
+	 * @param $opened_path
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path)
+	{
-		if ( ! isset( $this->rootView ) ) {
-			$this->rootView = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+		if (!isset($this->rootView)) {
+			$this->rootView = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
-        $util = new Util( $this->rootView, \OCP\USER::getUser());
+		$util = new Util($this->rootView, \OCP\USER::getUser());
-        $this->userId = $util->getUserId();
+		$this->userId = $util->getUserId();
+		// Strip identifier text from path, this gives us the path relative to data/<user>/files
+		$this->relPath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath(str_replace('crypt://', '', $path));
-        // Strip identifier text from path, this gives us the path relative to data/<user>/files
-		$this->relPath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath(str_replace( 'crypt://', '', $path ));
 		// rawPath is relative to the data directory
 		$this->rawPath = $util->getUserFilesDir() . $this->relPath;
 		if (
-		dirname( $this->rawPath ) == 'streams' 
-		and isset( self::$sourceStreams[basename( $this->rawPath )] ) 
+			dirname($this->rawPath) == 'streams'
+			and isset(self::$sourceStreams[basename($this->rawPath)])
 		) {
 			// Is this just for unit testing purposes?
-			$this->handle = self::$sourceStreams[basename( $this->rawPath )]['stream'];
+			$this->handle = self::$sourceStreams[basename($this->rawPath)]['stream'];
-			$this->path = self::$sourceStreams[basename( $this->rawPath )]['path'];
+			$this->path = self::$sourceStreams[basename($this->rawPath)]['path'];
-			$this->size = self::$sourceStreams[basename( $this->rawPath )]['size'];
+			$this->size = self::$sourceStreams[basename($this->rawPath)]['size'];
 		} else {
-            // Disable fileproxies so we can get the file size and open the source file without recursive encryption
-            $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-            \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+			// Disable fileproxies so we can get the file size and open the source file without recursive encryption
+			$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-			if ( 
-			$mode == 'w' 
-			or $mode == 'w+' 
-			or $mode == 'wb' 
-			or $mode == 'wb+' 
+			if (
+				$mode == 'w'
+				or $mode == 'w+'
+				or $mode == 'wb'
+				or $mode == 'wb+'
 			) {
 				// We're writing a new file so start write counter with 0 bytes
 				$this->size = 0;
-                $this->unencryptedSize = 0;
+				$this->unencryptedSize = 0;
 			} else {
-				$this->size = $this->rootView->filesize( $this->rawPath, $mode );
-				//$this->size = filesize( $this->rawPath );
+				$this->size = $this->rootView->filesize($this->rawPath, $mode);
-			//$this->handle = fopen( $this->rawPath, $mode );
-			$this->handle = $this->rootView->fopen( $this->rawPath, $mode );
+			$this->handle = $this->rootView->fopen($this->rawPath, $mode);
 			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-			if ( ! is_resource( $this->handle ) ) {
+			if (!is_resource($this->handle)) {
-				\OCP\Util::writeLog( 'files_encryption', 'failed to open file "' . $this->rawPath . '"', \OCP\Util::ERROR );
+				\OCP\Util::writeLog('files_encryption', 'failed to open file "' . $this->rawPath . '"', \OCP\Util::ERROR);
 			} else {
-				$this->meta = stream_get_meta_data( $this->handle );
+				$this->meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->handle);
-		return is_resource( $this->handle );
+		return is_resource($this->handle);
-	public function stream_seek( $offset, $whence = SEEK_SET ) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $offset
+	 * @param int $whence
+	 */
+	public function stream_seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET)
+	{
-		fseek( $this->handle, $offset, $whence );
+		fseek($this->handle, $offset, $whence);
-	public function stream_tell() {
+	/**
+	 * @return int
+	 */
+	public function stream_tell()
+	{
 		return ftell($this->handle);
-	public function stream_read( $count ) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $count
+	 * @return bool|string
+	 * @throws \Exception
+	 */
+	public function stream_read($count)
+	{
 		$this->writeCache = '';
-		if ( $count != 8192 ) {
+		if ($count != 8192) {
 			// $count will always be 8192
 			// This makes this function a lot simpler, but will break this class if the above 'bug' gets 'fixed'
-			\OCP\Util::writeLog( 'files_encryption', 'PHP "bug" 21641 no longer holds, decryption system requires refactoring', \OCP\Util::FATAL );
+			\OCP\Util::writeLog('files_encryption', 'PHP "bug" 21641 no longer holds, decryption system requires refactoring', \OCP\Util::FATAL);
-// 		$pos = ftell( $this->handle );
 		// Get the data from the file handle
-		$data = fread( $this->handle, 8192 );
+		$data = fread($this->handle, 8192);
 		$result = '';
-		if ( strlen( $data ) ) {
-			if ( ! $this->getKey() ) {
+		if (strlen($data)) {
+			if (!$this->getKey()) {
 				// Error! We don't have a key to decrypt the file with
-				throw new \Exception( 'Encryption key not found for "' . $this->rawPath . '" during attempted read via stream' );
+				throw new \Exception('Encryption key not found for "' . $this->rawPath . '" during attempted read via stream');
 			// Decrypt data
-			$result = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $data, $this->plainKey );
-		}
+			$result = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($data, $this->plainKey);
-// 		$length = $this->size - $pos;
-// 		if ( $length < 8192 ) {
-// 			$result = substr( $result, 0, $length );
-// 		}
+		}
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief Encrypt and pad data ready for writing to disk
 	 * @param string $plainData data to be encrypted
 	 * @param string $key key to use for encryption
-	 * @return encrypted data on success, false on failure
+	 * @return string encrypted data on success, false on failure
-	public function preWriteEncrypt( $plainData, $key ) {
+	public function preWriteEncrypt($plainData, $key)
+	{
 		// Encrypt data to 'catfile', which includes IV
-		if ( $encrypted = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $plainData, $key ) ) {
-			return $encrypted; 
+		if ($encrypted = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($plainData, $key)) {
+			return $encrypted;
 		} else {
 			return false;
 	 * @brief Fetch the plain encryption key for the file and set it as plainKey property
-	 * @param bool $generate if true, a new key will be generated if none can be found
+	 * @internal param bool $generate if true, a new key will be generated if none can be found
 	 * @return bool true on key found and set, false on key not found and new key generated and set
-	public function getKey() {
+	public function getKey()
+	{
 		// Check if key is already set
-		if ( isset( $this->plainKey ) && isset( $this->encKeyfile ) ) {
+		if (isset($this->plainKey) && isset($this->encKeyfile)) {
 			return true;
 		// Fetch and decrypt keyfile
-        // Fetch existing keyfile
-        $this->encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->rootView, $this->userId, $this->relPath );
+		// Fetch existing keyfile
+		$this->encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey($this->rootView, $this->userId, $this->relPath);
 		// If a keyfile already exists
-		if ( $this->encKeyfile ) {
+		if ($this->encKeyfile) {
-			$session = new Session( $this->rootView );
-			$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey( $this->userId );
-			$shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey( $this->rootView, $this->userId, $this->relPath );
-			$this->plainKey = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $this->encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
+			$session = new Session($this->rootView);
+			$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey($this->userId);
+			$shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey($this->rootView, $this->userId, $this->relPath);
+			$this->plainKey = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($this->encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
 			return true;
 		} else {
 			return false;
-	public function setUserProperty() {
+	public function setUserProperty()
+	{
 		// Only get the user again if it isn't already set
-		if ( empty( $this->userId ) ) {
+		if (empty($this->userId)) {
 			// TODO: Move this user call out of here - it belongs 
 			// elsewhere
 			$this->userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
 		// TODO: Add a method for getting the user in case OCP\User::
 		// getUser() doesn't work (can that scenario ever occur?)
 	 * @brief Handle plain data from the stream, and write it in 8192 byte blocks
 	 * @param string $data data to be written to disk
@@ -292,89 +305,64 @@ class Stream {
 	 * @note Padding is added to each encrypted block to ensure that the resulting block is exactly 8192 bytes. This is removed during stream_read
 	 * @note PHP automatically updates the file pointer after writing data to reflect it's length. There is generally no need to update the poitner manually using fseek
-	public function stream_write( $data ) {
+	public function stream_write($data)
+	{
 		// Disable the file proxies so that encryption is not 
 		// automatically attempted when the file is written to disk - 
 		// we are handling that separately here and we don't want to 
 		// get into an infinite loop
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 		// Get the length of the unencrypted data that we are handling
-		$length = strlen( $data );
+		$length = strlen($data);
 		// So far this round, no data has been written
 		$written = 0;
 		// Find out where we are up to in the writing of data to the 
 		// file
-		$pointer = ftell( $this->handle );
+		$pointer = ftell($this->handle);
 		// Make sure the userId is set
 		// Get / generate the keyfile for the file we're handling
 		// If we're writing a new file (not overwriting an existing 
 		// one), save the newly generated keyfile
-		if ( ! $this->getKey() ) {
+		if (!$this->getKey()) {
 			$this->plainKey = Crypt::generateKey();
 		// If extra data is left over from the last round, make sure it 
 		// is integrated into the next 6126 / 8192 block
-		if ( $this->writeCache ) {
+		if ($this->writeCache) {
 			// Concat writeCache to start of $data
 			$data = $this->writeCache . $data;
 			// Clear the write cache, ready for resuse - it has been
 			// flushed and its old contents processed
 			$this->writeCache = '';
-// 		// Make sure we always start on a block start
-		if ( 0 != ( $pointer % 8192 ) ) { 
-		// if the current position of 
-		// file indicator is not aligned to a 8192 byte block, fix it 
-		// so that it is
-// 			fseek( $this->handle, - ( $pointer % 8192 ), SEEK_CUR );
-// 			$pointer = ftell( $this->handle );
-// 			$unencryptedNewBlock = fread( $this->handle, 8192 );
-// 			fseek( $this->handle, - ( $currentPos % 8192 ), SEEK_CUR );
-// 			$block = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $unencryptedNewBlock, $this->plainKey );
-// 			$x =  substr( $block, 0, $currentPos % 8192 );
-// 			$data = $x . $data;
-// 			fseek( $this->handle, - ( $currentPos % 8192 ), SEEK_CUR );
-		}
-// 		$currentPos = ftell( $this->handle );
-// 		// While there still remains somed data to be processed & written
-		while( strlen( $data ) > 0 ) {
-// 			// Remaining length for this iteration, not of the 
-//			// entire file (may be greater than 8192 bytes)
-// 			$remainingLength = strlen( $data );
-// 			// If data remaining to be written is less than the 
-//			// size of 1 6126 byte block
-			if ( strlen( $data ) < 6126 ) {
+ 		// While there still remains somed data to be processed & written
+		while (strlen($data) > 0) {
+ 			// Remaining length for this iteration, not of the
+			// entire file (may be greater than 8192 bytes)
+ 			$remainingLength = strlen( $data );
+ 			// If data remaining to be written is less than the
+			// size of 1 6126 byte block
+			if (strlen($data) < 6126) {
 				// Set writeCache to contents of $data
 				// The writeCache will be carried over to the 
 				// next write round, and added to the start of 
@@ -387,148 +375,174 @@ class Stream {
 				// Clear $data ready for next round
 				$data = '';
 			} else {
 				// Read the chunk from the start of $data
-				$chunk = substr( $data, 0, 6126 );
-				$encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt( $chunk, $this->plainKey );
+				$chunk = substr($data, 0, 6126);
+				$encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt($chunk, $this->plainKey);
 				// Write the data chunk to disk. This will be 
 				// attended to the last data chunk if the file
 				// being handled totals more than 6126 bytes
-				fwrite( $this->handle, $encrypted );
-				$writtenLen = strlen( $encrypted );
-				//fseek( $this->handle, $writtenLen, SEEK_CUR );
+				fwrite($this->handle, $encrypted);
+				$writtenLen = strlen($encrypted);
 				// Remove the chunk we just processed from 
 				// $data, leaving only unprocessed data in $data
 				// var, for handling on the next round
-				$data = substr( $data, 6126 );
+				$data = substr($data, 6126);
-		$this->size = max( $this->size, $pointer + $length );
-        $this->unencryptedSize += $length;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		$this->size = max($this->size, $pointer + $length);
+		$this->unencryptedSize += $length;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return $length;
-	public function stream_set_option( $option, $arg1, $arg2 ) {
-		switch($option) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $option
+	 * @param $arg1
+	 * @param $arg2
+	 */
+	public function stream_set_option($option, $arg1, $arg2)
+	{
+		switch ($option) {
-				stream_set_blocking( $this->handle, $arg1 );
+				stream_set_blocking($this->handle, $arg1);
-				stream_set_timeout( $this->handle, $arg1, $arg2 );
+				stream_set_timeout($this->handle, $arg1, $arg2);
-				stream_set_write_buffer( $this->handle, $arg1, $arg2 );
+				stream_set_write_buffer($this->handle, $arg1, $arg2);
-	public function stream_stat() {
+	/**
+	 * @return array
+	 */
+	public function stream_stat()
+	{
 		return fstat($this->handle);
-	public function stream_lock( $mode ) {
-		flock( $this->handle, $mode );
+	/**
+	 * @param $mode
+	 */
+	public function stream_lock($mode)
+	{
+		flock($this->handle, $mode);
-	public function stream_flush() {
-		return fflush( $this->handle ); 
+	/**
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function stream_flush()
+	{
+		return fflush($this->handle);
 		// Not a typo:
-	public function stream_eof() {
+	/**
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function stream_eof()
+	{
 		return feof($this->handle);
-	private function flush() {
-		if ( $this->writeCache ) {
+	private function flush()
+	{
+		if ($this->writeCache) {
 			// Set keyfile property for file in question
-			$encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt( $this->writeCache, $this->plainKey );
-			fwrite( $this->handle, $encrypted );
+			$encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt($this->writeCache, $this->plainKey);
+			fwrite($this->handle, $encrypted);
 			$this->writeCache = '';
-	public function stream_close() {
+	/**
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function stream_close()
+	{
+		$this->flush();
-        $this->flush();
-		if ( 
-		$this->meta['mode']!='r' 
-		and $this->meta['mode']!='rb'
-        and $this->size > 0
+		if (
+			$this->meta['mode'] != 'r'
+			and $this->meta['mode'] != 'rb'
+			and $this->size > 0
 		) {
-            // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-            $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-            \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+			// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+			$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-            // Fetch user's public key
-            $this->publicKey = Keymanager::getPublicKey( $this->rootView, $this->userId );
+			// Fetch user's public key
+			$this->publicKey = Keymanager::getPublicKey($this->rootView, $this->userId);
-            // Check if OC sharing api is enabled
-            $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+			// Check if OC sharing api is enabled
+			$sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
-            $util = new Util( $this->rootView, $this->userId );
+			$util = new Util($this->rootView, $this->userId);
-            // Get all users sharing the file includes current user
-            $uniqueUserIds = $util->getSharingUsersArray( $sharingEnabled, $this->relPath, $this->userId);
+			// Get all users sharing the file includes current user
+			$uniqueUserIds = $util->getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $this->relPath, $this->userId);
-            // Fetch public keys for all sharing users
-            $publicKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys( $this->rootView, $uniqueUserIds );
+			// Fetch public keys for all sharing users
+			$publicKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys($this->rootView, $uniqueUserIds);
-            // Encrypt enc key for all sharing users
-            $this->encKeyfiles = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $this->plainKey, $publicKeys );
+			// Encrypt enc key for all sharing users
+			$this->encKeyfiles = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($this->plainKey, $publicKeys);
-            $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+			$view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
-            // Save the new encrypted file key
-            Keymanager::setFileKey( $this->rootView, $this->relPath, $this->userId, $this->encKeyfiles['data'] );
+			// Save the new encrypted file key
+			Keymanager::setFileKey($this->rootView, $this->relPath, $this->userId, $this->encKeyfiles['data']);
-            // Save the sharekeys
-            Keymanager::setShareKeys( $view, $this->relPath, $this->encKeyfiles['keys'] );
+			// Save the sharekeys
+			Keymanager::setShareKeys($view, $this->relPath, $this->encKeyfiles['keys']);
-            // get file info
-            $fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo($this->rawPath);
-            if(!is_array($fileInfo)) {
-                $fileInfo = array();
-            }
+			// get file info
+			$fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo($this->rawPath);
+			if (!is_array($fileInfo)) {
+				$fileInfo = array();
+			}
-            // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
-            \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+			// Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-            // set encryption data
-            $fileInfo['encrypted'] = true;
-            $fileInfo['size'] = $this->size;
-            $fileInfo['unencrypted_size'] = $this->unencryptedSize;
+			// set encryption data
+			$fileInfo['encrypted'] = true;
+			$fileInfo['size'] = $this->size;
+			$fileInfo['unencrypted_size'] = $this->unencryptedSize;
-            // set fileinfo
-            $view->putFileInfo( $this->rawPath, $fileInfo);
+			// set fileinfo
+			$view->putFileInfo($this->rawPath, $fileInfo);
-		return fclose( $this->handle );
+		return fclose($this->handle);
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php
index 82f789c5202..9ba7b3b3a31 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * ownCloud
  * @author Sam Tuke, Frank Karlitschek
- * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke <>, 
+ * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke <>,
  * Frank Karlitschek <>
  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -55,49 +55,49 @@ namespace OCA\Encryption;
  * unused, likely to become obsolete shortly
-class Util {
+class Util
 	// Web UI:
 	//// DONE: files created via web ui are encrypted
 	//// DONE: file created & encrypted via web ui are readable in web ui
 	//// DONE: file created & encrypted via web ui are readable via webdav
 	// WebDAV:
 	//// DONE: new data filled files added via webdav get encrypted
 	//// DONE: new data filled files added via webdav are readable via webdav
 	//// DONE: reading unencrypted files when encryption is enabled works via 
 	////       webdav
 	//// DONE: files created & encrypted via web ui are readable via webdav
 	// Legacy support:
 	//// DONE: add method to check if file is encrypted using new system
 	//// DONE: add method to check if file is encrypted using old system
 	//// DONE: add method to fetch legacy key
 	//// DONE: add method to decrypt legacy encrypted data
 	// Admin UI:
 	//// DONE: changing user password also changes encryption passphrase
 	//// TODO: add support for optional recovery in case of lost passphrase / keys
 	//// TODO: add admin optional required long passphrase for users
 	//// TODO: implement flag system to allow user to specify encryption by folder, subfolder, etc.
 	// Integration testing:
 	//// TODO: test new encryption with versioning
 	//// DONE: test new encryption with sharing
 	//// TODO: test new encryption with proxies
 	private $view; // OC_FilesystemView object for filesystem operations
 	private $userId; // ID of the currently logged-in user
 	private $pwd; // User Password
@@ -110,228 +110,246 @@ class Util {
 	private $privateKeyPath; // Path to user's private key
 	private $publicShareKeyId;
 	private $recoveryKeyId;
-    private $isPublic;
+	private $isPublic;
-	public function __construct( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $client = false ) {
+	/**
+	 * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+	 * @param $userId
+	 * @param bool $client
+	 */
+	public function __construct(\OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $client = false)
+	{
 		$this->view = $view;
 		$this->userId = $userId;
 		$this->client = $client;
-        $this->isPublic = false;
-        $this->publicShareKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId');
-        $this->recoveryKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId');
-        // if we are anonymous/public
-        if($this->userId === false) {
-            $this->userId = $this->publicShareKeyId;
-            // only handle for files_sharing app
-            if($GLOBALS['app'] === 'files_sharing') {
-                $this->userDir =  '/' . $GLOBALS['fileOwner'];
-                $this->fileFolderName = 'files';
-                $this->userFilesDir =  '/' . $GLOBALS['fileOwner'] . '/' . $this->fileFolderName; // TODO: Does this need to be user configurable?
-                $this->publicKeyDir =  '/' . 'public-keys';
-                $this->encryptionDir =  '/' . $GLOBALS['fileOwner'] . '/' . 'files_encryption';
-                $this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
-                $this->shareKeysPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'share-keys';
-                $this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
-                $this->privateKeyPath = '/owncloud_private_key/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
-                $this->isPublic = true;
-            }
-        } else {
-            $this->userDir =  '/' . $this->userId;
-            $this->fileFolderName = 'files';
-            $this->userFilesDir =  '/' . $this->userId . '/' . $this->fileFolderName; // TODO: Does this need to be user configurable?
-            $this->publicKeyDir =  '/' . 'public-keys';
-            $this->encryptionDir =  '/' . $this->userId . '/' . 'files_encryption';
-            $this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
-            $this->shareKeysPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'share-keys';
-            $this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
-            $this->privateKeyPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
-        }
+		$this->isPublic = false;
+		$this->publicShareKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId');
+		$this->recoveryKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId');
+		// if we are anonymous/public
+		if ($this->userId === false) {
+			$this->userId = $this->publicShareKeyId;
+			// only handle for files_sharing app
+			if ($GLOBALS['app'] === 'files_sharing') {
+				$this->userDir = '/' . $GLOBALS['fileOwner'];
+				$this->fileFolderName = 'files';
+				$this->userFilesDir = '/' . $GLOBALS['fileOwner'] . '/' . $this->fileFolderName; // TODO: Does this need to be user configurable?
+				$this->publicKeyDir = '/' . 'public-keys';
+				$this->encryptionDir = '/' . $GLOBALS['fileOwner'] . '/' . 'files_encryption';
+				$this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
+				$this->shareKeysPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'share-keys';
+				$this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
+				$this->privateKeyPath = '/owncloud_private_key/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
+				$this->isPublic = true;
+			}
+		} else {
+			$this->userDir = '/' . $this->userId;
+			$this->fileFolderName = 'files';
+			$this->userFilesDir = '/' . $this->userId . '/' . $this->fileFolderName; // TODO: Does this need to be user configurable?
+			$this->publicKeyDir = '/' . 'public-keys';
+			$this->encryptionDir = '/' . $this->userId . '/' . 'files_encryption';
+			$this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
+			$this->shareKeysPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'share-keys';
+			$this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
+			$this->privateKeyPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
+		}
-	public function ready() {
-		if( 
-		! $this->view->file_exists( $this->encryptionDir )
-		or ! $this->view->file_exists( $this->keyfilesPath )
-		or ! $this->view->file_exists( $this->shareKeysPath )
-		or ! $this->view->file_exists( $this->publicKeyPath )
-		or ! $this->view->file_exists( $this->privateKeyPath ) 
+	/**
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function ready()
+	{
+		if (
+			!$this->view->file_exists($this->encryptionDir)
+			or !$this->view->file_exists($this->keyfilesPath)
+			or !$this->view->file_exists($this->shareKeysPath)
+			or !$this->view->file_exists($this->publicKeyPath)
+			or !$this->view->file_exists($this->privateKeyPath)
 		) {
 			return false;
 		} else {
 			return true;
-        /**
-         * @brief Sets up user folders and keys for serverside encryption
-         * @param $passphrase passphrase to encrypt server-stored private key with
-         */
-	public function setupServerSide( $passphrase = null ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Sets up user folders and keys for serverside encryption
+	 * @param string $passphrase passphrase to encrypt server-stored private key with
+	 */
+	public function setupServerSide($passphrase = null)
+	{
 		// Set directories to check / create
-		$setUpDirs = array( 
+		$setUpDirs = array(
-			, $this->userFilesDir
-			, $this->publicKeyDir
-			, $this->encryptionDir
-			, $this->keyfilesPath
-			, $this->shareKeysPath
+		, $this->userFilesDir
+		, $this->publicKeyDir
+		, $this->encryptionDir
+		, $this->keyfilesPath
+		, $this->shareKeysPath
 		// Check / create all necessary dirs
-		foreach ( $setUpDirs as $dirPath ) {
-			if( !$this->view->file_exists( $dirPath ) ) {
-				$this->view->mkdir( $dirPath );
+		foreach ($setUpDirs as $dirPath) {
+			if (!$this->view->file_exists($dirPath)) {
+				$this->view->mkdir($dirPath);
 		// Create user keypair
-		if ( 
-			! $this->view->file_exists( $this->publicKeyPath ) 
-			or ! $this->view->file_exists( $this->privateKeyPath ) 
+		if (
+			!$this->view->file_exists($this->publicKeyPath)
+			or !$this->view->file_exists($this->privateKeyPath)
 		) {
 			// Generate keypair
 			$keypair = Crypt::createKeypair();
 			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 			// Save public key
-			$this->view->file_put_contents( $this->publicKeyPath, $keypair['publicKey'] );
+			$this->view->file_put_contents($this->publicKeyPath, $keypair['publicKey']);
 			// Encrypt private key with user pwd as passphrase
-			$encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $keypair['privateKey'], $passphrase );
+			$encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($keypair['privateKey'], $passphrase);
 			// Save private key
-			$this->view->file_put_contents( $this->privateKeyPath, $encryptedPrivateKey );
+			$this->view->file_put_contents($this->privateKeyPath, $encryptedPrivateKey);
 			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
 		// If there's no record for this user's encryption preferences
-		if ( false === $this->recoveryEnabledForUser() ) {
+		if (false === $this->recoveryEnabledForUser()) {
 			// create database configuration
 			$sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*encryption` (`uid`,`mode`,`recovery_enabled`) VALUES (?,?,?)';
-			$args = array( $this->userId, 'server-side', 0);
-			$query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
-			$query->execute( $args );
+			$args = array($this->userId, 'server-side', 0);
+			$query = \OCP\DB::prepare($sql);
+			$query->execute($args);
 		return true;
-	public function getPublicShareKeyId() {
+	/**
+	 * @return string
+	 */
+	public function getPublicShareKeyId()
+	{
 		return $this->publicShareKeyId;
 	 * @brief Check whether pwd recovery is enabled for a given user
-	 * @return 1 = yes, 0 = no, false = no record
-	 * @note If records are not being returned, check for a hidden space 
+	 * @return bool 1 = yes, 0 = no, false = no record
+	 *
+	 * @note If records are not being returned, check for a hidden space
 	 *       at the start of the uid in db
-	public function recoveryEnabledForUser() {
+	public function recoveryEnabledForUser()
+	{
 		$sql = 'SELECT 
 				uid = ?';
-		$args = array( $this->userId );
-		$query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
-		$result = $query->execute( $args );
+		$args = array($this->userId);
+		$query = \OCP\DB::prepare($sql);
+		$result = $query->execute($args);
 		$recoveryEnabled = array();
-		while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) {
+		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$recoveryEnabled[] = $row['recovery_enabled'];
 		// If no record is found
-		if ( empty( $recoveryEnabled ) ) {
+		if (empty($recoveryEnabled)) {
 			return false;
-		// If a record is found
+			// If a record is found
 		} else {
 			return $recoveryEnabled[0];
 	 * @brief Enable / disable pwd recovery for a given user
 	 * @param bool $enabled Whether to enable or disable recovery
 	 * @return bool
-	public function setRecoveryForUser( $enabled ) {
+	public function setRecoveryForUser($enabled)
+	{
 		$recoveryStatus = $this->recoveryEnabledForUser();
 		// If a record for this user already exists, update it
-		if ( false === $recoveryStatus ) {
+		if (false === $recoveryStatus) {
 			$sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*encryption` 
 				VALUES (?,?,?)';
-			$args = array( $this->userId, 'server-side', $enabled );
-		// Create a new record instead
+			$args = array($this->userId, 'server-side', $enabled);
+			// Create a new record instead
 		} else {
 			$sql = 'UPDATE 
 					recovery_enabled = ?
 					uid = ?';
-			$args = array( $enabled, $this->userId );
+			$args = array($enabled, $this->userId);
-		$query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
-		if ( $query->execute( $args ) ) {
+		$query = \OCP\DB::prepare($sql);
+		if ($query->execute($args)) {
 			return true;
 		} else {
 			return false;
 	 * @brief Find all files and their encryption status within a directory
 	 * @param string $directory The path of the parent directory to search
@@ -339,45 +357,46 @@ class Util {
 	 * @note $directory needs to be a path relative to OC data dir. e.g.
 	 *       /admin/files NOT /backup OR /home/www/oc/data/admin/files
-	public function findEncFiles( $directory ) {
+	public function findEncFiles($directory)
+	{
 		// Disable proxy - we don't want files to be decrypted before
 		// we handle them
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-		$found = array( 'plain' => array(), 'encrypted' => array(), 'legacy' => array() );
-		if ( 
-			$this->view->is_dir( $directory ) 
-			&& $handle = $this->view->opendir( $directory ) 
+		$found = array('plain' => array(), 'encrypted' => array(), 'legacy' => array());
+		if (
+			$this->view->is_dir($directory)
+			&& $handle = $this->view->opendir($directory)
 		) {
-			while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
+			while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
 				if (
-				$file != "." 
-				&& $file != ".."
+					$file != "."
+					&& $file != ".."
 				) {
-					$filePath = $directory . '/' . $this->view->getRelativePath( '/' . $file );
-					$relPath = $this->stripUserFilesPath( $filePath );
+					$filePath = $directory . '/' . $this->view->getRelativePath('/' . $file);
+					$relPath = $this->stripUserFilesPath($filePath);
 					// If the path is a directory, search 
 					// its contents
-					if ( $this->view->is_dir( $filePath ) ) { 
-						$this->findEncFiles( $filePath );
-					// If the path is a file, determine 
-					// its encryption status
-					} elseif ( $this->view->is_file( $filePath ) ) {
+					if ($this->view->is_dir($filePath)) {
+						$this->findEncFiles($filePath);
+						// If the path is a file, determine
+						// its encryption status
+					} elseif ($this->view->is_file($filePath)) {
 						// Disable proxies again, some-
 						// where they got re-enabled :/
 						\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-						$data = $this->view->file_get_contents( $filePath );
+						$data = $this->view->file_get_contents($filePath);
 						// If the file is encrypted
 						// NOTE: If the userId is 
 						// empty or not set, file will 
@@ -385,128 +404,131 @@ class Util {
 						// NOTE: This is inefficient;
 						// scanning every file like this
 						// will eat server resources :(
-						if ( 
-							Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $relPath )
-							&& Crypt::isCatfileContent( $data )
+						if (
+							Keymanager::getFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $relPath)
+							&& Crypt::isCatfileContent($data)
 						) {
-							$found['encrypted'][] = array( 'name' => $file, 'path' => $filePath );
-						// If the file uses old 
-						// encryption system
-						} elseif (  Crypt::isLegacyEncryptedContent( $this->tail( $filePath, 3 ), $relPath ) ) {
-							$found['legacy'][] = array( 'name' => $file, 'path' => $filePath );
-						// If the file is not encrypted
+							$found['encrypted'][] = array('name' => $file, 'path' => $filePath);
+							// If the file uses old
+							// encryption system
+						} elseif (Crypt::isLegacyEncryptedContent($this->tail($filePath, 3), $relPath)) {
+							$found['legacy'][] = array('name' => $file, 'path' => $filePath);
+							// If the file is not encrypted
 						} else {
-							$found['plain'][] = array( 'name' => $file, 'path' => $relPath );
+							$found['plain'][] = array('name' => $file, 'path' => $relPath);
 			\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
-			if ( empty( $found ) ) {
+			if (empty($found)) {
 				return false;
 			} else {
 				return $found;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
 		return false;
-        /**
-         * @brief Fetch the last lines of a file efficiently
-         * @note Safe to use on large files; does not read entire file to memory
-         * @note Derivative of
-         */
-	public function tail( $filename, $numLines ) {
+	/**
+	 * @brief Fetch the last lines of a file efficiently
+	 * @note Safe to use on large files; does not read entire file to memory
+	 * @note Derivative of
+	 */
+	public function tail($filename, $numLines)
+	{
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 		$text = '';
 		$pos = -1;
-		$handle = $this->view->fopen( $filename, 'r' );
+		$handle = $this->view->fopen($filename, 'r');
+		while ($numLines > 0) {
-		while ( $numLines > 0 ) {
-			if( fseek( $handle, $pos, SEEK_END ) !== 0 ) {
-				rewind( $handle );
+			if (fseek($handle, $pos, SEEK_END) !== 0) {
+				rewind($handle);
 				$numLines = 0;
-			} elseif ( fgetc( $handle ) === "\n" ) {
+			} elseif (fgetc($handle) === "\n") {
-			$block_size = ( -$pos ) % 8192;
-			if ( $block_size === 0 || $numLines === 0 ) {
-				$text = fread( $handle, ( $block_size === 0 ? 8192 : $block_size ) ) . $text;
+			$block_size = (-$pos) % 8192;
+			if ($block_size === 0 || $numLines === 0) {
+				$text = fread($handle, ($block_size === 0 ? 8192 : $block_size)) . $text;
-		fclose( $handle );
+		fclose($handle);
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
 		return $text;
-	* @brief Check if a given path identifies an encrypted file
-	* @return true / false
-	*/
-	public function isEncryptedPath( $path ) {
+	 * @brief Check if a given path identifies an encrypted file
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @return boolean
+	 */
+	public function isEncryptedPath($path)
+	{
 		// Disable encryption proxy so data retrieved is in its
 		// original form
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        // we only need 24 byte from the last chunk
-        $data = '';
-		$handle = $this->view->fopen( $path, 'r' );
-        if(!fseek($handle, -24, SEEK_END)) {
-            $data = fgets($handle);
-        }
+		// we only need 24 byte from the last chunk
+		$data = '';
+		$handle = $this->view->fopen($path, 'r');
+		if (!fseek($handle, -24, SEEK_END)) {
+			$data = fgets($handle);
+		}
-        // re-enable proxy
+		// re-enable proxy
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-		return Crypt::isCatfileContent( $data );
+		return Crypt::isCatfileContent($data);
-	* @brief get the file size of the unencrypted file
-	* @param $path absolute path
-	* @return bool
-	*/
+	 * @brief get the file size of the unencrypted file
+	 * @param string $path absolute path
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function getFileSize($path)
+	{
-	public function getFileSize( $path ) {
 		$result = 0;
 		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
@@ -514,8 +536,8 @@ class Util {
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 		// Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
-		$pathSplit = explode( '/', $path );
-		$pathRelative = implode( '/', array_slice( $pathSplit, 3 ) );
+		$pathSplit = explode('/', $path);
+		$pathRelative = implode('/', array_slice($pathSplit, 3));
 		if ($pathSplit[2] == 'files' && $this->view->file_exists($path) && $this->isEncryptedPath($path)) {
@@ -529,7 +551,7 @@ class Util {
 			// open stream
 			$stream = fopen('crypt://' . $pathRelative, "r");
-			if(is_resource($stream)) {
+			if (is_resource($stream)) {
 				// calculate last chunk position
 				$lastChunckPos = ($lastChunckNr * 8192);
@@ -551,36 +573,36 @@ class Util {
 		return $result;
 	 * @brief fix the file size of the encrypted file
 	 * @param $path absolute path
 	 * @return true / false if file is encrypted
+	public function fixFileSize($path)
+	{
-	public function fixFileSize( $path ) {
 		$result = false;
 		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-		$realSize = $this->getFileSize( $path );
-		if ( $realSize > 0 ) {
-			$cached = $this->view->getFileInfo( $path );
+		$realSize = $this->getFileSize($path);
+		if ($realSize > 0) {
+			$cached = $this->view->getFileInfo($path);
 			$cached['encrypted'] = true;
 			// set the size
 			$cached['unencrypted_size'] = $realSize;
 			// put file info
-			$this->view->putFileInfo( $path, $cached );
+			$this->view->putFileInfo($path, $cached);
 			$result = true;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
@@ -592,70 +614,82 @@ class Util {
 	 * @brief Format a path to be relative to the /user/files/ directory
 	 * @note e.g. turns '/admin/files/test.txt' into 'test.txt'
-	public function stripUserFilesPath( $path ) {
-		$trimmed = ltrim( $path, '/' );
-		$split = explode( '/', $trimmed );
-		$sliced = array_slice( $split, 2 );
-		$relPath = implode( '/', $sliced );
+	public function stripUserFilesPath($path)
+	{
+		$trimmed = ltrim($path, '/');
+		$split = explode('/', $trimmed);
+		$sliced = array_slice($split, 2);
+		$relPath = implode('/', $sliced);
 		return $relPath;
 	 * @brief Format a path to be relative to the /user directory
 	 * @note e.g. turns '/admin/files/test.txt' into 'files/test.txt'
-	public function stripFilesPath( $path ) {
-		$trimmed = ltrim( $path, '/' );
-		$split = explode( '/', $trimmed );
-		$sliced = array_slice( $split, 1 );
-		$relPath = implode( '/', $sliced );
+	public function stripFilesPath($path)
+	{
+		$trimmed = ltrim($path, '/');
+		$split = explode('/', $trimmed);
+		$sliced = array_slice($split, 1);
+		$relPath = implode('/', $sliced);
 		return $relPath;
 	 * @brief Format a shared path to be relative to the /user/files/ directory
 	 * @note Expects a path like /uid/files/Shared/filepath
-	public function stripSharedFilePath( $path ) {
-		$trimmed = ltrim( $path, '/' );
-		$split = explode( '/', $trimmed );
-		$sliced = array_slice( $split, 3 );
-		$relPath = implode( '/', $sliced );
+	public function stripSharedFilePath($path)
+	{
+		$trimmed = ltrim($path, '/');
+		$split = explode('/', $trimmed);
+		$sliced = array_slice($split, 3);
+		$relPath = implode('/', $sliced);
 		return $relPath;
-	public function isSharedPath( $path ) {
-		$trimmed = ltrim( $path, '/' );
-		$split = explode( '/', $trimmed );
-		if ( $split[2] == "Shared" ) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $path
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function isSharedPath($path)
+	{
+		$trimmed = ltrim($path, '/');
+		$split = explode('/', $trimmed);
+		if ($split[2] == "Shared") {
 			return true;
 		} else {
 			return false;
 	 * @brief Encrypt all files in a directory
 	 * @param string $dirPath the directory whose files will be encrypted
+	 * @param null $legacyPassphrase
+	 * @param null $newPassphrase
+	 * @return bool
 	 * @note Encryption is recursive
-	public function encryptAll($dirPath, $legacyPassphrase = null, $newPassphrase = null) {
+	public function encryptAll($dirPath, $legacyPassphrase = null, $newPassphrase = null)
+	{
 		if ($found = $this->findEncFiles($dirPath)) {
@@ -762,174 +796,180 @@ class Util {
 	 * @param string $pathName Name of the directory to return the path of
 	 * @return string path
-	public function getPath( $pathName ) {
-		switch ( $pathName ) {
+	public function getPath($pathName)
+	{
+		switch ($pathName) {
 			case 'publicKeyDir':
 				return $this->publicKeyDir;
 			case 'encryptionDir':
 				return $this->encryptionDir;
 			case 'keyfilesPath':
 				return $this->keyfilesPath;
 			case 'publicKeyPath':
 				return $this->publicKeyPath;
 			case 'privateKeyPath':
 				return $this->privateKeyPath;
 	 * @brief get path of a file.
-	 * @param $fileId id of the file
-	 * @return path of the file
+	 * @param int $fileId id of the file
+	 * @return string path of the file
-	public static function fileIdToPath( $fileId ) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `path`'
-				.' FROM `*PREFIX*filecache`'
-				.' WHERE `fileid` = ?' );
-		$result = $query->execute( array( $fileId ) );
+	public static function fileIdToPath($fileId)
+	{
+		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `path`'
+			. ' FROM `*PREFIX*filecache`'
+			. ' WHERE `fileid` = ?');
+		$result = $query->execute(array($fileId));
 		$row = $result->fetchRow();
-		return substr( $row['path'], 5 );
+		return substr($row['path'], 5);
 	 * @brief Filter an array of UIDs to return only ones ready for sharing
 	 * @param array $unfilteredUsers users to be checked for sharing readiness
 	 * @return multi-dimensional array. keys: ready, unready
-	public function filterShareReadyUsers( $unfilteredUsers ) {
+	public function filterShareReadyUsers($unfilteredUsers)
+	{
 		// This array will collect the filtered IDs
 		$readyIds = $unreadyIds = array();
 		// Loop through users and create array of UIDs that need new keyfiles
-		foreach ( $unfilteredUsers as $user ) {
-			$util = new Util( $this->view, $user );
+		foreach ($unfilteredUsers as $user) {
+			$util = new Util($this->view, $user);
 			// Check that the user is encryption capable, or is the
 			// public system user 'ownCloud' (for public shares)
-			if ( 
+			if (
 				$user == $this->publicShareKeyId
 				or $user == $this->recoveryKeyId
-				or $util->ready() 
+				or $util->ready()
 			) {
 				// Construct array of ready UIDs for Keymanager{}
 				$readyIds[] = $user;
 			} else {
 				// Construct array of unready UIDs for Keymanager{}
 				$unreadyIds[] = $user;
 				// Log warning; we can't do necessary setup here
 				// because we don't have the user passphrase
-				\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', '"'.$user.'" is not setup for encryption', \OC_Log::WARN );
+				\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', '"' . $user . '" is not setup for encryption', \OC_Log::WARN);
-		return array ( 
+		return array(
 			'ready' => $readyIds
-			, 'unready' => $unreadyIds
+		, 'unready' => $unreadyIds
 	 * @brief Decrypt a keyfile without knowing how it was encrypted
 	 * @param string $filePath
 	 * @param string $fileOwner
 	 * @param string $privateKey
-	 * @note Checks whether file was encrypted with openssl_seal or 
+	 * @note Checks whether file was encrypted with openssl_seal or
 	 *       openssl_encrypt, and decrypts accrdingly
-	 * @note This was used when 2 types of encryption for keyfiles was used, 
+	 * @note This was used when 2 types of encryption for keyfiles was used,
 	 *       but now we've switched to exclusively using openssl_seal()
-	public function decryptUnknownKeyfile( $filePath, $fileOwner, $privateKey ) {
+	public function decryptUnknownKeyfile($filePath, $fileOwner, $privateKey)
+	{
 		// Get the encrypted keyfile
 		// NOTE: the keyfile format depends on how it was encrypted! At
 		// this stage we don't know how it was encrypted
-		$encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filePath );
+		$encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filePath);
 		// We need to decrypt the keyfile
 		// Has the file been shared yet?
-		if ( 
+		if (
 			$this->userId == $fileOwner
-			&& ! Keymanager::getShareKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filePath ) // NOTE: we can't use isShared() here because it's a post share hook so it always returns true
+			&& !Keymanager::getShareKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filePath) // NOTE: we can't use isShared() here because it's a post share hook so it always returns true
 		) {
 			// The file has no shareKey, and its keyfile must be 
 			// decrypted conventionally
-			$plainKeyfile = Crypt::keyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $privateKey );
+			$plainKeyfile = Crypt::keyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $privateKey);
 		} else {
 			// The file has a shareKey and must use it for decryption
-			$shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filePath );
-			$plainKeyfile = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
+			$shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filePath);
+			$plainKeyfile = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
 		return $plainKeyfile;
 	 * @brief Encrypt keyfile to multiple users
+	 * @param Session $session
 	 * @param array $users list of users which should be able to access the file
 	 * @param string $filePath path of the file to be shared
-	 * @return bool 
+	 * @return bool
-	public function setSharedFileKeyfiles( Session $session, array $users, $filePath ) {
+	public function setSharedFileKeyfiles(Session $session, array $users, $filePath)
+	{
 		// Make sure users are capable of sharing
-		$filteredUids = $this->filterShareReadyUsers( $users );
+		$filteredUids = $this->filterShareReadyUsers($users);
 		// If we're attempting to share to unready users
-		if ( ! empty( $filteredUids['unready'] ) ) {
-			\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Sharing to these user(s) failed as they are unready for encryption:"'.print_r( $filteredUids['unready'], 1 ), \OC_Log::WARN );
+		if (!empty($filteredUids['unready'])) {
+			\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Sharing to these user(s) failed as they are unready for encryption:"' . print_r($filteredUids['unready'], 1), \OC_Log::WARN);
 			return false;
 		// Get public keys for each user, ready for generating sharekeys
-		$userPubKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys( $this->view, $filteredUids['ready'] );
+		$userPubKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys($this->view, $filteredUids['ready']);
 		// Note proxy status then disable it
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
@@ -937,273 +977,279 @@ class Util {
 		// Get the current users's private key for decrypting existing keyfile
 		$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey();
-		$fileOwner = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getOwner( $filePath );
+		$fileOwner = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getOwner($filePath);
 		// Decrypt keyfile
-		$plainKeyfile = $this->decryptUnknownKeyfile( $filePath, $fileOwner, $privateKey );
+		$plainKeyfile = $this->decryptUnknownKeyfile($filePath, $fileOwner, $privateKey);
 		// Re-enc keyfile to (additional) sharekeys
-		$multiEncKey = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $plainKeyfile, $userPubKeys );
+		$multiEncKey = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($plainKeyfile, $userPubKeys);
 		// Save the recrypted key to it's owner's keyfiles directory
 		// Save new sharekeys to all necessary user directory
-		if ( 
-			! Keymanager::setFileKey( $this->view, $filePath, $fileOwner, $multiEncKey['data'] )
-			|| ! Keymanager::setShareKeys( $this->view, $filePath, $multiEncKey['keys'] ) 
+		if (
+			!Keymanager::setFileKey($this->view, $filePath, $fileOwner, $multiEncKey['data'])
+			|| !Keymanager::setShareKeys($this->view, $filePath, $multiEncKey['keys'])
 		) {
-			\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Keyfiles could not be saved for users sharing ' . $filePath, \OC_Log::ERROR );
+			\OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Keyfiles could not be saved for users sharing ' . $filePath, \OC_Log::ERROR);
 			return false;
 		// Return proxy to original status
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		return true;
 	 * @brief Find, sanitise and format users sharing a file
 	 * @note This wraps other methods into a portable bundle
-	public function getSharingUsersArray( $sharingEnabled, $filePath, $currentUserId = false ) {
+	public function getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $filePath, $currentUserId = false)
+	{
 		// Check if key recovery is enabled
 		if (
-			\OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled' )
+			\OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled')
 			&& $this->recoveryEnabledForUser()
 		) {
 			$recoveryEnabled = true;
 		} else {
 			$recoveryEnabled = false;
 		// Make sure that a share key is generated for the owner too
-		list( $owner, $ownerPath ) = $this->getUidAndFilename( $filePath );
+		list($owner, $ownerPath) = $this->getUidAndFilename($filePath);
+		if ($sharingEnabled) {
-		if ( $sharingEnabled ) {
 			// Find out who, if anyone, is sharing the file
-			$result = \OCP\Share::getUsersSharingFile( $ownerPath, $owner,true, true, true );
+			$result = \OCP\Share::getUsersSharingFile($ownerPath, $owner, true, true, true);
 			$userIds = $result['users'];
-			if ( $result['public'] ) {
+			if ($result['public']) {
 				$userIds[] = $this->publicShareKeyId;
 		// If recovery is enabled, add the 
 		// Admin UID to list of users to share to
-		if ( $recoveryEnabled ) {
+		if ($recoveryEnabled) {
 			// Find recoveryAdmin user ID
-			$recoveryKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId' );
+			$recoveryKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId');
 			// Add recoveryAdmin to list of users sharing
 			$userIds[] = $recoveryKeyId;
 		// add current user if given
-		if ( $currentUserId != false ) {
+		if ($currentUserId != false) {
 			$userIds[] = $currentUserId;
 		// Remove duplicate UIDs
-		$uniqueUserIds = array_unique ( $userIds );
+		$uniqueUserIds = array_unique($userIds);
 		return $uniqueUserIds;
 	 * @brief Set file migration status for user
+	 * @param $status
 	 * @return bool
-	public function setMigrationStatus( $status ) {
+	public function setMigrationStatus($status)
+	{
 		$sql = 'UPDATE 
 				migration_status = ?
 				uid = ?';
-		$args = array( $status, $this->userId );
-		$query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
-		if ( $query->execute( $args ) ) {
+		$args = array($status, $this->userId);
+		$query = \OCP\DB::prepare($sql);
+		if ($query->execute($args)) {
 			return true;
 		} else {
 			return false;
 	 * @brief Check whether pwd recovery is enabled for a given user
-	 * @return 1 = yes, 0 = no, false = no record
-	 * @note If records are not being returned, check for a hidden space 
+	 * @return bool 1 = yes, 0 = no, false = no record
+	 * @note If records are not being returned, check for a hidden space
 	 *       at the start of the uid in db
-	public function getMigrationStatus() {
+	public function getMigrationStatus()
+	{
 		$sql = 'SELECT 
 				uid = ?';
-		$args = array( $this->userId );
-		$query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
-		$result = $query->execute( $args );
+		$args = array($this->userId);
+		$query = \OCP\DB::prepare($sql);
+		$result = $query->execute($args);
 		$migrationStatus = array();
-		while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) {
+		while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
 			$migrationStatus[] = $row['migration_status'];
 		// If no record is found
-		if ( empty( $migrationStatus ) ) {
+		if (empty($migrationStatus)) {
 			return false;
-		// If a record is found
+			// If a record is found
 		} else {
 			return $migrationStatus[0];
 	 * @brief get uid of the owners of the file and the path to the file
-	 * @param $path Path of the file to check
-	 * @note $shareFilePath must be relative to data/UID/files. Files 
+	 * @param string $path Path of the file to check
+	 * @note $shareFilePath must be relative to data/UID/files. Files
 	 *       relative to /Shared are also acceptable
 	 * @return array
-	public function getUidAndFilename( $path ) {
+	public function getUidAndFilename($path)
+	{
+		$view = new \OC\Files\View($this->userFilesDir);
+		$fileOwnerUid = $view->getOwner($path);
-        $view = new \OC\Files\View($this->userFilesDir);
-		$fileOwnerUid = $view->getOwner( $path );
+		// handle public access
+		if ($fileOwnerUid === false && $this->isPublic) {
+			$filename = $path;
+			$fileOwnerUid = $GLOBALS['fileOwner'];
-        // handle public access
-        if($fileOwnerUid === false && $this->isPublic) {
-            $filename = $path;
-            $fileOwnerUid = $GLOBALS['fileOwner'];
+			return array($fileOwnerUid, $filename);
+		} else {
-            return array ( $fileOwnerUid, $filename );
-        } else {
+			// Check that UID is valid
+			if (!\OCP\User::userExists($fileOwnerUid)) {
+				throw new \Exception('Could not find owner (UID = "' . var_export($fileOwnerUid, 1) . '") of file "' . $path . '"');
+			}
-            // Check that UID is valid
-            if ( ! \OCP\User::userExists( $fileOwnerUid ) ) {
-                throw new \Exception( 'Could not find owner (UID = "' . var_export( $fileOwnerUid, 1 ) . '") of file "' . $path . '"' );
-            }
+			// NOTE: Bah, this dependency should be elsewhere
+			\OC\Files\Filesystem::initMountPoints($fileOwnerUid);
-            // NOTE: Bah, this dependency should be elsewhere
-            \OC\Files\Filesystem::initMountPoints( $fileOwnerUid );
+			// If the file owner is the currently logged in user
+			if ($fileOwnerUid == $this->userId) {
-            // If the file owner is the currently logged in user
-            if ( $fileOwnerUid == $this->userId ) {
+				// Assume the path supplied is correct
+				$filename = $path;
-                // Assume the path supplied is correct
-                $filename = $path;
+			} else {
-            } else {
+				$info = $view->getFileInfo($path);
+				$ownerView = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $fileOwnerUid . '/files');
-                $info = $view->getFileInfo( $path );
-                $ownerView = new \OC\Files\View( '/' . $fileOwnerUid . '/files' );
+				// Fetch real file path from DB
+				$filename = $ownerView->getPath($info['fileid']); // TODO: Check that this returns a path without including the user data dir
-                // Fetch real file path from DB
-                $filename = $ownerView->getPath( $info['fileid'] ); // TODO: Check that this returns a path without including the user data dir
+			}
-            }
+			return array($fileOwnerUid, $filename);
+		}
-            return array ( $fileOwnerUid, $filename );
-        }
 	 * @brief geo recursively through a dir and collect all files and sub files.
-	 * @param type $dir relative to the users files folder
+	 * @param string $dir relative to the users files folder
 	 * @return array with list of files relative to the users files folder
-	public function getAllFiles( $dir ) {
+	public function getAllFiles($dir)
+	{
 		$result = array();
-		$content = $this->view->getDirectoryContent( $this->userFilesDir . $dir );
+		$content = $this->view->getDirectoryContent($this->userFilesDir . $dir);
 		// handling for re shared folders
-		$path_split = explode( '/', $dir );
+		$path_split = explode('/', $dir);
 		$shared = '';
-		if( $path_split[1] === 'Shared' ) {
+		if ($path_split[1] === 'Shared') {
 			$shared = '/Shared';
-		foreach ( $content as $c ) {
-			$sharedPart = $path_split[sizeof( $path_split )-1];
-			$targetPathSplit = array_reverse( explode( '/', $c['path'] ) );
+		foreach ($content as $c) {
+			$sharedPart = $path_split[sizeof($path_split) - 1];
+			$targetPathSplit = array_reverse(explode('/', $c['path']));
 			$path = '';
 			// rebuild path
-			foreach ( $targetPathSplit as $pathPart ) {
-				if ( $pathPart !== $sharedPart ) {
+			foreach ($targetPathSplit as $pathPart) {
+				if ($pathPart !== $sharedPart) {
 					$path = '/' . $pathPart . $path;
 				} else {
-			$path = $dir.$path;
+			$path = $dir . $path;
+			if ($c['type'] === "dir") {
+				$result = array_merge($result, $this->getAllFiles($path));
-			if ($c['type'] === "dir" ) {
-				$result = array_merge( $result, $this->getAllFiles( $path ) );
 			} else {
 				$result[] = $path;
 		return $result;
@@ -1211,13 +1257,14 @@ class Util {
 	 * @param int $id of the current share
 	 * @return array of the parent
-	public static function getShareParent( $id ) {
+	public static function getShareParent($id)
+	{
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `file_target`, `item_type`'
-		.' FROM `*PREFIX*share`'
-		.' WHERE `id` = ?' );
+		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `file_target`, `item_type`'
+			. ' FROM `*PREFIX*share`'
+			. ' WHERE `id` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute( array( $id ) );
+		$result = $query->execute(array($id));
 		$row = $result->fetchRow();
@@ -1230,13 +1277,14 @@ class Util {
 	 * @param int $id of the current share
 	 * @return array of the parent
-	public static function getParentFromShare( $id ) {
+	public static function getParentFromShare($id)
+	{
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `parent`'
-			.' FROM `*PREFIX*share`'
-			.' WHERE `id` = ?' );
+		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `parent`'
+			. ' FROM `*PREFIX*share`'
+			. ' WHERE `id` = ?');
-		$result = $query->execute( array( $id ) );
+		$result = $query->execute(array($id));
 		$row = $result->fetchRow();
@@ -1246,57 +1294,70 @@ class Util {
 	 * @brief get owner of the shared files.
-	 * @param int $Id of a share
-	 * @return owner
+	 * @param $id
+	 * @internal param int $Id of a share
+	 * @return string owner
-	public function getOwnerFromSharedFile( $id ) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `parent`, `uid_owner` FROM `*PREFIX*share` WHERE `id` = ?', 1 );
-		$source = $query->execute( array( $id ) )->fetchRow();
+	public function getOwnerFromSharedFile($id)
+	{
+		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `parent`, `uid_owner` FROM `*PREFIX*share` WHERE `id` = ?', 1);
+		$source = $query->execute(array($id))->fetchRow();
+		if (isset($source['parent'])) {
-		if ( isset($source['parent'] ) ) {
 			$parent = $source['parent'];
-			while ( isset( $parent ) ) {
-				$query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `parent`, `uid_owner` FROM `*PREFIX*share` WHERE `id` = ?', 1 );
-				$item = $query->execute( array( $parent ) )->fetchRow();
-				if ( isset( $item['parent'] ) ) {
+			while (isset($parent)) {
+				$query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `parent`, `uid_owner` FROM `*PREFIX*share` WHERE `id` = ?', 1);
+				$item = $query->execute(array($parent))->fetchRow();
+				if (isset($item['parent'])) {
 					$parent = $item['parent'];
 				} else {
 					$fileOwner = $item['uid_owner'];
 		} else {
 			$fileOwner = $source['uid_owner'];
 		return $fileOwner;
-    public function getUserId()
-    {
-        return $this->userId;
-    }
+	/**
+	 * @return string
+	 */
+	public function getUserId()
+	{
+		return $this->userId;
+	}
-    public function getUserFilesDir()
-    {
-        return $this->userFilesDir;
-    }
+	/**
+	 * @return string
+	 */
+	public function getUserFilesDir()
+	{
+		return $this->userFilesDir;
+	}
-	public function checkRecoveryPassword($password) {
+	/**
+	 * @param $password
+	 * @return bool
+	 */
+	public function checkRecoveryPassword($password)
+	{
 		$pathKey = '/owncloud_private_key/' . $this->recoveryKeyId . ".private.key";
 		$pathControlData = '/control-file/controlfile.enc';
@@ -1315,30 +1376,35 @@ class Util {
 		if ($decryptedControlData === 'ownCloud') {
 			return true;
-		} 
+		}
 		return false;
-	public function getRecoveryKeyId() {
+	/**
+	 * @return string
+	 */
+	public function getRecoveryKeyId()
+	{
 		return $this->recoveryKeyId;
 	 * @brief add recovery key to all encrypted files
-	public function addRecoveryKeys($path = '/') {
-		$dirContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent($this->keyfilesPath.$path);
+	public function addRecoveryKeys($path = '/')
+	{
+		$dirContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent($this->keyfilesPath . $path);
 		foreach ($dirContent as $item) {
 			$filePath = substr($item['path'], 25);
 			if ($item['type'] == 'dir') {
-				$this->addRecoveryKeys($filePath.'/');
+				$this->addRecoveryKeys($filePath . '/');
 			} else {
 				$session = new Session(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'));
 				$sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
 				$file = substr($filePath, 0, -4);
 				$usersSharing = $this->getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $file);
-				$this->setSharedFileKeyfiles( $session, $usersSharing, $file );
+				$this->setSharedFileKeyfiles($session, $usersSharing, $file);
@@ -1346,25 +1412,27 @@ class Util {
 	 * @brief remove recovery key to all encrypted files
-	public function removeRecoveryKeys($path = '/') {
-		$dirContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent($this->keyfilesPath.$path);
+	public function removeRecoveryKeys($path = '/')
+	{
+		$dirContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent($this->keyfilesPath . $path);
 		foreach ($dirContent as $item) {
 			$filePath = substr($item['path'], 25);
 			if ($item['type'] == 'dir') {
-				$this->removeRecoveryKeys($filePath.'/');
+				$this->removeRecoveryKeys($filePath . '/');
 			} else {
 				$file = substr($filePath, 0, -4);
-				$this->view->unlink($this->shareKeysPath.'/'.$file.'.'.$this->recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey');
+				$this->view->unlink($this->shareKeysPath . '/' . $file . '.' . $this->recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey');
 	 * @brief decrypt given file with recovery key and encrypt it again to the owner and his new key
-	 * @param type $file
-	 * @param type $privateKey recovery key to decrypt the file
+	 * @param string $file
+	 * @param string $privateKey recovery key to decrypt the file
-	private function recoverFile($file, $privateKey) {
+	private function recoverFile($file, $privateKey)
+	{
 		$sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
@@ -1385,17 +1453,17 @@ class Util {
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 		//decrypt file key
-		$encKeyfile = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->keyfilesPath.$file.".key");
-		$shareKey = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->shareKeysPath.$file.".".$this->recoveryKeyId.".shareKey");
+		$encKeyfile = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->keyfilesPath . $file . ".key");
+		$shareKey = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->shareKeysPath . $file . "." . $this->recoveryKeyId . ".shareKey");
 		$plainKeyfile = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
 		// encrypt file key again to all users, this time with the new public key for the recovered use
 		$userPubKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys($this->view, $filteredUids['ready']);
 		$multiEncKey = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($plainKeyfile, $userPubKeys);
 		// write new keys to filesystem TDOO!
-		$this->view->file_put_contents($this->keyfilesPath.$file.'.key', $multiEncKey['data']);
+		$this->view->file_put_contents($this->keyfilesPath . $file . '.key', $multiEncKey['data']);
 		foreach ($multiEncKey['keys'] as $userId => $shareKey) {
-			$shareKeyPath = $this->shareKeysPath.$file.'.'.$userId.'.shareKey';
+			$shareKeyPath = $this->shareKeysPath . $file . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey';
 			$this->view->file_put_contents($shareKeyPath, $shareKey);
@@ -1405,10 +1473,11 @@ class Util {
 	 * @brief collect all files and recover them one by one
-	 * @param type $path to look for files keys
-	 * @param type $privateKey private recovery key which is used to decrypt the files
+	 * @param string $path to look for files keys
+	 * @param string $privateKey private recovery key which is used to decrypt the files
-	private function recoverAllFiles($path, $privateKey) {
+	private function recoverAllFiles($path, $privateKey)
+	{
 		$dirContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent($this->keyfilesPath . $path);
 		foreach ($dirContent as $item) {
 			$filePath = substr($item['path'], 25);
@@ -1423,16 +1492,17 @@ class Util {
 	 * @brief recover users files in case of password lost
-	 * @param type $recoveryPassword
+	 * @param string $recoveryPassword
-	public function recoverUsersFiles($recoveryPassword) {
+	public function recoverUsersFiles($recoveryPassword)
+	{
 		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-		$encryptedKey = $this->view->file_get_contents( '/owncloud_private_key/'.$this->recoveryKeyId.'.private.key' );
-        $privateKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $encryptedKey, $recoveryPassword );
+		$encryptedKey = $this->view->file_get_contents('/owncloud_private_key/' . $this->recoveryKeyId . '.private.key');
+		$privateKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($encryptedKey, $recoveryPassword);
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php
index c669aec1222..5b5a2189a48 100755
--- a/apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php
@@ -7,22 +7,23 @@
  * See the COPYING-README file.
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../lib/base.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/keymanager.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/proxy.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/stream.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/util.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/helper.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../appinfo/app.php' );
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/helper.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
 use OCA\Encryption;
  * Class Test_Encryption_Crypt
-class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 	public $userId;
 	public $pass;
@@ -38,39 +39,40 @@ class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 	public $genPrivateKey;
 	public $genPublicKey;
-	function setUp() {
-        // reset backend
-        \OC_User::clearBackends();
-        \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+	function setUp()
+	{
+		// reset backend
+		\OC_User::clearBackends();
+		\OC_User::useBackend('database');
-        // set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
-		$this->dataLong = file_get_contents( realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ) );
+		// set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
+		$this->dataLong = file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php'));
 		$this->dataShort = 'hats';
-		$this->dataUrl = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
-		$this->legacyData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-text.txt' );
-		$this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-encrypted-text.txt' );
+		$this->dataUrl = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+		$this->legacyData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-text.txt');
+		$this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-encrypted-text.txt');
 		$this->randomKey = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey();
 		$keypair = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
-		$this->genPublicKey =  $keypair['publicKey'];
+		$this->genPublicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
 		$this->genPrivateKey = $keypair['privateKey'];
-		$this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
-		\OC_User::setUserId( 'admin' );
+		$this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+		\OC_User::setUserId('admin');
 		$this->userId = 'admin';
 		$this->pass = 'admin';
-        $userHome = \OC_User::getHome($this->userId);
-        $this->dataDir = str_replace('/'.$this->userId, '', $userHome);
+		$userHome = \OC_User::getHome($this->userId);
+		$this->dataDir = str_replace('/' . $this->userId, '', $userHome);
-        // Filesystem related hooks
-        \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+		// Filesystem related hooks
+		\OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
 		// Filesystem related hooks
-        \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+		\OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
 		// remember files_trashbin state
 		$this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
@@ -78,19 +80,20 @@ class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 		// we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
-        \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
-        \OC_User::setUserId('');
-        \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
-        \OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
-        \OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
+		\OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+		\OC_User::setUserId('');
+		\OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+		\OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
+		\OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
-        $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
-        $params['password'] = $this->pass;
-        OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+		$params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+		$params['password'] = $this->pass;
+		OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
-	function tearDown() {
+	function tearDown()
+	{
 		// reset app files_trashbin
@@ -99,285 +102,297 @@ class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 		} else {
-    }
+	}
+	function testGenerateKey()
+	{
-    function testGenerateKey() {
 		# TODO: use more accurate (larger) string length for test confirmation
 		$key = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey();
-		$this->assertTrue( strlen( $key ) > 16 );
+		$this->assertTrue(strlen($key) > 16);
 	 * @return String
-	function testGenerateIv() {
+	function testGenerateIv()
+	{
 		$iv = Encryption\Crypt::generateIv();
-		$this->assertEquals( 16, strlen( $iv ) );
+		$this->assertEquals(16, strlen($iv));
 		return $iv;
 	 * @depends testGenerateIv
-	function testConcatIv( $iv ) {
-		$catFile = Encryption\Crypt::concatIv( $this->dataLong, $iv );
+	function testConcatIv($iv)
+	{
+		$catFile = Encryption\Crypt::concatIv($this->dataLong, $iv);
 		// Fetch encryption metadata from end of file
-		$meta = substr( $catFile, -22 );
-		$identifier = substr( $meta, 0, 6);
+		$meta = substr($catFile, -22);
+		$identifier = substr($meta, 0, 6);
 		// Fetch IV from end of file
-		$foundIv = substr( $meta, 6 );
-		$this->assertEquals( '00iv00', $identifier );
-		$this->assertEquals( $iv, $foundIv );
+		$foundIv = substr($meta, 6);
+		$this->assertEquals('00iv00', $identifier);
+		$this->assertEquals($iv, $foundIv);
 		// Remove IV and IV identifier text to expose encrypted content
-		$data = substr( $catFile, 0, -22 );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $data );
+		$data = substr($catFile, 0, -22);
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $data);
 		return array(
 			'iv' => $iv
-			, 'catfile' => $catFile
+		, 'catfile' => $catFile
 	 * @depends testConcatIv
-	function testSplitIv( $testConcatIv ) {
+	function testSplitIv($testConcatIv)
+	{
 		// Split catfile into components
-		$splitCatfile = Encryption\Crypt::splitIv( $testConcatIv['catfile'] );
+		$splitCatfile = Encryption\Crypt::splitIv($testConcatIv['catfile']);
 		// Check that original IV and split IV match
-		$this->assertEquals( $testConcatIv['iv'], $splitCatfile['iv'] );
+		$this->assertEquals($testConcatIv['iv'], $splitCatfile['iv']);
 		// Check that original data and split data match
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $splitCatfile['encrypted'] );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $splitCatfile['encrypted']);
 	 * @return string padded
-	function testAddPadding() {
-		$padded = Encryption\Crypt::addPadding( $this->dataLong );
-		$padding = substr( $padded, -2 );
-		$this->assertEquals( 'xx' , $padding );
+	function testAddPadding()
+	{
+		$padded = Encryption\Crypt::addPadding($this->dataLong);
+		$padding = substr($padded, -2);
+		$this->assertEquals('xx', $padding);
 		return $padded;
 	 * @depends testAddPadding
-	function testRemovePadding( $padded ) {
-		$noPadding = Encryption\Crypt::RemovePadding( $padded );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $noPadding );
+	function testRemovePadding($padded)
+	{
+		$noPadding = Encryption\Crypt::RemovePadding($padded);
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $noPadding);
-	function testEncrypt() {
-		$random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 13 );
-		$iv = substr( base64_encode( $random ), 0, -4 ); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht
+	function testEncrypt()
+	{
+		$random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(13);
+		$iv = substr(base64_encode($random), 0, -4); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht
+		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat');
-		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt( $this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat' );
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataUrl, $crypted);
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted );
-	function testDecrypt() {
-		$random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 13 );
-		$iv = substr( base64_encode( $random ), 0, -4 ); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht
+	function testDecrypt()
+	{
-		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt( $this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat' );
-		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::decrypt( $crypted, $iv, 'hat' );
+		$random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(13);
+		$iv = substr(base64_encode($random), 0, -4); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht
+		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat');
+		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($crypted, $iv, 'hat');
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataUrl, $decrypt);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt );
-	function testSymmetricEncryptFileContent() {
+	function testSymmetricEncryptFileContent()
+	{
 		# TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes
-		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $this->dataShort, 'hat' );
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $crypted );
+		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($this->dataShort, 'hat');
-		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $crypted, 'hat' );
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataShort, $crypted);
+		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($crypted, 'hat');
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
-	function testSymmetricStreamEncryptShortFileContent() {
-		$filename = 'tmp-'.time().'.test';
+	function testSymmetricStreamEncryptShortFileContent()
+	{
+		$filename = 'tmp-' . time() . '.test';
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
-		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort );
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
-        // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
-        $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
+		// Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
+		$retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
-        // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		// Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		// Check that the file was encrypted before being written to disk
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $retreivedCryptedFile );
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataShort, $retreivedCryptedFile);
-        // Get the encrypted keyfile
-        $encKeyfile = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filename );
+		// Get the encrypted keyfile
+		$encKeyfile = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
-        // Attempt to fetch the user's shareKey
-        $shareKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getShareKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filename );
+		// Attempt to fetch the user's shareKey
+		$shareKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getShareKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
-        // get session
-        $session = new Encryption\Session( $this->view );
+		// get session
+		$session = new Encryption\Session($this->view);
-        // get private key
-        $privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey( $this->userId );
+		// get private key
+		$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey($this->userId);
-        // Decrypt keyfile with shareKey
-        $plainKeyfile = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
+		// Decrypt keyfile with shareKey
+		$plainKeyfile = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
-        // Manually decrypt
-        $manualDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $retreivedCryptedFile, $plainKeyfile );
+		// Manually decrypt
+		$manualDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($retreivedCryptedFile, $plainKeyfile);
 		// Check that decrypted data matches
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $manualDecrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $manualDecrypt);
-        // Teardown
-        $this->view->unlink( $this->userId . '/files/' . $filename );
+		// Teardown
+		$this->view->unlink($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
-        Encryption\Keymanager::deleteFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filename );
+		Encryption\Keymanager::deleteFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
 	 * @brief Test that data that is written by the crypto stream wrapper
 	 * @note Encrypted data is manually prepared and decrypted here to avoid dependency on success of stream_read
-	 * @note If this test fails with truncate content, check that enough array slices are being rejoined to form $e, as the crypt.php file may have gotten longer and broken the manual 
+	 * @note If this test fails with truncate content, check that enough array slices are being rejoined to form $e, as the crypt.php file may have gotten longer and broken the manual
 	 * reassembly of its data
-	function testSymmetricStreamEncryptLongFileContent() {
+	function testSymmetricStreamEncryptLongFileContent()
+	{
 		// Generate a a random filename
-		$filename = 'tmp-'.time().'.test';
+		$filename = 'tmp-' . time() . '.test';
 		// Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong.$this->dataLong );
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong . $this->dataLong);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		// Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
+		$retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
-        // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
-        $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
+		// Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		// Check that the file was encrypted before being written to disk
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataLong . $this->dataLong, $retreivedCryptedFile);
-        // Check that the file was encrypted before being written to disk
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataLong.$this->dataLong, $retreivedCryptedFile );
 		// Manuallly split saved file into separate IVs and encrypted chunks
 		$r = preg_split('/(00iv00.{16,18})/', $retreivedCryptedFile, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
 		// Join IVs and their respective data chunks
-		$e = array( $r[0].$r[1], $r[2].$r[3], $r[4].$r[5], $r[6].$r[7], $r[8].$r[9], $r[10].$r[11]);//.$r[11], $r[12].$r[13], $r[14] );
+		$e = array($r[0] . $r[1], $r[2] . $r[3], $r[4] . $r[5], $r[6] . $r[7], $r[8] . $r[9], $r[10] . $r[11]); //.$r[11], $r[12].$r[13], $r[14] );
-        // Get the encrypted keyfile
-        $encKeyfile = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filename );
+		// Get the encrypted keyfile
+		$encKeyfile = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
-        // Attempt to fetch the user's shareKey
-        $shareKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getShareKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filename );
+		// Attempt to fetch the user's shareKey
+		$shareKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getShareKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
-        // get session
-        $session = new Encryption\Session( $this->view );
+		// get session
+		$session = new Encryption\Session($this->view);
-        // get private key
-        $privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey( $this->userId );
+		// get private key
+		$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey($this->userId);
-        // Decrypt keyfile with shareKey
-        $plainKeyfile = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
+		// Decrypt keyfile with shareKey
+		$plainKeyfile = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
 		// Set var for reassembling decrypted content
 		$decrypt = '';
 		// Manually decrypt chunk
 		foreach ($e as $chunk) {
-			$chunkDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $chunk, $plainKeyfile );
+			$chunkDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($chunk, $plainKeyfile);
 			// Assemble decrypted chunks
 			$decrypt .= $chunkDecrypt;
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong.$this->dataLong, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong . $this->dataLong, $decrypt);
 		// Teardown
-		$this->view->unlink( $this->userId . '/files/' . $filename );
-		Encryption\Keymanager::deleteFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filename );
+		$this->view->unlink($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
+		Encryption\Keymanager::deleteFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
 	 * @brief Test that data that is read by the crypto stream wrapper
-	function testSymmetricStreamDecryptShortFileContent() {
-		$filename = 'tmp-'.time();
+	function testSymmetricStreamDecryptShortFileContent()
+	{
+		$filename = 'tmp-' . time();
 		// Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort );
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
@@ -387,34 +402,35 @@ class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        // Get file decrypted contents
-        $decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
+		// Get file decrypted contents
+		$decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
-        // tear down
-        $this->view->unlink( $this->userId . '/files/' . $filename );
+		// tear down
+		$this->view->unlink($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
-	function testSymmetricStreamDecryptLongFileContent() {
-		$filename = 'tmp-'.time();
+	function testSymmetricStreamDecryptLongFileContent()
+	{
+		$filename = 'tmp-' . time();
 		// Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong );
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
-        // Get file decrypted contents
-		$decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename );
+		// Get file decrypted contents
+		$decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
-        // tear down
-        $this->view->unlink( $this->userId . '/files/' . $filename );
+		// tear down
+		$this->view->unlink($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
 	// Is this test still necessary?
 // 	function testSymmetricBlockStreamDecryptFileContent() {
@@ -438,260 +454,274 @@ class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 // 	}
-	function testSymmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile() {
+	function testSymmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile()
+	{
 		# TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes
-		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $this->dataUrl );
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted['encrypted'] );
-		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $crypted['encrypted'], $crypted['key'] );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt );
-	}
-	function testIsEncryptedContent() {
-		$this->assertFalse( Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent( $this->dataUrl ) );
-		$this->assertFalse( Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent( $this->legacyEncryptedData ) );
-		$keyfileContent = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $this->dataUrl, 'hat' );
-		$this->assertTrue( Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent( $keyfileContent ) );
-	}
-	function testMultiKeyEncrypt() {
+		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile($this->dataUrl);
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataUrl, $crypted['encrypted']);
+		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($crypted['encrypted'], $crypted['key']);
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataUrl, $decrypt);
+	}
+	function testIsEncryptedContent()
+	{
+		$this->assertFalse(Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent($this->dataUrl));
+		$this->assertFalse(Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent($this->legacyEncryptedData));
+		$keyfileContent = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($this->dataUrl, 'hat');
+		$this->assertTrue(Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent($keyfileContent));
+	}
+	function testMultiKeyEncrypt()
+	{
 		# TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes
 		$pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
-		$this->assertEquals( 2, count( $pair1 ) );
-		$this->assertTrue( strlen( $pair1['publicKey'] ) > 1 );
-		$this->assertTrue( strlen( $pair1['privateKey'] ) > 1 );
-		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $this->dataShort, array( $pair1['publicKey'] ) );
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $crypted['data'] );
-		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $crypted['data'], $crypted['keys'][0], $pair1['privateKey'] );
- 		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
-	}
-	function testKeyEncrypt() {
+		$this->assertEquals(2, count($pair1));
+		$this->assertTrue(strlen($pair1['publicKey']) > 1);
+		$this->assertTrue(strlen($pair1['privateKey']) > 1);
+		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($this->dataShort, array($pair1['publicKey']));
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataShort, $crypted['data']);
+		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($crypted['data'], $crypted['keys'][0], $pair1['privateKey']);
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
+	}
+	function testKeyEncrypt()
+	{
 		// Generate keypair
 		$pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
 		// Encrypt data
-		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt( $this->dataUrl, $pair1['publicKey'] );
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted );
+		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt($this->dataUrl, $pair1['publicKey']);
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataUrl, $crypted);
 		// Decrypt data
-		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecrypt( $crypted, $pair1['privateKey'] );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt );
+		$decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecrypt($crypted, $pair1['privateKey']);
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataUrl, $decrypt);
 	 * @brief test encryption using legacy blowfish method
-	function testLegacyEncryptShort() {
-		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyEncrypt( $this->dataShort, $this->pass );
+	function testLegacyEncryptShort()
+	{
+		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyEncrypt($this->dataShort, $this->pass);
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataShort, $crypted);
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $crypted );
 		# TODO: search inencrypted text for actual content to ensure it
 		# genuine transformation
 		return $crypted;
 	 * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
 	 * @depends testLegacyEncryptShort
-	function testLegacyDecryptShort( $crypted ) {
-		$decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $crypted, $this->pass );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypted );
+	function testLegacyDecryptShort($crypted)
+	{
+		$decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt($crypted, $this->pass);
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypted);
 	 * @brief test encryption using legacy blowfish method
-	function testLegacyEncryptLong() {
-		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyEncrypt( $this->dataLong, $this->pass );
+	function testLegacyEncryptLong()
+	{
+		$crypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyEncrypt($this->dataLong, $this->pass);
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataLong, $crypted);
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataLong, $crypted );
 		# TODO: search inencrypted text for actual content to ensure it
 		# genuine transformation
 		return $crypted;
 	 * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
 	 * @depends testLegacyEncryptLong
-	function testLegacyDecryptLong( $crypted ) {
-		$decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $crypted, $this->pass );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypted );
-	}
+	function testLegacyDecryptLong($crypted)
+	{
+		$decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt($crypted, $this->pass);
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypted);
+	}
 	 * @brief test generation of legacy encryption key
 	 * @depends testLegacyDecryptShort
-	function testLegacyCreateKey() {
+	function testLegacyCreateKey()
+	{
 		// Create encrypted key
-		$encKey = Encryption\Crypt::legacyCreateKey( $this->pass );
+		$encKey = Encryption\Crypt::legacyCreateKey($this->pass);
 		// Decrypt key
-		$key = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $encKey, $this->pass );
-		$this->assertTrue( is_numeric( $key ) );
+		$key = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt($encKey, $this->pass);
+		$this->assertTrue(is_numeric($key));
 		// Check that key is correct length
-		$this->assertEquals( 20, strlen( $key ) );
+		$this->assertEquals(20, strlen($key));
 	 * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
 	 * @depends testLegacyEncryptLong
-	function testLegacyKeyRecryptKeyfileEncrypt( $crypted ) {
-		$recrypted = Encryption\Crypt::LegacyKeyRecryptKeyfile( $crypted, $this->pass, array($this->genPublicKey), $this->pass, '');
-		$this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataLong, $recrypted['data'] );
+	function testLegacyKeyRecryptKeyfileEncrypt($crypted)
+	{
+		$recrypted = Encryption\Crypt::LegacyKeyRecryptKeyfile($crypted, $this->pass, array($this->genPublicKey), $this->pass, '');
+		$this->assertNotEquals($this->dataLong, $recrypted['data']);
 		return $recrypted;
 		# TODO: search inencrypted text for actual content to ensure it
 		# genuine transformation
-    function testRenameFile() {
+	function testRenameFile()
+	{
-        $filename = 'tmp-'.time();
+		$filename = 'tmp-' . time();
-        // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-        $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong );
+		// Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong);
-        // Test that data was successfully written
-        $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		// Test that data was successfully written
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-        $decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename );
+		$decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
-        $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
-        $newFilename = 'tmp-new-'.time();
-        $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
-        $view->rename( $filename, $newFilename );
+		$newFilename = 'tmp-new-' . time();
+		$view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+		$view->rename($filename, $newFilename);
-        // Get file decrypted contents
-        $newDecrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $newFilename );
+		// Get file decrypted contents
+		$newDecrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $newFilename);
-        $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $newDecrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $newDecrypt);
-        // tear down
-        $view->unlink( $newFilename );
-    }
+		// tear down
+		$view->unlink($newFilename);
+	}
-    function testMoveFileIntoFolder() {
+	function testMoveFileIntoFolder()
+	{
-        $filename = 'tmp-'.time();
+		$filename = 'tmp-' . time();
-        // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-        $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong );
+		// Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong);
-        // Test that data was successfully written
-        $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		// Test that data was successfully written
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
-        // Get file decrypted contents
-        $decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename );
+		// Get file decrypted contents
+		$decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
-        $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
-        $newFolder = '/newfolder'.time();
-        $newFilename = 'tmp-new-'.time();
-        $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
-        $view->mkdir($newFolder);
-        $view->rename( $filename, $newFolder . '/' . $newFilename );
+		$newFolder = '/newfolder' . time();
+		$newFilename = 'tmp-new-' . time();
+		$view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+		$view->mkdir($newFolder);
+		$view->rename($filename, $newFolder . '/' . $newFilename);
-        // Get file decrypted contents
-        $newDecrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $newFolder . '/' . $newFilename );
+		// Get file decrypted contents
+		$newDecrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $newFolder . '/' . $newFilename);
-        $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $newDecrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $newDecrypt);
-        // tear down
-        $view->unlink( $newFolder );
-    }
+		// tear down
+		$view->unlink($newFolder);
+	}
-	function testMoveFolder() {
+	function testMoveFolder()
+	{
 		$view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
-		$filename = '/tmp-'.time();
-		$folder = '/folder'.time();
+		$filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+		$folder = '/folder' . time();
 		// Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $folder . $filename, $this->dataLong );
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $folder . $filename, $this->dataLong);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $folder . $filename );
+		$decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $folder . $filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
-		$newFolder = '/newfolder'.time();
+		$newFolder = '/newfolder' . time();
-		$view->rename( $folder, $newFolder );
+		$view->rename($folder, $newFolder);
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$newDecrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $newFolder . $filename );
+		$newDecrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $newFolder . $filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $newDecrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $newDecrypt);
 		// tear down
-		$view->unlink( $newFolder );
+		$view->unlink($newFolder);
-	function testRenameFolder() {
+	function testRenameFolder()
+	{
-		$filename = '/tmp-'.time();
+		$filename = '/tmp-' . time();
 		$folder = '/folder';
 		$newFolder = '/newfolder';
@@ -699,42 +729,43 @@ class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 		// Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $folder . $filename, $this->dataLong );
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $folder . $filename, $this->dataLong);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $folder . $filename );
+		$decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $folder . $filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
 		// rename folder
 		$view->rename($folder, $newFolder);
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$newDecrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $newFolder . $filename );
+		$newDecrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $newFolder . $filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $newDecrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $newDecrypt);
 		// tear down
-		$view->unlink( $newFolder );
+		$view->unlink($newFolder);
-	function testChangePassphrase() {
+	function testChangePassphrase()
+	{
-		$filename = 'tmp-'.time();
+		$filename = 'tmp-' . time();
 		// Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong );
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename );
+		$decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
 		// change password
 		\OC_User::setPassword($this->userId, 'test', null);
@@ -745,109 +776,113 @@ class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$newDecrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename );
+		$newDecrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $newDecrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $newDecrypt);
 		// tear down
 		// change password back
 		\OC_User::setPassword($this->userId, $this->pass);
 		$view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
-		$view->unlink( $filename );
+		$view->unlink($filename);
-	function testViewFilePutAndGetContents() {
+	function testViewFilePutAndGetContents()
+	{
-		$filename = '/tmp-'.time();
+		$filename = '/tmp-' . time();
 		$view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
 		// Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents( $filename, $this->dataShort );
+		$cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$decrypt = $view->file_get_contents( $filename );
+		$decrypt = $view->file_get_contents($filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
 		// Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFileLong = $view->file_put_contents( $filename, $this->dataLong );
+		$cryptedFileLong = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataLong);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFileLong ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFileLong));
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$decryptLong = $view->file_get_contents( $filename );
+		$decryptLong = $view->file_get_contents($filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decryptLong );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decryptLong);
 		// tear down
-		$view->unlink( $filename );
+		$view->unlink($filename);
-	function testTouchExistingFile() {
-		$filename = '/tmp-'.time();
+	function testTouchExistingFile()
+	{
+		$filename = '/tmp-' . time();
 		$view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
 		// Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents( $filename, $this->dataShort );
+		$cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$decrypt = $view->file_get_contents( $filename );
+		$decrypt = $view->file_get_contents($filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
 		// tear down
-		$view->unlink( $filename );
+		$view->unlink($filename);
-	function testTouchFile() {
-		$filename = '/tmp-'.time();
+	function testTouchFile()
+	{
+		$filename = '/tmp-' . time();
 		$view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
 		// Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents( $filename, $this->dataShort );
+		$cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		// Get file decrypted contents
-		$decrypt = $view->file_get_contents( $filename );
+		$decrypt = $view->file_get_contents($filename);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
 		// tear down
-		$view->unlink( $filename );
+		$view->unlink($filename);
-	function testFopenFile() {
-		$filename = '/tmp-'.time();
+	function testFopenFile()
+	{
+		$filename = '/tmp-' . time();
 		$view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
 		// Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
-		$cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents( $filename, $this->dataShort );
+		$cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
 		// Test that data was successfully written
-		$this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
 		$handle = $view->fopen($filename, 'r');
 		// Get file decrypted contents
 		$decrypt = fgets($handle);
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
 		// tear down
-		$view->unlink( $filename );
+		$view->unlink($filename);
 // 	function testEncryption(){
@@ -912,5 +947,5 @@ class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 // 		$decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted,$key,strlen($source));
 // 		$this->assertEquals($decrypted,$source);
 // 	}
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php
index 8ca8b0287e4..334cc743f2c 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php
@@ -6,21 +6,22 @@
  * See the COPYING-README file.
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../lib/base.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/keymanager.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/proxy.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/stream.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/util.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/helper.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../appinfo/app.php' );
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/helper.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
 use OCA\Encryption;
  * Class Test_Encryption_Keymanager
-class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 	public $userId;
 	public $pass;
@@ -31,38 +32,39 @@ class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 	public $view;
 	public $randomKey;
-	function setUp() {
-        // reset backend
-        \OC_User::clearBackends();
-        \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+	function setUp()
+	{
+		// reset backend
+		\OC_User::clearBackends();
+		\OC_User::useBackend('database');
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
 		// set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
-		$this->dataLong = file_get_contents( realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ) );
+		$this->dataLong = file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php'));
 		$this->dataShort = 'hats';
-		$this->dataUrl = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
-		$this->legacyData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-text.txt' );
-		$this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-encrypted-text.txt' );
+		$this->dataUrl = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+		$this->legacyData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-text.txt');
+		$this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-encrypted-text.txt');
 		$this->randomKey = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey();
 		$keypair = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
-		$this->genPublicKey =  $keypair['publicKey'];
+		$this->genPublicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
 		$this->genPrivateKey = $keypair['privateKey'];
-        $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+		$this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
-        \OC_User::setUserId( 'admin' );
-        $this->userId = 'admin';
-        $this->pass = 'admin';
+		\OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+		$this->userId = 'admin';
+		$this->pass = 'admin';
-        $userHome = \OC_User::getHome($this->userId);
-        $this->dataDir = str_replace('/'.$this->userId, '', $userHome);
+		$userHome = \OC_User::getHome($this->userId);
+		$this->dataDir = str_replace('/' . $this->userId, '', $userHome);
-        // Filesystem related hooks
-        \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+		// Filesystem related hooks
+		\OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
-        \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+		\OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
 		// remember files_trashbin state
 		$this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
@@ -70,19 +72,20 @@ class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 		// we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
-        \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
-        \OC_User::setUserId('');
-        \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
-        \OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
-        \OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
+		\OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+		\OC_User::setUserId('');
+		\OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+		\OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
+		\OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
-        $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
-        $params['password'] = $this->pass;
-        OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+		$params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+		$params['password'] = $this->pass;
+		OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
-	function tearDown(){
+	function tearDown()
+	{
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
@@ -94,11 +97,12 @@ class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-	function testGetPrivateKey() {
-		$key = Encryption\Keymanager::getPrivateKey( $this->view, $this->userId );
+	function testGetPrivateKey()
+	{
+		$key = Encryption\Keymanager::getPrivateKey($this->view, $this->userId);
-        $privateKey = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $key, $this->pass);
+		$privateKey = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($key, $this->pass);
 		$res = openssl_pkey_get_private($privateKey);
@@ -107,12 +111,13 @@ class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 		$sslInfo = openssl_pkey_get_details($res);
 		$this->assertArrayHasKey('key', $sslInfo);
-	function testGetPublicKey() {
-		$publiceKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getPublicKey( $this->view, $this->userId );
+	function testGetPublicKey()
+	{
+		$publiceKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getPublicKey($this->view, $this->userId);
 		$res = openssl_pkey_get_public($publiceKey);
@@ -122,40 +127,41 @@ class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 		$this->assertArrayHasKey('key', $sslInfo);
-	function testSetFileKey() {
+	function testSetFileKey()
+	{
 		# NOTE: This cannot be tested until we are able to break out 
 		# of the FileSystemView data directory root
-		$key = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $this->randomKey, 'hat' );
-		$file = 'unittest-'.time().'.txt';
-        // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		$key = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile($this->randomKey, 'hat');
+		$file = 'unittest-' . time() . '.txt';
-        $this->view->file_put_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $file, $key['encrypted']);
+		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		$this->view->file_put_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $file, $key['encrypted']);
+		// Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 		//$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $this->userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles' );
-		Encryption\Keymanager::setFileKey( $this->view, $file, $this->userId, $key['key'] );
+		Encryption\Keymanager::setFileKey($this->view, $file, $this->userId, $key['key']);
 		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
 		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
 		// cleanup
-		$this->view->unlink('/'.$this->userId . '/files/' . $file);
+		$this->view->unlink('/' . $this->userId . '/files/' . $file);
 		// Re-enable proxy - our work is done
 		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
 // 	/**
 // 	 * @depends testGetPrivateKey
 // 	 */
@@ -171,10 +177,11 @@ class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 // 		$this->assertEquals( '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----', substr( $decrypted, 0, 27 ) );
 // 	}
-	function testGetUserKeys() {
-		$keys = Encryption\Keymanager::getUserKeys( $this->view, $this->userId );
+	function testGetUserKeys()
+	{
+		$keys = Encryption\Keymanager::getUserKeys($this->view, $this->userId);
 		$resPublic = openssl_pkey_get_public($keys['publicKey']);
@@ -184,7 +191,7 @@ class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 		$this->assertArrayHasKey('key', $sslInfoPublic);
-		$privateKey = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $keys['privateKey'], $this->pass);
+		$privateKey = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($keys['privateKey'], $this->pass);
 		$resPrivate = openssl_pkey_get_private($privateKey);
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/share.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/share.php
index efff8e322e4..a9ee8d00235 100755
--- a/apps/files_encryption/tests/share.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/share.php
@@ -50,446 +50,446 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 	public $subsubfolder;
 	function setUp()
-    {
-        // reset backend
-        \OC_User::clearBackends();
-        \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+	{
+		// reset backend
+		\OC_User::clearBackends();
+		\OC_User::useBackend('database');
-        $this->dataShort = 'hats';
-        $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+		$this->dataShort = 'hats';
+		$this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
-        $userHome = \OC_User::getHome('admin');
-        $this->dataDir = str_replace('/admin', '', $userHome);
+		$userHome = \OC_User::getHome('admin');
+		$this->dataDir = str_replace('/admin', '', $userHome);
-        $this->folder1 = '/folder1';
-        $this->subfolder = '/subfolder1';
-        $this->subsubfolder = '/subsubfolder1';
+		$this->folder1 = '/folder1';
+		$this->subfolder = '/subfolder1';
+		$this->subsubfolder = '/subsubfolder1';
-        $this->filename = 'share-tmp.test';
+		$this->filename = 'share-tmp.test';
-        // enable resharing
-        \OC_Appconfig::setValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_resharing', 'yes');
+		// enable resharing
+		\OC_Appconfig::setValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_resharing', 'yes');
-        // clear share hooks
-        \OC_Hook::clear('OCP\\Share');
-        \OC::registerShareHooks();
-        \OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_Filesystem', 'setup', '\OC\Files\Storage\Shared', 'setup');
+		// clear share hooks
+		\OC_Hook::clear('OCP\\Share');
+		\OC::registerShareHooks();
+		\OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_Filesystem', 'setup', '\OC\Files\Storage\Shared', 'setup');
-        // Sharing related hooks
-        \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerShareHooks();
+		// Sharing related hooks
+		\OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerShareHooks();
-        // Filesystem related hooks
-        \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+		// Filesystem related hooks
+		\OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
-        \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+		\OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
-        // remember files_trashbin state
-        $this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
+		// remember files_trashbin state
+		$this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
-        // we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
-        \OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+		// we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
+		\OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
-        // create users
-        $this->loginHelper('user1', true);
-        $this->loginHelper('user2', true);
-        $this->loginHelper('user3', true);
+		// create users
+		$this->loginHelper('user1', true);
+		$this->loginHelper('user2', true);
+		$this->loginHelper('user3', true);
 		// create group and assign users
 		\OC_Group::addToGroup('user2', 'group1');
 		\OC_Group::addToGroup('user3', 'group1');
-    }
+	}
-    function tearDown()
-    {
-        // reset app files_trashbin
-        if ($this->stateFilesTrashbin) {
-            OC_App::enable('files_trashbin');
-        } else {
-            OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
-        }
+	function tearDown()
+	{
+		// reset app files_trashbin
+		if ($this->stateFilesTrashbin) {
+			OC_App::enable('files_trashbin');
+		} else {
+			OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+		}
 		// clean group
-        // cleanup users
-        \OC_User::deleteUser('user1');
-        \OC_User::deleteUser('user2');
-        \OC_User::deleteUser('user3');
+		// cleanup users
+		\OC_User::deleteUser('user1');
+		\OC_User::deleteUser('user2');
+		\OC_User::deleteUser('user3');
-    }
+	}
 	 * @param bool $withTeardown
 	function testShareFile($withTeardown = true)
-    {
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+	{
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        // save file with content
-        $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+		// save file with content
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
-        // test that data was successfully written
-        $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+		// test that data was successfully written
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
-        // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		// disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        // get the file info from previous created file
-        $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+		// get the file info from previous created file
+		$fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
-        // check if we have a valid file info
-        $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+		// check if we have a valid file info
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
-        // check if the unencrypted file size is stored
-        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $fileInfo['unencrypted_size']);
+		// check if the unencrypted file size is stored
+		$this->assertGreaterThan(0, $fileInfo['unencrypted_size']);
-        // re-enable the file proxy
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		// re-enable the file proxy
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        // share the file
-        \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+		// share the file
+		\OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        // check if share key for user1 exists
-        $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+		// check if share key for user1 exists
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-        // login as user1
-        $this->loginHelper('user1');
+		// login as user1
+		$this->loginHelper('user1');
-        // get file contents
-        $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user1/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
+		// get file contents
+		$retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user1/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
-        // check if data is the same as we previously written
-        $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+		// check if data is the same as we previously written
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
-        // cleanup
-        if ($withTeardown) {
+		// cleanup
+		if ($withTeardown) {
-            // login as admin
-            $this->loginHelper('admin');
+			// login as admin
+			$this->loginHelper('admin');
-            // unshare the file
-            \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
+			// unshare the file
+			\OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-            // cleanup
-            $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+			// cleanup
+			$this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
-        }
-    }
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+		}
+	}
 	 * @param bool $withTeardown
 	function testReShareFile($withTeardown = true)
-    {
-        $this->testShareFile(false);
+	{
+		$this->testShareFile(false);
-        // login as user1
-        $this->loginHelper('user1');
+		// login as user1
+		$this->loginHelper('user1');
-        // get the file info
-        $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/user1/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
+		// get the file info
+		$fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/user1/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
-        // share the file with user2
-        \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+		// share the file with user2
+		\OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        // check if share key for user2 exists
-        $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+		// check if share key for user2 exists
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
-        // login as user2
-        $this->loginHelper('user2');
+		// login as user2
+		$this->loginHelper('user2');
-        // get file contents
-        $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user2/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
+		// get file contents
+		$retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user2/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
-        // check if data is the same as previously written
-        $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+		// check if data is the same as previously written
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
-        // cleanup
-        if ($withTeardown) {
+		// cleanup
+		if ($withTeardown) {
-            // login as user1
-            $this->loginHelper('user1');
+			// login as user1
+			$this->loginHelper('user1');
-            // unshare the file with user2
-            \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2');
+			// unshare the file with user2
+			\OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2');
-            // login as admin
-            $this->loginHelper('admin');
+			// login as admin
+			$this->loginHelper('admin');
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
-            // unshare the file with user1
-            \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
+			// unshare the file with user1
+			\OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-            // cleanup
-            $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+			// cleanup
+			$this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
-        }
-    }
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+		}
+	}
 	 * @param bool $withTeardown
 	 * @return array
 	function testShareFolder($withTeardown = true)
-    {
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+	{
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        // create folder structure
-        $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1);
-        $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder);
-        $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder);
+		// create folder structure
+		$this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1);
+		$this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder);
+		$this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder);
-        // save file with content
-        $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+		// save file with content
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
-        // test that data was successfully written
-        $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+		// test that data was successfully written
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
-        // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		// disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        // get the file info from previous created folder
-        $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files' . $this->folder1);
+		// get the file info from previous created folder
+		$fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files' . $this->folder1);
-        // check if we have a valid file info
-        $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+		// check if we have a valid file info
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
-        // re-enable the file proxy
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		// re-enable the file proxy
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        // share the folder with user1
-        \OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+		// share the folder with user1
+		\OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        // check if share key for user1 exists
-        $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+		// check if share key for user1 exists
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-        // login as user1
-        $this->loginHelper('user1');
+		// login as user1
+		$this->loginHelper('user1');
-        // get file contents
-        $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user1/files/Shared' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+		// get file contents
+		$retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user1/files/Shared' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
-        // check if data is the same
-        $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+		// check if data is the same
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
-        // cleanup
-        if ($withTeardown) {
+		// cleanup
+		if ($withTeardown) {
-            // login as admin
-            $this->loginHelper('admin');
+			// login as admin
+			$this->loginHelper('admin');
-            // unshare the folder with user1
-            \OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
+			// unshare the folder with user1
+			\OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-            // cleanup
-            $this->view->unlink('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+			// cleanup
+			$this->view->unlink('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
-        }
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+		}
-        return $fileInfo;
-    }
+		return $fileInfo;
+	}
 	 * @param bool $withTeardown
 	function testReShareFolder($withTeardown = true)
-    {
-        $fileInfoFolder1 = $this->testShareFolder(false);
+	{
+		$fileInfoFolder1 = $this->testShareFolder(false);
-        // login as user1
-        $this->loginHelper('user1');
+		// login as user1
+		$this->loginHelper('user1');
-        // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		// disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        // get the file info from previous created folder
-        $fileInfoSubFolder = $this->view->getFileInfo('/user1/files/Shared' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder);
+		// get the file info from previous created folder
+		$fileInfoSubFolder = $this->view->getFileInfo('/user1/files/Shared' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder);
-        // check if we have a valid file info
-        $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfoSubFolder));
+		// check if we have a valid file info
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfoSubFolder));
-        // re-enable the file proxy
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		// re-enable the file proxy
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        // share the file with user2
-        \OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $fileInfoSubFolder['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+		// share the file with user2
+		\OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $fileInfoSubFolder['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        // check if share key for user2 exists
-        $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+		// check if share key for user2 exists
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
-        // login as user2
-        $this->loginHelper('user2');
+		// login as user2
+		$this->loginHelper('user2');
-        // get file contents
-        $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user2/files/Shared' . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+		// get file contents
+		$retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user2/files/Shared' . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
-        // check if data is the same
-        $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+		// check if data is the same
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
-        // get the file info
-        $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/user2/files/Shared' . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+		// get the file info
+		$fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/user2/files/Shared' . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
-        // check if we have fileInfos
-        $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+		// check if we have fileInfos
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
-        // share the file with user3
-        \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user3', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+		// share the file with user3
+		\OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user3', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        // check if share key for user3 exists
-        $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user3.shareKey'));
+		// check if share key for user3 exists
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user3.shareKey'));
-        // login as user3
-        $this->loginHelper('user3');
+		// login as user3
+		$this->loginHelper('user3');
-        // get file contents
-        $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user3/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
+		// get file contents
+		$retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user3/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
-        // check if data is the same
-        $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+		// check if data is the same
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
-        // cleanup
-        if ($withTeardown) {
+		// cleanup
+		if ($withTeardown) {
-            // login as user2
-            $this->loginHelper('user2');
+			// login as user2
+			$this->loginHelper('user2');
-            // unshare the file with user3
-            \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user3');
+			// unshare the file with user3
+			\OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user3');
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user3.shareKey'));
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user3.shareKey'));
-            // login as user1
-            $this->loginHelper('user1');
+			// login as user1
+			$this->loginHelper('user1');
-            // unshare the folder with user2
-            \OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileInfoSubFolder['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2');
+			// unshare the folder with user2
+			\OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileInfoSubFolder['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2');
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
-            // login as admin
-            $this->loginHelper('admin');
+			// login as admin
+			$this->loginHelper('admin');
-            // unshare the folder1 with user1
-            \OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileInfoFolder1['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
+			// unshare the folder1 with user1
+			\OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileInfoFolder1['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-            // cleanup
-            $this->view->unlink('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+			// cleanup
+			$this->view->unlink('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
-            // check if share key not exists
-            $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
-        }
-    }
+			// check if share key not exists
+			$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+		}
+	}
-    function testPublicShareFile()
-    {
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+	function testPublicShareFile()
+	{
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        // save file with content
-        $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+		// save file with content
+		$cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
-        // test that data was successfully written
-        $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+		// test that data was successfully written
+		$this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
-        // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		// disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        // get the file info from previous created file
-        $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+		// get the file info from previous created file
+		$fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
-        // check if we have a valid file info
-        $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+		// check if we have a valid file info
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
-        // check if the unencrypted file size is stored
-        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $fileInfo['unencrypted_size']);
+		// check if the unencrypted file size is stored
+		$this->assertGreaterThan(0, $fileInfo['unencrypted_size']);
-        // re-enable the file proxy
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		// re-enable the file proxy
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        // share the file
-        \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, false, OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+		// share the file
+		\OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, false, OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        $publicShareKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId');
+		$publicShareKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId');
-        // check if share key for public exists
-        $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $publicShareKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+		// check if share key for public exists
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $publicShareKeyId . '.shareKey'));
-        // some hacking to simulate public link
-        $GLOBALS['app'] = 'files_sharing';
-        $GLOBALS['fileOwner'] = 'admin';
-        \OC_User::setUserId('');
+		// some hacking to simulate public link
+		$GLOBALS['app'] = 'files_sharing';
+		$GLOBALS['fileOwner'] = 'admin';
+		\OC_User::setUserId('');
-        // get file contents
-        $retrievedCryptedFile = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename);
+		// get file contents
+		$retrievedCryptedFile = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename);
-        // check if data is the same as we previously written
-        $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+		// check if data is the same as we previously written
+		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
-        // tear down
+		// tear down
-        // login as admin
-        $this->loginHelper('admin');
+		// login as admin
+		$this->loginHelper('admin');
-        // unshare the file
-        \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, null);
+		// unshare the file
+		\OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, null);
-        // check if share key not exists
-        $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $publicShareKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+		// check if share key not exists
+		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $publicShareKeyId . '.shareKey'));
-        // cleanup
-        $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+		// cleanup
+		$this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
-        // check if share key not exists
-        $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
-    }
+		// check if share key not exists
+		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+	}
 	function testShareFileWithGroup()
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 		// save file with content
 		$cryptedFile1 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
-		$cryptedFile2 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+		$cryptedFile2 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
 		// test that data was successfully written
@@ -589,9 +589,9 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 		// check if share key for admin and recovery exists
 		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
 		// disable recovery for admin
@@ -600,8 +600,8 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 		// check if share key for recovery not exists
-		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
 		// enable recovery for admin
@@ -610,16 +610,16 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 		// check if share key for admin and recovery exists
-		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
 		// cleanup
 		$this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
-		$this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename);
+		$this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
 		// check if share key for recovery not exists
-		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
 	function testRecoveryForUser()
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 		// save file with content
 		$cryptedFile1 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
-		$cryptedFile2 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+		$cryptedFile2 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
 		// test that data was successfully written
@@ -656,9 +656,9 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 		// check if share key for user and recovery exists
 		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
 		// login as admin
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 		// get file contents
 		$retrievedCryptedFile1 = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename);
-		$retrievedCryptedFile2 = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename);
+		$retrievedCryptedFile2 = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
 		// check if data is the same as we previously written
 		$this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile1);
@@ -683,9 +683,9 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 		// check if share key for user and recovery exists
 		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
-		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder .'/'. $this->filename . '.'.$recoveryKeyId.'.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+		$this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
 		// enable recovery for admin
@@ -697,23 +697,23 @@ class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 	 * @param bool $password
 	function loginHelper($user, $create = false, $password = false)
-    {
-        if ($create) {
-            \OC_User::createUser($user, $user);
-        }
+	{
+		if ($create) {
+			\OC_User::createUser($user, $user);
+		}
-		if($password === false) {
+		if ($password === false) {
 			$password = $user;
-        \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
-        \OC_User::setUserId('');
-        \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
-        \OC_Util::setupFS($user);
-        \OC_User::setUserId($user);
+		\OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+		\OC_User::setUserId('');
+		\OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+		\OC_Util::setupFS($user);
+		\OC_User::setUserId($user);
-        $params['uid'] = $user;
-        $params['password'] = $password;
-        OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
-    }
+		$params['uid'] = $user;
+		$params['password'] = $password;
+		OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+	}
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/util.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/util.php
index 53ac8ee8d63..57ec395342a 100755
--- a/apps/files_encryption/tests/util.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/util.php
@@ -6,20 +6,21 @@
  * See the COPYING-README file.
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../lib/base.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/keymanager.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/proxy.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/stream.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/util.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../appinfo/app.php' );
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
 use OCA\Encryption;
  * Class Test_Encryption_Util
-class Test_Encryption_Util extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+class Test_Encryption_Util extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
 	public $userId;
 	public $encryptionDir;
@@ -38,132 +39,139 @@ class Test_Encryption_Util extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
 	public $util;
 	public $dataShort;
-	function setUp() {
-        // reset backend
-        \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+	function setUp()
+	{
+		// reset backend
+		\OC_User::useBackend('database');
-        \OC_User::setUserId( 'admin' );
-        $this->userId = 'admin';
-        $this->pass = 'admin';
+		\OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+		$this->userId = 'admin';
+		$this->pass = 'admin';
-        // set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
-		$this->dataUrl = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
+		// set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
+		$this->dataUrl = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
 		$this->dataShort = 'hats';
-		$this->dataLong = file_get_contents( realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ) );
-		$this->legacyData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-text.txt' );
-		$this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-encrypted-text.txt' );
+		$this->dataLong = file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php'));
+		$this->legacyData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-text.txt');
+		$this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-encrypted-text.txt');
 		$keypair = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
-		$this->genPublicKey =  $keypair['publicKey'];
+		$this->genPublicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
 		$this->genPrivateKey = $keypair['privateKey'];
-		$this->publicKeyDir =  '/' . 'public-keys';
-		$this->encryptionDir =  '/' . $this->userId . '/' . 'files_encryption';
+		$this->publicKeyDir = '/' . 'public-keys';
+		$this->encryptionDir = '/' . $this->userId . '/' . 'files_encryption';
 		$this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
 		$this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
 		$this->privateKeyPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
-        $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+		$this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
-        $userHome = \OC_User::getHome($this->userId);
-        $this->dataDir = str_replace('/'.$this->userId, '', $userHome);
+		$userHome = \OC_User::getHome($this->userId);
+		$this->dataDir = str_replace('/' . $this->userId, '', $userHome);
-        // Filesystem related hooks
-        \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+		// Filesystem related hooks
+		\OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
-        \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+		\OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
-        \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
-        \OC_User::setUserId('');
-        \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
-        \OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
-        \OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
+		\OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+		\OC_User::setUserId('');
+		\OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+		\OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
+		\OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
-        $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
-        $params['password'] = $this->pass;
-        OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+		$params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+		$params['password'] = $this->pass;
+		OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
-		$this->util = new Encryption\Util( $this->view, $this->userId );
+		$this->util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
-	function tearDown(){
+	function tearDown()
+	{
 	 * @brief test that paths set during User construction are correct
-	function testKeyPaths() {
-		$util = new Encryption\Util( $this->view, $this->userId );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->publicKeyDir, $util->getPath( 'publicKeyDir' ) );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->encryptionDir, $util->getPath( 'encryptionDir' ) );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->keyfilesPath, $util->getPath( 'keyfilesPath' ) );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->publicKeyPath, $util->getPath( 'publicKeyPath' ) );
-		$this->assertEquals( $this->privateKeyPath, $util->getPath( 'privateKeyPath' ) );
+	function testKeyPaths()
+	{
+		$util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
+		$this->assertEquals($this->publicKeyDir, $util->getPath('publicKeyDir'));
+		$this->assertEquals($this->encryptionDir, $util->getPath('encryptionDir'));
+		$this->assertEquals($this->keyfilesPath, $util->getPath('keyfilesPath'));
+		$this->assertEquals($this->publicKeyPath, $util->getPath('publicKeyPath'));
+		$this->assertEquals($this->privateKeyPath, $util->getPath('privateKeyPath'));
 	 * @brief test setup of encryption directories
-	function testSetupServerSide() {
-		$this->assertEquals( true, $this->util->setupServerSide( $this->pass ) );
+	function testSetupServerSide()
+	{
+		$this->assertEquals(true, $this->util->setupServerSide($this->pass));
 	 * @brief test checking whether account is ready for encryption,
-	function testUserIsReady() {
-		$this->assertEquals( true, $this->util->ready() );
+	function testUserIsReady()
+	{
+		$this->assertEquals(true, $this->util->ready());
-	function testRecoveryEnabledForUser() {
-		$util = new Encryption\Util( $this->view, $this->userId );
+	function testRecoveryEnabledForUser()
+	{
+		$util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
 		// Record the value so we can return it to it's original state later
 		$enabled = $util->recoveryEnabledForUser();
-		$this->assertTrue( $util->setRecoveryForUser( 1 ) );
-		$this->assertEquals( 1, $util->recoveryEnabledForUser() );
-		$this->assertTrue( $util->setRecoveryForUser( 0 ) );
-		$this->assertEquals( 0, $util->recoveryEnabledForUser() );
+		$this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser(1));
+		$this->assertEquals(1, $util->recoveryEnabledForUser());
+		$this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser(0));
+		$this->assertEquals(0, $util->recoveryEnabledForUser());
 		// Return the setting to it's previous state
-		$this->assertTrue( $util->setRecoveryForUser( $enabled ) );
+		$this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser($enabled));
-	function testGetUidAndFilename() {
-		\OC_User::setUserId( 'admin' );
-        $filename = 'tmp-'.time().'.test';
+	function testGetUidAndFilename()
+	{
+		\OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+		$filename = 'tmp-' . time() . '.test';
-        // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
-        $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+		// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+		$proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-        $this->view->file_put_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
+		$this->view->file_put_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
-        // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
-        \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+		// Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+		\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
-        $util = new Encryption\Util( $this->view, $this->userId );
+		$util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
-        list($fileOwnerUid, $file) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $filename );
+		list($fileOwnerUid, $file) = $util->getUidAndFilename($filename);
-        $this->assertEquals('admin', $fileOwnerUid);
+		$this->assertEquals('admin', $fileOwnerUid);
-        $this->assertEquals($file, $filename);
+		$this->assertEquals($file, $filename);
\ No newline at end of file
cgit v1.2.3