<?php /** * Name: When * Author: Thomas Planer <tplaner@gmail.com> * Location: http://github.com/tplaner/When * Created: September 2010 * Description: Determines the next date of recursion given an iCalendar "rrule" like pattern. * Requirements: PHP 5.3+ - makes extensive use of the Date and Time library (http://us2.php.net/manual/en/book.datetime.php) */ class When { protected $frequency; protected $start_date; protected $try_date; protected $end_date; protected $gobymonth; protected $bymonth; protected $gobyweekno; protected $byweekno; protected $gobyyearday; protected $byyearday; protected $gobymonthday; protected $bymonthday; protected $gobyday; protected $byday; protected $gobysetpos; protected $bysetpos; protected $suggestions; protected $count; protected $counter; protected $goenddate; protected $interval; protected $wkst; protected $valid_week_days; protected $valid_frequency; /** * __construct */ public function __construct() { $this->frequency = null; $this->gobymonth = false; $this->bymonth = range(1,12); $this->gobymonthday = false; $this->bymonthday = range(1,31); $this->gobyday = false; // setup the valid week days (0 = sunday) $this->byday = range(0,6); $this->gobyyearday = false; $this->byyearday = range(0,366); $this->gobysetpos = false; $this->bysetpos = range(1,366); $this->gobyweekno = false; // setup the range for valid weeks $this->byweekno = range(0,54); $this->suggestions = array(); // this will be set if a count() is specified $this->count = 0; // how many *valid* results we returned $this->counter = 0; // max date we'll return $this->end_date = new DateTime('9999-12-31'); // the interval to increase the pattern by $this->interval = 1; // what day does the week start on? (0 = sunday) $this->wkst = 0; $this->valid_week_days = array('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA'); $this->valid_frequency = array('SECONDLY', 'MINUTELY', 'HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY'); } /** * @param DateTime|string $start_date of the recursion - also is the first return value. * @param string $frequency of the recrusion, valid frequencies: secondly, minutely, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly */ public function recur($start_date, $frequency = "daily") { try { if(is_object($start_date)) { $this->start_date = clone $start_date; } else { // timestamps within the RFC have a 'Z' at the end of them, remove this. $start_date = trim($start_date, 'Z'); $this->start_date = new DateTime($start_date); } $this->try_date = clone $this->start_date; } catch(Exception $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid start date DateTime: ' . $e); } $this->freq($frequency); return $this; } public function freq($frequency) { if(in_array(strtoupper($frequency), $this->valid_frequency)) { $this->frequency = strtoupper($frequency); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid frequency type.'); } return $this; } // accepts an rrule directly public function rrule($rrule) { // strip off a trailing semi-colon $rrule = trim($rrule, ";"); $parts = explode(";", $rrule); foreach($parts as $part) { list($rule, $param) = explode("=", $part); $rule = strtoupper($rule); $param = strtoupper($param); switch($rule) { case "FREQ": $this->frequency = $param; break; case "UNTIL": $this->until($param); break; case "COUNT": $this->count($param); break; case "INTERVAL": $this->interval($param); break; case "BYDAY": $params = explode(",", $param); $this->byday($params); break; case "BYMONTHDAY": $params = explode(",", $param); $this->bymonthday($params); break; case "BYYEARDAY": $params = explode(",", $param); $this->byyearday($params); break; case "BYWEEKNO": $params = explode(",", $param); $this->byweekno($params); break; case "BYMONTH": $params = explode(",", $param); $this->bymonth($params); break; case "BYSETPOS": $params = explode(",", $param); $this->bysetpos($params); break; case "WKST": $this->wkst($param); break; } } return $this; } //max number of items to return based on the pattern public function count($count) { $this->count = (int)$count; return $this; } // how often the recurrence rule repeats public function interval($interval) { $this->interval = (int)$interval; return $this; } // starting day of the week public function wkst($day) { switch($day) { case 'SU': $this->wkst = 0; break; case 'MO': $this->wkst = 1; break; case 'TU': $this->wkst = 2; break; case 'WE': $this->wkst = 3; break; case 'TH': $this->wkst = 4; break; case 'FR': $this->wkst = 5; break; case 'SA': $this->wkst = 6; break; } return $this; } // max date public function until($end_date) { try { if(is_object($end_date)) { $this->end_date = clone $end_date; } else { // timestamps within the RFC have a 'Z' at the end of them, remove this. $end_date = trim($end_date, 'Z'); $this->end_date = new DateTime($end_date); } } catch(Exception $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid end date DateTime: ' . $e); } return $this; } public function bymonth($months) { if(is_array($months)) { $this->gobymonth = true; $this->bymonth = $months; } return $this; } public function bymonthday($days) { if(is_array($days)) { $this->gobymonthday = true; $this->bymonthday = $days; } return $this; } public function byweekno($weeks) { $this->gobyweekno = true; if(is_array($weeks)) { $this->byweekno = $weeks; } return $this; } public function bysetpos($days) { $this->gobysetpos = true; if(is_array($days)) { $this->bysetpos = $days; } return $this; } public function byday($days) { $this->gobyday = true; if(is_array($days)) { $this->byday = array(); foreach($days as $day) { $len = strlen($day); $as = '+'; // 0 mean no occurence is set $occ = 0; if($len == 3) { $occ = substr($day, 0, 1); } if($len == 4) { $as = substr($day, 0, 1); $occ = substr($day, 1, 1); } if($as == '-') { $occ = '-' . $occ; } else { $occ = '+' . $occ; } $day = substr($day, -2, 2); switch($day) { case 'SU': $this->byday[] = $occ . 'SU'; break; case 'MO': $this->byday[] = $occ . 'MO'; break; case 'TU': $this->byday[] = $occ . 'TU'; break; case 'WE': $this->byday[] = $occ . 'WE'; break; case 'TH': $this->byday[] = $occ . 'TH'; break; case 'FR': $this->byday[] = $occ . 'FR'; break; case 'SA': $this->byday[] = $occ . 'SA'; break; } } } return $this; } public function byyearday($days) { $this->gobyyearday = true; if(is_array($days)) { $this->byyearday = $days; } return $this; } // this creates a basic list of dates to "try" protected function create_suggestions() { switch($this->frequency) { case "YEARLY": $interval = 'year'; break; case "MONTHLY": $interval = 'month'; break; case "WEEKLY": $interval = 'week'; break; case "DAILY": $interval = 'day'; break; case "HOURLY": $interval = 'hour'; break; case "MINUTELY": $interval = 'minute'; break; case "SECONDLY": $interval = 'second'; break; } $month_day = $this->try_date->format('j'); $month = $this->try_date->format('n'); $year = $this->try_date->format('Y'); $timestamp = $this->try_date->format('H:i:s'); if($this->gobysetpos) { if($this->try_date == $this->start_date) { $this->suggestions[] = clone $this->try_date; } else { if($this->gobyday) { foreach($this->bysetpos as $_pos) { $tmp_array = array(); $_mdays = range(1, date('t',mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year))); foreach($_mdays as $_mday) { $date_time = new DateTime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $_mday . ' ' . $timestamp); $occur = ceil($_mday / 7); $day_of_week = $date_time->format('l'); $dow_abr = strtoupper(substr($day_of_week, 0, 2)); // set the day of the month + (positive) $occur = '+' . $occur . $dow_abr; $occur_zero = '+0' . $dow_abr; // set the day of the month - (negative) $total_days = $date_time->format('t') - $date_time->format('j'); $occur_neg = '-' . ceil(($total_days + 1)/7) . $dow_abr; $day_from_end_of_month = $date_time->format('t') + 1 - $_mday; if(in_array($occur, $this->byday) || in_array($occur_zero, $this->byday) || in_array($occur_neg, $this->byday)) { $tmp_array[] = clone $date_time; } } if($_pos > 0) { $this->suggestions[] = clone $tmp_array[$_pos - 1]; } else { $this->suggestions[] = clone $tmp_array[count($tmp_array) + $_pos]; } } } } } elseif($this->gobyyearday) { foreach($this->byyearday as $_day) { if($_day >= 0) { $_day--; $_time = strtotime('+' . $_day . ' days', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year)); $this->suggestions[] = new Datetime(date('Y-m-d', $_time) . ' ' . $timestamp); } else { $year_day_neg = 365 + $_day; $leap_year = $this->try_date->format('L'); if($leap_year == 1) { $year_day_neg = 366 + $_day; } $_time = strtotime('+' . $year_day_neg . ' days', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year)); $this->suggestions[] = new Datetime(date('Y-m-d', $_time) . ' ' . $timestamp); } } } // special case because for years you need to loop through the months too elseif($this->gobyday && $interval == "year") { foreach($this->bymonth as $_month) { // this creates an array of days of the month $_mdays = range(1, date('t',mktime(0,0,0,$_month,1,$year))); foreach($_mdays as $_mday) { $date_time = new DateTime($year . '-' . $_month . '-' . $_mday . ' ' . $timestamp); // get the week of the month (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc) $week = $date_time->format('W'); if($date_time >= $this->start_date && in_array($week, $this->byweekno)) { $this->suggestions[] = clone $date_time; } } } } elseif($interval == "day") { $this->suggestions[] = clone $this->try_date; } elseif($interval == "week") { $this->suggestions[] = clone $this->try_date; if($this->gobyday) { $week_day = $this->try_date->format('w'); $days_in_month = $this->try_date->format('t'); $overflow_count = 1; $_day = $month_day; $run = true; while($run) { $_day++; if($_day <= $days_in_month) { $tmp_date = new DateTime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $_day . ' ' . $timestamp); } else { //$tmp_month = $month+1; $tmp_date = new DateTime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $overflow_count . ' ' . $timestamp); $tmp_date->modify('+1 month'); $overflow_count++; } $week_day = $tmp_date->format('w'); if($this->try_date == $this->start_date) { if($week_day == $this->wkst) { $this->try_date = clone $tmp_date; $this->try_date->modify('-7 days'); $run = false; } } if($week_day != $this->wkst) { $this->suggestions[] = clone $tmp_date; } else { $run = false; } } } } elseif($this->gobyday && $interval == "month") { $_mdays = range(1, date('t',mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year))); foreach($_mdays as $_mday) { $date_time = new DateTime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $_mday . ' ' . $timestamp); // get the week of the month (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc) $week = $date_time->format('W'); if($date_time >= $this->start_date && in_array($week, $this->byweekno)) { $this->suggestions[] = clone $date_time; } } } elseif($this->gobymonth) { foreach($this->bymonth as $_month) { $date_time = new DateTime($year . '-' . $_month . '-' . $month_day . ' ' . $timestamp); if($date_time >= $this->start_date) { $this->suggestions[] = clone $date_time; } } } else { $this->suggestions[] = clone $this->try_date; } if($interval == "month") { $this->try_date->modify('first day of next month'); if((int) date('t', $this->try_date->format('U')) > (int) $this->start_date->format('j')){ $this->try_date->modify('+' . (int) $this->start_date->format('j') - 1 . ' day'); }else{ $this->try_date->modify('+' . (int) date('t', $this->try_date->format('U')) - 1 . ' day'); } } else { $this->try_date->modify($this->interval . ' ' . $interval); } } protected function valid_date($date) { $year = $date->format('Y'); $month = $date->format('n'); $day = $date->format('j'); $year_day = $date->format('z') + 1; $year_day_neg = -366 + $year_day; $leap_year = $date->format('L'); if($leap_year == 1) { $year_day_neg = -367 + $year_day; } // this is the nth occurence of the date $occur = ceil($day / 7); $week = $date->format('W'); $day_of_week = $date->format('l'); $dow_abr = strtoupper(substr($day_of_week, 0, 2)); // set the day of the month + (positive) $occur = '+' . $occur . $dow_abr; $occur_zero = '+0' . $dow_abr; // set the day of the month - (negative) $total_days = $date->format('t') - $date->format('j'); $occur_neg = '-' . ceil(($total_days + 1)/7) . $dow_abr; $day_from_end_of_month = $date->format('t') + 1 - $day; if(in_array($month, $this->bymonth) && (in_array($occur, $this->byday) || in_array($occur_zero, $this->byday) || in_array($occur_neg, $this->byday)) && in_array($week, $this->byweekno) && (in_array($day, $this->bymonthday) || in_array(-$day_from_end_of_month, $this->bymonthday)) && (in_array($year_day, $this->byyearday) || in_array($year_day_neg, $this->byyearday))) { return true; } else { return false; } } // return the next valid DateTime object which matches the pattern and follows the rules public function next() { // check the counter is set if($this->count !== 0) { if($this->counter >= $this->count) { return false; } } // create initial set of suggested dates if(count($this->suggestions) === 0) { $this->create_suggestions(); } // loop through the suggested dates while(count($this->suggestions) > 0) { // get the first one on the array $try_date = array_shift($this->suggestions); // make sure the date doesn't exceed the max date if($try_date > $this->end_date) { return false; } // make sure it falls within the allowed days if($this->valid_date($try_date) === true) { $this->counter++; return $try_date; } else { // we might be out of suggested days, so load some more if(count($this->suggestions) === 0) { $this->create_suggestions(); } } } } }