<?php /** * ownCloud - bookmarks plugin * * @author Arthur Schiwon * @copyright 2011 Arthur Schiwon blizzz@arthur-schiwon.de * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ /** * This class manages bookmarks */ class OC_Bookmarks_Bookmarks{ /** * @brief Finds all bookmarks, matching the filter * @param offset result offset * @param sqlSortColumn sort result with this column * @param filter can be: empty -> no filter, a string -> filter this, a string array -> filter for all strings * @param filterTagOnly if true, filter affacts only tags, else filter affects url, title and tags * @return void */ public static function findBookmarks($offset, $sqlSortColumn, $filter, $filterTagOnly){ //OCP\Util::writeLog('bookmarks', 'findBookmarks ' .$offset. ' '.$sqlSortColumn.' '. $filter.' '. $filterTagOnly ,OCP\Util::DEBUG); $CONFIG_DBTYPE = OCP\Config::getSystemValue( 'dbtype', 'sqlite' ); $params=array(OCP\USER::getUser()); if( $CONFIG_DBTYPE == 'sqlite' or $CONFIG_DBTYPE == 'sqlite3' ){ $_gc_separator = ', \' \''; } else { $_gc_separator = 'SEPARATOR \' \''; } if($filter){ if($CONFIG_DBTYPE == 'pgsql' ) $tagString = 'array_to_string(array_agg(tag), \' \')'; else $tagString = 'tags'; $sqlFilterTag = 'HAVING '; if(is_array($filter)){ $first = true; $filterstring = ''; foreach ($filter as $singleFilter){ $filterstring = $filterstring . ($first?'':' AND ') . $tagString.' LIKE ? '; $params[] = '%'.$singleFilter.'%'; $first=false; } $sqlFilterTag = $sqlFilterTag . $filterstring; } else{ $sqlFilterTag = $sqlFilterTag .$tagString.' LIKE ? '; $params[] = '%'.$filter.'%'; } } else { $sqlFilterTag = ''; } if($CONFIG_DBTYPE == 'pgsql' ){ $query = OCP\DB::prepare(' SELECT `id`, `url`, `title`, '.($filterTagOnly?'':'`url` || `title` ||').' array_to_string(array_agg(`tag`), \' \') as `tags` FROM `*PREFIX*bookmarks` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags` ON `*PREFIX*bookmarks`.`id` = `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags`.`bookmark_id` WHERE `*PREFIX*bookmarks`.`user_id` = ? GROUP BY `id`, `url`, `title` '.$sqlFilterTag.' ORDER BY `*PREFIX*bookmarks`.`'.$sqlSortColumn.'` DESC', 10,$offset); } else { if( $CONFIG_DBTYPE == 'sqlite' or $CONFIG_DBTYPE == 'sqlite3' ) $concatFunction = '(url || title || '; else $concatFunction = 'Concat(Concat( url, title), '; $query = OCP\DB::prepare(' SELECT `id`, `url`, `title`, ' .($filterTagOnly?'':$concatFunction). 'CASE WHEN `*PREFIX*bookmarks`.`id` = `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags`.`bookmark_id` THEN GROUP_CONCAT( `tag` ' .$_gc_separator. ' ) ELSE \' \' END ' .($filterTagOnly?'':')').' AS `tags` FROM `*PREFIX*bookmarks` LEFT JOIN `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags` ON 1=1 WHERE (`*PREFIX*bookmarks`.`id` = `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags`.`bookmark_id` OR `*PREFIX*bookmarks`.`id` NOT IN ( SELECT `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags`.`bookmark_id` FROM `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags` ) ) AND `*PREFIX*bookmarks`.`user_id` = ? GROUP BY `url` '.$sqlFilterTag.' ORDER BY `*PREFIX*bookmarks`.`'.$sqlSortColumn.'` DESC', 10, $offset); } $bookmarks = $query->execute($params)->fetchAll(); return $bookmarks; } public static function deleteUrl($id) { $user = OCP\USER::getUser(); $query = OCP\DB::prepare(" SELECT `id` FROM `*PREFIX*bookmarks` WHERE `id` = ? AND `user_id` = ? "); $result = $query->execute(array($id, $user)); $id = $result->fetchOne(); if ($id === false) { return false; } $query = OCP\DB::prepare(" DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*bookmarks` WHERE `id` = $id "); $result = $query->execute(); $query = OCP\DB::prepare(" DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*bookmarks_tags` WHERE `bookmark_id` = $id "); $result = $query->execute(); return true; } } ?>