* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ /* * This class manages shared calendars */ class OC_Calendar_Share{ const CALENDAR = 'calendar'; const EVENT = 'event'; /* * @brief: returns informations about all calendar or events which users are sharing with the user - userid * @param: (string) $userid - id of the user * @param: (string) $type - use const self::CALENDAR or self::EVENT * @return: (array) $return - information about calendars */ public static function allSharedwithuser($userid, $type, $active=null){ $group_where = ''; $groups = OC_Group::getUserGroups($userid); $i = 0; foreach($groups as $group){ if($i == 0){ $group_where = 'OR ('; }else{ $group_where .= ' OR '; } $group_where .= ' (share = "' . $group . '" and sharetype = "group") '; $i++; } $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*calendar_share_' . $type . ' WHERE ((share = ? AND sharetype = "user") ' . $group_where . ') AND owner <> ?' . ((!is_null($active) && $active)?' AND active = 1':'')); $result = $stmt->execute(array($userid, $userid)); $return = array(); while( $row = $result->fetchRow()){ $return[] = $row; } return $return; } /* * @brief: returns all users a calendar / event is shared with * @param: (int) id - id of the calendar / event * @param: (string) $type - use const self::CALENDAR or self::EVENT * @return: (array) $users - information about users a calendar / event is shared with */ public static function allUsersSharedwith($id, $type){ $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*calendar_share_' . $type . ' WHERE ' . $type . 'id = ? ORDER BY share'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($id)); $users = array(); while( $row = $result->fetchRow()){ $users[] = $row; } return $users; } /* * @brief: shares a calendar / event * @param: (string) $owner - userid of the owner * @param: (string) $share - userid (if $sharetype == user) / groupid (if $sharetype == group) / token (if $sharetype == public) * @param: (string) $sharetype - type of sharing (can be: user/group/public) * @param: (string) $id - id of the calendar / event * @param: (string) $type - use const self::CALENDAR or self::EVENT * @return (mixed) - token (if $sharetype == public) / bool (if $sharetype != public) */ public static function share($owner, $share, $sharetype, $id, $type){ if(self::is_already_shared($owner, $share, $sharetype, $id, $type)){ return false; } switch($sharetype){ case 'user': case 'group': case 'public': break; default: return false; } if($sharetype == 'public'){ $share = self::generate_token(); } $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO *PREFIX*calendar_share_' . $type . ' (owner,share,sharetype,' . $type . 'id,permissions' . (($type == self::CALENDAR)?', active':'') . ') VALUES(?,?,?,?,0' . (($type == self::CALENDAR)?', 1':'') . ')' ); $result = $stmt->execute(array($owner,$share,$sharetype,$id)); if($sharetype == 'public'){ return $share; }else{ return true; } } /* * @brief: stops sharing a calendar / event * @param: (string) $owner - userid of the owner * @param: (string) $share - userid (if $sharetype == user) / groupid (if $sharetype == group) / token (if $sharetype == public) * @param: (string) $sharetype - type of sharing (can be: user/group/public) * @param: (string) $id - id of the calendar / event * @param: (string) $type - use const self::CALENDAR or self::EVENT * @return (bool) */ public static function unshare($owner, $share, $sharetype, $id, $type){ $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*calendar_share_' . $type . ' WHERE owner = ? ' . (($sharetype != 'public')?'AND share = ?':'') . ' AND sharetype = ? AND ' . $type . 'id = ?'); if($sharetype != 'public'){ $stmt->execute(array($owner,$share,$sharetype,$id)); }else{ $stmt->execute(array($owner,$sharetype,$id)); } return true; } /* * @brief: changes the permission for a calendar / event * @param: (string) $share - userid (if $sharetype == user) / groupid (if $sharetype == group) / token (if $sharetype == public) * @param: (string) $sharetype - type of sharing (can be: user/group/public) * @param: (string) $id - id of the calendar / event * @param: (int) $permission - permission of user the calendar / event is shared with (if $sharetype == public then $permission = 0) * @param: (string) $type - use const self::CALENDAR or self::EVENT * @return (bool) */ public static function changepermission($share, $sharetype, $id, $permission, $type){ if($sharetype == 'public' && $permission == 1){ $permission = 0; } $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE *PREFIX*calendar_share_' . $type . ' SET permissions = ? WHERE share = ? AND sharetype = ? AND ' . $type . 'id = ?'); $stmt->execute(array($permission, $share, $sharetype, $id)); return true; } /* * @brief: generates a token for public calendars / events * @return: (string) $token */ private static function generate_token($id, $type){ $uniqid = uniqid(); if($type == self::CALENDAR){ $events = OC_Calendar_Objects::all($id); $string = ''; foreach($events as $event){ $string .= $event['calendardata']; } }else{ $string = OC_Calendar_Object::find($id); } $string = sha1($string); $id = sha1($id); $array = array($uniqid,$string,$id); shuffle($array); $string = implode('', $array); $token = md5($string); return substr($token, rand(0,16), 15); } /* * @brief: checks if it is already shared * @param: (string) $owner - userid of the owner * @param: (string) $share - userid (if $sharetype == user) / groupid (if $sharetype == group) / token (if $sharetype == public) * @param: (string) $sharetype - type of sharing (can be: user/group/public) * @param: (string) $id - id of the calendar / event * @param: (string) $type - use const self::CALENDAR or self::EVENT * @return (bool) */ private static function is_already_shared($owner, $share, $sharetype, $id, $type){ $stmt = OC_DB::prepare('SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*calendar_share_' . $type . ' WHERE owner = ? AND share = ? AND sharetype = ? AND ' . $type . 'id = ?'); $result = $stmt->execute(array($owner, $share, $sharetype, $id)); if($result->numRows() > 0){ return true; } return false; } }