{ "translations": { "Comments" : "Comentaris", "You commented" : "Heu comentat", "%1$s commented" : "%1$s ha comentat", "{author} commented" : "{author} ha comentat", "You commented on %1$s" : "Heu comentat a %1$s", "You commented on {file}" : "Heu comentat a {file}", "%1$s commented on %2$s" : "%1$s ha comentat a %2$s", "{author} commented on {file}" : "{author} ha comentat a {file}", "<strong>Comments</strong> for files" : "<strong>Comentaris</strong> per fitxers", "You were mentioned on “{file}”, in a comment by a user that has since been deleted" : "Heu estat esmentats a \"{file}\" en un comentari d'un usuari que ja no existeix", "{user} mentioned you in a comment on “{file}”" : "{user} us ha esmentat en un comentari de “{file}”", "Files app plugin to add comments to files" : "Connexió de l’aplicació de fitxers per afegir comentaris als fitxers", "Edit comment" : "Edita comentari", "Delete comment" : "Suprimeix comentari", "No comments yet, start the conversation!" : "Encara no hi ha comentaris. Enceteu la conversa!", "Retry" : "Torna a intentar", "_%n unread comment_::_%n unread comments_" : ["%n comentari no llegit","%n comentaris no llegits"], "_1 new comment_::_{unread} new comments_" : ["1 comentari nou","{unread} comentaris nous"], "Comment" : "Comentari", "Comment deleted" : "Comentari suprimit", "New comment …" : "Nou comentari...", "Post" : "Publica", "Cancel" : "Cancel·la", "[Deleted user]" : "[Usuari suprimit]", "More comments …" : "Més comentaris...", "Save" : "Desa", "Allowed characters {count} of {max}" : "{count} caràcters permesos de {max}", "Error occurred while retrieving comment with ID {id}" : "S'ha produït un error en recuperar el comentari amb l'ID {id}", "Error occurred while updating comment with id {id}" : "Hi ha hagut un error en actualitzar el comentari amb id {id}", "Error occurred while posting comment" : "Hi ha hagut un error en publicar el comentari" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }