OC.L10N.register( "comments", { "Comments" : "Kommentaarid", "You commented" : "Sa kommenteerisid", "{author} commented" : "{author} kommenteeris", "You commented on %1$s" : "Sa kommmenteerisid %1$s", "You commented on {file}" : "Sa kommenteerisid faili {file}", "%1$s commented on %2$s" : "%1$s kommenteeris %2$s", "{author} commented on {file}" : "{author} kommenteeris faili {file}", "Comments for files" : "Kommentaarid failidele", "Files" : "Failid", "You were mentioned on \"{file}\", in a comment by an account that has since been deleted" : "Sind mainiti \"{file}\" kommentaarides konto poolt, mis on nüüdseks kustutatud", "{user} mentioned you in a comment on \"{file}\"" : "{user} mainis sind faili \"{file}\" kommentaaris", "Files app plugin to add comments to files" : "Failid rakenduse laiendus failidele kommentaaride lisamiseks", "Edit comment" : "Muuda kommentaari", "Delete comment" : "Kustuta kommentaar", "Cancel edit" : "Loobu muutmisest", "New comment" : "Uus kommentaar", "Write a comment …" : "Kirjuta kommentaar...", "Post comment" : "Postita kommentaar", "@ for mentions, : for emoji, / for smart picker" : "@ mainimiseks, : emojide jaoks, / nutika valija jaoks", "Could not reload comments" : "Ei saanud kommentaare uuesti laadida", "Failed to mark comments as read" : "Kommentaaride loetuks märkimine ebaõnnestus", "Unable to load the comments list" : "Kommentaaride loendi laadimine ebaõnnestus", "No comments yet, start the conversation!" : "Kommentaare veel pole, alusta vestlust!", "No more messages" : "Rohkem teateid pole", "Retry" : "Proovi uuesti", "_1 new comment_::_{unread} new comments_" : ["1 uus kommentaar","{unread} uus kommentaar"], "Comment" : "Kommentaar", "An error occurred while trying to edit the comment" : "Kommentaari muutmisel tekkis tõrge", "Comment deleted" : "Kommentaar kustutatud", "An error occurred while trying to delete the comment" : "Kommentaari kustutamisel tekkis tõrge", "An error occurred while trying to create the comment" : "Kommentaari lisamisel tekkis tõrge" }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");