{ "translations": {
"Comments" : "留言",
"You commented" : "您已留言",
"{author} commented" : "{author} 已留言",
"You commented on %1$s" : "你對 %1$s 留了言",
"You commented on {file}" : "你對 {file} 留了言",
"%1$s commented on %2$s" : "%1$s 對 %2$s 留了言",
"{author} commented on {file}" : "{author} 對 {file} 留了言",
"Comments for files" : "檔案的留言",
"Files" : "檔案",
"You were mentioned on \"{file}\", in a comment by an account that has since been deleted" : "一個已被刪除的帳戶在 “{file}” 的留言中提到你",
"{user} mentioned you in a comment on \"{file}\"" : "{user} 在 “{file}” 的留言中提到你",
"Files app plugin to add comments to files" : "檔案插件程式插件,用於為檔案增加註釋",
"Edit comment" : "編輯留言",
"Delete comment" : "刪除留言",
"Cancel edit" : "取消編輯",
"New comment" : "新評論",
"Write a comment …" : "發表評論 ...",
"Post comment" : "張貼留言",
"@ for mentions, : for emoji, / for smart picker" : "“@” 表示提及,“:” 表示表情符號,“/” 表示智慧型選擇器",
"Could not reload comments" : "無法重新加載評論",
"Failed to mark comments as read" : "無法將評論標記為已讀",
"Unable to load the comments list" : "無法載入留言清單",
"No comments yet, start the conversation!" : "尚無留言,開始討論吧!",
"No more messages" : "沒有更多訊息",
"Retry" : "重試",
"_1 new comment_::_{unread} new comments_" : ["{unread} 個新留言"],
"Comment" : "留言",
"An error occurred while trying to edit the comment" : "嘗試編輯此留言時錯誤",
"Comment deleted" : "意見刪除",
"An error occurred while trying to delete the comment" : "嘗試刪除此留言時錯誤",
"An error occurred while trying to create the comment" : "嘗試建立此留言時錯誤"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"