getApp() !== 'comments') { throw new UnknownActivityException(); } $this->l = $this->languageFactory->get('comments', $language); if ($event->getSubject() === 'add_comment_subject') { $this->parseMessage($event); if ($this->activityManager->getRequirePNG()) { $event->setIcon($this->url->getAbsoluteURL($this->url->imagePath('core', 'actions/comment.png'))); } else { $event->setIcon($this->url->getAbsoluteURL($this->url->imagePath('core', 'actions/comment.svg'))); } if ($this->activityManager->isFormattingFilteredObject()) { try { return $this->parseShortVersion($event); } catch (UnknownActivityException) { // Ignore and simply use the long version... } } return $this->parseLongVersion($event); } throw new UnknownActivityException(); } /** * @throws UnknownActivityException */ protected function parseShortVersion(IEvent $event): IEvent { $subjectParameters = $this->getSubjectParameters($event); if ($event->getSubject() === 'add_comment_subject') { if ($subjectParameters['actor'] === $this->activityManager->getCurrentUserId()) { $event->setRichSubject($this->l->t('You commented'), []); } else { $author = $this->generateUserParameter($subjectParameters['actor']); $event->setRichSubject($this->l->t('{author} commented'), [ 'author' => $author, ]); } } else { throw new UnknownActivityException(); } return $event; } /** * @throws UnknownActivityException */ protected function parseLongVersion(IEvent $event): IEvent { $subjectParameters = $this->getSubjectParameters($event); if ($event->getSubject() === 'add_comment_subject') { if ($subjectParameters['actor'] === $this->activityManager->getCurrentUserId()) { $event->setParsedSubject($this->l->t('You commented on %1$s', [ $subjectParameters['filePath'], ])) ->setRichSubject($this->l->t('You commented on {file}'), [ 'file' => $this->generateFileParameter($subjectParameters['fileId'], $subjectParameters['filePath']), ]); } else { $author = $this->generateUserParameter($subjectParameters['actor']); $event->setParsedSubject($this->l->t('%1$s commented on %2$s', [ $author['name'], $subjectParameters['filePath'], ])) ->setRichSubject($this->l->t('{author} commented on {file}'), [ 'author' => $author, 'file' => $this->generateFileParameter($subjectParameters['fileId'], $subjectParameters['filePath']), ]); } } else { throw new UnknownActivityException(); } return $event; } protected function getSubjectParameters(IEvent $event): array { $subjectParameters = $event->getSubjectParameters(); if (isset($subjectParameters['fileId'])) { return $subjectParameters; } // Fix subjects from 12.0.3 and older // // Do NOT Remove unless necessary // Removing this will break parsing of activities that were created on // Nextcloud 12, so we should keep this as long as it's acceptable. // Otherwise if people upgrade over multiple releases in a short period, // they will get the dead entries in their stream. return [ 'actor' => $subjectParameters[0], 'fileId' => $event->getObjectId(), 'filePath' => trim($subjectParameters[1], '/'), ]; } protected function parseMessage(IEvent $event): void { $messageParameters = $event->getMessageParameters(); if (empty($messageParameters)) { // Email return; } $commentId = $messageParameters['commentId'] ?? $messageParameters[0]; try { $comment = $this->commentsManager->get((string)$commentId); $message = $comment->getMessage(); $mentionCount = 1; $mentions = []; foreach ($comment->getMentions() as $mention) { if ($mention['type'] !== 'user') { continue; } $message = str_replace('@"' . $mention['id'] . '"', '{mention' . $mentionCount . '}', $message); if (!str_contains($mention['id'], ' ') && !str_starts_with($mention['id'], 'guest/')) { $message = str_replace('@' . $mention['id'], '{mention' . $mentionCount . '}', $message); } $mentions['mention' . $mentionCount] = $this->generateUserParameter($mention['id']); $mentionCount++; } $event->setParsedMessage($comment->getMessage()) ->setRichMessage($message, $mentions); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { } } protected function generateFileParameter(int $id, string $path): array { return [ 'type' => 'file', 'id' => $id, 'name' => basename($path), 'path' => $path, 'link' => $this->url->linkToRouteAbsolute('files.viewcontroller.showFile', ['fileid' => $id]), ]; } protected function generateUserParameter(string $uid): array { return [ 'type' => 'user', 'id' => $uid, 'name' => $this->userManager->getDisplayName($uid) ?? $uid, ]; } }