* * @author Anna Larch * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ namespace OCA\DAV\CalDAV\Schedule; use OC\URLGenerator; use OCP\IConfig; use OCP\IDBConnection; use OCP\IL10N; use OCP\L10N\IFactory as L10NFactory; use OCP\Mail\IEMailTemplate; use OCP\Security\ISecureRandom; use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar; use Sabre\VObject\Component\VEvent; use Sabre\VObject\DateTimeParser; use Sabre\VObject\ITip\Message; use Sabre\VObject\Parameter; use Sabre\VObject\Property; use Sabre\VObject\Recur\EventIterator; class IMipService { private URLGenerator $urlGenerator; private IConfig $config; private IDBConnection $db; private ISecureRandom $random; private L10NFactory $l10nFactory; private IL10N $l10n; /** @var string[] */ private const STRING_DIFF = [ 'meeting_title' => 'SUMMARY', 'meeting_description' => 'DESCRIPTION', 'meeting_url' => 'URL', 'meeting_location' => 'LOCATION' ]; public function __construct(URLGenerator $urlGenerator, IConfig $config, IDBConnection $db, ISecureRandom $random, L10NFactory $l10nFactory) { $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator; $this->config = $config; $this->db = $db; $this->random = $random; $this->l10nFactory = $l10nFactory; $default = $this->l10nFactory->findGenericLanguage(); $this->l10n = $this->l10nFactory->get('dav', $default); } /** * @param string|null $senderName * @param string $default * @return string */ public function getFrom(?string $senderName, string $default): string { if ($senderName === null) { return $default; } return $this->l10n->t('%1$s via %2$s', [$senderName, $default]); } public static function readPropertyWithDefault(VEvent $vevent, string $property, string $default) { if (isset($vevent->$property)) { $value = $vevent->$property->getValue(); if (!empty($value)) { return $value; } } return $default; } private function generateDiffString(VEvent $vevent, VEvent $oldVEvent, string $property, string $default): ?string { $strikethrough = "%s
%s"; if (!isset($vevent->$property)) { return $default; } $newstring = $vevent->$property->getValue(); if(isset($oldVEvent->$property)) { $oldstring = $oldVEvent->$property->getValue(); return sprintf($strikethrough, $oldstring, $newstring); } return $newstring; } /** * @param VEvent $vEvent * @param VEvent|null $oldVEvent * @return array */ public function buildBodyData(VEvent $vEvent, ?VEvent $oldVEvent): array { $defaultVal = ''; $data = []; $data['meeting_when'] = $this->generateWhenString($vEvent); foreach(self::STRING_DIFF as $key => $property) { $data[$key] = self::readPropertyWithDefault($vEvent, $property, $defaultVal); } $data['meeting_url_html'] = self::readPropertyWithDefault($vEvent, 'URL', $defaultVal); if(!empty($oldVEvent)) { $oldMeetingWhen = $this->generateWhenString($oldVEvent); $data['meeting_title_html'] = $this->generateDiffString($vEvent, $oldVEvent, 'SUMMARY', $data['meeting_title']); $data['meeting_description_html'] = $this->generateDiffString($vEvent, $oldVEvent, 'DESCRIPTION', $data['meeting_description']); $data['meeting_location_html'] = $this->generateDiffString($vEvent, $oldVEvent, 'LOCATION', $data['meeting_location']); $oldUrl = self::readPropertyWithDefault($oldVEvent, 'URL', $defaultVal); $data['meeting_url_html'] = !empty($oldUrl) ? sprintf('%1$s', $oldUrl) : $data['meeting_url']; $data['meeting_when_html'] = ($oldMeetingWhen !== $data['meeting_when'] && $oldMeetingWhen !== null) ? sprintf("%s
%s", $oldMeetingWhen, $data['meeting_when']) : $data['meeting_when']; } return $data; } /** * @param IL10N $this->l10n * @param VEvent $vevent * @return false|int|string */ public function generateWhenString(VEvent $vevent) { /** @var Property\ICalendar\DateTime $dtstart */ $dtstart = $vevent->DTSTART; if (isset($vevent->DTEND)) { /** @var Property\ICalendar\DateTime $dtend */ $dtend = $vevent->DTEND; } elseif (isset($vevent->DURATION)) { $isFloating = $dtstart->isFloating(); $dtend = clone $dtstart; $endDateTime = $dtend->getDateTime(); $endDateTime = $endDateTime->add(DateTimeParser::parse($vevent->DURATION->getValue())); $dtend->setDateTime($endDateTime, $isFloating); } elseif (!$dtstart->hasTime()) { $isFloating = $dtstart->isFloating(); $dtend = clone $dtstart; $endDateTime = $dtend->getDateTime(); $endDateTime = $endDateTime->modify('+1 day'); $dtend->setDateTime($endDateTime, $isFloating); } else { $dtend = clone $dtstart; } /** @var Property\ICalendar\Date | Property\ICalendar\DateTime $dtstart */ /** @var \DateTimeImmutable $dtstartDt */ $dtstartDt = $dtstart->getDateTime(); /** @var Property\ICalendar\Date | Property\ICalendar\DateTime $dtend */ /** @var \DateTimeImmutable $dtendDt */ $dtendDt = $dtend->getDateTime(); $diff = $dtstartDt->diff($dtendDt); $dtstartDt = new \DateTime($dtstartDt->format(\DateTimeInterface::ATOM)); $dtendDt = new \DateTime($dtendDt->format(\DateTimeInterface::ATOM)); if ($dtstart instanceof Property\ICalendar\Date) { // One day event if ($diff->days === 1) { return $this->l10n->l('date', $dtstartDt, ['width' => 'medium']); } // DTEND is exclusive, so if the ics data says 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-05, // the email should show 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-04. $dtendDt->modify('-1 day'); //event that spans over multiple days $localeStart = $this->l10n->l('date', $dtstartDt, ['width' => 'medium']); $localeEnd = $this->l10n->l('date', $dtendDt, ['width' => 'medium']); return $localeStart . ' - ' . $localeEnd; } /** @var Property\ICalendar\DateTime $dtstart */ /** @var Property\ICalendar\DateTime $dtend */ $isFloating = $dtstart->isFloating(); $startTimezone = $endTimezone = null; if (!$isFloating) { $prop = $dtstart->offsetGet('TZID'); if ($prop instanceof Parameter) { $startTimezone = $prop->getValue(); } $prop = $dtend->offsetGet('TZID'); if ($prop instanceof Parameter) { $endTimezone = $prop->getValue(); } } $localeStart = $this->l10n->l('weekdayName', $dtstartDt, ['width' => 'abbreviated']) . ', ' . $this->l10n->l('datetime', $dtstartDt, ['width' => 'medium|short']); // always show full date with timezone if timezones are different if ($startTimezone !== $endTimezone) { $localeEnd = $this->l10n->l('datetime', $dtendDt, ['width' => 'medium|short']); return $localeStart . ' (' . $startTimezone . ') - ' . $localeEnd . ' (' . $endTimezone . ')'; } // show only end time if date is the same if ($dtstartDt->format('Y-m-d') === $dtendDt->format('Y-m-d')) { $localeEnd = $this->l10n->l('time', $dtendDt, ['width' => 'short']); } else { $localeEnd = $this->l10n->l('weekdayName', $dtendDt, ['width' => 'abbreviated']) . ', ' . $this->l10n->l('datetime', $dtendDt, ['width' => 'medium|short']); } return $localeStart . ' - ' . $localeEnd . ' (' . $startTimezone . ')'; } /** * @param VEvent $vEvent * @return array */ public function buildCancelledBodyData(VEvent $vEvent): array { $defaultVal = ''; $strikethrough = "%s"; $newMeetingWhen = $this->generateWhenString($vEvent); $newSummary = isset($vEvent->SUMMARY) && (string)$vEvent->SUMMARY !== '' ? (string)$vEvent->SUMMARY : $this->l10n->t('Untitled event');; $newDescription = isset($vEvent->DESCRIPTION) && (string)$vEvent->DESCRIPTION !== '' ? (string)$vEvent->DESCRIPTION : $defaultVal; $newUrl = isset($vEvent->URL) && (string)$vEvent->URL !== '' ? sprintf('%1$s', $vEvent->URL) : $defaultVal; $newLocation = isset($vEvent->LOCATION) && (string)$vEvent->LOCATION !== '' ? (string)$vEvent->LOCATION : $defaultVal; $data = []; $data['meeting_when_html'] = $newMeetingWhen === '' ?: sprintf($strikethrough, $newMeetingWhen); $data['meeting_when'] = $newMeetingWhen; $data['meeting_title_html'] = sprintf($strikethrough, $newSummary); $data['meeting_title'] = $newSummary !== '' ? $newSummary: $this->l10n->t('Untitled event'); $data['meeting_description_html'] = $newDescription !== '' ? sprintf($strikethrough, $newDescription) : ''; $data['meeting_description'] = $newDescription; $data['meeting_url_html'] = $newUrl !== '' ? sprintf($strikethrough, $newUrl) : ''; $data['meeting_url'] = isset($vEvent->URL) ? (string)$vEvent->URL : ''; $data['meeting_location_html'] = $newLocation !== '' ? sprintf($strikethrough, $newLocation) : ''; $data['meeting_location'] = $newLocation; return $data; } /** * Check if event took place in the past * * @param VCalendar $vObject * @return int */ public function getLastOccurrence(VCalendar $vObject) { /** @var VEvent $component */ $component = $vObject->VEVENT; if (isset($component->RRULE)) { $it = new EventIterator($vObject, (string)$component->UID); $maxDate = new \DateTime(IMipPlugin::MAX_DATE); if ($it->isInfinite()) { return $maxDate->getTimestamp(); } $end = $it->getDtEnd(); while ($it->valid() && $end < $maxDate) { $end = $it->getDtEnd(); $it->next(); } return $end->getTimestamp(); } /** @var Property\ICalendar\DateTime $dtStart */ $dtStart = $component->DTSTART; if (isset($component->DTEND)) { /** @var Property\ICalendar\DateTime $dtEnd */ $dtEnd = $component->DTEND; return $dtEnd->getDateTime()->getTimeStamp(); } if(isset($component->DURATION)) { /** @var \DateTime $endDate */ $endDate = clone $dtStart->getDateTime(); // $component->DTEND->getDateTime() returns DateTimeImmutable $endDate = $endDate->add(DateTimeParser::parse($component->DURATION->getValue())); return $endDate->getTimestamp(); } if(!$dtStart->hasTime()) { /** @var \DateTime $endDate */ // $component->DTSTART->getDateTime() returns DateTimeImmutable $endDate = clone $dtStart->getDateTime(); $endDate = $endDate->modify('+1 day'); return $endDate->getTimestamp(); } // No computation of end time possible - return start date return $dtStart->getDateTime()->getTimeStamp(); } /** * @param Property|null $attendee */ public function setL10n(?Property $attendee = null) { if($attendee === null) { return; } $lang = $attendee->offsetGet('LANGUAGE'); if ($lang instanceof Parameter) { $lang = $lang->getValue(); $this->l10n = $this->l10nFactory->get('dav', $lang); } } /** * @param Property|null $attendee * @return bool */ public function getAttendeeRsvpOrReqForParticipant(?Property $attendee = null) { if($attendee === null) { return false; } $rsvp = $attendee->offsetGet('RSVP'); if (($rsvp instanceof Parameter) && (strcasecmp($rsvp->getValue(), 'TRUE') === 0)) { return true; } $role = $attendee->offsetGet('ROLE'); // @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5545#section-3.2.16 // Attendees without a role are assumed required and should receive an invitation link even if they have no RSVP set if ($role === null || (($role instanceof Parameter) && (strcasecmp($role->getValue(), 'REQ-PARTICIPANT') === 0)) || (($role instanceof Parameter) && (strcasecmp($role->getValue(), 'OPT-PARTICIPANT') === 0)) ) { return true; } // RFC 5545 3.2.17: default RSVP is false return false; } /** * @param IEMailTemplate $template * @param string $method * @param string $sender * @param string $summary * @param string|null $partstat * @param bool $isModified */ public function addSubjectAndHeading(IEMailTemplate $template, string $method, string $sender, string $summary, bool $isModified): void { if ($method === IMipPlugin::METHOD_CANCEL) { // TRANSLATORS Subject for email, when an invitation is cancelled. Ex: "Cancelled: {{Event Name}}" $template->setSubject($this->l10n->t('Cancelled: %1$s', [$summary])); $template->addHeading($this->l10n->t('"%1$s" has been canceled', [$summary])); } elseif ($method === IMipPlugin::METHOD_REPLY) { // TRANSLATORS Subject for email, when an invitation is replied to. Ex: "Re: {{Event Name}}" $template->setSubject($this->l10n->t('Re: %1$s', [$summary])); $template->addHeading($this->l10n->t('%1$s has responded to your invitation', [$sender])); } elseif ($method === IMipPlugin::METHOD_REQUEST && $isModified) { // TRANSLATORS Subject for email, when an invitation is updated. Ex: "Invitation updated: {{Event Name}}" $template->setSubject($this->l10n->t('Invitation updated: %1$s', [$summary])); $template->addHeading($this->l10n->t('%1$s updated the event "%2$s"', [$sender, $summary])); } else { // TRANSLATORS Subject for email, when an invitation is sent. Ex: "Invitation: {{Event Name}}" $template->setSubject($this->l10n->t('Invitation: %1$s', [$summary])); $template->addHeading($this->l10n->t('%1$s would like to invite you to "%2$s"', [$sender, $summary])); } } /** * @param string $path * @return string */ public function getAbsoluteImagePath($path): string { return $this->urlGenerator->getAbsoluteURL( $this->urlGenerator->imagePath('core', $path) ); } /** * addAttendees: add organizer and attendee names/emails to iMip mail. * * Enable with DAV setting: invitation_list_attendees (default: no) * * The default is 'no', which matches old behavior, and is privacy preserving. * * To enable including attendees in invitation emails: * % php occ config:app:set dav invitation_list_attendees --value yes * * @param IEMailTemplate $template * @param IL10N $this->l10n * @param VEvent $vevent * @author brad2014 on github.com */ public function addAttendees(IEMailTemplate $template, VEvent $vevent) { if ($this->config->getAppValue('dav', 'invitation_list_attendees', 'no') === 'no') { return; } if (isset($vevent->ORGANIZER)) { /** @var Property | Property\ICalendar\CalAddress $organizer */ $organizer = $vevent->ORGANIZER; $organizerEmail = substr($organizer->getNormalizedValue(), 7); /** @var string|null $organizerName */ $organizerName = isset($organizer->CN) ? $organizer->CN->getValue() : null; $organizerHTML = sprintf('%s', htmlspecialchars($organizer->getNormalizedValue()), htmlspecialchars($organizerName ?: $organizerEmail)); $organizerText = sprintf('%s <%s>', $organizerName, $organizerEmail); if(isset($organizer['PARTSTAT']) ) { /** @var Parameter $partstat */ $partstat = $organizer['PARTSTAT']; if(strcasecmp($partstat->getValue(), 'ACCEPTED') === 0) { $organizerHTML .= ' ✔︎'; $organizerText .= ' ✔︎'; } } $template->addBodyListItem($organizerHTML, $this->l10n->t('Organizer:'), $this->getAbsoluteImagePath('caldav/organizer.png'), $organizerText, '', IMipPlugin::IMIP_INDENT); } $attendees = $vevent->select('ATTENDEE'); if (count($attendees) === 0) { return; } $attendeesHTML = []; $attendeesText = []; foreach ($attendees as $attendee) { $attendeeEmail = substr($attendee->getNormalizedValue(), 7); $attendeeName = isset($attendee['CN']) ? $attendee['CN']->getValue() : null; $attendeeHTML = sprintf('%s', htmlspecialchars($attendee->getNormalizedValue()), htmlspecialchars($attendeeName ?: $attendeeEmail)); $attendeeText = sprintf('%s <%s>', $attendeeName, $attendeeEmail); if (isset($attendee['PARTSTAT'])) { /** @var Parameter $partstat */ $partstat = $attendee['PARTSTAT']; if (strcasecmp($partstat->getValue(), 'ACCEPTED') === 0) { $attendeeHTML .= ' ✔︎'; $attendeeText .= ' ✔︎'; } } $attendeesHTML[] = $attendeeHTML; $attendeesText[] = $attendeeText; } $template->addBodyListItem(implode('
', $attendeesHTML), $this->l10n->t('Attendees:'), $this->getAbsoluteImagePath('caldav/attendees.png'), implode("\n", $attendeesText), '', IMipPlugin::IMIP_INDENT); } /** * @param IEMailTemplate $template * @param VEVENT $vevent * @param $data */ public function addBulletList(IEMailTemplate $template, VEvent $vevent, $data) { $template->addBodyListItem( $data['meeting_title'], $this->l10n->t('Title:'), $this->getAbsoluteImagePath('caldav/title.png'), $data['meeting_title'], '', IMipPlugin::IMIP_INDENT); if ($data['meeting_when'] !== '') { $template->addBodyListItem($data['meeting_when_html'] ?? $data['meeting_when'], $this->l10n->t('Time:'), $this->getAbsoluteImagePath('caldav/time.png'), $data['meeting_when'], '', IMipPlugin::IMIP_INDENT); } if ($data['meeting_location'] !== '') { $template->addBodyListItem($data['meeting_location_html'] ?? $data['meeting_location'], $this->l10n->t('Location:'), $this->getAbsoluteImagePath('caldav/location.png'), $data['meeting_location'], '', IMipPlugin::IMIP_INDENT); } if ($data['meeting_url'] !== '') { $template->addBodyListItem($data['meeting_url_html'] ?? $data['meeting_url'], $this->l10n->t('Link:'), $this->getAbsoluteImagePath('caldav/link.png'), $data['meeting_url'], '', IMipPlugin::IMIP_INDENT); } $this->addAttendees($template, $vevent); /* Put description last, like an email body, since it can be arbitrarily long */ if ($data['meeting_description']) { $template->addBodyListItem($data['meeting_description_html'] ?? $data['meeting_description'], $this->l10n->t('Description:'), $this->getAbsoluteImagePath('caldav/description.png'), $data['meeting_description'], '', IMipPlugin::IMIP_INDENT); } } /** * @param Message $iTipMessage * @return null|Property */ public function getCurrentAttendee(Message $iTipMessage): ?Property { /** @var VEvent $vevent */ $vevent = $iTipMessage->message->VEVENT; $attendees = $vevent->select('ATTENDEE'); foreach ($attendees as $attendee) { /** @var Property $attendee */ if (strcasecmp($attendee->getValue(), $iTipMessage->recipient) === 0) { return $attendee; } } return null; } /** * @param Message $iTipMessage * @param VEvent $vevent * @param int $lastOccurrence * @return string */ public function createInvitationToken(Message $iTipMessage, VEvent $vevent, int $lastOccurrence): string { $token = $this->random->generate(60, ISecureRandom::CHAR_ALPHANUMERIC); $attendee = $iTipMessage->recipient; $organizer = $iTipMessage->sender; $sequence = $iTipMessage->sequence; $recurrenceId = isset($vevent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'}) ? $vevent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'}->serialize() : null; $uid = $vevent->{'UID'}; $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert('calendar_invitations') ->values([ 'token' => $query->createNamedParameter($token), 'attendee' => $query->createNamedParameter($attendee), 'organizer' => $query->createNamedParameter($organizer), 'sequence' => $query->createNamedParameter($sequence), 'recurrenceid' => $query->createNamedParameter($recurrenceId), 'expiration' => $query->createNamedParameter($lastOccurrence), 'uid' => $query->createNamedParameter($uid) ]) ->execute(); return $token; } /** * Create a valid VCalendar object out of the details of * a VEvent and its associated iTip Message * * We do this to filter out all unchanged VEvents * This is especially important in iTip Messages with recurrences * and recurrence exceptions * * @param Message $iTipMessage * @param VEvent $vEvent * @return VCalendar */ public function generateVCalendar(Message $iTipMessage, VEvent $vEvent): VCalendar { $vCalendar = new VCalendar(); $vCalendar->add('METHOD', $iTipMessage->method); foreach ($iTipMessage->message->getComponents() as $component) { if ($component instanceof VEvent) { continue; } $vCalendar->add(clone $component); } $vCalendar->add($vEvent); return $vCalendar; } /** * @param IEMailTemplate $template * @param $token */ public function addResponseButtons(IEMailTemplate $template, $token) { $template->addBodyButtonGroup( $this->l10n->t('Accept'), $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute('dav.invitation_response.accept', [ 'token' => $token, ]), $this->l10n->t('Decline'), $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute('dav.invitation_response.decline', [ 'token' => $token, ]) ); } public function addMoreOptionsButton(IEMailTemplate $template, $token) { $moreOptionsURL = $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute('dav.invitation_response.options', [ 'token' => $token, ]); $html = vsprintf('%s', [ $moreOptionsURL, $this->l10n->t('More options …') ]); $text = $this->l10n->t('More options at %s', [$moreOptionsURL]); $template->addBodyText($html, $text); } }