* @author Arthur Schiwon * @author Björn Schießle * @author Chih-Hsuan Yen * @author Christoph Wurst * @author Georg Ehrke * @author Joas Schilling * @author John Molakvoæ * @author matt <34400929+call-me-matt@users.noreply.github.com> * @author Morris Jobke * @author Robin Appelman * @author Roeland Jago Douma * @author Stefan Weil * @author Thomas Citharel * @author Thomas Müller * * @license AGPL-3.0 * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * along with this program. If not, see * */ namespace OCA\DAV\CardDAV; use OC\Search\Filter\DateTimeFilter; use OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Principal; use OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Backend; use OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\IShareable; use OCA\DAV\Events\AddressBookCreatedEvent; use OCA\DAV\Events\AddressBookDeletedEvent; use OCA\DAV\Events\AddressBookShareUpdatedEvent; use OCA\DAV\Events\AddressBookUpdatedEvent; use OCA\DAV\Events\CardCreatedEvent; use OCA\DAV\Events\CardDeletedEvent; use OCA\DAV\Events\CardMovedEvent; use OCA\DAV\Events\CardUpdatedEvent; use OCP\AppFramework\Db\TTransactional; use OCP\DB\Exception; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventDispatcher; use OCP\IDBConnection; use OCP\IUserManager; use PDO; use Sabre\CardDAV\Backend\BackendInterface; use Sabre\CardDAV\Backend\SyncSupport; use Sabre\CardDAV\Plugin; use Sabre\DAV\Exception\BadRequest; use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard; use Sabre\VObject\Reader; class CardDavBackend implements BackendInterface, SyncSupport { use TTransactional; public const PERSONAL_ADDRESSBOOK_URI = 'contacts'; public const PERSONAL_ADDRESSBOOK_NAME = 'Contacts'; private string $dbCardsTable = 'cards'; private string $dbCardsPropertiesTable = 'cards_properties'; /** @var array properties to index */ public static array $indexProperties = [ 'BDAY', 'UID', 'N', 'FN', 'TITLE', 'ROLE', 'NOTE', 'NICKNAME', 'ORG', 'CATEGORIES', 'EMAIL', 'TEL', 'IMPP', 'ADR', 'URL', 'GEO', 'CLOUD', 'X-SOCIALPROFILE']; /** * @var string[] Map of uid => display name */ protected array $userDisplayNames; private array $etagCache = []; public function __construct( private IDBConnection $db, private Principal $principalBackend, private IUserManager $userManager, private IEventDispatcher $dispatcher, private Sharing\Backend $sharingBackend, ) { } /** * Return the number of address books for a principal * * @param $principalUri * @return int */ public function getAddressBooksForUserCount($principalUri) { $principalUri = $this->convertPrincipal($principalUri, true); $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select($query->func()->count('*')) ->from('addressbooks') ->where($query->expr()->eq('principaluri', $query->createNamedParameter($principalUri))); $result = $query->executeQuery(); $column = (int) $result->fetchOne(); $result->closeCursor(); return $column; } /** * Returns the list of address books for a specific user. * * Every addressbook should have the following properties: * id - an arbitrary unique id * uri - the 'basename' part of the url * principaluri - Same as the passed parameter * * Any additional clark-notation property may be passed besides this. Some * common ones are : * {DAV:}displayname * {urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav}addressbook-description * {http://calendarserver.org/ns/}getctag * * @param string $principalUri * @return array */ public function getAddressBooksForUser($principalUri) { return $this->atomic(function () use ($principalUri) { $principalUriOriginal = $principalUri; $principalUri = $this->convertPrincipal($principalUri, true); $select = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $select->select(['id', 'uri', 'displayname', 'principaluri', 'description', 'synctoken']) ->from('addressbooks') ->where($select->expr()->eq('principaluri', $select->createNamedParameter($principalUri))); $addressBooks = []; $result = $select->executeQuery(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $addressBooks[$row['id']] = [ 'id' => $row['id'], 'uri' => $row['uri'], 'principaluri' => $this->convertPrincipal($row['principaluri'], false), '{DAV:}displayname' => $row['displayname'], '{' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description' => $row['description'], '{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}getctag' => $row['synctoken'], '{http://sabredav.org/ns}sync-token' => $row['synctoken'] ?: '0', ]; $this->addOwnerPrincipal($addressBooks[$row['id']]); } $result->closeCursor(); // query for shared addressbooks $principals = $this->principalBackend->getGroupMembership($principalUriOriginal, true); $principals = array_merge($principals, $this->principalBackend->getCircleMembership($principalUriOriginal)); $principals[] = $principalUri; $select = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $subSelect = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $subSelect->select('id') ->from('dav_shares', 'd') ->where($subSelect->expr()->eq('d.access', $select->createNamedParameter(\OCA\DAV\CardDAV\Sharing\Backend::ACCESS_UNSHARED, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->andWhere($subSelect->expr()->in('d.principaluri', $select->createNamedParameter($principals, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY)); $select->select(['a.id', 'a.uri', 'a.displayname', 'a.principaluri', 'a.description', 'a.synctoken', 's.access']) ->from('dav_shares', 's') ->join('s', 'addressbooks', 'a', $select->expr()->eq('s.resourceid', 'a.id')) ->where($select->expr()->in('s.principaluri', $select->createNamedParameter($principals, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY))) ->andWhere($select->expr()->eq('s.type', $select->createNamedParameter('addressbook', IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR))) ->andWhere($select->expr()->notIn('s.id', $select->createFunction($subSelect->getSQL()), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)); $result = $select->executeQuery(); $readOnlyPropertyName = '{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}read-only'; while ($row = $result->fetch()) { if ($row['principaluri'] === $principalUri) { continue; } $readOnly = (int)$row['access'] === Backend::ACCESS_READ; if (isset($addressBooks[$row['id']])) { if ($readOnly) { // New share can not have more permissions then the old one. continue; } if (isset($addressBooks[$row['id']][$readOnlyPropertyName]) && $addressBooks[$row['id']][$readOnlyPropertyName] === 0) { // Old share is already read-write, no more permissions can be gained continue; } } [, $name] = \Sabre\Uri\split($row['principaluri']); $uri = $row['uri'] . '_shared_by_' . $name; $displayName = $row['displayname'] . ' (' . ($this->userManager->getDisplayName($name) ?? $name ?? '') . ')'; $addressBooks[$row['id']] = [ 'id' => $row['id'], 'uri' => $uri, 'principaluri' => $principalUriOriginal, '{DAV:}displayname' => $displayName, '{' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description' => $row['description'], '{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}getctag' => $row['synctoken'], '{http://sabredav.org/ns}sync-token' => $row['synctoken'] ?: '0', '{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}owner-principal' => $row['principaluri'], $readOnlyPropertyName => $readOnly, ]; $this->addOwnerPrincipal($addressBooks[$row['id']]); } $result->closeCursor(); return array_values($addressBooks); }, $this->db); } public function getUsersOwnAddressBooks($principalUri) { $principalUri = $this->convertPrincipal($principalUri, true); $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select(['id', 'uri', 'displayname', 'principaluri', 'description', 'synctoken']) ->from('addressbooks') ->where($query->expr()->eq('principaluri', $query->createNamedParameter($principalUri))); $addressBooks = []; $result = $query->execute(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $addressBooks[$row['id']] = [ 'id' => $row['id'], 'uri' => $row['uri'], 'principaluri' => $this->convertPrincipal($row['principaluri'], false), '{DAV:}displayname' => $row['displayname'], '{' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description' => $row['description'], '{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}getctag' => $row['synctoken'], '{http://sabredav.org/ns}sync-token' => $row['synctoken'] ?: '0', ]; $this->addOwnerPrincipal($addressBooks[$row['id']]); } $result->closeCursor(); return array_values($addressBooks); } /** * @param int $addressBookId */ public function getAddressBookById(int $addressBookId): ?array { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $result = $query->select(['id', 'uri', 'displayname', 'principaluri', 'description', 'synctoken']) ->from('addressbooks') ->where($query->expr()->eq('id', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))) ->executeQuery(); $row = $result->fetch(); $result->closeCursor(); if (!$row) { return null; } $addressBook = [ 'id' => $row['id'], 'uri' => $row['uri'], 'principaluri' => $row['principaluri'], '{DAV:}displayname' => $row['displayname'], '{' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description' => $row['description'], '{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}getctag' => $row['synctoken'], '{http://sabredav.org/ns}sync-token' => $row['synctoken'] ?: '0', ]; $this->addOwnerPrincipal($addressBook); return $addressBook; } public function getAddressBooksByUri(string $principal, string $addressBookUri): ?array { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $result = $query->select(['id', 'uri', 'displayname', 'principaluri', 'description', 'synctoken']) ->from('addressbooks') ->where($query->expr()->eq('uri', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookUri))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('principaluri', $query->createNamedParameter($principal))) ->setMaxResults(1) ->executeQuery(); $row = $result->fetch(); $result->closeCursor(); if ($row === false) { return null; } $addressBook = [ 'id' => $row['id'], 'uri' => $row['uri'], 'principaluri' => $row['principaluri'], '{DAV:}displayname' => $row['displayname'], '{' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description' => $row['description'], '{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}getctag' => $row['synctoken'], '{http://sabredav.org/ns}sync-token' => $row['synctoken'] ?: '0', ]; // system address books are always read only if ($principal === 'principals/system/system') { $addressBook['{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}owner-principal'] = $row['principaluri']; $addressBook['{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}read-only'] = true; } $this->addOwnerPrincipal($addressBook); return $addressBook; } /** * Updates properties for an address book. * * The list of mutations is stored in a Sabre\DAV\PropPatch object. * To do the actual updates, you must tell this object which properties * you're going to process with the handle() method. * * Calling the handle method is like telling the PropPatch object "I * promise I can handle updating this property". * * Read the PropPatch documentation for more info and examples. * * @param string $addressBookId * @param \Sabre\DAV\PropPatch $propPatch * @return void */ public function updateAddressBook($addressBookId, \Sabre\DAV\PropPatch $propPatch) { $supportedProperties = [ '{DAV:}displayname', '{' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description', ]; $propPatch->handle($supportedProperties, function ($mutations) use ($addressBookId) { $updates = []; foreach ($mutations as $property => $newValue) { switch ($property) { case '{DAV:}displayname': $updates['displayname'] = $newValue; break; case '{' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description': $updates['description'] = $newValue; break; } } [$addressBookRow, $shares] = $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $updates) { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->update('addressbooks'); foreach ($updates as $key => $value) { $query->set($key, $query->createNamedParameter($value)); } $query->where($query->expr()->eq('id', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))) ->executeStatement(); $this->addChange($addressBookId, "", 2); $addressBookRow = $this->getAddressBookById((int)$addressBookId); $shares = $this->getShares((int)$addressBookId); return [$addressBookRow, $shares]; }, $this->db); $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped(new AddressBookUpdatedEvent((int)$addressBookId, $addressBookRow, $shares, $mutations)); return true; }); } /** * Creates a new address book * * @param string $principalUri * @param string $url Just the 'basename' of the url. * @param array $properties * @return int * @throws BadRequest */ public function createAddressBook($principalUri, $url, array $properties) { if (strlen($url) > 255) { throw new BadRequest('URI too long. Address book not created'); } $values = [ 'displayname' => null, 'description' => null, 'principaluri' => $principalUri, 'uri' => $url, 'synctoken' => 1 ]; foreach ($properties as $property => $newValue) { switch ($property) { case '{DAV:}displayname': $values['displayname'] = $newValue; break; case '{' . Plugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description': $values['description'] = $newValue; break; default: throw new BadRequest('Unknown property: ' . $property); } } // Fallback to make sure the displayname is set. Some clients may refuse // to work with addressbooks not having a displayname. if (is_null($values['displayname'])) { $values['displayname'] = $url; } [$addressBookId, $addressBookRow] = $this->atomic(function () use ($values) { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert('addressbooks') ->values([ 'uri' => $query->createParameter('uri'), 'displayname' => $query->createParameter('displayname'), 'description' => $query->createParameter('description'), 'principaluri' => $query->createParameter('principaluri'), 'synctoken' => $query->createParameter('synctoken'), ]) ->setParameters($values) ->execute(); $addressBookId = $query->getLastInsertId(); return [ $addressBookId, $this->getAddressBookById($addressBookId), ]; }, $this->db); $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped(new AddressBookCreatedEvent($addressBookId, $addressBookRow)); return $addressBookId; } /** * Deletes an entire addressbook and all its contents * * @param mixed $addressBookId * @return void */ public function deleteAddressBook($addressBookId) { $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId) { $addressBookId = (int)$addressBookId; $addressBookData = $this->getAddressBookById($addressBookId); $shares = $this->getShares($addressBookId); $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete($this->dbCardsTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createParameter('addressbookid'))) ->setParameter('addressbookid', $addressBookId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT) ->executeStatement(); $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete('addressbookchanges') ->where($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createParameter('addressbookid'))) ->setParameter('addressbookid', $addressBookId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT) ->executeStatement(); $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete('addressbooks') ->where($query->expr()->eq('id', $query->createParameter('id'))) ->setParameter('id', $addressBookId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT) ->executeStatement(); $this->sharingBackend->deleteAllShares($addressBookId); $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete($this->dbCardsPropertiesTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))) ->executeStatement(); if ($addressBookData) { $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped(new AddressBookDeletedEvent($addressBookId, $addressBookData, $shares)); } }, $this->db); } /** * Returns all cards for a specific addressbook id. * * This method should return the following properties for each card: * * carddata - raw vcard data * * uri - Some unique url * * lastmodified - A unix timestamp * * It's recommended to also return the following properties: * * etag - A unique etag. This must change every time the card changes. * * size - The size of the card in bytes. * * If these last two properties are provided, less time will be spent * calculating them. If they are specified, you can also omit carddata. * This may speed up certain requests, especially with large cards. * * @param mixed $addressbookId * @return array */ public function getCards($addressbookId) { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select(['id', 'uri', 'lastmodified', 'etag', 'size', 'carddata', 'uid']) ->from($this->dbCardsTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($addressbookId))); $cards = []; $result = $query->execute(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $row['etag'] = '"' . $row['etag'] . '"'; $modified = false; $row['carddata'] = $this->readBlob($row['carddata'], $modified); if ($modified) { $row['size'] = strlen($row['carddata']); } $cards[] = $row; } $result->closeCursor(); return $cards; } /** * Returns a specific card. * * The same set of properties must be returned as with getCards. The only * exception is that 'carddata' is absolutely required. * * If the card does not exist, you must return false. * * @param mixed $addressBookId * @param string $cardUri * @return array */ public function getCard($addressBookId, $cardUri) { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select(['id', 'uri', 'lastmodified', 'etag', 'size', 'carddata', 'uid']) ->from($this->dbCardsTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('uri', $query->createNamedParameter($cardUri))) ->setMaxResults(1); $result = $query->execute(); $row = $result->fetch(); if (!$row) { return false; } $row['etag'] = '"' . $row['etag'] . '"'; $modified = false; $row['carddata'] = $this->readBlob($row['carddata'], $modified); if ($modified) { $row['size'] = strlen($row['carddata']); } return $row; } /** * Returns a list of cards. * * This method should work identical to getCard, but instead return all the * cards in the list as an array. * * If the backend supports this, it may allow for some speed-ups. * * @param mixed $addressBookId * @param array $uris * @return array */ public function getMultipleCards($addressBookId, array $uris) { if (empty($uris)) { return []; } $chunks = array_chunk($uris, 100); $cards = []; $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select(['id', 'uri', 'lastmodified', 'etag', 'size', 'carddata', 'uid']) ->from($this->dbCardsTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->in('uri', $query->createParameter('uri'))); foreach ($chunks as $uris) { $query->setParameter('uri', $uris, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY); $result = $query->execute(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $row['etag'] = '"' . $row['etag'] . '"'; $modified = false; $row['carddata'] = $this->readBlob($row['carddata'], $modified); if ($modified) { $row['size'] = strlen($row['carddata']); } $cards[] = $row; } $result->closeCursor(); } return $cards; } /** * Creates a new card. * * The addressbook id will be passed as the first argument. This is the * same id as it is returned from the getAddressBooksForUser method. * * The cardUri is a base uri, and doesn't include the full path. The * cardData argument is the vcard body, and is passed as a string. * * It is possible to return an ETag from this method. This ETag is for the * newly created resource, and must be enclosed with double quotes (that * is, the string itself must contain the double quotes). * * You should only return the ETag if you store the carddata as-is. If a * subsequent GET request on the same card does not have the same body, * byte-by-byte and you did return an ETag here, clients tend to get * confused. * * If you don't return an ETag, you can just return null. * * @param mixed $addressBookId * @param string $cardUri * @param string $cardData * @param bool $checkAlreadyExists * @return string */ public function createCard($addressBookId, $cardUri, $cardData, bool $checkAlreadyExists = true) { $etag = md5($cardData); $uid = $this->getUID($cardData); return $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $cardUri, $cardData, $checkAlreadyExists, $etag, $uid) { if ($checkAlreadyExists) { $q = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $q->select('uid') ->from($this->dbCardsTable) ->where($q->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $q->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))) ->andWhere($q->expr()->eq('uid', $q->createNamedParameter($uid))) ->setMaxResults(1); $result = $q->executeQuery(); $count = (bool)$result->fetchOne(); $result->closeCursor(); if ($count) { throw new \Sabre\DAV\Exception\BadRequest('VCard object with uid already exists in this addressbook collection.'); } } $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert('cards') ->values([ 'carddata' => $query->createNamedParameter($cardData, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_LOB), 'uri' => $query->createNamedParameter($cardUri), 'lastmodified' => $query->createNamedParameter(time()), 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId), 'size' => $query->createNamedParameter(strlen($cardData)), 'etag' => $query->createNamedParameter($etag), 'uid' => $query->createNamedParameter($uid), ]) ->execute(); $etagCacheKey = "$addressBookId#$cardUri"; $this->etagCache[$etagCacheKey] = $etag; $this->addChange($addressBookId, $cardUri, 1); $this->updateProperties($addressBookId, $cardUri, $cardData); $addressBookData = $this->getAddressBookById($addressBookId); $shares = $this->getShares($addressBookId); $objectRow = $this->getCard($addressBookId, $cardUri); $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped(new CardCreatedEvent($addressBookId, $addressBookData, $shares, $objectRow)); return '"' . $etag . '"'; }, $this->db); } /** * Updates a card. * * The addressbook id will be passed as the first argument. This is the * same id as it is returned from the getAddressBooksForUser method. * * The cardUri is a base uri, and doesn't include the full path. The * cardData argument is the vcard body, and is passed as a string. * * It is possible to return an ETag from this method. This ETag should * match that of the updated resource, and must be enclosed with double * quotes (that is: the string itself must contain the actual quotes). * * You should only return the ETag if you store the carddata as-is. If a * subsequent GET request on the same card does not have the same body, * byte-by-byte and you did return an ETag here, clients tend to get * confused. * * If you don't return an ETag, you can just return null. * * @param mixed $addressBookId * @param string $cardUri * @param string $cardData * @return string */ public function updateCard($addressBookId, $cardUri, $cardData) { $uid = $this->getUID($cardData); $etag = md5($cardData); return $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $cardUri, $cardData, $uid, $etag) { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); // check for recently stored etag and stop if it is the same $etagCacheKey = "$addressBookId#$cardUri"; if (isset($this->etagCache[$etagCacheKey]) && $this->etagCache[$etagCacheKey] === $etag) { return '"' . $etag . '"'; } $query->update($this->dbCardsTable) ->set('carddata', $query->createNamedParameter($cardData, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_LOB)) ->set('lastmodified', $query->createNamedParameter(time())) ->set('size', $query->createNamedParameter(strlen($cardData))) ->set('etag', $query->createNamedParameter($etag)) ->set('uid', $query->createNamedParameter($uid)) ->where($query->expr()->eq('uri', $query->createNamedParameter($cardUri))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))) ->execute(); $this->etagCache[$etagCacheKey] = $etag; $this->addChange($addressBookId, $cardUri, 2); $this->updateProperties($addressBookId, $cardUri, $cardData); $addressBookData = $this->getAddressBookById($addressBookId); $shares = $this->getShares($addressBookId); $objectRow = $this->getCard($addressBookId, $cardUri); $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped(new CardUpdatedEvent($addressBookId, $addressBookData, $shares, $objectRow)); return '"' . $etag . '"'; }, $this->db); } /** * @throws Exception */ public function moveCard(int $sourceAddressBookId, int $targetAddressBookId, string $cardUri, string $oldPrincipalUri): bool { return $this->atomic(function () use ($sourceAddressBookId, $targetAddressBookId, $cardUri, $oldPrincipalUri) { $card = $this->getCard($sourceAddressBookId, $cardUri); if (empty($card)) { return false; } $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->update('cards') ->set('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($targetAddressBookId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->where($query->expr()->eq('uri', $query->createNamedParameter($cardUri, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR)) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($sourceAddressBookId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->executeStatement(); $this->purgeProperties($sourceAddressBookId, (int)$card['id']); $this->updateProperties($sourceAddressBookId, $card['uri'], $card['carddata']); $this->addChange($sourceAddressBookId, $card['uri'], 3); $this->addChange($targetAddressBookId, $card['uri'], 1); $card = $this->getCard($targetAddressBookId, $cardUri); // Card wasn't found - possibly because it was deleted in the meantime by a different client if (empty($card)) { return false; } $targetAddressBookRow = $this->getAddressBookById($targetAddressBookId); // the address book this card is being moved to does not exist any longer if (empty($targetAddressBookRow)) { return false; } $sourceShares = $this->getShares($sourceAddressBookId); $targetShares = $this->getShares($targetAddressBookId); $sourceAddressBookRow = $this->getAddressBookById($sourceAddressBookId); $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped(new CardMovedEvent($sourceAddressBookId, $sourceAddressBookRow, $targetAddressBookId, $targetAddressBookRow, $sourceShares, $targetShares, $card)); return true; }, $this->db); } /** * Deletes a card * * @param mixed $addressBookId * @param string $cardUri * @return bool */ public function deleteCard($addressBookId, $cardUri) { return $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $cardUri) { $addressBookData = $this->getAddressBookById($addressBookId); $shares = $this->getShares($addressBookId); $objectRow = $this->getCard($addressBookId, $cardUri); try { $cardId = $this->getCardId($addressBookId, $cardUri); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { $cardId = null; } $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $ret = $query->delete($this->dbCardsTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('uri', $query->createNamedParameter($cardUri))) ->executeStatement(); $this->addChange($addressBookId, $cardUri, 3); if ($ret === 1) { if ($cardId !== null) { $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped(new CardDeletedEvent($addressBookId, $addressBookData, $shares, $objectRow)); $this->purgeProperties($addressBookId, $cardId); } return true; } return false; }, $this->db); } /** * The getChanges method returns all the changes that have happened, since * the specified syncToken in the specified address book. * * This function should return an array, such as the following: * * [ * 'syncToken' => 'The current synctoken', * 'added' => [ * 'new.txt', * ], * 'modified' => [ * 'modified.txt', * ], * 'deleted' => [ * 'foo.php.bak', * 'old.txt' * ] * ]; * * The returned syncToken property should reflect the *current* syncToken * of the calendar, as reported in the {http://sabredav.org/ns}sync-token * property. This is needed here too, to ensure the operation is atomic. * * If the $syncToken argument is specified as null, this is an initial * sync, and all members should be reported. * * The modified property is an array of nodenames that have changed since * the last token. * * The deleted property is an array with nodenames, that have been deleted * from collection. * * The $syncLevel argument is basically the 'depth' of the report. If it's * 1, you only have to report changes that happened only directly in * immediate descendants. If it's 2, it should also include changes from * the nodes below the child collections. (grandchildren) * * The $limit argument allows a client to specify how many results should * be returned at most. If the limit is not specified, it should be treated * as infinite. * * If the limit (infinite or not) is higher than you're willing to return, * you should throw a Sabre\DAV\Exception\TooMuchMatches() exception. * * If the syncToken is expired (due to data cleanup) or unknown, you must * return null. * * The limit is 'suggestive'. You are free to ignore it. * * @param string $addressBookId * @param string $syncToken * @param int $syncLevel * @param int|null $limit * @return array */ public function getChangesForAddressBook($addressBookId, $syncToken, $syncLevel, $limit = null) { // Current synctoken return $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $syncToken, $syncLevel, $limit) { $qb = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('synctoken') ->from('addressbooks') ->where( $qb->expr()->eq('id', $qb->createNamedParameter($addressBookId)) ); $stmt = $qb->executeQuery(); $currentToken = $stmt->fetchOne(); $stmt->closeCursor(); if (is_null($currentToken)) { return []; } $result = [ 'syncToken' => $currentToken, 'added' => [], 'modified' => [], 'deleted' => [], ]; if ($syncToken) { $qb = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('uri', 'operation') ->from('addressbookchanges') ->where( $qb->expr()->andX( $qb->expr()->gte('synctoken', $qb->createNamedParameter($syncToken)), $qb->expr()->lt('synctoken', $qb->createNamedParameter($currentToken)), $qb->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $qb->createNamedParameter($addressBookId)) ) )->orderBy('synctoken'); if (is_int($limit) && $limit > 0) { $qb->setMaxResults($limit); } // Fetching all changes $stmt = $qb->executeQuery(); $changes = []; // This loop ensures that any duplicates are overwritten, only the // last change on a node is relevant. while ($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $changes[$row['uri']] = $row['operation']; } $stmt->closeCursor(); foreach ($changes as $uri => $operation) { switch ($operation) { case 1: $result['added'][] = $uri; break; case 2: $result['modified'][] = $uri; break; case 3: $result['deleted'][] = $uri; break; } } } else { $qb = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('uri') ->from('cards') ->where( $qb->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $qb->createNamedParameter($addressBookId)) ); // No synctoken supplied, this is the initial sync. $stmt = $qb->executeQuery(); $result['added'] = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $stmt->closeCursor(); } return $result; }, $this->db); } /** * Adds a change record to the addressbookchanges table. * * @param mixed $addressBookId * @param string $objectUri * @param int $operation 1 = add, 2 = modify, 3 = delete * @return void */ protected function addChange(int $addressBookId, string $objectUri, int $operation): void { $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $objectUri, $operation) { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('synctoken') ->from('addressbooks') ->where($query->expr()->eq('id', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))); $result = $query->executeQuery(); $syncToken = (int)$result->fetchOne(); $result->closeCursor(); $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert('addressbookchanges') ->values([ 'uri' => $query->createNamedParameter($objectUri), 'synctoken' => $query->createNamedParameter($syncToken), 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId), 'operation' => $query->createNamedParameter($operation), ]) ->executeStatement(); $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->update('addressbooks') ->set('synctoken', $query->createNamedParameter($syncToken + 1, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->where($query->expr()->eq('id', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))) ->executeStatement(); }, $this->db); } /** * @param resource|string $cardData * @param bool $modified * @return string */ private function readBlob($cardData, &$modified = false) { if (is_resource($cardData)) { $cardData = stream_get_contents($cardData); } // Micro optimisation // don't loop through if (str_starts_with($cardData, 'PHOTO:data:')) { return $cardData; } $cardDataArray = explode("\r\n", $cardData); $cardDataFiltered = []; $removingPhoto = false; foreach ($cardDataArray as $line) { if (str_starts_with($line, 'PHOTO:data:') && !str_starts_with($line, 'PHOTO:data:image/')) { // Filter out PHOTO data of non-images $removingPhoto = true; $modified = true; continue; } if ($removingPhoto) { if (str_starts_with($line, ' ')) { continue; } // No leading space means this is a new property $removingPhoto = false; } $cardDataFiltered[] = $line; } return implode("\r\n", $cardDataFiltered); } /** * @param list $add * @param list $remove */ public function updateShares(IShareable $shareable, array $add, array $remove): void { $this->atomic(function () use ($shareable, $add, $remove) { $addressBookId = $shareable->getResourceId(); $addressBookData = $this->getAddressBookById($addressBookId); $oldShares = $this->getShares($addressBookId); $this->sharingBackend->updateShares($shareable, $add, $remove, $oldShares); $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped(new AddressBookShareUpdatedEvent($addressBookId, $addressBookData, $oldShares, $add, $remove)); }, $this->db); } /** * Search contacts in a specific address-book * * @param int $addressBookId * @param string $pattern which should match within the $searchProperties * @param array $searchProperties defines the properties within the query pattern should match * @param array $options = array() to define the search behavior * - 'types' boolean (since 15.0.0) If set to true, fields that come with a TYPE property will be an array * - 'escape_like_param' - If set to false wildcards _ and % are not escaped, otherwise they are * - 'limit' - Set a numeric limit for the search results * - 'offset' - Set the offset for the limited search results * - 'wildcard' - Whether the search should use wildcards * @psalm-param array{types?: bool, escape_like_param?: bool, limit?: int, offset?: int, wildcard?: bool} $options * @return array an array of contacts which are arrays of key-value-pairs */ public function search($addressBookId, $pattern, $searchProperties, $options = []): array { return $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $pattern, $searchProperties, $options) { return $this->searchByAddressBookIds([$addressBookId], $pattern, $searchProperties, $options); }, $this->db); } /** * Search contacts in all address-books accessible by a user * * @param string $principalUri * @param string $pattern * @param array $searchProperties * @param array $options * @return array */ public function searchPrincipalUri(string $principalUri, string $pattern, array $searchProperties, array $options = []): array { return $this->atomic(function () use ($principalUri, $pattern, $searchProperties, $options) { $addressBookIds = array_map(static function ($row):int { return (int) $row['id']; }, $this->getAddressBooksForUser($principalUri)); return $this->searchByAddressBookIds($addressBookIds, $pattern, $searchProperties, $options); }, $this->db); } /** * @param int[] $addressBookIds * @param string $pattern * @param array $searchProperties * @param array $options * @psalm-param array{ * types?: bool, * escape_like_param?: bool, * limit?: int, * offset?: int, * wildcard?: bool, * since?: DateTimeFilter|null, * until?: DateTimeFilter|null, * person?: string * } $options * @return array */ private function searchByAddressBookIds(array $addressBookIds, string $pattern, array $searchProperties, array $options = []): array { if (empty($addressBookIds)) { return []; } $escapePattern = !\array_key_exists('escape_like_param', $options) || $options['escape_like_param'] !== false; $useWildcards = !\array_key_exists('wildcard', $options) || $options['wildcard'] !== false; if ($escapePattern) { $searchProperties = array_filter($searchProperties, function ($property) use ($pattern) { if ($property === 'EMAIL' && str_contains($pattern, ' ')) { // There can be no spaces in emails return false; } if ($property === 'CLOUD' && preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 :_.@\/\-\']/', $pattern) === 1) { // There can be no chars in cloud ids which are not valid for user ids plus :/ // worst case: CA61590A-BBBC-423E-84AF-E6DF01455A53@https://my.nxt/srv/ return false; } return true; }); } if (empty($searchProperties)) { return []; } $query2 = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query2->selectDistinct('cp.cardid') ->from($this->dbCardsPropertiesTable, 'cp') ->where($query2->expr()->in('cp.addressbookid', $query2->createNamedParameter($addressBookIds, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)) ->andWhere($query2->expr()->in('cp.name', $query2->createNamedParameter($searchProperties, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY))); // No need for like when the pattern is empty if ('' !== $pattern) { if (!$useWildcards) { $query2->andWhere($query2->expr()->eq('cp.value', $query2->createNamedParameter($pattern))); } elseif (!$escapePattern) { $query2->andWhere($query2->expr()->ilike('cp.value', $query2->createNamedParameter($pattern))); } else { $query2->andWhere($query2->expr()->ilike('cp.value', $query2->createNamedParameter('%' . $this->db->escapeLikeParameter($pattern) . '%'))); } } if (isset($options['limit'])) { $query2->setMaxResults($options['limit']); } if (isset($options['offset'])) { $query2->setFirstResult($options['offset']); } if (isset($options['person'])) { $query2->andWhere($query2->expr()->ilike('cp.value', $query2->createNamedParameter('%' . $this->db->escapeLikeParameter($options['person']) . '%'))); } if (isset($options['since']) || isset($options['until'])) { $query2->join('cp', $this->dbCardsPropertiesTable, 'cp_bday', 'cp.cardid = cp_bday.cardid'); $query2->andWhere($query2->expr()->eq('cp_bday.name', $query2->createNamedParameter('BDAY'))); /** * FIXME Find a way to match only 4 last digits * BDAY can be --1018 without year or 20001019 with it * $bDayOr = $query2->expr()->orX(); * if ($options['since'] instanceof DateTimeFilter) { * $bDayOr->add( * $query2->expr()->gte('SUBSTR(cp_bday.value, -4)', * $query2->createNamedParameter($options['since']->get()->format('md'))) * ); * } * if ($options['until'] instanceof DateTimeFilter) { * $bDayOr->add( * $query2->expr()->lte('SUBSTR(cp_bday.value, -4)', * $query2->createNamedParameter($options['until']->get()->format('md'))) * ); * } * $query2->andWhere($bDayOr); */ } $result = $query2->execute(); $matches = $result->fetchAll(); $result->closeCursor(); $matches = array_map(function ($match) { return (int)$match['cardid']; }, $matches); $cards = []; $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('c.addressbookid', 'c.carddata', 'c.uri') ->from($this->dbCardsTable, 'c') ->where($query->expr()->in('c.id', $query->createParameter('matches'))); foreach (array_chunk($matches, 1000) as $matchesChunk) { $query->setParameter('matches', $matchesChunk, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY); $result = $query->executeQuery(); $cards = array_merge($cards, $result->fetchAll()); $result->closeCursor(); } return array_map(function ($array) { $array['addressbookid'] = (int) $array['addressbookid']; $modified = false; $array['carddata'] = $this->readBlob($array['carddata'], $modified); if ($modified) { $array['size'] = strlen($array['carddata']); } return $array; }, $cards); } /** * @param int $bookId * @param string $name * @return array */ public function collectCardProperties($bookId, $name) { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $result = $query->selectDistinct('value') ->from($this->dbCardsPropertiesTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('name', $query->createNamedParameter($name))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($bookId))) ->execute(); $all = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $result->closeCursor(); return $all; } /** * get URI from a given contact * * @param int $id * @return string */ public function getCardUri($id) { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('uri')->from($this->dbCardsTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('id', $query->createParameter('id'))) ->setParameter('id', $id); $result = $query->execute(); $uri = $result->fetch(); $result->closeCursor(); if (!isset($uri['uri'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Card does not exists: ' . $id); } return $uri['uri']; } /** * return contact with the given URI * * @param int $addressBookId * @param string $uri * @returns array */ public function getContact($addressBookId, $uri) { $result = []; $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('*')->from($this->dbCardsTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('uri', $query->createNamedParameter($uri))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))); $queryResult = $query->execute(); $contact = $queryResult->fetch(); $queryResult->closeCursor(); if (is_array($contact)) { $modified = false; $contact['etag'] = '"' . $contact['etag'] . '"'; $contact['carddata'] = $this->readBlob($contact['carddata'], $modified); if ($modified) { $contact['size'] = strlen($contact['carddata']); } $result = $contact; } return $result; } /** * Returns the list of people whom this address book is shared with. * * Every element in this array should have the following properties: * * href - Often a mailto: address * * commonName - Optional, for example a first + last name * * status - See the Sabre\CalDAV\SharingPlugin::STATUS_ constants. * * readOnly - boolean * * @return list */ public function getShares(int $addressBookId): array { return $this->sharingBackend->getShares($addressBookId); } /** * update properties table * * @param int $addressBookId * @param string $cardUri * @param string $vCardSerialized */ protected function updateProperties($addressBookId, $cardUri, $vCardSerialized) { $this->atomic(function () use ($addressBookId, $cardUri, $vCardSerialized) { $cardId = $this->getCardId($addressBookId, $cardUri); $vCard = $this->readCard($vCardSerialized); $this->purgeProperties($addressBookId, $cardId); $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert($this->dbCardsPropertiesTable) ->values( [ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId), 'cardid' => $query->createNamedParameter($cardId), 'name' => $query->createParameter('name'), 'value' => $query->createParameter('value'), 'preferred' => $query->createParameter('preferred') ] ); foreach ($vCard->children() as $property) { if (!in_array($property->name, self::$indexProperties)) { continue; } $preferred = 0; foreach ($property->parameters as $parameter) { if ($parameter->name === 'TYPE' && strtoupper($parameter->getValue()) === 'PREF') { $preferred = 1; break; } } $query->setParameter('name', $property->name); $query->setParameter('value', mb_strcut($property->getValue(), 0, 254)); $query->setParameter('preferred', $preferred); $query->execute(); } }, $this->db); } /** * read vCard data into a vCard object * * @param string $cardData * @return VCard */ protected function readCard($cardData) { return Reader::read($cardData); } /** * delete all properties from a given card * * @param int $addressBookId * @param int $cardId */ protected function purgeProperties($addressBookId, $cardId) { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete($this->dbCardsPropertiesTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('cardid', $query->createNamedParameter($cardId))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))); $query->execute(); } /** * Get ID from a given contact */ protected function getCardId(int $addressBookId, string $uri): int { $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('id')->from($this->dbCardsTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('uri', $query->createNamedParameter($uri))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('addressbookid', $query->createNamedParameter($addressBookId))); $result = $query->execute(); $cardIds = $result->fetch(); $result->closeCursor(); if (!isset($cardIds['id'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Card does not exists: ' . $uri); } return (int)$cardIds['id']; } /** * For shared address books the sharee is set in the ACL of the address book * * @param int $addressBookId * @param list $acl * @return list */ public function applyShareAcl(int $addressBookId, array $acl): array { $shares = $this->sharingBackend->getShares($addressBookId); return $this->sharingBackend->applyShareAcl($shares, $acl); } /** * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function pruneOutdatedSyncTokens(int $keep = 10_000): int { if ($keep < 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(); } $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select($query->func()->max('id')) ->from('addressbookchanges'); $result = $query->executeQuery(); $maxId = (int) $result->fetchOne(); $result->closeCursor(); if (!$maxId || $maxId < $keep) { return 0; } $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete('addressbookchanges') ->where($query->expr()->lte('id', $query->createNamedParameter($maxId - $keep, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)); return $query->executeStatement(); } private function convertPrincipal(string $principalUri, bool $toV2): string { if ($this->principalBackend->getPrincipalPrefix() === 'principals') { [, $name] = \Sabre\Uri\split($principalUri); if ($toV2 === true) { return "principals/users/$name"; } return "principals/$name"; } return $principalUri; } private function addOwnerPrincipal(array &$addressbookInfo): void { $ownerPrincipalKey = '{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}owner-principal'; $displaynameKey = '{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_NEXTCLOUD . '}owner-displayname'; if (isset($addressbookInfo[$ownerPrincipalKey])) { $uri = $addressbookInfo[$ownerPrincipalKey]; } else { $uri = $addressbookInfo['principaluri']; } $principalInformation = $this->principalBackend->getPrincipalByPath($uri); if (isset($principalInformation['{DAV:}displayname'])) { $addressbookInfo[$displaynameKey] = $principalInformation['{DAV:}displayname']; } } /** * Extract UID from vcard * * @param string $cardData the vcard raw data * @return string the uid * @throws BadRequest if no UID is available or vcard is empty */ private function getUID(string $cardData): string { if ($cardData !== '') { $vCard = Reader::read($cardData); if ($vCard->UID) { $uid = $vCard->UID->getValue(); return $uid; } // should already be handled, but just in case throw new BadRequest('vCards on CardDAV servers MUST have a UID property'); } // should already be handled, but just in case throw new BadRequest('vCard can not be empty'); } }